

Entries are constructed with Month, year and page number.
     i.e.      Mar'41:21  (March, 1941 p. 21)

Entries appearing in all upper case letters are articles about the person or
subject.  Entries appearing in both upper and lower case letters are articles
by the person.

The entries are in alphabetical order with the following exceptions:
     The names of people are entered first
     Following these are other entries under the same word

     arranged alphabetically
     i.e.      AUSTIN, SPENCER PETER
               AUSTIN, WILLIAM, JR.
               AUSTIN, MINNESOTA
               AUSTIN, TEXAS

Within each heading the entries are arranged chronologically with a few
exceptions.  In some instances a series of articles with the same title are
entered at the beginning of the entry.
     i.e. Under the entry for many educational institutions the entries from the
          column "The Board of Education and the work of our Colleges" appear
          before other entries.

Many women are referred to in the periodical only by their husband's name.
Where ever possible the woman's given name has been supplied but where that was
not possible the entries for the women are at the beginning of the entries for
that surname.  If it could be determined what the husband's name was his name
appears in parentheses after the surname.  If it was uncertain whether the
initials were the woman's initials or the husband's initials it is noted as Mrs.

     i.e.      JONES, (married to Abner Jones)
               JONES,  (MRS. A. B.)

As an aid for further identification, whenever it could be determined, people's
birth date, death date and spouse's names are noted.

Every effort was made to conserve space in order to bring both a savings in
cost for the user and a savings in paper for the environment.  This computer
file has been left in the paper saving format.


LA AURORA (ARGENTINA) See under Aurora LA CANTERA, MEXICO The offering from La Cantera. Mar'72:17 "LA HERMOSA" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Oct'58:42 LA JUNTA, COLORADO. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH World outreach sounding board. May'69:30 LA MARADA, CALIFORNIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, April-June, 1961. Oct'61:46 LA PAZ, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Echoes from everywhere. Apr'27:49 LA PESA, PUERTO RICO Echoes from everywhere. Jul'24:50 LAAKSO, EDWARD J Integration is working. Feb'56:14 (photo p. 15) LABAREE, MARY SCHAUFFLER. THE CHILD IN THE MIDST Bargains in books. Jan'23:62 LaBELLE, KATHARINE F Ahead of the headlines. Jun'70:5 LABELLE, MISSOURI. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes of church "doings." Oct'32:30 LABROOK, A W Vacationing in Capetown. Nov'42:29 LABOR See also Names of labor organizations (i.e. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR NATIONAL TEXTILE WORKER'S UNION) LABOR UNIONS UNEMPLOYED Bursting bubbles in the air. May'25:23 The praying miners. Jun'26:25 The Gospel of labor (poem) Jul'26:15 The churches stand committed. Sep'26:22 Remembering the single purpose. Jan'28:4 Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'28:36 What is troubling the cotton mills? Jul'29:5 The church looks into textile situation. Feb'30:25 Is a five day week coming? Sep'30:14 Listening in on the world. Sep'30:20 A canning factory owned by the workers. Jul'31:8 Listening in on the world. Aug'31:24 Nov'31:22 The cost of cheap clothes. May'33:3 The NRA and labor. Nov'33:4 Time plus men equals--? Dec'33:5 Labor speaks again. Apr'34:3 Automobile armistice. May'34:4 Social trends. Jul'35:14 Social trends. Jan'36:27 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Sep'36:40 Social trends. Apr'37:26 Elections and actions at Columbus. Dec'37:26 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Jul'38:41 Social trends. Oct'38:21 Women who work for me. Dec'38:26 Elections and actions at Denver. Dec'38:44 (cont. next page)
p. 1620 Labor - Labor unions
LABOR (cont.) The threshold. Oct'40:2 Social trends. Jan'43:24 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'43:39 Social trends. Mar'43:22 An American question. Jul'43:3 Democracy on the home front. Jul'43:11 Social trends. Sep'43:12 A lot of the love of Christ. Dec'44:3 Social trends. Sep'45:15 Global highlights. May'46:2 Social trends. Jul'46:19 The minister must lead... Jul'46:27 Social trends. Sep'46:18 Jan'47:12 Youth and labor. May'47:16 A message for Labor Sunday. Sep'54:31 Social trends. Mar'58:14 The church and labor in Japan. Apr'58:19 the church and labor. Apr'58:20 World events. Nov'69:37 Urban labor ministry in Japan. Jul'70:40 LABOR DAY The churches stand committed. Sep'26:22 Listening in on the world. Sep'30:20 Religion in a machine civilization. Sep'30:21 LABOR RELATIONS Little chapters in labor's progress. Jul'25:8 The work of the Board of Temperance... Jul'25:31 LABOR SUNDAY Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'25:45 A Labor Sunday message, 1928. Sep'28:16 The first page. Sep'31:2 Economic security... Sep'31:17 Labor Sunday message, 1932. Sep'32:inside front cover The threshold. Jul'38:2 Jul'41:2 Are you studying democracy? Jul'41:37 Social trends. Sep'45:15 National Council releases annual Labor Sunday message. Sep'53:46 A message for Labor Sunday. Sep'54:31 Labor Sunday message. Sep'55:47 Labor Day message. Sep'56:44 Sep'57:46 NCC issues Labor Sunday message. Sep'59:32 For Labor Sunday, 1960. Sep'60:26 LABOR UNIONS See also LABOR Names of labor organizations (i.e. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR NATIONAL TEXTILE WORKER'S UNION) Liberty at sevent-five cents a day. Sep'36:4 Social trends. Jul'39:18 Sep'41:24 Sep'44:19 Sep'39:24 Mar'43:22 Global highlights. Jul'62:7 Social trends. Mar'65:16 Ahead of the headlines. Apr'67:4 Global highlights. Nov'68:7
p. 1621 Laboratory - Lacy, E
LABORATORY TRAINING SCHOOLS Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'38:33 Summer laboratory training schools (schedule) May'41:28 Christian education reviews the records (photo) Nov'41:29 Laboratory Training Schools (photos) Nov'43:14 (schedule) Summer is the best season of all. May'44:22 New heights of consecration. Nov'44:8 (1945 schedule) May'45:9 An imperative for today. Nov'45:5 An invitation to conference. May'46:10 (schedule) When summer comes. May'47:34 (1948 schedule) May'48:28 (1949 schedule) Leadership otentail. May'49:30 What if I'm the best teacher a child has ever had? Nov'49:8 (1950 schedule) 1950 creative summer activities. May'50:29 (1951 schedule) Summer months bring schools and conferences. May'51:32 (1952 schedule) Adults too, may learn. May'52:32 (1953 schedule) When summer comes. May'53:26 News room. Apr'54:42 (1954 schedule) Adults learn too. May'54:33 (1955 schedule) Purposeful vacation activities. May'55:32 (1956 schedule) Use summer creatively. May'56:32 (1957 schedule) Purposeful summer experiences. May'57:30 (1958 schedule) Camps and Laboratory schools. May'58:34 (1959 schedule) Purposeful summer activity. May'59:30 LABORATORY TRAINING SCHOOLS. KANSAS Echoes from everywhere (photo) Sep'54:34 LABOUISSE, HENRY R Echoes from everywhere. Nov'64:36 World events. Oct'69:36 Lacey, Carleton Chinese armies get religion. Sep'22:48 LACEY, JANET Women and world highways. Dec'60:35 LACEY, PEARL As I saw Hazel Green. Oct'49:27 LACKEY, (MRS. J. S.) (death) Sep'25:57 LACKEY, APHELIA quoted. They "tried it once." Jul'22:43 LACKEY, ELAINE Classroom and campus (photo) Nov'64:35 LACOCK, GRACE MASON, -1932 In memoriam. Dec'32:39 LACOCK, RONALD G., -1954 (married to Elizabeth Lacock) In memoriam. Jun'54:37 LACOUR, LAWRENCE Global highlights. Sep'57:2 LACY, (Married to E. C. Lacy) -1958 In memoriam. May'58:37 Lacy, Creighton Jubilee in jeopardy. Feb'49:21 LACY, EDGAR ST. CLAIR, 1882-1951 (photo) Mar'24:17 In memoriam. Jun'51:37 LACY, EDITH Glimpses of the religious world. Jan'24:52 Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'55:31
p. 1622 Lacy, E - Lafayette
LACY, EDNA MAE Who will follow in his train? (photo) Jun'51:13 LACY, GLENN BURR, 1903-1981 quoted. Indianapolis men boost World Call. Mar'38:44 Global highlights. Feb'52:4 Commission on Brotherhood Finance... (photo) Feb'53:12 Global highlights. Oct'58:7 News room (photo) Dec'58:34 They work for you (photo) Feb'59:28 News room (photo) May'64:34 The dilemma of stretched dollars. Nov'65:24 Global highlights (photo) May'66:6 Disciples in the news. Feb'67:7 Global highlights (photo) May'67:6 Disciples in the news (photo) May'68:8 World events. Apr'70:45 In brief. Dec'70:43 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Sep'71:32 The scene. Feb'72:44 Lacy, Henry V Christmas is coming (poem) Oct'30:37 LACY, JANET Women and world highways. May'58:35 Global highlights. Apr'61:4 LACY, JOHN V (photo) Feb'30:24 LACY, MARTHA SUSAN, -1961 (married to Charles Lacy) In memoriam. Nov'61:35 LACY, MARY LOU Women and world highways (photo) Mar'61:35 LACY, PEARL Contrasts at Hazel Green. Apr'61:15 LACY, WASHINGTON. CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, July-September, 1964. Jan'65:46 LADD, JAMES EARL, II (married to Evelyn Ruth Mills Ladd) (photo) Oct'42:42 LADD, JOHN T. R., -1950 In memoriam. Apr'50:39 LADD, JOYCE Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'52:29 LADYSMITH, WISCONSIN, CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Aug'19:47 LAELE ITEMA All in the same boat. Oct'68;25 LAFARGE, OLIVER Far from vanishing Americans. Jun'55:18 LAFARGE, OLIVER. THE CHANGING INDIAN Summer reading about Indian Americans. Jul'44:25 LAFAYETTE, CALIFORNIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, April-June, 1959. Nov'59:30 LAFAYETTE, INDIANA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH At a University center (photo) Nov'21:44 Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 Governor of Indiana speaks. Jun'26:54 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'26:50 Circulation corner. Jul'35:1 Jun'38:inside front cover ...Board reads World Call (photo of Board) Jun'38:20 (cont. next page)
p. 1623 Lafayette - Lair, L
LAFAYETTE, INDIANA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (cont.) An adventure in unity. May'50:14 (photo) Nov'55:1 Jul'56:front cover The cover. Jul'56:inside front cover Lafayette builds a church (photo of steeple) Jul'56:8 LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Nov'52:34 LAFFOON, RUBY (married to Mary Nisbet Laffoon) Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'35:40 Personalities. Feb'36:21 Laflamme, Herbert F Incongruous India. Dec'38:28 Alternate beats of one heart. Sep'47:34 LAFONTAINE, INDIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Sep'23:26 LAFORGE, MISSOURI The plight of the sharecropper. Apr'40:28 LaGallienne, Richard This is war (poem) Jul'34:13 LAGANGILANG, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Echoes from everywhere. Nov'55:32 Lago, Mary M Women and world highways. Jul'45:29 LAGO, MARY M. THEY LIVE IN THE CITY For reading about "The city." Jul'54:44 Lagomarsino, Marian Dawes Letters. Jul'70:43 LAGRANGE, ILLINOIS An example of youth in action. May'27:13 LAGRONE, HERBERT F Classroom and campus. May'65:35 LAGUNA PROVINCE, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS The Gospel in Laguna Province. Oct'20:40 LAIDLER, HARRY W. THE ROAD AHEAD Speaking of books. Sep'32:34 Lair, Audrey Elaine Scott (married to Loren Emerson Lair) Women on world highways. Dec'68:28 LAIR, AUDREY ELAINE SCOTT Echoes from everywhere. Oct'32:34 (photo) Nov'59:29 Beneath the spire (photo) Jun'60:8 In brief. Jun'68:8 The scene. Jul'73:32 LAIR, BEA 'Xtra years of zest. Jun'72:35 LAIR, GEORGE Youth and missions (photo) Oct'53:35 LAIR, J EDWARD What Cleveland means to us (photo) Jan'54:23 Lair, Loren Emerson, 1912-1974 (married to Audrey Lair) Stewardship in the local church. Jan'47:22 The superintendent looks ahead to Easter. Mar'47:27 A collection or an offering? May'47:36 An adventure in stewardship. Mar'48:16 Stewardship in the local church. Oct'48:9 A dream becomes a reality. Dec'51:8 A minister at large. Oct'52:10 Welcome to Des Moines. Jun'56:13 (cont. next page)
p. 1624 Lair, L - Laity 1956
Lair, Loren Emerson (cont.) Disciples will make decisions. Sep'60:19 Restructure notebook. Jul'64:31 Take away our crutches. Oct'68:17 The church is everywhere. May'69:20 LAIR, LOREN EMERSON, 1912-1974 Classroom and campus. Feb'44:27 Jul'44:26 Global highlights (photo) Jan'46:3 (photo) May'46:19 quoted. Quotes from Buffalo addresses. Sep'47:24 News room. Sep'48:41 (photo) Oct'52:10 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'52:34 Global highlights (photo) Jan'58:6 (photo) Oct'59:5 (photo) Nov'59:29 Jul'60:27 Sep'60:19 Global highlights (photo) Feb'63:7 News room. Feb'65:40 In brief. Jun'68:8 World events. Feb'70:37 In brief. Mar'72:42 The scene. Jul'73:32 LAIR, LOREN EMERSON. THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH AND ITS FUTURE The scene. Jul'71:44 Books about Disciples. Dec'71:34 LAIR, LOREN EMERSON. THE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND THEIR WORK Book chat. Apr'63:24 Book reviews. Sep'63:45 Three important publications. Jan'64:10 LAIRD, A M (photo) Mar'24:44 LAITY See also MEN IN CHURCH WORK WOMEN IN CHURCH WORK Why I am not a preacher. May'24:35 The layman's responsibility for the foreign missionary movement. Mar'25:28 Churchmanship and laymen. Jun'26:10 Enlisting the laymen. Mar'28:25 Christ's business matters... May'28:29 Convention elections, actions, resolutions. Nov'31:46 Human needs know no divisions. Sep'34:12 Convention elections and actions. Nov'34:45 The layman and the church. Oct'39:3 Great churches make great laymen. Oct'39:4 The layman and the church. Oct'39:15 The national project achieved. Sep'45:4 Laymen advance. Sep'45:13 Upon whom shall we depend? Nov'45:6 A layman looks at the church. Apr'46:18 Global highlights. Jun'47:2 A layman looks ahead. Nov'47:26 Where laymen hold the key. Jul'50:5 Laymen meet for ecumenical study. Jan'51:22 Laymen make good pastors. Apr'51:19 The churches speak out. Nov'54:22 Laymen meet. Jan'56:46 Global highlights. May'56:5 (cont. next page)
p. 1625 Laity 1956 - Lakeport
LAITY (cont.) Men to meet in Cleveland. Sep'56:42 Laymen are responsible. Oct'59:17 Global highlights. Dec'59:5 Lay adventures in evangelism. Feb'60:17 Let's get rid of laymen! Feb'60:50 Laymen are the church. Mar'60:21 Missouri laymen learn to lead. Oct'62:22 Global highlights. Nov'63:7 Laymen lead in the Philippines. Jan'64:31 Global highlights. Sep'64:6 Dec'64:6 Jan'65:7 Europe's laity comes to life. Feb'65:15 Sunday is the day of beginning. Mar'65:21 A layman's predicament. Apr'65:9 Ahead of the headlines. May'65:6 The new breed of church leadership. May'65:23 Retreats--a search for meaning. Jun'65:15 Rediscovery of the laity. Jul'65:21 The last word. Oct'65:50 A million missionaries. Feb'66:30 Ministry of the laity. Mar'66:9 New directions in men's work. Mar'66:11 When laymen explore their faith. Mar'66:28 Ahead of the headlines. May'66:4 The layman speaks out. May'66:48 Ahead of the headlines. Nov'66:4 Laity. Dec'66:21 A job for laymen. Feb'68:15 Ahead of the headlines. Oct'70:5 Letters. Jan'71:35 Lay witness mission comes to us. Dec'71:18 LAJOLLA CALIFORNIA. TORREY PINES CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, October-December, 1959. Apr'60:30 LAKE, KIRSOPP quoted. Last column. Mar'60:50 LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Feb'35:39 LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA. HIGH MOUNT CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Dec'31:15 Apr'32:9 Oct'33:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'34:39 Jul'34:39 Oct'34:39 Nov'34:39 The French field (photo) Apr'40:8 Fifth Sunday meetings (photo) Jun'46:28 LAKE GENEVA CONFERENCE Oct'19:53 (note) Mar'30:41 LAKE GENEVA WORLD MISSIONS INSTITUTE Women and world highways. May'50:40 LAKE LOUISE (CANADA) (photo) May'20:inside front cover LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Growing churches in Florida. Feb'28:37 LAKELAND, FLORIDA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Apr'20:59 May'20:64 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:62 Growing churches in Florida. Feb'28:37 LAKEPORT, CALIFORNIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH The birth of a great purpose. Jul'34:34
p. 1626 Laketek - Lal, N
LAKETEK, VICTOR J Echoes from everywhere (photo) Nov'43:33 LAKEWOOD, OHIO. CHRISTIAN CHURCH With the churches that are giving heroically. Nov'20:6 (photo) Oct'23:43 (photo of young people) Oct'45:16 LAKIN, LEE EVERETT, 1878-1950 (married to Antoinette Starling Lakin) (photo) Mar'24:21 LAL, (married to Loops M. Lal) Global highlights (photo) Mar'63:7 LAL, (married to P. D. Hira Lal) New approaches to India's old needs (photo) Nov'56:27 LAL, (MRS. S. M.) Bible women bear witness (photo) Apr'55:24 LAL, (MRS. S. P.), -1950 (death) Echoes from everywhere. Mar'51:45 Lal, Chandra Bhushan Leprosy still challenges the Indian church. Jan'63:31 LAL, CHANDRA BHUSHAN Disciples witness in India (photo) Jun'55:7 Global highlights (photo) Mar'62:5 (photo) Jan'63:31 LAL, HARSHIT (married to Viola Jesmine Lal) (marriage) A brass band for the bride (photo) Sep'55:32 LAL, HEZKIEL SUNDAR Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jan'48:36 LAL, HIRA, 1875-1955 (married to Sonarin Bai Lal) With the men and women of all lands who have answered our call (photo) Oct'20:16 Highways through the heart of Hindustan. Nov'20:18 Hira Lal of Mungeli, India (photo) Aug'23:45 Mamaji's children (photo) Mar'25:34 (photo) Jan'30:32 To these we hand the torch. Feb'31:29 Missionary illustrations... (photo) Feb'31:44 Indian scenes. Mar'34:30 She nearly lost her chance. Jan'34:47 We visit India. Feb'38:13 Young India matches the hour. May'41:11 A children's Thanksgiving service (photo) Sep'41:45 (photo) Nov'41:42 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'45:28 (photo) Dec'52:34 Youth and missions (photo) Jul'54:41 When an Indian becomes a Christian. Feb'55:15 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'55:34 (death) News room. Feb'56:38 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'56:34 LAL, LOOPS M Global highlights (photo) Mar'63:7 LAL, MITTU (photo) Nov'41:42 LAL, MOTI Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:62 LAL, NIRMALA Servant to nurse. Nov'65:34
p. 1627 Lal, P - Lamar
LAL, PANNA (photo) Nov'41:42 Indian leaders. Jun'59:48 LAL, PREM LOTA MUNNI Echoes from everywhere. Nov'24:58 LAL, RAM To these we hand the torch. Apr'31:43 LAL, SAMAY (photo) Nov'41:42 Lal, Samuel Prem The story of Bharos. Oct'54:27 LAL, SAMUEL PREM Scholarship aid. Dec'54:51 (photo) Jan'55:26 Echoes from everywhere. May'56:34 LAL, SONARIN BAI, -1952 (married to Hira Lal) (death) Echoes from everywhere (photo) Dec'52:34 LAL, VIOLA JESMINE (married to Harshit Lal) (marriage) A brass band for the bride (photo) Sep'55:32 LAL, YOUSULPH BHAIYA quoted. Programs... Jan'31:37 LALIBERTE, NORMAN. THE HISTORY OF THE CROSS Book chat. Mar'60:42 LALL, LEAR M Dentist with a mission (poem) Sep'65:50 LALL, LOIS Bible women bear witness (photo) Apr'55:25 LALL, PUSHPA (married to Vijai Lall) Women on world highways. Jun'66:33 LALL, SAMUEL PREM See LAL, SAMUEL PREM Lall, Vijai Livingstone (married to Pushpa Lall) Time of struggle in India. Jul'65:25 LALL, VIJAI LIVINGSTONE Global highlights. Apr'64:5 Adults and mission (photo) Sep'64:36 Global highlights (photo) Nov'64:4 LALLY, EILEEN In brief. Sep'71:42 Laluah, Aquah The souls of black and white (poem) Sep'27:37 LAMAO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Echoes from everywhere. Jul'31:40 Sep'49:36 Can you help us build our church, Sir? (photo of classrooms) Jun'51:29 Norwood Tye reviews his correspondence. Feb'52:39 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'55:34 The old grandmother dies. Jun'56:19 LAMAO, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. ABRA MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL Echoes from everywhere. Jul'59:38 LAMAR, CLARINDA PENDLETON, 1856- (married to Joseph Rucker Lamar) Classroom and campus. Jul'43:25 LAMAR, JOSEPH RUCKER, 1857-1916 (married to Clarinda Pendleton Lamar) Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jun'27:40 LAMAR, MARGUERITE Classroom and campus. Nov'45:25
p. 1628 LaMaster - Lambertson
LaMASTER, MINNIE C., -1951 In memoriam. Sep'51:37 LAMB, (married to A. B. Lamb) In memorium. Oct'40:39 LAMB, (married to Charles H. Lamb) In memoriam. Nov'32:39 LAMB, A B In memorium. Oct'40:39 LAMB, CORA, -1953 In memoriam. Nov'53:35 LAMB, J D H Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'28:41 LAMB, KATHRYN In memoriam. Dec'44:33 LAMB, MABEL, -1955 In memoriam. Jul'55:39 LAMB, W M Deming, New Mexico. Feb'19:59 LAMBARENE, GABON Echoes from everywhere. Mar'63:38 LAMBDIN, JOHN HALE Classroom and campus. Mar'66:33 LAMBERSON, JAMES P Disciples in the news. Sep'67:8 Disciple musicians elect officers (photo) Oct'68:46 LAMBERT, (married to Phil Lambert), -1922 (death) Dec'22:54 LAMBERT, BYRON Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'49:31 Lambert, C W A pioneer plus church extension. Sep'19:10 LAMBERT, C W quoted. We also are ready. May'25:22 Lambert, Dulah Echoes from everywhere. Jun'25:53 LAMBERT, CLARK W Committee on War Services news notes. Sep'45:31 LAMBERT, E HELEN (photo) Jan'21:16 LAMBERT, ELLA (photo) Jan'21:16 LAMBERT, ESTHER ESAIAS, 1923-1986 (married to Herbert Lambert) Disciples in the news. Jun'67:7 LAMBERT, FRANCES CARL (photo) Jul'23:6 Lambert, Herbert Hoover, 1929- (married to Esther Esaias Lambert) Two days in the inner city. Feb'70:23 Moments of worship. Jun'71 - Nov'71 p. 48 Status report from God. Dec'71:3 Worship for Christian Living Encounters study/action groups. Jan'72:50 Politics is people! Mar'72:34 Lambert, John W Letters. Jul'73:44 LAMBERTS, L. J. THE LIFE STORY OF DR. LEE S. HUIZENGA Book chat. Feb'51:40 LAMBERTSON, JERRY J In brief. Oct'70:42
p. 1629 Lambeth - Lancaster, Ky
LAMBETH CONFERENCE. 1968 Insight into a sister communion. Dec'68:19 (photo p. 20) LAMBETH CONFERENCE. APPEAL FOR UNITY Midwest Christian Unity Conference. Apr'21:47 LAMBIE, THOMAS A. A DOCTOR WITHOUT A COUNTRY Book chat. Apr'40:43 LAMBKIN, JOHN Classroom and campus. Jun'64:35 LAMBUTH, MARY Why I became a Christian (photo) Jun'27:12 Lambuth, Walter R Eye witness report of China famine. Mar'21:36 LAMBUTH, WALTER R Why I became a Christian (photo) Jun'27:11 LaMERE, ESTHER In brief. Sep'71:42 LAMESA, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. Oct'56:48 LAMKE, CHARLES M Classroom and campus. Feb'57:30 LAMKRAJAW, THAILAND How crafts changed a Thai village. Dec'73:11 LaMOGLIE, LOIDA (photo) Dec'22:26 LaMOGLIE, MARGARITA (photo) Dec'22:26 LaMOGLIE, NOEMI (photo) Nov'28:41 LAMONT, CHARLES X-502 reveals God at work. Sep'68:17 LAMOTT, WILLIS CHURCH. COMMITED UNTO US Books related to world evangelism. Jul'47:31 LAMOTT, WILLIS CHURCH. INTO ALL THE VILLAGES Books about Christian ventures. Jan'44:28 LAMOTT, WILLIS CHURCH. REVOLUTION IN MISSIONS The nature of the church. Jan'55:5 Book chat. Feb'55:44 LAMOTTE, JOHN H (photo) Mar'63:13 LAMP, BETTY Busy days in our colleges. Jan'39:40 LAMPASAS, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH News notes--Committee on War Services. Jun'45:27 LAMPE, WILLIAM B Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'26:42 LAMPKIN, R H (photo) Jul'40:14 LAMPTON, E J E. J. Lampton (photo) Dec'21:55 A letter to which our hearts respond. Feb'22:57 LAMSA, GEORGE M. THE HOLY BIBLE FROM ANCIENT EASTERN MANUSCRIPTS Book chat. Oct'57:38 LAMSON, BYRON S Global highlights (photo) Mar'49:2 LANCASTER, J L Echoes from everywhere. Apr'31:40 LANCASTER, KENTUCKY. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Our boys and girls. Mar'23:30
p. 1630 Lancaster, Oh - Lane
LANCASTER, OHIO. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Great little churches I have known. May'33:6 LANCASTER, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Station UCMS broadcasting. May'32:34 LANDAZURI, JUAN CARDINAL quoted. Quote...unquote. Apr'68:22 LANDERS, ANN quoted. God's man or fool? Jul'57:28 LANDERS, LEONARD EARL (married to Martha Jane Turner Landers) (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'37:32 LANDERS, MARTHA JANE TURNER (married to Leonard Earl Landers) (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'37:32 LANDES, W G (photo) Jun'25:44 Jul'25:58 Nov'27:6 Glimpses of the religious world. Jan'28:45 Landis, Benson V Church membership trends. Mar'44:12 LANDIS, BENSON V The threshold. Nov'43:2 Nov'45:2 LANDIS, BENSON V. THE CLERGYMAN'S FACT BOOK, 1964 Books. Mar'64:42 LANDIS, BENSON V. THE GOOD CITIZEN IN THE GOOD SOCIETY Book chat. Feb'58:42 LANDIS, BENSON V. THE RAUSCHENBUSCH READER Book chat. Sep'57:40 LANDIS, BENSON V. RURAL ADULT EDUCATION Speaking of books. Jun'34:33 Landis, Samuel Orr, 1872-1925 (married to Elizabeth Landis) Note. Sep'19:48 LANDIS, SAMUEL ORR, 1872-1925 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'25:50 LANDOLT, ARTHUR EDWARD, 1910- (married to Elizabeth Rae Claxton Landolt) News room. May'61:32 LANDOLT, DENISE Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'66:32 Landolt, Elizabeth Rae Claxton, 1915- (married to Arthur E. Landolt) Book chat. Jan'59:47 Suggested commissioning service. May'70:31 LANDOLT, ELIZABETH RAE CLAXTON, 1915- Women and world highways (photo) Sep'57:33 Jul'59:35 Women and world highways. Mar'61:35 Global highlights (photo) Nov'63:4 LANDOUR, INDIA Where children must come first. Dec'27:55 Landour Conference. Nov'40:45 We climbed into the clouds. Mar'53:32 LANDOUR, INDIA. WOODSTOCK SCHOOL India's school in the clouds (photo) Mar'65:19 Landrith, (Mrs. O. H.) Letters. Sep'65:48 LANDRUM, PATTY Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jun'64:36 LANDRUS, WILFRED M Classroom and campus. Sep'55:30 LANE, (MRS. J. R.) -1955 In memoriam. May'55:35
p. 1631 Lane - Langford, A
LANE, (married to Robert Lane) News room (photo) Jun'58:34 LANE, C. WALTER Beneath the spire (photo) Oct'56:6 LANE, ELLEN World events (photo) Jun'72:40 Lane, Franklin E Each brought his gift. May'24:31 Lane, Franklin K The flag speaks (poem) Jul'27:31 Each brought his gift. Apr'34:37 LANE, H H (photo) Jan'21:8 LANE, L Gleanings from early records of ACMS. May'19:26 Lane, Lily An appreciation. Jan'30:61 LANE, LILY (photo) Jan'21:8 LANE, MARTELLA CONE Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'28:41 Year end activities in our colleges. Jul'31:32 LANE, MARY AMELIA (death) Dec'23:51 LANE, RACHEL DOUGLAS In memoriam. Apr'28:48 LANE, ROBERT News room (photo) Jun'58:34 Church and town reborn (photo) Jul'62:12 Lane, Rosemary Such is life (poem) Nov'41:48 LANETT, ALABAMA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Nov'36:39 LANEY, M H (photo) Jan'21:7 LANG, (MRS. W. G.) (photo) Jan'28:32 Lang, Alois Wood carvers and wood carving. Jul'42:21 LANG, ALOIS (photo) Jul'42:21 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jul'54:38 LANG, ANTON, JR Glimpses of the religious world. May'26:45 LANG, W R (photo) Oct'30:16 LANGAN, MARY (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'26:53 LANGDON, KANSAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Grading the missionary society. Dec'27:23 LANGFORD, ALEC JOHN, 1926- (married to Alice E. Rist Langford) (engagement) News room. May'53:39 quoted. Brotherhood brass. Mar'68:9 Langford, Alice E. Rist (married to Alec Langford) Let's read about home missions and human rights. Jul'53:36 CWF begins countdown for Quadrennial. Sep'69:14
p. 1632 Langford, A - Lanham, G
LANGFORD, ALICE E. RIST News room (photo) May'51:38 Changes in national leadership. Jun'52:29 News room (photo) Oct'52:38 (engagement) News room. May'53:39 LANGI, WILLIAM Indonesian churches seek ministers (photo) Nov'71:17 LANGLEY, (married to Frank O. Langley) quoted. The threshold. Sep'33:2 LANGLEY, SAM SPENCE, 1926- Global highlights (photo) Jan'58:6 LANGLEY, W. CLAUDE Global highlights. Mar'52:3 News room. Jul'56:38 LANGLEY, OKLAHOMA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. Sep'54:48 LANGLIE, ARTHUR Classroom and campus. May'64:36 Jul'64:37 LANGSTON, EVA Raleigh church adopts every home plan (photo) Apr'57:26 LANGSTON, GENEVIERE REITZELL (married to Ira Wright Langston) Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'63:32 LANGSTON, H (photo) Nov'27:34 Langston, Ira Wright, 1912- (married to Geneviere Reitzell Langston) Gratitude. Nov'46:48 Personal peace. Mar'47:42 No other foundation. Oct'48:7 LANGSTON, IRA WRIGHT, 1912- A close up of our colleges. Jan'37:29 (photo) Apr'45:17 News room. Feb'46:38 Jul'46:47 quoted. Excerpts form Convention addresses. Sep'46:10 News room. Nov'46:32 Oct'47:32 quoted. Last column. Nov'47:48 (photo) Nov'48:28 quoted. Last column. May'52:48 Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'54:30 (photo) Jan'55:25 Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'55:31 Global highlights. Jun'55:2 Elections at the 1956 Convention (photo) Dec'56:31 News room. Feb'58:40 Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'58:32 Feb'62:33 Sep'63:32 LANGSTON, IRA W., III Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'63:32 LANGSTON, J J (photo) Mar'24:28 LANGUAGES Echoes from everywhere. May'43:39 Language and world citizenship. Nov'51:5 Speaking in modern tongues. Nov'51:12 They worship in another tongue. Apr'64:23 LANHAM, GRETCHEN A life recruiting service (photo) Sep'19:46
p. 1633 Lanham, J - Laoag
LANHAM, JAMES W (photo) Feb'19:9 James W. Lanham (photo) Feb'20:21 LANHAM, LESSIE The colleges at work. May'33:33 LANIER, DORA News from Benevolent Homes. Sep'37;28 LANIER, IRVIN (photo) Mar'50:23 LANIER, MARSHALL L In brief. Jul'71:45 LANIGAN, EMMA News room (photo) Dec'52:30 LANKARD, FRANK GLENN. DIFFICULTIES IN RELIGIOUS THINKING Speaking of books. Sep'33:31 LANKFORD, EDITH, -1949 In memoriam. Nov'49:43 LANKFORD, GRACE WARD Classroom and campus. Dec'66:34 LANKLER, RALPH What one church is doing. Sep'24:44 LANMAN, CLIFFORD RAYMOND, 1906- News room. Jul'46:34 LANNING, (MRS. J. W.) (photo) Jan'28:32 LANSING, AUGUSTA E Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'64:34 LANSING, MICHIGAN. CHRISTIAN CHURCH How one pastor brings things to pass. Aug'20:27 What unusual thing has your society done? Dec'27:47 (photo) Aug'29:25 LANTERN SLIDES See SLIDES (PHOTOGRAPHY) Lantz, Lillian (married to Walter J. Lantz) Women and world highways. Oct'63:33 Lantz, Walter J., 1915- (married to Lillian Lantz) The Disciples "down under." Nov'63:24 LANTZ, WALTER J., 1915- Three workers picked for state education posts. Nov'53:47 News room. Sep'55:38 Sep'58:49 Jun'62:32 Women and world highways. Oct'63:33 (photo) Nov'63:24 Disciples in the news. Jul'68:8 World events (photo) Jun'72:39 LAO INGEN, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS The village that lost its fear. Jan'65:26 LAO SHI Shi, the story-teller (photo) Dec'26:30 LAO SONG, THAILAND Echoes from everywhere. Feb'64:36 New life for a Thai village. Mar'68:14 LAO TEN. THE WAY OF LIFE Book chat. Jun'55:45 LAOAG, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Notes. Feb'20:60,61 Apr'20:64 Growing success in the Philippines. Jul'20:33 Notes. Jul'20:46 Oct'20:61 (cont. next page)
p. 1634 Laoag
LAOAG, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:62 Report from Laoag... Dec'20:56 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:53 (photo) Jun'21:11 Student evangelization at Laoag. Jun'21:57 Short and true from far and near. Sep'21:23 The light of Laoag (photo) Nov'21:46 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:49,61 Oct'21:62 Into the work again (photo of Training School) Mar'22:46 A cross country trail (photo) Jun'22:42 Bible study campaign in Laoag (photo) Jun'22:54 Commencement week at Laoag (photos) Jul'22:52 A Filipino student conference. Aug'22:57 Training Bible girls. Oct'22:54 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'22:62 Just girls. Nov'22:53 The dream of years realized (photo) Mar'23:53 A personally conducted tour... Aug'23:20 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'23:51,64 Mar'24:61 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'24:47 Echoes from everywhere. May'24:51,62 Golden Jubilee notes. Jun'24:51 Sharing patterns and prayers. Sep'24:41 Two religious demonstrations. Nov'24:64 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'24:64 Dec'24:56 It proved retroactive. Jan'25:36 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'25:51,63 Missionary illustrations of uniform Sunday school topics... Apr'25:40 (photo of Christian Training School) May'25:41 Fellowship in the Philippines. Jul'25:41 A beautiful tribute. Feb'26:62 Baptism in the Philippines (photo of Nurses Training School) Jul'26:55 (photo of Edith Eberle Circle) Nov'26:49 August Institute for women... Dec'26:58 Doing intensive work. Apr'27:60 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'27:48 It is all we know. Jul'27:36 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'27:48 (photo of student congregation) Mar'28:53 Echoes from everywhere. May'28:48 From the Philippines. Jul'28:47 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:41 The Picketts of Laoag. Dec'28:26 Glimpses of the whitened field (photo) May'29:7 Being dead yet speaketh. Jun'29:45 Missionary organizations. Jul'29:32 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'29:50 Our Apayao Mission. Dec'29:55 Christmas in lands afar. Dec'29:57 Years and changes. Feb'30:45 Were there is no slowing down for hot weather. Sep'30:30 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'39:37 Jul'46:39 College established in Laoag. Jan'47:26 Visit of typhoon "Pamela." Jun'56:48 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'65:34
p. 1635 Laos - Larmoth
LAOS Happy people gripped by tragedy. Feb'72:6 LAPORT, TEXAS. DISCIPLES CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, April-June, 1963. Nov'63:46 LAPORTE, INDIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH A life enlistment service (photo) Mar'20:55 Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 LAPPIN, CLARA BROCK, 1872-1938 (married to Samuel S. Lappin) (photo) Sep'55:14 LAPPIN, J C (photo) Jan'21:8 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'25:54 LAPPIN, SADIA Echoes from everywhere. Aug'21:61 Lappin, Samuel Strahl, 1870-1960 (married to Clara Brock Lappin) They do it by counties. Oct'51:16 Rural churches come to life. May'60:29 LAPPIN, SAMUEL STRAHL, 1870-1960 Personalities. Jan'35:16 Age and experience count most (photo) Sep'55:14 quoted. Last column. Feb'56:48 LAPPIN, SAMUEL STRAHL. COMMUNION MANUAL Book chat. Jan'36:21 LAPPIN, W O Notes. Oct'19:59 Our school at Morehead. Feb'20:45 LAPPIN, WARREN CURTIS, 1900- (married to Ruth Anglin Lappin) Beneath the spire (photo) Sep'59:8 LARA, DANIEL LOPEZ de See LOPEZ de LARA, DANIEL Lara-Braud, Jorge A possible dream for Spanish Americans. Apr'69:6 LARA-BRAUD, JORGE Global highlights (photo) Jul'68:7 LARAMIE, WYOMING. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Pushing on. Jan'30:5 (photo of Board) Feb'30:45 LARCHMONT, NEW YORK Global highlights. Jul'50:3 Lard, Mary Foot Two prayers (poem) Mar'33:1 LARD, MOSES EASTERLY, 1818-1880 (photo) May'50:inside back cover LAREDO, TEXAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Nov'19:63 Feb'20:61 (photo) Aug'24:9 LARGE, CLAUDE G Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'32:41 Larimer, (Mrs. C. H.) Good ideas... Mar'30:48 LARKIN, WILLIAM C World events (photo) Jan'72:36 (photo) May'72:32 LARKWORTHY, WILLIAM (photo) Apr'46:31 LARMOTH, GEORGIA In memoriam. Jun'39:39
p. 1636 Larned - Larson, V
LARNED, WILLARD (photo) Dec'22:42 LARNED, KANSAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Pocket Testament League is succeeding. Jul'23:53 (photo of Rose Window) Jul'41:25 LAROCHE, JEAN (photo) Nov'27:6 LARRAKHA, DAYADAN G (photo) May'33:41 LARRALDE, ELSA. THE LAND AND PEOPLE OF MEXICO Books for your reading on Latin America. Jan'52:40 LARRANCEY, PATRICK W. X-502 reveals God at work. Sep'68:19 (photo p. 18) LARRICK, NANCY. PRINTING AND PROMOTION HANDBOOK New books. Jul'67:39 LARSEN, JENS. FELEMBE Book chat. Dec'57:42 LARSON, (married to Walter J. Larson) World outreach sounding board. May'68:32 LARSON, ALICE MARGUERITE, 1957- (birth) News room. Sep'57:38 Echoes from everywhere. May'64:38 LARSON, AUGUST FRIEDOLPH, 1882-1959 (married to Catherine Alberta Ramsey Larson) Classroom and campus. Apr'46:31 (death) News room. May'59:40 LARSON, CHARLES (photo) Sep'46:22 LARSON, DAYLE EDWIN, 1959- (birth) News room. Nov'59:38 LARSON, DOUGLAS PETER, 1964- (birth) News room. Apr'64:41 LARSON, GARY E Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'68:34 LARSON, KAREN GLEE, 1961- (birth) News room. Dec'61:32 Larson, Robert Junior, 1927- (married to Velma Larson) Echoes from everywhere. Jul'61:38 Meditations. Oct'62:37 Hand pumps save lives in India. Apr'68:41 LARSON, ROBERT JUNIOR, 1927- Global highlights (photo) Sep'56:4 Feb'64:5 In India people are important! (photos) Apr'65:33 Disciples in the news. Sep'68:8 In brief. Sep'69:39 World events. Nov'73:40 LARSON, SIDNEY Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'52:30 Classroom and campus. Nov'58:32 Larson, Velma Catherine McGill, 1924- (married to Robert J. Larson) Meditations. Oct'62:37 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'61:38 May'64:38 LARSON, VELMA CATHERINE McGILL, 1924- News room. Jul'46:34 (commissioning) News room (photo) Jan'50:34 News room. Oct'55:36 (cont. next page)
p. 1637 Larson, V - Latchaw
LARSON, VELMA CATHERINE McGILL (cont.) (photo) May'64:38 In India, people are improtant! Apr'65:33 Disciples in the news. Sep'68:8 In brief. Sep'69:39 LARSON, VERLE Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'52:29 LaRue, Mary Ellen, 1913- Letters. Jun'67:49 LaRUE, MARY ELLEN, 1913- News room. Jul'57:38 Apr'63:32 quoted. We were there. Apr'66:38 LARUE, WILLIAM EARL. THE FOUNDATIONS OF MORMONISM The book shelf. Sep'20:53 Foundations of Mormonism. Oct'20:48 LAS LOMAS, PUERTO RICO Without benefit of clergy. Sep'25:56 The younger churches are enthusiastic! Mar'61:12 (photo of church) Jul'61:front cover The cover. Jul'61:inside front cover All eyes on Latin America (photo) Dec'61:26 (photo of class in church) Mar'63:3 LAS PALMAS, PUERTO RICO Youth and world mission (photo of church) Nov'61:37 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Committee on War Services news notes. Jan'46:32 LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO 714 Coffee House. Jul'68:18 LASCELLE, ELLEN Memorial gifts to Africa. Oct'26:32 LASH, VERA M quoted. Conference character dividends (photo) Nov'32:11 Lash, Frank H A Sunday at sea in the United States Navy. Feb'20:4 LASH, FRANK H quoted. Appreciation for Life and labors of A. McLean. Jun'24:45 LASH, VERA M quoted. Conference character dividens (photo) Nov'32:11 Lashua, Gay E Letters. Nov'64:49 LASKI, HAROLD J quoted. The menace to freedom. Jan'40:12 LASKI, HAROLD J. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? Book chat. Mar'41:23 LASLEY, JOAN Youtn and the world mission (photo) May'68:33 LASLO, RICHARD Classroom and campus (photo) Jan'56:33 LASSARD, (MRS. J. O.) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'37:34 LASSITER, ALBERT Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'63:33 "LAST SUPPER" (PAINTING BY DeVINCI) (photo) Jun'21:26 LATA, INDIA Victory to Christ... Jul'50:44 LATCHAW, EFFIE In memoriam. Mar'39:39
p. 1638 Late - Latin America 1941
LATE, E A Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'24:47 LATHAM, BLANCHE Classroom and campus. May'61:31 In brief. Mar'71:41 LATHAM, MARY In memoriam. Mar'29:48 LATHAM, SIDNEY Classroom and campus. Apr'43:32 LATHROP, ALPHONSA (MOTHER) Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'26:45 LATHROP, GRIFF L., JR. Distinctions of our colleges. Jan'31:43 LATHROP, JULIA Book chat. Apr'36:23 LATHROP, MISSOURI. CHRISTIAN CHURCH The fourfold plan at Lathrop, Missouri. Jan'23:45 LATIMER, ALLIE, 1863- (married to H. P. Latimer) Presenting... (photo) May'63:8 LATIMER, E K What the Hattiesburg Church means to me. Jan'42:17 LATIMER, ROBERT S., 1846-1924 (death) Mar'24:59 Robert S. Latimer (photo) Apr'24:27 (photo) Oct'27:2 Some tithers I have known... (photo) Oct'40:15 LATIMER, TOMMIE In memoriam. Oct'39:39 LATIN AMERICA See also SOUTH AMERICA Our missionaries in Latin America. Apr'20:38 Facts for the busy woman. Apr'20:38 In South America. Apr'20:39 (map) May'20:57 The Bible in Latin America. Mar'21:30 At the heart of mission lands. Jun'21:7 With our own missionaries. Aug'21:30 The coming Pan-American Conference. Feb'23:30 Sidelights on the Santiago Conference. Sep'23:34 Christian work in South America. Aug'25:26 Devotional study for woman's societies. Jan'29:48 What's coming in Latin America? Mar'31:7 Springtime in Latin America. Mar'32:11 Let's go sailing down to Rio! Apr'32:17 Did you know that-- Jun'32:42 Dawn over Latin America. Sep'32:15 The new deal at Montevideo. Mar'34:8 Programs for adult organizations. Mar'34:36 Through the years. Mar'34:38 Programs for adult organizations. Dec'35:36 Jan'36:much of issue Christianity's rivals in Latin America. Feb'36:9 All-American all church fiesta. Feb'36:32 Programs for adult organizations. Mar'36:36 Launching out in Latin America. May'36:8 The Pan-American scene. Feb'37:28 The future of missions in Latin America. Mar'41:14 (cont. next page)
p. 1639 Latin America 1942 - 1962
LATIN AMERICA (cont.) Christian good neighbors. Apr'42:12 Youth and missions. Sep'42:37 Constructive good will. Nov'42:26 For adult missionary groups. Dec'42:36 Youth and missions. Dec'42:37 Jan'43:much of issue Some next steps in Latin America. Feb'43:14 News room. Feb'43:34 For adult missionary groups. Feb'43:36 Mar'43:36 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Mar'43:40 For adult missionary groups. Apr'43:36 May'43:36 Youth amd missions. May'43:37 A challenge to religious liberty. Dec'43:23 Are Protestant missions an obstacle to the Good Neighbor Policy? Mar'44:15 Our foreign missions go forward in wartime. Jun'44:5 Social trends. Jul'44:8 Watching the Good Neighbor Policy work. Feb'45:15 --1943-44. Mar'45:5 Global highlights. Nov'47:2 Why Protestant missions in Latin America? Jun'48:12 Christian strategy for Latin America. Oct'49:22 Christianity in Latin America. Nov'49:6 Straws in the wind. Oct'51:9 For adult mission study. Nov'51:32 Global highlights. Dec'51:4 For adult mission study. Dec'51:34 Youth and missions. Dec'51:35 For adult mission study. Jan'52:34 The ministry of the "Good neighbor." Feb'52:5 For adult mission study. Feb'52:34 Youth and missions. FEb'52:35 For adult mission study. Mar'52:36 The new Latin America. Apr'52:10 For adult mission study. Apr'52:34 Latin America in today's world. Oct'53:21 Latin American missions mature under pressure. Mar'54:20 Missions tour reveals strength and weakness. Apr'54:26 For adult mission study. Apr'54:40 Global highlights. Jun'54:2 Latin America tour scheduled. Jul'55:42 Reflections on Latin America. May'56:44 Youth exchange urged. Apr'57:46 Mission to Latin America. May'57:26 Trial and hope in Latin America. Sep'57:14 Neighbors hear the good news. Sep'58:22 Harvest time in Latin America. Jul'59:19 Patterns in Latin America. Sep'59:15 New vistas in Latin America. Apr'60:29 Global highlights. Oct'61:5 All eyes on Latin America. Dec'61:25 Adults and mission. Dec'61:36 Youth and world mission. Dec'61:37 New era dawns in Latin America. Jan'62:19 Youth and the world mission. Jan'62:37 Churches in Latin America find new life. Mar'62:14 Echoes from everywhere. mar'62:34 (cont. next page)
p. 1640 Latin America 1962 - Latourette
LATIN AMERICA (cont.) Change has come to Latin America. Apr'62:24 The key is the ministry. Nov'62:29 Global highlights. Jun'64:7 Glances and glimpses. Oct'64:12 Protestant dilemmas in Latin America. Nov'64:19 Ahead of the headlines. Mar'66:4 Jul'66:4 Line across the world. Dec'66:18 Ahead of the headlines. Jan'67:4 Mar'67:4 The coming revolutions in Latin America. Mar'67:14 Unbelievable true stories of evangelism. Apr'69:16 World events. Sep'69:36 Latin America--what can we do? Sep'70:6 World Calling... Sep'70:50 Editorial correspondence from Latin American Seminar. Oct'70:19 Intermedia sends the word to Latin America. Oct'70:26 Letters. Feb'71:4 Commentary. Dec'71:10 What have we done to Latin America? Mar'72:14 The new vocabulary of world mission. Dec'72:16 New moods in Latin America. Mar'73:13 Direct line. Jun'73:40 LATIN AMERICA--BIBLIOGRAPHY Toward an understanding of Latin America. Jan'43:31 Let the whole church study Latin America! Jan'43:32 Books for your reading on Latin America. Jan'52:40 Books on Latin America. Jan'62:38 LATIN AMERICA--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Impressions of Latin America. Dec'35:10 Land of silver waters. Feb'41:7 Latin American journey. Feb'54:18 Latin America listens. Jul'62:21 World Calling... Nov'70:50 A turning-about in Latin America. Nov'72:28 Overseas worker sees article as overlooking plight of poor. Jul'73:44 "LATIN AMERICA: ITS PEOPLE AND ITS PROBLEMS" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Feb'62:41 LATIN AMERICAN EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE See CONFERENCIA EVANGELICA LATIN AMERICA LATIN AMERICAN UNION OF EVANGELICAL YOUTH Latin youth call for unity. Feb'52:6 LATOUCHE, ROBERT ELIJAH, 1886-1963 (married to Malinda LaTouche) (photo) Feb'22:37 Crusade progress (photo) Apr'50:26 Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 1884-1968 Twenty-two nations plan missions advance. Sep'32:17 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT, 1884-1968 quoted. A tonic for missionary dizziness. Feb'31:4 quoted. Sea salt. Jan'33:22 Global highlights. Apr'51:4 (photo) Jul'2:25 Global highlights. Sep'52:2 (photo) Jun'53:3 Dec'54:2 (death) Tribute paid to historian. Mar'69:42 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. BEYOND THE RANGES New books. Apr'68:38
p. 1641 Latourette - Lattimore
LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. CHALLENGE AND CONFORMITY Book chat. Oct'55:16 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. THE CHINESE: THEIR HISTORY AND CULTURE Book chat. Mar'36:31 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. THE CHRISTIAN OUTLOOK Book chat. Dec'48:43 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. THE CHRISTIAN WORLD MISSION OF OUR DAY Book chat. Dec'54:22,46 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. CHRISTIANITY IN A REVOLUTIONARY AGE Vol. I Book chat. Dec'58:40 Vol. II Book chat. Dec'59:42 Vol. III Book chat. Dec'59:42 Apr'61:41 Vol. V Book chat. May'63:41 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. THE FIRST FIVE CENTURIES Book chat. Nov'37:20 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOOT. THE GOSPEL, THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD Book chat. Mar'47:21 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. A HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY Book chat. Oct'53:14 LAROURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. THE HISTORY OF JAPAN Book chat. Dec'47:18 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. A HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY A monumental work. Apr'43:4 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. INTRODUCING BUDDHISM Book chat. Oct'56:40 Southeast Asia comes alive in books. Jan'57:34 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. MISSIONS AND THE AMERICAN MIND Book chat. Nov'49:18 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. MISSIONS TOMORROW Book chat. Oct'36:24 On the making of books... Jan'42:32 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. THESE SOUGHT A COUNTRY Book chat. Oct'50:41 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. THE THOUSAND YEARS OF UNCERTAINTY Book chat. Nov'38:33 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. THREE CENTURIES OF ADVANCE Book chat. May'40:46 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. TOMORROW IS HERE Book chat. Apr'48:20 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. THE UNITED STATES MOVES ACROSS THE PACIFIC Book chat. Jun'46:17 LATOURETTE, KENNETH SCOTT. THE UNQUENCHABLE LIGHT Book chat. Mar'42:23 Latshaw, Nellie Lewers, 1865?-1939 (married to Ralph S. Latshaw) Miles of smiles. Dec'22:49 LATSHAW, NELLIE LEWERS, 1865?-1939 Executive Committee of the U.C.M.S. (photo) Sep'21:2 (photo) Oct'22:7 quoted. The latest word on the Golden Jubilee. Dec'22:50 Interest shown in the reading contest. Jan'26:54 (photo) Jan'27:41 Missouri's President fifteen years. Aug'27:52 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'40:34 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'44:32 LATTIMORE, ELEANOR FRANCES. INDIGO HILL Home missions reading--1950. Jul'50:34
p. 1642 Lattimore - Laubach, L
LATTIMORE, ELEANOR FRANCES. THREE LITTLE CHINESE GIRLS What shall we read about China? Jan'49:32 LATTIMORE, EMMA Echoes from everywhere. Dec'31:40 (photo) Jul'34:39 LATVIA Glimpses of the religious world. Jan'27:45 Global highlights. Jan'65:5 Laub, Linda (untitled poem) Mar'71:27 LAUBACH, ANN (photo) Jun'62:18 LAUBACH, CHARLES (photo) Jun'62:18 LAUBACH, FRANCES (married to Robert S. Laubach) A crusade against darkness (photo) Jun'62:18 Laubach, Frank Charles What is happening in the Philippines? Apr'27:18 Literacy and literature. Dec'42:13 LAUBACH, FRANK CHARLES quoted. News room. Sep'44:28 African literacy tour, 1948 (photo) Jun'49:12 Global highlights. Nov'51:2 Youth and missions. Feb'52:35 Student Volunteers meet in Lawrence (phaoto) Mar'52:15 Miracle man of mass education (photo) Dec'52:26 A sensible undertaking. Feb'53:5 Global highlights (photo) Oct'53:3 end tour. Dec'53:48 Global highlights. Jun'54:2 (photo) Feb'54:12 Literacy program to be launched. Jun'54:45 Literacy--the key to minds and hearts (photo) Sep'54:22 Global highlights. Nov'54:3 quoted. Last column. Mar'55:52 Global highlights. Jun'55:3 ...To teach course in writing. May'60:48 LAUBACH, FRANK CHARLES. CHANNELS OF SPIRITUAL POWER quoted. Last column. Jun'55:52 quoted. Holding the key. Oct'55:46 LAUBACH, FRANK CHARLES. THE GREATEST LIFE Book chat. Jun'56:16 LAUBACH, FRANK CHARLES. THE INSPIRED LETTERS Book chat. Jun'56:16 LAUBACH, FRANK CHARLES. THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES Speaking of books. Sep'25:50 LAUBACH, FRANK CHARLES. THE SILENT BILLION SPEAK Books about Christian ventures. Jan'44:28 LAUBACH, FRANK CHARLES. TEACHING THE WORLD TO READ Book chat. Apr'48:20 LAUBACH, FRANK CHARLES. THIRTY YEARS WITH THE SILENT BILLION Book chat. Apr'60:18 LAUBACH, FRANK CHARLES. WAR OF AMAZING LOVE New books. Sep'65:43 LAUBACH, FRANK CHARLES. THE WORLD IS LEARNING COMPASSION Book chat. Jul'58:46 LAUBACH, LAURA (photo) Jun'62:18
p. 1643 Laubach, R - Law
Laubach, Robert C African literacy tour, 1948. Jun'49:12 LAUBACH, ROBERT C. (photo) Sep'54:22 LAUBACH, ROBERT SEELY, 1918- (married to Frances Laubach) A crusade agains darkness (photo) Jun'62:18 Laudenslager, Herman Conferenceites busy. Jun'29:57 LAUDIS, S O (photo) May'25:39 LAUGHLIN, ANNA McGEHEE, -1951 In memoriam. Jun'51:37 LAUFMAN, (MRS A B) (photo) Jan'21:11 LAUGHORNE, GENE ARNOLD (ordination) Classroom and campus. Jun'55:34 Beneath the spire (photo) Jul'58:8 LAUGHRUN, JIM Project--Evangelism (photo) Jun'61:23 LAUGLEY, BARBARA, -1956 In memoriam. Jul'56:39 LAUMAN, WILLIAM M (photo) Mar'39:32 LAUNER, FRANKLIN BREYFOGEL, 1897-1974 A close up of our colleges. Jan'37:29 LAURABEE, CARRIE, -1942 In memoriam. May'42:39 LAURENCE, WILLIAM L quoted. Last column. May'58:50 LAURIOL, ETIENNE quoted. The churches face their task. Dec'54:19 LAURISTON CASTLE (EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND) (photo) Jul'59:5 LAUTNER, ALICE MAE See YOCUM, ALICE MAE LAUTNER LAVAL, PIERRE Listening in on the world. Dec'31:20 LAVELY, IDA, -1951 In memoriam. Nov'51:35 Laven, Melvin P COCU--avenue to mission. Dec'70:41 LAVEN, MELVIN P (photo) Mar'59:20 Dec'70:41 LAVEN, PAUL ALLEN In brief (photo) Jun'70:39 ICWF Quadrennial Assembly (photo) Sep'70:22 Crisis of participation (photo) Feb'71:11 Lavender, (Mrs. D. J.) Letters. Feb'67:inside front cover LAVENDER, LULA, -1970 In memoriam. May'70:43 LAVINN, PAUL Classroom and campus. Sep'48:30 Law, (married to Benjamin Law) Letters. Jun'71:34
p. 1644 Law, J - Lawrence, E
Law, Jessie Gertrude, 1918- Hope Hospital is growing up. Dec'48:46 Achievements and joys in Zacatecas. May'50:42 Mr. Aleman seeks and finds. Feb'52:46 LAW, JESSIE GERTRUDE, 1918- News room. Feb'46:38 Mar'46:38 (photo) Jun'46:back cover News room. Oct'46:41 Nov'46:32 The United Society in Convention (photo) Sep'53:25 (photo) Dec'53:13 News room. Sep'54:38 Youth and missions (photo) Apr'59:39 Missionary register. Sep'66:45 LAW, MARIAN EDITH (photo) Jul'23:10 LAW, MARY ROBINSON Memoriam. Jan'35:40 LAW, WILLIAM. A SERIOUS CALL TO A DEVOUT AND HOLY LIFE New books. Jul'66:42 LAW, WILLIAM WILSON (photo) Jul'23:10 LAW Law and leadership (poem) Jul'24:21 Convention elections and resolutions. Oct'29:31 LAW DAY Crisis in our courts. Apr'72:19 LAW ENFORCEMENT Jul'24:58 LAW ENFORCEMENT CONVENTION Apr'24:58 LAWDER, JOHN CLYDE, 1897-1980 (married to Pearl Swartz Lawder) (photo) Sep'54:38 LAWDER, VIRGIL (photo) Jul'28:26 LAWLER, T A News room. Jun'53:42 Lawney, Josephine An appeal to the medical women of America. May'20:43 Lawrance, Marion See Lawrance, Uriah Marion Lawrance, Uriah Marion, 1850-1924 Letters. May'21:50 And they journeyed toward the sun-rising. Nov'21:21 LAWRANCE, URIAH MARION, 1850-1924 (photo) Nov'21:21 (photo) Jun'24:inside front cover LAWRENCE, BAYARD Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'33:29 Mar'37:42 News room. Jun'42:34 LAWRENCE, CORA A look at the National Convention (photo) Jul'57:22 LAWRENCE, DAISY News room. May'50:34 Nov'51:39 LAWRENCE, DAVID Our colleges at home and abroad. Mar'33:34 LAWRENCE, E D (married to Ruth Lomax Lawrence) (photo) Sep'55:16
p. 1645 Lawrence, E - Lawrence, M
LAWRENCE, EDWIN G. HOW TO TALK TO PEOPLE Book chat. Dec'38:41 LAWRENCE, ERNEST Classroom and campus. Oct'53:31 Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'57:6 LAWRENCE, FREDERICK (photo) Jan'30:35 Livengood news. Mar'30:38 (photo) Mar'33:24 Mar'36:27 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'40:34 LAWRENCE, GEORGE S Keeping the larger faith. Feb'21:57 Lawrence, M L A church that had a program. Aug'21:47 LAWRENCE, M S -1957 In memoriam. Feb'58:37 Lawrence, Margaret Noyes, 1900-1984 Why all this? Nov'38:42 Churches of China impressed with mission teachings. Oct'39:47 The cost of living in China. Apr'41:27 Devotional study for missionary societies. May'41:38 A shining scroll of Christian nationals. Dec'42:15 Fear or faith. Jul'43:23 Christian fellowship around the world. Apr'44:23 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'44:33 Apr'46:36 Jul'46:39 Jul'47:39 Jan'46:37 May'46:37 May'47:45 Dec'47:34 A day at South Gate. Mar'49:12 First impressions of the new Japan. Dec'49:19 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'50:48 Kanji seeks to learn the truth. Nov'50:51 Missionary worship service. Dec'55:39 Jan - Apr'56:35 Women and world highways. May'58:35 Adults and missions. Jan'61:34 Women at prayer in Peru. Mar'62:28 Adults and mission. Jan'63:38 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'65:36 LAWRENCE, MARGARET NOYES, 1900-1984 Severing the Ivy Chain (photo) Jul'24:7 The lucky thirteen. Aug'25:5 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'25:43 Outward bound. Oct'25:5 Our lives against your money! (photo) Jul'29:13 A closeup of our colleges. Jan'30:43 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'32:42 Feb'36:34 Nov'37:43 Apr'33:41 Dec'36:30 Apr'38:30 (photo) Sep'42:9 Jun'43:5 Jul'43:23 News room. Jul'43:28 Sep'43:27 (photo) Oct'43:18 News room. Dec'43:32 quoted. For adult missionary groups. Apr'44:30 News room. May'44:28 quoted. University Bible class. Jul'44:19 News room. Mar'46:38 The task is great. Feb'47:44 (cont. next page)
p. 1646 Lawrence, M - Lawrence Tavern
LAWRENCE, MARGARET (cont.) News room. Jun'47:35 quoted. For adult missionary groups. Dec'49:34 The Christian church in Japan. Jan'50:10 News room. Sep'50:38 (photo) Nov'50:13 News room. Nov'53:46 Apr'58:40 (photo) May'58:35 Global highlights. Jun'60:4 Women and world highways (photo) Sep'60:33 Global highlights. Oct'63:5 (photo) Mar'64:38 Apr'65:36 Missionary register. Sep'66:45 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Oct'67:37 LAWRENCE, MARY (married to Thomas Lawrence) Women and world highways. May'52:35 Not burdened with leisure! Feb'56:42 LAWRENCE, MARY CRAIG See MUCKLEY, MARY CRAIG (LAWRENCE) LAWRENCE, MILDRED. GOOD MORNING, MY HEART For your town and country bookshelf. Jun'59:41 Lawrence, Nancy Refugee youth find a way out. Jan'60:23 Lawrence, Norene Letters. Mar'71:34 LAWRENCE, RUTH LOMAX (married to E. D. Lawrence) (photo) Sep'55:16 LAWRENCE, THOMAS (married to Mary Lawrence) Not burdened with leisure! Feb'56:42 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'58:36 LAWRENCE, WILLIAM (death) Pension Fund notes and news. Jan'42:47 LAWRENCE, WOODFORD Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'34:42 LAWRENCE, ZAIDA SHERMAN The colleges at work. May'33:33 LAWRENCE, KANSAS. BETHANY PARK CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, July-September, 1964. Jan'65:46 LAWRENCE, KANSAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'21:14 (photo of boy's class) Jan'28:49 Fall activies of our colleges. Nov'37:32 LAWRENCE TAVERN, JAMAICA Rural demonstration center in Jamaica. Feb'45:23 A million dollar view. Feb'49:44 Ten unforgettable days. Apr'50:25 LAWRENCE TAVERN, JAMAICA. OBERLIN CHRISTIAN CHURCH Golden Jubilee notes. May'24:52 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'26:57 Sep'26:51 Aug'27:47 (photo) Jan'28:35 (photo of bell) Dec'43:9 New projects in Jamaica. Oct'45:37 Crusading in the West Indies (photo) May'49:29 ...has CYF anniversary. Jul'52:42 Missions mean more to them now (photo) Feb'55:8 (photo) Jun'59:front cover (cont. next page)
p. 1647 Lawrence Tavern - Lawton
LAWRENCE TAVERN, JAMAICA. OBERLIN CHRISTIAN CHURCH (cont.) The cover. Jun'59:inside front cover Operation education. May'62:26 Tragedy in Jamaica. Feb'64:46 Jamaica: building a "Christian" nation (photo) Mar'73:8 LAWRENCE TAVERN, JAMAICA. OBERLIN HIGH SCHOOL Global highlights (photo of buildings) Jun'60:5 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'63:38 (photo of students) Mar'73:front cover Cover. Mar'73:4 Jamaica: building a "Christian" nation (photos of students) Mar'73:5 LAWRENCEBURG, INDIANA (photo of flood) Mar'37:5 LAWRENCEVILLE, ILLINOIS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Tried and found helpful. Apr'22:50 LAWRENSON, WALTER ERNEST, 1906- (married to Maria Curd Lawrenson) quoted. Circulation corner. Jan'41:2 LAWS, (MRS. S. F.) In memoriam. Feb'30:46 LAWS, JOHN A Crusade progress (photo) Nov'49:34 LAWS, LUCY RHODA (photo) Jan'21:11 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Sep'23:54 In memoriam. May'31:40 LAWS, ROBERT Glimpses of the religious world. Jan'28:45 Lawson, (married to Harold Lawson) Letters. May'72:4 LAWSON, (married to Hoe H. Lawson) -1946 In memoriam. Nov'46:37 LAWSON, BETTY See GRAVES, BETTY LAWSON LAWSON, C. ANDREW (photo) Jun'38:15 Jul'41:2 LAWSON, DOROTHY WASH Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'66:34 LAWSON, JAMES Congo Council plans advance. Sep'62:48 LAWSON, JAMES M., JR. Global highlights. Jul'60:8 LAWSON, JAMES T Here and there with World Call. Oct'48:48 LAWSON, JENNIE PEPPER (death) Apr'25:51 LAWSON, T H Notes. May'20:59 LAWSON, TED W. THIRTY SECONDS OVER TOKYO Mine eyes have seen the glory. Oct'43:16 LAWSON, VICTOR F Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'25:45 Lawton, Kathleen Magery (married to E. V. Lawton) Second thoughts about the U.S.A. Jun'67:24 LAWTON, KATHLEEN MAGERY Women on world highways. Nov'65:35 Disciples in the news (photo) Apr'67:7 (cont. next page)
p. 1648 Lawton, K - Layman's
LAWTON, KATHLEEN MAGERY (cont.) (photo) Jun'67:24 Women on world highways. Jul'70:31 (photo) Feb'71:34 LAWTON, STEWARD. PASTORAL IMPLICATIONS OF BIBLICAL THEOLOGY New books. Jun'69:28 LAWTON, TINA, -1968 In memoriam. Mar'69:42 LAWTON, OKLAHOMA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH With the churches that are giving heroically. Nov'20:4 LAWTON, OKLAHOMA. BOULEVARD CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, April-June, 1962. Nov'62:45 LAWTON, OKLAHOMA. LIBERTY HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN CHURCH Southwest churches adopt home plan. Feb'59:34 LAWWILL, WILLIAM CASE Classroom and campus. Jan'47:30 LAY MINISTERS' READING COURSE Missouri laymen learn to lead. Oct'62:22 LAY SCHOOLS OF THEOLOGY Disciples plan Lay Schools to meet need. May'64:41 Global highlights. Dec'64:7 Sings of a new Reformation. Apr'65:15 (1965 schedule) Exercising man's mental muscles. Apr'65:28 Global highlights. Oct'65:5 (1966 schedule) When laymen explore their faith. Mar'66:28 Depth study in a lay academy. Sep'66:14 Educational meat, not pablum. Sep'66:15 Global highlights. Dec'66:6 Jun'67:5 Women on world highways. Apr'68:30 World events. May'69:32 In brief. Jul'69:39 Apr'70:43 Oct'70:42 World events. Jun'73:37 LAY WITNESS MISSION Lay witness mission comes to us. Dec'71:18 Three short days. Dec'71:19 LAYE, MARY E., -1922 (death) Oct'22:55 Layfield, Jerome I affirm. Apr'67:13 LAYMAN, CHARLES M (photo) Jul'72:47 LAYMAN, MARVIN (photo) Jun'46:4 LAYMAN COMPANY Waiting half a century for encouragement. Feb'21:11 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'23:60 Free tithing literature. Feb'24:41 Glimpses of the religious world. Jun'24:47 Free tithing literautre. Jun'24:54 Sep'24:35 Nov'24:62 Oct'27:44 Tithing literature at less than cost. Mar'28:41 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'29:36 A way to financial freedom. Jan'30:57 The threshold. Mar'41:2 LAYMAN'S ADVISORY COMMISSION Disciples in the news. Sep'67:8 THE LAYMAN'S BIBLE COMMENTARY Book chat. Dec'59:42 Dec'60:42 New books. May'68:37
p. 1649 Layman's - Layton, K
THE LAYMAN'S PARALLEL NEW TESTAMENT New books. Jan'71:44 LAYMEN See LAITY LAYMEN OVERSEAS A different kind of missionary. Apr'73:16 LAYMEN'S INQUIRY INTO FOREIGN MISSIONS See also HOCKING, WILLIAM EARNEST. RE-THINKING MISSIONS Re-thinking missions. jan'33:3 The laymen's foreign missions inquiry. Jan'33:7 Speaking of books. Jan'33:41 Education east and west. Feb'33:13 Measured by the laymen's yardstick. Mar'33:9 Disciples and the laymen's report. Apr'33:19 The Christian mission and other faiths. May'33:19 Shall we wait for super-missionaries? Jul'33:22 The laymen's challenge. Oct'33:11 Speaking of books. Jan'34:41 The threshold. Apr'34:2 Book chat. Jun'34:5 LAYMEN'S LEAGUE OF THE DISCIPLES OF CHRIST The threshold. Jan'37:2 LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY MOVEMENT Summer converences... Jul'19:56 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'28:43 The threshold. Apr'35:2 Jan'41:4 Oct'43:2 Men and missions. Nov'43:34 LAYMON, CHARLES M. CHRIST IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Book chat. May'59;26 LAYMON, CHARLES M. INTERNATIONAL LESSON ANNUAL, 1956 Book chat. Nov'55:14 LAYMON, CHARLES M. THE MESSAGE OF THE BIBLE Book chat. May'60:22 Layne, Bertie MacDonald Youth and world mission. Nov'64:39 Apr'65:40 Dec'65:38 Jul'66:38 Dec'64:40 May'65:39 Jan'66:38 Sep'66:38 Jan'65:40 Jun'65:40 Feb'66:38 Dec'66:33 Feb'65:38 Jul'65:39 Mar'66:37 Feb'67:31 Mar'65:40 Nov'65:38 Youth and the world mission. Apr'67:36 Nov'67:33 Mar'68:32 Jun'68:31 Sep'67:37 Jan'68:31 Apr'68:33 Jul'68:32 Oct'67:33 Feb'68:32 May'68:33 Oct'68:33 LAYNE, BERTIE MACDONALD News room. Sep'64:48 Youth and world mission (photo) Oct'64:42 Disciples in the news. Oct'68:8 LAYNE, BERTIE MacDONALD. KEYS TO MANY DOORS World outreach book reviews on 1966-1967 themes. Jun'66:40 LAYSICO, (married to Catalino Laysico) (photo) Jun'69:40 LAYSICO, CATALINO (photo) Jan'51:25 Mar'51:36 News room (photo) Jul'51:39 Church of the loving heart. Jun'69:41 (photo p. 40) LAYTON, KAY (birth) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'33:40
p. 1650 Layton, M - Leach, H
LAYTON, MAYME GARNER Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'33:40 LAZARETH, WILLIAM. RIGHTEOUSNESS AND SOCIETY New books. Feb'68:38 LAZARSFIELD, PAUL F. THE ACADEMIC MIND Social trends. Jun'59:16 LAZARUS, IYAMBE What others are doing. Oct'33:41 Lazenby, Herbert C Theology of age. Dec'69:16 LAZENBY, HERBERT C (photo) Dec'69:16 LAZONDER, RENE The man from I.C.Y.E. (photo) Nov'66:32 "LAZY HARRY, WILL YOU GET UP?" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Nov'65:40 LEA, ROBERT (photo) Sep'47:13 LEACH, (married to Ed Leach) The Afzals find a home (photo) May'73:6 LEACH, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, 1887-1961 (married to Clara Belle Leach) Disciples in the Yale Divinity School (photo) May'21:51 (photo) Sep'54:38 LEACH, BERTHA Memorium. Nov'35:39 LEACH, CELINA (photo) Sep'21:14 LEACH, COLENA NAOMI (photo) Nov'22:41 Jun'23:47 Leach, Corl A., -1960 People--asset or liability? Oct'51:24 A grand job. Nov'51:21 The minister--his family and his church. Sep'53:14 A layman looks at missions. Mar'56:7 LEACH, CORL A., -1960 (photo) Oct'51:24 Sep'53:14 They advance Christian action (photo) Jul'55:16 (photo) Mar'56:8 (death) News room. Jun'60:42 Leach, Helen T From Croton to everywhere. Oct'32:18 Leach, Henry Philip Dutson, 1889- (married to Hilma Janet Lind Leach) Throught the heart of Paraguay. Apr'24:34 Building our church in Paraguay. Oct'25:20 LEACH, HENRY PHILIP DUTSON, 1889- Appointment of missionaries. Jul'19:56 "Unto the uttermost parts of the earth" (photo) Aug'19:15 (photo) Aug'19:26 Notes. Aug'20:48 (photo) Sep'21:14 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'22:62 Losses to our missionaries. Mar'23:45 (death of son) Dec'23:64 Headquarters notes. Jan'24:53 Global highways (photo) Apr'67:5 LEACH, HENRY PHILIP DUTSON. IT HAPPENED IN PARAGUAY Speaking of books. May'26:52
p. 1651 Leach, H - Leadership
Leach, Hilma Janet Lind, 1889- (married to Henry Philip Dutson Leach) The women of Paraguay. Apr'23:24 LEACH, HILMA JANET LIND, 1889- Appointment of missionaries. Jul'19:56 "Unto the uttermost parts of the earth" (photo) Aug'19:15 (photo) Aug'19:26 Notes. Aug'20:48 (photo) Sep'21:14 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:57 (death of son) Dec'23:64 Headquarters notes. Jan'24:53 LEACH, HILMA JANET LIND. IT HAPPENED IN PARAGUAY Speaking of books. May'26:52 Watching Manuel grow. Nov'27:53 LEACH, JANET AGNES (birth) Jun'24:64 LEACH, JOHN DUTSON (birth) Nov'22:41 (photo) Jun'23:47 (death) Dec'23:64 (death) Headquarters notes. Jan'24:53 Leach, Kent Pastoral unities bring a new day. Nov'59:16 LEACH, LYDIA In memoriam. May'41:39 LEACH, MARY, -1943 In memoriam. Jan'44:33 Leach, Muriel Watkins (married to Robert H. Leach) Let's read about Africa. Jan'53:38 "The life and task of the church" in books. Jan'54:32 For adult mission study. Apr'55:36 Jul'55:36 Oct'55:34 Jun'55:38 Sep'55:36 Nov'55:34 LEACH, MURIEL WATKINS Changes in national leadership. Jun'52:26 (marriage) News room. Jun'55:42 LEACH, PHYLLIS ANNA (photo) Sep'21:14 Nov'22:41 Jun'23:47 LEACH, ROBERT H (married to Muriel Watkins Leach) (marriage) News room. Jun'55:42 News room. Dec'58:34 LEACH, WILLIAM HARVEY Classroom and campus. Dec'47:29 LEACH, WILLIAM H. THE MAKING OF THE MINISTER Book chat. Nov'38:33 LEACH, WILLIAM H. TOWARD A MORE EFFICIENT CHURCH Book chat. Sep'48:44 LEACHMAN, ("GRANDMA") (death) Apr'25:51 LEACOCK, BERTHA See BEAUCHAMP, BERTHA LEAD ON, O KING ETERNAL (HYMN) Lead on, O King Eternal. Jan'28:16 LEADERSHIP AND EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT FOR PHOENIX Youth and the world mission. Mar'68:32
p. 1652 Leadership - League of
LEADERSHIP TRAINING The new emphasis on training of leadership. Jul'20:20 Bible study. Jul'20:34 Feb'21:47 Leadership training and school of methods, Southern Christian Institute. Jun'21:43 The Church's R.O.T.C. Nov'27:8 Bargains in leadership training. Nov'28:16 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'29:42 Good but dumb. Nov'29:8 Leadership. Oct'32:4 An increasing and developing Discipleship. Nov'32:8 220,960 hours of training... Nov'32:45 His peculiar situation. Nov'33:18 Study classes in the local church. Dec'33:41 A new venture. Oct'35:9 Groundwork in leadership training. Nov'35:5 School for Town and Country church workers. May'36:44 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'40:39 Projects to help local churches. Sep'43:38 Enlisting and training new leaders. May'46:44 How leaders are made. Nov'47:10 Women and world highways. May'50:26 Preparing leaders for the total church life. Jan'61:17 Trained leaders for a growing church in India. Mar'64:18 Global highlights. Jan'65:7 The new breed of church leadership. May'65:23 A look at leadership. Jun'65:30 Disciples in the news. Nov'65:7 A look at church school leadership. Nov'65:14 Thank you! Mar'66:23 Ten do's for leaders. Dec'68:50 Some reflections concerning leadership. Jan'71:9 World events. Sep'73:40 LEAF, KATHRYN Transforming migrants into individuals (photo) Oct'48:29 LEAGUE AGAINST RELIGION COMPULSION (ISRAEL) Global highlights. Apr'64:4 LEAGUE FOR INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'26:45 LEAGUE FOR INTERRELIGIOUS GOOD WILL Glimpses of the religious world. Mar'29:45 LEAGUE OF EVANGELICAL WOMEN See LIGA NACIONAL DE MUJERES EVANGELICAS LEAGUE OF NATIONS America dares. Jul'19:3 The witness bearing of the church to the nations. Aug'19:8 The League and missions. Mar'29:20 Convention elections and resolutions. Oct'29:33 Listening in on the world. Mar'30:26 Dec'31:20 Apr'32:24 Nov'30:20 Mar'32:21 The President and the League. Feb'34:4 America, help us make peace. Feb'35:13 No Alsace-Lorraine wanted. Apr'35:32 Congradulating the League? Sep'35:4 Social trends. Oct'35:23 Nov'35:26 Dec'35:27 (cont. next page)
p. 1653 League of Nations - Learned, W
LEAGUE OF NATIONS (cont.) Democracy and the League. Feb'36:3 Who killed the League...? Jul'36:4 The right beginning. Jun'46:46 LEAGUE OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ...Disciples of Christ. Sep'38:14 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS In brief. Jul'69:39 LEAKE, (married to Ervin F. Leake) Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'39:34 Nov'39:34 News room. Mar'44:34 Leake, Ervin F., 1899-1957 The way of the burning heart. Feb'30:7 LEAKE, ERVIN F., 1899-1957 (photo) Apr'23:28 Mar'24:43 Leake, Gladys Devotional study for missionary societies. Jun'40:38 Leakey, Emily An optimist. Sep'34:1 LEAMON, (married to Ellsworth Leamon) (photo) Sep'46:27 LEAMON, DOROTHY Board of Education and work of our colleges. Mar'26:52 Leamon, Edras A Montana school "marm." Mar'29:37 LEAMON, EDRAS (photo) Mar'29:37 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'29:36 LEAMON, ELLSWORTH (photo) Sep'46:27 LEAMON, JUDY (photo) Sep'46:27 LEARD, G. EARL. THIS IS SOUTHERN ASIA Read about India! Dec'63:41 LEARNED, GRACE W. UTTER, 1896- (married to Willard Francis Learned) (photo) Oct'23:52 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'26:57 (photo) Oct'26:21 A mother of missionaries. Jan'27:51 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'29:51 LEARNED, ROBERT EUGENE (birth) Sep'28:47 LEARNED, SARAH JOSEPHINE, -1956 In memoriam. Apr'57:35 LEARNED, WILLARD F., -1926 (death) Station U.C.M.S. broadcasting. Aug'26:57 (death) Aug'26:63 (death) A very great sorrow. Dec'26:61 Learned, Willard Francis, 1897- (married to Grace W. Utter Learned) Annual conference of Congo mission. Jul'24:39 Will it mean much? Jun'27:8 I didn't know that. Apr'40:14 LEARNED, WILLARD FRANCIS, 1897- (photo) Aug'23:12 Oct'23:52 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'26:57 Nov'29:51 (photo) Nov'38:14 (cont. next page)
p. 1654 Learned, W - LeCoq
LEARNED, WILLARD FRANCIS (cont.) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'38:34 News room. Nov'42:34 Circulation corner. Dec'44:inside front cover Classroom and campus. Oct'53:30 Mar'63:34 LEATH, J M Classroom and campus. Jul'47:33 LEATH, MARTHA JEAN Echoes from everywhere. Nov'45:30 LEATHERWOOD, EDNA LESLIE, 1891?-1968 In memoriam. Sep'68:42 LEATHERWOOD, ELIZABETH SETTLE CALDWELL (marriage) Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'24:57 LEATHERWOOD, ERNEST COLVIN (marriage) Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'24:57 LEAVITT, (MRS. J. S.) Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'39:30 News room. Oct'40:34 LEAVITT, LINDEN G., 1895-1968 College notes and news. Dec'40:30 In memoriam. Sep'68:42 LEAVITT, ROSAMOND H Global highlights. Mar'51:2 LEBANON The world team. Feb'25:7 Women and world highways. Feb'55:33 Global highlights. Mar'59:8 Jun'59:6 Our visit in Ouadi Shahour. Jul'66:28 LEBANON, INDIANA. CENTRAL CHRITIAN CHURCH Giving the people a chance to give. Apr'19:2 Church School of Missions at Lebanon, Indiana. May'19:39 With the churches that are giving heroically. Nov'20:4 Golden Jubilee notes. Nov'23:49 LEBANON, KANSAS. OAK CREEK CHRISTIAN CHURCH Where the leaven works. Apr'25:42 LEBANON, KENTUCKY. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. Oct'48:48 LEBANON, OREGON. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of parsonage) Jun'42:1 The church and the preacher's home (photo of parsonage) Jul'42:23 Indiana, Oregon churches enter EHP. Apr'58:48 LEBARIEN, WARREN, -1931 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'31:44 LeBEAU, BERTHE H (photo) Apr'43:33 LEBER, CHARLES TUDOR, 1898- It happened in Cleveland (photo) Feb'51:7 LEBER, CHARLES TUDOR. THE UNCONQUERABLES Book chat. May'43:25 LEBER, CHARLES TUDOR. WORLD FAITH IN ACTION Book chat. Jun'51:22 LECKY, ROBERT S. CAN THESE BONES LIVE? New books. Jul'70:28 LeCOQ, JOHN P., 1883- (photo) Jan'21:6
p. 1655 Ledbetter - Lee, C
LEDBETTER, CARL SCOTIUS, 1910- Echoes from everywhere. Dec'52:34 LEDDINGHAM, BELLE C C Fall news from our colleges. Nov'31:40 Ledger, Joan Books: churches for new times. Jun'61:44 LEDGER, JOAN News room. Dec'60:34 quoted. Disciple voices from New Delhi. Feb'62:24 News room. Jul'62:36 LEDGERWOOD, LOIS Here and there... Mar'48:48 LEDIARD, GRACE M., -1958 (married to James Lediard) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'38:34 (photo) Jul'41:2 News room. Nov'53:47 (death) News room. Jun'58:34 LEDIARD, HERBERT (death) News room. May'43:34 LEDIARD, MARY FRANCES See DOAN, MARY FRANCES LEDIARD Ledig, Elizabeth L Return (poem) Dec'33:40 LEE, (married to Allen Wren Lee) (photo) Dec'73:44 LEE, (married to Edgar D. Lee) (photo) Jan'21:11 Diamong Jubilee at Christian College. Sep'26:60 LEE, (married to Lee Hou-Fu) (photo) Jan'28:17 Three deep bows to Lee Hou-Fu (photo) Jul'36:28 LEE, (married to J. Wesley Lee) In memoriam. Jun'45:33 LEE, (married to James E. Lee) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'28:42 Lee, (married to Ulysses Lee) Letters. Feb'70:34 LEE, ALEXANDER News notes from Chuchow. Oct'19:52 Programs for young people. Mar'33:37 Lee, Allan Wren, 1924- The man form I.C.Y.E. Nov'66:32 Heifers, pigs and Pablo. Jul'68:41 Ecumenical adventure in Fiji. May'71:40 World Convention plans for the summer of '74. Jan'73:19 LEE, ALLAN WREN, 1924- (photo) Nov'66:32 World events. Sep'71:39 The scene. Nov'71:44 (photo) Jan'73:20 World events. Feb'73:38 LEE, ALMIRA (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'31:44 LEE, BERTHA, -1961 In memoriam. Jun'61:39 LEE, CARLTON L Global highlights (photo) Nov'53:2 (photo) Feb'55:19
p. 1656 Lee, C - Lee, E
Lee, Charles Otis Statement about Flanner House. Sep'19:64 Prohibition among the negroes. Feb'21:30 The Flanner House. May'21:11 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'23:59 Where washing is a science. Jul'24:36 The first Interracial Conference. May'25:14 The church and the new society. Jan'35:12 LEE, CHARLES OTIS Notes. Mar'19:61 (photo) Mar'24:54 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'24:47 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'25:44 Esther Haggard Lee. Jul'28:31 LEE CHO-WU quoted. Christianity's future in China. Mar'39:20 Catching up on China news. Apr'40:47 A shining scroll of Christian nationals (photo) Dec'42:16 (photo) Jun'45:20 quoted. Work continues under difficulties. Oct'45:38 LEE, DUFAE W Classroom and campus. Apr'46:30 Lee, Edgar Desmond, 1880- In retrospect and prospect. Jan'27:25 In what distinctive way is your college fostering the Christian way... Jan'33:9 LEE, EDGAR DESMOND, 1880- Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'24:52 Dec'25:42 Jan'27:53 Jul'25:50 Aug'26:55 Feb'27:59 College head for 19 years has retired. Oct'20:64 (photo) Jan'21:11 May'23:32 Jan'25:32 quoted. Go-to-College Day--why observe it? Sep'25:29 Diamond Jubilee at Christian College. Sep'26:60 (photo) Jan'27:25 Annual meeting of the Board of Education (photo) Jun'27:32 (photo) Jun'30:32 Sep'30:18 (photo no. 4) Jan'31:25,24 LEE, EDWIN F The threshold. Jul'44:2 Lee, Elizabeth Meredith Jorgelina's cornerstone. Oct'51:28 LEE, ELIZABETH MEREDITH. HE WEARS ORCHIDS Books for your reading on Latin America. Jan'52:40 LEE, ESTHER MARGARET HAGGARD, -1928 (photo) Jun'21:6 College of Missions commencement, 1921 (photo) Aug'21:inside covers quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:28 College of Missions notes. Aug'21:53 (photo) Nov'21:57 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'24:47 (death) Esther Haggard Lee. Jul'28:31 LEE, ESTHER MARGARET HAGGARD. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD Book chat. Nov'57:38 Lee, Eugene Not just tomorrow. Jul'63:33 LEE, EUGENE (photo) Jul'63:33
p. 1657 Lee, F - Lee, O
LEE, F N (photo) Jun'51:18 Lee, Florence Business girls' circle. Jun'27:44 LEE, FRANK In brief (photo) Jul'71:43 LEE, FRED (photo) Jan'26:31 LEE, FREDERICK E Jan'19:54 LEE, GEORGE C Classroom and campus. Mar'46:30 LEE GWAY GWANG Lee Gway Gwang (photo) Aug'22:36 (photo) Mar'23:41 Echoes from everywhere. May'23:60 Dec'23:50 Hard at work en route. Jul'24:38 A full evangelistic program in Batang. Nov'24:38 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'24:58 (photo) Feb'25:17 Echoes from everywhere. May'25:50 Oct'30:39 News room. Sep'40:34 LEE GWAY YUIN (photo) Feb'25:17 A story from life (photo) Dec'28:10 Lee Hou-Fu And yet we're happy! Jan'28:17 LEE HOU-FU (photo) Jan'28:17 We delight to honor. Dec'32:suppl:2 Three deep bows to Lee Hou-Fu (photo) Jul'36:28 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'36:32 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'37:31 Lee, J Oscar The churches and human rights. Jul'52:13 LEE, J OSCAR (photo) Jul'52:13 Global highlights. Mar'57:5 Racial tension--a world-wide problem. Jul'57:40 LEE, JIM Youth and missions. Apr'53:37 Lee, John K See Li Kwan-kwoh LEE, KAY Youth and missions (photo) Jan'53:35 LEE KWAN-KWOH Echoes from everywhere. Jan'42:43 LEE KWAN-MING Echoes from everywhere. Jan'42:43 LEE, L E (photo) Mar'24:23 LEE, MARY HARNED, -1957 In memoriam. Jul'57:42 LEE, MOLLIE Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:49 LEE, NANNIE HIGHLAND, -1960 In memoriam. Apr'60:37 LEE, ORA In memoriam. Feb'34:39
p. 1658 Lee, O - Leen, T
LEE, OTTO D quoted. Crusade progress. Oct'50:26 LEE, PAUL R (photo) Mar'39:32 LEE, ROBERT. RELIGION AND LEISURE IN AMERICA New books. Sep'64:42 LEE, ROBERT. THE SOCIAL SOURCES OF CHURCH UNITY Book chat. Sep'60:22 LEE, ROBERT E. PO0PCORN AND PARABLE New books explore wide range of issues. Dec'71:44 LEE SHUI-DJI Echoes from everywhere. Sep'36:39 LEE, TRAVIS In brief (photo) Mar'71:40 LEE, UMPHREY. THE HISTORIC CHURCH AND MODERN PACIFISM Book chat. Jul'43:16 LEE, UMPHREY. JOHN WESLEY AND MODERN RELIGIONS Book chat. Nov'36:16 LEE, UMPHREY, RENDER UNTO THE PEOPLE Book chat. Nov'47:42 LEE, WILLIAM Birg brothers to rural churches. Jun'38:34 LEE, WYATT Disciples study Spanish in Costa Rica (photo) Nov'52:24 Lee, Y C Our joy and crown. Mar'23:39 LEE, Y C (photo) Mar'23:39 Apr'23:13 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'24:47 Adventuring for God in Tibet. Feb'25:17 Lee Yao-Tung Echoes from everywhere. Jun'29:49 LEE YAO-TUNG, -1940 quoted. A sheaf of prayers. Apr'33:31 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'35:40 (death) News room. Apr'41:34 LEECE, GIFFORD V Classroom and campus. Mar'64:34 Jun'68:34 LEECH, MARGARET. REVEILLE IN WASHINGTON, 1860-1865 Book chat. Nov'41:23 LEEN, CONNIE See SLY, CONNIE LEEN LEEN, DOROTHY See DUGAN, DOROTHY LEEN Leen, Fanny, 1907?-1989 (married to Theodore R. Leen) Women and world highways. Sep'51:31 LEEN, FANNY, 1907?-1989 News room (photo) May'51:38 News room. Oct'54:38 Leen, Theodore R., 1908- (married to Fanny Leen) A Disciples chaplain speaks. Feb'43:16 "Thy Kindom come." Feb'51:20 LEEN, THEODORE R., 1908- (photo) Feb'44:35 Global highlights (photo) Jul'50:2 (photo) Feb'51:21 (cont. next page)
p. 1659 Leen, T - Legge
LEEN, THEODORE R. (cont.) Global highlights (photo) Sep'51:3 News room. Oct'52:45 Evangelism, our "main business." (photo) Feb'53:7 News room. Dec'53:30 Oct'54:38 LEEPER, JOHN R Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'65:37 LEES, HARRY W (photo) Nov'25:29 LEESON, MABEL In memorium. Feb'40:39 LEET, LaVERE OLAN, 1902-198? (married to Nola L. Leet) The threshold. Jan'40:2 LEET, S B (photo) Jun'25:44 LeFAVOR, MALVINA Memorium. May'36:39 LEFEVER, C. H. Global highlights (photo) Feb'59:6 LEFFERS, ROBERT, JR. Classroom and campus (photo) May'59:35 LEFTWICH, (married to Lacey Lee Leftwich) Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'26:42 (photo) Nov'47:13 LEFTWICH, LACEY LEE, 1897-1984 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'26:42 Annual meeting of the Board of Education (photo) Jun'27:32 quoted. The Indianapolis Convention is coming. Oct'32:6 (photo) Mar'39:32 College notes. Nov'39:32 Classroom and campus. Oct'42:32 Nov'44:24 (photo) May'64:36 LeGallienne, Richard Illusions of war (poem) Jul'26:6 War (poem) Jul'35:48 LEGER, PAUL EMILE Global highlights (photo) Oct'63:6 LEGG, (married to Howard Legg) -1954 In memoriam. Jun'54:37 LEGG, BETTY See LEGG, ELIZABETH E. CULP Legg, Della G See Hurd, Della G. Legg Legg, Donald O., 1916- (married to Betty Legg) Youth will ask about religion. May'53:14 LEGG, DONALD O., 1916- (photo) Mar'39:32 (ordination) College activites. Jun'39:31 News room. Oct'51:43 Sep'56:30 Hawaii--crossroads of the Pacific. Oct'58:28 News room. Feb'61:34 World Calling... Jan'64:10 Disciples in the news (photo) Jun'68:8 LEGG, ELIZABETH E. CULP, "BETTY" 1917-1990 (married to Donald O. Legg) Women and world highways (photo) Jul'59:35 LEGGE, MARY PLEASANT, -1954 In memoriam. Jan'55:37
p. 1660 Leggett - Lehman, J
LEGGETT, (married to Frank Leggett) Global highlights (photo) Apr'58:7 LEGGETT, FLOYD A., 1910-1987 Classroom and campus. Feb'57:31 LEGGETT, FRANK Global highlights (photo) Apr'58:7 LEGGETT, JAMES LLEWELLYN, 1886- Our colleges look toward commencement season. Jun'31:33 LEGGETT, JOHN F., 1881-1936 (photo) Jul'22:46 LEGION OF DECENCY The threshold. Jul'34:2 LeGRAND, JOHN H., 1886- Echoes from everywhere. Dec'20:62 John H. LeGrand (photo) Dec'23:38 LeGRAND, RAYMOND Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'53:31 LEHIGH ACRES, FLORIDA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, October-December, 1964. May'65:45 LEHMAN, (MRS. R. G.) In memoriam. Jul'30:41 LEHMAN, BETTY (photo) May'39:17 LEHMAN, ETHEL LEEPER A martyr of Christian education. May'23:18 Colleges hard at work. Dec'35:32 Lehman, Ethie Burlingame, 1866-1953 (married to Joel Baer Lehman) Tell 'em we're rising. May'24:18 Easter and self-denial in home missions. May'32:43 A missionary story with consequences reaching two ways. Dec'32:46 LEHMAN, ETHIE BURLINGAME, 1866-1953 The race problem solved! (photo) May'22:2 An adventure for God (photo) Aug'26:54 (photo) Oct'27:14 Apr'28:36 Apr'29:20 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'33:44 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lehman honored (photo) Dec'40:28 The dedication of Lehman Hall (photo) Nov'41:33 A tribute to former President Lehman (photo) Feb'43:28 (death) News room. Jun'53:42 LEHMAN, H. T. HERALDS OF THE GOSPEL Book chat. Sep'53:41 LEHMAN, HARRY Global highlights (photo) Dec'65:6 LEHMAN, IRVIN L (photo) Dec'24:34 Lehman, James Letters. Jan'72:4 Lehman, Joel Baer, 1866-1942 (married to Ethel Burlingame Lehman) Notes from the negro work. Feb'19:44 Clayton Chaney Smith. Mar'19:28 As the field workers see the fields. Nov'19:31 Leadership training and school of methods, Southern Christian Institute. Jun'21:43 A man who achieved. Aug'22:22 The work among the negroes in light of the future. Mar'23:50 Golden Jubilee notes. Oct'23:50 Looking over half a century. Sep'25:6 (cont. next page)
p. 1661 Lehman, J - Lehman, L
Lehman, Joel Baer (cont.) Speaking of books. Feb'27:42 Missionary giving in the church at Southern Christian Institute. Apr'27:54 Building to serve. Jan'28:38 Has our negro work paid? Apr'28:36 At last--a model church! Apr'29:20 What one school has given the world. Jan'30:23 A missionary story with consequences reaching two ways. Dec'32:46 Must we also move out of God's way? May'34:21 Patrick Henry Moss. Mar'35:27 LEHMAN, JOEL BAER, 1866-1942 quoted. Old letters of rare value. Aug'21:41 The race problem solved (photo) May'22:2 Holding the fort. Jul'23:47 quoted. The Golden Jubilee. Dec'23:9 (photos) Mar'24:20,34 Sep'26:6 quoted. The Commission on the Ministry meets. Jun'26:17 An adventure for God (photo) Aug'26:54 (photo) Oct'27:14 Apr'28:36 Our reading (photo) Aug'28:41 (photo) Apr'29:20 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'30:56 Clearing the way for the advance of a race. May'31:8 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'32:41 (photo) Jul'32:20 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'33:44 Through the years. Sep'33:38 Last minute notes. Apr'35:47 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'35:40 Apr'36:40 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lehman honored (photo) Dec'40:28 The dedication of Lehman Hall (photo) Nov'41:33 A tribute to former President Lehman (photo) Feb'43:28 (death) News room. Feb'43:34 Great teachers in my life. Jan'48:11 (photo p. 9) (photo) Nov'49:30 quoted. Pioneer voices # 2 (photo) Apr'63:23 Will black colleges survive--and serve? Sep'73:14 LEHMAN, KARLE ROSS (photo) Jul'23:8 LEHMAN, LELA NETZ, -1962 (death) News room. Jul'62:36 Lehman, Lois Alberta, 1897-1977 Learning to be neighborly. Sep'24:56 Grape juice only. Dec'25:61 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'27:49 LEHMAN, LOIS ALBERTA, 1897-1977 (photo) Aug'21:27 Jul'22:2 College of Missions commencement (photo) Jul'22:7 Changing posts in Japan. Mar'24:52 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'25:53 Apr'28:39 Lehman, Louis Oliver, 1877-1923 Capturing young life for the Kingdom. Apr'23:10 What is at stake in the Endowment Campaign? May'23:inside front cover
p. 1662 Lehman, L - Leiper, H
LEHMAN, LOUIS OLIVER, 1877-1923 (photo) Jan'21:14 The National Board of Education notes. Jun'22:45 Work of our colleges. Mar'23:51 May'23:52 Death of President Lehman of Eureka. Apr'23:55 (photo) May'23:inside front cover A martyr of Christian education. May'23:18 LEHMAN, PAUL. FORGIVENESS Book chat. Feb'41:25 LEHMAN, PAUL BURTON (photo) Jul'23:8 Lehmer, Eunice Mitchell Armistice (poem) Nov'35:2 LEHR, (MRS. JOSEPH) (death) Jul'24:53 LEICESTER, ENGLAND What's doing in England. Feb'28:29 Social trends abroad. Jun'49:20 LEIFFER, MURRAY H. CITY AND CHURCH IN TRANSITION Books about the city. Jul'38:32 LEIFFER, MURRAY H. IN THAT CASE Book chat. Mar'39:22 LEIGHTON, R quoted. The last page. Mar'43:48 LEINBACH, JOSEPH N Summer activities in our colleges. Sep'37:32 LEINBACH, PAUL S (death) The threshold. Feb'42:2 LEINS, JAMES F Classroom and campus. Mar'58:34 Leiper, Henry Smith, 1891- The state of the church. Feb'42:28 Jun'42:31 Nov'42:33 Mar'43:31 Mar'42:27 Jul'42:29 Dec'43:29 Apr'43:27 Apr'42:29 Sep'42:34 Jan'43:30 May'43:29 May'42:31 Oct'42:29 Feb'43:31 Norwegian clergy fight new youth order. May'42:46 Refugee pastors. Oct'42:27 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'42:39 Jun'43:29 Sep'43:35 Student relief activities. Oct'43:38 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'43:31 Jan'44:33 I was in prison and ye came unto me! Jan'44:36 Evangelism theme of free China campaigns. Jan'44:38 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'44:32 For a time as this. Mar'44:13 The outlook for Christianity in India. Apr'47:10 LEIPER, HENRY SMITH, 1891- quoted. What they said at Kansas City. Nov'36:26 (photo) Oct'37:4 These come to Denver (photo) Sep'38:9 Women and world highways. Sep'38:35 quoted. They said at Denver. Nov'38:12 (photo) Feb'42:28 May'42:31 Sep'42:34 Feb'43:31 Mar'42:27 Jun'42:31 Dec'42:29 Apr'43:27 Apr'42:29 Jul'42:29 Jan'43:30 May'43:29 (cont. next page)
p. 1663 Leiper, H - LeMay
LEIPER, HENRY SMITH (cont.) quoted. The threshold. Jun'43:2 quoted. News room. Dec'43:32 quoted. The threshold. Mar'44:2 (photo) Mar'44:13 quoted. The threshold. Dec'44:2 The threshold. Jun'45:2 (photo) Jul'45:2 Christian unity and Christian education. Jan'46:5 Immediate aid needed for India (photo) Oct'46:20 Study Conferences for Amsterday Assembly (photo) Jun'48:31 The Dutch church spoke. Feb'49:6 Crusade progress (photo) Mar'49:26 Global highlights. Apr'49:3 Global highlights (photo) Jul'49:2 Why Europeans don't like us. Feb'52:40 Global highlights (photo) Jul'52:2 He shared his dream. Jul'52:6 Global highlights. Jan'53:3 LEIPER, HENRY SMITH. BLIND SPOTS What, where, when and how. Oct'29:52 Book chat. Nov'44:21 LEIPER, HENRY SMITH. CHRIST'S WAY Book chat. Mar'37:45 LEISURE An adventure in play. Feb'27:23 Social trends. Apr'47:15 Ahead of the headlines. Sep'66:4 Leisure, where the action is. May'67:11 Welcome to the age of leisure. May'70:6 World Calling... Apr'71:60 LEITCH, ADDISON H. A READER'S INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW TESTAMENT New books. Nov'71:29 LEITCH, ADELAIDE. MAINSTREAM World outreach book reviews. Dec'66:40 LEITCH, ANDREW L Classroom and campus. May'44:24 Beneath the spire (photo) Nov'54:4 Classroom and campus. Dec'56:32 Apr'57:30 LEKHELA, (MRS E. P.) Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'68:35 LEKHELA, E. P. Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'68:35 LELAND, JOHN Global highlights (photo of monument) Dec'53:2 LELAND, ROBERT K. In brief. Jun'73:39 LeMaster, Bernice J., 1901-1965 Read to understand today's world mission. Jan'56:40 Southeast Asia comes alive in books. Jan'57:34 For your town and country bookshelf. Jun'59:41 LeMASTER, BERNICE J., 1901-1965 News room. Mar'47:45 (death) Global highlights. Jun'65:7 In memoriam. Jun'65:49 LeMASTER, MARY, -1955 (death) News room. Mar'55:37 LeMAY, G. H. BLACK AND WHITE IN SOUTH AFRICA New books for the church library. Feb'72:46
p. 1664 Lemke - Lemmon, Clarence
LEMKE, ANDREW What one church is doing. Sep'24:44 LEMKE, FRANCIS UNDERWOOD What one church is doing. Sep'24:44 LEMMEX, CHARLES (photo) May'37:34 LEMMON, (MRS. J. D.) (photo) Sep'22:35 In memoriam. Nov'27:59 LEMMON, ALLEAN See HALE, ALLEAN LEMMON Lemmon, Clarence Eugene, 1888-1963 (married to Constance Lurena Harlan Lemmon) Book chat. (Appeared in every issue from Oct'33 - Jun'63 with the exception of May'43. Consult the table of contents in each issue for the page number) The best thing I know about church extension. Sep'20;25 An experiment in practical Christian unity. Feb'21:39 Frozen credits and thawing churches. Aug'21:14 Our obligation to the teachers and the taught. Nov'21:24 An educational foundation in the local church. Nov'22:31 The tribute of his pastor. Jun'23:6 Robert H. Stockton. Nov'23:26 Why Peter succeeded and Paul failed. Feb'24:14 Charles Elliott Cobbey--a tribute. Nov'25:35 The autobiography of a shock. May'27:5 The case for benevolence. Dec'31:5 Politics... Aug'32:15 A chat about books by Disciples. Feb'33:11 Book chat. Mar'33:15 Apr'33:12 America faces the future. May'33:10 Twentieth Century saints. Jun'33:11 What young preachers read. Jul'33:20 Men of books. Sep'33:11 Disciples books of 1934. Jan'35:11 Our new editor. Apr'35:13 Books for today. Sep'35:46 Beyond statistics. May'37:18 Christian's new president. Mar'38:6 Book reviews. Jan'39:52 The long road to Utopia. Nov'43:19 Reorganizing our ideals. Oct'44:5 The hour cometh. Nov'44:13 What the local church expectes of the college. Jan'46:12 The Hoover Lectures. Jan'47:19 Appraisals of foreign missions. May'47:22 Great teachers in my life. Jan'48:8 Our responsibility is to act. Jun'57:28 Around the world in forty years. Jan'59:11 Does patriotism need religion? Jul'59:21 Will our nation bypass the church? Dec'61:18 LEMMON, CLARENCE EUGENE, 1888-1963 (photo) Sep'20:25 Mar'24:51 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'24:50 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'25:34 (photo) Jan'27:12 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'27:43 (cont. next page)
p. 1665 Lemmon, Clarence - Lemmon, Constance
LEMMON, CLARENCE EUGENE (cont.) quoted. Here's the answer. Feb'29:2 Trustees and servants of the Pension Fund. Oct'29:28 (photo) Jun'30:32 quoted. The first page. Aug'32:2 quoted. The Indianapolis Convention is coming. Oct'32:7 (photo) Nov'32:16 Mid-winter season in our colleges. Jan'33:32 The threshold. Jan'34:2 Personalities. Jun'35:12 (photo) Sep'36:24 Oct'37:20 Sep'38:16 Jun'39:22 Oct'36:24 Nov'37:20 Oct'38:24 Jul'39:26 Jan'37:18 Dec'37:28 Nov'38:26 Sep'39:22 Feb'37:24 Jan'38:14 Dec'38:22 Oct'39:22 Mar'37:2,34 Feb'38:24,33 Jan'39:36 Nov'39:20 Apr'37:20 Mar'38:22 Feb'39:15 Dec'39:22 May'37:9 Apr'38:24 Mar'39:22 Sep'40:9 Jun'37:2 May'38:22 Apr'39:25 Apr'42:24 Jul'37:26 Jul'38:22 May'39:24 Sep'42:14 Sep'37:22 The threshold (photo) Sep'42:2 (photo) Jan'43:7 The threshold. Mar'43:2 (photo) Jun'43:5 Day by day story of the Drake Conference (photo) Mar'44:21 (photo) Nov'44:13 Chautauqua 1945 season. Jul'45:38 (photo) Jan'46:12 News room. Jul'50:42 Feb'51:38 Classroom and campus. Apr'51:30 News room. Jan'53:33 Global highlights (photo) Jun'23:3 (photo) Jan'59:11 Jul'59:front cover The cover. Jul'59:inside front cover A new church for Columbia. Jul'59:11 Heritage and destiny at Kansas City. Sep'61:25 (photo p. 26) News room. Oct'62:34 Tribute to two Christians. Sep'63:10 About "book chat." Sep'63:16 (death) News room. Dec'63:40 New books. Sep'64:22 A giant of his generation (photos) May'66:27 (photo) Jan'69:20 LEMMON, CLARENCE E. PREACHING ON NEW TESTAMENT THEMES News books. Mar'65:44 LEMMON, CLARENCE E. PREACHING ON OLD TESTAMENT THEMES Books of interest. Jul'63:43 News books. Mar'65:44 LEMMON, CLARENCE E. RELIGION HELPS Jun'42:4 LEMMON, CONSTANCE LURENA HARLAN, 1887-1972 (married to Clarence E. Lemmon) (photo) Oct'22:7 Jan'27:12 Dec'37:5 The threshold (photo) Sep'42:2 (photo) Nov'42:34 Global highlights (photo) Jul'55:3 In memoriam. Nov'72:46
p. 1666 Lemmon, D - Lemmon, M
LEMMON, DAISY HOLMES, 1875-1969 (married to Waldo Nathaniel Lemmon) Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:44 (death of son) Sep'23:54 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'25:54 News room. Mar'44:34 LEMMON, GRACE NAVIN (married to John Cameron Lemmon) (marriage) News room. Apr'46:32 LEMMON, HALLIE See LEMON, HALLIE LEMMON, HAZEL SCOTT BAXTER, -1969 (married to Neil H. Baxter) (married to Robert Lemmon) (photo) Oct'21:47 College of Mission Commencement (photo) Jul'22:7 Sailing this summer (photo) Jul'23:34 (marriage) News room. Jul'61:36 In memoriam. Jan'70:43 LEMMON, J D (death) Oct'37:47 LEMMON, JOHN CAMERON, 1923- (married to Grace Navin Lemmon) (birth) Feb'24:63 In the barefoot republic (photo) Apr'26:55 (photo) Jun'31:40 Latin American missionary children (photo) Jun'38:6 (marriage) News room. Apr'46:32 LEMMON, JOHN DANIEL, 1860-1946 (death) News room. Oct'46:38 LEMMON, MARIA LUSIA ARNEJO (married to Robert B. Lemmon) (marriage) In brief. Jan'72:39 LEMMON, MARTHA ELLEN (birth) Jun'26:64 (photo) Jun'31:40 Latin American missionary children (photo) Jun'38:6 LEMMON, MARY (photo) Nov'37:17 LEMMON, MARY E (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'27:56 Lemmon, Mary Hilton, 1890-1959 (married to Robert B. Lemmon) Echoes from everywhere. Jun'42:39 LEMMON, MARY HILTON, 1890-1959 Notes. Feb'19:49 (photo) Aug'19:37 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:53 May'21:64 They sleep--and call. Mar'22:6 (photo) Aug'21:31 Apr'26:49 Jun'28:44 quoted. A challenge and a promise. Dec'30:33 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'38:30 Jun'38:42 Jun'39:34 May'38:34 Nov'38:34 Missionary register. Sep'41:47 Youth volunteers (photo) May'42:25 News room. Sep'44:28 Mar'46:38 Jun'46:34 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'49:36 News room. Mar'51:47 Twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Jan'56:46 Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'57:31 (cont. next page)
p. 1667 Lemmon, M - Lemmon, R
LEMMON, MARY HILTON (cont.) They lived out their dreams (photo) Oct'57:28 (death) News room. Oct'59:34 Lemmon, Robert Bruce, 1891- 1985 (married to Mary Hilton Lemmon, 1915) (married to Hazel Scott Baxter Lemmon, 1961) (married to Maria Lusia Arnejo Lemmon, 1971) Boundless opportunities. Sep'19:43 Christmas in the summertime. Apr'24:58 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'29:60 The church service in Asuncion. Oct'36:44 Open doors to friendship. Mar'39:18 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'40:39 May'42:39 Jun'42:39 Controversy and unrest in Paraguay. Dec'46:20 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'49:36 Jun'50:38,47 Jul'52:47 Priest is Disciple. Oct'55:42 Colegio Internacional. Jun'56:47 LEMMON, ROBERT BRUCE, 1891-1985 Notes. Feb'19:49 (photo) Aug'19:37 Notes. Nov'19:63 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:53 (photo) Aug'21:31 They sleep--and call. Mar'22:6 (photo) Jun'23:21 Oct'23:27 Apr'26:49 In the barefoot republic (photo) Apr'26:55 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'27:56 (photo) Jun'28:44 quoted. A challenge and a promise. Dec'30:33 (photo) Jun'31:31 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'32:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'38:30 Feb'39:34 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'40:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'40:32 Unusual experiences. Jul'40:43 News room. Mar'42:43 Sep'44:28 Jan'45:30 Mar'46:38 (photo) Apr'46:4 News room. Jun'46:34 Dec'50:32 Clinic brings new hope for Asuncion's lepers. Jan'52:26 Paraguayan mission after 33 years. Mar'52:8 Christians with aching backs (photos) Dec'55:22 News room. Jun'56:42 Twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Jan'56:46 Anniversary in Argentina (photo) Jul'56:29 They lived out their dreams (photo) Oct'57:28 Global highlights (photo) Jul'60:5 Return to Paraguay (photo) Jul'60:31 (marriage to Hazel Scott Baxter Lemmon) News room. Jul'61:36 (marriage to Maria Luisa Arnejo Lemmon)) In brief. Jan'72:39 LEMMON, ROBERT HILTON, 1921- (birth) Echoes from everywhere. May'21:64 (photo) Jun'31:40 Latin American missionary children (photo) Jun'38:6 LEMMON, ROBERT R Echoes from everywhere. May'21:64
p. 1668 Lemmon, T - Lemon, H
LEMMON, THERESA From the Philippines. Jul'28:47 Lemmon, Waldo Nathaniel, 1872-1944 (married to Daisy Holmes Lemmon) Medical missions among Filipino children. Jun'20:31 LEMMON, WALDO NATHANIEL, 1872-1944 Notes. Mar'19:61 Apr'19:63,65 (photo) Dec'19:46 The high noon of missionary opportunity. Mar'20:37 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:44 (death of son) Sep'23:54 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'25:54 (death) News room. Mar'44:34 LEMMON, WALDO NATHANIEL, 1920-1923 (death) Sep'23:54 Lemmons, Kenneth E Letting their light shine. Oct'25:47 LEMON, (MRS. V. E.) Women and world highways (photo) Apr'55:33 Lemon, Adelle Ringstrom World-wide Christian students. Feb'47:15 LEMON, ADELLE RINGSTROM Global highlights (photo) Apr'64:4 Youth will not wait. Nov'46:11 Scholarship winners (photo) Nov'46:31 Classroom and campus. Dec'46:30 News room. Dec'46:38 Jan'47:44 (photo) Feb'47:15 Classroom and campus. Feb'47:30 News room. Apr'47:41 LEMON, CARROLL H (married to Myrtle McWaters Lemon) News room. Dec'46:38 Sep'48:41 Presenting... Apr'65:8 LEMON, EVA (married to Red Lemon) The scene. Apr'69:44 Lemon, Hallie, 1888-1966 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'22:54 Our needs in Mexico. Dec'23:28 While at home they're making merry... Dec'24:11 Three boys. Dec'26:43 Rejoicing in Aguascalientes. Oct'27:38 My trip to Jerez. Jan'29:44 Among the Apaches. Mar'36:27 Echoes from everywhere. May'44:33 Kindergarten closes. Apr'46:29 February activities. May'46:41 January is conference time for Paraguayans. May'52:42 The letter that Leopoldo wrote. Sep'53:44 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'53:34 Active at eighty. Sep'54:48 Teachers go to school. Nov'54:42 Reflections on Latin America. May'56:44 Pablo Cotto--pioneer pastor. Dec'58:31 LEMON, HALLIE, 1888-1966 Notes. Jun'19:62 Feb'20:56 May'20:59 From Aguascalienties into the Mexican hills. Jul'23:64 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'25:45 Dec'25:44 Program helps (photo) Feb'26:49 (cont. next page)
p. 1669 Lemon, H - Lenoir
LEMON, HALLIE (cont.) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'30:52 Aug'30:33 (photo) May'31:28 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'32:33 Oct'35:33 Apr'36:40 Oct'36:34 Echoes from everywhere. May'38:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'39:33 Nov'39:34 News room. Feb'44:34 quoted. New work in the Chaco. Dec'46:29 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'47:37 Institute for Rural Women. Jul'54:50 They have lived and served. Sep'56:26 (photo p. 25) News room. Oct'64:34 (death) Disciples in the news. Mar'66:7 In memoriam. Mar'66:42 LEMON, RED (married to Eva Lemon) The scene. Apr'69:44 Lemon, Robert Clayton, 1883-1949 My house shall be called a house of prayer. Aug'28:10 Lemon, Robert Layman, 1925- Prayer for the college faculty. Jan'59:34 Letters. Apr'66:41 LEMON, ROBERT LAYMAN, 1925- Six churches enrolled in Every Home Plan (photo) Mar'60:44 Classroom and campus. May'61:30 quoted. Voices of judgment and hope. Jan'66:19 LEMOYNE COLLEGE (MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE) Programs for young people. Nov'39:37 LeNart, Marie Give us great dreams (poem) Dec'33:10 LENINGRAD, RUSSIA (photo) Dec'26:23 A light in Leningrad. Feb'64:21 Lennen, Elinor Speaking of books. Sep'25:50 Missionary illustrations... Nov'25:51 Speaking of books. Jan'26:53 More flowers for the living. Oct'27:1 Ananias in soliloquy (poem) Jul'30:inside front cover Closed mind (poem) Mar'33:48 Friendship (poem) Dec'33:48 The first Christmas tree (poem) Dec'36:48 Books about rim of East Asia. Jan'63:40 Great-heart is gone! (poem) Sep'66:49 LENOIR MEMORIAL HOME Afterglow in Missouri (photo) Dec'48:7 ...limits residence to full-time Christian workers. Jul'51:40 N.B.A. reports changes in Home Superintendents. Oct'52:40 seventy (photos) Dec'52:9 NBA guests find joy at Christmas. Dec'58:20 NBA builds but many still wait (photo) Dec'59:22 News room. Jun'62:32 Apr'63:32 Feb'64:34 Sep'64:39 Oct'62:34 Jun'63:41 Mar'64:46 Nov'64:32 Nov'62:42 Sep'63:48 Apr'64:41 Jan'65:34 Jan'63:49 Nov'63:40 May'64:34 Feb'65:40 Feb'63:40 Jan'64:46 Jun'64:41 Apr'65:42 (cont. next page)
p. 1670 Lenoir Memorial Home - Lentz, R
LEONOIR MEMORIAL HOME (cont.) NBA homes. Jun'65:46 Jul'67:43 Apr'69:46 Apr'71:46 Jul'65:44 Oct'67:41 May'69:46 May'71:46 Sep'65:51 Nov'67:36 Sep'69:46 Jul'71:46 Dec'65:44 Dec'67:40 Nov'69:42 Sep'71:46 Jan'66:46 Jan'68:40 Dec'69:42 Nov'71:46 Feb'66:43 Mar'68:43 Jan'70:46 Dec'71:42 Apr'66:48 Apr'68:42 Feb'70:42 Jan'72:49 May'66:44 May'68:42 Mar'70:45 Feb'72:50 Jul'66:41 Jun'68:42 Apr'70:46 Mar'72:42 Oct'66:45 Jul'68:42 May'70:46 Apr'72:42 Nov'66:39 Oct'68:40 Oct'70:46 Jun'72:46 Dec'66:41 Dec'68:42 Nov'70:45 Jul'72:46 Jan'67:39 Jan'69:41 Dec'70:46 Sep'72:46 Feb'67:37 Mar'69:46 Feb'71:46 Nov'72:44 Mar'67:43 Church shows growing concern with nursing care. Dec'72:29 (drawing of nursing wing) NBA homes. Dec'72:44 Mar'73:44 Jun'73:45 Nov'73:42,47 Jan'73:45 Apr'73:44 Jul'73:43 Dec'73:46 Feb'73:43 May'73:47 Sep'73:42 LENOX, G MERRILL Global highlights. Jan'61:4 Lenroot, Katherine F Child labor: a wartime problem. Sep'43:14 Children in the present-day world. Jun'46:7 LENSKI, GERHARD. THE RELIGIOUS FACTOR Book chat. Sep'61:41 LENSKI, LOIS. COTTON IN MY SACK Home missions reading--1950. Jul'50:34 LENT, GENEIEVE BELLE (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'33:41 LENT The Easter season and evangelism. Mar'21:39 Book chat. Mar'41:23 Good for seven weeks. Feb'63:20 Lenten music list describes anthems. Feb'67:37 Commentary. Mar'72:12 LENTZ, BRAD Youth and missions (photo) Dec'56:39 LENTZ, C A They had a program... Feb'19:53 LENTZ, EDWARD, -1960 (death) News room. Jul'60:42 LENTZ, EDWARD M., 1872-1960 News room (photo) Oct'53:36 LENTZ, HUMPHREY (photo) Mar'46:12 LENTZ, JOHN (photo) Apr'51:11 Lentz, Richard E., 1900-1987 (married to Ruth Fillmore Lentz) The Chirstian on Main Street. Jul'30:9 A pioneering project. Nov'36:29 When road signs are down. May'41:9 How leaders are made. Nov'47:10 What should the Christian family teach? Nov'56:13 (cont. next page)
p. 1671 Lentz, Richard E.
Lentz, Richard E. (cont.) The family rates itself. Jan'57:20 National holidays can aid the family. Feb'57:18 When children learn of Jesus' death. Mar'57:12 Let's keep Easter Christian! Apr'57:21 Salute your partner! May'57:16 Independence for nations and youth. Jul'57:16 September opportunity. Sep'57:16 American dependence day. Nov'57:14 Forgotten people at Christmas. Dec'57:12 Witnessing in the home. Jan'58:20 Home and church prepare scientists. Feb'58:15 The family can help the new church member. Mar'58:18 What shall we wear on Easter? Apr'58:16 Churches look at the family. May'58:16 It's time for vacation! Jul'58:28 How much time for the church? Sep'58:21 Let's worry together. Oct'58:31 A marriage can last a lifetime. Dec'58:26 Steps in meeting marriage failure. Jan'59:28 Do parents really care? Feb'59:20 Easter--Holy Day or holiday? Mar'59:29 God's families. Apr'59;22 Summer can bring families together. May'59:16 Is the church really helping your family? Jun'59:24 Children have problems, too. Jul'59:28 Skeleton in the family's closet. Sep'59:22 Ministry to families. Oct'59:16 The church helps in sex educationa. Nov'59:24 Young people ask about marriage. Dec'59:18 Wil I become delinquent? Jan'60;28 Family planning--politics or morals? Feb'60:22 Easter is for families, too. Mar'60:18 Family week is special. Apr'60:24 Family life is changing. May'60:14 Marriage at mid-point. Jun'60:14 The church plans for older families. Oct'60:27 Preparing leaders for the total church life. Jan'61:17 The new breed of church leadership. May'65:23 Out of conflict--learning. Feb'66:19 Thank you! Mar'66:23 After defeat--what? May'66:21 As near as your telephone. Jun'66:21 Church work room. Jul'66:22 Center of learning. Sep'66:17 The telephone can be a lifeline. Oct'66:15 Encouragement for your church. Nov'66:20 Our elders. Jan'67:28 Program planning pitfalls. Apr'67:32 LENTZ, RICHARD E., 1900-1987 (photo) Jul'20:21 Flashlights on some important Brotherhood work. Nov'20:31 quoted. They said at St. Louis. Jun'41:18 News room. Dec'48:31 (photo) Oct'50:34 It happened in Cleveland (photo) Feb'51:9 News room (photo) Oct'52:38 Oct'53:36 Global highlights. Jan'56:3 (cont. next page)
p. 1672 Lentz, Richard - Leonard, M
LENTZ, RICHARD E. (cont.) Divided families need church aid. Jan'56:43 Global highlights. Apr'57:6 News room. Oct'60:40 (photo) Jan'61:17 News room. May'61:32 Disciples in the news (photo) Sep'66:7 quoted. As I see the future the Disciples should... (photo) Jul'67:18 In brief. Dec'70:39 In brief (photo) Jul'72:40 In brief. Oct'73:32 LENTZ, RICHARD E., CHRISTIAN GROWTH IN FAMILY LIFE Book chat. Sep'59:42 LENTZ, RICHARD E., MAKING THE ADULT CLASS VITAL Book chat. May'54:40 Lentz, Ruth Fillmore (married to Richard E. Lentz) An interdenominational educational project. May'38:35 Women and world highways. May'54:32 LENTZ, RUTH FILLMORE News room (photo) Dec'52:9 Oct'53:36 (photo) May'54:32 LENTZ, WALTER quoted. Adults want to learn (photo) Nov'60:11 Lenz, Frank B Facing big issues. Nov'26:59 Leo, Albert Resurrection. Jun'19:37 LEO, ALBERT (photo) Jun'19:37 LEON, IOWA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. Jan'52:48 Leonard, Adna Wright ...Report. Jul'43:36 LEONARD, ADNA WRIGHT The threshold. Jun'43:2 LEONARD, CATHERINE BERKEY (death) Nov'26:50 LEONARD, EDNA ANNETTE (photo) Jul'23:10 LEONARD, F W (photo) Mar'24:40 quoted. We also are ready. May'25:22 LEONARD, GEORGE B. EDUCATION AND ECSTASY Educator forecasts schools in 2001. Jun'71:33 LEONARD, GEORGE B. THE TRANSFORMATION New books. Jul'73:33 LEONARD, GEORGE F Classroom and campus. Apr'43:33 LEONARD, GEORGE T (photo) Dec'24:34 LEONARD, HANNAH (death) Sep'26:52 LEONARD, JAMES WARREN, 1886-1949 (photo) Oct'21:43 Mar'24:58 LEONARD, LETHA Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'28:38 LEONARD, MARY B (photo) Jul'23:7
p. 1673 Leonard, P - Lerrigo
LEONARD, PEARL Headquarters notes. Jul'21:39 LEONARD, WARREN CONRAD (photo) Jul'23:10 LEONARD THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE (JUBBULAPORE, INDIA) See JUBBULAPORE, INDIA. LEONARD THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE LEONES, JUAN Missionary illustrations... Jan'30:53 LEOPOLDVILLE, CONGO See KINSHASHA, CONGO LEPP, IGNACE. DEATH AND ITS MYSTERIES New books. Apr'69:28 LEPP, IGNACE. THE WAYS OF FRIENDSHIP New books. Feb'67:39 Leppert, Alice M As hand touches hand. May'73:31 LEPROSY At the Culion Leper Colony. Dec'22:17 Success in the treatment of Leprosy. Mar'24:42 Glimpses of the religious world. May'25:45 The story of three men. Oct'27:44 Missionary illustrations... Jul'29:41 Depression and the lepers of Paraguay. Jun'32:28 A Japanese leper colony. Apr'34:45 Programs for young people. May'36:37 The leper work in Paraguay. Jul'38:27 I love a Leper. Oct'38:14 Cooperation across barriers. Jun'40:11 The if's and when's of a leper colony. Jun'42:27 For adult missionary groups. May'48:34 Hungering lepers in Paraguay. Jun'48:40 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'48:36 Katsina Christmas. Dec'48:28 National Leprosy Mission Week. Oct'49:44 Thank you, friends in the North! Jan'51:42 Lepers receive loving care at Sapucay. Sep'51:46 Leprosy wook needs Christian doctors. Feb'52:45 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'52:47 Leprosy research sanatorium to be established in India. Oct'52:44 The life in my hands. Jun'54:26 Miracle in Thailand. May'61:28 Leprosy still challenges the Indian church. Jan'63:31 Global highlights. Feb'63:4 Leprosy is still a world problem. Jul'70:8 World events. Jun'71:37 Sep'71:39 ...from fear to hope. Oct'73:25 LEPVALTS, OLGA Youth and missions (photo) Nov'56:35 LERNER, MAX Classroom and campus. Jan'44:26 LERRIGO, MARION O. A BROTHER IS A STRANGER Book chat. Mar'47:21 LERRIGO, P H J The Congo General Conference. Mar'22:40 LERRIGO, P. H. J. OMWA? ARE YOU AWAKE? Book chat. Jun'37:42
p. 1674 Lescalleet - Leslie, Ruth
LESCALLEET, CLAYTON Classroom and campus (photo) Oct'58:33 LESHER, EVERETT B. STRENGTH IN OUR SICKNESS Devotional aids for the sick. Jun'47:48 LESLEY, D Disciples at Yale (photo) Jul'29:29 LESLIE, ARTHUR (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'36:31 (death) May'36:47 LESLIE, CHRISTINE SUZANNE From pew to pulpit (photo) Sep'61:13 LESLIE, DAVID ALEXNADER From pew to pulpit (photo) Sep'61:13 LESLIE, HERBERT, 1927- (married to Jayne Leslie) From pew to pulpit (photo) Sep'61:11 Tennessee, Florida churches enter EHP (photo) Sep'63:54 (photo) Apr'72:3 LESLIE, JAYNE (married to Herbert Leslie) From pew to pulpit (photo) Sep'61:12 Leslie, Kay A lot to learn about China. Jul'73:14 LESLIE, OLIVE Here and there with World Call. Jun'51:48 Leslie, Ruth Rebecca, 1897- Life more abundant. Dec'23:36 Christmas at the Mexican Christian Orphanage. Mar'24:40 Via donkey. Jul'25:20 Women ready for service in Mexico... Feb'27:44 A forward look. Feb'27:52 Esparanza and Angeles. Nov'30:46 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'31:40,41 Jan'32:39 A sad experience. Feb'32:34 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'32:38 Mar'32:38 May'32:39 Spirit of good will. Jun'32:42 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'32:38 House of the people. Oct'33:33 A small Pentecost. Feb'34:27 Work in rural Mexico. Mar'34:45 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'34:39 Oct'34:39 Christmas in mission lands. Dec'34:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'36:39 May'37:38 Sep'38:39 Mar'37:38 Nov'37:39 Oct'38:39 Mexican youth camps. Nov'38:45 The whole world. Jan'39:61 Brotherhood dinner in Mexico. Mar'39:44 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'39:44 Jul'39:39 Sep'39:39 Dec'39:37 Classes and more classes! Jun'40:33 Youth camps in Mexico. Jul'40:31 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'40:39 Sep'40:39 Interesting humanity. Feb'41:33 Aguascalientes events. Oct'41:42 Busy days at the social center. Jan'42:48 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'44:33 Jan'47:35 Home missions in Mexico. Feb'45:34 Harvest service. May'45:35 (cont. next page)
p. 1675 Leslie, Ruth
Leslie, Ruth (cont.) Convention in Mexico. May'45:36 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'45:33 First rural women's institute. Jul'45:36 Christian youth across the border. Sep'45:20 D.V.B.S. in rural Mexico. Oct'45:38 A missionary visits the capital. Nov'45:23 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'45:30 Christmas in Zacatecas. Dec'45:26 Signs of growth at Los Felix. Jan'46:32 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'46:36 Blessings and Thanksgiving. Mar'46:45 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'46:37 Progress--material and spiritual. Oct'47:41 A member of the household of God. Dec'47:42 A Mexican mother finds joy in painting. Jan'48:27 One hundred years of missionary service. Nov'48:43 Library, yuouth activities, classes at Morelos Social Center. Jan'49:46 No leaking roof for Christmas. Mar'49:45 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'50:38 Jun'50:38 Aguascalientes re-dedicates its church. Sep'52:27 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'53:35 Jan'54:34 Mexican Disciples baptize after a man-made miracle. Mar'54:32 A step forward. Feb'55:47 Ventures in unity. Oct'55:40 Ministers-to-be in Mexico. Jun'56:33 In Mexico--a good teacher and a true witness. Feb'59:30 Nine young Mexican leaders begin work. May'59:31 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'64:38 LESLIE, RUTH REBECCA, 1897- Appointed to serve (photo) Jun'23:34 (photo) Aug'23:12 Program helps (photo) Feb'26:49 Impressions of my first missionary conference. Nov'30:31 quoted. The first page. Mar'32:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'35:34 (photo) Sep'35:25 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'36:45 Oct'37;33 Nov'37:29 Apr'38:30 (photo) Jan'40:28 Dec'41:19 News room. Dec'41:34 San Luis Potosi workers (photo) Feb'42:45 News room. May'42:40 Oct'43:34 quoted. News room. Mar'44:34 quoted. For adult missionary groups. May'44:30 News room. Feb'45:28 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Apr'45:33 News room. Apr'46:32 Dec'46:38 (photo) Jan'48:27 News room. Oct'48:32 One hundred years of missionary service. Nov'48:43 Mexican summer. Jul'49:10 A typical Saturday at Morelos Social Center. Jan'50:42 (photo) Sep'52:27 The United Society in the Convention (photo) Sep'53:25 (photo) Mar'54:32 (cont. next page)
p. 1676 Leslie, Ruth - Lessley, A
LESLIE, RUTH (cont.) Mexican young people go forward. Jul'56:27 News room. Apr'58:40 Testimony with a diploma. Jan'61:42 Honors for "Miss Ruth." (photo) Sep'63:50 News room (photo) Apr'64:40 (photo) Jul'64:38 Disciples honor retiring leaders (photo) Oct'65:28 LESLIE, SANDRA JAYNE From pew to pulpit (photo) Sep'61:13 LESLIE, STEPHEN HALLETT From pew to pulpit (photo) Sep'61:13 LESLIE, W H Glimpses of the religious world. Oct'26:45 LESOTHO New venture in a little land. Mar'63:25 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'65:34 Mar'65:36 Women on world highways. Nov'67:30 Lesourd, G. Q. Dots and records. Dec'55:31 LeSOURD, CATHERINE MARSHALL (married to Peter Marshall) (married to Leonard LeSourd) Women and world highways. Mar'60:33 LeSOURE, CATHERINE MARSHALL. JOHN DOE, DISCIPLE Books. Apr'64:45 LeSOURE, CATHERINE MARSHALL. A MAN CALLED PETER Book chat. Mar'52:16 LESSIG, RAY, -1961 (married to Martha Lessig) In memoriam. Mar'62:35 LESSLEY, (married to G. Dillard Lessley) -1950 The Campbell Club in Yale (photo) Jul'31:30 Mar'32:27 (death) New room. Dec'50:32 Lessley, Agnes Fishback, -1984 (married to George Dillard Lessley) We visit Paraguay. Nov'37:16 The church in Argentina is growing. Jan'59:29 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'61:36 LESSLEY, AGNES FISHBACK, -1984 Our lives against your money! (photo) Jul'29:13 Station UCMS broadcasting Feb'31:42 (photo) Aug'31:40 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'36:38 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'37:30 (photo) Nov'37:17 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'38:40 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'41:39 News room. Apr'41:34 Mar'42:43 Apr'43:34 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'49:36 (marriage) News room. Jan'52:39 News room (photo) Mar'52:32 Beneath the spire. Apr'53:4 For adult mission study. Feb'59:40 Resistencia adventure (photo) Feb'60:33 (photo) Feb'61:21 Change has come to Latin America (photo) Apr'62:25 Global highlights. Apr'67:7 (cont. next page)
p. 1677 Lessley, A - Lethbridge
LESSLEY, AGNES FISHBACK (cont.) Retirements from general ministry (photo) Oct'68:24 Church and community share a dream. May'73:21 LESSLEY, DILLARD See LESSLEY, GEORGE DILLARD LESSLEY, GEORGE DILLARD (married to Esther Priscilla Fishbach Lessley) (married to Agnes Fishback Lessley) The Campbell Club in Yale (photo) Jul'31:30 Mar'32:27 (marriage. News room. Jan'52:39 News room (photo) Mar'52:32 Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'53:4 LESTER, (MRS J N) -1949 (photo) Nov'20:49 Memorial gifts to Africa. Oct'26:33 Good ideas. Jul'30:40 (photo) Feb'31:35 quoted. These outstanding people read World Call. Feb'33:inside back cover News room (photo) Jan'47:38 In memoriam. May'49:39 LESTER, ELIZABETH Like a golden thread (photo) Mar'67:39 LESTER, J ARTHUR (death) Echoes from everywhere. Mar'24:61 LESTER, JACKIE News room. May'49:40 LESTER, METTA Full life for the aging (photo) Dec'57:17 Lester, Muriel How to pray. Dec'34:4 The Japan nobody knows. Mar'52:17 LESTER, MURIEL Women and world highways. May'35:35 Oct'37:35 Convention plans are under way (photo) Jul'39:inside front cover quoted. The last page. Nov'39:48 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'51:36 LESTER, MURIEL. DARE YOU FACE FACTS? Book chat. Jul'40;23 LESTER, MURIEL. IT OCCURRED TO ME Book chat. Jun'38:44 LESTER, MURIEL. KILL OR CURE? Book chat. Apr'37:20 LESTER, MURIEL. WAYS OF PRAYING Book chat. Dec'34:42 LESTER, MURIEL. WHY WORSHIP Book chat. Nov'37:42 LESUEUR, JAMES KELLER, 1924- Classroom and campus. May'62:35 "LET THE RAIN SETTLE IT" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Dec'70:29 LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Apr'19:62 Notes. Dec'19:63 Jun'20:59 Some news items... Dec'22:44 (cont. next page)
p. 1678 Lethbridge - Levy, C
LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (cont.) Going up at Lethbridge (photo) Feb'23:50 An outpost of missionary adventure. Mar'23:52 (photo) Sep'23:39 On the east bank of Old Man River. Nov'24:56 LETT, VIRGINIA See GOODNIGHT, VIRGINIA LETT "A LETTER FROM ROSE" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Apr'58:42 "A LETTER TO NANCY" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Jun'65:43 LETTS, HAROLD C What Cleveland means to us (photo) Jan'54:25 LEU, HELEN Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'49:31 LEU, MINNIE In memoriam. Oct'41:39 Leuenberger, Theodor Assassination--a spiritual issue. May'69:24 Leung, S C Christians in China. Nov'61:32 LEUNG, S C Global highlights (photo) Apr'48:2 LEUPP, FRANCIS E. IN RED MAN'S LAND Bargains in books. Jan'23:62 LEUTH, WILLIAM Disciples in the news (photo) Feb'66:7 DARF amplifies the world voice of the church (photo) Apr'69:24 LEUTHOLD, MAGGIE In memoriam. Feb'30:46 Levai, Blaise Meditations of a missionary. Jul'61:16 Keeping his vow. Nov'61:49 The word for all. Dec'61:42 LE-VANDE. "MATER AMABILIS" (PAINTING) Madonnas from many lands (photo) Dec'38:24 LEVELLAND, TEXAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Global highlights. Apr'65:4 LEVERIDGE, MAHALA Memorium. Jun'36:39 LEVIS, MEYER. IF I FORGET THEE Let's read about the Near East! Jan'51:38 LEVINE, JACK (photo) May'43:9 Levinger, Elma Ehrlich A friend in need. Jul'46:48 The luncheon date. May'47:42 LEVITIN, ANATOLY Prison camps produced Christians says Russian Orthodox layman. Apr'71:24 LEVONIAN, LOOTFY (photo) May'28:24 LEVY, ALBERT G D Classroom and campus. Oct'48:30 Mar'50:30 LEVY, CLARA Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'29:43
p. 1679 Levy, H - Lewis, B
LEVY, HENRY Glimpses of the religious world. Oct'25:45 LEW, ELAINE Global highlights (photo) Oct'46:3 Classroom and campus. Oct'46:30 Lew, Lawrence M Is the church in America a friend to foreign students? Sep'23:6 LEW, MOONKI Classroom and campus (photo) May'62:35 Sep'62:35 LEW, T P See LIU TS'UNG-PEN LEWELLYN, (married to Earl Lewellyn) Comission on Brotherhood Finance... (photo) Feb'53:13 LEWELLYN, (married to Karl Lewellyn) (photo) Jun'50:18 LEWELLYN, EARL S., -1953 Beneath the spire (photo) Mar'51:4 In memoriam. Jan'54:35 LEWELLYN, LILLA BELLE Classroom and campus. Dec'54:34 LEWIS, (MRS. C. VIVIAN) In memoriam. Nov'36:39 LEWIS, (MRS. J. O.) (photo) Nov'47:13 LEWIS, (MRS. LOGAN) (death) Jul'37:46 LEWIS, (MRS. LOWRY), -1951 In memoriam. Apr'51:37 LEWIS, (MRS. S. L.) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'29:42 LEWIS, (married to Thomas V. Lewis) NBA news and notes. Oct'43:38 LEWIS, (married to Van S. Lewis) quoted. Living pictures. Feb'30:43 LEWIS, (married to W. S. Lewis) -1963 In memoriam. Dec'63:46 LEWIS, ALICE HUDSON quoted. Youth and missions. Nov'58:39 LEWIS, ALICE HUDSON, ALWAYS AN ANSWER North American neighbors in books. Jun'58:40 LEWIS, ALICE HUDSON. DAY AFTER TOMORROW Southeast Asia comes alive in books. Jan'57:34 LEWIS, ALICE HUDSON. TALES FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA Let's read about Southeast Asia! Jan'45:27 LEWIS, ALPHONSE R., 1938- In brief. Jan'72:39 LEWIS, B. KENNETH Classroom and campus. Oct'60:35 LEWIS, BARBARA JUNE, 1952- (birth) News room. May'52:34 LEWIS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, 1918-1988 (married to Glenva Starcher Lewis) Classroom and campus. Jun'54:33 In brief. Mar'70:38 LEWIS, BURT (photo) Feb'46:25
p. 1680 Lewis, C - Lewis, F
LEWIS, CARRIE IDALIA HEMBY, -1951 In memoriam. Feb'52:37 LEWIS, CHARLES LEE, 1886- (married to Flora Louise Quarles Lewis) Beneath the spire (photo) Mar'62:8 LEWIS, CLIVE STAPLES. BEYOND PERSONALITY Book chat. Mar'46:21 LEWIS, CLIVE STAPLES. THE CASE FOR CHRISTIANITY Book chat. Apr'44:17 LEWIS, CLIVE STAPLES. DIARY OF AN OLD SOUL New books. May'65:41 LEWIS, CLIVE STAPLES. MERE CHRISTIANITY Book chat. Feb'53:16 LEWIS, CLIVE STAPLES. THE PROBLEM OF PAIN Book chat. Apr'44:17 LEWIS, CLIVE STAPLES. THE SCRETAPE LETTERS Book chat. Apr'44:17 LEWIS, DOROTHY Global highlights (photo) Jan'53:2 LEWIS, DOTTIE I.C.Y.E.--Youth adventure in understanding (photo) May'64:24 LEWIS, DWIGHT M Personalities. Jul'37:16 LEWIS, E B, -1942 (death) News room. Sep'42:40 LEWIS, E T (photos) Mar'24:22,37 LEWIS, ED (death) Jun'35:47 LEWIS, EDNA McCOURTNEY, -1947 In memoriam. Apr'48:37 LEWIS, EDWARD D Classroom and campus. Nov'45:25 LEWIS, EDWIN. THE FAITH WE DECLARE Book chat. Jun'39:22 Sep'39:40 LEWIS, EDWIN. A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH Book chat. Oct'41:23 LEWIS, EDWIN. A PHILOSOPHY OF THE CHRISTIAN REVELATION Book chat. May'41:19 LEWIS, ELIZABETH FORMEAN. HO-MING: GIRL OF NEW CHINA Among the new missionary books. Jul'35:42 Lewis, Ellsworth Aetna, 1912-1982 (married to Lillian Gallis Lewis) Schools of missions. Jul'45:37 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'47:39 Feb'48:36 Nov'53:34 LEWIS, ELLSWORTH AETNA, 1912-1982 News room. (photo) Nov'44:27 Mar'45:28 (photo) Jun'45:34 (photo) Jul'45:37 Jun'46:back cover Feb'48:26 Lewis, Emily Kinney, 1869-1953 (married to Grant K. Lewis) Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:62 Along the trail of home missions. Sep'31:28 LEWIS, EMILY KINNEY, 1869-1953 Little Mah Jong. May'24:40 (photo) Jul'35:34 (death) News room. Feb'54:40 Lewis, Fred See here, Mister Jones! Sep'43:30
p. 1681 Lewis, G - Lewis, Grant
LEWIS, GRACE EVELYN In memoriam. May'38:39 Lewis, Grant Kirkland, 1868-1937 (married to Emily Kinney Lewis) Fourteen points in Home Missions. Jun'19:24 An announcement. Dec'19:59 False prophets. May'20:4 The home work... May'21:4 Is it worth while? May'22:4 An American missionary. May'23:7 A correction. Aug'23:54 The new frontiers of American missions. May'24:4 Echoes from everywhere. May'24:56 A victory of faith in Alabama. Jun'24:41 The eighth annual convention of the negro Churches of Christ. Oct'24:47 The call to advance. Dec'24:31 Putting "Home" into "Home missions." Sep'26:7 Growing work with new Americans. Sep'27:6 The mission to the French Acadians. Mar'28:39 By their frutis. Sep'28:11 Commission on the rural church. Feb'29:14 Readjustments in our home mission work. May'29:9 Helping churches to get a start. Sep'29:13 Again the school bell calls. Nov'29:23 The interdenominational Council on Spanish Speaking Work. Feb'30:11 Roads and radios. Apr'30:18 Montana moves onto the missionary map. Sep'30:14 The allied expedition to the American front. May'31:15 Preston Taylor joins the larger convention. Jun'31:23 Business men provide camp facilities for Texas orphans. Aug'31:30 Jesse Moren Bader, an appreciation. Feb'32:7 Pioneering on American social frontiers. Sep'32:5 Our rural churches. Apr'33:5 Our continuing program of Kingdom building. May'33:24 building men at Boulder Dam. Oct'33:7 Making America Christian. Apr'34:5 Achievements in home missions. Apr'35:6 Charles G. Stout. Apr'37:42 LEWIS, GRANT KIRKLAND, 1868-1937 Mid-Year Conference of Home Missions Secretaries (photo) Apr'19:39 A new face at Headquarters. May'21:56 Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 Headquarters notes. Jun'23:52 Jan'24:53 (photos) Dec'24:23,48 (photo no. 17) Apr'27:17 (photo) Sep'27:6 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'27:56 Jul'28:28 Feb'29:43 The Executive Committee takes action. Nov'29:29 The secretaries elected. Dec'30:6 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'31:42 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'32:39 The secretarial side light (drawing) Oct'33:22 quoted. What they said. Nov'34:19 (photo) Apr'35:6 (cont. next page)
p. 1682 Lewis, Grant - Lewis, I
LEWIS, GRANT KIRKLAND (cont.) In the Lone Star State. Nov'35:28 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'35:40 Fifty-eight years of brotherood service. Jul'36:6 (photo p. 7) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'36:32 A dream walking. Feb'37:26 (death) Grant Kirland Lewis (photo) Apr'37:9 (photo) Nov'49:29 Rebels against injustice. Apr'68:11 A rush into print (photo) Jan'69:12 LEWIS, GRANT KIRKLAND. THE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY Book chat. Feb'38:34 Lewis, Hazel Asenath, 1886-1978 The challenge of the church. Feb'19:59 The children of America. Nov'19:25 Building up the Bible school attendance. May'20:44 Wanderland-Wonderland, the snuggest cradle of all. May'20:49 Wanderland-Wonderland, the little flag. Jul'20:7 Wanderland-Wonderland, coming to America. Nov'20:16 Wanderland-Wonderland, a strange Christmas dinner. Dec'20:64 The vacation church school. Nov'21:52 The work among teachers of children. Nov'23:42 Recent developments in curriculum building. Nov'25:26 Florence P. Carmichael, an appreciation. Sep'28:46 The child, the church's opportunity. Dec'38:10 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Jul'39:42 Mar'41:40 Children in a world awhirl. Jun'47:7 Records of distringuished service. Sep'48:19 LEWIS, HAZEL ASENATH, 1886-1978 (photo) Nov'19:25 Mar'19:4 Field workers (photo) Dec'20:35 The vacation church school. Apr'21:48 Headquarters notes. Apr'23:52 May'23:52 (photo) Nov'23:19 Headquarters notes. Dec'23:52 Feb'24:53 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'24:53 Jul'24:45 (photo) Apr'25:54 Institutes planned. Mar'26:64 (photo) Nov'27:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'29:43 Putting teaching into the laboratory. Jul'30:28 (photo) Nov'31:9 Global highlights. May'47:3 News room. Apr'48:39 Disciple doers. Oct'50:20 (photo) Nov'50:26 Children's crusader retires (photo) Oct'53:29 LEWIS, HAZEL ASENATH. METHODS FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS Tools for the Sunday school worker. Nov'22:45 LEWIS, HAZEL ASENATH. THE PRIMARY CHURCH SCHOOL Book chat. Nov'33:12 LEWIS, HERBERT K Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'33:44 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'34:31 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'34:42 LEWIS, IDA BELLE. GRAINS OF RICE FROM A CHINESE BOWL Speaking of books. Dec'26:53
p. 1683 Lewis, I - Lewis, R
LEWIS, IRENE. -1946 In memoriam. Sep'46:39 LEWIS, ISABELL HATCH, -1946 (death) News room. Apr'46:32 LEWIS, IVA In memoriam. Jun'34:39 Lewis, J E Flowers for the living. Jun'27:1 LEWIS, JAMES (married to Ruth Lewis) STEEM generates new power for Christian mission (photo) Nov'71:13 LEWIS, JAMES R., -1967 Disciples in the news (photo) Mar'67:7 In memoriam. Mar'67:48 LEWIS, JESSE Station NBA on the air. Nov'35:40 LEWIS, JOHN L Social trends. Feb'52:8 LEWIS, KARL CHESTER, -1960 News room. Apr'47:41 (death) News room. May'60:38 LEWIS, L E Classroom and campus. Jul'58:36 LEWIS, LEVINA (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'24:47 LEWIS, LEVISA The greatest of these is love. Aug'22:64 Lewis, Lillian Callis, 1919- (married to Ellsworth Aetna Lewis) Echoes from everywhere. Feb'48:36 LEWIS, LILLIAN CALLIS, 1919- News room. (photo) Nov'44:27 Mar'45:28 (photo) Jun'45:34 (photo) Jun'46:back cover Feb'48:26 Sunday in Congo was a very great day (photo) Jan'53:27 LEWIS, LUCIA Social workers in the making (photo) Sep'51:30 LEWIS, LUELLA EATON, -1962 In memoriam. May'63:45 Lewis, Margaret Conning Mahmoud and the Good Samaritan. Jun'56:32 LEWIS, MARK ELLSWORTH, 1948- (birth) News room. Nov'48:32 LEWIS, MARY H In memoriam. Apr'30:39 LEWIS, MARY J (death) Jun'20:57 LEWIS, MARY Q (photo) Feb'39:32 LEWIS, RALPH E Summer plans of our schools. Jun'42:32 LEWIS, REYNOLDS Classroom and campus (photo) Jan'56:33 LEWIS, RICHARD Classroom and campus. Apr'46:30 Lewis, Robert My most enjoyable moments in conference. Nov'27:24 Lewis, Robert L The story of the Year Book. Mar'54:27
p. 1684 Lewis, R - Lexington, KY
LEWIS, ROBERT L (photo) Dec'50:31 Global highlights. May'52:2 Year book is designed to be used (photo) Jan'53:32 Disciples met in Portland (photo) Sep'53:20 (photo) Oct'53:22 Mar'54:27 LEWIS, ROE B Working together in home missions (photo) Nov'60:14 LEWIS, RUBY (death) Dec'25:51 LEWIS, RUBY LILYCROP (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'34:31 LEWIS, RUTH (married to James Lewis) STEEM genereates new power for Christian mission (photo) Nov'71:13 LEWIS, SARAH EMMA (death) Nov'19:28 LEWIS, SARAH LOUISE News from Jacksonville. Oct'27:40 (death) What's happening at our homes. Jan'29:59 LEWIS, THOMAS V NBA news and notes. Oct'43:38 Lewis, Van S Making the pictures live. Apr'29:26 LEWIS, VANIE In memoriam. Feb'38:39 LEWIS, W. ROBERT Six churches enrolled in Every Home Plan (photo) Mar'60:44 Global highlights (photo) Jan'69:46 LEWIS, WILLIAM Beyond boycotts (photo) Feb'68:16 LEWIS, WILLMOTT Drake lecturers named. Dec'43:6 Day by day story of the Drake Conference. Mar'44:21 Lewis, Winnifred A filipino wedding. Jan'35:34 LEWISTON, IDAHO. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Station UCMS broadcasting. May'24:47 LEWISTOWN, MONTANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) May'19:5 Outlying states and home missions. May'22:55 LEWISVILLE, TEXAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, April 1 - June 30, 1966. Sep'66:45 LEXINGTON, ILLINOIS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Churches in home plan enthusiastic. May'59:45 Letters. Mar'71:4 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Golden Jubilee notes. Feb'24:51 Day by day with the Burnham and Bader tour. Apr'26:40 Prall Town and Taylor Town. Jun'67:38 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH With the churches that are giving heroically. Nov'20:7 Resolution of appreciation. Sep'21:56 Satisfactions of the ministry (photo) Dec'21:28 (photo) Dec'21:34 A worthy example. Jan'22:59 Isaac J. Spencer. Apr'22:31 Our boys and girls. Mar'23:30 (cont. next page)
p. 1685 Lexington, KY - L.T.S.
LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. CENTRAL CHRITIAN CHURCH (cont.) Our future leaders (photo) Aug'26:50 The Triangle palaver. Jan'27:46 Remembering Mrs. Louis Loos Campbell. Apr'27:34 The month among Disciples. Feb'33:4 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'33:41 The birth of a great prupose. Jul'34:34 Here and there... Feb'48:48 Jun'48:48 A congregation shares its faith. Jun'72:50 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. CRESTWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, January-March, 1959. Sep'59:32 EHP grows. Dec'61:45 Building as a Brotherhood (photo) Apr'62:26 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. OLD UNION CHRISTIAN CHURCH What they did and how. Oct'20:8 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. PRALL STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH Prall Stree project... (photos) Dec'52:31 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. VICTORY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Old buildings--new expressions (photo) (plans) Jul'38:24 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. WOODLAND CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jul'25:49 Circulation corner. Oct'36:inside front cover The minister and the church school (photo of Education Committee) Nov'53:15 LEXINGTON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The Board of Education and the work of our colleges. Jul'22:48 Oct'25:54 Feb'28:44 Nov'28:39 Mar'24:57 Nov'26:52 Mar'28:40 Jan'29:40 Aug'24:58 Apr'27:41 Aug'28:26 Mar'29:40 Aug'25:52 Jun'27:60 Among our colleges. Jun'19:57 Transylvania College... Jun'20:49 Board of Education annual report. Nov'20:39 (photo) Jan'21:12 What our colleges are doing... Jan'21:57 Church colleges close a good year. Aug'21:54 (photo) Sep'23:32 (photo of students and faculty) May'27:43 High lights from our colleges. Sep'29:30 (photo of students and faculty) Dec'30:40 Distinctions of our colleges. Jan'31:43 Spring activities of our colleges. May'31:32 Rounding out the summer sessions in our colleges. Oct'31:27 Last lap of the college year. May'32:33 Busy days on the college campus. Dec'32:45 Mid-winter season in our colleges. Jan'33:33 Within college walls. Feb'33:33 Our colleges at home and abroad. Mar'33:31 Colleges going strong in the second semester. Apr'33:32 The colleges at work. May'33:32 Commencement days are here again. Jul'33:34 Summer activities of our colleges. Sep'33:33 College registrars busy. Oct'33:33 Activities of our colleges. Dec'33:44 Mid-winter in our colleges. Jan'34:44 Activities of our colleges. Apr'34:43 Spring term in our colleges. May'34:31 Intimate glimpses of our colleges. Jun'34:45 (cont. next page)
p. 1686 Lexington Theo. Seminary 1934 - 1949
LEXINGTON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY (cont.) Closing the college year. Jul'34:31 Midsummer in our colleges. Sep'34:32 Colleges facing the new school year. Oct'34:33 Our colleges at work. Nov'34:33 In the midst of the college year. Dec'34:32 Within college walls. Jan'35:30 New of colleges. Apr'35:33 Approaching commencements. Jun'35:33 College commencements. Jul'35:45 Opening semester in our colleges. Nov'35:42 Colleges plan for fall opening. Sep'36:34 College enrollments increase. Oct'36:46 A close up of our colleges. Jan'37:31 Mid-year in our colleges. Apr'37;32 the threshold. May'37:2 In our colleges. May'37:33 Activities in our colleges. Jun'37:33 Summer activities in our colleges. Sep'37:32 College happenings. Jan'38:30 Notes from our colleges. Feb'38:32 The threshold. Apr'38;2 College notes. Apr'38:32 College activities. Jun'38:32 The threshold. Jul'38:2 In our colleges. Oct'38:33 College news and notes. Feb'39:33 College notes. Mar'39:31 Busy days for our colleges. Apr'39:32 Springtide college acitivites. May'39:33 The threshold. Jul'39:4 Back to the college campus. Sep'39:31 College notes. Nov'39:33 College notes. Jan'40:23 Colleges observe anniversaries (photo) Jul'40:14 Summer comes to the campus. Jul'40:32 College notes and news. Dec'40:30 News from our colleges. Nov'41:31 News from classroom and campus. Jan'42:36 (photo of students p. 35) Our colleges go forward in emergency programs. Mar'42:33 Summer plans of our schools. Jun'42:32 Classroom and campus. Oct'42:32 Feb'43:32 The sun never sets on C.O.B. men! Mar'43:42 Classroom and campus. Apr'43:33 Dec'44:26 Nov'45:25 Apr'46:30 Jul'43:24 Mar'45:27 Feb'46:29 Jun'46:32 Nov'43:26 Apr'45:26 Mar'46:31 Jul'46:31 Jun'44:26 Jun'45:26 Global highlights. Sep'46:2 Classroom and campus. Sep'46:34 Dec'46:31 Apr'47:30 Jun'48:34 Nov'46:28 Jan'47:30 Jun'47:33 Sep'48:30 (photo of students) Jan'49:9 Classroom and campus. Jan'49:30 Global highlights. May'49:2 Classroom and campus. May'49:33 Sep'49:33 News room. Nov'49:35 (cont. next page)
p. 1687 Lexington Theo. Seminary 1950 - 1965
LEXINGTON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY (cont.) Classroom and campus. (photo of missionary candidates) Mar'50:31 Jul'50:33 Mar'51:30 Sep'51:32 Feb'52:28 Sep'50:33 Apr'51:30 Oct'51:30 Mar'52:30 Oct'50:32 May'51:31 Nov'51:29 Apr'52:29 Dec'50:31 Jun'51:30 Young men look at the ministry. May'52:7 Classroom and campus. May'52:28 Jul'52:32 Nov'52:30 Jun'52:31 Sep'52:32 Dec'52:28 Prall Street project... Dec'52:31 Classroom and campus. Jan'53:28 Dec'53:33 Jan'54:28 Feb'54:32 Sep'53:29 (photo of new professors. Apr'54:37 May'54:31 Feb'55:30 Nov'55:27 Jun'56:34 Jun'54:33 Apr'55:30 Feb'56:33 Jul'56:30 Jul'54:34 Jun'55:34 Mar'56:28 Sep'56:32 Sep'54:30 Sep'55:30 Apr'56:30 Oct'56:30 Nov'54:31 Oct'55:30 May'56:30 Nov'56:30 Dec'56:32 (photo of international students p. 33) Feb'57:30 May'57:28 Jul'57:31 Oct'57:30 Mar'57:30 Jun'57:34 Sep'57:30 Nov'57:30 Apr'57:30 (photo of installation) Jan'58:28 (drawing of new buildings) Feb'58:32 Mar'58:34 Nov'58:32 Jun'59:34 Feb'60:36 Apr'58:32 Dec'58:32 Jul'59:36 Mar'60:30 May'58:32 Jan'59:36 Sep'59:34 Apr'60:32 Jun'58:32 Feb'59:36 Oct'59:33 May'60:32 Jul'58:36 Mar'59:30 Dec'59:34 Jun'60:34 Sep'58:36 Apr'59:34 Jan'60:30 Sep'60:34 Oct'58:32 Global highlights. Oct'60:6 Classroom and campus. Nov'60:30 Feb'61:30 May'61:30 Sep'61:28 Dec'60:32 Mar'61:36 Jun'61:34 Oct'61:32 Jan'61:28 Apr'61:32 Jul'61:34 Dec'61:30 The world comes to the campus. Jan'62:12 Classroom and campus. Jan'62:30 Feb'62:30 Mar'62:32 May'62:34 (photo of international students p. 35) Jun'62:35 Sep'62:35 Nov'62:36 Jul'62:34 Oct'62:32 (photo of new students) Dec'62:34 Jan'63:32 Mar'63:34 Jun'63:34 Feb'63:34 Apr'63:34 Jul'63:36 (photo of student council officers p. 37) Sep'63:32 Feb'64:32 Jul'64:37 Oct'63:34 Apr'64:34 Sep'64:32 Jan'64:34 May'64:10 Oct'64:36 Nov'64:34 (photo of student leaders p. 35) Dec'64:34 Seminary--the churches "seed plot." Jan'65:16 Classroom and campus. Jan'65:32 May'65:34 Jul'65:34 Mar'65:32 Jun'65:34,35 (cont. next page)
p. 1688 Lexington Theo. Seminary 1965 - Li D
LEXINGTON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY (cont.) World Calling... Sep'65:10 Classroom and campus. Sep'65:37 Jan'66:33 May'66:35 Dec'65:35 Feb'66:35 Jun'66:35 (photo of honor graduates) Sep'66:34 Oct'66:34 Feb'67:35 Jun'67:34 Mar'68:35 Nov'66:34 Mar'67:35 Jul'67:34 Jul'68:35 Jan'67:35 May'67:34 Jan'68:35 Oct'68:34 Higher education in the past half-century. Jan'69:41 (photo) Feb'69:14 The scene. May'69:44 In brief. Apr'70:43 Sep'71:34 Leys, Wayne Albert Risser Friendship and life's purpose. Nov'23:30 LEYS, WAYNE ALBERT RISSER College in full swing. Nov'30:41 quoted. The Indianapolis Convention is coming. Oct'32:6 LHA SHI Echoes from everywhere. Jun'30:49 LHAMON, Clara Ellen Frankberger, 1860-1956 (married to William Jefferson Lhamon) News room. Sep'51:39 Lhamon, William Jefferson, 1855-1955 (married to Clara Ellen Frankberger Lhamon) The summer's setting up of youth. Sep'28:17 Disciples and the laymen's report. Apr'33:19 Book chat. Apr'35:44 Nov'35:34 Religion on campus. Sep'38:18 Book reviews. Jan'39:52 Book chat. Oct'39:42 Nov'39:46 Jan'40:40 The Kingdom of the King of Kings. Mar'44:7 Book chat. May'45:38 LHAMON, WILLIAM JEFFERSON, 1855-1955 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'27:42 quoted. The Indianapolis Convention is coming. Oct'32:8 Personalities. Nov'35:13 Personaltiies (photo) Dec'37:17 (photo) Sep'38:18 The threshold (photo) Jul'39:4 News room. Sep'51:39 LHAMON, WILLIAM JEFFERSON. THY KINGDOM COME Book chat. Jul'37:44 LHASA, TIBET On to Lhasa! (poem) Jun'22:31 LHUNDU, TIBET A doctor of the Jesus school (photo) Jun'22:4 Li Choh-Wu Pastor at Wuhu reports. Dec'45:27 LI CHOH-WU Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:49 (photo) Oct'26:44 The work of the pastors. Feb'27:63 (photo) Sep'37:17 To the Disciples of Christ. Jan'46:29 LI DJO-WU Easter prayer meetings across the seas. Jul'22:39 (photo) Oct'24:2
p. 1689 Li G - Liberty
LI GWAY GWANG Echoes from everywhere. Feb'29:44 Aug'31:41 LI GWAY YIN (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'29:41 LI HOU-FU (photo) Oct'26:44 Sep'37:17 News and notes from China. Jan'38:21 Li Kwan-Kwoh China missions. May'49:12 LI KWAN-KWOH (photo) May'49:13 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jul'49:38 LI MING-FU The model city of China. Apr'25:50 LI, PETER T Colleges going strong in the second semester. Apr'33:32 LI SHUI-DJI Practical moves toward community betterment. Oct'34:44 LI SIU-TUNG Christian laymen in China. Apr'49:18 LI YAO-TUNG (MRS.) The Li family of Nanking (photo) May'44:26 LI YAO-TUNG (photo) Oct'26:44 (death) Convention in war torn China. Nov'41:32 The Li family of Nanking (photo) May'44:26 LI YUAN HUNG The late "war" in China. Jan'23:29 LI YUAN ING Understanding hearts (photo) Aug'28:45 LIANG, MARIE Women and world highways. Nov'55:31 LIANG SHU-CHING The church in China preaches (photo) Jan'33:34 LIANZA, YOANE African heralds of the cross. Apr'25:53 LIBBY, FREDERICK J Listening in on the world. Dec'33:22 America organizes for peace. Nov'35:15 Global highlights. Feb'55:4 LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE MOVEMENT Commencement activities in our colleges. Jul'30:46 Fall activities in our colleges (photo of Committee of Fifteen) Dec'31:32 The middle of the college year. Feb'32:30 LIBERIA Black butterflies. Jun'25:42 Missionary illustrations... Oct'30:42 Nov'30:45 Through the years. Jan'34:38 A look at Africa. Jan'37:23 I visit Liberia. Sep'45:9 African literacy tour, 1948. Jun'49:13 Youth and missions. Apr'53:37 Vantage ground of freedom. Feb'55:17 Strangers in a foreign land. May'58:30 LIBERTY What they said. Nov'34:18 American liberty is being destroyed! May'37:16 (cont. next page)
p. 1690 Liberty - Lick, C
LIBERTY (cont.) Women and world highways. Oct'41:35 God and the four freedoms. Jul'47:9 The free heritage of youth. May'54:5 Women and world highways. Sep'54:33 Global highlights. Dec'55:2 Social trends. Mar'67:16 Moodlin' Jul'70:35 The price of liberty. Jul'71:inside back cover Commentary. LIBERTY BELL (photo) Sep'26:front cover "LIBERTY CHURCHES" A United Church enters war production communities. Jan'19:15 LIBERTY, MISSOURI. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (note) Feb'29:34 LIBERTY OF RELIGION See RELIGIOUS LIBERTY LIBERTY OF SPEECH What is free speech? Sep'51:6 Free speech for whom? Jul'38:3 The command to speak. Jul'55:6 Our right to differ. Jan'64:11 The last word. Jan'66:50 LIBERTY OF THE PRESS Freedom for what? Jun'53:5 Freedom and the church press. Oct'59:9 World events. Apr'73:40 Librairie Falk File Letter. Sep'22:1 LIBRARIES Glimpses of the religious world. Jun'27:56 Pioneering with a library. Jan'28:37 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'28:48 Public library in San Luis Potosi. Sep'31:42 Flashlights on progress in racial recognition. Jul'32:16 Programs for young people. Oct'38:37 A traveling library. Jun'39:28 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'60:38 LIBRARIES OF CHURCHES See CHURCH LIBRARIES LIBRARY EXTENSION See BOOKMOBILES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Glimpese of the religious world. Feb'29:31 LIBYA Global highlights. Dec'52:2 LICHLITER, JAMES M. WHOSE LEAF SHALL NOT WITHER Book chat. Oct'46:14 Lichliter, McIlyar Hamilton The world speaks to the church (poem) Jul'26:inside front cover Lick, Clara Edna, 1896- Echoes from everywhere. Jan'28:48 Parable of the brotherly hand. Apr'28:55 What my Alma Mater gave me. Jan'30:9 Dissipating ignorance. Mar'30:58
p. 1691 Lick, C - Life and
LICK, CLARA EDNA, 1896- College of Missions notes. Apr'25:57 There's no time for delay (photo) Aug'26:27 (photo) Sep'26:21 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'27:59 Jun'27:38 New missionaries to four fields. Aug'27:26 (photo) Jan'29:46 quoted. A challenge and a promise. Dec'30:33 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'31:42 LICKENS, ROBERT Global highlights (photo) Apr'61:7 LIDDELL, (MRS. F. R.) (photo) Nov'29:2 Dec'30:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'34:44 Liddell, Alberta B Letters. Mar'69:45 LIDDELL, ERIC H (note) Nov'24:41 LIDDLE, (MRS. F. R.) (photo) Nov'31:7 LIDDLE, (married to Fred Liddle) (photo) Sep'28:34 LIDDLE, DOROTHY (photo) Sep'28:34 LIDDLE, FRED R., -1951 In memoriam. May'52:39 LIE, TRYGVE quoted. Last column. May'49:48 LIE, TRYGVE. IN THE CAUSE OF PEACE Book chat. Mar'55:18 LIEBERMAN, ELIAS Classroom and campus. Dec'65:34 LIEBMAN, JOSHUA LOTH. PEACE OF MIND Book chat. Sep'46:16 LIEDORFF, J W (photo) Nov'48:28 LIEFERANT, HENRY. THE GENTILE Book chat. Oct'58:42 LIEFERANT, SYLVIA. THE GENTILE Book chat. Oct'58:42 LIEMOHN, EDWIN T. THE CHORALE THROUGH FOUR HUNDRED YEARS Book chat. Jul'53:42 LIENGME, DORA World youth training for service (photo) May'47:8 LIEN-KUN CHENG Youth assembly--potential Pentecost (photo) Nov'61:27 Liepa, Alex Refugrees are people. Mar'54:26 LIERLE, DEANE KAE, 1932- (married to Iona Ruth Kaetzel Lierle) Spotlight on three NBA board members (photo) Dec'70:11 LIERLY, ROBERT Notes. Mar'19:60 LIESVELD, JOHN H. (married to Alice Liesveld) Beneath the spire (photo) Mar'58:8 LIEURANCE, TOM Reconciliation is responding to community needs (photo) Sep'69:38 LIFE AND LABOR BULLETIN quoted. The praying miners. Jun'26:25
p. 1692 Life and - Liggett, T. J.
LIFE AND MISSION OF THE CHURCH PROJECT Students will survey the church's mission. May'58:23 "THE LIFE IN MY HANDS" (MOTION PICTURE) The life in my hands. Jun'54:26 LIFE MAGAZINE "Life" comes to Congo. Jul'47:6 African literacy tour, 1948. Jun'49:12 Life also likes Seghers' pictures. Jan'52:5 LIFE PICTORIAL ATLAS OF THE WORLD Book chat. Nov'61:40 LIFE WORK CONFERENCES Apr'24:63 LIFTON, ROBERT JAY. BOUNDARIES: PSYCHOLOGICAL MAN IN REVOLUTION New books. Jul'71:28 LIGA NACIONAL DE MUJERES EVANGELICAS Congress of Evangelical women. Jun'28:48 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'28:48 Oct'29:50 Jul'31:41 Liga Nacional de Mujeres Evangelicas. Jul'33:30 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'34:39 May'35:39 Sep'27:47 Nov'34:39 Women and world highways. May'36:35 The church in Argentina is growing. Jan'59:29 Argentines work together. Mar'59:23 LIGGETT, C L (photo) Oct'43:5 Liggett, Thomas Jackson, 1919- (married to Virginia Moore Liggett) Echoes from everywhere. May'46:37 What a gift can do. Dec'49:45 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'53:34 New era dawns in Latin America. Jan'62:19 Protestant dilemmas in Latin America. Nov'64:19 The coming revolutions in Latin America. Mar'67:14 The population nightmare. Mar'68:19 What the ICWF assembly can mean to the church. Mar'70:20 Englarging the partnership in India. Jul'70:6 Can the National Council resolve its crucial tensions? Dec'72:19 LIGGETT, THOMAS JACKSON, 1919- Classroom and campus. Jul'43:24 News room. Oct'43:34 Feb'46:38 (photo) Jun'46:back cover News room. Feb'47:32 Protestants are healthy minority in Argentina (photo) Jan'56:27 Global highlights. Jan'57:3 (photo) Apr'58:5 Neighbors hear the good news. Sep'58:23 (photo p. 22) For adult mission study. Sep'58:40 Global highlights. Sep'59:4 News room. Oct'59:48 Global highlights. Apr'60:7 Jul'61:4 (photo p.6) Oct'61:5 Jun'61:4 World Calling... Feb'64:10 Global highlights (photo) Jun'64:4 Disciples in the news (photo) Jul'65:7 As others see us (photo) Oct'66:20 (cont. next page)
p. 1693 Liggett, T. J. - Ligon
LIGGETT, THOMAS JACKSON (cont.) Global highlights (photo) Nov'66:6 Global highlights. Jan'67:5 Disciples in the news. Jan'68:8 Global highlights. May'68:6 Next month at Uppsala. Jun'68:15 Missionary honored (photo) Sep'68:44 Global highlights (photo) Dec'68:6 Who speaks for the church? (photo) Dec'68:18 Partnership with South America. Dec'69:20 (photo p. 22) The scene (photo) Feb'70:44 In brief. Mar'70:38 Apr'70:39 World events. Apr'70:45 World Calling... Sep'70:50 Editorial correspondence from Latin American Seminar (photo) Oct'70:20 World Calling... Nov'70:50 World events. Dec'70:36 (photo) Feb'71:30,31 In brief. Mar'72:42 World events (photo) Sep'72:38 World events. Nov'72:38 Apr'73:39 The scene (photo) May'73:33 In brief (photo) Jun'73:39 Uniting the churches in faith and service (photo) Jul'73:6 LIGGETT, THOMAS JACKSON. WHERE TOMORROW STRUGGLES TO BE BORN New books. Apr'71:29 LIGGETT, THOMAS MILTON, 1944- News room. Feb'46:38 Liggett, Virginia Moore, 1918- (married to Thomas Jackson Liggett) Echoes from everywhere. May'46:37 A new Christian home in Resistencia. Nov'49:37 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'57:30 LIGGETT, VIRGINIA MOORE, 1918- News room. Oct'43:34 Feb'46:38 (photo) Jun'46:back cover News room. Feb'47:32 Protestants are healthy minority in Argentina (photo) Jan'56:27 Global highlights. Jan'67:5 quoted. Spotlight on Magdalena Parrilla. Jun'71:24 LIGHT, LINDA Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'67:35 "LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Apr'63:44 LIGHTFOOT, R. H. HISTORY AND INTERPRETATION IN THE GOSPELS Book chat. Nov'35:16 LIGON, ERNEST MAYFIELD, 1897- Heritage and destiny at Kansas City (photo) Sep'61:26 LIGON, ERNEST MAYFIELD. THE MARRIAGE CLIMATE Books. Mar'64:42 LIGON, ERNEST MAYFIELD. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN PERSONALITY Book chat. Mar'36:11 College notes. May'36:33 LIGON, ERNEST MAYFIELD. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONALITY Book chat. Jan'37:18 LIGON, FRANCES E In memoriam. Jun'37:39
p. 1694 Ligonier - Lim
LIGONIER, INDIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Oct'26:49 LIGUDEN, JOSEFINA (photo) Apr'51:16 LIGUE INTERNATIONALE DES MERES ET DES EDUCATRICES FUR LA PAIX Women and world highways. Jul'35:35 LIKONGO, CONGO Bicycling through Congo. Oct'34:28 LIKYO (married to Likyo Edouard) Global highlights (photo) Jan'66:6 LIKYO EDOUARD Global highlights (photo) Jan'66:6 LILA, CHANDRA Echoes from everywhere. Jan'31:40 LILBURN, AMANDA Memorium. Mar'36:39 LILE, (married to Luke Lile) The Afzals find a home (photo) May'73:6 LILE, CORVAL EARL, 1910- Four churches join home plan (photo) Mar'59:46 (photo) Mar'67:38 LILEKO, CONGO (photo of school) Jan'59:inside back cover LILES, LESTER R. STREAMS OF HEALING Book chat. Nov'58:41 Lilienthal, David E Science and the spirit of man. Jul'49:15 LILIENTHAL, DAVID E. Global highlights. Dec'46:4 LILJI, HANS Lutheran head to visit U.S. May'53:43 Global highlights. Sep'56:6 Jun'61:5 Oct'61:6 LILJI, HANS. THE LAST BOOK OF THE BIBLE Book chat. May'58:24 Lilley, Robert Wilson, 1865-1948 The best thing I know about Church Extension. Sep'20:30 LILLEY, ROBERT WILSON, 1865-1948 A new building in the Capital of West Virginia. Aug'20:28 (photo) Sep'20:30 Mar'24:45 LILLIE, AMY MORRIS. EVERYBODY'S ISLAND Books about Spanish-speaking Americans. Jul'53:32 LILLIE, AMY MORRIS. IN UNBROKEN LINE Youth and missions. May'60:37 Our heritage--our horizons. Jun'60:41 LILLIE, BLANCHE, 1911?- (married to Wallace Lillie) Global highlights (photo) Jul'65:6 LILLIE, HAROLD CLAYTON, 1915- More congregations approve Every Home Plan (photo) Mar'61:51 LILLIE, WALLACE (married to Blanche Lillie) News room (photo) Feb'63:40 LILLY, JAMES VIRGIL, 1912- News room. Nov'50:38 LILLY ENDOWMENT Global highlights. May'60:4 Lilves, (married to Ben Lilves) Experiences that change attitudes. Apr'52:27 LIM, JAMES Echoes from everywhere (photo) Apr'50:38
p. 1695 Lima - Lincoln Memorial
LIMA, PERU The land of the Incas (photos) Jul'21:17 (photo of Union Church) Jun'60:27 LIMARDO, MIGUEL (photo) Jun'46:29 May'49:15 LIMAY, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS (photo of congregational leaders) May'62:28 LIMNER, ROMAN RECHNITZ. SEX AND THE UNBORN CHILD New books. Jan'71:29 LIMOUZE, ARTHUR H. THE MINISTER AND MISSIONS On the making of books... Jan'42:33 LIN, DANIEL (photo) Jun'23:21 LIN, ELEANOR Summer internship at Mariner's Temple. Mar'49:27 LINBURG, NETTIE (death) Aug'25:50 LINCOLN, (married to James Stephen Lincoln) -1960 In memoriam. Apr'60:37 Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 ...on war. Feb'54:48 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, 1809-1865 (photo) Feb'19:2 quoted. Apr'24:52 quoted. Jul'25:inside front cover Lincoln (poem) Feb'26:45 quoted. Our task. Nov'26:56 (photo) Feb'33:23 quoted. The threshold. Feb'37:2 quoted. Jul'38:29 quoted. Words from Lincoln (photo) Feb'40:29 Book chat. Jul'47:23 News room. Oct'47:32 Abraham Lincoln (photo of Lincoln Memorial) Feb'48:29 quoted. Last column. Mar'54:48 Jan'57:48 Apr'57:48 Feb'63:50 Jun'55:52 Feb'57:48 Feb'59:50 Letters. Feb'68:4 Apr'68:48 quoted. Change, justice and hope. Feb'73:inside back cover LINCOLN, C. ERIC. IS ANYBODY LISTENING TO BLACK AMERICA? New books. Oct'68:36 LINCOLN, ELMER L (photo) Nov'30:19 quoted. Christian laymen look at 1933. Jan'33:13 LINCOLN, JAMES F. INCENTIVE MANAGEMENT Book chat. Jul'52:44 LINCOLN, LILLIAN, -1958 In memoriam. Mar'59:35 Lincoln, Lucy (married to Marshall L. Lincoln) Let's keep our youth in school! Sep'63:27 LINCOLN, MARSHALL (married to Lucy Lincoln) Global highlights (photo) Sep'63:4 (photo) Sep'69:11 LINCOLN, MARTHA LOUISE Classroom and campus. Oct'42:33 LINCOLN MEMORIAL (WASHINGTON, D.C.) (photo) Jul'25:front cover Our cover. Jul'25:1 (photo) Feb'55:front cover
p. 1696 Lincoln, NE - Lindbergh
LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Gleanings from early records of ACMS. May'19:27 A unique list of World Call subscriptions. Jan'23:64 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'24:49 What the children did this summer. Nov'27:11 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. BETHANY CHRISTIAN CHURCH The reading contest. Sep'28:32 Recent buildings aided... (photo) Aug'31:13 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. EAST A STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH 14 new churches started... Oct'64:52 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Feb'19:36 What they did and how. Oct'20:7 With the churches that are giving heroically. Nov'20:6 A new man for a new task. Dec'23:27 (photo of paly given by women) Feb'24:40 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Feb'25:52 An old method in the new west... May'25:55 How the silent revival works. Feb'26:7 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'26:43 Youth respond to Jesus' "Follow me." Jul'26:60 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jun'28:58 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'32:41 Missionary materials and methods. May'33:43 News room. Jan'53:33 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. HAVELOCK CHRISTIAN CHURCH Decade achievements--after two years. Sep'62:15 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. TABERNACLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Tried and found helpful. Dec'22:49 (photo) Aug'24:13 LINCOLNSHIRE, ILLINOIS. COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH 14 new churches started... Oct'64:52 LIND, JOHN (death) Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:57 LIND, WASHINGTON. CHRISTIAN CHURCH What the Diamond Jubilee evangelists are doing. Mar'25:41 LINDAMAN, EDWARD B. SPACE, A NEW DIRECTION FOR MANKIND New books. Feb'70:28 LINDBECK, (married to George A. Lindbeck) Ahead of the headlines. May'68:5 LINDBECK, GEORGE A. DIALOGUE ON THE WAY New books. Dec'65:39 LINDELL, (married to Francis Lindell) The best two months of our lives. Jul'72:25 LINDELL, FRANCIS The best two months of our lives (photo) Jul'72:25 LINDBERGH, ANN MORROW Letter written by a Chinese lady to Col. and Mrs. Lindbergh... Oct'32:27 quoted. Quote...unquote. Apr'70:7 LINDBERGH, ANN MORROW. GIFT FROM THE SEA Book chat. May'56:40 LINDBERGH, EVANGELINE Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'28:45 LINDBERGH, CHARLES A Lindbergh as a type. Jul'27:4 Glimpses of the religious world. Aug'27:55 (photo) Oct'27:13 (cont. next page)
p. 1697 Lindbergh, C - Lindon, G
LINDBERGH, CHARLES A. (cont.) A messenger of good will. Apr'28:52 Glimpses of the religious world. May'28:45 (photo) Jul'28:25 Our crime situation. Apr'32:4 Letter written by a Chinese lady to Col. and Mrs. Lindbergh... Oct'32:27 LINDBERGH, CHARLES A. OF FLIGHT AND LIFE Book chat. Nov'48:14 LINDEN, HANS WERNER (photo) Feb'52:25 LINDENMAN, EDUARD CHRISTIAN, 1885-1953 quoted. Youth and missions. Jun'45:31 LINDENMEYER, THEODORE ANDREW, 1871-9146 (photo) Dec'24:34 LINDENWOOD COLLEGE Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'27:45 LINDER, (married to Albert A. Linder) Vacation church schools... (photo) Jun'51:8 Lindley, A. Raymond New programs to aid ministers and churches. Oct'71:14 LINDLEY, A. RAYMOND In brief (photo) Sep'70:39 LINDLEY, ANNA My friends of yesterday. Dec'29:39 Lindley, Denton Ray, 1905-1987 (married to Maybon Lindley) The church college has a vital task. Jan'53:15 Religion on the campus. Jan'62:21 University of the Americas on today's mission frontier. Feb'71:12 LINDLEY, DENTON RAY, 1905-1987 College notes and news. Dec'40:31 News from our colleges. Nov'41:31 Classroom and campus. Oct'42:33 Mar'47:30 (photo) Apr'50:33 Oct'50:32 (photo) Dec'50:25 quoted. The opportunity of the Christian college. Jan'51:5 Bringing Lund to the people (photo) Jun'52:12 A look at Lund (photo) Nov'52:13 News room. Feb'53:36 Global highlights. Apr'53:2 Highlights of higher education (photo) Jaun'53:36 Global highlights. Jul'53:3 Classroom and campus. Jul'59:37 Five churches added to Every Home Plan (photo) Dec'60:46 (photo) Jan'62:21 Global highlights. Jul'62:4 Classroom and campus. Jun'66:35 LINDLEY, DENTON RAY. APOSTLE OF FREEDOM Book chat. Dec'57:16 LINDLEY, MAYBON (married to D. Ray Lindley) (photo) Dec'50:25 Lindley, Maybon (married to D. Ray Lindley) The college president (poem) May'53:40 LINDLEY, NEIL Classroom and campus. Sep'51:33 LINDON, GEORGIA Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jun'64:36
p. 1698 Lindon, S - Lineback
LINDON, SUE Ninety years old and full of youth. Apr'70:15 LINDQUIST, G. E. THE INDIAN IN AMERICAN LIFE Summer reading about Indian Americans. Jul'44:25 Lindsay, (Mrs. L. W.) Letters. Mar'71:4 Lindsay, (Mrs. S. B.) The house beautiful. Jan'20:44 LINDSAY, DOROTHY Missions mean more to them now (photo) Feb'55:9 LINDSAY, JOHN M., -1950 In memoriam. Oct'50:39 LINDSAY, LENA Classroom and campus. Jun'43:24 LINDSAY, LUCY In memoriam. Mar'38:39 LINDSAY, LYDIA (death) Feb'26:51 LINDSAY, MARK EDGAR NEWSOM, 1898- Disciples at Yale (photo) Jul'29:29 Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel, 1879-1931 (untitled poem) Mar'25:back cover Foreign missions in battle array (poem) Mar'27:36 The proud farmer (poem) Oct'36:11 LINDSAY, NICHOLAS VACHEL, 1879-1931 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'23:51 May'24:54 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'32:41 LINDSAY, NICHOLAS VACHEL. SELECTION POEMS Book chat. Oct'36:43 LINDSAY, S B Building an Indian church in a day. Jan'23:16 Lindsay, Sally Spencer (married to John Lindsay) Admonition (poem) Jul'46:17 And a little child... (poem) Jun'47:16 Oct'48:21 LINDSAY, VACHEL See LINDSAY, NICHOLAS VACHEL LINDSEY, ARTHUR Classroom and campus. Dec'51:31 LINDSEY, ARTHUR McNEES (photo) Jul'23:10 Mar'24:50 LINDSEY, ARTHUR NEAL, 1873-1955 Personalities. Jan'35:16 May'35:17 Feb'38:23 LINDSEY, JOHN MARSHALL, 1905-1950 (photo) Jul'23:10 LINDSEY, MAUD, -1951 In memoriam. Jun'51:37 LINDSEY, ROBERT Faith, with freedom, in the "too-holy" land. Oct'73:5 Lindsley, Ina E Boxcar number 9. May'47:46 LINDSTROM, ULLA (photo) Jan'48:20 LINDT, AUGUST (photo) Feb'59:13 Global highlights. Mar'60:7 LINEBACK, (MRS. W.) Disciples at Yale (photo) Jul'29:29
p. 1699 Lineback, B - Link
LINEBACK, BENJAMIN A (death) Feb'24:50 LINEBACK, WILLIAM Disciples at Yale (photo) Jul'28:26 Jul'29:29 Jul'31:30 News room. Sep'46:40 LINEBARGER, FLORENCE ALICE, -1964 In memoriam. Jun'64:49 LINEBARGER, PAUL M. A. THE CHINA OF CHIANG KAI-SHEK Book chat. Nov'41:23 LINEBERGER, ERNEST R Echoes from everywhere. Sep'53:34 LINEBERGER, LAWRENCE O. THE MAN FROM TARSUS Speaking of books. Jun'33:34 LINEBERGER. LAWRENCE O. TOWERING FIGURES Speaking of books. Apr'29:31 LINES, CAROLINE ANTOINETTE GAMARD, 1894- (married to Ezra Austin Lines) Notes. Sep'19:48 LINES, DAVID Notes. Sep'19:48 LINES, EZRA AUSTIN, 1876- (married to Caroline Antoninette Gamard Lines) Notes. Mar'19:60 Sep'19:48 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'23:63 Mar'24:61 Apr'24:60 May'25:50 (photo) Feb'26:50 LING, CHENG. TIGER TAIL VILLAGE Read about rim of East Asia. Jan'63:40 LING, SEWARD Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'49:31 LING KE CHEN That these shall not have died in vain (photo) Mar'38:28 LINGALA A new missionary meets the Congolese. Oct'49:40 New light in the Congo. Feb'58:9 Congo magazine. Feb'58:43 LINGENFELTER, LOIS See HELSER, LOIS LINGENFELTER LINGER, ALICE PETERS, -1942 In memoriam. Sep'42:39 LINGLE, CLARA E. - 1942 In memoriam. Apr'42:39 LINGNAN UNIVERSITY Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'26:45 LINGUEY, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS A convention in the Philippines (photo of chapel) Jun'40:26 Linham, Helen L I'm sorry Lord (poem) Jun'38:48 LINK, ESTLEE E., -1972 (married to George J. Link) In memoriam. Jul'72:43 LINK, HENRY C. THE REDISCOVERY OF MAN Book chat. Dec'38:22 LINK, HENRY C. THE RETURN TO RELIGION Book chat. Jul'36:32 THE LINK Global highlights. Dec'51:2
p. 1700 Linkenhoker - Liqour and
LINKENHOKER, MINERVIA JANE In memoriam. Jul'44:33 LINKLETTER, (married to C. S. Linkletter) In memoriam. Nov'53:35 LINKLETTER, CHARLES STEWART, 1889-1967 (photo) Nov'37:32 Dec'38:30 Linkletter, Edna Letters. Apr'73:4 LINKLETTER, MAJOR GRAEME (photo) Feb'32:30 LINKOUS, THOMAS T. G. (married to Lou Estelle Linkous) (photo) Mar'24:56 LINN, JAMES WEBER. JANE ADDAMS Women and world highways. Feb'36:35 Linn, Jan Gary How ministers see themselves. Apr'72:11 LINN, JAN GARY (photo) Apr'72:11 LINN KNOLL, MISSOURI. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Giving the people a chance to give. Apr'19:2 LINSELL, (married to Ross D. Linsell) In memoriam. Apr'38:39 Linsley, Agnes Letters. Jan'72:4 LINTHIEUM, E E What's happening at our homes. Jan'29:59 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'29:43 LINVILLE, BENJAMIN HARRISON, 1887-1955 (married to Wavie Russell Linville) (photo) Mar'24:43 quoted. The revival of Foreign Missions Day. Mar'29:30 Linzel, (married to Frank D. Linzel) Church women at work in the nation's Capital. Sep'38:11 LIPAY, PHILIPPINES A personally conducted tour... Aug'23:22 LIPPARD, EMMA G. A JAPANESE GRANDMOTHER Speaking of books. Jul'34:33 LIPPENS, M MAURICE Echoes from everywhere. Apr'24:60 Items that made news last month. Jan'30:55 LIPPHARD, WILLIAM B Global highlights (photo) Jun'53:2 Jun'55:3 LIPPMANN, WALTER. THE PUBLIC PHILOSOPHY Book chat. Nov'59:26 LIPPMANN, WALTER. U.S. FOREIGN POLICY Book chat. Dec'43:38 LIPS, KATHERINE A In memoriam. May'43:39 LIPSCOMB, DAVID. 1831-1917 Brothers go to war (photo) Oct'61:26 LIPSCOMB, GEORGE D. DR. GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER... American, scientist, man of God. Feb'45:3 LIQUOR AND TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS See TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS
p. 1701 Liquor T - Lisenby, R
LIQUOR TRAFFIC See also PROHIBITION TEMPERANCE The sad plight of the liquor power. Mar'19:8 Going out of the liquor business. Jul'19:8 Waking up. Jul'19:12 Notes. Jul'19:61 The backwash of the liquor traffic. Sep'19:67 Liquor in Japan. Oct'19:58 Notes. Oct'19:59,66 The lawless traffic in liquor. Apr'22:57 Glimpses of the religious world. Jan'24:53 Apr'24:64 Glimpses of the religious world. May'24:45 Jun'24:47 The undemocratic liquor traffic. Jul'25:24 Elections and resolutions of the Convention. Nov'25:53 What happened in Ontario. May'27:53 Glimpses of the religious world. Jun'27:56 Some recent gains in Prohibition. Jul'29:6 Speaking of books. Jul'29:30 (photo of saloon) Jul'30:2 Listening in on the world. Dec'30:22 Beer, the cure all. Jun'32:4 Government control in Canada. Dec'32:19 The saloon in retrospect. Jul'33:7 Convention elections and actions. Nov'33:54 On the social battle front. Feb'34:13 The church and the new society. Jan'35:27 A year of repeal. Feb'35:4 Major actions of the International Convention... Nov'35:47 Social trends. Dec'35:27 Major actions of the Convention. Nov'36:44 Elections and actions at Columbus. Dec'37:27 The threshold. Feb'38:2 Jan'40:2 Jun'40:2 Social trends. Feb'41:21 Free liquor advertising in movies. Jun'42:12 Elections and actions at Grand Rapids. Sep'42:27 Social action. Sep'42:30 Social trends. Oct'42:24 (cartoon) Nov'42:43 Social trends. Jan'43:24 Canada and the liquor trade. Feb'43:45 Actions at Columbus. Dec'44:36 Social trends. Sep'47:17 Expenditures for alcoholic beverages. Apr'51:45 Social trends. Oct'52:18 Global highlights. Mar'54:3 Sep'54:3 Social trends. Dec'54:22 May'55:16 Oct'55:22 WCTU head, a Disciple, scores liquor promotion. Oct'55:45 Social trends. Jun'57:14 Global highlights. Oct'58:4 Sep'62:6 Feb'63:5 May'64:5 Liquor. Sep'67:9 Alcohol problems. Jul'68:11 Ahead of the headlines. Jun'69:5 U.S. alcohol consumption nearly 5 billion gallons. Nov'73:45 LISENBY, ROSE L (photo) Jan'21:1 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Sep'24:51
p. 1702 Lisenby, W - Literacy
LISENBY, W T Memorial gifts to Africa. Oct'26:33 LISK, MARY, -1953 In memoriam. Feb'54:35 LIST, ANNE World events (photo) Sep'71:38 LISTER, ELIPHAZ ELVEDORE, 1886-1954 Report from the Rochester Hospital Chaplain. Jan'48:44 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'49:36 News room. Nov'50:38 Nov'51:39 LISTENING CONFERENCES. 1958 Adults and mission. Jan'64:38 LIT LIT See COMMITTEE ON WORLD LITERACY AND CHRISTIAN LITERATURE LITANIES See also WORSHIP SERVICES A litany. Jul'23:back cover A litany for Mother's Day. Mar'34:inside front cover A litany in behalf of the city. Oct'38:15 Litany for Christian unity Sunday. May'40:19 Programs for young people. Oct'40:37 Missionary worship service. Jun'45:32 Rural life litany. Nov'59:18 Youth and the world mission. Apr'65:40 Women on world highways. May'66:37 A litany of brotherhood. Feb'70:9 Keep the rumor going. May'70:8 Suggested commissioning service. May'70:31 A praise song celebrating the risen Christ at work in the world today. Jul'71:25 Life up your hearts. Dec'71:48 A litany on church unity. Mar'72:18 Un domingo en la manana. Mar'72:46 Lift up your hearts. May'72:48 Litany for the earth. Jul'72:back cover LITAO, MINISMERCIA quoted. Messages from Filipino children. Jun'46:8 LITCHFIELD, ILLINOIS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jul'21:39 LITEL, JOHN (photo) May'54:38 LITELE SAMUEL Congo village hears and believes (photo) Apr'42:30 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'46:37 LITERACY India learning to read. Sep'40:11 Literacy and literature. Dec'42:13 Pioneering in Christian literacy. Jan'44:16 "Each one teach one" in Brazil. Apr'47:45 Literacy program in India progresses. Nov'47:29 Lifting the veil of illiteracy. Jun'48:27 African literacy tour, 1948. Jun'49:12 Father learns to read. Oct'49:42 Ghurao learns to read. May'52:14 The miracle man of mass education. Dec'52:26 Literautre program is underway in southeast Asia. May'53:42 (cont. next page)
p. 1703 Literacy - Little Fable
LITERACY (cont.) Progress in erasing India's illiteracy. May'53:44 Eastern schools plan literacy journalism courses. May'53:45 Literacy work moves ahead. Nov'53:45 Literacy program to be launched. Jun'54:45 Literacy House celebrates a birthday. Jul'54:48 ...the key to minds and hearts. Sep'54:22 Global highlights. Oct'54:3 At work in world literacy. Jan'56:5 Making bird tracks talk. Sep'59:23 For adult mission study. Mar'60:38 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'60:36 Global highlights. Jan'61:7 Apr'61:7 And you will learn to write. Apr'61:16 Ministry at Kitwe. Jul'61:31 Literacy can break the chains in Haiti. Feb'62:21 A crusade against darkness. Jun'62:18 The "scandal" of illiteracy. Feb'63:43 Reading is an essential art. Jan'64:16 World Calling... May'64:10 Women on world highways. Feb'67:32 We learned to read. May'68:40 Each one teach one. Mar'70:25 Literacy liberates! Apr'73:23 Commentary. Nov'73:15 LITERACY ACTION FOUNDATION Each one teach one. Mar'70:25 LITERARY DIGEST quoted. The refugees in the religious war. May'26:44 Shall I vote in the Literary Digest poll? Apr'32:19 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'58:32 LITERATURE The forty best books. Mar'26:56 LITHULI, ALBERT J (photo) Jun'49:13 LITTEL, (married to Charles M. Littel) In memoriam. Dec'41:39 Littell, Franklin H Rediscovery of the laity. Jul'65:21 Letters. May'72:4 LITTELL, FRANKLIN H. Global highlights. Dec'64:6 LITTELL, FRANKLIN H. THE CHURCH AND THE BODY POLITIC New books. Oct'69:28 LITTELL, FRANKLIN H. WILD TONGUES, A HANDBOOK OF SOCIAL PATHOLOGY New books. Feb'70:28 LITTER (TRASH) Who is the litterbug? Mar'67:9 LITTLE, ALTA GRISWOLD (married to Herbert Little) theyll never see 100 again! (photo) Nov'65:17 LITTLE, CARLYLE Classroom and campus. Nov'52:30 LITTLE, FRANCES See MACAULEY, FRANCES CALDWELL LITTLE, GEORGE A. THE TEACHER'S MANUAL Speaking of books. Feb'34:34 "A LITTLE FABLE" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio visuals. Nov'73:37
p. 1704 Little Flat - Liu, T
LITTLE FLAT ROCK, INDIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH How (their) Christian Endeavor Society raised its pledge (photo of Society) Oct'26:47 (photo) Feb'35:11 LITTLE JEWEL, MONTANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH One week's itinerary of a Home Missionary. Feb'24:37 "LITTLE MAN STAND TALL" (FILMSTRIP) A picture of Paraguay. Dec'58:18 "LITTLE MAN STAND TALL" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Mar'59:40 LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Witnessing to men in service. Feb'42:17 News room. Apr'49:34 Global highlights. Jul'56:6 Jun'63:5 LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) May'19:5 What the Woman's Missionary Society has meant to my church. Dec'21:46 Headquarters notes. Apr'23:52 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:59 Giving everybody a chance. Aug'27:38 Churches receive awards at banquet. Dec'68:44 LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. PULASKI HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN CHURCH These have done it... Sep'29:20 LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. SCOVILLE EVANGELISTIC MEETING (photos) Feb'24:47 LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. WRIGHT AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Apr'21:58 LITTLEJOHN, DAISY, -1945 In memoriam. Feb'46:37 LITTLEJOHN, DONALD EDWARD, 1921- (married to Jean Maxted Littlejohn) Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'57:31 LITTLER, LURA COTTLE, -1958 (married to John H. Littler) In memoriam. Jul'58:43 LITTLES, WILLIAM H Eleven years ago, and now. Apr'20:46 LITZ, (married to William Litz) Here and there with World Call. Sep'54:48 LITZENBURG, T. V. INTELLECTUAL HONESTY AND RELIGIOUS COMMITMENT New books. Mar'70:28 LIU CHANG quoted. From Chinese schoolboys at Wuhu. Oct'23:17 Liu En-Lan Echoes from everywhere. Jun'29:59 LIU EN-LAN quoted. Echoes from everywhere. Jul'48:36 LIU, GRACE KAN Echoes from everywhere. Oct'24:50 Liu Ja Dju From a Tibetan leader. Oct'27:62 LIU, LAWRENCE Echoes from everywhere. Oct'24:50 LIU TAO-TING (married to Sun Chuen-fang) (wedding) Global highlights (photo) Apr'57:5 LIU, TS'UNG-PEN College of Missions commencement, 1921 (photo) Aug'21:inside covers College of Missions notes. Aug'21:53
p. 1705 Liu, Y - Livengood, F
LIU, YOUNG FUA Classroom and campus (photo) Oct'60:35 "LIVE A LITTLE" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Mar'68:39 "LIVE AND HELP LIVE" (FILMSTRIP) Today's tools for today's tasks (photo) Oct'54:24 Audio-Visual suggestions. Oct'54:41 LIVELY, ANNE O Working together in home missions (photo) Nov'60:14 Lively, Morris U., 1895-1953 Building the army church. Oct'42:29 Livengood, Alice S. Peterson, 1890-1978 (married to Fay E. Livengood) Echoes from everywhere. Nov'22:57 Nov'24:58 LIVENGOOD, ALICE S. PETERSON, 1890-1978 Notes. Jul'20:48 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'26:54 (photo) Apr'28:44 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'35:33 (photo) Sep'35:25 quoted. Camp experiences in India. Oct'38:27 News room. Feb'42:45 Jun'44:28 Missionaries retire (photo) Oct'54:26 LIVENGOOD, CARRIE, -1942 In memoriam. Apr'42:39 LIVENGOOD, CORNELIA See ROGERS, CORNELIA LIVENGOOD Livengood, Fay Emmett, 1888-1970 (married to Alice S. Peterson Livengood) First experiences in India. Aug'19:39 From New York to Jubbulpore. Oct'19:49 Educated Indians hear. Feb'20:43 In camp in India with the boys. Jun'20:42 Note. Sep'20:62 Traveling in India. Nov'20:57 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:60 Jul'22:58 Deepening the spiritual life of the Damoh church. Aug'22:43 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'22:57 Henry, the tin missionary. Dec'22:8 A bird's eye view of the Damoh orphanage. Mar'23:47 Scouting in India. Dec'23:53 The real remedy. Jul'24:41 Where boys find a common interest. Aug'24:45 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'26:50 Livengood news. Oct'26:54 Dec'26:58 Mohammed or Christ in India. Jan'27:34 Christmas at home and abroad. Mar'27:40 Livengood news. May'27:44 Easter around the world. Jul'27:42 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'27:48 Livengood news. Aug'27:40 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'27:47 Livengood news. Oct'27:39 Dec'27:53 Apr'28:44 The last page. May'28:64 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'28:48 Oct'28:48 Nov'28:60 Livengood news. Dec'28:37 (cont. next page)
p. 1706 Livengood, F - Livengood
Livengood, Fay E. (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Feb'29:36,44 Aug'29:35,36 Livengood news. Oct'29:57 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'29:50 Hard to surpass in America. Nov'29:54 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'29:50 Livengood news. Jan'30:35 Mar'30:38 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'30:62 Intensive evangelism Aug'30:26 Livengood news. Oct'30:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'32:39 May'32:40 Livengood in camp. Aug'32:31 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'32:38 May'33:40 Apr'36:39 Apr'33:39,40 Mar'36:39,40 Nov'37:39 We visit India. Feb'38:12 We visit Telugu land. Jul'38:16 Saving the lost. Apr'39:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'39:39 New creatures in Christ. Jul'39:41 Disciples convention in India. Feb'40:28 With Fay Livengood in India. Jun'40:43 The Christian movement in India's Andhra Desh. Nov'40:20 Jubbulpore report. Jun'42:42 Jubbulpore youtn people move forward. Nov'43:22 India is always hungry. Jul'44:14 The printed word in India. Dec'46:28 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'47:37 Youth and missions. Mar'47:35 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'47:36 Language schools keep missionaries busy. Oct'51:40 Mission press serves Hindi-speaking people. Nov'51:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'52:47 LIVENGOOD, FAY EMMETT, 1888-1970 Notes. Mar'19:62 Jan'20:62 Jul'20:48 Jul'19:63 Feb'20:60 Highways through the heart of Hindustan. Nov'20:17 Echoes from everywhere. May'24:64 Jul'24:49 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'26:54 (photo) Oct'27:39 Apr'28:44 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'35:33 (photo) Sep'35:23,25 News room. Feb'42:45 Jun'44:28 quoted. Untouchability abolished in India. Feb'49:46 (photo) Apr'49:17 In Christ we share a fellowship. May'52:30 Missionaries retire (photo) Oct'54:26 In memoriam. Jan'71:45 Livengood, G W Speaking of giving. Jun'23:38 LIVENGOOD, G W (photo) Oct'23:53 LIVENGOOD, LUCILE CLAWSON, 1879-1971 (married to Owen Livengood) Age and experience count most. Sep'55:14 (photo p. 15) LIVENGOOD, OWEN, 1875-1960 (married to Lucile Clawson Livengood) Mar'24:45 quoted. We also are ready. May'25:22 Age and experience count most. Sep'55:14 (photo p. 15)
p. 1707 Liverett, A - Liverett, H
Liverett, Adam Reid, 1878-1965 (married to Lola McNeely Liverett) What building a church implies. Aug'28:13 The glory of church erection. Aug'29:10 A collector's job is not an easy one! Aug'30:12 Debts of honor. Aug'32:10 A Brotherhood service. Sep'34:11 Service program of the Board of Church Extension. Jul'36:24 Saving church buildings. Jul'37:12 Church debts. Jul'38:12 Saving and serving churches. Apr'39;18 LIVERETT, ADAM REID, 1878-1965 Notes. Sep'20:60 A home that is a home (photo) Mar'22:7 quoted. As others see us. Jul'23:40 (photo) Mar'24:17 Dec'26:34 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'28:57 Feb'29:43 (photo) Oct'29:33 The Executive Committee takes action. Nov'29:29 Interesting facts about church extension. Jul'30:39 (photo) Aug'30:11 The secretaries elected. Dec'30:6 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'33:34 (photo) Sep'34:11 Personalities. Feb'36:21 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'37:43 (photo) Jul'38:12 Apr'39:18 Jul'39:8 Mar'40:17 News room. Dec'41:34 (photo) Mar'43:20 Brotherood leaders reach retirement (photo) Dec'44:17 (photo) Sep'47:8 (death) News room. Apr'65:42 LIVERETT, ADAM REID, JR (married to Elsie Cook Liverett) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'34:44 Liverett, Alice Helser (married to W. M. Liverett) Mountains unscalable. Sep'35:28 Women and world highways. Nov'35:35 A home missions trilogy. Sep'36:28 Programs for young people. Apr'37:37 Printer's ink in Africa. Apr'37:42 Sarah Bird Dorman. Jul'39:34 Life-giving waters. Sep'40:43 Team on wheels. Nov'40:15 The church, the chaplain and the service man. Jan'43:20 Beyond schoolroom walls. Apr'48:14 Mary Brown is invited... Oct'50:16 LIVERETT, ALICE HELSER (photo) Apr'40:7 News room. Jun'47:34 (photo) Feb'48:17 Newws room. Dec'58:34 World Calling... Jul'67:10 LIVERETT, ELSIE COOK (married to Adam Reid Liverett, Jr.) News room. Mar'51:40 LIVERETT, ELWYN (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'34:33 LIVERETT, HELEN NAFTZGER (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'34:33
p. 1708 Liverett, L - Livington A
LIVERETT, LOLA McNEELY, 1884-1966 (married to Adam Reid Liverett, Sr.) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'33:31 (photo) Jul'35:34 (death) Disciples in the news. May'66:7 In memoriam. May'66:46 LIVERETT, MAURICE Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'33:44 LIVERETT, MYRENE Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'39:42 LIVERMORE, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Disciples start 11 new churches. Jan'61:43 (photo of construction) Jan'66:3 LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'24:47 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'25:49 LIVING LINK MISSIONARIES See also MISSIONARY PARTNERS Living links. Jan'20:51 Notes. Feb'20:59 How the Living Link was reached. Dec'21:24 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'22:62 Golden chains. Oct'24:27 Hail to our silver anniversary churches (photos) Mar'31:24 The first page. Apr'31:2 Pledge to Living Link Missionary. Dec'46:45 Missionary links. Sep'54:40 Are missionary links outdated? Oct'54:29 Missionary visits can be successful. Nov'54:26 Global highlights. May'61:4 ...going, going, gone! Jun'62:10 Joy of partnership. Mar'63:30 "LIVING RIGHT AT OUR WORK" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Apr'55:43 LIVINGSTON, CHARLES (photo) Dec'38:31 Disciples in the news. Dec'67:8 LIVINGSTON, JOY See DODSON, JOY LIVINGSTON LIVINGSTON, PAUL Y. SAY THOU ART MINE Book chat. Nov'38:33 Livingston, Stephen Tracy For a church vestibule (poem) Aug'28:12 Aug'30:12 LIVINGSTON ACADEMY (TENNESSEE) Notes. Jan'19:62 Feb'19:45,48 Apr'19:65 My mountain people. Jul'19:10 Notes. Jul'19:62 Sep'19:49 Snap shots... Dec'19:14 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'20:34 (photo) Jun'21:58 Report. Sep'21:26 Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'22:62 Annual report... Sep'22:36 Some news items... Dec'22:45 Mountain vision at Livingston. Jan'23:52 (cont. next page)
p. 1709 Livingston Academy 1923 - 1942
LIVINGSTON ACADEMY (cont.) Building character in Cumberland Mountains (photos) Feb'23:28 Headquarters notes. Apr'23:52 Autobiography of a Livingston Academy girl. May'23:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'23:51 The year at a glance. Oct'23:36 The Golden Jubilee. Dec'23:9 Headquarters notes. Dec'23:52 Where rifles hand on cabin walls (photos) May'24:26 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'24:50 Program helps. Oct'24:48 (photo) Oct'24:49 Multiplying loaves and fishes (photo) Mar'25:58 Following the trail of the church's activity. May'25:12 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'25:51 Going up (photo) Sep'25:12 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'25:43 A long looked for day. Dec'25:50 Echoes from the Jubilee. Dec'25:58 (photo) Sep'27:18 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:38 New things for old. Mar'29:58 (photo of girls' dormitory) Sep'29:6 Again the school bell calls. Nov'29:23 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'30:41 Representing 166 years of service (photo) Jul'30:31 Airplane snapshots. Sep'30:26 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'30:34 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'30:39 ...received increased grant. Aug'31:47 Along the trail of home missions. Sep'31:28 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'32:31 Commencement. Jun'32:47 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'32:41 Through the years. Sep'33:39 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'33:40 Nov'33:39 (photo of girls' basketball team) Apr'34:24 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'34:41 Commencement... Sep'34:29 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'34:39 A bird's eye view of home missions (photo) Apr'35:31 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'35:31 New superintendent... Nov'35:41 This year in home missions. Apr'37:24 (photo p. 25) Echoes from everywhere. Apr'37:39 Another shepherd of the hills. Nov'37:26 They are seven (photo) Apr'38:8 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'38:44 Living waters in a thirsty land. Apr'39:21 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Oct'39:41 Livingston Academy (photo) Apr'40:7 Dr. Dye on Livingston. Apr'41:7 Tennessee mountain school (photo) Oct'41:33 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'41:39 Students atLivingston. Nov'41:32 Former student returns to school Feb'42:27 News notes. Jun'42:34 (cont. next page)
p. 1710 Livingston Academy 1945 - Lloyd, C
LIVINGSTON ACADEMY (cont.) The highlander discovers America. Apr'45:6 Home missions heads report. Jun'45:24 News room. Jun'46:34,45 Nov'46:32 Strength from the hills. Oct'47:15 For adult mission study. Sep'56:36 Finding the need in home missions. Apr'59:23 LIVINGSTON, TENNESSEE Mountain vision at Livingston. Jan'23:52 Along the trail of home missions. Sep'31:28 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'33:40 LIVINGSTON, TENNESSEE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'24:47 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'24:60 The evolution of a Sunday school class (photo) Sep'24:44 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'33:39 May'34:40 Dec'34:39 Celebrates 25th anniversary. Dec'35:34 Another shepherd of the hills. Nov'37:26 A larger parish at work. Nov'50:17 LIVINGSTONE, DAVID, 1813-1873 From Chitambo's village to the sea. Jan'24:43 On the interment of David Livingstone (poem) May'27:37 Some Congo clippings. Oct'27:53 Glimpses of the religious world. Jun'28:45 The challenge of missionary trail-blazers. Jun'31:16 ...enshrined at Victoria Falls. Sep'34:4 South Africa (photo) Sep'38:28 These go to Africa. Jun'39:5 Heritage and hope of David Livingstone (portrait) Jun'73:20 LIVINGSTONE, DAVID. LIVINGSTONE'S MISSIONARY CORRESPONDENCE, 1841-1856 Book chat. Oct'62:40 LIVINGSTONE, W F CHRISTIAN FORSYTH OF FINGOLAND Notes. Jul'19:64 LIVINGSTONE, WILLIAM ORION, 1870-1962 (photo) Mar'24:31 LIZARDI, MANUEL (photo) Apr'53:34 LIZARRAGA, CEZAR (photo) May'43:9 LLANDEWY, JAMAICA (photo of church) Jul'52:12 LLEWELLYN, TOM Teens lead in book program (photo) Jun'61:17 LLOYD, (married to Charles Lloyd) In memoriam. Oct'30:40 LLOYD, A ROSS (photo) Jun'51:18 Lloyd, Anna Belle Huff, 1873-1964 (married to William Jackson Lloyd) Words about the World Call Week pageant. Dec'29:1 Origins (poem) Jul'31:12 LLOYD, BETTIE In memoriam. Oct'30:40 LLOYD, CHARLES A parish in a city (photo) Sep'54:10
p. 1711 Lloyd, E - Lock, J
LLOYD, ELINOR POTEE, 1927- (married to Roger Lloyd) (photo) Dec'30:47 Children of the India mission. Mar'38:25 (photo p. 24) News room. Nov'44:27 (marriage) News room. Oct'49:32 LLOYD, HAROLD CLAYTON, 1894- Personalities (photo) Oct'34:15 LLOYD, HENRY (photo) Jan'21:12 LLOYD, LAURA S quoted. Circulation corner. Mar'36:1 LLOYD, RALPH Global highlights (photo) May'47:2 LLOYD, RALPH WALDO (photo) Apr'51:11 LLOYD, ROGER (married to Elinor Potee Lloyd) (marriage) News room. Oct'49:32 Lloyd, William Ross, 1858-1945 With high hope, they press forward. Jun'21:47 LLOYD GEORGE, DAVID, 1863-1945 A message from Lloyd George (photo) Nov'26:27 Is there an India? Jul'37:3 LLOYD-JONES, D. MARTYN. THE PLIGHT OF MAN AND THE POWER OF GOD Book chat. Mar'43:21 LO CHIA-LUN Children start ball rolling. Feb'37:29 "LO, HERE IS FELLOWSHIP" (HYMN) (music) For the C. W. F. Jun'50:36 Loader, Bill The moral side of the news. Nov'62:34 The missing witness. Apr'66:19 LOAFER'S GLORY, ARKANSAS The new day in Loafer's Glory (photos) Oct'28:14 LOBBYING Social trends. Feb'49:20 LOBDELL, SALLIE B Service for those who wait (photo) Jun'65:23 LOBINGER, ELIZABETH ERWIN MILLER. SHIP EAST--SHIP WEST Book chat. Jan'38:33 LOBINGIER, JOHN LESLIE. HOW BIG IS YOUR WORLD? Speaking of books. Jan'32:34 LOCH LEVEN CONFERENCE GROUNDS (CALIFORNIA) Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jul'57:34 LOCHARD, JACQUES Youth and missions (photo) Nov'57:37 LOCHARD, MICHELLE Youth and missions. Nov'57:37 LOCKE, E R (photo) Nov'31:29 LOCKE, HUBERT Ahead of the headlines. Jun'70:5 LOCKE, JOHN, 1632-1704 quoted. Last column. Feb'56:48 Locke, John William, 1932-1990 (married to Marion Elizabeth King) Church union "ship" still afloat in Canada. Jul'72:18 LOCKE, JOHN WILLIAM, 1932-1990 Canadian partners to the north (photo) Nov'58:19 Classroom and campus. May'62:34 (photo) Jul'72:19
p. 1712 Locke, Z - Lockhart, TX
Locke, Zienna, 1856-1930 (married to E. R. Locke) A birthday party. Oct'30:44 LOCKE, ZIENNA, 1856-1930 (photo) Oct'30:44 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'31:42 LOCKFIELD GARDENS (INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA) Lockfield Gardens (photo) Dec'38:12 LOCKHART, CHARLES ASA, 1867-1946 (married to Julia A. Lockhart) quoted. The Indianapolis Convention is coming. Oct'32:5 (death) News room. Apr'46:32 LOCKHART, CLINTON, 1858-1951 (photo) Jan'27:2 Clinton Lockhart. Jan'27:11 Midwinter news from our campuses. Mar'31:34 Intimage glimpses of our colleges. Jun'34:46 College notes. Apr'38:33 News from our colleges. May'38:32 (photo) Dec'39:31 Classroom and campus. Jan'44:25 Apr'44:25 Great teachers in my life (photo) Jan'48:10 Beneath the spire (photo) Jul'50:4 LOCKHART, JACOB Colleges going strong in the second semester. Apr'33:32 LOCKHART, JOHN (photo) Dec'22:11 Lockhart, Lois Thomas, 1880- (married to William Stockton Lockhart) The Church shall swell the chorus! Dec'27:6 The responsibility of Christian women at the polls. Aug'28:21 Disarming woman. Nov'32:26 Lockhart, Mary Make the most of the summer. May'61:24 LOCKHART, MARY (married to William B. Lockhart) Spotlight on William B. Lockhart. Nov'71:7 LOCKHART, MOLLIE SMITH, 1869?-1955 (married to Clinton Lockhart) (photo) Jan'27:2 Lockhart, Paul Thomas Progress toward world peace. Dec'32:15 LOCKHART, R. H. BRUCE. RETURN TO MALAYA Let's read about Southeast Asia! Jan'45:27 LOCKHART, W J (photo) Nov'34:28 Lockhart, W S On leaving for college. Aug'24:28 LOCKHART, W S quoted. Go-to-College Day--why observe it? Sep'25:28 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'32:41 LOCKHART, WILLIAM World events (photo) Dec'70:36 LOCKHART, WILLIAM B. (married to Mary Lockhart) Disciples in the news. Apr'68:8 Spotlight on William B. Lockhart (photo) Nov'71:7 quoted. Quote...unquote. Nov'71:7 LOCKHART, WILLIAM STOCKTON, 1876-1937 (married to Lois Thomas Lockhart) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'37:30 LOCKHART, TEXAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Challenging aims. Mar'46:39
p. 1713 Lockhart, TX - Loftis, Z
LOCKHART, TEXAS. MEXICAN CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jan'24:62 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'25:53 LOCKIE, (MRS. G. DAVID) A triumph of faith. Jun'19:56 Memoriam. Mar'35:39 LOCKIE, G DAVID A triumph of faith. Jun'19:56 LOCKIE, RUTH GUSTINE (death) (photo) Jun'19:56 LOCKWOOD, LEE. CONVERSTAION WITH ELDRIDGE CLEAVER: ALGIERS New books. Nov'70:29 LOCRA, JOSE de Mexican Disciples reach others (photo) May'62:18 LOCUST GROVE, OKLAHOMA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Aug'20:46 LODGE, HENRY CABOT Global highlights (photo) Feb'53:3 Global highlights. Jul'53:2 LODGE, OLIVER The last page. Feb'27:64 LOEB, JANICE Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jun'49:36 LOEB, SOPHIE IRENE Pure and undefiled. Mar'29:22 Loefflath-Ehly, Ilka (married to Vic Ehly) The church looks at communal living. May'72:18 LOEGLER, DAVID Global highlights. Oct'46:3 LOEHR, ELIZABETH (death) Feb'19:51 LOEHR, LEON L (death) Colleges facing the new school year. Oct'34:34 LOEHR, WILLIAM M Capital program moves forward (photo) Mar'59:12 LOER, ESTELLA (death) Mar'20:53 LOER, RILLIE Notes. Nov'19:66 LOERA, AURORA VALENCIA (married to Jose Loera) (marriage) Jose wins one! (photo) Sep'51:45 LOERA, JOSE (married to Aurora Valencia Loera) Echoes from everywhere. May'45:32 (marriage) Jose wins one! (photo) Sep'51:45 Global highlights (photo) Nov'66:6 Loerke, Betty Jean The brightes star. Dec'47:27 LOEW, RALPH W. HINGES OF DESTINY Book chat. Jul'55:16 LOFONDE YOSEPH What makes a mission station? Feb'40:32 LOFT, GEORGE Global highlights. Feb'61:8 LOFTIS, ZENOS SANFORD, 1881-1909 A new physician for Tibet. Mar'19:55 With the missionaries who died at their posts. Oct'20:12 They sleep--and call. Mar'22:6 A statement concerning the Shelton Memorial. Jan'23:19 (cont. next page)
p. 1714 Loftis, Z - Lohse
LOFTIS, ZENOS SANFORD (cont.) (photo of grave) Feb'23:2 Jun'24:18 In memory of our dead heroes. Jun'24:50 Program helps (photo) May'25:48 LOFTON, RICHARD General Board prepares way for coming Assembly (photo) Oct'73:10 LOFTUS, THOMAS L., JR. World events. Sep'69:37 Logan, (Mrs. R. C.) Women and world highways. May'38:35 Devotional study for missionary societies. Feb'39:38 LOGAN, INEZ See LORD, INEZ LOGAN LOGAN, MARGARET RICE, -1966 (married to Lee Logan) In memoriam. Oct'66:41 LOGAN, MARK B Classroom and campus. May'60:33 LOGAN, MARY E., -1921 (death) Nov'21:50 LOGAN, SAVITRI Preparing a ministry of healing (photo) Apr'59:14 LOGAN, W HUME (photo) Oct'22:7 May'23:32 Echoes from everywhere. May'23:54 (photo) Jan'25:32 Another league of laymen (photo) Jan'29:10 (photo) Jun'30:32 quoted. Christian laymen look at 1933. Jan'33:12 LOGAN, WELLINGTON M., 1875- Personalities. Jun'35:12 LOGAN, WEST VIRGINIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Who saved the church at Logan? (photo) Jul'36:5 LOGANGO MOSES (death) The Ubangi-Ngiri area in Congo. Jul'45:35 LOGANSPORT, INDIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Dec'20:58 LOGSDEN, (married to Charles Logsden) -1946 In memoriam. May'46:37 LOGSDON, H. KLINE Classroom and campus. Apr'62:33 LOHMAN, KAYBETH Reconciliation through crafts (photo) Nov'69:21 LOHMAN, R. C. Reconciliation through crafts (photo) Nov'69:21 LOHNES, ELIZABETH, -1948 In memoriam. Nov'48:37 LOHR, BERTHA F. ELLERMAN, 1856-1942 (married to Charles Lohr) (photo) Aug'19:27 Notes. Feb'20:56 quoted. Old letters of rare value. Feb'21:18 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:62 Jan'24:62 (photo) Aug'25:49 Mar'28:18 (death) News room. May'42:40 LOHR, ELLEN L In memoriam. Sep'44:33 LOHSE, BERNHARD. A SHORT HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE New books. Apr'67:22
p. 1715 Lois - Lollis, J
LOIS VILLA, JAMAICA Echoes from everywhere. May'24:49 Nov'24:58 LOKANGE Hedge rustlings. Nov'26:57 LOKANGE PAUL Through the swamps of Africa. Feb'32:34 LOKOFE Rural challenge. Jun'54:46 LOKOFE, MOSES Congo claims her right to know (photo) Apr'36:28 LOKOFE, WECHI MARIE Congo claims her right to know (photo) Apr'36:28 LOKOLE, BERNARD A missionary's day at home. Apr'49:29 LOKULUTU JOSEPH Scholarship aid for overseas leaders. Jan'72:18 LOKWA, MOSES (death) The passing of a native Congo missionary. Aug'27:38 LOLLAR, MARY E In memoriam. Apr'38:39 LOLLIS, (married to David L. Lollis) Global highlights (photo) Mar'62:6 LOLLIS, DAVID L. Global highlights (photo) Mar'62:6 LOLLIS, EDWARD WESLEY (married to Georgia May Campbell Lollis) (wedding) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'34:31 Lollis, Georgia May Campbell (married to Edward Wesley Lollis) The unofficial mother. Nov'23:22 Letters of the gloaming. Mar'30:30 LOLLIS, GEORGIA MAY CAMPBELL (wedding) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'34:31 Lollis, James A., 1909-1981 (married to Lorraine Lollis) The ministers--keeper of his own soul. Sep'53:7 The Jamaicans have a mind to cooperate. Mar'55:14 Moodlin' Sep'69:33 Dec'70:33 Oct'69:41 Jan'71:35 Nov'69 - May'70 p. 35 Feb'71:35 Jun'70:45 Mar'71:33 Jul'70:35 Apr'71:34 Sep'70:41 May'71:35 Oct'70:35 Jun'71:35 Nov'70:34 Sep - Dec'71 p. 35 Shavings. Jan'72:35 Sep'72:35 Feb'73:37 Jul'73:35 Feb'72:35 Oct'72:35 Mar'73:34 Sep'73:35 Mar'72:35 Nov'72:32 Apr'73:34 Oct'73:34 Apr'72:36 Dec'72:36 May'73:34 Nov'73:33 May'72:36 Jan'73:47 Jun'73:35 Dec'73:34 Jul'72:42 LOLLIS, JAMES A., 1909-1981 EHP grows (photo) Dec'61:45 Disciples in the news (photo) Jun'68:8 (photo) Sep'53:7 Classroom and campus (photo) May'54:31 EHP grows (photo) Dec'61:45 Disciples in the news. Jul'65:7 (photo) Jun'68:8 Retirements from the general ministry. Oct'73:30 (photo p. 31)
p. 1716 Lollis, L - London, KY
Lollis, Lorraine (married to James A. Lollis) To laugh, to love and to wear bright orange. Sep'71:22 LOLLIS, LORRAINE. THE SHAPE OF ADAM'S RIB New books. Nov'70:28 LOMAX, DOROTHY LOUISE See MOSELEY, DOROTHY LOUISE LOMAX LOMAX, ELSIE MARIE ADAMS, 1881-1960 (married to Hugh Latimer Lomax) Circulation corner. Jan'42:inside front cover quoted. Here and there with World Call. Jun'48:48 News room. Dec'50:32 Age and experience count most. Sep'55:14 (photos p. 16,17) (death) News room. Sep'60:40 LOMAX, EMMA LEE Crowded out at Beulah. Apr'45:13 Lomax, Hugh Latimer, 1877-1962 (married to Elsie Lomax) Am I playing fair? Jan'21:23 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:49 Speaking of giving. Jun'23:38 LOMAX, HUGH LATIMER, 1877-1962 The Star Christian Endeavor Standard. Feb'19:60 News room. Dec'50:32 Age and experience count most. Sep'55:14 (photos p. 15,16,17) (death) News room. Mar'62:38 Higher education in the past half-century (photo) Jan'69:37 LOMAX, LOUISE See MOSELEY, DOROTHY LOUISE LOMAX LOMB, ESTHER (photo) Jan'19:23 Results in the religious day school. Aug'19:56 LOMBARD, GEORGE Global highlights. Apr'47:3 LOMBARD, ROBERT (photo) Nov'45:8 LOMPOC, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, October-Decmeber, 1959. Apr'60:30 LOMPOKO The romance of the commonplace. Sep'24:25 LONCAR, BUDIMIR Global highlights (photo) May'53:3 LONDON, ENGLAND With the Near East Relief Commission. Jun'19:43 Another sign of the times. Aug'26:56 What's doing in England. Feb'28:29 Negro leader retires. Feb'35:4 Social trends. Nov'35:26 LONDON, ENGLAND. CITY TEMPLE Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'28:43 LONDON, ENGLAND. TWYNHOLM CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Dec'26:22 What's doing in Britain. Mar'28:31 LONDON, ENGLAND. WESLEY'S CHAPEL Glimpses of the religious world. Jan'29:45 LONDON, KENTUCKY. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Hitching the plow to the pulpit. Jun'28:34
p. 1717 London Naval - Long, J
LONDON NAVAL ARMS CONFERENCE Listening in on the world. May'30:28 Jun'30:26 LONDON PEACE CONFERENCE Listening in on the world. Apr'31:16 LONE PINE, PENNSYLVANIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Golden Jubilee notes. Mar'24:51 LONG, (married to Vinson Long) Global highlights. Mar'67:6 In brief. May'70:42 LONG, A LEE In memoriam. Mar'42:39 LONG, ARTHUR Classroom and campus. Sep'50:32 Long, Arthur M -1932 Under the palms and among the pines. Feb'27:37 LONG, ARTHUR M -1932 Glorious Easter results. May'22:6 (photo) Oct'22:7 Mar'24:55 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Sep'24:51 (photo) Jan'25:32 A glimpse at a great evangelistic work. Sep'26:6 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'26:55 Annual meeting of the Board of Education (photo) Jun'27:32 (photo) Jun'30:32 (death) A preview of the college year (photo) Sep'32:32 LONG, CHARLES Strasbourg--a note of impatience and urgency. May'61:12 LONG, DELORES Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'58:33 LONG, DONALD E quoted. How can we help youth in conflict? Jul'60:25 LONG, EDWARD V Classroom and campus. Jun'61:34 (photo) Apr'68:34 LONG, ELI H., 1860- quoted. As others see us. Jul'23:39 LONG, ELIZABETH, -1959 In memoriam. Dec'59:37 LONG, ELLA WILSON, 1856-1928 (married to Robert Alexander Long) (photo) Nov'25:10 Jan'29:2 An old fashioned couple. Jan'29:25 A Christian woman's heart. Mar'29:57 LONG, EVA MARCILE (photo) Jul'23:7 Long, Herman H The kingdom beyond caste. Jul'57:19 LONG, HERMAN H (photo) Jul'57:19 LONG, HILDA ASCHCRAFT In memoriam. Nov'41:39 LONG, HUEY P Social trends. Jun'35:22 LONG, J A (photo) Mar'24:31 LONG, J. GOFF (photo) Sep'40:26
p. 1718 Long, J - Long, N
LONG, JEAN Echoes from everywhere. Dec'48:36 (photo) Nov'49:11 News room. Sep'50:38 Long, John Letters. Nov'73:42 LONG, JOHN World events (photo) Apr'71:36 Will black colleges survive--and serve? Sep'73:14 LONG, JOHN B., -1932 In memoriam. Oct'32:39 Long, John Cornelius, 1901-1991 (married to Olive B. Long) What a Young People's Conference means. Nov'22:26 A summer day at S.C.I. Sep'34:30 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'34:38 Sep'36:39 A traveling library. Jun'39:28 Building on faith. Jan'40:27 Women and world highways. Jul'40:35 Why I believe in home missions. Jul'42:34 A tribute to former President Lehman. Feb'43:28 Disciples and negro education. Apr'43:13 Mt. Beulah Cooperative store. Jul'43:36 Echoes from everywhere. May'44:33 LONG, JOHN CORNELIUS, 1901-1991 (photo) May'23:34 quoted. Are young people's conferences worht while? May'23:35 (photo) Apr'29:21 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'36:30 quoted. S.C.I. and Jarvis express appreciation. Apr'37:41 (photo) Jan'41:34 quoted. Last column. May'44:40 News room. Apr'45:28 Home missions heads report (photo) Jun'45:24 (photo) Sep'46:27 Beneath the spire (photo) Jul'48:4 News room. Jul'50:40 Feb'51:38 Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'52:32 News room. May'53:39 Feb'54:40 Apr'54:42 Classroom and campus. (photo) Jul'54:35 (photo) May'57:28 Sep'55:30 Apr'66:34 LONG, KERMIT L quoted. Last column. Jan'59:58 LONG, M G quoted. The revival of Foreign Missions Day. Mar'29:31 Long, Margaret The student and his faith. Mar'50:22 LONG, MARGARET (photo) Jul'23:12 News room (photo) Nov'45:26 News room. May'49:41 Apr'50:40 LONG, MARGARET K See MARGARET K. LONG SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (JAPAN) LONG, MARY In memoriam. Nov'28:48 LONG, NANCY CULL, -1957 In memoriam. Sep'57:35
p. 1719 Long, N - Long Beach
LONG, NEIL Youth and missions (photo) Sep'58:41 LONG, OLIVE BUFFINGTON (married to John C. Long) (photo) Apr'29:21 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'36:31 News room. Apr'54:42 Classroom and campus (photo) May'57:28 Classroom and campus. Apr'66:34 LONG, OREN ETHELBIRT, 1889-1965 (married to Geneva Long) Global highlights. Jul'51:3 Beneath the spire (photo) Dec'51:4 Global highlights. Oct'59:4 quoted. Disciples in Congress speak on world peace. Jul'60:16 (photo p. 17) Global highlights. Jun'62:4 Long, Princess Clark, 1862-1950 (married to Edward Clarence Long) Short and true from far and near. Apr'22:45 LONG, PRINCESS CLARK, 1862-1950 (photo) Dec'26;34 LONG, R C quoted. Last column. Mar'48:48 Long, Robert Alexander, 1850-1934 (married to Ella Wilson Long) A call to Washington. Oct'30:9 LONG, ROBERT ALEXANDER, 1850-1934 The men who moved the Men and Millions Movement (photo) Jun'23:2 A prophetic document which made history. Jun'23:10 quoted. A word from Mr. Long. Aug'24:1 A sawmill in heaven (photo) Aug'24:4 Echoes from everywhere. May'25:50 (photo) Nov'25:10 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'25:43 The proposed Capital City Church of Christ. Jan'27:4 (photo) Apr'28:2 At last. Apr'28:10 The last page. Jun'28:64 Trustees of Pension Fund organizaed. Nov'28:31 (photo p.30) (photo) Jan'29:2 An old fashioned couple. Jan'29:25 The convention on the sidewalks. Oct'29:11 The National City Christian Church--why? (photo) Oct'29:17 (photo) Oct'30:9 Dec'30:8 ...and Christian missions (photo) May'34:11 Memorial service. Jul'34:46 Personalities (photo) Oct'36:25 Your Brotherhood publishing house. Jan'43:16 A romance of home missions. Feb'43:11 (photo) Nov'49:30 Jan'69:20 Long, Robert D Letters. Jan'68:4 Long, Vivian Aten, 1885-1968 (married to Charles H. Long) By little Miss Carver. May'28:52 The task is ours (poem) Sep'30:11 Challenge for conquering (poem) Nov'62:30 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA Committee on War Services news notes. Jan'46:32 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA. EAST END CHRISTIAN CHURCH More ways of widening horizons. Oct'31:40
p. 1720 Long Beach - Longdon, M
LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA. EASTSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photos of construction) Nov'63:3 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Dec'21:62 The largest Bible class in the world (photo of class) Feb'23:56 Golden Jubilee notes. Oct'23:50 (photo of baptistery) Feb'24:26 Golden Jubilee notes. Mar'24:52 Post-Jubilee notes. Dec'24:50 Mission study class successful. Apr'27:55 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA. PALO VERDE AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Five churches adopt home plan. Nov'58:46 LONG BEACH HOME See CALIFORNIA CHRISTIAN HOME LONG HWAN YUIN (photo) Feb'25:17 "THE LONG MARCH" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Feb'67:42 LONG RANGE PROGRAM FOR ADVANCE We went to Oklahoma City. Dec'50:24 ...ready for launching. Jun'51:21 Convention story. Jul'52:21 Global highlights. Sep'53:2 The church must teach effectively. Sep'55:18 Disciples need a strategy. Sep'55:19 A year to push horizons out. Sep'57:17 Cleveland--of course! Sep'57:21 Read, remember, unite. Sep'58:10 Disciples face Decade of Decision. Oct'58:20 Looking back to see ahead. Sep'59:10 "THE LONG STRIDE" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. May'58:49 LONGA, CONGO (photo) Jan'22:36 A glimpse of Congo (photo) Mar'24:38 Where something happens all the time. Jul'34:29 A look at Africa. Jan'37:23 We visit the Belgian Congo. Jan'38:11 A visit to Longo in Congo. Jul'44:38 (photo of church) Jan'46:10 Apr'48:44 May'54:29 LONGDON, F J (death) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'22:62 LONGDON, FRANCIS J (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'27:59 LONGDON, MARTHA M (death) Jul'21:43 Longdon, Mary M., 1869-1947 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'21:57 Mary Theodorea McGavran. Mar'23:15 The water man. Dec'23:39 The Doctor Babu. Feb'24:38 My first Indian patient. Feb'24:41 Gathering in the waifs. Mar'24:44 A beggar of the Pendra State. Apr'24:43 Even one of the least. Aug'24:39 (cont. next page)
p. 1721 Longdon, M - Longman, B
Longdon, Mary M. (cont.) A real benediction. Jan'25:57 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'29:60 Jun'34:40 Shyam Bhabini Basu. Dec'45:44 LONGDON, MARY M 1869-1947 Facts for the busy woman. Dec'19:40 Panther attacks Dr. Mary Longdon. Jan'20:55 Notes. Feb'20:64 Apr'20:60 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'20:46 Sep'20:40 Redeeming an arm. Oct'20:51 quoted. Old letters of rare value. Mar'21:20 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:59,62 (death of mother) Jul'21:43 (photo) Oct'21:39 Oct'22:5 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'22:62 Dec'23:53 Oct'26:50 Dec'22:62 Apr'26:50 May'27:48 Indiana Day becomes an institution. Dec'29:59 News from the Board of Education... Mar'30:40 ...goes back to India (poem) (photo) Feb'31:35 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'34:42 (photo) Mar'36:26 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'37:34 From the "Gateway city." Dec'37:33 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'38:30 News room. Jan'42:38 (death)...dies in Florida (photo) Sep'47:45 Together we serve two hundred. Dec'51:32 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (untitled poem) Nov'37:37 The ship of state (poem) Jul'62:39 LONGFELLOW, M W Echoes from everywhere. Nov'24:49 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'26:51 LONGFELLOW, MABEL LOUTHAN (death) Jan'24:50 Longfellow, Mary Louise Jeter, 1881-1957 (married to Martin W. Longfellow) With Miss Ford's "lambs." Apr'23:47 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'37:39 LONGFELLOW, MARY LOUISE JETER, 1881-1957 (photo) Oct'21:39 Dec'22:47 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'23:63 Sep'24:49 Nov'24:49 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'26:51 quoted. For a memorial of her. Mar'26:24 Memorial gifts to Africa. Oct'26:33 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'35:33 Jul'36:40 Dec'37:32 (photo) Jun'50:18 (death) News room. Oct'57:32 In memoriam. Sep'58:39 LONGLEY, PEARL DORR. OIL LAMPS LIFTED Book chat. Jun'36:43 Longman, Blanche Secor, 1894-1978 (married to Clayborne Willis Longman) Missionary worship service. Jun'43:28
p. 1722 Longman, B - Longview
LONGMAN, BLANCHE SECOR, 1894-1978 For adult missionary groups. Jun'43:26 Here and there with World Call. Jul'52:48 Longman, Clayton Willis, 1883-1956 (married to Blanche Secor Longman) Christian education undergirds the church. Nov'37:10 Suggested text for adult classes. Nov'43:36 LONGMAN, CLAYTON WILLIS, 1883-1956 A bunch of hand picked fruit (photo) Feb'19:7 (photo) Mar'24:23 Called to important post (photo) Apr'37:18 (photo) Nov'37:10 quoted. Circulation corner. Feb'38:inside front cover (photo) Nov'39:6 News room. May'44:28 Classroom and campus. Sep'51:33 (death) News room. Dec'56:40 Longman, E H The Michigan Christian Foundation. Apr'36:16 LONGMAN, E H (photo) Feb'19:7 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'27:61 Longman, William Letters. Apr'69:4 LONGMONT, COLORADO. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Jan'19:6 LONGNECKER, SALLIE (death) May'16:50 LONGNECKER, SOPHIA, -1952 In memoriam. Sep'52:35 LONGONGA, NOA Support its own native missionary. Sep'26:47 Longston, J A Twenty-three years of cooperation. Mar'36:18 A unique Thanksgiving. Jan'38:44 LONGSTREET, COSSETT Meals on wheels (photo) May'71:13 LONGVIEW CHRISTIAN RETIREMENT CENTER (LONGVIEW, TEXAS) World events. Jul'72:38 Changes buttressed by faith. Dec'73:25 NBA homes. Dec'73:46 LONGVIEW, TEXAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH World events. Jul'72:38 The Afzals find a home. May'73:5 LONGVIEW, TEXAS. FOUNDER'S CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, July-September, 1965. Dec'65:48 LONGVIEW, WASHINGTON A sawmill in heaven (photos) Aug'24:4 The last page. Jun'28:64 LONGVIEW, WASHINGTON. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Mar'31:38 Recent buildings aided... (photo) Aug'31:13 (photo) Apr'34:25 Easter in Home Missions churches. Jun'34:41 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'35:31 When you build (photo) Jul'35:16 A romance of home missions. Feb'43:11 (photo p. 12) Here and there with World Call. Jul'57:48
p. 1723 Lonjataka - Loper
LONJATAKA (death) We'd like to do it all over again. May'52:10 LONKONGA JOSEPH Echoes from everywhere. Apr'63:36 Sep'63:38 LONKUNDO LANGUAGE Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:63 Jul'22:59 Lonkundo expressions. Apr'44:35 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'47:34 A new missionary meets the Congolese. Oct'49:40 LONYUWA PIERRE Invitation to adventure (photo) Apr'70:17 LOOK Global highlights. Sep'59:5 Jan'60:6 "LOOK BACK AND DREAM" (SOUND RECORDING) Audio-visuals. Feb'69:29 Lookabill, Harrison Randel, 1875-1960 A gift for Tibet. Mar'21:57 Good ideas. Feb'28:47 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'28:34 Oct'33:40 Easter in Home Missions churches. Jun'34:41 LOOKABILL, HARRISON RANDEL, 1875-1960 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'36:39 LOOKABILL, MAUDE NEASE "SANDY" 1890?-1951 (married to Lawrence B. Lookabill) (death) News room. Jun'51:39 LOOKOUT Work of our colleges and Board of Education. Nov'22:38 LOOKYA ELIYA He searched and found the life he sought. Jul'47:44 LOOLA The romance of the commonplace. Sep'24:25 LOOMIS, GRETTA Classroom and campus. Oct'49:30 LOONEY, ANNA GRAY Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'57:6 Looney, James H Why I joined th eministry. May'69:12 LOONEY, LAURA S (death) Apr'24:57 LOONEY, MARTHA (death) Sep'22:51 LOOS, CHARLES LOUIS, 1823-1912 A. McLean and his teachers (photo) Jun'21:34 (photo) Mar'28:32 Great teachers in my life. Jan'48:11 quoted. A century of cooperation. Apr'49:13 LOOS, CLARA E Classroom and campus. Jan'58:29 LOOS, MARY (death) What's happening at our homes. Jan'29:59 LOOS, WILHEMINA Closing the college year. Jul'34:31 LOOS, WILLIAM JAMES, 1851-1930 (married to Florence Frank Loos) Giving the people a chance to give. Apr'19:2 quoted. In memoriam, Archibald McLean. Mar'21:7 Fifty years in the ministry (photo) Apr'25:10 In memoriam. Aug'30:41 LOPER, GWENDOLYN Classroom and campus. Jan'66:33
p. 1724 Lopez - Lopez de Lara
LOPEZ, CONSUELO (photo) Sep'48:31 Lopez, Edith Missionary worship service. Mar'62:35 LOPEZ, EDITH Women and world highways. Oct'58:35 LOPEZ, GONTRAN (married to Benita Lopez) (photo) Mar'62:front cover The cover. Mar'62:inside front cover Churches in Latin America find new life (photo) Mar'62:16 (ordination) Spanish pastor to serve in Brooklyn. Dec'70:32 LOPEZ, ISIDRO DIAZ Christian strategy for Latin American (photo) Oct'49:23 (photo) Apr'53:34 May'55:11 Partnership in Puerto Rico (photo) Jun'56:9 LOPEZ, JOSUE (photo) Mar'50:46 Apr'53:34 Puerto Rican preview (photo) Oct'64:28 Puerto Rico: a church is born (photo) Jun'72:7 LOPEZ, MAMIE (photo) Dec'44:19 LOPEZ, MARGARITA DE News room. Oct'42:34 LOPEZ, TERESA (photo) Sep'48:31 Lopez de Lara, Daniel Our church's motto. Sep'52:47 Echoes from everywhere. May'55:34 LOPEZ DE LARA, DANIEL (married to Joaquina Castanon Lopez de Lara) (photo) Jan'40:28 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'40:47 Aguascalientes news. Mar'41:27 San Louis Potosi workers (photo) Feb'42:45 World friendship in a world at war (photo) May'43:19 quoted. For adult missionary groups. Apr'44:30 (photo) Oct'45:11 A missionary visits the capital. Nov'45:23 Christmas in Zacatecas. Dec'45:26 News room.. Dec'45:32 Convention in Mexico. Nov'46:31 (photo) Sep'47:10 Oct'47:35 A member of the household of God. Dec'47:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'49:36 Mexican summer (photo) Jul'49:10 Protestants study Christian education in Latin America (photo) Juan'50:40 News room. Jul'54:42 Jun'55:42 Union is a call of God (photo) May'56:13 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jul'56:34 Children mature with missions. Jun'57:12 (photo p. 10) Warmth marks Mexican conference. Apr'58:44 Global highlights (photo) Dec'59:4 Feb'63:6 World Convention--a witness to unity (photo) Feb'65:21 Churches unite in promoting reading of Bible in Mexico (photo) Apr'65:46 In brief. Mayu'72:40 Spotlight on Daniel Lopez de Lara (photo) Dec'72:9
p. 1725 Lopez de Lara - Lord
Lopez de Lara, Joaquina Castanon (married to Daniel Lopez de Lara) Women and world highways. Sep'58:35 LOPEZ DE LARA, JOAQUINA CASTANON (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'40:47 News room. Dec'45:32 (photo) Sep'58:35 Dec'73:44 LOPEZ De LARA, RUTH MIRIAM Daughter of Mexican pastor is honored. Feb'56:43 LORAIN, OHIO. CHRISTIAN TEMPLE (photo) Jun'37:1 Lord, Aiken M Letters. Nov'70:4 Lord, Charles Harvey, 1924- (married to May Sweet Lord) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'49:36 Apr'50:38 Here come the Filipinos! May'51:19 Winning the immovable city. Feb'61:11 LORD, CHARLES HARVEY, 1924- News room. Mar'47:38 Jan'47:38 (photo) Sep'47:21 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'48:37 Sep'48:36 (photo) Feb'51:14 Global highlights (photo) Jul'57:4 (photo) Feb'61:13 Classroom and campus. Jun'67:34 X-502 reveals God at work. Sep'68:18 LORD, CHARLES TIMOTHY, 1950- (birth) News room Nov'50:38 LORD, EVERETT W Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'28:41 LORD, HARVEY See LORD, C. HARVEY LORD, INEZ LOGAN, 1881-1939 (married to John Lord) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'39:33 LORD, J A quoted. A cloud of competent witnesses. Apr'21:20 (photo) Mar'28:32 LORD, JOHN WESLEY, 1879-1949 (photo) Jan'21:17 Significant news from our colleges. Apr'31:32 The colleges at work. May'33:33 (death) News room. May'49:40 The church must follow through. Apr'52:6 quoted. Last column. Mar'55:52 Lord, May Sweet (married to C. Harvey Lord) Echoes from everywhere. Oct'48:37 Nov'48:36 Prepared for emergencies. Nov'49:48 Missionary worship serivce. Jun'53:39 Sep'53:35 Nov'53:35 Jul'53:37 Oct'53:33 LORD, MAY SWEET News room. Jan'47:38 (photo) Sep'47:21 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'48:37 (photo) Nov'48:37 Feb'51:14 For adult mission study. Jun'53:40 LORD, SPEAK TO ME... (HYMN) May'28:10
p. 1726 Lord's - Los Angeles
LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE Convention elections and actions. Nov'32:30 LORD'S PRAYER Bible study. Sep'21:52 The missionary significance of the Lord's Prayer. Dec'27:25 Missionary societies. Jan'28:46 Women and world highways. Apr'42:35 Lord's Prayer sung to Serbian arrangement. Mar'52:27 For adult mission study (music) May'59:38 In brief. Jun'68:8 Ahead of the headlines. Jul'70:5 "THE LORD'S PRAYER" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Oct'65:45 LORD'S SUPPER The place and influence of the Lord's Supper. Aug'19:4 Let us keep the feast. Apr'21:3 The Eucharist (poem) Apr'23:back cover As oft as ye eat of this bread. Dec'25:37 The missionary significance of the Lord's Supper. Apr'28:5 Missionary illustrations... Mar'29:56 Speaking of books. Jan'30:44 Resetting the Lord's table. Mar'33:11 The Lord's Supper (poem) Apr'33:back cover The mystic festival. Feb'34:9 A feast of remembrance. Apr'36:14 Worship is important. Apr'61:23 Churchman's vocabulary. Jun'63:16 Ask about it! Feb'63:8 Communion (poem) Apr'68:42 World events. May'69:32 The Lord's supper as celebration. May'72:31 A shared eucharistic life. May'72:32 LORENZ, (married to Philip Lorenz) Disciples in the news. Sep'67:8 Disciple musicians elect officers (photo) Oct'68:46 LORENZ, EDMUND S. THE SINGING CHURCH Book chat. Mar'39:42 Lorimer, Allie Wood, 1891- (married to Claude Hamilton Lorimer) Good ideas... Mar'33:38 LORIMER, ALLIE WOOD, 1891- News room. Sep'47:41 Here and there... Jan'48:48 LORIMER, CLAUDE HAMILTON, 1884-1969 (married to Allie Wood Lorimer) (photo) Mar'24:30 LORIMER, GEORGE HORACE quoted. The last page. Jul'42:48 LORIMER, RONALD COULTER, 1918-1945 (photo) Sep'42:7 LORING, HERBERT RICKARD, 1913-1976 Classroom and campus. Feb'62:33 LORRDO, MINDA LUZ S. Classroom and campus. Apr'66:34 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA From the ends of the earth. Sep'28:14 A city looks to evangelism. Sep'46:5 (cont. next page)
p. 1727 Los Angeles, California
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (cont.) City of the Angels welcomes Disciples (photo of Hollywood and Vine Streets) Jul'62:29 The Watts riot. Jun'66:22 Global highlights. Jul'66:6 Dec'66:5 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. ALL PEOPLES CHRISTIAN CENTER See ALL PEOPLES CHRISTIAN CENTER LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. ARLINGTON AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH O come let us worship (photos) Feb'28:19 When you build (photo) Jul'35:16 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. AVALON CHRISTIAN CHURCH A negro church with a vital program (photos) Feb'39:10 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. BOYLE HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'21:12 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. CYPRESS PARK CHRISTIAN CHURCH Crusade progress. Oct'50:26 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. EAST LOS ANGELES CHRISTIAN CHURCH Our immediate church building campaign. Apr'19:45 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. FIFTH AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH A church with more tithers than members. Jul'22:53 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. FILIPINO CHRISTIAN CHURCH In brief. Jul'71:45 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jan'22:49 The whole church at school (photo) Feb'23:59 Echoes from everywhere. May'23:49 Golden Jubilee notes. Oct'23:50 Lovest thou me? May'29:23 More ways of widening horizons. Oct'31:41 Echoes of church "doings." Oct'32:29 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. GATEWAY-STONER CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. Sep'51:48 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. HIGHLAND PARK CHRISTIAN CHURCH Circulation corner. Jan'38:inside front cover LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. HOLLYWOOD BEVERLY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Circulation corner. Apr'42:2 World events. Jan'72:36 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. HOLLYWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'23:61 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. HUNTINGTON PARK CHRISTIAN CHURCH Good ideas. Apr'28:47 Oct'33:39 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. JAPANESE CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE See JAPANESE CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE (LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA) LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. JAPANESE CHRISTIAN CHURCH See also ALL PEOPLES CHRISTIAN CENTER (becomes this in early 1940's) Notes. Aug'19:48 Annual report... Sep'22:37 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'29:50 Apr'29:35 Jun'29:49,50 Eateer to learn. Nov'29:36 On the Pacific coast. Mar'30:56 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'31:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'31:30 New houses of worship... (photo) Jul'31:19 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'31:39,41 Feb'32:39 (cont. next page)
p. 1728 Los Angeles, California
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. JAPANESE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'34:38 Jan'35:39 Achievements in home missions. Apr'35:7 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'35:38,39 Jul'37:39 Sep'37:39 Dec'37:39 Evangelism... Feb'39;27 Discovering our Japanese Christian Church. Mar'39:15 Living waters in a thirsty land. Apr'39:10 From our Japanese Christian Church. Jun'39:44 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'39:39 A church which makes leaders (photo of choir) Oct'39:9 I didn't know that. Apr'40:14 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'40:37 News room. May'41:32 Japanese children at Sunday school Mar'42:40 Hardest test of Christian faith (photo) Nov'42:10 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'43:39 (photo) Jun'48:38 Crusade progress. Mar'49:26 Mission churches. Sep'54:43 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. McCARTY MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Classroom and campus. May'55:39 Disciples move toward integration. Jul'55:12 (photo of class p. 13) Churches meet the challenge. Nov'61:15 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. MAGNOLIA AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Doorkeeper in the house of the Lord. Aug'19:18 The every-church visitation in action. May'24:57 Good ideas. Jul'28:33 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. MONROE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Global highlights. Jan'62:4 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. NORWALK MANOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) May'54:1 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. NORTH VERMONT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Dec'33:40 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. PICO HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN CHURCH Circulat corner. Oct'41:2 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. PLAZA MEXICAN CHURCH Programs from young people. Oct'39:37 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. SHRINE CIVIC AUDITORIUM (photo) Jan'28:53 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. THIRTIETH STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH Church festivals of the fine arts. Nov'69:23 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. VERMONT STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'34:34 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. WEST ADAMS CHRISTIAN CHURCH News room. Dec'50:32 Home missions means people! Apr'64:12 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. WILSHIRE BLVD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Work of our colleges. Feb'23:45 Golden Jubilee notes. Jul'24:52 Echoes from everywhere. May'27:48 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'28:39 (photo) Jul'28:10 Good ideas. Jul'28:33 Circulation corner. Apr'42:2 The threshold. Sep'43:2 M. O. Kellison to Wilshire. Feb'44:13 Laymen advance. Sep'45:13 (cont. next page)
p. 1729 Los Angeles, California LOS
ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. WILSHIRE BLVD CHRISTIAN CHURCH (cont.) (photo of "Men of Wilshire") Feb'46:4 Global highlights. Sep'46:3 Here and there with World Call. Sep'52:48 Churches meet the challenge. Nov'61:14 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIAL UNION Dec'22:54 LOS BANOS, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Being the adventures of "Lizzie" and others. Dec'26:38 Fun and fellowship at the leadership conference... (photo) Jun'30:39 LOS FELIX, MEXICO Echoes from everywhere. Nov'44:33 News room. Feb'45:28 Signs of growth at Los Felix (photo of Sunday School) Jan'46:32 Blessings and Thanksgiving. Mar'46:45 Progress--material and spiritual. Oct'47:41 Christmas in Mexico (photo of Christmas play) Dec'50:15 LOS HARO, MEXICO Echoes from everywhere. Jan'43:38 First rural women's institute. Jul'45:36 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'46:36,37 New well at Los Haro (photo) Sep'46:28 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'46:37 When women make plans (photo of Rural Institute) Jun'47:36 Progress--material and spiritual. Oct'47:41 Calling on the Fuquas in Los Haro! Apr'48:46 Mexico--land of challenge. Dec'48:25 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'53:34 Teachers go to school. Nov'54:42 Signs of hope in Mexico. Jul'58:15 LOS NOGALES, MEXICO Mexican gold. Mar'43:8 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'43:38 Harvest service. May'45:35 D.V.B.S. In rural Mexico. Oct'45:38 (photo) Mar'47:24 Fruitful season in Los Nogales (photos) May'56:24 For adult mission study (photo of farmers) Jul'58:40 In Mexico--power of a Christian life. Jun'62:43 Echoes from everywhere. May'63:36 Losanza, John C A very great sorrow. Dec'26:61 LOTAFE MADELAINE Fresh pages for the scrapbook of Congo Mission (photo) Mar'60:12 LOTAFE SAMUEL Fresh pages for the scrapbook of Congo Mission (photo) Mar'60:12 Christian families apear in Congo (photo) Dec'61:23 LOTT, DORA HURD Memorium. Sep'35:39 LOTTERIES Sweepstakes? No! Jul'63:10 Global highlights. Mar'65:7 New York State lottery. Jan'67:9 Global highlights. Jul'67:6 (cont. next page)
p. 1730 Lotteries - Lotumbe
LOTTERIES (cont.) The lottery gamble. Jul'67:9 Global highlights. Sep'67:7 Miniskirts and lottery sales. Nov'67:9 Ahead of the headlines. Jan'68:5 Shavings. Jun'72:36 LOTUKA For adult mission study. May'60:36 LOTUMBE, CONGO The adventures of Yoka... Mar'19:12 The romance of Lotumbe. Mar'19:17 Notes. Mar'19:63 Apr'19:63,68 Nov'19:67 Feb'20:58 Sunday School (photo) Apr'20:8 "Ntukunyu Bosuki Wa Jwilo" Jun'20:47 Notes. Sep'20:63 Oct'20:56 Where will it lead? (photo) Nov'20:14 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'21:60 Sep'21:62 (photo) Oct'21:7 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:59,60 Boys only, but Lotumbe boys. Jan'22:47 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'22:64 Mar'22:62 Apr'22:51 Things you ought to know about foreign missions (photo) Jun'22:20 Through African forests (photo) Jun'22:42 With healing in its beams (photo) Jul'22:17 Our Congo doctors (photo) Aug'22:26 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'22:50 Moving day in jungle town. Sep'22:54 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'22:64 Nov'22:62 Dr. Dye at Lotumbe. May'23:41 Echoes from everywhere. May'23:49 Jun'23:60 (photo) Oct'23:8 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'23:50 Fishing in Africa. Jan'24:45 A glimpse of Congo (photo) Mar'24:38 An African metropolis. May'24:39 Rapid growth in the Congo. Jun'24:34 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'24:50 Dawning of a new day. Mar'26:56 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'27:50 (photo of Christian Hospital) May'28:20 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:39 Begging for a doctor. Dec'28:61 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'29:50 Where the whole family goes to school. Oct'29:59 Postscripts to Christmas. Apr'31:27 Results at Lotumbe. May'31:46 Three babies in Congo (photos) Dec'31:28 Turning the world upside down. Jan'32:30 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'32:40 Nov'32:39 Dec'32:39 Elephant meat a delicacy. Apr'33:33 Helps for leaders of children's groups. Jan'34:42 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'34:38,39 Stands fast in the faith. Jul'36:29 A look at Africa. Jan'37:23 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'37:39 Oct'37:39 We visit theBelgian Congo. Jan'38:11 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'38:40 (cont. next page)
p. 1731 Lotumbe - Louis
LOTUMBE, CONGO (cont.) The church in Africa. May'39:26 Now you belong. Jun'39:27 Stewardship in the younger churches. Sep'39:15 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'39:36 Dec'40:36 Jan'41:39 Youth and missions. Oct'42:37 For better babies. Apr'43:29 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'43:30 Jan'44:33 School life at Lotumbe. Mar'45:36 (photo of church) Jan'46:10 (photo) Mar'46:25 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'49:38 We Christians join in this work (photo of baptism) Nov'49:20 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'50:38 Congo's new doctor makes a discover. Feb'51:31 Mud hut medicine (photos of surgery building) Feb'53:19 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'54:38 Feb'57:34 White fields on a dark continent. Jul'58:31 Only the best for the Congo (photo of construction of clinic) Oct'58:24 Congo Sunday. Mar'59:47 LOTZ, PHILIP HENRY. THE ALTAR HOUSE Book chat. Apr'41:23 LOTZ, PHILIP HENRY. THE QUEST FOR GOD THROUGH UNDERSTANDING Book chat. Feb'38:34 LOTZ, PHILIP HENRY. WORSHIP SERVICES FOR THE CHURCH YEAR Book chat. Oct'44:16 LOU, DENNIS Classroom and campus (photo) May'53:31 LOUCKS, (married to Will G. Loucks) -1924 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'24:45 LOUCKS, JOHN World events (photo) Dec'71:36 Loucks, Will G. 1869-1949 The Christmas attitude (poem) Dec'38:48 Ministerial longevity. Apr'48:16 LOUCKS, WILL G. 1869-1949 (photo) Jan'19:23 Notes. Feb'19:45 Mid-Year Conference of Home Mission Secretaries (photo) Apr'19:39 Introducing the field force. Nov'23:19 (photo) Apr'48:16 In memoriam. Oct'49:37 LOUDEN, CLARE. RAIN IN THE WINDS For your reading about India. Dec'54:30 LOUDEN, GEORGE. RAIN IN THE WINDS For your reading about India. Dec'54:30 LOUDENBACK, HENRY (photo) Jan'21:11 LOUDENSLAUGER, (MRS. R. L.) In our colleges. Oct'38:33 LOUGHRIDGE, CASPER ARTHUR, 1900--1974 Classroom and campus. Oct'57:30 Louis, Louise My prayer comes barefoot (poem) May'65:50
p. 1732 Louisiana - Louisville
LOUISIANA The call of the southland. May'19:35 Southwestern District needs. Nov'20:45 The latest word on the Golden Jubilee. Dec'22:50 Mind and soul according well. Jul'25:18 The story state by state. Aug'25:15 Items that made news last month. Jul'29:31 Here and there with World Call. Jul'59:50 LOUISIANA ASSOCIATION OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES In brief. Dec'72:41 LOUISIANA CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:25 Good news from the states. Oct'28:29 LOUISIANA, MISSOURI. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'28:57 LOUISIANA MORAL AND CIVIC FOUNDATION Global highlights. Mar'54:4 LOUISIANA. UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE In brief. Jul'69:39 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Youth and the world mission. Feb'68:32 Louisville in the cradle of our heritage. Feb'71:6 (photos p. 7) LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. BEARGRASS CHRISTIAN CHURCH Classroom and campus. Jun'67:34 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. BETHANY CHRISTIAN CHURCH When churches merge and share facilities. Sep'71:24 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. May'20:61 From a mission point to self-support (photo) Jul'22:51 When churches merge and share facilities. Sep'71:24 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. CLIFTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH Golden Jubilee notes. Oct'24:51 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. DOUGLASS BOULEVARD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Global highlights. Nov'65:5 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. EDENSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Our boys and girls. Mar'23:30 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. EVANGELISTIC INSTITUTE (photo) Feb'24:25 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. FAIRVIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH A country church reborn (photo) (map) Jun'59:19 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Larger giving, stricter honor. Oct'20:55 With the churches that are giving heroically (photo) Nov'20:5 Social service through a young woman's auxiliary (photos) Jan'23:44 The rise and reign of a preacher (photo) Apr'27:11 (photo) Sep'27:28 What the children did this summer. Nov'27:11 These have done it... Sep'29:21 Churches enacting a moral miracle. Jan'31:17 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'40:43 Circulation corner. Dec'41:2 Disciples launch new personal witness program (photo of minister and 2 members) Feb'56:11 Women on world highways. Feb'64:35 A channel of reconciliation. Nov'68:48
p. 1733 Louisville, KY - Love, J
LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. HANCOCK HILL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'29:25 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. HURSTBOURNE CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, October 1, 1967 - December 31, 1967. May'68:31 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. KENWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Committee on War Services news notes. Oct'45:34 New churches among Disciples (photo) Feb'46:17 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. PARKLAND CHRISTIAN CHURCH When churches merge and share facilities. Sep'71:24 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. SHAWNEE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:58 (photo) Aug'24:10 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. THIRD CHRISTIAN CHURCH EHP grows. Dec'61:45 What's happening among Disciples? Feb'73:5 Lounsbury, Charles Know all men by these presents. Apr'25:16 LOUNZA quoted. They read like Paul's Epistles. Apr'26:59 LOURIA, DONALD B. OVERCOMING DRUGS: A PROGRAM FOR ACTION New books. Jan'72:28 LOUTTIT, HENRY I Help wanted! (photo) Apr'55:8 LOUYA, BERNARD Scholarships for future leaders of churches and new nations. Jun'70:42 LOVANIUM UNIVERSITY (KINSHASA, ZAIRE) Free University of the Congo (photo) Mar'67:25 Universidad Libre del Congo (photo) May'67:38 Love, (married to Hendricks Love) Letters. Jan'71:4 LOVE, (married to Ralph Love) (photo) Feb'45:28 Love, Adelaide Father time inquires. Jan'37:48 LOVE, BESS B. LUCAS, -1946 (married to John W. Love) (photo) Jan'27:15 Nov'36:41 (death) News room. Apr'46:32 LOVE, BETTY GRACE (photo) Jul'23:9 LOVE, DURMAN (photo) Oct'42:42 LOVE, JAMES FRANKLIN. TODAY'S SUPREME CHALLENGE TO AMERICA Speaking of books. Oct'25:52 LOVE, JOHN WILLIAM, 1887-1956 (married to Bess B. Lucas Love) (photo) Mar'24:26 Jan'27:15 quoted. The revival of Foreign Missions Day. Mar'29:30 quoted. Lovest thou me? May'29:23 (photo) Nov'29:2 quoted. On the trail of the One-Day-Conventions. Dec'29:22 (photo) Dec'30:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'34:33 (photo) Nov'36:41 Classroom and campus. Jul'50:33 (photo) Dec'50:25 Beneath the spire (photo) Feb'52:4 Classroom and campus. Mar'55:35 (death) News room. Jan'57:36
p. 1734 Love, J - Lovinger
LOVE, JULIAN PRICE. THE MISSIONARY MESSAGE OF THE BIBLE On the making of books... Jan'42:32 LOVE, MERRILL ARTHUR (photo) Jul'23:9 Love, Tom Chaplain in Alaska. Apr'44:26 LOVE, WILLIAM S Classroom and campus. Dec'62:35 LOVE The greatest of these. Dec'25:24 Missionary societies. May'28:46 Devotional study for women's missionary societies. Feb'31:38 An affirmation of Christian faith for war days. Feb'42:25 Love (poem) Mar'46:43 Love (poem) by Mary L. Jones. Jul'65:45 Moments of worship. Jul'67:29 Love's way. Jul'73:11 LOVEJOY, (married to Leo Lovejoy) In memoriam. Jul'43:26 LOVEJOY, ALBERT Classroom and campus. Nov'50:36 May'56:31 LOVEJOY, FANNIE In memoriam. May'39:39 Lovejoy, Luther I don't know what my income is. Dec'32:31 A holy check book. Dec'32:46 LOVEJOY, LUTHER quoted. Last column. Jan'57:48 Lovelace, John A Letters. Nov'67:43 LOVELACE, MATTIE LOUISE In memoriam. Nov'33:39 LOVELAND, COLORADO. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. Feb'49:48 Lovell, James Russell Slaves (poem) Jul'62:39 LOVELL, MAGGIE (death) Nov'19:28 Loveridge, Mabel Freer Foreboding (poem) Nov'40:31 LOVETT, (married to Arthur Lovett) -1961 In memoriam. Dec'61:35 LOVETT, ANNIE (photo) Nov'48:28 Lovett, Ashley Thoughts worth sharing. Apr'68:49 Lovett, Edgar Odell, 1871- His religion the reality of his life. Apr'21:8 LOVETT, EDGAR ODELL, 1871- Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'24:52 LOVETT, ROBERT A Global highlights (photo) Mar'52:3 LOVICK, ANNA (photo) Dec'71:46 Loving, J Preston Epistles from Big City. Oct'49:9 LOVINGER, SUE (photo) Mar'71:17
p. 1735 Lovis - Lowe, J
Lovis, Jeanne Happy people gripped by tragedy. Feb'72:6 LOVITT, JASPER L Classroom and campus. Jun'47:32 LOW, A. RITCHIE Global highlights. Sep'53:3 LOW, BERTHA, -1955 In memoriam. Apr'55:35 LOWDEN, FRAN O Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'24:52 LOWDER, JEAN LUCILLE PATTERSON (married to Virgil E. Lowder) (marriage) News room. Oct'46:41 LOWDER, VIRGIL E., 1901- (married to Jean Lucille Patterson Lowder) Disciples at Yale (photo) Jul'27:44 News room. Sep'46:40 (marriage) News room. Oct'46:41 News room. Jun'47:35 Global highlights (photo) Sep'49:2 Global highlights Sep'57:6 News room. Sep'60:48 Classroom and campus. Jul'61:35 LOWDERMILK, WALTER C Global highlights. Jun'50:3 LOWE, ARNOLD H. WHEN GOD MOVES IN Book chat. Jan'53:40 LOWE, CHARLES ORAL, 1908- (married to Mary Margaret Clark Lowe) quoted. They said at Grand Rapids. Sep'42:14 LOWE, CARRIE In memoriam. May'34:39 LOWE, COLLIER ALDEN, 1876-1946 In memoriam. Jun'46:39 LOWE, ELMER ELLSWORTH, 1872-1948 (married to Carrie L. Lowe) (photo) Mar'24:56 Lowe, Ephraim Douglas, 1894-1984 How we are doing it. Aug'31:10 The integrity of the church. Jul'40:10 LOWE, EPHRAIM DOUGLAS, 1894-1984 (photo) Mar'24:35 Mar'40:17 Jul'49:7 Jan'39:1 Jul'40:10 Apr'53:1 News room. Apr'53:46 (photo) Apr'54:1 Sep'54:38 Board of Church Extension gains (photo) Apr'57:39 Global highlights (photo) May'58:7 News room. May'59:40 LOWE, FRANK MELVILLE, SR., 1859-1935 (death) Three stalwarts pass. Jul'35:4 Lowe, Frank Melville, Jr., 1888-1977 Bursting bubbles in the air. May'25:23 What my Alma Mater gave me. Jan'30:8 Speaking of books. Feb'31:34 LOWE, HAROLD OTIS, 1899-1935 (married to Irene Marie Ashbrook Lowe) (photo) Jul'22:46 LOWE, HENRY Kentucky Homes forge ahead in care services (photo) Jun'66:18 LOWE, J M (photo) Jun'30:32
p. 1736 Lowe, J - Lowry, E
LOWE, JOHN. SAINT PETER Book chat. Feb'57:42 LOWE, MARVIN College notes. Nov'39:33 LOWE, RUTH BURKLOW, 1917?- (married to Henry Grant Lowe) Beneath the spire (photo) Dec'59:8 LOWE, STROTRELL (photo) Sep'58;23 Seven years have changed Jamaica (photo) Nov'58:29 Lowe, Thomas Lincoln, 1869-1939 What the Woman's Missionary Society has meant to my church. Dec'21:47 LOWE, THOMAS LINCOLN, 1869-1939 (photo) Mar'24:20 LOWE, W S quoted. The Indianapolis Convention is coming. Oct'32:6 quoted. Commentary. Jul'72:13 LOWER, CICIL W quoted. Global highlights. Jul'58:7 LOWERY, ESTHER Global highlights (photo) Nov'50:3 LOWERY, SARAH ELEANOR (death) Mar'24:52 LOWEY, REBECCA In memoriam. Sep'31:40 LOWMAN, LOUISE, -1962 In memoriam. Mar'63:44 LOWREY, LOIS See ANDRESS, LOIS LOWREY Lowrey, R. Leslie (married to Sadie Lowrey) Direct line. Jun'67:37 LOWREY, R. LESLIE Disciples in the news. Nov'65:7 (photo) Apr'67:20 Lowrey, Sadie Alice Packard (married to W. Leslie Lowrey) God was there. Jan'66:30 Steps upward in Okinawa. Jul'66:40 Less than half are the lucky ones. Apr'67:19 Direct line. Jun'67:37 Okinawa's broken crosses are whole again. Jun'70:12 LOWREY, SADIE ALICE PACKARD Disciples in the news. Nov'65:7 (photo) Apr'67:37 LOWRY, ANNA LEE, -1953 In memoriam. Sep'53:35 LOWRY, CHARLES E Memoriam. Jan'35:40 LOWRY, CHARLES W Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'57:30 LOWRY, CHARLES W. COMMUNISM AND CHRIST Book chat. Apr'52:16 LOWRY, CHARLES W. THE TRINITY AND CHRISTIAN DEVOTION Book chat. Mar'46:21 Lowry, Edith Elizabeth Women and world highways. Nov'42:35 A migrant mother speaks. Jul'50:22
p. 1737 Lowry, E - Lozada, J
LOWRY, EDITH ELIZABETH The threshold. Feb'37:2 (photo) Nov'42:35 Apr'44:9 Church ministry to agricultural migrants. Dec'46:44 "Grapes of Wrath" conditions spread across the country. May'50:22 quoted. Global highlights. Jan'58:4 Global highlights. Sep'58:7 LOWRY, GRETTA (death) Jun'21:50 LOWRY, KATHRYN In memoriam. May'37:39 Lowry, Ruth Magee, 1899-1978 Devotional study for missionary societies. Jan'40:36 LOWRY, RUTH MAGEE, 1899-1978 (photo) Nov'39:5 Dec'49:29 News room (photo) Apr'52:39 Where higher education is involved (photo) Oct'57:26 Classroom and campus. Nov'66:35 Global highlights (photo) Jan'67:6 LOWTHIAN, MARY B (photo) Jan'21:5 LOYALTY AND VICTORY CONVENTIONS See ONE DAY CONVENTIONS LOYALTY MONTH See CHURCH LOYALTY MONTH LOYALTY OATHS American fascists and the "loalty oath." Mar'36:4 The future of compulsion. Mar'36:4 LOYD, AGNES, -1957 In memoriam. Oct'57:35 Loyd, Margaret Little women and how they grow. Feb'27:54 LOZADA, JORGE Others have heard the call (photo) Apr'66:14 Lozada, Jorgelina From the church in Villa Mitre. May'37:29 Women and world highways. May'39:35 Nov'50:39 Pepito's faith spreads happiness. Jun'52:43 Missionary worship service. Apr'54:39 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'56:36 Jun'61:38 LOZADA, JORGELINA The first commencement (photo) Mar'26:44 Second generation Christian. Aug'31:45 Disciples at Madras (photo) Nov'38:20 (photo) Feb'39:4 May'39:35 Our churches in Argentina. Jul'39:46 Argentina's developing church (photo) Jul'40:13 Silver linings on a wartime journey. Sep'43:23 (photo p. 22) News room. Oct'44:28 Sep'45:30 Dec'45:32 Protestants study Christian education in Latin America (photo) Jun'50:40 (photo) Nov'50:39 Jorgelina's cornerstone (photos) Oct'51:28 (photo) Jan'52:11 For adult mission study. Jan'52:34 (cont. next page)
p. 1738 Lozada, J - Lucas, N
LOZADA, JORGELINA (cont.) Women and world highways (photo) Mar'40:35 (photo) Feb'52:34 It happened at Willingen (photo) Oct'52:23 For adult mission study (photo) Apr'54:40 Global highlights (photo) Oct'54:2 Priest is Disciple. Oct'55:42 Women's congress (photo) Feb'56:47 Argentines work together (photo) Mar'59:24 Global highlights (photo) Nov'59:5 News room (photo) Nov'62:42 LOZIER, (MRS. R. F.) In memoriam. Apr'29:44 LOZO, FRANK College activities. Jun'39:30 LSD See LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE LU HAI-CHEN Echoes from everywhere. Jul'22:57 LU HUNG-NIEN "THE NATIVITY IN A CAVE" (PAINTING) (photo) Dec'41:front cover The threshold. Dec'41:4 LUBBOCK, TEXAS. DISCIPLES STUDENT CENTER When a Disciple goes to college (photo) Nov'55:17 LUBBOCK, TEXAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'24:9 On the plains of West Texas (photo of young people) Sep'36:14 LUBBOCK, TEXAS. WESTMONT CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, January-March. Jul'60:28 LUBEC, MAINE The scene. Sep'73:34 LUBEC, MAINE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Under the palms and among the pines. Feb'27:38 LUCAS, (married to James Lee Lucas) Memorium. May'36:39 LUCAS, (MRS. W. A.) Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'25:57 LUCAS, D. R. Apr'20:51 A blessed memory and fellowship (photo) Jun'20:56 (photo) Mar'28:32 LUCAS, E L Opening semester in our colleges. Nov'35:46 LUCAS, EDGAR CLEVELAND, 1884-1966 (photo) Mar'24:46 Dec'24:34 LUCAS, ELMER Board of Education meets. Jun'33:46 Lucas, Emma M Letters. Sep'67:4 LUCAS, IDA NORTON Women and world highways (photo) Nov'58:35 LUCAS, LESLIE MOORE, 1872-1931 Made good in cash. Jul'31:24 LUCAS, MARY E A blessed memory and fellowship (photo) Jun'20:56 (death) After the one hour watch. Mar'25:53 LUCAS, NANDORA DURHAM Memorium. Feb'36:39
p. 1739 Lucas, N - Luchowfu
LUCAS, NANNIE E (death) Two daughters of Virginia. Jan'29:4 In memoriam. Jan'29:63 LUCCOCK, HALFORD EDWARD, 1885-1960 Global highlights (photo) Jun'53:3 quoted. Last column. Nov'53:48 Jan'55:48 Oct'59:50 LUCCOCK, HALFORD EDWARD. THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES IN PRESENT DAY PREACHING Book chat. Jul'38:22 LUCCOCK, HALFORD EDWARD. CHRISTIANITY AND THE INDIVIDUAL IN A WORLD OF CROWDS Book chat. Jul'37:26 LUCCOCK, HALFORD EDWARD. IN THE MINISTER'S WORKSHOP Book chat. Oct'44:16 LUCCOCK, HALFORD EDWARD. LIKE A MIGHTY ARMY Book chat. May'55:42 LUCCOCK, HALFORD EDWARD. MARCHING OFF THE MAP Book chat. Apr'56:40 LUCCOCK, HALFORD EDWARD. THE QUESTING SPIRIT Book chat. Feb'48:16 LUCCOCK, HALFORD EDWARD. 365 WINDOWS Book chat. Jun'60:44 LUCE, ALBERT W., 1879-1962 (photo) Jun'25:41 The latest flash of the Diamonds (photo) Sep'25:11 A glimpse at a great evangelistic work. Sep'26:6 The Executive Committee meeting. Jan'30:5 LUCE, DON. VIET NAM: THE UNHEARD VOICES New books explore wide range of issues. Dec'71:44 LUCE, ELLEN In memoriam. Feb'44:33 Luce, Powers Christ and cooperatives. Dec'34:21 LUCHOWFU, CHINA See also HOFEI, CHINA The girls at Luchowfu. Jan'19:61 Notes. Mar'19:60 Apr'19:61,62 Aug'19:44 Notes. Aug'19:48 A Christian business woman needed for Luchowfu, China. Aug'19:61 The work at Central Christian Church, Hofeihsien... Aug'19:62 Notes. Sep'19:48 Plans and progress. Oct'19:42 Notes. Feb'20:58 "Their works do follow them" Apr'20:46 Notes. Apr'20:60 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'20:34 Aug'20:37 Oct'20:43 Notes. Oct'20:60 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:47 Apr'21:63 Mar'22:50 (photo) Sep'22:23 (cont. next page)
p. 1740 Luchowfu 1922 - 1932
LUCHOWFU, CHINA (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'22:45 Apr'23:49 May'23:55 Jun'23:44,58 In the mud and scum of things... Aug'23:44 Baptizing the women at Luchowfu. Oct'23:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'24:50 Feb'24:57 Christmas baptisms in Luchowfu (photos) Mar'24:19 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'24:49,60,61 As we go to press. May'24:1 A challenge from Luchowfu. Jun'24:54 Friends in need. Jul'24:44 Easter in other lands. Jul'24:63 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'24:64 Sep'24:64 Oct'24:much of issue (includes photos) While at home they're making merry... Dec'24:11 Heralds of the Prince of Peace. Apr'25:46 Program helps. Apr'25:48 Coe Memorial Girls' School. Apr'25:51 Four hours with Chinese friends (photo of Church) May'25:38 Missionary illustrations of uniform Sunday School topics... May'25:55 Self support in Luchowfu. May'25:60 Luchowfu in retrospect (photos) Jun'25:39 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'25:61 Sep'25:61 (photo) Feb'26:17 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'26:50 Bandits in Luchwofu. Feb'26:62 (photo of Golden Jubilee home) Mar'26:60 Echoes from everywhere. May'26:49 Jun'26:50,58 (photo) Feb'27:29 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'27:50 The work of the pastors. Feb'27:63 Running an institutional church on a dollar a month. Apr'27:38 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'27:53 How the missionaries left Luchowfu. Jul'27:24 Luchowfu leaders at work. Aug'27:39 In the absence of all missionaries (photos) Sep'28:28 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:39 One in purpose. Jun'29:41 Where is the romance of missions? Dec'29:6 (photo of hospital) Dec'29:21 (photo) Jan'30:29 The welcome home of Dr. and Mrs. Corpron. Jun'30:43 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'30:40 Oct'30:39 Jan'31:39 Feb'31:39 Hopeful situation. Feb'31:46 Back to Luchowfu. Mar'31:30 Echoes from everywhere. May'31:40,43 (photo of evangelists and pastors) Jun'31:26 Reunion of staff... Jul'31:26 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'31:41 Happenings at Luchowfu. Oct'31:32 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'31:39 The flood andself-support. Jan'32:47 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'32:40 Our girls' school in Luchowfu. Mar'32:27 Echoes from everywhere. May'32:40 (cont. next page)
p. 1741 Luchowfu 1932 - Ludhiana
LUCHOWFU, CHINA (cont.) The Chinese church in wartime. Jun'32:9 Teaching the Chinese how to live (photos) Jun'32:23 In school and hospital. Jun'32:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'32:38 Out of their own experience. Aug'32:29 by day. Sep'32:31 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'32:40 Oct'32:39,40 Seed time in the church in China. Dec'32:28 Luchowfu. Dec'32:suppl:8 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'33:39 A Luchowfu Patriarch (poem) Jan'33:back cover New industries in Luchowfu. Apr'33:46 Echoes from everywhere. May'33:39,41 Hunger fighters carry on! Jun'33:8 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'33:39,40 Sep'33:40 Nov'33:39,40 (photo of church members) Mar'34:23 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'34:40 Jun'34:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'34:45 I would not trade my job (photo of hospital) Oct'34:42 Practical moves toward community betterment. Oct'34:44 Saving the babies of China. Nov'34:46 (photos of hospital) Dec'34:5 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'34:39 Feb'35:45 Last Easter in China. Apr'35:31 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'35:38 Sep'35:39 Dec'35:38,39 Jul'35:39 Oct'35:40 Where famine stalks. Jan'36:29 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'36:39,47 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'36:30 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'36:39,40 A many sided problem. Mar'36:44 A busy doctor. Apr'36:43 Echoes from everywhere. May'36:38,39 Sep'36:39 Back to back. Oct'36:31 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'36:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'36:30 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'36:38 Luckhardt, Mildred The Bible that rode on a sled. Dec'60:40 A great book for a great republic. May'62:40 LUCKMAN, THOMAS. THE INVISIBLE RELIGION New books. Feb'71:28 LUCKY HILL, JAMAICA Journeying mercies in Jamaica (photo) Feb'23:18 The island of springs. Jan'28:34 (photo of church) May'30:10 A million on the march (photo) Dec'43:8 Lucore, Judy I choese a Christian college. Jul'69:13 LUCY, MARY ANTONINETTE BERFIELD In memoriam. Jun'30:49 Ludgate, Eva Ryerson A pilgrimage in search of faith. Dec'19:32 LUDHIANA, INDIA A better lif for Sahabana. Dec'60:24
p. 1742 Ludhiana - Lumber
LUDHIANA, INDIA. CHRISTIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL Global highlights. Jan'55:2 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Dec'56:36 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'58:32 LUDLOW, CHARLES H Classroom and campus. Apr'68:34 LUDLOW, MISSOURI. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Crusade progress. Jul'49:26 LUDWIG, (married to Daniel) The Ludwigs discover America (photos) Apr'56:23 One family after five years. Mar`61:9 LUDWIG, DANIEL (photo) Feb'56:front cover The cover. Feb'56:inside front cover The Ludwigs discover America (photos) Apr'56:23 One family after five years. Mar`61:9 LUDWIG, DIETMAR The Ludwigs discover America (photos) Apr'56:23 One family after five years. Mar`61:9 LUDWIG, DORIS The Ludwigs discover America (photos) Apr'56:23 One family after five years. Mar`61:9 LUDWIG, EDELTRAUTE The Ludwigs discover America (photos) Apr'56:23 LUDWIG, INGE The Ludwigs discover America (photos) Apr'56:23 One family after five years. Mar`61:9 LUDWIG, URSULA The Ludwigs discover America (photos) Apr'56:23 One family after five years. Mar`61:9 LUELLEN, ELLEN In memoriam. Apr'28:48 LUFBERRY, HENRY B. A NEW MANUAL FOR VESTRYMEN New books. Dec'72:34 LUFKIN, TEXAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photos and plans) Jul'55:10 Luggett, Thelma Student Christian activity... Feb'33:26 LUKACEK, KATHERINE Classroom and campus. Nov'66:35 LUKE, (married to Lou A. Luke) Circulation corner. Jun'38:inside front cover LUKE, ALLAN Yakima youth build a future (photo) Apr'63:26 Lukens, Horace The message of youth (poem) May'35:48 LULING, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jul'26:51 (photo) Dec'47:1 LULL, RAYMOND Missionary illustrations... May'26:52 LULUABOURG, CONGO Ministers for the troubled Congo. Mar'63:12 LUMBER AND LUMBERING The lumberjack wants to know... Mar'19:20 Logging camps of the Pacific Northwest. Jun'19:8 How can the church reach the lumberjack? Feb'20:39 Are the lumber camps neglected? Feb'20:49
p. 1743 Lumberton - Luna, E
LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Feb'26:11 LUMLEY, ARTHUR WILLY, -1963 News room. Mar'47:32 May'52:34 LUMLEY, ARTHUR WILLY. RAISING MONEY FOR CHURCH BUILDING PROJECTS Book chat. Jun'55:45 Lumley, Frederick Elmore, 1880-1954 Representative graduates... Feb'19:33 LUMLEY, FREDERICK ELMORE, 1888-1954 How it strikes a contemporary. Feb'19:16 College of Missions notes. Feb'19:52 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'23:51 LUMTHANG, SAKHAWLIANA Global highlights (photo) Jan'65:7 LUNA, ESTHER, 1944- (birth) News room. Nov'44:27 Inman Center prepares leaders (photo) Mar'63:26 Luna, Eulalio Gallardo, 1906-1965 (married to Eva Garza Luna) A bird's eye view of home missions. Apr'35:29 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'35:39 Mar'36:40 Jun'36:38 Health club at Mexican Institute. Sep'43:25 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'48:36 Apr'49:38 Sep'49:36 It takes a trained staff. Nov'49:10 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'51:36 Oct'57:34 Dec'60:36 Inman Center prepares leaders. Mar'63:26 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'63:36 Oct'64:38 LUNA, EULALIO GALLARDO, 1906-1965 (marriage) News room. Oct'41:34 (photo) Sep'44:27 Home missions heads report (photo) Jun'45:24 Beneath the spire (photo) Jan'49:4 (photo) Jul'49:36 News room. Sep'49:38 quoted. Last column. Sep'49:48 (photo) Dec'49:27 M.C.I. trains its staff (photo) Oct'51:18 For adult mission study (photo) Oct'53:34 (photo) Oct'54:19 Spanish-American ministers meet (photo) Apr'55:46 M.C.I. seeks and trains its leaders (photo) Sep'56:16 quoted. All this is the ministry (photo) Sep'57:13 (photo) Jan'58:24 Ministry to the hard-to-reach. Apr'58:26 News room. Jun'58:34 (photo) Jul'58:42 (photo) Mar'59:5 Global highlights (photo) Apr'59:6 An emphasis on service (photo) Jun'61:36 News room. Nov'61:39 Global highlights (photo) Dec'61:7 New witness in a growing city. Apr'63:28 (photo) Nov'63:36 From Texas to Ecuador (photo) Oct'64:25 (photo) Oct'64:38 Adults and mission (photo) May'65:38 (death) Global highlights. Dec'65:5 (cont. next page)
p. 1744 Luna, E - Lunger, E
LUNA, EULALIO GALLARDO (cont.) (death) Disciples in the news. Jan'66:7 In memoriam. Jan'66:48 Global highlights. Jan'67:6 LUNA, EULALIO GALLARDO, JR. Presenting (photo) May'67:8 LUNA, EVA GARZA, 1911-1976 (married to Eulaio Gallardo Luna, Sr.) (marriage) News room. Oct'41:34 LUNA, HAYES O., -1987 (photo) Jul'36:24 LUNA, PHILIPPINESA Norwood Tye reviews his correspondence. Feb'52:39 LUND, DONIVER. IF THE CHURCHES WANT WORLD PEACE Book chat. Apr'59:26 Lund, Josephine Jacobs Youth searches himself. Oct'29:15 LUND, ROBERT LEATHAN, 1875- Most men are fair. Feb'47:13 LUND-QUIST, CARL E Global highlights. Mar'52:4 LUNDBERG, FERDINAND. IMPERIAL HEARST Book chat. May'37:22 LUNDBERG, GEORGE A. SOCIAL RESEARCH Speaking of books. Dec'32:41 LUNDEEN, ERNEST W., 1894-1947 Busy days on the college campus. Dec'32:33 (death) News room. Jan'48:32 LUNDEEN, LEVI REINALD, 1899- The Campbell Club in Yale (photo) Jul'31:30 Mar'32:27 LUNDEEN, MARGARET RAINS, 1906- (married to Levi Reinald Lundeen) The Campbell Club in Yale (photo) Jul'31:30 Mar'32:27 LUNDGREN, HATTIE C Classroom and campus. Nov'45:25 LUNDIN, JACK W. CELEBRATIONS FOR SPECIAL DAYS New resources. Jul'72:49 LUNDY, W L A unique ordination service (photo) Sep'23:50 LUNGER, (married to Irvin E. Lunger) -1955 (death) News room. Oct'55:37 Lunger, Alberta Mae Huff, 1911- (married to Harold L. Lunger) Missionary worship service. Dec'41:38 Feb'42:38 Apr'42:38 Jan'42:42 Mar'43:38 May'42:38 Christians and world order. Mar'42:37 LUNGER, ALBERTA MAE HUFF, 1911- (photo) Nov'42:34 Dec'49:26 Youth and missions (photo) Jun'52:35 LUNGER, ALBERT MAE HUFF. ROADSIDE TABLES Book chat. May'61:22 Lunger, Ernest Clinton, 1881-1962 The story state by state. Aug'25:9 Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:26 Good news from the states. Oct'28:30
p. 1745 Lunger, E - Lunger, M
LUNGER, ERNEST CLINTON, 1881-1962 Mid-Year Conference of Home Missions Secretaries (photo) Apr'19:39 Evangelists of the cross (photo) Feb'25:8 (photo) Aug'25:9 Jan'27:39 Oct'27:26 Lunger, Harold Lehman, 1910- (married to Alberta Mae Huff Lunger) Book chat. Feb'35:43 Democractic principles in world relations. Dec'41:13 Missionary worship service. Dec'41:38 Feb'42:38 Apr'42:38 Jan'42:42 Mar'42:38 May'42:38 Democratic principles in world relations. Jan'42:18 Christians and world order. Mar'42:37 Involved in mankind. Apr'43:20 Pastoral prayer. Mar'44:16 Rise up, O men of God. Jul'54:11 The right side of the mountain. Nov'54:14 The church and change. Jun'61:25 Religion and the schools. Nov'65:11 As others see us. Oct'66:19 LUNGER, HAROLD LEHMAN, 1910- (photo) Apr'40:22 quoted. They said at St. Louis. Jun'41:19 (photo) Dec'41:13 quoted. Toward a just and durable peace. Apr'42:25 (photo p. 24) Drake lecturers named. Dec'43:6 Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'53:31 (photo) Jul'54:11 quoted. Last column. Jul'57:48 Classroom and campus. Mar'60:31 Global highlights (photo) Jul'63:4 Classroom and campus. Jul'65:35 LUNGER, HAROLD LEHMAN. THE BIBLE AND OUR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Book chat. Feb'59:43 LUNGER, HAROLD LEHMAN. FINDING HOLY GROUND Book chat. Jun'57:18,44 LUNGER, HAROLD LEHMAN, A POCKET FULL OF SEEDS Book chat. May'54:40 Lunger, Irvin Eugene, 1912- Religious education at Denver. Nov'38:10 Second Hoover unity lectureship. Jun'48:26 Unity is four-fold. Feb'54:21 LUNGER, IRVIN EUGENE, 1912- A close up of our colleges. Jan'37:44 Notes from our colleges. Feb'38:32 College activities. Jun'38:32 (photo) Nov'38:10 Mar'39:32 Summer comes to the campus. Jul'40:33 quoted. Last column. Dec'50:48 (photo) Jan'55:25 Classroom and campus. Sep'55:31 Sep'56:32 Global highlights (photo) Dec'57:2 May'58:7 Classroom and campus. Jun'58:33 May'62:35 Global highlights (photo) May'63:5 Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'64:33 LUNGER, MABEL C., 1885-1969 (married to G. Lee Lunger) Beneath the spire. Mar'48:4
p. 1746 Lunn - Luseland
LUNN, HENRY Another steward returns his talents. May'26:62 LUNSFORD, D. WRIGHT, 1910- Global highlights (photo) Nov'54:3 Classroom and campus. Oct'59:33 LUNSFORD, LENA M. -1951 In memoriam. Dec'51:37 LUNTOWSKI, GUSTAV (photo) Nov'27:6 LUNTUMBE, CONGO Neglected Monkoto. Feb'36:29 LOU, AMY, 1956- (birth) News room. Mar'57:32 LOU, ANNA, 1957- (birth) News room. Feb'58:40 Luo, David Wentzong, 1915- (married to Mary Hong Luo) Echoes from everywhere. Mar'58:36 LUO, DAVID WENTZONG, 1915- (photo) Jan'55:44 News room. May'55:38 (wedding) News room. Feb'56:38 (marriage) Echoes from everywhere. Apr'56:34 For adult mission study (photo) Feb'57:36 (photo) Mar'57:15 Global highlights. Nov'57:4 Missionary register. Feb'66:43 Global highlights. May'68:7 Heard the latest? (photo) Jun'69:15 In brief (photo) Feb'70:39 New U.S. citizens return to Thailand. Mar'70:42 Disciple finds new role with church in Thailand (photos) Feb'73:31 LUO, IRENE, 1962- (birth) News room. Sep'62:40 LUO, JANET, 1961- (birth) News room. May'61:32 Luo, Mary Hong (married to David Wentzong Luo) Women and world highways. Dec'56:35 LUO, MARY HONG News room. May'55:38 (wedding) News room. Feb'56:38 (marriage) Echoes from everywhere. Apr'56:34 quoted. Women on world highways. Sep'65:39 Missionary register. Feb'66:43 Heard the latest? (photo) Jun'69:15 In brief (photo) Feb'70:39 New U.S. citizens return to Thailand. Mar'70:43 Disciple finds new role with church in Thailand (photo) Feb'73:31 LUPER, ALBERT Activities of our colleges. Apr'34:44 News of our colleges. Apr'35:33 LUQUE, (BUENOS AIRES) (photo) Aug'19:37 LURAY, SOUTH CAROLINA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH EHP grows. May'58:44 LUSELAND, SASKACHEWAN. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Sep'23:51
p. 1747 Luther - Lutheran F
LUTHER, EVERETT B Classroom and campus. Oct'48:30 LUTHER, MARTIN, 1483-1546 (drawing) Oct'49:7 Oct'56:front cover Oct'57:13 Oct'52:17 Oct'58:15 The future belongs to freedom (drawing) Oct'59:31 The Reformation is alive today! (drawing) Oct'60:13 (photo of statue) Oct'62:front cover The cover. Oct'62:inside front cover The end of the Reformation is reunion (drawing) Oct'62:17 The Reforma;tion speaks today (drawing) Oct'67:16 LUTHER, MARTIN, 1483-1546. SELECT WRITINGS Book chat. Feb'62:22 LUTHER, MARTIN, 1483-1546. WORKS Vol. 37. Book chat. Feb'62:22 Vol. 45. Book chat. Sep'62:24 Vol. 48. Books. Apr'64:43 LUTHER, MARTIN (INDIA) To these we hand the torch. Jan'31:31 (photo) Mar'33:24 LUTHERAN CHURCH See also AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH (MISSOURI SYNOD) LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AMERICA UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'23:54 Aug'24:47 Dec'24:47 May'25:45 (note) Dec'24:58 Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'25:45 Mar'26:45 Sep'26:37 The threshold. May'35:2 Global highlights. Mar'52:2 Dec'52:3 Dec'58:4 May'52:4 Oct'53:3 Dec'60:8 Sep'52:3 Jun'58:5 Dec'65:5 Ahead of the headlines. Sep'70:5 LUTHERAN CHURCH, AMERICAN See AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH (MISSOURI SYNOD) Global highlights. Nov'47:2 Oct'49:4 Jun'61:6 Ahead of the headlines. Sep'67:5 In brief. Nov'67:8 LUTERHAN CHURCH. MISSOURI SYNOD. NORTHERN ILLINOIS DISTRICT Global highlights. Sep'51:4 LUTHERAN CHURCH. WORLD CONVENTION News items that point the trend of the day. Mar'30:44 LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA. BOARD OF EDUCATION. GOING TO COLLEGE Book chat. Nov'36:45 LUTHERAN CHURCH IN THE U.S.A. Ahead of the headlines. May'70:5 LUTHERAN FREE PRESS Ahead of the headlines. Mar'69:5
p. 1748 Lutheran W - Lutze
LUTHERAN WORLD FEDERATION Global highlights. Oct'57:6 Ahead of the headlines. Nov'68:5 World events. May'71:37 LUTHI, WALTER. THE LETTER TO THE ROMANS Book chat. May'62:24 Luthuli, Albert J Where is Africa going? Oct'50:21 LUTHULI, ALBERT J (photo) Oct'50:21 Africa's man of peace (photo) Feb'62:43 LUTSENHIZER, DEL B. (married to Nancy Anne Cobble Lutsenhizer) (marriage) News room. Jul'64:34 Lutsenhizer, Nancy Anne Cobble, 1942- (married to Del B. Lutsenhizer) The elephant hut. Sep'49:45 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'54:34 LUTSENHIZER, NANCY ANNE COBBLE, 1942- (birth) News room. Dec'42:34 (photo) Jun'54:12 (marriage) News room. Jul'64:34 LUTZ, (MRS. W. P.) (photo) Oct'23:52 Lutz, Elizabeth Jane, 1890- Wonderful spirit in the convention. Feb'25:46 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'25:64 Dec'25:49 Apr'28:48 Practicing the "inasmuch." Feb'29:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'30:50 Mar'40:39 Apr'52:36 Nov'52:35 LUTZ, ELIZABETH JANE, 1890- (photo) Oct'22:28 Claim her as their own. Jul'24:46 Outward bound (photo) Aug'24:18 Visitors at Headquarters. Oct'24:63 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'26:50 (photo) Dec'30:26 quoted. A challenge and a promise. Dec'30:33 To these we hand the torch (photo) Feb'31:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'37:40 Feb'39:34 Nov'39:34 Jun'37:34 Apr'39:30 Dec'39:40 Jul'38:33 Jun'39:34 Jan'40:32 News room. Jun'44:28 That "luxurious" missionary life (photo) Oct'54:9 Missionaries retire (photo) Oct'54:27 In brief (photo) Jan'71:42 LUTZ, JUNA M (photo) Jan'21:5 LUTZ, THEOBALD (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'31:44 LUTZ, WILLIAM P (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'32:34 LUTZE, KARL E. FORGIVE OUR FORGETTINGS, LORD! Books of value. Dec'72:47
p. 1749 Luxomo - Lynch, A
LUXOMO, TYLDEN Disciples in South Africa (photo) Nov'55:21 Disciples in South Africa dedicate new church for Africans (photo) Jul'56:43 Global highlights (photo) Jul'57:5 LUZON, PHILIPPINES At the heart of mission lands. Jun'21:7 Impromptu preaching on Luzon. Apr'46:38 For adult mission study. Mar'51:36 In northern Luzon with Norwood Tye. Nov'51:16 Story of cooperation. Apr'56:45 Disciples forge ahead in the Philippines. Dec'56:27 Lyall, Robert Doubled in twenty years. May'24:21 Impressions of our foreign visitors. Jun'28:22 LYALL, ROBERT Getting acquainted with Australia (photo) Nov'27:18 Interesting people you will meet at Columbus (photo) Apr'28:25 (photo) Jun'28:22 Station UCMS brodcasting. Feb'32:41 LYCAN, ALFRED (death) Echoes from everywhere. Jun'22:61 LYDICK, ALLIE In memoriam. Nov'37:39 LYEN, BETTY Classroom and campus. Jul'50:32 LYERLA, MAURICE FOURNIER, 1910- (married to Flossie Irene Keith Lyerla) Helping hands for young churches (photo) Apr'56:10 Retirements from general ministry. Oct'66:32 LYLES, (married to Harvey Lyles) -1946 In memoriam. Oct'46:37 LYLES, SANDERS T A teacher affects eternity (photo) Jan'57:14 LYMAN, (MRS. D C) (death) Apr'19:60 LYMAN, AMMIE JEAN TAYLOR (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'31:44 LYMAN, CORNELIA Memoriam. Sep'34:39 LYMAN, EUGENE W. THE MEANING AND TRUTH OF RELIGION Book chat. Oct'33:19 LYMAN, IANTHA MAE JOHNSON, 1908-1965 (married to Theodore Worthington Lyman) Global highlights (photo) Oct'51:2 News room. Jul'56:38 LYMAN, MARY ELY Global highlights. Sep'49:4 LYMAN, MARY ELY. JESUS Book chat. Nov'37:20 LYMAN, RITCHIE FAYETTE (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'31:44 Lyman, Theodore Worthington, 1904-1950 (married to Iantha Mae Johnson Lyman) A veteran and human need. Oct'46:42 LYNCH, ADA G., -1951 In memoriam. Jun'51:37
p. 1750 Lynch, A - Lynchburg Col
LYNCH, ALAN (photo) Sep'46:26 Lynch, Frederick Henry, 1867-1934 The new loyalty. Jan'25:19 World Conference of Churches. Mar'25:18 LYNCH, RAYMOND A Classroom and campus. Mar'47:30 LYNCHBURG COLLEGE Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'23:39 Jul'25:50 Feb'27:60 Mar'28:40 Feb'23:45 Aug'25:52 Apr'27:41 Apr'28:40 Apr'23:54 Apr'26:42,43 Jun'27:41 May'28:41 May'23:53 May'26:43 Jul'27:41 Jun'28:43 Jul'23:53 Jun'26:43 Aug'27:42 Nov'28:39 Dec'23:51 Jul'26:42,56 Sep'27:52 Dec'28:41 Jan'24:34 Aug'26:56 Nov'27:41 Jan'29:41 Feb'24:52 Sep'26:57 Dec'27:43 Mar'29:41 Aug'24:57 Nov'26:53 Jan'28:40 May'29:29 Sep'24:51 Dec'26:57 Feb'28:44 Jun'29:41 Oct'24:52 Jan'27:53,54 Board of Education annual report. Nov'20:39 Nov'20:64 (photo) Jan'21:front cover Jan'21:18 Report of students. Jan'21:19 What our colleges are doing... Jan'21:58 Church colleges close a good year. Aug'21:54 (photo) Jan'22:13 Visiting our colleges. Jan'22:15 (photo of students) Jan'22:32 (photo of Student Volunteer Band) Feb'22:28 Pertinent items... Apr'22:52 Present service and immediate needs... Jun'22:18 A splendid achievement (photo) Jun'22:47 (photo) Jan'23:54 Feb'23:38 Jan'24:inside covers Glimpses of our colleges... Jan'24:13 (photo of freshman class) Jan'25:9 (photo) Dec'25:42 (photo of students) Jan'26:18 In retrospect and prospect. Jan'27:28 Colleges where Christ rules. Apr'27:61 A building era for our colleges (photo) Jan'28:8 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:60 College songs! Jan'29:33 Highlights from our colleges. Aug'29:29 Pithy news items from the Board of Education. Nov'29:41 What's going on in our colleges. Dec'29:41 A close up of our colleges. Jan'30:43 Mid-year activities of our colleges. Feb'30:33 News from the Board of Education... Mar'30:40 Last minute news from our colleges. Apr'30:33 Spring activities of our colleges. May'30:46 Commencement activities of our colleges. Jul'30:35 Diversified college programs. Dec'30:41 Our colleges in full swing. Feb'31:32 Midwinter news from our campuses. Mar'31:35 Significant news from our colleges. Apr'31:33 Spring activities of our colleges. May'31:33 Our colleges look toward commencement season. Jun'31:32 (cont. next page)
p. 1751 Lynchburg College 1931 - 1937
LYNCHBURG COLLEGE (cont.) Year end activities in our colleges. Jul'31:33 Fall activities in our colleges. Dec'31:45 Our college colors fly... Jan'32:7 A look-in on our colleges. Jan'32:32,46 The middle of the college year. Feb'32:31 Activities in our colleges. Mar'32:30,31 Within our college walls. Apr'32:40 Last lap of the college year. May'32:33 Our colleges look to commencement. Jun'32:33 Colleges closes successful year. Jul'32:32 On the college campus. Oct'32:33 Busy days on the college campus. Dec'32:33 In what distinctive way is your college fostering the Christian way... Jan'33:25 Mid-winter season in our colleges. Jan'33:33 Within college walls. Feb'33:33 Our colleges at home and abroad. Mar'33:31 Colleges going strong in the second semester. Apr'33:33 The colleges at work. May'33:33 Board of Education meets. Jun'33:45 Summer activities of our colleges. Sep'33:33 Activities of our colleges. Dec'33:33 What do you consider the paramount religious need of today's students... Jan'34:11 (photo) Jan'34:20 Mid-winter in our colleges. Jan'34:34 Mid-semester in our colleges. Feb'34:33 Keeping step with our colleges. Mar'34:33 Activities of our colleges. Apr'34:43 Spring term in our colleges. May'34:30 Intimate glimpses of our colleges. Jun'34:32 Closing the college year. Jul'34:30 Midsummer in our colleges. Sep'34:32 Colleges facing the new school year. Oct'34:34 Intensive work in our colleges. Feb'35:31 From college towers. Mar'35:44 News of our colleges. Apr'35:33 Approaching commencements. Jun'35:33 Summer on the college campus. Oct'35:30 Colleges hard at work. Dec'35:33 (photo of ministerial students) Jan'36:6 Christian activities in our colleges. Jan'36:31 Colleges enter new year. Feb'36:30,31 Colleges enter new semester. Mar'36:33 From our colleges. Apr'36:31 College notes. May'36:42 From our colleges. Jun'36:33 College commencements. Jul'36:34 ...looks ahead. Sep'36:27 Colleges plan for fall opening. Sep'36:33 News from colleges. Dec'36:31 A close up of our colleges. Jan'37:31 (photo p. 28) Our colleges and the new year. Mar'37:31 In our colleges. May'37:34 Commencements in our colleges. Jul'37:40 Summer activities in our colleges. Sep'37:32 Opening of the college year. Oct'37:31 (cont. next page)
p. 1752 Lynchburg College 1937 - 1945
LYNCHBURG COLLEGE (cont.) Fall activities in our colleges. Nov'37:32 College news. Dec'37:31 College happenings. Jan'38:28 (photo of choir) Feb'38:32 College notes. Apr'38:33 News from our colleges. May'38:31 College activities. Jun'38:33 College summer events. Sep'38:31 Busy days in our colleges. Dec'38:31 Presidents report advance. Jan'39:17 Busy days in our colleges. Jan'39:41 College news and notes. Feb'39:32 (photo of Art Club) Mar'39:31 College notes. Mar'39:32 Springtide college activities. May'39:33 College activities. Jun'39:30 College commencements. Jul'39:28 Back to the college campus. Sep'390:30 On highways leading to Richmond (photo) Oct'39:26 (photo) Jan'40:7 College notes. Jan'40:24 Notes from our colleges. Apr'40:32 College commencement announcements. May'40:28 From the college campus. Jun'40:31 College notes and news. Sep'40:31 (photo of students) Nov'40:33 College notes and news. Dec'40:31 Reports from the college campus. Jan'41:30 Notes from the campus reporters. Apr'41:33 Spring comes to the college campus. May'41:30 Colleges approach commencement season. Jun'41:32,33 News from our colleges. Jul'41:32 College and university news. Sep'41:31 Campus news and notes. Oct'41:32 News from our colleges. Nov'41:30 News form the colleges (photo of ministerial students) Dec'41:33 News from classroom and campus. Jan'42:35 News form our college reporters. Feb'42:33 Our colleges go forward in emergency programs. Mar'42:32 Increasing activity on our college campuses. Apr'42:46 Colleges and universities plan for spring and summer. May'42:32 Summer plans of our schools (photo of "clean up day") Jun'42:32 Acceleration replaces vacations on campuses. Sep'42:32 Classroom and campus. Oct'42:33 Nov'42:30 Dec'42:33 The threshold. Jan'43:2 To him that asketh. Jan'43:15 Classroom and campus. Jan'43:29 Sep'43:24 Feb'44:26 Jul'44:26 Mar'43:32 Oct'43:26 Mar'44:27 Sep'44:26 Apr'43:32 Nov'43:26 Apr'44:24 Oct'44:27 May'43:30 Dec'43:24 May'44:24 Nov'44:24 Jun'43:24 Jan'44:26 Jun'44:27 Dec'44:26 (photo of ministerial students) Jan'45:29 (cont. next page)
p. 1753 Lynchburg College 1945 - 1955
LYNCHBURG COLLEGE (cont.) Classroom and campus. Mar'45:26 Jun'45:27 Oct'45:27 Apr'45:26 Jul'45:27 Nov'45:24 May'45:24 Sep'45:22 Dec'45:30 (photo of students) Jan'46:9 Classroom and campus. Jan'46:28 Apr'46:31 Jun'46:32 Mar'46:30 May'46:30 Global highlights. Jul'46:2 Classroom and campus. Sep'46:33 Oct'46:30 Dec'46:31 By their fruits. Jan'47:18 Classroom and campus. Jan'47:31 Jun'47:32 Dec'47:28 Feb'47:30 Jul'47:32 Jan'48:30 Apr'47:30 Nov'47:28 Feb'48:30 Classroom and campus (photo of church vocation students) Mar'48:31 Educating for human relaltions. Mar'48:12 Classroom and campus. Apr'48:28 Jul'48:31 Oct'48:30 Dec'48:33 Jun'48:34 Sep'48:30 Nov'48:30 Jan'49:30 (photo of alumni) Feb'49:33 Mar'49:32 May'49:33 Jul'49:30 Sep'49:33 Apr'49:30 Jun'49:31 (photo of students) Oct'49:30 Nov'49:38 Dec'49:30 (photo of students) Classroom and campus. Jan'50:31 Apr'50:32 Jun'50:32 Feb'50:32 May'50:32 Jul'50:32 Nov'50:36 (photo of students p. 37) Feb'51:32 (photo of ministerial students) Mar'51:30 May'51:31 Jun'51:30 Jul'51:30 (photo of international students) Dec'51:30 (photo) Jan'52:front cover The cover. Jan'52:inside front cover Classroom and campus. Jan'52:31 Apr'52:29 May'52:28 (photo of choir members p. 29) (photo of students) Jul'52:33 Nov'52:31 Mar'53:30 May'53:30 Feb'53:30 Apr'53:30 Highlights of higher education. Jun'53:37 Classroom and campus. Jul'53:31 Jan'54:28 Apr'54:36 Jul'54:34 Nov'53:31 Feb'54:33 May'54:31 Dec'54:34 Dec'53:33 Mar'54:30 Jun'54:32 A religious program for the small college (photos) Jan'55:16 Classroom and campus. Jan'55:33 (photo of "Who's Who" students) Feb'55:30,31 Mar'55:35 Apr'55:31 May'55:30 Jun'55:34 (photo of award winners) Jul'55:31 Sep'55:31 Nov'55:28 Jan'56:33 Oct'55:31 Dec'55:35 (cont. next page)
p. 1754 Lynchburg College 1956 - 1965
LYNCHBURG COLLEGE (cont.) Twelve Disciple schools recieve large Ford grants. Feb'56:27 Classroom and campus. Feb'56:33 (photo of youth directors) Mar'56:29 Apr'56:30 May'56:31 Jun'56:35 Global highlights. Jul'56:3 Classroom and campus. Jul'56:31 Sep'56:45 (photo of Hopwood Hall) Jan'57:38 Classroom and campus. Sep'57:31 (photo of church vocation students) Dec'57:35 Jan'58:29 May'58:33 Jun'58:33 (photo of religious vocations conference) Jul'58:36 (photo of student leaders) Oct'58:33 (photo of new faculty) Nov'58:33 Dec'58:33 Global highlights (photo of construction of science hall) Jan'59:4 Classroom and campus. Jan'59:37 (photo of 2 international students) Feb'59:37 Mar'59:31 Apr'59:35 May'59:35 (photo of 2 graduates) Jul'59:37 (photo of student leaders) Sep'59:35 Nov'59:33 Jan'60:30 Mar'60:31 Dec'59:35 Feb'60:37 (photo of dedication of science building) May'60:32 (photo of Hobbs Hall) May'60:42 Classroom and campus. Oct'60:35 (photo of reception) Dec'60:33 Jan'61:28 (photo) Feb'61:31 Apr'61:33 Jun'61:34 Sep'61:28 Dec'61:31 May'61:31 Jul'61:35 Oct'61:32 The world comes to the campus (photo of international students) Jan'62:11 (photo of student worship service) Jan'62:23 Classroom and campus. Jan'62:31 Feb'62:33 Apr'62:33 (photo of Hobbs Award recipients) Jul'62:34 Sep'62:35 Nov'62:36 (photo of ministerial students) Mar'63:35 Jun'63:35 Oct'63:34 Dec'63:34 May'63:34 Jul'63:37 Nov'63:35 It's never too late to learn! Jan'64:18 Classroom and campus. Jan'64:35 Global highlights. Mar'64:7 Classroom and campus. Jun'64:35 Sep'64:32 Nov'64:34 Jul'64:36 Oct'64:37 Dec'64:34 News room. Dec'64:36 Classroom and campus. Feb'65:32 Mar'65:33 Ahead of the headlines. Apr'65:7 Classroom and campus. Apr'65:35 Jun'65:34 Sep'65:36 Nov'65:33 May'65:35 Jul'65:35 Oct'65:34 Dec'65:35 (cont. next page)
p. 1755 Lynchburg College 1966 - Lynn, R
LYNCHBURG COLLEGE (cont.) Classroom and campus. Jan'66:33 Jun'66:35 Nov'66:34 Mar'67:35 Mar'66:33 Jul'66:34 Dec'66:35 Apr'67:35 Apr'66:35 Sep'66:35 Jan'67:35 (photo of class) May'67:18 Classroom and campus. May'67:34 Jun'67:35 Jul'67:34 Sep'67:35 (photo of Asian-studies seminar) Oct'67:35 Nov'67:35 Jan'68:35 May'68:34 Jul'68:35 Dec'67:35 Feb'68:34 Jun'68:35 Sep'68:35 Degrees and awards granted. Sep'68:45 Classroom and campus. Oct'68:35 Dec'68:35 Higher education in the past half-century. Jan'69:41 In brief. Mar'69:38 Campuses need changing but... Oct'69:24 In brief. Sep'70:45 Colleges that break stereotypes. Mar'71:9 Students say. Mar'71:16 When education becomes more than just learning (photo of Hopwood Hall) Jun'73:28 In brief. Nov'73:46 LYNCHBURG COLLEGE. JENNIE CUTLER SHUMATE LECTURESHIP Endowment for lectureship received. Apr'40:44 Classroom and campus. Apr'45:26 May'50:32 Apr'62:33 May'49:33 May'51:31 May'66:35 LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA. EUCLID AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH With the churches that are giving heroically. Nov'20:6 LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH With the churches that are giving heroically. Nov'20:6 LYNCHING Glimpses of the religious world. Apr'24:45 May'24:45 Aug'25:45 Jan'26:45 Lynching must go! Jan'34:3 If God has a sense of the rediculous. Feb'34:15 The right to lynch challenged. Feb'35:3 Causes of cure of lynching. Mar'35:4 Major actions of the Convention. Nov'36:44 Elections and actions at Columbus. Dec'37:27 Social trends. Mar'38:23 Southern jury indicts lynchers. Mar'43:31 Humbly, we may take heart. Mar'53:6 Lynd, Robert Why I take immortality for granted. Apr'30:inside ft cover LYNGE, NELS P., -1948 In memoriam. Jul'48:38 LYNN, ADDIE In memoriam. Mar'29:48 LYNN, CHARLES J Global highlights. Jul'54:2 LYNN, JAY ELWOOD, 1870-1955 (married to Lula Gualt Lynn) In memoriam. Jul'55:39 LYNN, ROGER Global highlights. Nov'68:7 LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Sep'19:52 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:59 (cont. next page)
p. 1756 Lynn, MA - Lyon, E
LYNN, MASSACHUSETTS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (cont.) Good ideas... May'30:39 Churches adopt every home plan. Jun'59:46 LYNVILLE, ILLINOIS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH The evolution of a country church (photos) May'23:10 LYON, (married to Clyde Lyon) (photo) Jun'30:32 LYON, (married to Raymond Lyon) (photo) Oct'47:inside front cover Lyon, Clyde Laten, 1880-1971 In what distinctive way is your college fostering the Christian way... Jan'33:25 Education for a Christian social order. Jan'36:5 LYON, CLYDE LATEN, 1880-1971 Spring activities of our colleges (photo) May'30:34 (photo) Jun'30:32 (photo no. 19) Jan'31:25,24 A look-in on our colleges. Jan'32:45 quoted. Excerpts from address delivered at the International Convention... Nov'35:24 Colleges hard at work. Dec'35:32 ...resigns (photo) Sep'36:15 Lyon, D W The National Christian Council of China. Sep'24:28 LYON, DAVID, -1950 (photo) Mar'24:27 In memoriam. May'50:39 Lyon, Emma Ann, 1869-1960 Nanking Christian Girls' School. Mar'19:51 China. Oct'19:24 Note. Sep'20:59 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:60 Aug'21:60 Golden Jubilee notes. Mar'24:51 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'24:64 Christian Girls' School, Nanking. Feb'25:50 Thirty years ago and now. Oct'26:44 Undaunted women of China. Nov'27:43 After seven months. Feb'28:40 On board the President Lincoln. Apr'31:34 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'31:39 Mrs. Tsao. Dec'31:45 How they do it. Jan'32:29 Then and now. Sep'32:46 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'33:40 Korean missions are alert. Apr'34:30 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'37:39 LYON, EMMA ANN, 1869-1960 Miss Emma Lyon and her school in Nanking, China. Jan'19:26 Notes. Mar'19:61 Jul'19:62 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'21:60 Aug'22:58 (photo) Apr'22:50 Feb'23:49 quoted. Appreciation for Life and labors of A. McLean. Jun'24:45 Program helps (photo) Feb'25:48 (photo) Feb'25:51 Feb'26:59 Oct'26:44 Feb'28:40 To Miss Emma Lyon (poem) Oct'28:49 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'29:41 Nov'29:51 (cont. next page)
p. 1757 Lyon, E - Lytton
LYON, EMMA ANN (cont.) (photo) Dec'30:28 quoted. A challenge and a promise. Dec'30:33 We delight to honor (photo) Dec'32:suppl:2 Magnificent shadow of forty years (photo) Mar'33:16 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'33:29 May'34:41 (photo) Jul'34:41 Station UCMS broadcasting (photo) May'35:31 Oct'36:34 Nov'37:43 Feb'38:31 Through faith and loyalty. Jun'38:8 (photo) Jul'40:14 Oct'46:38 (death) News room. May'60:38 Doctor Ida and Miss Emma. Sep'60:9 Scholarship endowed. Jun'68:44 Lyon, George E., 1867-1933 The best thing I know about church extension. Sep'20:23 LYON, GEORGE E., 1867-1933 Mid-Year Conference of Home Missions Secretaries. Apr'19:39 (photo) Apr'19:39 Sep'20:23 Jan'28:28 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'36:44 LYON, HARRY W., JR. (photo) Jul'28:24 LYON, LYNN S., -1965 (married to Pauline Y. Nicholson Lyon) Beneath the spire (photo) Jun'54:4 In memoriam. Dec'65:48 LYON, MARY ALICE -1932 Facts for the busy woman. Jan'20:39 quoted. The latest word on the Golden Jubilee. Dec'22:50 (photo) Oct'24:5 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'25:43 appreciation. Aug'26:31 (death) The story of a life (photo) Dec'32:18 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'33:40 LYONS, ANNA In memoriam. Jan'41:39 LYONS, THEODOSIA (death) Headquarters nots. Nov'23:54 LYONS, VERBA See HAWKINS, VERBA LYONS LYONS, MICHIGAN. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Isaac Errett. Jul'21:7 LYONS, OHIO. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ohio church enters EHP. Jun'64:50 LYRALL, ROBERT quoted. Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'28:43 LYSERGIC ACID DIETHYLAMIDE Ahead of the headlines. Jan'67:4 LYSIAC, RICHARD JOHN Classroom and campus. Oct'63:34 LYTLE, (MRS. E. E.) News room. Oct'45:25 Lytle, Herbert C., Jr. The other side of church relief. Feb'47:40 LYTTON, (married to Edward C. Lytton) (death) Distinctions of our colleges. Jan'31:42 Lytton, Edward C Two new chairs of religious education Nov'24:30 LYTTON, EDWARD C Mid-semester in our colleges. Feb'34:33