

(Smetzer - Sz)

Entries are constructed with Month, year and page number.
     i.e.      Mar'41:21  (March, 1941 p. 21)

Entries appearing in all upper case letters are articles about the person or
subject.  Entries appearing in both upper and lower case letters are articles
by the person.

The entries are in alphabetical order with the following exceptions:
     The names of people are entered first
     Following these are other entries under the same word
     arranged alphabetically
     i.e.      AUSTIN, SPENCER PETER
               AUSTIN, WILLIAM, JR.
               AUSTIN, MINNESOTA
               AUSTIN, TEXAS

Within each heading the entries are arranged chronologically with a few
exceptions.  In some instances a series of articles with the same title are
entered at the beginning of the entry.
     i.e. Under the entry for many educational institutions the entries from the
          column "The Board of Education and the work of our Colleges" appear
          before other entries.
Many women are referred to in the periodical only by their husband's name.
Where ever possible the woman's given name has been supplied but where that was
not possible the entries for the women are at the beginning of the entries for
that surname.  If it could be determined what the husband's name was his name
appears in parentheses after the surname.  If it was uncertain whether the
initials were the woman's initials or the husband's initials it is noted as Mrs.

     i.e.      JONES, (married to Abner Jones)
               JONES,  (MRS. A. B.)

As an aid for further identification, whenever it could be determined, people's
birth date, death date and spouse's names are noted.

Every effort was made to conserve space in order to bring both a savings in
cost for the user and a savings in paper for the environment.  This computer
file has been left in the paper saving format.

p. 2644 Smetzer - Smiley, E
SMETZER, MARY ELRICK (death) Jun'22:51 Smiley, Church Howe, 1894-1953 (married to Nell Sloan Smiley) Echoes from everywhere. Feb'26:50 Meeting physical and spiritual needs. Apr'27:51 More abundant giving. Apr'32:27 Samuel Maqbul Masih. May'35:29 Janku's invitation accepted. Oct'41:47 Interesting facts about India. Nov'41:27 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'41:30 Nov'42:39 Indian boys in service. Nov'42:46 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'43:32 News from Bilaspur, India. Oct'44:38 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'45:31 The Indian church looks to the future. Mar'47:9 Echoes from evrywhere. Nov'48:36 SMILEY, CHURCH HOWE, 1894-1953 (photo) Jun'21:7 Odell's light in India. Jun'21:56 College of Missions commencement, 1921 (photo) Aug'21:inside covers quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:28 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'23:56 (marriage) Dec'23:64 (photo) May'24:41 Feb'26:43 Apr'27:51 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'30:41 Nov'30:42 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'32:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'37:29 (photo) Mar'38:24 Dec'39:40 News room. Dec'45:32 Feb'46:38 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'46:37 News room. May'46:38 Classroom and campus. Nov'47:28 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'49:38 (photo) Dec'50:28 (death) News room. May'53:38 SMILEY, DAVID CHARLES, 1924- (photo) Apr'27:51 Children of the India mission. Mar'38:26 (photo p. 24) Station UCMS broadcasting (photo) Jun'38:42 (photo) Dec'39:40 News room. Jul'43:28 Sep'44:28 Classroom and campus. Nov'44:25 SMILEY, ELEANOR JEWELL, 1932- (birth) Nov'32:47 (photo) Mar'33:25 Children of the India mission. Mar'38:26 (photo p. 24) Station UCMS broadcasting (photo) Jun'38:42 (photo) Dec'39:40 News room. Feb'46:38 Smiley, Elizabeth Adaline, 1926- Echoes from everywhere. Oct'54:34 New approaches to India's old needs. Nov'56:27 SMILEY, ELIZABETH ADALINE, 1926- (birth) Aug'26:63 Children of the India mission. Mar'38:26 (photo p. 24) Station UCMS broadcasting (photo) Jun'38:42 (photo) Dec'39:40 (cont. next page) p. 2645 Smiley, E - Smith (Mrs D) SMILEY, ELIZABETH ADALINE (cont.) News room. Sep'44:28 Classroom and campus. Nov'44:25 News room. Jan'48:32 (photo) May'56:47 SMILEY, JEWELL See SMILEY, ELEANOR JEWELL Smiley, Nell Sloan, 1895- (Married to Church H. Smiley) Echoes from everywhere. May'24:64 Sep'41:38 Feb'45:33 SMILEY, NELL SLOAN, 1895- (marriage) Dec'23:64 (photo) May'24:41 Apr'27:51 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'30:41 Nov'30:42 Nov'37:29 (photo) Mar'38:24 Dec'39:40 News room. Dec'45:32 Feb'46:38 Classroom and campus. Nov'47:28 (photo) Dec'50:28 SMILEY, W H Echoes from everywhere. Dec'25:60 SMISER, JEROME S Spring term in our colleges. May'34:44 SMITH, (MATRON OF COLORADO CHRISTIAN HOME) Notes. Oct'20:56 SMITH, (MRS. A. N.) quoted. Circulation corner. Jul'35:1 SMITH, (married to Andrew H. Smith) Memorium. Oct'35:40 SMITH, (MRS. B. L.) (photo) Dec'24:34 SMITH, (married to Ben Smith) (photo) Nov'32:16 SMITH, (married to Bin T. Smith) (photo) Nov'31:7 SMITH, (MRS. C. C.) Here and there. Mar'48:48 (photo) Jun'50:18 Oct'57:front cover The cover. Oct'57:inside front cover SMITH, (MRS. C. E. F.) quoted. The threshold. Nov'33:2 quoted. Circulation corner. May'37:inside front cover Jul'39:2 Apr'38:inside front cover Apr'42:2 SMITH, (MRS. C. F.) (photo) Dec'22:51 Smith, (married to Charles E. Smith) Letters. Feb'67:36 SMITH, (married to Charles E. Smith) Women and world highways (photo) Jul'67:30 SMITH, (married to Charles H. Smith) (death) Aug'24:58 SMITH, (MRS. CLAYTON CHEYNEY) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'34:31 SMITH, (MRS. D. E.) In memoriam. Apr'27:50 SMITH, (married to Dave Smith) (photo) Nov'25:15 p. 2646 Smith (Mrs. E) - (Mrs. R) SMITH, (MRS. E. B.) In memoriam. Sep'39:39 Smith, (Mrs. E. C.) An Iowa church made missionary. Dec'22:53 Woman's Day... Dec'26:17 SMITH, (MRS. E. C.) (photo) Jan'27:13 Jan'28:32 Jun'28:23 Nov'29:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'30:43 (photo) Sep'33:4,34 (death) News room. Oct'50:34 Smith, (married to Earl Smith) Letters. Jul'70:4 SMITH, (married to Eb. L. Smith) quoted. Circulation corner. Jan'37:inside front cover SMITH, (married to Edgar Lloyd Smith) Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'28:50 SMITH, (married to Fisher Smith), -1951 In memoriam. Oct'51:36 SMITH, (married to George T. Smith) (photo) Jan'69:32 SMITH, (MRS. H H) (death) May'21:51 SMITH, (married to Harry D. Smith), -1942 In memoriam. Jul'42:39 SMITH, (married to Harry E. Smith) Women find ways to be involved (photo) Jan'71:12 Smith, -1952 (married to Harvey Baker Smith) What I think of Prohibition. Jul'30:13 SMITH, -1952 (married to Harvey Baker Smith) (photo) Jul'30:13 Dec'30:10 Why a Missourian goes to Chautauqua. Jul'35:30 In memoriam. Dec'52:35 SMITH, (married to Herbert Smith) (Afro American) Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'63:32 SMITH, (MRS. J. D.) -1940 In memoriam. Feb'41:39 Smith, (Mrs. J. M.) Sharing World Call. Sep'28:32 SMITH, (MRS. J. M.) (death) Aug'23:54 In memoriam. Apr'29:44 SMITH, (married to J. Philip Smith) Disciples in the news. Jan'67:7 SMITH, (MRS. J. ROY) Memorium. Jun'36:39 SMITH, (MRS. J. W. B.) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'32:33 SMITH, (married to Lincoln Smith) -1951 In memoriam. Oct'51:36 SMITH, (MRS. M M) (death) Oct'20:41 SMITH, (married to Montford D. Smith) -1949 In memoriam. May'49:39 SMITH, (married to Milo T. Smith) (photo) Nov'32:16 SMITH, (married to Robert Hamilton Smith) Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'64:33 p. 2647 Smith (Mrs. R) - Alice SMITH, (married to Roosevelt Smith) And be a friend to man (photo) Jul'56:20 SMITH, (married to Roy A. Smith) News room. Oct'40:34 Oct'43:34 SMITH, (married to Sid Smith) (death) Jun'24:57 SMITH, (MRS. T. J.) quoted. From the World Call mail bag. Dec'22:55 SMITH, (MRS. T. L.) Golden Jubilee notes. Mar'24:51 Smith, (married to Tinsley Smith) Milk for Congo. Mar'61:52 SMITH, (MRS. W. H.) (death) Oct'23:62 Nov'26:50 SMITH, (MRS. W. I.) In memoriam. Apr'31:39 Smith, (Mrs. W. U.) A new use for World Call. Jun'23:1 SMITH, (MRS. W. U.) (photo) Oct'22:7 In memorium. Mar'40:39 SMITH, (married to Walter B. Smith) -1960 In memoriam. Jun'60:37 SMITH, (married to William Grant Smith) -1948 In memoriam. Oct'48:37 SMITH, (married to Willis L. Smith) Here and there... Mar'48:48 Smith, A C The best thing I know about Church Extension. Sep'20:23 SMITH, A G Jan'19:7 (photo) Sep'20:23 SMITH, A J Historical Society now located in Nashville, Tenn. (photo) Jul'52:30 SMITH, A O Mid-year Conference of Home Missions Secretaries (photo) Apr'19:39 SMITH, ADA SCRIVEN, -1954 In memoriam. Oct'54:35 SMITH, ADDIE (death) Apr'25:51 Smith, Albert E Why are the Disciples of Christ out of the United Church of Canada? May'26:7 SMITH, ALBERT E (photo) May'26:7 Sep'27:13 SMITH, ALFRED E Board of Education and work of our colleges. Sep'26:56 Listening in on the world. Jul'32:21 Unhappy warrior. Oct'38:4 SMITH, ALFRED FRANKLIN. TALKING WITH GOD Speaking of books. Nov'32:34 SMITH, ALICE In memoriam. Oct'41:39 SMITH, ALICE ELIZABETH In memoriam. Dec'41:39 SMITH, ALICE MILLER Fall activities in our colleges. Nov'37:32 p. 2648 Smith, Alonza - Barbara SMITH, ALONZA (photo) Feb'32:31 SMITH, ALSON J. RELIGION AND THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY Book chat. Jun'51:22 SMITH, ANITA See ARCHER, ANITA SMITH Smith, Anita Speer The other mother. Dec'59:41 Under our day (poem) Apr'72:50 You, creator (poem) May'72:6 Handhold (poem) Nov'72:50 Trilogy (poem) Apr'73:inside back cover Twenty-third Psalm (peom) Oct'73:50 SMITH, ANITA SPEER. A WORD IN ITS OWN TONGUE New books. Jul'65:41 SMITH, ANNA (death) Jan'21:47 Smith, Arizona, 1874-1952 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'21:57 Women's work in Argentina. Mar'22:45 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'22:62 Training the Argentine women. Jul'26:38 Echoes from everywhere. May'27:50 Young people's work in Latin America. Sep'27:50 Echoes from everywhere. May'28:48 Congress of Evangelical Women. Jun'28:48 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'28:48 Jul'31:41 Liga Nacional de Mujeres Evangelicas. Jul'33:30 Women and world highways. Jan'52:33 SMITH, ARIZONA, 1874-1952 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'20:57 Mar'21:64 quoted. Old letters of rare value. Jul'21:8 (photo) Aug'21:31 Dec'22:26 Headquarters notes. Feb'24:53 (photo) Apr'26:49 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'27:48 Honoring mother in Buenos Aires. Aug'27:52 (photo) Jun'28:44 Nov'28:41 Preparing for service (photo) Dec'28:59 (photo no. 7) Mar'29:24 Buenos Aires Congregation lays corner stone. Jan'31:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'31:44 Jan'34:31 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'34:39 May'35:39 Disciples sharing in broader fellowship (photo) Oct'35:25 Women and world highways (photo) May'36:35 (photo) Nov'39:35 News room. Apr'42:34 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'42:39 (photo) Oct'43:18 Mar'44:15 Jan'52:33 (death) News room. Feb'53:36 SMITH, ARTHUR H Glimpses of the religious world. Oct'25:45 SMITH, ATHEA B (death) Aug'24:58 SMITH, AURA (photo) Jan'21:6 SMITH, BARBARA. IF I WERE YOU World outreach book reviews. Dec'66:40 p. 2649 Smith, Bartlett - Charles SMITH, BARTLETT M Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'68:34 SMITH, BEDFORD W quoted. Circulation corner. Oct'44:inside front cover SMITH, BEN T (photo) May'23:32 quoted. Go-to-College Day--why observe it? Sep'25:28 (photo) Jan'27:12 Another league of laymen (photo) Jan'29:11 Smith, Benjamin Lyon Who did it? Aug'20:43 SMITH, BENJAMIN LYON, 1878-1933 Notes. Feb'19:47 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'26:55 (death) Home missions leader passes (photo) Apr'33:17 SMITH, BENJAMIN LYON. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL Speaking of books. Jul'30:32 SMITH, BERNARD P quoted. In memoriam, Archibald McLean. Mar'21:7 quoted. A cloud of competent witnesses. Apr'21:22 quoted. We also are ready. May'25:22 SMITH, BERTHA Echoes from everywhere (photo) Dec'61:34 SMITH, BERTHA LEACH, -1966 In memoriam. Nov'66:44 SMITH, BESSIE The death of a mountain. Feb'73:8 SMITH, BETTIE (photo) Sep'39:31 SMITH, BIN T (photo) Nov'31:7 SMITH, BRADFORD. MEDITATION: THE INWARD ACT Books. Mar'64:42 SMITH, BRADFORD. PORTRAIT OF INDIA Book chat. Feb'63:24 Smith, Bryce Everton, 1930- Echoes from everywhere. Nov'44:33 SMITH, BRYCE EVERTON, 1930- (birth) Feb'31:47 (photo) May'34:41 Jun'37:24 Jul'44:34 SMITH, C ED, -1960 (photo) Dec'50:29 (death) News room. May'60:38 SMITH, CANDACE LHAMON, 1857- (married to George T. Smith) Old letters of rare value. Apr'21:38 A fortieth anniversary in Japan. Aug'23:39 (death) News room. Apr'42:34 Disciples in Japan commemorate mission's seventieth anniversary (photo) Oct'53:38 SMITH, CARL L Global highlights (photo) Nov'62:7 Smith, Carol Christmas coming (poem) Dec'73:50 Smith, Charles E "Lend a hand" class at Humeston, Iowa. Aug'19:41 Why not you? Feb'20:15 p. 2650 Smith, Charles - E SMITH, CHARLES E How the Brotherhood helped and brotherliness prevailed. Feb'27:36 SMITH, CHARLES MERCER (photo) Jul'23:11 SMITH, CHARLES MERRELL. HOW TO BE A BISHOP WITHOUT BEING RELIGIOUS New books. Jan'68:39 SMITH, CHARLES MERRELL. HOW TO TALK TO GOD WHEN YOU AREN'T FEELING RELIGIOUS New books. Mar'72:30 SMITH, CHARLES MERRELL. THE PEARLY GATES SYNDICATE New books. Sep'71:29 SMITH, CHARLES MERRELL. WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING OUT New books. Nov'69:28 SMITH, CHRISTINE S (photo) Jul'42:12 SMITH, CLARA F Truly living a link. Dec'46:32 SMITH, CLARA GILLILAND Classroom and campus. Dec'47:28 SMITH, CLAUDIA PAGE Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'26:56 SMITH. CLAYTON CHANEY, 1845-1919 Clayton Chaney Smith (photo) Mar'19:28 Notes. Mar'19:60 (death) Jun'19:43 quoted. Old letters of rare value. Aug'21:41 Fools for Christ's sake. Apr'33:10 The personality of the month. Oct'33:3 SMITH, CRAIG R quoted. Disciples meet in Des Moines. Nov'56:20 SMITH, D. HOWARD. CHINESE RELIGIONS FROM 1,000 B.C. TO THE PRESENT DAY New books. Sep'70:28 SMITH, DAN E., -1955 (death) News room. Apr'55:38 SMITH, DAVID H. THE ACHIEVEMENT OF JOHN C. BENNETT New books. Oct'70;28 SMITH, DONALD CRAFT, 1937- (photo) Jul'44:34 SMITH, DONALD K quoted. Echoes from everywhere. Dec'61:34 SMITH, DONALD LELAND Global highlights. Jul'62:5 Smith, Donald R Lafayette builds a church. Jul'56:12 SMITH, DONALD R. Lafayette builds a church (photo) Jul'56:8 In brief (photo) Apr'69:39 SMITH, DOUGLAS W. In brief. Dec'69:40 Feb'71:40 Sep'71:42 Fraternal workers serve through churches abroad (photo) Oct'71:45 Smith, Dwight C Letters. Jul'66:inside front cover Feb'69:36 SMITH, E. C. A POEM OF THE CHRIST Book chat. Sep'37:29 p. 2651 Smith, E - Elizabeth SMITH, E E (photo) Jan'21:9 SMITH, E W Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'28:58 Smith, Earl M Kagawa studies Brazil. Jun'54:44 Smith, Edgar Lloyd, -1952 The how of missionary offerings. Nov'22:35 Religious education--its progress and promise. Nov'24:17 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'28:50 Another project in world friendship. Feb'29:19 In what distinctive way is your college fostering the Christian way... Jan'33:8 A report from Miami. May'44:36 The church and returning "expendables." Sep'44:17 A program of ministerial recruitment. Oct'45:12 Recruiting for dedicated lives. Sep'48:7 SMITH, EDGAR LLOYD, -1952 Mid-year Conference of Home Missions Secretaries (photo) Apr'19:39 The church in the capital of Uncle Sam's baby state, Arizona. Jun'19:40 (photo) Nov'19:inside front cover Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:61 Field workers (photo) Dec'20:35 Headquarters notes. May'23:52 Introducing the field force. Nov'23:20 Disciples Club, Boston University (photo) Aug'24:53 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'28:50 Jul'30:33 Our colleges in convention and conference. Oct'30:32 News room. Nov'46:45 Jan'49:38 (death) News room. Mar'52:32 SMITH, EDNA SUE, -1959 (married to William Martin Smith) Christian families go to camp (photo) Nov'49:44 SMITH, EDWIN W. AGGREY OF AFRICA Speaking of books. Dec'29:42 SMITH, EDWIN W. THE SHRINE OF A PEOPLE'S SOUL Book chat. Apr'48:20 Smith, Eleanor Women on world highways. Apr'68:30 SMITH, ELEANOR Global highlights (photo) May'62:6 Retirements from general ministry. Oct'70:40 (photo p. 41) SMITH, ELIZA Our birthday party. May'29:30 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'29:51 SMITH, ELIZABETH (INDIANA) Notes from the Benevolent Homes. Mar'38:43 Smith, Elizabeth Baker, 1899-1978 (married to Everton Benson Smith) Short cuts through a long country. Jun'29:7 Rice fields of Africa. Dec'33:28 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'37:38 Oct'37:39 Dec'43:31 SMITH, ELIZABETH BAKER, 1899-1978 Our lives against your money! (photo) Jul'29:13 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'39:40 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'43:30 (cont. next page) p. 2652 Smith, Elizabeth - Everet SMITH, ELIZABETH BAKER (cont.) (photo) Jul'44:34 News room. Oct'45:25 Classroom and campus. Mar'46:30 Disciple leaders retire (photo) Oct'64:29 SMITH, ELLA H (photo) Jan'21:16 SMITH, ELSIE, 1877- (photo) Dec'23:25 News room. Jan'53:45 Disciples in Japan commemorate mission's seventieth anniversary (photo) Oct'53:38 SMITH, ELSIE Institutional missions. Sep'56:44 SMITH, EMALINE (death) Apr'20:51 Smith, Emily O (married to Ralph Lynwood Smith) Each one teach one. Mar'70:25 SMITH, EMMA In memoriam. Jul'28:45 SMITH, EMMA In memoriam. Oct'36:39 SMITH, EMMA LOU (photo) Sep'42:9 SMITH, EMMET Women and world highways (photo) Jul'61:37 Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'64:35 (photo) Jun'68:35 SMITH, ERTRA, -1950 (married to W. O. Smith) In memoriam. Jan'51:37 SMITH, ETHEL Memorium. May'36:39 SMITH, ETHEL E (photo) May'25:43 SMITH, ETTA J Memorium. Oct'35:40 Smith, Eugene L Line across the world. Dec'66:18 SMITH, EUGENE L Global highlights. Apr'63:4 Oct'64:7 quoted. Quote...unquote. Oct'70:13 SMITH, EUGENE L. GOD'S MISSION--AND OURS Books: churches for new times. Jun'61:44 SMITH, EUGENE L. MANDATE FOR MISSION World outreach book reviews. Jun'68:33 SMITH, EVA M., -1951 In memoriam. Nov'51:35 SMITH, EVELYN See WIKER, EVELYN SMITH Smith, Everett S The best thing I know about Church Extension. Sep'20:24 SMITH, EVERETT S (photo) Sep'20:24 quoted. Special tithing week. May'22:52 (photo) Oct'22:7 quoted. As others see us. Jul'23:39 (photo) Mar'24:31 Dec'30:12 Sep'42:2 Global highlights. Sep'62:5 p. 2653 Smith, Everton - Francis Smith, Everton Benson, 1898-1974 (married to Elizabeth Baker Smith) Elephant meat a delicacy. Apr'33:33 Rice fields of Africa. Dec'33:28 Congo victory gardens. Nov'44:35 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'55:34 SMITH, EVERTON BENSON, 1898-1974 Our lives against your money! (photo) Jul'29:13 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'39:40 quoted. Last column. Dec'43:40 Congo Christian Conference. Feb'44:40 (photo) Jul'44:34 News room. Oct'45:25 Classroom and campus. Mar'46:30 Disciple leaders retire (photo) Oct'64:29 Smith, Florence World Call at Conference. Dec'27:52 SMITH, FLORENCE S. quoted. Circulation corner. Jul'35:1 Smith, Floyd S Letters. Sep'65:3 SMITH, FLOYD S Global highlights (photo) Mar'46:2 Beneath the spire (photo) Nov'50:4 Global highlights (photo) Mar'51:2 (photo) Jul'52:24 The Chaplain--always there (photos) Jul'60:33 SMITH, FORREST (photo) Apr'51:31 SMITH, FRANCES CAROLINE quoted. Aug'19:35 Smith, Francis Edwin, 1877-1959 (married to Inez Stewart Smith) Recruits and pensions. Feb'19:9 The church's hired man or God's ambassador. Jul'19:31 Church meanness. Aug'19:23 Keen interest in ministerial pensions. Sep'19:33 Ministerial modesty. Dec'19:5 Penalizing the preacher. Jan'20:24 The first quarter Century. Feb'20:46 The minister's wife. Mar'20:50 A life enlistment service. Mar'20:55 Driving out the preacher. Apr'20:25 Is religion a necessity? May'20:10 For conscience sake. May'20:51 The advance of the white cross. Mar'19:64 Orphaned but not forgotten. Apr'19:58 The "Dead line" in the ministry. May'19:15 A new advance in Minnesota. Sep'20:56 The first death claim under the Pension system. Nov'20:51 The help of White Gifts. Dec'20:33 Hot for the heart of the ministry. Jan'21:31 Keeping the larger faith. Feb'21:57 Plain questions and straight answers on ministerial pensions. Mar'21:51 G. D. Sellers. Mar'21:54 A beautiful hour of devotion. May'21:1 Concerning the ministry. Jul'21:43 The preacher's day. Dec'21:7 (cont. next page) p. 2654 Smith, Francis Edwin Smith, Francis Edwin (cont.) The pay roll and the prophet. Dec'21:35 E. J. Lampton. Dec'21:55 A worthy example. Jan'22:59 Preachers and automobiles. Mar'22:58 Ministerial support helps preachers to come back. Jul'22:31 From the diary of the ministry. Aug'22:37 The preaching Conners. Dec'22:7 It's all changed now. Jan'23:59 Yesterday's prophets of today and tomorrow. Mar'23:35 Children of the manse. Jul'23:4 The value of Young People's Conferences. Nov'23:31 A great record and its claim. Dec'23:10 The church and the youth movement. Sep'24:10 Kansas City leads again. Oct'24:38 The call to advance. Dec'24;30 The young minister and the Pension. Apr'25:22 As the shadows grow longer. Jun'25;10 Pension benefits increased... Aug'25:15 Fifty and more years of service for Christ. Sep'25:30 Fifty year adventure. Oct'25:28 Turning the light on Ministerial Relief. Apr'26:18 The Commission on the Ministry meets. Jun'26:16 Presbyterian Pension plans. Sep'26:19 Mrs. Mitchell goes home. Dec'26:44 The church cares for her own. Apr'27:8 The progress of the proposed Pension Plan. Apr'27:13 The Pension Conferences in Texas. May'27:57 A study in comparisons. Nov'27:32 The new adventure of the church. Jan'28:25 Illinois steps out... Nov'28:32 The total work of the Pension Fund. Sep'37:7 Growing up with World Call. Jan'39:23 How the heart burns. Apr'39:22 Book chat. Sep'39:40 Back of the ministrty. Sep'40:8 The Brotherhood Convocations. Mar'41:20 A new emphasis on Week of the Ministry. Sep'41:13 Bert Wilson--Crusader for God. May'43:17 Twenty-five years of the ministry. Sep'44:7 SMITH, FRANCIS EDWIN, 1877-1959 (photo) Jan'19:6 Headquarters notes. Sep'21:54 Apr'23:52 Nov'23:54 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'24:50 Program helps. Mar'26:48 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'27:55 Aug'27:51 quoted. The initial gift to the initial reserve fund for the proposed Pension Plan. Dec'27:61 (photo) Apr'28:11 Trustees of Pension Fund organized. Nov'28:31 (photo p.30) (photo) May'33:4 Personalities. Jul'37:16 (photo) Sep'37:7 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'38:34 (photo) Jan'39:front cover Sep'39:8 quoted. Circulation corner. Nov'40:inside front cover quoted. What they say. Oct'41:15 (photo p. 14) (photo) Sep'42:11 (cont. next page) p. 2655 Smith, Francis - H. SMITH, FRANCIS EDWIN (cont.) Ministers in behalf of the ministry (photo) Dec'42:26 Brotherhood leaders reach retirement (photo) Dec'44:17 (photo) Dec'49:28 News room (photo) Sep'54:38 It underegirds the ministry (photo) Sep'55:7 Global highlights (photo) Dec'56:2 Elections at the 1956 Convention (photo) Dec'56:31 (death) Global highlights (photo) Sep'59:6 (photo) Jan'69:20 Smith, Frank Herron A visit to Owens Valley. Jun'42:28 SMITH, FRANK S (photo) Sep'42:6 SMITH, FRED R., -1952 (death) News room. Mar'52:32 SMITH, FREDDIE, 1941- (birth) News room (photo) Sep'41:34 Those "names in shining letters." Sep'42:21 News room. Feb'44:34 Missionaries freed in Philippines (photo) Apr'45:5 For adult missionary groups. May'45:30 News room. Jun'45:34 Feb'46:38 SMITH, FREDERICK A How Smith went after Shelton (photo) Aug'20:4 SMITH, FREDERICK W (photo no. 7) Apr'27:16 (photo) Oct'48:30 Who speaks for the church? (photo) Dec'68:16 Smith, G E Echoes from everywhere. May'21:59 SMITH, GEMMA GENEVA In memoriam. Jun'43:29 SMITH, GEORGE THOMAS, 1843-1920 (married to Josephine Wood Smith) (married to Candace Llahmon Smith, 1888) (death) Feb'21:50 A fortieth anniversary in Japan. Aug'23:39 (photo) Dec'23:25 Disciples in Japan commemorate mission's seventieth anniversary (photo) Oct'53:38 (photo) Jan'69:32 SMITH, GEORGIA (photo) Jul'72:6 SMITH, GERTRUDE (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'34:31 SMITH, GILLIALND Personalities. Jul'36:21 Smith, Goldie Capers Sandals of Christ (poem) Jan'34:21 SMITH, H AUGUSTINE. LYRIC RELIGION Speaking of books. Dec'32:41 Smith, H. Austin, 1901- (married to Nettie Mae Woodall Smith) Echoes from everywhere. Mar'57:34 Jun'60:36 May'62:36 This is Africa! Jun'63:47 Letters. Nov'63:49 Echoes from everywhere. May'64:38 (cont. next page) p. 2656 Smith, H - Harley Smith, H. Austin (cont.) Doctors with a mission. Jun'65:13 Something new at Hazel Green. Sep'67:40 SMITH, H AUSTIN, 1901- Global highlights (photo) Sep'56:4 News room. Mar'59:32 Global highlights (photo) Nov'61:7 (photo) May'64:38 Missionary register. Jul'65:46 Missioanries retire (photo) Jan'67:42 SMITH, H B (photo) Mar'24:39 SMITH, H C (photo) Jan'21:8 SMITH, H D (photo) Jul'32:30 SMITH, H SHELTON Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'28:45 SMITH, H. SHELTON. HORACE BUSHNELL New books. Jan'66:40 Smith, Harlie L -1970 (married to Virginia Smith) The diary of a floating Dean. Nov'27:21 Transylvania's "college on wheels." Jan'32:17 Book chat. Oct'39:42 The Disciples and higher education. Nov'39:43 Jan'40:5 Ten years in National Christian College. Jan'41:7 The outreach of a great life. Mar'41:21 College girls and tomorrow's world. May'43:11 The colleges and Christian leadership. Jan'47:8 Classroom and campus. (As the executive of the Board of Higher Education Harlie Smith's name appeared as editor of this column from September 1950 to December 1967. The column usually appeared around page 30. Check the table of contents of each issue for the exact page number.) Young men look to the ministry. May'52:7 Fifteen years of change. Jan'55:7 Book chat. Sep'56:39 An educational experience. Feb'58:10 Echoes from everywhere. May'58:36 Adults and mission. Feb'62:38 Meditations. Dec'62:37 Classroom and campus. Jan'63:32 Feb'63:34 Recent trends in higher education. Mar'63:18 Higher education, 1919-1968. Jan'68:11 SMITH, HARLIE L -1970 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Sep'27:51 Circulation corner. May'39:inside front cover New Secretary for Board of Higher Education. Jun'39:31 Higher Education's new secretary (photo) Jul'39:27 (photo) Apr'40:22 Apr'41:inside back cover Jan'41:7 Jun'41:32 Colleges elect presidents (photo) Sep'41:17 quoted. What they say (photo) Oct'41:14 News from our colleges. Nov'41:30 Smith inaugurated at William Woods (photo) Dec'41:21 (cont. next page) p. 2657 Smith, Harlie - Harry SMITH, HARLIE L. (cont.) (photo) Apr'42:24 News room. Jul'42:43 Classroom and campus. Dec'42:32 quoted. To him that asketh. Jan'43:15 (photo p. 14) Classroom and campus (photo) Jan'43:28 (photo) May'43:11 Classroom and campus. Jun'45:26 (photo) May'46:18 Classroom and campus. Jun'46:33 Jul'46:30 Significant actions at Columbus. Sep'46:7 (photo) Jan'47:8 Classroom and campus. Jan'47:31 News room. Jul'48:39 Global highlights (photo) Jun'50:3 Sep'50:2 It happened in Cleveland (photo) Feb'51:8 Classroom and campus. Nov'51:29 Church band campus work together (photo) Jan'53:7 Global highlights. Feb'53:3 News room. Apr'53:32 Highlights of higher education (photo) Jun'53:37 (photo) Sep'53:28 Feb'54:33 Jan'55:7,25 May'55:30 Global highlights (photo) May'56:5 Global highlights. Oct'56:3 (photo) Nov'56:5 Jan'57:28 Where higher education is involved (photo) Oct'57:25 Global highlights. Dec'57:4 (photo) Feb'58:10 Global highlights. Jun'58:4 (photo p. 5) Investigating immortality (photo) Jan'59:13 (photo) Jan'59:back cover Global highlights (photo) Jun'59:7 Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'60:37 Jul'62:5 News room. Jul'62:36 Classroom and campus (photo) Nov'62:37 Adults and mission (photo) Nov'62:40 quoted. Global highlights. Dec'62:7 News room. May'63:40 Global highlights. Feb'64:4 Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'65:33 (photo) Jan'67:6 Disciples in the news. Mar'67:7 Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'67:34 Feb'68:35 Global highlights. Apr'68:7 Classroom and campus. Jul'68:35 In memoriam. Oct'70:46 In brief. Jul'71:45 SMITH, HARLIE L, JR. (married to Jacqueline Anderson Smith) Classroom and campus. Oct'53:31 (marriage) News room. Jan'54:38 News room. Oct'58:34 Smith, Harry D Getting men ready to preach. Jan'24:25 An army of student preachers. Jan'32:15 p. 2658 Smith, Harry - Hebert SMITH, HARRY D Disciples in the Yale Divinity School (photo) May'21:51 Mind and soul according well. Jul'25:17 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'25:54 (death) Our colleges at home and abroad (photo) Mar'33:31 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'33:41 SMITH, HARRY E News room. Jan'53:45 SMITH, HARRY GRANT, -1967 (married to Lulu Gettie Smith) (death) Disciples in the news (photo) Oct'67:8 In memoriam. Oct'67:44 Jan'68:41 Smith, Harvey Baker, 1867-1959 The best thing I know about Church Extension. Sep'20:29 What the Woman's Missionary Society has meant to my church. Dec'21:48 How I became a Christian. Feb'23:42,43 World Call did it. Aug'25:1 A high day. Dec'26:43 Building Kingdom values. Mar'38:16 SMITH, HARVEY BAKER, 1867-1959 quoted. As others see us. Jul'23:39 quoted. Appreciation of Life and labors of A. McLean. Jun'24:43 (photo) Dec'24:23 quoted. We also are ready. May'25:22 quoted. The Commission on the Ministry meets. Jun'26:17 (photo) Jan'27:15 quoted. The revival of Foreign Missions Day. Mar'29:30 The Convention on the sidewalks. Oct'29:11 (photo) Oct'30:11 quoted. Pertinent paragraphs from Convention speeches. Nov'31:12 quoted. The Indianapolis Convention is coming. Oct'32:8 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'33:40 Building a country fellowship. Feb'35:27 (photo) Mar'38:16 Big brothers to rural churches. Jun'38:27 (photo) Dec'44:23 Nov'48:10 Here and there with World Call. Jul'53:48 Sep'54:48 SMITH, HATTIE Memorium. Jan'36:39 Smith, Helen J Letters. Sep'67:43 Smith, Henry Leiper What is the church doing? Oct'44:36 SMITH, HENRY LEIPER Global highlights (photo) May'49:2 Smith, Herbert, 1880-1954 (married to Mary Hopkins Smith) The romance of Lotumbe. Mar'19:17 More than eager for the fray. Sep'19:27 O ye of little faith. Aug'20:14 The Congo Mission attains its majority. Sep'20:47 Note. Sep'20:63 Where will it lead? Nov'20:14 Good news from Congo. Nov'20:58 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'21:60 Oct'21:60 Dec'21:51 May'21:64 Nov'21:59 (cont. next page) p. 2659 Smith, Herbert Smith, Herbert (cont.) Boys only, but Lotumbe boys. Jan'22:47 The repentance of Bokanga. Feb'22:38 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'22:64 What is a barbed arrow worth? Mar'22:26 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'22:62 Jun'22:62 Aug'22:50,60 His followers at Besenge. Oct'22:57 Dr. Dye at Lotumbe. May'23:41 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:60 Dec'23:50 Apr'24:59 Rapid growth in the Congo. Jun'24:34 Home coming in Congo. Dec'25:37 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'26:50 Dawning of a new day. Mar'26:56 An embargo on bugs. May'26:38 The steamship Missouri is at our beach. Jul'26:41 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'26:49 Apr'27:50 Are we not all believing sinners? Dec'27:36 The Congo Jubilee and West Africa conference. Feb'29:21 How shall the Congo Christian Institute develop? Oct'29:19 Missionary organizations. Oct'29:46 We cannot take this step alone. Jun'30:15 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'31:39 Chapel at the Congo Christian Institute. Aug'31:29 A first born in Chicago. Dec'31:18 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'32:39 Feb'32:47 Mar'32:39 The second milestone reached. Mar'33:29 Echoes from everywhere. May'33:39 Jun'33:39 Five years of service. Jan'34:26 Nkolaka, the boy who knew too much. Jul'34:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'34:40 Dec'34:39 Training leaders for tomorrow's Africa. Mar'36:14 The thrills of the journey. Feb'38:29 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'38;39 May'38:39 Mpengo Thomas honored. Feb'39:29 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'39:39 Women and world highways. May'40:35 Institute graduates nineteen. May'43:42 Congo Christian Institute commencement. Jan'44:27 Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds. Mar'46:47 The mission press and world evangelism. Mar'48:7 SMITH, HERBERT, 1880-1954 College of Missions notes. Jan'19:60 The adventures of Yoka... Mar'19:12 (photo) Mar'19:17 Notes. Jul'19:64 (photo) Aug'19:27 Oct'19:21 Nov'20:14 Our missionaries in Africa in Convention (photo) Feb'21:50 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'21:64 Oct'21:57 (photo) Mar'22:41 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'22:59 Before the sun had risen. Mar'24:46 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'24:48 May'24:51,53 Jul'24:50 quoted. Heard at the missionary breakfast. Mar'25:57 Interesting figures from Africa. May'25:37 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Feb'26;52 Petterain. Apr'26:17 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'27:47 (photo) Dec'27:36 Mar'30:52 (cont. next page) p. 2660 Smith, Herbert - Ida SMITH, HERBERT (cont.) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'30:56 ...honored. Jun'31:30 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'31:35 (photo) Mar'33:29 quoted. The threshold. Oct'33:2 Mbowina wins his way (photo) Feb'35:29 Last minute news. Dec'35:43 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'36:32 Personalities (photo) Jul'37:16 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'38:30 (photo) Oct'38:31 Jan'41:13 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'41:38 News room. Jul'42:43 quoted. The last page. May'43:48 (photo) Jul'44:34 News room. Apr'45:28 May'45:28 quoted. Circulation corner. Jul'45:inside front cover News room. Jan'46:38 (photo) Mar'48:7 News room. Nov'49:50 (death) News room. Jul'54:42 SMITH, HERBERT. THE CALL OF THE CONGO Two books on Africa. Mar'25:41 Speaking of books. Apr'25:56 SMITH, HONTA HEDGER, -1963 (photo) Oct'35:30 Notes from the college campus. Dec'39:31 In memoriam. Jan'64:49 SMITH, HORD A sharecropper celebrates "Old Jim's" birthday (photo) Oct'37:32 SMITH, HOWARD (photo) Feb'34:20 Youth and missions (photo) Jun'53:41 SMITH, HYRUM M quoted. How can we help youth in conflict? Jul'60:25 SMITH, IAN Commentary. Jul'72:12 SMITH, IDA ANN, -1949 In memoriam. Oct'49:37 Smith, Ida B. Speaking Wise, 1871-1952 Where do women stand on Prohibition? Jul'31:13 Christian imperatives of temperance. Jan'36:19 Women and world highways. Oct'39:35 SMITH, IDA B. SPEAKING WISE, 1871-1952 The month among Disciples. Sep'33:4 (photo) Nov'33:29 Personalities. May'35:17 Disciples sharing in broader fellowship (photo) Oct'35:25 quoted. Excerpts from address delivered at the International Convention... Nov'35:25 (photo) Jan'36:19 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'36:32 Personalities (photo) Feb'38:23 News room. Dec'44:28 Smith, Ida Sue Amsterdam in retrospect. Nov'39:8 p. 2661 Smith, Ida - James SMITH, IDA SUE (photo) May'39:17 Nov'39:8 Smith, Ina Elizabeth, -1958 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'22:63 Oct'23:49 Nov'23:50 SMITH, INA ELIZABETH, -1958 (photo) Aug'20:25 Program helps. Feb'26:49 (death) News room. Nov'58:34 (correction of place of burial) News room. Jan'59:38 SMITH, INEZ STEWART, -1963 (married to Francis Edward Smith) News room. Sep'54:38 Elections at the 1956 Convention (photo) Dec'56:31 (death) News room. Jan'64:40 SMITH, ISAIAH Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'65:37 SMITH, IVY MAY See FRIEND, IVY SMITH SMITH, J A Progress at Douglas, Arizona. Oct'20;50 SMITH, J B In memoriam. Apr'44:36 SMITH, J DOUGLAS In memoriam. Feb'38:39 SMITH, J G (photo) Mar'24:24 SMITH, J H O Out of the tithing mail bag. May'21:56 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'23:54 Personalities. May'35:17 SMITH, J N Memorial gifts to Africa. Oct'26:33 SMITH, J. PHILLIP Classroom and campus. Jun'63:35 Disciples in the news. Jan'67:7 SMITH, J T (death) He was a good steward (photo) Jan'36:22 The Brotherhood's largest annuity gift (photo) Jun'36:inside back cover A story of two elders (photo) May'38:1 SMITH, J W B -1916 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'32:33 SMITH, JACQUELINE ANDERSON (married to Harlie L. Smith, Jr.) (marriage) News room. Jan'54:38 SMITH, JANE (photo) Nov'51:9 SMITH, JAMES E Four churches join home plan (photo) Jul'59:49 SMITH, JAMES F Classroom and campus. May'64:36 SMITH, JAMES REX Global highlights. Jul'49:2 News room. Sep'51:40 May'52:34 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'53:34 News room. Jun'54:41 SMITH, JAMES WARD. RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVES IN AMERICAN CULTURE Book chat. Jul'61:24 SMITH, JAMES WARD. THE SHAPING OF AMERICAN RELIGION Book chat. Jul'61:24 p. 2662 Smith, Jasper - Joseph SMITH, JASPER The Chaplain runs a Sunday school (photo) Apr'62:28 SMITH, JAY J Global highlights (photo) Dec'59:4 SMITH, JENNIE (death) Aug'25:50 SMITH, JENNIE In memoriam. Jul'44:33 Smith, Jesse Guy Who would not go to Arlington? May'25:13 SMITH, JESSIE, -1954 Classroom and campus. Sep'44:27 Here and there with World Call. Jun'50:48 In memoriam. Dec'54:37 (reads Lessie Smith) SMITH, JIM Teens lead in book program (photo) Jun'61:16 SMITH, JOHN, 1784-1868 A Saint John of the Disciples. Jan'21:6 (photo) Feb'24:2 How the work started. Feb'28:28 (photo) Sep'58:13 The Disciples of Christ: in transit and tension. Nov'65:28 (drawing p. 29) SMITH, JOHN, -1949 In memoriam. Jan'50:39 Smith, John Coventry Adults and mission. Feb'65:36 SMITH, JOSEPH (ENGLAND) (death) Year end activities in our colleges. Jul'31:32 Smith, Joseph Martin, 1912- (married to Winifred Watson Smith) Evangelism in town and country. Feb'40:7 Workers' conference at Vigan. Jan'42:49 Book chat. Jan'42:49 A radiant Easter in the Philippines. Jun'45:6 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'45:32 American obligations in the Philippines. Mar'46:12 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'48:36 P'an Lao T'ai T'ai. Jun'48:29 Business as usual in Wuhu. May'49:28 The evening of the thirtieth. Jul'49:44 Book chat. May'61:38 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'61:34 Who is on trial in China? May'63:17 Birth in the land of morning. May'65:13 The mission to Chinese continues. Mar'68:11 Southeast Asia. Dec'68:24 Agenda item number one: China. Feb'70:6 SMITH, JOSEPH MARTIN, 1912- (photo) Feb'37:33 Seven missionaries receive appointments (photo) Jul'40:31 News room. Nov'40:47 Apr'41:34 Write these names in shining letters. Mar'42:5 (photo) Mar'42:25 Jun'42:back cover Those "names in shining letters." Sep'42:21 News room. Jan'44:34 Feb'44:34 quoted. News room. Mar'44:34 Missionaries freed in Philippines (photo) Apr'45:5 For adult missionary groups. May'45:30 (cont. next page) p. 2663 Smith, Joseph - L. SMITH, JOSEPH MARTIN (cont.) News room. Jun'45:34 Economic conditions in Northern Luzon. Nov'45:11 News room. Dec'45:32 Feb'46:38 (photo) Mar'46:12 quoted. Excerpts from Convention addresses. Sep'46:24 News room. Feb'47:32 Missionary personnel in China. Jan'49:14 For adult missionary groups. Sep'49:34 Classroom and campus. Feb'50:32 (photo) Nov'50:13 Classroom and campus. Jan'57:29 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Sep'62:36 Global highlights (photo) Apr'64:4 Classroom and campus (photo) Jan'65:33 (photo) May'65:14 Global highlights (photo) Jan'67:5 (photo) Mar'68:13 Global highlights (photo) Jul'68:7 Heard the latest? (photo) Jun'69:16 Ahead of the headlines. Nov'71:5 World events (photo) Nov'73:38 SMITH, JOSEPH MARTIN. CALLED TO MISSION AND UNITY Adults and mission. Jun'65:38 SMITH, JOSEPHINE WOOD, 1850-1886 (married to George T. Smith) With the missionaries who died at their posts. Oct'20:12 (photo) Dec'23:25 (photo of grave) Jun'24:18 SMITH, JULIA Doorkeeper in the house of the Lord (photo) Aug'19:18 SMITH, JULIAN R , 1873-1932 (death) Busy days on the college campus. Dec'32:33 SMITH, KANDYCE LUANN, 1950- (birth) News room. Jan'51:33 SMITH, KATHERINE ALT Somebody cares for the migrants (photo) Apr'49;14 Smith, Kay Misled travelers return home. Jul'50:47 SMITH, KEN WALES Echoes from everywhere (photo) Feb'63:36 SMITH, KENNETH F Global highlights (photo) May'62:4 (photo) Sep'66:front cover In brief. Oct'69:38 Smith, Kirby Echoes from everywhere. Mar'33:40 SMITH, KIRBY Evangelists of the cross (photo) Feb'25:8 Feb'30:12 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'31:42 SMITH, L Disciples at Yale (photo) Jul'29:29 SMITH, L MADGE. -1954 quoted. As others see us. Jul'23:38 (photo) Jan'25:32 Our new staff member (photo) Mar'27:1 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'27:53 Jul'27:59 (photo) Jan'28:32 Oct'28:32 (cont. next page) p. 2664 Smith, L - Leslie SMITH, L. MADGE (cont.) World Call puts it over. Jul'29:45 (photo) Nov'31:30 Sep'32:inside back cover Circulation corner. Jul'36:1 Circulation corner (photo) Sep'36:1 (photo) Nov'38:6 The threshold. Sep'39:2 ...retires (photo) Sep'39:19 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'39:34 Circulation corner. Dec'43:inside front cover News room. Jan'50:34 Jun'50:34 In memoriam. Dec'54:37 (death) News room. Dec'54:40 Higher education in the past half-century (photo) Jan'69:37 SMITH, LAEL MELVIN, 1926- (married to Martha Lee Thompson Smith) Classroom and campus (photo) Jan'53:28 Youth and missions (photo) Jan'57:33 SMITH, LARRY In brief. Apr'73:41 Smith, Laura Jane, 1923- Dressmaking at the C.C.I. Nov'44:39 SMITH, LAURA JANE, 1923- (photo) Dec'27:36 Mar'30:52 Feb'35:29 Jun'37:24 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'38:30 News room. Jul'42:43 Oct'42:34 (photo) Jul'44:34 News room. May'45:28 Jan'46:38 Jan'47:44 Jul'48:46 (photo) Sep'48:31 News room. Jan'53:33 Smith, Laurence C Religion on the campus. May'56:29 When you pray (poem) Apr'63:31 The quiet campus revolution. Jan'66:11 SMITH, LAURENCE C Classroom and campus. May'51:30 Feb'56:32 Jul'65:35 Oct'53:31 Sep'56:33 SMITH, LAWRENCE World events. Oct'70:36 SMITH, LELA GRACE, -1956 (married to J. Ira Smith) In memoriam. Apr'56:35 SMITH, LELAND R Colleges in full swing. Nov'30:41 SMITH, LENORA quoted. We were there. Apr'66:38 SMITH, LEONA. THE MARRIAGE CLIMATE Books. Mar'64:42 Smith, Leslie Raymond, 1904-1986 (married to Ruth Margaret Moss Smith) What have students a right to expect from our church colleges? Sep'31:19 Book chat. Jul'38:34 If Christ had come to my city. Nov'38:22 How can families face the unexpected? Mar'54:22 Our decision--His mission. Jul'60:27 Morality of family spending. Feb'61:25 Message from the Convention President. Jul'62:30 p. 2665 Smith, Leslie - Mariah SMITH, LESLIE RAYMOND, 1904-1986 Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'24:54 (photo) Sep'31:19 Nov'42:34 News room. Jan'44:34 Apr'46:32 Classroom and campus. Jul'49:31 Global highlights (photo) Oct'56:5 You're in Denmark now (photo) Oct'58:11 (photo) Jul'60:27 Global highlights (photo) Nov'61:5 City of Angels welcomes Disciples (photo) Jul'62:30 The scene. Oct'69:44 SMITH, LESLIE RAYMOND. FROM SUNSET TO DAWN Book chat. Jul'45:17 SMITH, LESLIE RAYMOND. WHEN YOU PRAY Book chat. Mar'63:42 SMITH, LEWIS WORTHINGTON Our colleges look toward commencement seasnon. Jun'31:32 Smith, Lillian The White Christian and his conscience. Jul'45:11 SMITH, LILLIAN (photo) Jul'45:11 SMITH, LILLIAN, KILLERS OF THE DREAM Book chat. Feb'50:40 SMITH, LILLIAN. STRANGE FRUIT Book chat. May'44:21 SMITH, LINDA Teens lead in book program (photo) Jun'61:17 Smith, Lorraine Reconciliation through crafts. Nov'69:20 SMITH, LULA GETTIS, -1966 (married to Harry Grant Smith) In memoriam. Jan'67:41 SMITH, LULA HARDING, -1968 (married to Edwin Erwin Smith) (photo) Jan'21:9 In memoriam. Jul'68:48 SMITH, LUTHER WESLEY Global highlights. Nov'50:4 SMITH, LYDIA Memorium. Oct'34:39 SMITH, LYDIA A (death) Oct'24;50 SMITH, LYLE BENSON, 1935- (birth) Mar'35:47 (photo) Jun'37:24 Jul'44:34 SMITH, M M (death) Oct'20:41 Smith, Margaret Nelson, 1897- (married to Charles E. Smith) Laywoman views work in Japan. Mar'54:42 That harmonious balance. Jun'55:25 SMITH, MARGARET NELSON, 1897- Beneath the spire (photo) Nov'56:6 SMITH, MARIAH OKIWEJI, 1921- (birth) Echoes from everywhere. Oct'21:57 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'22:50 (photo) Jun'23:41 Mar'30:52 Jun'37:24 Dec'27:36 Feb'35:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'38:30 News room. Jun'42:34 (photo) Sep'42:5 (cont. next page) p. 2666 Smith, Mariah - Mary H SMITH, MARIAH OKIWEJI (cont.) News room. (photo) Jul'43:28 Nov'49:50 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Feb'51:36 Global highlights (photo) Apr'51:2 News room. Oct'51:43 Jan'53:33 SMITH, MARJORIE MERLE MATSON (married to Thomas C. Smith) Beneath the spire (photo) Oct'49:4 SMITH, MARLIN (photo) Mar'34:34 SMITH, MARTHA, -1914 With the missionaries who died at their posts. Oct'20:12 quoted. Old letters of rare value. Mar'21:21 (photo of grave) Jun'24:18 (photo) Mar'28:18 SMITH, MARTHA Classroom and campus (photo) Nov'61:31 SMITH, MARVIN College commencements. Jul'39:29 Smith, Marvin E The local church. Dec'46:21 Is religion locked out of school? Nov'63:12 SMITH, MARVIN E (photo) Dec'46:21 quoted. Crusade progress (photo) Jun'50:26 Global highlights. Sep'56:3 They work for you. Oct'58:30 (photo p. 29) Global highlights. Apr'59:5 Heritage and destiny at Kansas City. Sep'61:25 (photo p. 26) (photo) Nov'63:12 Global highlights (photo) May'64:4 Oct'64:5 In brief. Dec'73:42 SMITH, MARY, -1921 (OWENSBURG, KY) (death) Jan'22:59 SMITH, MARY, -1951 (EDINBURG, IN) In memoriam. Mar'52:39 SMITH, MARY (married to Willam Henry Smith) (NASHVILLE, TN) Global highlights (photo) Jun'66:6 SMITH, MARY C quoted. Circulation corner. Apr'41:inside front cover Smith, Mary E Echoes from everywhere. Jun'28:47 SMITH, MARY ELIZABETH, -1957 (death) Classroom and campus. Feb'58:32 Classroom and campus. Mar'58:34 SMITH, MARY ELIZABETH. IN BETHANY HOUSE A reading circle for young people. Aug'21:46 SMITH, MARY FRANCES CROW, 1864-1948 (married to William Grant Smith) In memoriam. Oct'48:37 Smith, Mary Hopkins, 1881-1952 (married to Herbert Smith) Notes. Jul'19:64 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'22:50 Jun'31:41 SMITH, MARY HOPKINS, 1881-1952 The adventures of Yoka... Mar'19:12 The romance of Lotumbe. May'19:18 Notes. Jul'19:64 (photo) Nov'20:14 (cont. next page) p. 2667 Smith, Mary H - Milo SMITH, MARY HOPKINS (cont.) Our missionaries in Africa in Convention (photo) Feb'21:50 (photo) Mar'22:41 Dec'27:36 Mar'30:52 Mar'33:29 Mbowina wins his way (photo) Feb'35:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'37:35 Feb'38:30 (photo) Oct'38:31 Feb'41:39 News room. Jul'42:43 Apr'45:28 Jan'46:38 Oct'42:34 May'45:28 Nov'49:50 (death) News room. Jan'53:33 Smith, Mary Lou I fooled 'em. May'40:10 SMITH, MARY LOU (photo) May'40:10 News room. Jun'42:34 Jan'53:33 SMITH, MARY LULU, 1919- Notes. Jul'19:64 (photo) Nov'20:14 Our missionaries in Africa in Convention (photo) Feb'21:50 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'22:50 (photo) Jun'23:41 Mar'30:52 Jun'37:24 Dec'27:36 Feb'35:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'38:33 (photo) Sep'42:5 News room (photo) Jul'43:28 News room. Jan'46:38 SMITH, MARY PAULINE (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'29:43 Smith, Mary S (untitled poem) May'30:31 SMITH, MAXWELL P,, 1902- (married to Violet Mae Smith) News room. Nov'53:32 Jul'58:43 Smith, Milo J. 1877-1949 (married to Laucie E. Pittenger Smith) The sad plight of the liquor power. Mar'19:8 The backwash of the liquor traffic. Sep'19:67 The place of the church in the movement for world prohibition. Feb'20:39 The Christian at the primaries. May'20:24 Liberalizing the Volstead Act. Sep'20:43 Pulque drinking in Mexico. Jan'21:50 The lawless traffic in liquor. Apr'22:57 A new angle to Prohibition. Jul'22:44 A call to citizenship. Jan'24:19 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'24:53 Prohibition and personal liberty. Jul'24:20 The undemocratic liquor traffic. Jul'25:24 The Anti-Prohibition crusade. Apr'26:30 Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:22 Good news from the states. Oct'28:29 How Church Extension has helped my state. Jul'34:14 SMITH, MILO J. 1877-1949 Reconstruction of breweries. Jul'19:59 Campaigning for Prohibition. Dec'19:33 (death of mother) Apr'20:51 California wins again. Jul'26:26 (photo) Oct'27:22 Jul'34:14 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'36:40 (cont. next page) p. 2668 Smith, Milo - Patsy SMITH, MILO J. (cont.) (photo) Oct'41:8 Global highlights. Sep'47:3 (death) Global highlights (photo) Dec'49:2 quoted. Last column. Jan'50:48 SMITH, MINNIE In memoriam. Apr'28:48 SMITH, MIRIAH News room. Jan'46:38 Smith, Myrtle Lee, 1900-1954 Autobiography of a Livingston Academy girl. May'23:43 A living link between the home and foreign fields. Sep'29:5 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'31:40 Postscripts to Christmas. Apr'31:27 (note) Jun'31:35 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'31:39,42 Three babies in Congo. Dec'31:28 SMITH, MYRTLE LEE, 1900-1954 (photo) May'23:43 May'24:27 Growing new wood. Oct'24:57 Our lives against your money! (photo) Jul'29:13 (photo) Sep'29:5 Feb'30:3 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'32:42 World Convention notes. Jul'35:47 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'38:34 (death) News room. Sep'54:38 SMITH, NANCY OWEN, -1946 In memoriam. Oct'46:37 SMITH, NANNIE (death) Jan'22:59 SMITH, NATHAN S News room. Jul'61:36 Youth and the world mission (photo) May'68:33 In brief. May'69:42 Smith, Nelly Colfax Locarno's yuletide vision (poem) Dec'26:10 Smith, Nettie Mae Woodall, 1898-1928 (married to H. Austin Smith) Echoes from everywhere. Mar'57:34 SMITH, NETTIE MAE WOODALL, 1898-1928 Global highlights (photo) Sep'56:4 News room. Mar'95:32 Missionary register. Jul'65:46 Missionaries retire (photo) Jan'67:42 SMITH, O A O. A. Smith (photo) Jun'19:53 (photo) Nov'19:inside front cover SMITH, O E (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'37:43 SMITH, O L (photo) Mar'24:55 SMITH, OLA M (married to C. C. Smith) Beneathe the spire (photo) Jan'57:6 SMITH, OLIVE In memoriam. Jul'44:33 SMITH, P R In memorium. Jul'40:39 SMITH, PATSY Recollections. Jun'34:38 p. 2669 Smith, Peter - Ronald Smith, Peter How the word gets around (poems) Jun'70:14 SMITH, PETER Echoes from everywhere. Aug'31:39 SMITH, PETER. FAITH, FOLK AND CLARITY quoted. How the word gets around. Jun'70:14 Smith, Phil (married to Susan Smith) Direct line. Jul'67:37 SMITH, PHIL (photo) Jul'67:37 SMITH, RACHEL In memoriam. Feb'27:49 Smith, Ralph Lynwood (married to Emily Smith) View from the front of the bus. Mar'69:20 SMITH, RALPH LYNWOOD quoted. Churches are studying the Provisional Design. Mar'67:38 SMITH, RALPH S Classroom and campus. Sep'58:36 SMITH, RAY C News room. Nov'48:32 SMITH, RAYMOND A (photo) Jan'21:17 quoted. M. E. Sadler. Jul'22:53 Mid-semester in our colleges. Feb'34:40 SMITH, REBA B The Japanese Chritian Institute. May'21:18 quoted. Circulation corner. Mar'41:inside front cover SMITH, REBECCA Busy days on the college campus. Dec'32:46 College notes and news. Dec'40:31 SMITH, RICHARD C. HUMAN CRISIS IN THE KINGDOM OF COAL Let's read about home missions and human rights. Jul'52:36 Smith, Richard R The task (poem) Nov'60:50 Smith, Robert Hospital of the people. Feb'49:42 SMITH, ROBERT AURA. OUR FUTURE IN ASIA Book chat. Sep'42:46 Smith, Robert B Feasting and prayer for the missionaries. Mar'22:back cover SMITH, ROCKWELL C. THE CHURCH IN OUR TOWN book chat. Jun'46:42 SMITH, ROCKWELL C. PEOPLE, LAND AND CHURCHES For your town and country bookshelf. Jun'59:41 SMITH, ROCKWELL C. RURAL CHURCH ADMINISTRATION Book chat. Oct'53:43 SMITH, RODNEY W In brief. Sep'73:40 In brief (photo) Nov'73:46 SMITH, ROLAND COTTON quoted. The last page. Mar'27:64 SMITH, ROMANS, 1895-1984 (married to (married to Ruth Ann Stark Smith) Echoes from everywhere (photo) Dec'60:36 SMITH, RONALD GREGOR. I KNEW DIETRICH BONHOEFFER New books. May'67:22 p. 2670 Smith, Ronald - Sam SMITH, RONALD GREGOR. WORLD COME OF AGE New books. Jul'67:38 SMITH, RONALD W In brief. Dec'69:39 Smith, Roscoe C Mary Longdon goes back to India (poem) Feb'31:35 SMITH, ROSCOE C (death of mother) Apr'20:51 SMITH, ROSE MERCER BARTON, 1858-1955 (married to Walter Scott Smith) Circulation corner (photo) Mar'42:inside front cover In memoriam. Nov'55:33 Smith, Roy G Youth look at their life work. Nov'64:17 Smith, Roy L Poverty and plenty. Nov'52:45 God is right next door. Dec'52:46 Love as a disciplinarian. Feb'53:43 Why tithe? Nov'55:15 SMITH, ROY L (photo) Jun'47:31 Global highlights. Nov'48:2 quoted. Last column. May'53:48 Oct'55:48 May'56:48 Jun'56:52 SMITH, ROY L. DON'T KID YOURSELF Book chat. Jan'58:41 SMITH, ROY L. MAKING A GO OF LIFE Book chat. Nov'48:14 SMITH, ROY L. NEW LIGHT FOR OLD LAMPS Book chat. Jun'53:49 SMITH, ROY L. THE REVOLUTION IN CHRISTIAN MISSIONS On the making of books. Jan'42:32 Book chat. Jan'42:23 SMITH, ROY L. STEWARDSHIP STUDIES Book chat. Dec'54:46 SMITH, ROY L. A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS Book chat. Mar'41:23 SMITH, ROY L. YOUR PROBLEM IS YOU Book chat. Jan'53:41 Smith, Ruth Margaret Moss, 1902-1990 (married to Leslie R. Smith) Theme song for World Call (poem) Sep'30:48 SMITH, RUTH MARGARET MOSS, 1902-1990 You're in Denmark now (photo) Oct'58:11 Beneath the spire (photo) May'62:8 The scene. Oct'69:44 Smith, S F The morning light (poem) Feb'19:19 SMITH, S LEROY The Pocket Testament League is succeeding. Jul'23:53 SMITH, S SUMPTER Memorium. Jun'36:39 SMITH, SALLY Echoes from everywhere (photo) Sep'57:34 Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'64:35 SMITH, SAM What's bugging your church? Jul'71:12 SMITH, SAM I quoted. We also are ready. May'25:21 (photo) Nov'25:62 Apr'26:39 p. 2671 Smith, Samuel - W SMITH, SAMUEL D, III Classroom and campus. Oct'58:32 (photo) Dec'69:3 SMITH, SARAH F Classroom and campus. Feb'64:33 Smith, Shirley Dawn (poem) Oct'44:40 SMITH, SHIRLEY RUTH, 1932- (birth) Dec'32:47 (photo) Jun'37:24 Jul'44:34 Feb'50:33 Smith, Spencer Marion, 1906-1976 (married to Betty Smith) New books. Dec'67:38 SMITH, SPENCER MARION, 1906-1976 Colleges and universities plan for spring and summer. May'42:46 Classroom and campus. Feb'44:26 Nov'45:25 Nov'46:28 Global highlights. Nov'56:6 Classroom and campus. Nov'56:31 In brief. Jul'72:40 Smith, Stephen L Philippine church commissions four missionaries. Nov'53:29 SMITH, STEPHEN L quoted. Church grows in Philippines. Sep'60:28 Smith, Susan (married to Phil Smith) Direct line. Jul'67:37 SMITH, SUSAN (photo) Jul'67:37 SMITH, SUSAN EVANS, 1859-1950 (married to G. David Smith) In memoriam. Jun'50:39 SMITH, THOMAS KENNARD, 1894-1969 quoted. What they said (photo) Nov'34:19 Pension Fund notes and news. Dec'42:29 SMITH, TILLIE (photo) Jun'44:23 SMITH, UNA R. THE JUNIOR DEPARTMENT OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Speaking of books. Jul'34:32 Smith, Vance Facing up! Sep'26:9 The climbing of a race. Sep'27:30 By their fruits. Sep'28:11 SMITH, VANCE G Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'27:44 May'35:31 (photo) Nov'38:14 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'38:34 Smith, Veda Letters. May'72:4 SMITH, VERNA GRABER. PARAGUAYAN INTERLUDE Books for your reading on Latin America. Jan'52:40 SMITH, VERNON L In brief. Sep'73:41 Smith, Victor We all bleed the same color. Dec'73:30 SMITH, VIRGINIA (married to Harlie L. Smith) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'40:43 (photo) Jun'41:32 Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'68:35 In brief. Jul'71:45 SMITH, W C Significant news from our colleges. Apr'31:32 p. 2672 Smith, W - William SMITH, W EDWARD Classroom and campus. Nov'54:30 SMITH, W F (photo) Nov'34:33 In memoriam. Jun'38:39 SMITH, W H (photo) Mar'24:19 In memoriam. Jun'29:50 SMITH, W H Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'55:31 Smith, Wales Eugene, 1910- (married to Clara Smith) Education and evangelism--together. Nov'44:11 Letters. Feb'65:45 SMITH, WALES EUGENE, 1910- Yale Campbell Club (photo) Jan'34:33 (photo) Nov'44:11 Truly living a link (photo) Dec'46:32 quoted. Crusade progress. Jul'50:26 (photo) Nov'50:30 More churches join home plan (photo) Apr'59:48 Church festivals of the fine arts (photo) Nov'69:23 Smith, Walter F Another achivevement wrought out. Mar'23:44 Smith, Walter S Some facts and fancies regarding Church Extension. Jan'19:24 The early days of ministerial relief. Dec'22:44 SMITH, WALTER S (photo) Dec'22:44 SMITH, WILBERT B., JR. Service Men's Christian League. Nov'44:10 SMITH, WILBUR M. CHATS FROM A MINISTER'S LIBRARY Book chat. Apr'51:18 SMITH, WILBUR M. PELOUBET'S SELECT NOTES Book chat. Dec'46:47 (1959) Book chat. Jan'59:47 SMITH, WILBUR M. THIS ATOMIC AGE AND THE WORD OF GOD Book chat. May'48:39 SMITH, WILHELMINA See HOBGOOD, WILHELMINA (SMITH) JAGGARD SMITH, WILARD H. PARAGUAYAN INTERLUDE Books for your reading on Latin America. Jan'52:40 SMITH, WILLIAM FRANCIS, 1847-1939 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'39:34 SMITH, WILLIAM JACKSON, 1935- (married to Arlice G. Smith) Update, the Disciple Chaplain--1970 model (photo) Sep'70:15 Smith, William Martin, 1916-1986 (married to Edna Sue Smith) (married to (married to Helen Smith) The minister--and his supporting Brotherhod. Sep'53:15 The church and its ministry. Sep'54:6 Sustain the ministry! Sep'56:9 Two letters to answer. Sep'59:21 The "extra" can make a difference. Sep'61:17 Are Disciples failing in evangelism? May'63:23 How the Pension Fund serves. Oct'64:16 The Pension Plan: ahead of its time. Mar'73:15 p. 2673 Smith, William - SMITH, WILLIAM MARTIN, 1916-1986 Smither, A (photo) May'37:34 Sep'42:6 Jul'49:7 Christian families go to camp (photo) Nov'49:44 News room (photo) Jun'51:38 (photo) Sep'53:15 They work for you (photo) Apr'58:30 Heritage of the ministry. Sep'58:11 Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'59:31 Global highlights (photo) Jun'64:5 World events (photo) Dec'69:36 Mar'71:36 In brief. Apr'73:41 SMITH, WILLIAM MARTIN. FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY Global highlights. Dec'56:2 Book chat. Dec'56:20 SMITH, WILLIAM R quoted. Circulation corner. Sep'43:inside front cover SMITH, WILLIE SUE (photo) Feb'32:31 SMITH, WILLIS BION, -1953 In memoriam. Jan'54:35 Smith, Winnifred Watson, 1911- (married to Joseph Martin Smith) Book chat. Jan'38:34 Mar'39:42 Jan'40:40 Concentration in retrospect. Sep'45:24 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'48:36 SMITH, WINNIFRED WATSON, 1911- Yale Campbell Club (photo) Jan'34:33 (photo) Nov'37:12 Fall activities in our colleges. Nov'37:33 College notes. Nov'39:33 Seven missionaries receive appointments (photo) Jul'40:31 (ordination) News room. Nov'40:40,47 News room. Apr'41:34 Write these names in shining letters. Mar'42:5 (photo) Mar'42:24 Jun'42:back cover Those "names in shining letters." Sep'42:21 News room. Jan'44:34 Feb'44:34 Mar'44:34 Missionaries freed in Philippines (photo) Apr'45:5 For adult missionary groups. May'45:30 News room. Jun'45:34 Feb'46:38 Feb'47:32 Missionary personnel in China. Jan'49:14 (photo) Oct'60:39 Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'61:8 News room (photo) Feb'63:40 Here and there with World Call. Oct'63:50 Global highlights (photo) Nov'64:5 quoted. Distrust--a malignant cancer. Dec'64:9 Congo Disciples look to the future (photo) May'65:31 Classroom and campus. Jan'66:33 Smith, Zona, -1952 See Smith, Arizona SMITH COLLEGE World consciousness on the campus. Jun'25:22 Smither, Alexander Campbell, 1865-1928 (married to Gertrude Clough Smither) California's dream comes true. Jul'27:14 SMITHER, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, 1865-1928 (death) Two friends of God. Aug'28:4 p. 2674 Smither, A - Smoot, M SMITHER, ANDREW (photo) Jul'28:26 SMITHER, ETHEL L. AROUND A MEXICAN PATIO Book chat. May'36:30 SMITHERS, NETTIE In memoriam. Oct'39:39 SMITHSON, C M (photo) Jul'36:25 SMOAT, (MISS) (photo) Oct'22:37 SMOOT, (married to E. M. Smoot) -1959 (death) News room. Jan'60:32 SMOOT, EDWARD M., -1956 (death) News room. May'56:38 Smoot, Mareta, 1903-1985 Youth and missions. Oct'45:31 Dec'45:35 Book journeys to Africa. Jan'46:31 Of many books on India. Jan'47:28,29 Books related to world evangelism. Jul'47:31 Youth and missions. Oct'47:35 Apr'48:35 Jun'48:37 Mar'48:35 May'48:35 Books related to America's geographical frontier. Jul'48:28 Youth and missions. Jul'48:35 Oct'48:35 Take home Grand Rapids. Nov'48:31 Youth and missions. Nov'48:35 Dec'48:35 What shall we read about China? Jan'49:32 Youth and missions. Feb'49:37 Oct'49:35 Dec'49:35 Sep'49:35 Nov'49:41 Let us read about Japan. Feb'50:27 Youth and missions. Feb'50:37 Mar'50:35 May'50:37 Jun'50:37 Home missions reading--1950. Jul'50:34 Youth and missions. Oct'50:36 Mar'51:35 Sep'51:35 Dec'50:34 Apr'51:35 Oct'51:35 Jan'51:35 Jul'51:35 Dec'51:35 Books for your reading on Latin America. Jan'52:40 Youth and missions. Feb'52:35 Apr'52:35 Jun'52:37 Mar'52:37 May'52:37 Let's read about home missions and human rights. Jul'52:36 Youth and missions. Sep'52:37 Oct'52:37 Nov'52:37 Dec'52:37 Let's read about Africa. Jan'53:38 Youth and missions. Feb'53:35 Jun'53:41 "The life and task of the church" in books. Jan'54:32 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'54:34 Youth and missions. Mar'54:37 Dec'54:39 Oct'55:35 Jun'56:41 Apr'54:41 Mar'55:41 Nov'55:35 Jul'56:37 May'54:37 Apr'55:37 Dec'55:41 Sep'56:37 Jul'54:41 May'55:37 Jan'56:37 Oct'56:37 Sep'54:37 Jun'55:39 Feb'56:37 Jan'57:33 Oct'54:37 Jul'55:37 Mar'56:37 Feb'57:37 Nov'54:35 Sep'55:37 Apr'56:37 Read about "Christ, the church and race." Jun'57:36 (cont. next page) p. 2675 Smoot, Mareta - Smythe, E Smoot, Mareta (cont.) Youth and missions. Jun'57:41 Oct'57:37 Jan'58:35 Dec'58:39 Jul'57:37 Dec'57:41 Oct'58:39 Eyes are on the Middle East. Jan'59:44 Youth and missions. Feb'59:41 Apr'59:39 Who says we won't read. May'59:12 Youth and missions. May'59:39 Dec'59:39 Jun'60:39 Jan'61:35 Jun'59:39 Jan'60:37 Jul'60:41 Feb'61:39 Sep'59:39 Feb'60:41 Sep'60:39 Mar'61:43 Oct'59:39 Mar'60:39 Oct'60:39 Apr'61:39 Nov'59:37 Apr'60:39 Nov'60:35 May'61:37 Teens lead in book program. Jun'61:16 Youth and missions. Jun'61:41 Jul'61:41 Youth and the world mission. Sep'61:37 Youth assembly--potential Pentecost. Nov'61:26 Youth and the world mission. Dec'61:37 Feb'62:39 Apr'62:39 Jun'62:39 Jan'62:37 Mar'62:37 May'62:39 About persons of spcial need. Jun'62:41 Youth and world missions. Jul'62:41 Youth and the world mission. Sep'62:39 Apr'63:39 Jul'63:41 Nov'63:39 Dec'62:39 May'63:39 Sep'63:41 Dec'63:39 Jan'63:39 Jun'63:39 Oct'63:39 Read about India! Dec'63:41 Youth and the world mission. Feb'64:40 Apr'64:44 Jun'64:40 Sep'64:37 Mar'64:41 May'64:42 Jul'64:41 SMOOT, MARETA, 1903-1985 Youth worker called (photo) Sep'45:24 (photo) Oct'47:35 Nov'50:27 Youth and missions (photo) Jun'52:35 (photo) Jun'53:41 News room. Nov'53:32 (photo) Mar'55:36 Jan'56:38 Youth and the world mission (photo) Oct'64:42 SMOOT, MARETA. LANDS OF TOMORROW Read to understand today's world mission. Jan'56:40 Southeast Asia comes alive in books. Jan'57:34 SMOOT, MARETA. WHOSE WORLD TOMORROW Youth and the world mission. Nov'62:41 SMOOT, MAXINE See MILLER, MAXINE SMOOT SEMONES Smothers, Helen Women and world highways. Oct'62:35 SMUDSKI, J. ROBERT, 1919- News room. Oct'44:28 SMUTS, JAN CHRISTIAN Listening in on the world. Mar'30:26 SMYLJANICH, MISCHA Midsummer weekend. Nov'52:6 (photo p. 7) SMYRNA, VIRGINIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Hundred year churches. Oct'32:16 SMYTHE, ETHEL JOAN, -1963 Some unsung missionaries in the China field (photo) Jun'36:24 (photo) Feb'41:inside back cover Nov'41:34 (cont. next page) p. 2676 Smythe, E - Lewis SMYTHE, ETHEL JOAN (cont.) (photo) Dec'41:20 Feb'42:15 Mar'42:front cover News room. Nov'50:46 Classroom and campus (photo) Jul'51:31 Classroom and campus. Jul'53:31 SMYTHE, JOAN See SMYTHE, ETHEL JOAN SMYTHE, L S (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'32:33 Smythe, Lewis Strong Casey, 1901-1978 (married to Margaret Garrett Smythe) Echoes from everywhere. Jul'29:35 Missionaries as self-multipliers. May'33:17 New tasks for missions. Dec'34:8 A mission project becomes of age. Dec'35:16 A workers' cooperative in China. Feb'36:14 Children start ball rolling. Feb'37:29 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'37:39 Nanking in war-time. Dec'37;22 Faith for these times. Nov'38:28 Business as usual. Nov'40:28 Christian colleges in Chengtu, West China. Mar'41:27 Every co-op a nucleus of a new world in the making. Apr'41:11 Echoes from everywhere. May'43:39 China--after the war. Mar'45:19 China voyager looks at India. Jun'45:7 Missions in wartime China. Sep'45:10 Industrial cooperatives in China. Nov'45:18 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'46:37 Making the new world better. Mar'46:15 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'46:39 Christian love--China's hope. Mar'48:25 Missions in Communist China. Nov'48:16 Relief for the suffering kpeoples of China. Dec'48:47 The faith of those who hope to stay. Dec'49:21 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'50:38 May'50:38 The joy of Christmas in China. May'50:44 Sixteen million starving in China. May'50:44 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'50:47 Communists stop Christian retreat. Nov'50:29 New marriage law issued in Peking. Nov'50:52 Echoes from evrywhere. Mar'51:45 New frontier in the Philippines. Jul'59:23 Seek peace and pursue it. Jan'66:20 Prall Town and Taylor Town. Jun'67:38 SMYTHE, LEWIS STRONG CASEY, 1901-1978 (photo) Nov'28:50 Dec'32:suppl:5 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'34:40 quoted. What they said. Nov'34:18 (photo) Nov'34:31 Within college walls. Jan'35:29 Personalities. May'37:19 The China mission carries on. Nov'37:4 We visit China. Apr'38:16 (photo p. 17) (photo) Nov'38:28 Cooperatives in West China. Jan'40:12 (photo) Nov'40:28 (cont. next page) p. 2677 Smythe, L - Smythe, R SMYTHE, LEWIS STRONG CASEY (cont.) Christianity in China today. Dec'40:21 (photo) Apr'41:18 Feb'42:15 Nov'41:34 Jun'42:back cover Ordination for Luther Shao (photo) Feb'43:43 News room. Jul'44:36 Oct'44:28 Nov'44:27 Classroom and campus. May'45:24 News room. Jul'45:34 Jan'46:38 Feb'46:38 Mar'46:38 quoted. China missions gain new impetus. Jun'46:18 Prescious package (photo) Jan'49:39 (photo) Dec'49:21 Global highlights (photo) Jul'51:3 News room. Nov'51:39 Classroom and campus. Mar'52:30 May'52:28 Global highlights (photo) Apr'57:2 Classroom and campus. Nov'58:32 Mar'61:36 Disciples in the news. Feb'68:8 SMYTHE, MARGARET ANN (PEGGY) (birth) Oct'31:47 Some unsung missionaries in the China field (photo) Jun'36:24 (photo) Feb'41:inside back cover Feb'42:15 Nov'41:34 Mar'52:front cover Dec'41:20 Feb'50:33 Classroom and campus. Jul'51:31 Smythe, Margaret Garrett, 1901-1986 (married to Lewis Strong Casey Smythe) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'41:39 The post-war world. Feb'42:31 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'43:38,39 Mar'43:39 Feb'46:37 Health center a great help. Dec'47:39 Nanking University conducts a tuberculosis clinic. Jan'51:46 SMYTHE, MARGARET GARRETT, 1901-1986 (photo) Oct'21:51 Nov'28:50 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'29:35 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'29:41 (photo) Dec'32:suppl:5 News and notes from China. Jan'38:21 (photo) Nov'41:34 Feb'42:15 Youth volunteers (photo) Mar'42:25 (photo) Jun'42:back cover News room. Jul'44:36 Oct'44:28 Nov'44:27 Global highlights (photo) Jul'51:3 SMYTHE, MYRTLE (death) Nov'24:50 SMYTHE, PEGGY See SMYTHE, MARGARET ANN Smythe, Robert Richard Books on Latin America. Jan'62:38 Worship gives family vitality. May'62:21 Recommended books on the changing city. Jun'63:40 Letters. Mar'67:inside front cover SMYTHE, ROBERT RICHARD Classroom and campus. May'55:30 News room. Sep'61:38 (photo) May'65:36 (cont. next page) p. 2678 Smythe, R - Snidow, C SMYTHE, ROBERT RICHARD (cont.) quoted. A look at church school leadership. Nov'65:14 (photo p. 15) Disciples in the news. Nov'68:8 Smythe, Ruth All from Texas. Jan'28:47 SMYTHE, WILLIAM The Afzals find a home (photo) May'73:5 SNAPP, ADELAIDE LUCILE (photo) Jul'23:10 SNAPP, JOE First national laymen's retreat (photo) Oct'49:12 News room. Nov'51:38 Beneath the spires (photo) Feb'52:4 SNAPP. MARGARET ELAINE (photo) Jul'23:10 SNARR, LOLA E quoted. World outreach sounding board. Apr'68:32 SNAVELY, EDGAR F Board of Education and the work of our colleges. Jul'22:48 (photo) May'23:32 Jan'25:32 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'25:52 Another league of laymen (photo) Jan'29:8 SNAVELY, GUY E (photo) Dec'31:32 SNAVELY, H S (photo) Nov'25:26 SNAWDER, LEONA M (photo) Jan'21:8 SNEAD, S T In the field of Temperance and Social Welfare. Feb'33:25 SNEDEKER, (MRS. R. F.) In memoriam. Sep'41:39 SNEDAKER, L. W. Busiest men in town. Dec'65:46 SNEED, J. RICHARD. BEYOND THE FACTS Book chat. Jul'40:46 SNELL, J R In memoriam. Jun'30:49 Snell, Jay F Letters. Apr'66:39 Snelling, Lois Little things (poem) Dec'40:48 Young gardener (poem) Jun'65:33 Christmas prayer (poem) Dec'67:30 SNIDER, (married to Frank Snider) In memorium. Nov'40:39 SNIDER, ALBERT G Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'23:52 Snider, Edward Roy, Sr., 1936- Let him who has ears listen. Sep'71:16 Visitation evangelism: is it worth the trouble? Oct'72:28 Letters. Jan'73:4 SNIDOW, (married to Clifton L. Snidow) Classroom and campus. Oct'65:34 SNIDOW, CLIFTON LEONARD, 1874-1971 Classroom and campus. May'51:31 Oct'65:34 Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'66:34 p. 2679 Snidow, M - Snipes, P SNIDOW, MAYBELLE (married to Conley T. Snidow) Here and there... Feb'48:48 Beneath the spire (photo) Jan'54:4 Participation in united churches (photo) Mar'55:10 Sniff, W W Financing the Kingdom. Oct'21:25 SNIFF, W W (photo) Oct'22:7 SNIPES, (married to George Snipes) -1961 (death) News room. Nov'61:39 SNIPES, DAVID F Classroom and campus. Feb'63:35 Snipes, Esther Sarah Wacknitz, 1901-1976 (Married to Percy Doyle Snipes) As it is done in Wema. Jun'32:25 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'35:39,40 Motherhood in Congo. Jun'36:30 Junior missionaries in Africa. Jun'37:25 SNIPES, ESTHER SARAH WACKNITZ, 1901-1976 quoted. A challenge and a promise. Dec'30:33 (photo) Jul'31:42 Jun'32:25 Mar'33:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'35:43 Nov'35:40 Sep'36;32 Oct'36:47 Tribute to P. D. Snipes. Oct'44:24 News room. May'45:28 Oct'45:25 Jan'46:38 Mar'47:32 (photo) Feb'48:26 Mar'53:26 News room. Oct'55:36 Congo missionary retires (photo) Jan'66:49 The scene (photo) Nov'70:44 SNIPES, HEIDI LYNN, 1956- (birth) News room. Jun'56:42 SNIPES, IDA JANE See WHEATLEY, IDA JANE SNIPES SNIPES, JILL MORGAN, 1958- (birth) News room. Feb'59:42 SNIPES, JULIE ANN, 1954- (birth) News room. May'54:39 (1957 photo) Apr'70:40 Snipes, Mildred Patricia Sly, 1931- (married to Paul David Snipes) No place like Brussels! Feb'56:28 SNIPES, MILDRED PATRICIA SLY, 1931- (birth) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'31:33 News room. Mar'51:47 Jul'51:39 (photo) Jul'52:37 (marriage) News room. Sep'52:38 News room. Mar'61:46 SNIPES, PATRICIA See SNIPES, MILDRED PATRICIA SLY Snipes, Paul David, 1928-1944 (married to Mildred Patricia Sly Snipes) Congolese beg to be baptized. Jun'57:30 Yardstick experience in Congo. Oct'58:49 SNIPES, PAUL DAVID, 1928-1944 (birth) Jun'28:63 (photo) Jul'31:42 Jun'37:25 Mar'50:31 Jun'32:25 Feb'49:33 (cont. next page) p. 2680 Snipes, P - Snoddy, E SNIPES, PAUL DAVID (cont.) Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'52:33 (marriage) News room. Sep'52:38 (photo) Jun'57:16 Global highlights (photo) Oct'60:5 News room. Mar'61:46 quoted. Radio--Congo's magic link. Feb'63:25 (1957 photo) Apr'70:40 Snipes, Percy Doyle, 1893-1944 (married to Esther Sara Snipes) Christmas in retrospect. Dec'28:38 Bolenge (poem) Jun'29:64 The spirit of Pentecost in Africa. Feb'31:26 As it is done in Wema. Jun'32:25 Bolenge evangelistic report. May'34:28 Flashes. Dec'36:45 Bolenge (poem) Feb'39:48 SNIPES, PERCY DOYLE, 1893-1944 Severing the Ivy Chain (photo) Jul'24:7 Into the Ubangi country. Mar'28:39 The Campbell Club in Yale (photo) Jul'31:30 (photo) Jul'31:42 Jun'32:25 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'35:43 Sep'36:32 Sep'37:30 Nov'35:40 Oct'36:47 (death) News room. Sep'44:28 Tribute to P. D. Snipes (photo) Oct'44:24 SNIVELY, (MRS. F M) (death) May'19:41 SNIVELY, FRANCES BLACK, 1865-1931 (married to George Lawrence Snively) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'31:30 Snively, George Lawrence, 1866-1956 (married to Frances Black Snively) (married to Florence Marshall Snively) Echoes from everywhere. Oct'21:61 SNIVELY, GEORGE LAWRENCE, 1866-1956 Church Extension Board a friend in need. Feb'21:48 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'21:59 quoted. In memoriam, Archibald McLean. Mar'21:6 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:51 Feb'24:54 quoted. The Indianapolis Convention is coming. Oct'32:7 (death) News room. Apr'56:32 Benevolence--then and now (photo) Dec'61:19 Snoddy, Elmer Ellsworth, 1863-1936 (married to Mina Bradley Snoddy) Walter Scott, the evangelist. Feb'27:10 SNODDY, ELMER ELLSWORTH, 1863-1936 Transylvania College notes. Sep'20:47 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'26:42 quoted. Pertinent paragraphs from Convention speeches. Nov'31:12 Elmer Ellsworth Snoddy (photo) Jan'32:8 Last lap of the college year. May'32:33 (death) Two Disciple educators pass (photo) Jun'36:19 Book chat. Sep'40:25 (photo) Sep'41:7 Thinking things through. May'42:5 Great teachers in my life (photo) Jan'48:9 p. 2681 Snoddy, J - Snohomish SNODDY, JAMES HARVEY Elmer Ellsworth Snoddy. Jan'32:9 SNODDY, LELAND BRADLEY, 1898-1950 (married to Virginia Halbert Croft Snoddy) Pithy news items from the Board of Education. Nov'29:40 SNODDY, MILLIE FRANCES (death) Dec'19:31 SNODDY, MINA BRADLEY, 1870-1950 (married to Elmer Ellsworth Snoddy) Elmer Ellsworth Snoddy. Jan'32:18 Classroom and campus. Apr'43:33 SNODDY, VIRGINIA HALBERT CROFT, 1898- (married to Leland Bradley Snoddy) Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'26:42 SNODGRASS, ARLOE RICHARD, 1918-1986 (married to Maxine Phillips Snodgrass) (photo) Sep'42:9 SNODGRASS, DOROTHY GRACE HARETMAN, 1892-1966 (married to Ray Snodgrass) Echoes from everywhere. Nov'52:34 SNODGRASS, EDITH LOUISE SAUM, 1908- (married to Ernest L. Snodgrass) (photo) Jun'23:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'31:42 Jan'33:40 Jul'33:44 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'35:33 Children of the India mission. Mar'38:26 (photo p. 24) SNODGRASS, ERNEST L. (married to Edith Louise Saum Snodgrass) (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'35:33 Snodgrass, Ray E A county wide conscience in a county seat church Feb'22:44 Nodaway County evangelistic campaign. Feb'24:56 SNODGRASS, RAY E (photo) Dec'37:5 Jun'41:30 Nov'48:28 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'52:34 Snodgrass, Roy Cleveland, 1885-1962 (married to Clella Alice Bradley Snodgrass) Religious education--a long view. Oct'34:12 Adults go to conference. Oct'36:15 This new evangelism. Feb'39:5 The Convention and the hour. Jun'48:23 SNODGRASS, ROY CLEVELAND, 1885-1962 (photo) Mar'24:31 quoted. They said. Nov'33:22 quoted. Quotation marks. Nov'33:26 Global highlights. Sep'47:3 International Convention digest (photo) Sep'47:8 (photo) Jun'48:23 Classroom and campus. Jun'50:33 Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'54:30 (death) News room. Jul'62:36 Snodgrass, Roy E Financing the Kingdom. Oct'21:26 SNODGRASS, ROY E (photo) Jun'41:30 Classroom and campus. Apr'44:25 SNOHOMISH, WASHINGTON. CHRISTIAN CHURCH As the field workers see the fields. Nov'19:30 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'29:49 p. 2682 Snoke - Snyder, E SNOKE, C E (photo) Sep'47:13 Snover, Edward S., Jr. The booster (poem) Feb'41:48 SNOW, EDGAR. THE BATTLE FOR ASIA The seeing eye. Apr'41:4 SNOW, GRACE NBA news. Sep'43:40 News room. Nov'43:28 Snow, Jane Elliott The Cleveland Christian Orphanage. Oct'19:48 SNOW, JOHN H. ON PILGRIMMAGE: MARRIAGE IN THE '70'S New books. May'72:33 SNOW, LOIS MARIE HURT, 1916- (photo) Jun'23:15 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'33:34 Feb'36:34 Sep'36:32 Feb'37:44 (engagement) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'39:33 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'39:30 SNOW, NELL NBA news. Sep'43:40 News room. Nov'43:28 SNOW, SARAH E., -1954 In memoriam. Jul'54:43 SNOW, SUE In memoriam. Mar'28:60 SNOW, WILLIAM R Global highlights (photo) May'65:7 SNOWDEN, J H quoted. Last column. Nov'53:48 SNOWDEN, PHILIP quoted. ...advice to young men. Jan'29:22 SNOWDEN, RITA F. PARTS OF HIS WAYS Book chat. Apr'59:42 SNOWDEN-DOUGLASS SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS FOR 1951 Book chat. Dec'50:38 SNYDER, (MRS. E. R.) Women on world highways. Mar'66:35 Snyden, Ada An example in multiplication. Dec'21:1 SNYDER, ANNA ELIZABETH (photo) Jul'23:5 Snyder, Agnes For all children (poem) Jun'61:11 SNYDER, BERTHA M In memoriam. Oct'33:40 SNYDER, BLANCHE CARROLL (married to Ralph Snyder) News room. Apr'60:34 (marriage) News room. May'61:32 SNYDER, CHESTER ARTHUR, 1885-1976 (married to Blanche Peters Snyder) A correction. Oct'20:51 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'23:49 quoted. Crusade progress (photo) Nov'50:30 Beneath the spire (photo) May'62:8 Snyder, Dorotha G. Conference pays. Nov'28:37 SNYDER, EMMA, -1954 In memoriam. Jan'55:37 p. 2683 Snyder, H - Social Sec. SNYDER, H S (photo) Jul'40:14 SNYDER, RALPH Global highlights. Sep'47:3 (marriage) News room. May'61:32 World Convention--a witness to unity (photo) Feb'65:21 SNYPE, JEANNE Classroom and campus (photo) May'62:34 "SO NEARLY DISTANT" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Feb'73:36 Sobrepen~a, Enrique C Echoes from everywhere. Dec'60:36 SOBREPEN~A, ENRIQUE C Philippine church commissions four missionaries (photo) Nov'53:29 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'55:32 Church grows in Philippines. Sep'60:28 Socal, Aron Reporter visits Friendship Mission. Jun'58:31 SOCIAL ACTION (CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH) Social trends. Jun'35:22 Global highlights. Mar'53:4 SOCIAL ACTION COACHING CONFERENCE Global highlights. Dec'49:4 SOCIAL ACTION INSTITUTE (KENTUCKY) Our responsibility is to act. Jun'57:29 SOCIAL ACTION INSTITUTE (MISSOURI) Our responsibility is to act. Jun'57:28 SOCIAL GAMES AND RECREATION Book chat. Feb'37:47 SOCIAL PROGRESS AND CHRISTIAN IDEALS Speaking of books. Feb'32:32 SOCIAL SECURITY ...and the minister. Sep'35:3 Security act leaves the preacher out. Sep'35:14 Social trends. Dec'36:27 Pension Fund notes and news. Feb'37:40 ...and the church. Mar'37:4 Sep'38:4 Social Security pensions. May'39:31 Church or state? Sep'39:7 Democracy on the home front. Jul'43:10 Social trends. Apr'52:20 Global highlights. Nov'52:2 Social trends. Apr'53:22 Global highlights. Sep'53:2 For accuracy's sake. Nov'53:47 Global highlights. Mar'54:2 Oct'54:2 Ministers and Social Security. Jan'55:29 Attention ministers and churches. Mar'56:6 Global highlights. Apr'56:5 Again, attention churches. Apr'56:8 Global highlights. Feb'57:5 The minister's security. Sep'57:7 Global highlights. Oct'57:5 Global highlights. Dec'60:5 Sep'61:7 Ahead of the headlines. Jul'65:4 p. 2684 Social Work - Sockman SOCIAL WORK See also CHURCH AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS Names of individual problems (i.e. TEMPERANCE) Long live those early voices. Jan'20:33 Social trends. Jul'36:16 SOCIEDAD ESTUDIANTIL DE OBREROS CRISTIANOS Nov'28:41 SOCIETY FOR PROVIDING EVANGELICAL RELIGIOUS LITERATURE FOR THE BLIND Dots and records. Dec'55:31 SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Global highlights. Nov'49:2 SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR MINISTRY In brief. Apr'68:8 SOCIETY FOR THE INSTITUTION AND SUPPORT OF FIRST DAY OR SUNDAY SCHOOLS Christian unity and religious education. Aug'21:43 SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL Notes. Jun'19:62 Oct'19:60 Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'24:47 SOCIETY OF FRIENDS Glimpses of the religious world. Jun'24:47 Some things that led to Prohibition. Dec'29:56 I have called you friends. Oct'35:3 A people of character and poise. Dec'42:6 For adult missionary groups. Feb'48:34 Global highlights. Sep'48:4 Jun'51:3 Sep'53:3 Feb'63:7 Dec'50:3 Sep'51:2 Feb'60:8 Dec'66:6 Subtle sabotage. Oct'67:9 Sockman, Ralph Washington, 1889- More than a Merry Christmas. Dec'5:13 Prayer for Americans. Jul'63:16 SOCKMAN, RALPH WASHINGTON, 1889- quoted. The last page. Jun'30:64 Global highlights. Jul'50:2 (photo) Oct'50:2 (photo) Dec'50:24 Global highlights (photo) Dec'51:3 Pronouncement and practice. Sep'52:5 Problems of the minister. May'53:6 Global highlights (photo) Mar'54:3 Teach Christ now. Oct'55:26 Man to man (photo) Nov'55:43 quoted. Apr'62:18 (photo) Apr'63:18 Classroom and campus. Mar'64:35 SOCKMAN, RALPH WASHINGTON. DATE WITH DESTINY Book chat. Jun'44:19 SOCKMAN, RALPH WASHINGTON. THE HIGHWAY OF GOD Book chat. Jul'42:25 SOCKMAN, RALPH WASHINGTON. HOW TO BELIEVE Book chat. Sep'53:41 SOCKMAN, RALPH WASHINGTON. LIVE FOR TOMORROW New books for your missionary library. Jan'40:29 SOCKMAN, RALPH WASHINGTON. MAN'S FIRST LOVE Book chat. Nov'58:40 Dec'58:40 SOCKMAN, RALPH WASHINGTON. THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD Book chat. Apr'55:40 p. 2685 Socrates - Soldiers "Socrates" God's gadfly. Jun'35:14 SOGA, MINA T (photo) Mar'39:4 May'39:35 Soger, Bess C Tried and found helpful. Feb'22:52 Soito, Patricia This day is not lost (poem) Apr'56:48 SOKA GAKKAI Japan's fanatical faith. Sep'64:26 Global highlights. Feb'66:6 SOLDIER SETTLEMENTS Home missions and soldier settlements. Jun'19:25 SOLDIERS Soldiers in review. Nov'37:18 The weakest link. May'42:5 A service to men of the armed forces. Jun'42:30 Rations--100 days. Sep'42:44 Is it well with the young man? Oct'42:10 Our boy. Oct'42:11 Fellowship with men in service. Nov'42:28 Indian boys in service. Nov'42:46 The church and the uniform. Dec'42:12 The threshold. Feb'43:2 Every soldier is lonesome--until. Apr'43:6 Social trends. May'43:20 Soldiers three. Jul'43:12 Servicemen's center in Puerto Rico opened. Jan'44:37 The soldier meets the missionary. Feb'44:28 Soldier lads in India. Apr'44:38 The threshold. Jun'44:2 Servicement in Puerto Rico. Jun'44:25 The church and returning "expendables." Sep'44:17 From somewhere in Italy. Nov'44:6 Service Men's Christian League. Nov'44:10 Marines finance education of natives. Jan'45:25 Christianity and power politics. Mar'45:13 Front line troops at worship. Mar'45:34 They that go down to the sea in ships. Apr'45:36 News room. May'46:38 Is there a way? Jan'47:46 Japan faces the future. Apr'47:23 Social tgrends. Oct'47:13 American airmen in India. May'48:14 Global highlights. Dec'51:3 Week of Compassion highlights concern for military personnel. Jan'52:19 A chaplain's visit to Korea. Mar'52:28 Following the serviceman. Dec'52:20 Korean Christians ask tighter Army discipline. Mar'53:18 They still serve. Oct'54:12 American troops are serving well. Oct'54:28 Global highlights. Feb'55:3 Help wanted! Apr'55:8 Three million men look to the church. Oct'55:21 Social trends. Oct'55:22 Military service and the church's task. Oct'56:17 Missionaries without the title. Feb'57:46 (cont. next page) p. 2686 Soldiers - Solomon, P SOLDIERS (cont.) Global highlights. Mar'58:5 A home for the G. I.'s. Dec'58:46 Ministering to people on the move. Feb'59:29 Global highlights. Nov'60:6 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'63:38 Women on world highways. Dec'64:33 Christian welcome for servicemen. Mar'66:44 Global highlights. Sep'66:6 What more can churches do for their servicemen? Jul'67:20 Ministry to men in the armed forces. Jul'70:10 The military faces the drug problem. Jun'72:26 SOLDIERS' SPOUSES Women on world highways. Sep'69:31 SOLDWEDEL, BETTE Classroom and campus. Nov'52:31 SOLLEDER, MARIAN Classroom and campus. Oct'47:30 SOLLIDAY, HELEN (death) Nov'20:49 Solomon, Dilase (married to Peter Solomon) Missionary worship service. Apr'55:35 SOLOMON, DILASE A Hindu Priestess comes to Christ (photo) Dec'45:29 Are Bible Women needed? (photo) Feb'55:32 For adult mission study. Apr'55:36 (photo) May'55:36 India's villages change (photo) Oct'56:19 News room. Oct'56:38 SOLOMON, JOEL (photo) Jun'23:22 SOLOMON, KATIE ANN, -1947 In memoriam. Dec'47:35 SOLOMON, MOTI News room. Nov'49:50 (photo) Jan'55:14 SOLOMON, NICERATA Christian witness in today's world (photo) Mar'56:24 Solomon, Peter (married to Dilase Solomon) A Hindu Priestess comes to Christ. Dec'45:29 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'50:42 Indians seek freedom. Dec'53:41 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'55:35 May'55:34 Jul'55:34 May'58:36 Eye camp in India. May'61:41 SOLOMON, PETER (photo) Dec'45:29 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'46:39 News room. Oct'46:41 Youth and missions. Dec'46:35 Jan'47:35 Global highlights. Sep'47:3 (photo) Sep'47:9 A testimony of world Christian fellowship (photo) Feb'48:41 Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'49:33 Seeing is believing (photo) Apr'53:12 News room (photo) Sep'55:38 Global highlights. Mar'56:3 Indian Disciples complete studies in United States. Jun'56:45 India's villages change (photo) Oct'56:19 (cont. next page) p. 2687 Solomon, P - Soon Mailing SOLOMON, PETER (cont.) Missions at grass roots (photo) Jun'60:29 Global highlights (photo) Jul'62:5 Disciples in the news. Sep'66:7 SOLOMON, ROSIE To these we hand the torch. Feb'31:29 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jul'40:39 SOLOMON, SHANTI The least coin. Nov'57:45 Women's role in world issues. Dec'70:26 SOLOMON, SHIRIN Echoes from everywhere. Sep'62:36 SOLOMONS, ANNE Classroom and campus. Sep'58:36 SOLSONNA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS A personally conducted tour... Aug'23:23 A Sunday in the Philippines (photo of church) Feb'48:28 SOLTERO, TOMAS RICO (photo) May'49:15 "SOME TO BE PASTORS" (FILMSTRIP) Global highlights (photo) Oct'50:2 SOMERSCALES, C A Easter Sunday in Italy. Jun'45:12 SOMERSET, PENNSYLVANIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Golden Jubilee notes. May'24:52 SOMERVELL, THEODORE HOWARD Another missionary athlete. Feb'25:35 "SOMETHING BESIDE RICE" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio visuals. Sep'73:46 "SOMETHING IN COMMON" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visuals. Apr'72:33 SOMMER, JOHN. VIET-NAM: THE UNHEARD VOICES New books explore wide range of issues. Dec'71:44 SOMPLATSKY-JARMAN, CAROL (married to William Jackson Somplatsky-Jarman) In brief. Sep'73:41 SOMPLATSKY-JARMAN, WILLIAM JACKSON (married to Carol Somplatsky-Jarman) Classroom and campus. Apr'68:34 In brief. Sep'73:41 SON TO SUSANNA Book chat. Apr'38:24 "SONG OF THE SHINING MOUNTAIN" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Jul'55:44 SONNENBERG HOME FOR YOUNG MEN (STUTTGART, GERMANY) A Christian home for German youth (photos) Mar'49:21 SONTAG, FREDERICK. THE AMERICAN RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE New books. Jul'72:34 Soon Mailing, 1898- (married to Chiang Kai-Shek) Through pain to a new stature. Nov'40:45 SOON MAILING, 1898- General Chiang Kai-shek at Ginling Commencement (photo) Oct'34:30 A message from Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. Feb'37:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'37:33 Madame Chiang Kai Shek. Oct'38:47 (photo) May'40:13 May'41:15 ...writes to American children. May'41:35 (cont. next page) p. 2688 Soon Mailing - Sosa SOON MAILING (cont.) Eyes on the Orient. Apr'43:29 quoted. Last column. Mar'56:48 SOONG, T V Christianity in high circles. Jun'29:24 SOPER, CHARLES Classroom and campus. May'67:35 SOPER, DAVID WESLEY quoted. Last column. Oct'56:48 SOPER, EDMUND DAVISON. THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE CHRISTIAN WORLD MISSION Book chat. Jul'43:16 SORABJI, SUSIE Women and world highways. Jan'43:47 SORENSEN, (MRS. P. M.) In memoriam. Mar'41:39 Sorensen, Betty Easter (poem) Apr'69:37 SORENSEN, ELIZABETH (photo) Jan'26:28 SORENSEN, MILDRED SEYSTER A fellowship for university women. Jan'26:27 National Bethany Circle reoranized and renamed. Aug'27:58 SOREY, M. LEE, 1875-1964 (married to Julia Blanche Minturn Sorey) (photo) Mar'24:31 quoted. Appreciation of Life and labors of A. McLean. Jun'24:44 quoted. We also are ready. May'25:22 quoted. The revival of Foreign Missions Day. Mar'29:30 (photo) Jun'30:33 SORNBORGER, M L Gleanings from early records of ACMS. May'19:27 SOROKIN, PITIRIM ALEKSANDROVICH, 1889- Classroom and campus. May'65:35 SOROKIN, PITIRIM ALEKSANDROVICH. THE CRISIS OF OUR AGE Book chat. Apr'42:23 SOROKIN, PITIRIM ALEKSANDROVICH. RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES Book chat. Jun'44:19 SORORITIES See GREEK LETTER SOCIETIES SORRELL, ALICE GADD See BUCKNER, ALICE GADD SORRELL SORRELL, CHESTER WAYNE, 1893-1930 (married to Alice Gadd Sorrell Buckner) There's no time for delay. Aug'26:27 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'26:57 Mr Sorrell dies. Jul'30:1 (death) Jul'30:47 The contribution of Wayne Sorrell. Aug'30:27 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'30:40 SORRELL, JAMES FREDERICK, 1924- Mr. Sorrell dies. Jul'30:1 SORRELL, WAYNE See SORRELL, CHESTER WAYNE SORROW See GRIEF SOSA, EXEARIO Poor church with a rich ministry. Dec'72:21 p. 2689 Sosebee - South Africa SOSEBEE, J W (photo) Oct'47:17 Sosebee, James Wilson, 1919- (married to Mildred H. Crook Sosebee) Try it sometimes! Apr'64:32 SOTHARD, EUNICE HENRY, 1840- Motherhood honored. Sep'33:26 Our two nonegenarians at the Forida Christian Home. Jan'34:45 Memoriam. Mar'35:39 SOTO, FLAVIA Program helps (photo) Aug'25:48 SOTO, JOSE ISMAEL (photo) Mar'50:46 SOU-CHANG, BARBARA JEAN HAGMAN (photo) May'29:front cover Our cover. Jun'29:1 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Nov'30:39 Some unsung missionaries in the China field. Jun'36:26 (photo p. 25) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'39:34 News room. Feb'42:45 Mar'42:43 Jun'42:34 SOUDER, WILLIAM quoted. At Richmond they said-- (photo) Nov'39:13 Souders, Clifford V Letters. Jun'69:4 SOULE, D L He wanted to die in the poorhouse. Apr'29:12 SOULE, GEORGE. THE FUTURE OF LIBERTY Book chat. Feb'37:47 SOUND CASSETTES Ahead of the headlines. Feb'71:5 "THE SOUND OF A STONE" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Sep'55:41 SOUND RECORDINGS See PHONORECORDS SOUND CASSETTES "SOUNDS AND SOUNDINGS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA" (SOUND RECORDINGS) Audio-visuals. Feb'69:29 SOUSA, JOHN PHILIP Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'28:39 THE SOUTH See UNITED STATES--SOUTHERN STATES SOUTH AFRICA A thousand years of service from one family. Jul'19:29 Temperance draughts. Jul'21:29 The Thomas Evangelistic Mission. Oct'25:6 News from South Africa. Sep'26:62 Sings of the times in Africa. Oct'26:14 Glimpses of the religious world. Jan'28:45 Convention elections and resolutions. Jun'28:40 A visit to South Africa. Oct'37;15 South Africa... (map) Sep'38:28 Let Christian missions contine! Jan'42:11 The state of the church. May'42:31 Dec'42:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'44:33 Oct'44:33 Basil Holt going to South Africa. Jan'46:19 (cont. next page) p. 2690 South Africa 1946 - 1965 SOUTH AFRICA (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Sep'46:38 May'47:41 Jun'47:41 Race relations in South Africa. Mar'48:11 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'48:36 Global highlights. Nov'48:4 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'49:38 Global highlights. May'49:2 Jun'49:2 African literacy tour, 1948. Jun'49:14 South Africa's first unity lecture. Jan'50:27 Disciples of Christ in South Africa. Apr'50:19 Where is Africa going? Oct'50:21 Disciples study at Rhodes College. Jan'51:29 Global highlights. Feb'51:2 Racial division and Christian unity. Dec'51:18 Global highlights. Jan'52:2 For adult mission study. Dec'52:36 Global highlights. Jan'53:2 For adult mission study. Feb'53:34 News room. Jun'53:42 Global highlights. Dec'53:3 Dec'54:3 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'54:36 Disciples in Africa hold convention. Dec'54:44 A remarkable achievement. Feb'55:39 When we listen as well as speak. Apr'55:6 South African church moves forward. Apr'55:29 Disciples in South Africa. Nov'55:21 Global highlights. Dec'55:3 For adult mission study. Apr'56:36 Disciples in South Africa dedicate new church for Africans. Jul'56:43 Social highlights. Sep'56:2 Prepare the way for unity. Dec'56:46 Global highlights. Feb'57:3 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'57:3 Global highlights. May'57:4 Jul'57:5 Oct'57:4 Feb'58:5 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'58:36 Jun'58:36 South African heritage. Jul'58:49 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'58:38 Dec'58:36 Global highlights. Apr'59:6 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'59:36 Jun'59:36 Global highlights. Jul'59:5 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'59:34 Jan'60:much of issue Global highlights. Feb'60:8 Jun'60:4 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'60:36 Global highlights. Jul'60:7 Nov'60:8 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'61:38 Global highlights. Nov'61:7 News room. Nov'61:39 Women and world highways. Feb'62:35 Africa's man of peace. Feb'62:43 Echoes from everywhere. May'62:36 Dec'62:36 Global highlights. Feb'63:6 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'63:36 Jun'63:36 This is Africa! Jun'63:47 Global highlghts. Nov'63:5 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'65:34 Mar'65:36 (cont. next page) p. 2691 South Africa - SOUTH AFRICA (cont.) South America Ahead of the headlines. Apr'65:7 Is there hope for south Africa? (photos) Apr'65:23 Doctors with a mission. Jun'65:13 Ahead of the headlines. Dec'65:4 Communicating the Gospel. Nov'66:46 Global highlights. May'67:6 The Johannesburg case. May'67:9 Global highlights. Sep'67:7 Nov'67:6 Christian causeways. Oct'69:31 New church buildings in the Republic of South Africa. May'70:40 Disciples undertake new work with Zulus. Jul'70:33 World events. Jan'73:39 Feb'73:38 A ministry of politics and hope. Nov'73:30 SOUTH AFRICA--DESCRIPTION Vacationing in Capetown. Nov'42:29 A furlough substitute (photos) Jan'43:42 From Capetown to Johannesburg (photos) Feb'47:26 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'63:36 May'64:38 South Africa--a look at an image. Jul'65:45 Communicating the Gospel. Nov'66:46 The Americans' decision on South Africa. Dec'71:12 ...a strange society. Oct'72:5 SOUTH AFRICA--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Global highlights. Mar'52:4 Nov'59:7 Sep'63:4 Oct'54:4 Feb'61:4 World events. Mar'73:38 Apr'73:39 Jun'73:36 Commentary. Nov'73:15 World events. Nov'73:40 SOUTH AMERICA See also LATIN AMERICA The call of a continent. Jan'19:11 Facts for the busy woman. Apr'19:37 (map) Dec'19:2 Snap shots... Dec'19:11 Continent of neglected opportunity. Aug'20:10 Jo-Anne and Jimmy and their pilot Tim (poem) Jul'21:24 U.C.M.S. Dept of Foreign Missions report. Sep'21:31 Ourselves in South America. Nov'21:6 The year at a glance. Oct'23:36 Annual report. Oct'24:41 A Congress-eye view of South America. Jun'25:9 Christian work in Suth America. Aug'25:26 (map) Oct'25:2 Turning over a new leaf. Jan'26:40 The open Bible. Jan'26:46 Where everybody goes barefoot (map) Mar'26:42 In the barefoot Republic. Apr'26:55 A united effort for South America. May'26:56 Ten reasons why we must maintain. Mar'29:7 A forward look. May'29:27 Programs... Mar'31:36 Apr'31:37 Heralding native leadership on foreign mission fields. Jun'32:6 Christianity belongs to the world. May'39:19 A chaplain looks at South America. Sep'44:34 (cont. next page) p. 2692 South America - SOUTH AMERICA (cont.) South Harwood Glimpses of our work in South America. Mar'47:11 Global highlights. Apr'49:3 Revolution in South America. Apr'56:18 Ambassadors for the Brotherhood. Jun'56:17 The ministry in South America. Sep'56:11 Two lands to the south. Dec'58:15 For adult mission study. Dec'58:38 Mission to South America. Apr'62:29 Monuments and mission. Apr'63:48 Global highlights. Feb'67:6 Direct line. Sep'69:32 Partnership with South America. Dec'69:20 A visit to South America. Mar'70:33 SOUTH AMERICA--BIBLIOGRAPHY For adult mission study. Dec'58:38 SOUTH AMERICA--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Correcting a distorted view. Mar'26:10 Pan-American happenings during 1935. Jan'36:16 SOUTH AMERICA--STATISTICS What if these were your children? Mar'22:38 SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. COUNCIL OF UNITED CHURCHES A "grass roots" congress. Apr'43:4 SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of Christian Endeavor Society) May'25:47 Lovest thou me? May'29:23 (photo of Planning Committee) Oct'53:7 How safe is the church? Nov'72:9 SOUTH BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) May'19:5 Notes. Aug'19:47 SOUTH CAROLINA Notes. Jan'20:60 Oct'20:56 The latest word on the Golden Jubilee. Dec'22:50 Golden Jubilee notes. Mar'24:51 The story state by state. Aug'25:10 SOUTH CAROLINA CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:23 Global highlights. Jul'57:4 SOUTH CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA Spiritual investments in Kanawha Valley, West Virginia. May'19:41 Our chance in the magic cities of West Virginia. Apr'20:42 SOUTH DAKOTA Outlying states and home missions. May'22:56 The latest word on the Golden Jubilee. Dec'22:50 The story state by state. Aug'25:9 How Church Extension has helped my state. Jul'34:24 Global highlights. Nov'50:4 SOUTH DAKOTA CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:22 Good news from the states. Oct'28:30 SOUTH DALLAS, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'21:12 SOUTH HARWOOD HALL (DALLAS, TEXAS) Record of service... Apr'19:7 p. 2693 South Idaho - Southern B SOUTH IDAHO CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY See IDAHO, SOUTH, CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY SOUTH KANSAS CITY, KANSAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Consecration.... (photo) Apr'19:45 SOUTH LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Where the people are (photo) Jan'22:57 SOUTH MILFORD, INDIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'24:13 SOUTH SUDBURY, MASSACHUSETTS. CHAPEL OF MARTHA AND MARY (photo) Jul'44:front cover The threshold. Jul'44:2 SOUTHARD, SAMUEL. PASTORAL AUTHORITY IN PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS New books. May'69:29 SOUTHEAST ASIA See ASIA, SOUTHEAST SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE COLLEGE Colleges in full swing (photo of field house) Nov'30:40 SOUTHEASTERN AUDIO-VISUAL CONFERENCE Global highlights. Nov'62:5 SOUTHEASTERN CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Global highlights. Oct'50:3 Apr'52:3 SOUTHEASTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE (AUBURN, GA) A forward movement in the Southeast. Oct'19:48 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'20:39 (photo) Jan'21:10 Report of students... Jan'21:19 What our colleges are doing... Jan'21:56 Visiting our colleges. Jan'22:15 Present service and immediate needs... Jun'22:18 A significant advance step. Jan'23:41 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'23:54 Apr'24:52 Nov'24:53 Jan'24:41 Aug'24:57 SOUTHEASTERN CHRISTIAN HOME Notes. Oct'20:56 Campaigning for the children (photo) Mar'21:48 SOUTHEASTERN CHURCH CONVOCATION Global highlights. Mar'48:3 The southeast looks at itself. Mar'48:6 SOUTHEASTERN INTER-CHURCH CONVOCATION Global highlights. Nov'49:3 SOUTHEASTERN MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS' COLLEGE Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'22:55 SOUTHERN, EMMA, -1961 In memoriam. Jun'61:39 SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN STUDIES Global highlights. Dec'61:5 Feb'62:8 SOUTHERN ASIA See ASIA, SOUTH SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Global highlights. May'51:3 SOUTHERN BAPTISTS Notes. Oct'19:60 Oct'20:63 Glimpses of the religious world. Apr'25:45 Dec'28:45 The threshold. Jul'39:4 Southern churchmen speak out. Sep'46:6 A Georgian speaks on the Christian position. Feb'47:14 (cont. next page) p. 2694 Southern Baptists - SOUTHERN BAPTISTS (cont.) Southern Christian Global highlights. Nov'48:4 Dec'50:3 Jan'52:4 Apr'53:4 Disciples and Southern Baptists. Jul'63:10 Ahead of the headlines. Feb'67:4 In brief. Mar'68:8 Ahead of the headlines. Sep'68:5 May'70:5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY See CALIFORNIA, SOUTHERN, CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN HOME Some pressing needs. Feb'19:35 Happenings in our homes. Feb'19:40 Notes. Feb'19:45 Record of service... Apr'19:6 Southern Chritian Home. Apr'19:32 NBA directory. May'19:60 Apr'19:61 (photo) Jun'19:58 Notes. Jun'19:60 (photo) Jul'19:58 Notes. Sep'19:49 News. Oct'19:43 A forward movement in the southeast. Oct'19:48 Notes. Oct'19:59 Jan'20:60 A growing conscience. Feb'20:14 A little teacher. Apr'20:43 Apr'20:45 Notes. May'20:61 Others take notice, please. Jul'20:38 N.B.A. annual report. Nov'20:37 A growing ministry. Apr'21:6 (photo) Apr'21:13 And a little child shall lead them. Aug'21:36 Report. Sep'21:38 The Southern Christian Home (photo) Jan'22:18 Out of the mouths of four witnesses. Feb'22:35 Dividends of love. Apr'22:17 The straw that breaks the camel's back. Apr'22:30 Annual report... Sep'22:42 Big business in big service for children (photo) Oct'22:14 Religious training in the Southern Home (photo) Dec'22:39 Miss Sue Steiner Hook. Feb'23:67 Close ups in our homes. Apr'23:37 Echoes from everywhere. May'23:54 Lo, Children are a heritage of the Lord (photos) Dec'23:15 No room in the inn. Apr'24:5 Where grace abounds (photo) Apr'24:18 Results... Apr'24:56 Annual report. Oct'24:42 The work of the Dept. of Benevolence. Dec'24:8 A fitting memorial. Dec'24:45 How our family spends it summer. Aug'25:54 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'25:58 Annual report... Oct'25:39 (photos) Dec'25:12-13 Oct'27:60 A dream takes shape. Dec'27:8 (photo) Dec'27:21 (cont. next page) p. 2695 Southern Christian Home- SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN HOME (cont.) Southern Christian Inst. Station UCMS broadcasting. May'28:44 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:36 A bird's eye view of our homes. Nov'28:56 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'28:59 What's happening at our homes. Jan'29:59 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'29:50 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'29:43 New Atlanta home nearing completion (photo) Aug'29:44 An example worthy of universal imitation. Jun'29:45 Self-denial at home for children. Jul'29:48 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'30:39 Sep'30:40 Twelve paragraphs to ponder. Dec'30:20 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'31:35 Oct'31:35 (photo) Dec'31:13 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'31:35 Jan'32:41 Regional support for benevolent homes (photo) Dec'32:24 Our New York trip (photos) Dec'32:31 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'33:39 Now it can be told (photos) Sep'33:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'33:34 A Christmas recollection. Dec'35:30 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'36:39 News from Benevolent Homes. Sep'37:28 The job of running a children's home (photo) Dec'37:7 New buildings for the Benevolent Homes. Jun'38:46 National Benevolent Association. Mar'39:46 Benevolent Association report. Sep'39:44 Gifts for our benevolen homes. Mar'40:42 (photo) Dec'41:25 Dec'42:24 News from the N.B.A. homes. Jan'43:43 N.B.A. ready for expansion. Dec'45:9 These homes are crowded too. Dec'47:7 The increasing role of benevolence. Dec'49:14 Boys' building is dedicated... (photos) Mar'51:33 N.B.A. reports changes in home superintendents. Dec'52:40 N.B.A. "growing pains" eased by expansion. Dec'52:24 ...opens new wing (photo) Oct'54:33 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'55:36 They prepare children for mature living. Dec'57:11 NBA guest find joy at Christmas. Dec'58:19 NBA builds but many still wait. Dec'59:22 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'62:34 ...looks forward (map) Jun'62:24 (photo of future site p. 25) Global highlights. Apr'64:4 Benevolent teamwork. Dec'66:13 Answering cries for help (drawing of new campus) Dec'68:14 World events. Apr'69:38 Finding new ways to help children (photos) Oct'73:28 SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE Our Negro schools. Jun'19:48 Our colored people. Dec'19:23 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'20:46 Leadership training and school of methods... (photo) Jun'21:43 Old letters of rare value. Aug'21:41 Church colleges close a good year. Aug'21:54 (cont. next page) p. 2696 Southern Christian Inst. SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE (cont.) 1921 - 1934 Report. Sep'21:26 (photo) Dec'21:54 A close up of the Southern Christian Institute (photos) Feb'22:36 Negro education in the United States (photo) Mar'22:34 The race problem solved! May'22:2 The making of men (photo) Jun'22:26 A man who achieved. Aug'22:22 Annual report... Sep'22:36 Black lilies (photos) Dec'22:27 Golden Jubilee notes. Oct'23:50 The year at a glance. Oct'23:37 The Golden Jubilee. Dec'23:9 (photo of Teacher Training class) Jan'24:55 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'25:57 (photo) May'25:6 Following the trail of the church's activity. May'25:12 (photo p. 10) Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'25:43 Looking over half a century. Sep'25:8 Echoes from the Jubilee. Dec'25:58 Another milestone of progress (photo) Sep'26:32 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'26:54 Kingdom building on Mt. Beulah (photos) Jan'27:43 Missionary giving in the church at S. C. I. Apr'27:54 Answer the phone, please (photo) May'27:18 (photo of faculty) Aug'24:45 (photo) Sep'27:22 What of the mission schools for negroes? Oct'27:43 The homely tasks at S.C.I. Jan'28:38 Building to serve (photo) Jan'28:38 Has our negro work paid? Apr'28:36 Brief talks on home missionary work... Sep'28:42 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:38 Missionary organizations... Apr'29:33 At last--a model church! (photos) Apr'29:20 (photo) Apr'29:40 Again the school bell calls. Nov'29:25 What one shcool has given the world. Jan'30:23 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'30:34 Another hand across the sea. May'30:20 Representing 166 years of service. Jul'30:31 (photo) Sep'30:13 Airplane snapshots. Sep'30:26 Easter and self-denial in home missions. May'32:43 To this day we have come (photo) Jul'32:20 A missionary story with consequences reaching two ways. Dec'32:46 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'33:40 We've had company. Feb'33:46 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'33:44 Through the years. Sep'33:38 (photo of Jamaican students) Apr'34:25 Stepping stones (photo of students) Apr'34:29 A summer day at S.C.I. Sep'34:30 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'34:45 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'34:38 Nov'34:38 (cont. next page) p. 2697 Southern Christian Inst. SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE (cont.) 1935 - 1950 Patrick Henry Moss. Mar'35:27 A bird's eye view of home missions (photo) Apr'35:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'36:38 Looking backward from 1960. May'36:25 Heritage. Jul'36:31 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'36:39 Feb'37:38 This year in home missions (photo) Apr'37;24 ...and Jarvis express appreciation. Apr'37:41 Commencements in our colleges. Jul'37:41 What we do. Dec'37:46 They are seven (photo) Apr'38:7 Two decades of home missions (photo) Jan'39:35 Living waters in a thirsty land (photo) Apr'39:11 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'39:39 Teacher training at S.C.I. Apr'39;42 A traveling library. Jun'39:28 First impressions of S.C.I. Jun'39:44 The last page. Jun'39:48 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'39:34 (photo of quartet) Dec'39:inside front cover Building on faith (drawing of new boys' dorm) Jan'40:27 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'40:37 (photo) Apr'40:25 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'40:31 Women and world highways. Jul'40:35 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lehman honored. Dec'40:28 (photo of students) Jul'41:14 The dedication of Lehman Hall. Nov'41:33 The S.C.I. "mission." Feb'42:43 ...serves the community (photos) Apr'42:7 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'42:38 Dec'42:29 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'42:39 A tribute to former President Lehman. Feb'43:28 Disciples and negro education (photo) Apr'43:13 The art of living (photo) Apr'43:30 Worship class at S.C.I. Juan'43:30 Mt. Beulah Coooperative Store. Jul'43:36 News room. Jan'44:34 Mar'44:34 (photo) Apf'44:11 Home missions keeps on keeping on. Apr'44:12 Echoes from everywhere. May'44:33 News room. Jan'45:36 Crowded out at Beulah (photos) Apr'45:12 Home missions heads report. Jun'45:24 Ministerial institute at S.C.I. (photo of Institute) Jul'45:24 ...serves the rural woman. Nov'45:23 T. B. Frost, a pioneer. Apr'46:28 The Community Improvement Association. Jan'47:32 (photo) Apr'47:13 Apr'41:11 Beyond schoolroom walls. Apr'48:15 (photo p. 14) For adult missionary groups. Jul'49:36 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'49:45 Classroom and cmpus. Dec'49:30 (photo of students) Jan'50:16 Good health is important at S.C.I. (photos) Jun'50:31 (cont. next page) p. 2698 Southern Christian Inst. SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE (cont.) - Soviet Classroom and campus. Jul'50:33 News room. Dec'50:32 (photo) Apr'51:front cover The cover. Apr'51:inside front cover They stayed to serve... Apr'51:22 News room. Apr'51:46 For adult mission study. Sep'51:34 A visitor's pleasant experiences at S.C.I. (photo of students in library)) Jun'52:29 The church supports the right to education. Sep'52:12 (photos p. 11,13) News room. Dec'52:30 Jan'53:33 Mar'53:38 All this is evangelism. Apr'53:17 Highlights of higher education. Jun'53:36 News room. Jul'53:40 Feb'54:40 A great school emerges. Jun'54:13 Women and world highways. Jul'54:37 Classroom and campus. Jul'54:35 Home missions--achievement with a challenge. Oct'57:21 Negro colleges go on with their task. Apr'61:21 Global highlights. May'65:4 Will black colleges survive--and serve? Sep'73:13 (photos p. 14) SOUTHERN COMMITTEE ON THE USE AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE BIBLE Global highlights. Feb'57:5 SOUTHERN CONFERENCE EDUCATIONAL FUND In brief. Jul'69:39 SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'25:47 SOUTHERN REGIONAL COUNCIL Jan'45:4 Global highlights. Nov'49:2 SOUTHERN RHODESIA See also RHODESIA ZAMBIA Global highlights. May'56:4 Mission in Southern Rhodesia observes anniversary. Oct'56:44 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'58:36 Women and world highways. Feb'62:35 SOUTHERN TENANT FARMERS' UNION Liberty at seventy-five cents a day. Sep'36:4 SOUTHGATE, LILIETH Personalities. May'35:17 SOUTHLAND SPIRITUALS For your missionary bookshelf. Jul'36:43 SOUTHON, ARTHUR. TORCHBEARERS IN CHINA Speaking of books. Apr'25:56 SOUTHWEST BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Global highlights. May'51:3 SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE ON THE CHRISTIAN WORLD MISSION (FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS) Adults and mission. Nov'65:36 SOUVESTRE, EMILE quoted. Last column. Oct'57:48 "THE SOVIET UNION--AN INTRODUCTION" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. May'62:42 p. 2699 Sovik - Spain SOVIK, ARNE B World events. Sep'71:38 SOWARDS, MYRTLE Global highlights (photo) Nov'50:3 SOWELL, (MRS. C. L.) Here and there... Apr'48:48 Sowell, (Mrs. R. H.) Letters. Jun'69:33 SOWELL, ELLIS MAST, 1902-1956 Classroom and campus. Apr'44:25 News room. Nov'49:35 Classroom and campus. May'54:30 Sep'55:31 Sowell, Ollie James, 1902- (married to Fairy Sowell) An imperative of the church. Nov'42:6 SOWELL, OLLIE JAMES, 1902- (photo) Nov'42:6 quoted. Crusade progress. Feb'49:26 Classroom and campus. Nov'55:28 SOWLEY, ADELIMA (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'39:32 SOWLEY, ADINE Another hand across the sea. May'30:20 SPACE EXPLORATION See OUTER SPACE--EXPLORATION SPUTNIK SPAFFORD, STELLA MAY DRY (death) Mar'25:53 Spain, Sidney J., 1925- (married to Elizabeth Emily Geer Spain) Your business and your church. Feb'65:42 SPAIN Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:57 Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'26:45 Global highlights (photo) Jan'48:4 Global highlights. Apr'49:4 Mar'50:3 Women and world highways. Nov'50:39 The wall between church and state. Apr'51:5 Religious freedom and "proselytizing." Jan'53:5 What to read. Sep'53:6 There is always a way. Jun'55:24 Global highlights. Nov'58:7 Oct'59:7 From people to people. Nov'61:29 Mission with the military in Spain. Mar'62:21 Any gift will help! Dec'62:20 Global highlights. Feb'63:5 Apr'64:4 Sep'65:5 Feb'66:6 Apr'63:5 Jun'65:7 Dec'65:6 Ahead of the headlines. Mar'66:4 May'66:4 Spain is a land of beginnings. Nov'71:18 SPAIN--POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT Social trends. Apr'37:26 Jan'38:24 Mar'38:23 Europe's chief breeder of communism. Feb'52:19 The churches face their task. Dec'54:18 Spanish Protestants continue to suffer. Mar'56:47 Global highlights. Apr'56:3 Dec'59:7 Jan'60:6 A big step in Spain. May'63:10 Global highlights. Jan'64:4 p. 2700 Spainhower - Spaulding Spainhower, James Ivan, 1928- (married to Joanne Steanson Spainhower) Issues facing our campuses. Mar'71:9 A Christian in the political mire. Jun'72:23 SPAINHOWER, JAMES IVAN, 1928- (photo) Apr'46:4 Scholarship winners (photo) Nov'46:31 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Sep'57:34 (photo) Jun'72:23 SPAINHOWER, JOANNE STEANSON (married to James Spainhower) Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'53:30 SPAKEEN, CLARA (photo) Apr'33:40 SPALDING, JULIA Board of Education and work of our colleges. Feb'26:52 SPANGLER, ELEANOR WHITMYER In memoriam. Jun'39:39 Spangler, Howard The Disciples in Cleveland. Oct'24:4 SPANISH AMERICAN INSTITUTE (CALIFORNIA) World events. Apr'72:39 THE SPANISH AMERICAN SONG AND GAME BOOK Helps for leaders of junior groups. Oct'42:41 SPANISH AMERICANS See HISPANIC AMERICANS SPANN, J. RICHARD. PASTORAL CARE Book chat. Dec'51:19 SPANO, PRISCILLA Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'65:32 Sparenberg, Charles Francis, 1919- We are responsible to each other. Oct'69:27 SPARKMAN, (married to Alfred Browne Sparkman) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'36:30 SPARKMAN, ELOISE ANNETTE See ARNOLD, ELOISE ANNETTE SPARKMAN SPARKS, BLAIR (photo) Sep'42:6 SPARKS, IVA, -1955 In memoriam. Apr'56:55 SPARKS, JOE Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'68:35 SPARKS, MARTHA Memorium. Sep'35:39 SPARKS, ROBERT (photo) May'72:3 SPARKS, RUTH MARGARET Opening semester in our colleges. Nov'35:46 SPARKS, WILLIAM S Classroom and campus. Nov'49:46 SPARKS, NEVADA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, October-December, 1960. Mar'61:52 SPARTA, TENNESSEE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Mar'33:40 SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'25:45 SPAULDING, (married to Benjamin Spaulding) (death) Aug'25:50 p. 2701 Spaulding, A - Spear, H SPAULDING, ANNA R., -1957 (death) News room. Apr'57:38 In memoriam. May'57:33 SPAULDING, GAYLORD Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'66:35 Spaulding, Helen Frances, 1908- Our youth in conference and meet. May'35:7 Book chat. May'36:30 Youth tackles world problems. May'37:6 Young America at work... Sep'38:26 Disciple youth at Amsterdam. May'39:17 Programs for young people. Mar'40:37 Realistic social education for youth. Jul'46:7 Women and world highways. Jul'62:37 Jun'66:33 Women involved in evangelism. Feb'67:11 Six women presidents. May'67:36 Letters. Jun'68:46 Sep'68:48 All in the same boat. Oct'68:19 Women on world highways. Jun'70:31 SPAULDING, HELEN FRANCES, 1908- Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'31:33 quoted. Missionary organizations' own section. Jun'33:35 Youth writer chosen. Jan'35:9 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'35:33 (photo) Nov'35:28 News room. Sep'41:42 International Council. Feb'43:3 ...goes to I.C.R.E. (photo) Feb'43:31 (photo) Jul'46:7 Global highlights. Oct'48:3 News room (photo) Oct'50:34 It happened in Cleveland (photo) Feb'51:9 Global highlights. Oct'61:7 Women and world highways (photo) Oct'61:35 News room (photo) Dec'61:32 Global highlights (photo) May'62:6 News room. Jan'65:34 Disciples in the news. Nov'65:7 Global highlights. Jun'68:6 Ecumenical guests (pahoto) Jun'68:44 (photo) Oct'68:19 In brief. May'70:40 Women on world highways (photo) Sep'70:31 World events (photo) Apr'72:38 In brief. May'72:40 General Board deals with business, issues (photo) Sep'72:41 General Assembly to celebrate historic role of church women. Oct'73:13 World events (photo) Oct'73:38 SPAULDING, JULIA Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'24:54 Spear, Diora Jane Echoes from everywhere. Nov'54:32 SPEAR, DIORA JANE See WILLIAMS, DIORA JANE SPEAR Spear, Harry Baucom, 1930- Letters. Jan'70:4 p. 2702 Spear, H - Speer, G SPEAR, HARRY BAUCOM, 1930- Disciples in the news (photo) Sep'65:7 In brief. Nov'70:42 SPECIAL DAY OFFERINGS See also Names of Special Days (i.e. EASTER OFFERING) Educating the church on giving. Oct'22:34 Mar'27:1 What has become of "Special Days?" Sep'30:5 Straightening out the days. Jan'31:4 For a successful church year start early in the fall. Aug'31:22 Your church year. Oct'31:17 New calendar of special days. Jul'37:21 The threshold. Dec'43:2 October the beautiful. Oct'62:9 Ask about it! Oct'63:8 World outreach sounding board. Jan'67:32 ? and answers. Nov'67:50 World outreach sounding board. Dec'68:31 SPECIAL SERVICE DAY PROJECT Social trends. Mar'46:23 Speck, Donald H Future directions in the communication of Christian faith... Oct'71:suppl:3 SPECK, DONALD H World events (photo) Jun'71:39 (photo) Oct'71:suppl:3 SPECK, JOHN Make a call on World Call (photo) Sep'68:46 SPEECE, (married to William Speece) In memoriam. Jun'45:33 SPEECHES, ADDRESSES, ETC. A Christian layman views the economic order. Nov'35:17 The final imperative. Nov'35:19 Christian imperatives for the day. Nov'35:21 The spiritual dynamic of cooperation. Nov'35:23 The imperatives of benevolence. Dec'35:5 The life of the Brotherhood. May'38:29 Making Christ central. Jun'41:inside front cover The Christian hope and reality. Sep'42:10 Disciples in the world today. Sep'46:8 Oxnam's Seattle address. Jan'47:16 Disciples sutdents and higher education. Nov'48:17 The new Century--a new hope. Nov'50:20 Christianity's offensive in an hour of crisis. Feb'53:9 Adventure in missionary training. Apr'53:38 Christians in a suffering world. Nov'62:15 The future of Christian benevolence. Apr'67:30 Speed, James A church that meets community needs. Sep'20:36 SPEED AWAY (HYMN) Speed away. Mar'28:8 SPEER, (MRS. ROBERT E.) quoted. Women and world highways. Jan'36:35 SPEER, ELLIOTT Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'26:45 SPEER, GRANT Personalities. May'35:17 p. 2703 Speer, M - Spencer SPEER, MARGARET Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'25:45 SPEER, MITTIE MITCHELL, -1954 In memoriam. Apr'55:35 Speer, Robert Elliott, 1867-1947 The witness bearing of the church to the nations. Aug'19:6 Prayer at DesMoines Convention. Feb'20:17 China Famine Fund. Aug'21:57 On the highest authority. Oct'24:10 The indivisibility of the church's life. May'25:17 Christ, the world's hope. Oct'25:10 Approaching the Madras Conference. Jul'38:9 A half century of growing together. Jan'44:13 SPEER, ROBERT ELLIOTT, 1867-1947 (photo) Aug'19:6 quoted. In memoriam, Archibald McLean. Mar'21:5 (photo) Jul'25:14 Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'27:52 quoted. A tonic for missionary dizziness. Feb'31:4 SPEER, ROBERT ELLIOTT. CHRISTIAN REALITIES Book chat. Sep'35:29 SPEER, ROBERT ELLIOTT. GEORGE BOWEN OF BOMBAY Book chat. Oct'38:43 SPEER, ROBERT ELLIOTT. THE GOSPEL AND THE NEW WORLD The book shelf. Sep'20:53 SPEER, ROBERT ELLIOTT. OF ONE BLOOD Of one blood. Nov'24:56 SPEER, ROBERT ELLIOTT. THE UNFINISHED TASK OF FOREIGN MISSIONS Speaking of books. Apr'26:51 SPEERS, WALLACE C. Global highlights. May'52:3 SPEERS, WALLACE C. LAYMEN SPEAKING Book chat. Nov'47:16 SPEICHER, DAVID In brief. Dec'69:45 Partners with Christians around the world. Feb'71:20 (photo p. 21) Fraternal workers serve through churches abroad. Oct'71:45 A foretaste of the future. Jan'72:23 Speicher, Helen Ross (married to Kenneth E. Speicher) The boy who "sees" with his ears. May'68:41 SPEIDEN, MARY LOUISE, -1968 (married to Fillison L. Speiden) In memoriam. May'68:42 SPELLMAN, (CARDINAL) Who is "attacking?" Jul'48:6 SPELLMAN, A C (photo) Mar'24:27 SPENCE, ALFRED News room. Jul'51:38 SPENCE, HARTZELL. THE STORY OF AMERICA'S RELIGIONS Book chat. Apr'61:41 SPENCE, HELEN L Opening of the college year. Oct'37:31 College activities. Jun'39:31 SPENCE, JOHN In brief. Mar'71:42 SPENCER, (married to George A. Spencer) Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'66:35 p. 2704 Spencer, C - Spencer, I Spencer, Claude Elbert, 1898-1979 (married to Maud Leota Mullin Spencer) Echoes from everywhere. Jan'43:39 Nov'57:34 SPENCER, CLAUDE ELBERT, 1898-1979 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'28:40 Activities of our colleges. Apr'34:33 Notes from the college campus. Dec'39:31 Historical Society. Sep'41:42 Classroom and campus. Nov'42:30 Jul'44:27 News room. Feb'46:46 Classroom and campus. May'46:30 Disciple books needed. Jul'46:46 News room. Dec'47:30 Classroom and campus. Jan'48:30 Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'48:4 News room. May'49:40 Global highlights (photo) May'51:3 News room. Mar'52:32 Historical Society now located in Nashville, Tenn. (photo) Jul'52:30 Global highlights. Nov'52:2 (photo) Sep'58:4 They work for you (photo) Dec'58:25 Global highlights (photo) Jan'62:6 (photo) Sep'62:6 Historical Society and its pledge to Disciples (photo--lower right, middle person) Oct'62:15 Historical Society--servant and host (photo) Oct'63:14 (photo) Feb'64:8 Global highlights. Sep'64:5 Volunteers in a creative venture (photo) Oct'65:12 Disciples honor retiring leaders (photo) Oct'65:29 What DCHS can do for you. Nov'66:14 SPENCER, CLAUDE ELBERT. AN AUTHOR CATALOG OF DISCIPLES OF CHRIST Book chat. Jan'47:16 SPENCER, CLAUDE ELBERT. THESES CONCERNING THE DISCIPLES OF CHRIST... Book chat. May'42:47 SPENCER, CORNELIA. MADE IN INDIA Of many books on India. Jan'47:29 Spencer, Danny See Spencer, Loren Danny SPENCER, DELLA, -1947 In memoriam. May'48:37 SPENCER, EDNA EARLE COLE. THE GOOD SAMARITAN AND OTHER BIBLE STORIES DRAMATIZED Religious dramatization. Aug'23:40 SPENCER, EFFIE DUBOIS Memorium. Oct'35:40 SPENCER, ELMER L., -1959 In memoriam. May'61:35 SPENCER, ERIC LORAN, 1965- (birth) Disciples in the news. Jan'66:7 Spencer, Frances K Letters. Feb'67:inside front cover SPENCER, HENRY Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'51:30 Spencer, Ilene V Letters. Jun'70:4 p. 2705 Spencer, I - Spice, B Spencer, Isaac Jesse, 1851-1922 (married to Sallie Louise Pendleton Spencer) Satisfactions of the ministry. Dec'21:28 SPENCER, ISAAC JESSE, 1851-1922 Satisfactions of the ministry (photo) Dec'21:28 A worthy example. Jan'22:59 Isaac J. Spencer. Apr'22:31 SPENCER, JUSTINA K Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'54:4 SPENCER, KRYSTI LYNN, 1959- (birth) News room. Mar'60:40 Spencer, Loren Danny, 1933- (married to Naomi Wright Spencer) Echoes from everywhere. Apr'60:36 Direct line. Nov'67:37 SPENCER, LOREN DANNY, 1933- Global highlights (photo) Sep'59:7 Missionary register. Oct'65:43 Apr'66:49 May'66:47 (photo) Nov'67:37 Spencer, Louise Pendleton A song at Christmas time (poem) Dec'21:15 SPENCER, LOUISE PENDLETON (photo) Dec'21:31 Isaac J. Spencer. Apr'22:31 SPENCER, MAUD LEOTA MULLIN, 1900- (married to Claude Elbert Spencer) Classroom and campus. Jan'48:30 Spencer, Naomi Louise Wright, 1933- (married to Loren Danny Spencer) Echoes from everywhere. Apr'60:36 Direct line. Nov'67:37 SPENCER, NAOMI LOUISE WRIGHT, 1933- Global highlights (photo) Sep'59:7 Missionary register. Oct'65:43 Apr'66:49 May'66:47 (photo) Nov'67:37 SPENCER, SALLY Classroom and campus (photo) May'51:30 SPENCER, IOWA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Golden Jubilee notes. Aug'24:56 "THE SPENDERS" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Jun'64:46 SPERRY, JOHN A., JR. Classroom and campus. Jul'57:30 Apr'58:33 (photo) Apr'58:33 (photo) Dec'65:35 SPERRY, WILLARD L. PRAYERS FOR PRIVATE DEOVTIONS IN WARTIME The threshold. May'43:2 SPERRY, WILLARD L. REBUILDING THE WORLD Book chat. Jan'44:18 SPERRY, WILLARD L. WE PROPHESY IN PART Book chat. Jul'38:22 SPERRY, WILLARD L. WHAT WE MEAN BY RELIGION Book chat. Dec'40:23 SPICE, BETSY, 1955- (birth) News room. Nov'55:37 (photo) Oct'67:42 p. 2706 Spice, B - Spice, M Spice, Byron Leonard, 1925- (married to Marjorie Lee Davis Spice, 1947) Christmas came to Pabellon, Mexico. Feb'52:43 Pancho--his hope is in Christ. Mar'52:45 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'55:34 Sep'56:34 The best year yet. Oct'59:30 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'59:36 Lupe needs help. Feb'60:29 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'61:36 Sep'61:34 I wonder what they will do. Apr'63:12 A pastor for Robstown. Sep'64:19 Plain talk about missionary work. Jun'66:13 SPICE, BYRON LEONARD, 1925- News room. Nov'48:32 For adult missionary groups. Nov'48:34 (commissioning) News room (photo) Jan'50:34 To meet human need in Mexico (photos) Jul'51:12 Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'53:30 (photo) Sep'53:26 The ministry in South America (photo) Sep'56:11 Echoes from everywhere (photo) May'57:32 News room (photo) May'62:32 Singing in a strange land (photo) Nov'62:23 News room. Jul'63:42 quoted. They worship in another tongue. Apr'64:23 Adults and mission (photo) Jun'64:39 (photo) Jun'66:13 Disciples in the news. Apr'67:7 (photo) Oct'67:42 Global highlights. May'68:7 In brief. Jul'69:38 World events. Dec'69:37 In brief. Sep'70:39 SPICE, BYRON LEONARD, 1925- DISCIPLULOS AMERICANOS Mission among Spanish Americans. Jul'64:33 SPICE, BYRON LEONARD, 1952- (birth) News room. Sep'52:38 Spice, Marjorie Lee Davis, 1924- (married to Byron Leonard Spice, 1947) Josephine runs the water works. Jun'51:11 Twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Jan'56:46 Long-fingered Lisa. Jul'58:32 Cornerstone laying. Nov'58:48 Testimony from Mexico. May'59:37 The ransom. Mar'60:46 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'60:36 May'60:34 Blond boy from Zacatecas. Jun'60:32 Testimony with a diploma. Jan'61:42 Camp at Remedios. May'61:48 Meditations. Oct'62:37 Read about rim of East Asia. Jan'63:40 A name to remember. Jul'64:32 Nabor's carrots. Jan'65:31 SPICE, MARJORIE LEE DAVIS, 1924- News room. Nov'48:32 For adult missionary groups. Nov'48:34 (commissioning) News room (photo) Jan'50:34 To meet human need in Mexico (photos) Jul'51:12 (cont. next page) p. 2707 Spice, M - Spiegel SPICE, MARJORIE LEE DAVIS (cont.) Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'53:30 (photo) Sep'53:26 Jan'61:26 News room. May'62:32 SPICE, MARJORIE LEE DAVIS. MARCIA OF PARAGUAY Book chat. Nov'61:40 SPICE, RONALD SCOTT, 1950- (birth) News room. Jan'51:46 (photo) Oct'67:42 SPICE, SUSAN LESLIE, 1960- (birth) News room. Sep'60:48 SPICER, CARL Classroom and campus. Oct'46:31 SPICER, EDITH ELLEN (photo) Jul'23:5 Spicer, Elizabeth C Prayer for a new day (poem) May'39:48 SPICER, ELLA R -1947 In memoriam. May'47:41 SPICER, JULIA RACENE Classroom and campus. Nov'43:27 Spicer, W E Mission study class successful. Jun'27:37 SPICHER, LAURA, -1952 In memoriam. Jun'52:37 SPICKARD, JENNIE Here and there with World Call. Jul'54:52 SPICKARD, JOYCE ABRAMS Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'56:33 SPIEGEL, ANNE BRAWNER WIDENER, 1871-1934 (married to Oscar Pendleton Spiegel) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'34:33 Memoriam. Sep'34:39 SPIEGEL, HANS Classroom and campus. Feb'44:26 Spiegel, J E Outlying states and home missions. May'22:54 The story state by state. Aug'25:14 SPIEGEL, J E (photo) Aug'25:14 Spiegel, Oscar Pendleton, 1866-1947 (married to Anne Browner Widener Spiegel) Building a southern capital. Jan'19:53 University School of Religion, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Feb'27:60 A son of the Confederacy looks at race. Feb'36:6 Southern Christians consider race. Dec'43:13 SPIEGEL, OSCAR PENDLETON, 1866-1947 Civic pride in a new church building. Jun'21:53 (photo) Dec'24:34 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Sep'25:42 Dec'25:42 Annual meeting of the Board of Education (photo) Jun'27:32 Another league of laymen (photo) Jan'29:7 (photo) Jul'40:14 quoted. Circulation corner. Jan'43:inside front cover SPIEGEL, S P Making possible a great church. Apr'24:44 Our youngest college (photo) Mar'25:23 (reads O.P. SPIEGEL) p. 2708 Spiers - Spokane, Univ. SPIERS, (MRS J. A.) (photo) Jan'21:16 SPIKE, ROBERT W., -1966 National Council looks at its task. Mar'61:17 (death) Global highlights. Dec'66:5 In memoriam. Dec'66:9 SPIKE, ROBERT W. SAFE IN BONDAGE Our heritage--our horizons. Jun'60:41 SPIKE, ROBERT W. TO BE A MAN Book chat. Sep'62:24 Feb'63:41 SPILIOTOPONION, MARY quoted. Joy and recovery comes to a little girl through the world Christmas festival. Sep'50:46 SPILLMAN, GENE The seminary scene: a cause for excitement (photo) Sep'72:27 SPINKA, MATTHEW. THE CHURCH IN SOVIET RUSSIA Book chat. Nov'56:18 SPINKA, MATTHEW. NICOLAS BERDYAEV: CAPTIVE OF FREEDOM Book chat. Nov'50:24 SPINKA, MATTHEW. THE QUEST FOR CHURCH UNITY Book chat. May'60:41 SPIRITUAL HEALING See FAITH CURE SPIRITUAL HILLTOPS Speaking of books. Jul'32:40 SPIRITUAL LIFE See also CHRISTIAN LIFE PRAYER WORSHIP Three times a day. Dec'21:14 SPIRITUAL LIFE CONFERENCES Two Spiritual Life Conferences planned. Apr'57:44 Plan Spiritual Life Conferences. Jun'57:37 (photo) Nov'57:front cover The cover. Nov'57:inside front cover Disciples seek new depths of spiritual power. Nov'57:12 Spiritual life. Mar'58:48 Conferences set. Mar'59:50 Global highlights. Jul'59:4 Mar'60:6 Spiritual life project for the local church. Mar'60:23 News room. Jun'60:42 Jan'61:37 Global highlights. May'61:8 Feb'62:5 Jun'62:5 Jun'63:5 ...for the local congregation. Feb'66:29 SPITLER, RODNEY Finding a lifework in the church (photo) May'56:16 SPIVEY, CHARLES S., JR. quoted. Why our communions are interested in church union (photo) May'66:16 World events (photo) May'70:36 "SPLIT LEVEL FAMILY" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions (photo) Sep'57:43 SPOKANE UNIVERSITY The Board of Education and the work of our colleges. Dec'22:43 Apr'23:54 Jan'24:34 Apr'25:52 Jan'23:39 Jul'23:52,53 Nov'24:53 Nov'25:57 Feb'23:45 Oct'23:61 Mar'25:52 Mar'26:52 (cont. next page) p. 2709 Spokane Univ. - SPOKANE UNIVERSITY (cont.) Spokane, Washington The Board of Education and the work of our colleges. Nov'26:53 Jul'27:41 Jan'28:42 Jul'28:45 Jan'27:53 Aug'27:61 Feb'28:44 Aug'28:27 Mar'27:43 Oct'27:52 Dec'27:43 Nov'28:39 Apr'27:40 Dec'27:43 Jun'28:43 Mar'20:62 Board of Education annual report. Nov'20:39 (photo) Jan'21:21 Church colleges have a good year. Aug'21:55 Visiting our colleges. Jan'22:16 Present service and immediate needs... May'22:39 (photo) Jan'23:11 Roy Kenneth Roadruck. Sep'24:26 Financial program. Sep'24:59 (photo of freshman class) Jan'25:10 Heroism at Spokane (photo of faculty and administrative staff) May'25:43 (photos of students) Jan'26:11 Marion Stevenson honored. Sep'26:63 In retrospect and prospect. Jan'27:30 A building era for our colleges. Jan'28:9 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:60 Pithy news from the Board of Education. Nov'29:41 What my Alma Mater gave me. Jan'30:9 Commencement activities in our colleges. Jul'30:46 Our colleges in convention and conference. Oct'30;32 Distinctions of our colleges. Jan'31:42 Our colleges in full swing. Feb'31:46 Significant news from our colleges. Apr'31:33 Fall news from our colleges. Nov'31:40 Fall activities in our colleges. Dec'31:33 ...meets the Depression. Jan'32:11 A look-in on our colleges. Jan'32:46 (photo of "Pep Girls" p. 33) Colleges close successful year. Jul'32:32 In what distinctive way is your college fostering the Christian way... (photo of students) Jan'33:26 Mid-winter season in our colleges. Jan'33:33 Summer activities of our colleges. Sep'33:33 Higher education in the past half-century. Jan'69:37 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Junior work in Spokane growing. Mar'27:41 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'21:13 Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'25:52 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. COUNTRY HOMES CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, July-September, 1959. Feb'60:30 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. JEFFERSON STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'32:5 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. KENWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Christian Endeavor in the Northwest forges ahead (photo of youth) Nov'26:47 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. NORTH HILL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Apr'20:60 Fifteen years of service (photo) Apr'27:56 Circulation corner. Oct'40:inside front cover SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. SOUTH HILL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Crusade progress. Dec'50:21 p. 2710 Spong - Springer, E SPONG, B. P. quoted. Last column. Apr'63:50 SPONG, JOHN SHELBY. HONEST PRAYER New books. Jul'73:34 SPONSLER, J W (photo) Nov'25:27 SPOTTS, (MRS. J. M.) In memoriam. Apr'29:44 Spottswood, C L Apayao--God's back country. Jul'54:31 SPRADLIN, (married to Wesley Spradlin) (death) Jan'21:47 SPRAGUE, FLORENCE (photo) Jan'21:6 Distinctions of our colleges. Jan'31:42 Sprague, Frances D The good that men do. Jul'27:60 Sprague, Frank William From somewhere in Italy. Nov'44:6 SPRAGUE, FRANK WILLIAM quoted. Circulation corner. Feb'44:inside front cover Mar'44:inside front cover Easter Sunday in Italy. Jun'45:12 SPRAGUE, RACHEL A., -1951 In memoriam. Jul'51:37 SPRAGUE, WILLIAM L In brief. Sep'69:38 SPRAKER, (married to Isadore Spraker) Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:59 Spratling, (Mrs. F. J) Southern Christian Home. Jul'19:58 News from the Southern Christian Home. Oct'19:43 Big business in big service for children. Oct'22:14 SPRATLING, F J quoted. Feb'19:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'25:43 SPRENKAL, BERKELBACH VAN DER Global highlights (photo) Apr'48:3 SPRING, DICK Teens lead in book program (photo) Jun'61:16 SPRING, HOWARD. AND ANOTHER THING Book chat. Oct'46:14 SPRING HILL, WEST VIRGINIA Spiritual investments in Kanawha Valley, West Virginia. May'19:41 Our chance in the magic cities of West Virginia. Apr'20:42 Spring-Rice, Cecil The patriot's vow (poem) Sep'27:back cover SPRINGDALE, ARKANSAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH More churches join Home Plan. Sep'60:44 SPRINGER, (married to John M. Springer) CAMP FIRES IN THE CONGO Speaking of books. Jun'28:60 Springer, Eva Alice Oldaker, 1876-1961 (married to George Edward Springer) A message from the front. Feb'19:62 Eyes and they see not... Jan'21:45 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'21:52 Short and true from far and near. Sep'21:25 (cont. next page) p. 2711 Springer, E - Springer, Eva Alice Oldaker (cont.) Sprinfield, MO Echoes from everywhere. Jul'22:57 Nov'22:51 Land of mystery, sunshine and rain. Dec'28:36 The blind are made to see. Nov'29:34 The joy of serving. Nov'29:39 Open house at Mungeli hospital. Dec'29:60 Whereas I was blind, now I see! Jan'30:39 A quartette of babies. Sep'32:29 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'33:40 SPRINGER, EVA ALICE OLDAKER, 1876-1961 (photo) Feb'19:62 Annual Conference of Missionaries... (photo) Aug'19:26 Notes. Sep'19:50 (photo) Dec'22:47 Headquarters notes. Aug'23:52 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'23:63 quoted. Heard at the missionary breakfast. Mar'25:56 quoted. For a memorial of her. Mar'26:24 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'26:57 (photo) Jan'27:5 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'28:42 quoted. Buried alive by his own mother... Jun'29:2 (photo) Mar'33:25 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'34:45 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'34:38 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'36:34 Mar'37:42 Jul'38:44 (photo) Dec'41:16 Let there works praise them (photo) Dec'41:28 News room. Sep'49:38 (death) News room. Sep'61:38 SPRINGER, EVA ALICE. AS I SAW AFRICA Book chat. Jan'37:18,40 SPRINGER, FRANK The seminary scene: a cause for excitement (photo) Sep'72:27 In brief (photo) Jun'73:39 SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'19:5 (photo of young people who will enter college) Sep'19:25 (photo) Aug'21:6 What the Woman's Missionary Society has meant to my church. Dec'21:48 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'22:58 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jun'23:53 (photo) Aug'25:front cover The month among Disciples. May'33:4 Exciting advenutre with history. Jan'59:18 SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. WESTSIDE CHRISTIAN CHURCH What the children did this summer. Nov'27:11 SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'31:33 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'31:39 SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI. BRENTWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH How ten churches observed the Week of Compassion. Jan'68:27 SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI. NATIONAL AVENUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. May'52:48 What's bugging your church? Jul'71:12 SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI. SOUTH STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH The budget--an educational process. Oct'43:9 p. 2712 Springfield, OR - Stacy SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. NORTHWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, January-March, 1962. Jul'62:47 SPRINGPORT, INDIANA. COMMUNITY CHURCH An outstanding rural church (photo) Sep'20:38 Actualities in a rural church. Nov'22:52 The Pocket Testament League is succeeding. Jul'23:53 Good ideas. Mar'28:47 SPRINKLE, J W Our colleges look toward commencement season. Jun'31:33 Sprinkle, Stephen Venable, 1951- Youth bring new life to the church. Jul'72:32 SPRUILL, (MRS. W. C.) Here and there with World Call. Feb'49:48 SPRUILL, SADIE S., -1949 Apr'50:39 SPURGEON, CHARLES quoted. Last colunn. May'63:50 SPURRIER, NELLIE (death) Apr'25:51 SPUTNIK Spputnik, cheese and printer's ink. Jul'58:14 SPYRIDON, (ARCHBISHOP) -1956 (death) A great leader of an ancient church. May'56:8 SQUADRON OF ADVANCE Squadron of advance. Jul'60:32 The journey to Tenayuca. Apr'64:32 "SQUEEZE" (MOTION PICTURE) Aduio-visuals. May'71:29 SQUIRE, J. C. THE BIBLE TREASURY Book chat. Jun'36:43 SQUIRE, RUSSELL N. CHURCH MUSIC Book chat. Oct'62:43 Squires, (married to Glenn S. Squires) Youth and the social program of the church. Jul'31:18 Squires, Beulah Greene What shall I give? Nov'50:37 SQUIRES, JOY (photo) Nov'52:11 STAACK, HAGEN Global highlights. Mar'63:4 STABLER, (married to Frank Stabler) In memoriam. May'45:33 STACEY, (MRS. NORMAN H.) Farm for sale. Feb'35:47 STACEY, NORMAN H Farm for sale. Feb'35:47 (photo) Dec'41:26 quoted. Advance in Nebraska (photo) Jul'63:19 The scene (photo) May'70:45 In brief. Sep'70:38 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Oct'70:41 STACKEL, ROBERT W quoted. Global highlights. Jan'64:7 STACKHOUSE, ELMER C., 1876-1944 (photo) Feb'23:34 STACY, GUSSIE BROWN. WORSHIP FOR YOUTH, VOL. 2 Speakig of books. Sep'30:33 p. 2713 Stafford - Stainsby STAFFORD, DANIEL FLURRY, 1862-1935 (married to Mollie Lee Shearer Stafford) Memorium. Feb'36:39 STAFFORD, HELEN SARAH Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'25:54 Stafford, Henry Erwin, 1878-1957 (married to Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Stafford) Learning to give by giving. Aug'19:57 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'24:50 STAFFORD, HENRY ERWIN, 1878-1957 East Creighton Ave. Church... Aug'19:43 STAFFORD, RUSSELL HENRY Global highlights. Mar'46:3 STAFFORD, RUSSELL HENRY. RELIGION MEETS THE MODERN MIND Book reviews. Jan'35:44 STAFFORD, THOMAS ALBERT. CHRISTIAN SYMBOLISM IN THE EVANGELICAL CHURCHES Book chat. Jan'43:44 STAFFORD, V. C. News room (photo) Nov'62:42 STAFFORD, KANSAS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. Oct'52:48 STAGER, PHILIP, -1953 (death) News room. Oct'53:37 Stagner, Vernon S., 1902- (married to Cecile B. Stagner) Letters. May'67:42 STAGNER, VERNON S., 1902- News room. Nov'42:43 Jan'55:40 Mar'58:32 Stahl, (married to Ray O. Stahl) The story of a dollar bill. Jan'43:46 STAHL, (MRS. S. S.) (photo) Sep'28:30 STAHL, A F (photo) Mar'24:30 quoted. We also are ready. May'25:21 STAHL, ELLA NEWCOME In memoriam. Jul'30:41 STAHL, S S (death) Two friends of God. Aug'28:4 A will of grace and wisdom. Sep'28:20 (photo) Sep'28:30 Stahr, Elvis Jacob, Jr., 1916- (married to Dorothy Stahr) Our right to differ. Jan'64:11 STAHR, ELVIS JACOB, JR., 1916- Beneath the spire (photo) Mar'60:8 Classroom and campus. May'62:34 Jul'62:35 Jun'66:34 STAHR, WILLIAM H (photo) Sep'54:38 STAINAKER, LUTHER W Disciples in the Yale Divinity School (photo) May'21:51 Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'26:43 From the college campus. Jun'40:30 Classroom and campus. May'49:32 Stainsby, Claude V., 1889- Where faith and perserverance won. Aug'27:15 STAINSBY, CLAUDE V., 1889- (photo) Aug'27:15 p. 2714 Stainton - Stamper, E STAINTON, ELMER STUART, 1918- (married to Marion Susan Hitch Stainton) Disciples in the news. Jul'68:8 STAINTON, H quoted. Proud to be a part! Oct'52:28 Stainton, Herbert Bruce, 1907-1957 (married to Dorothy Rosemae Stainton) Echoes from everywhere. Jun'33:40 STAINTON, HERBERT BRUCE, 1907-1957 Beneath the spire (photo) Dec'48:4 (death) News room. Nov'57:32 Stainton, Margaret Isobel See Hutcheson, Margaret Isobel Stainton STAINTON, MICHAEL STUART (married to Ann Stainton) In brief. Jan'70:39 Jul'73:38 Sep'73:41 STAINTON, T. C. (photo) Jul'72:16 STAIR, (married to Ralph Stair) World events (photo) May'70:36 Write your plan of union (pahoto) Nov'70:15 Stairs, Walter Scott, 1861-1954 A Scriptural view of evangelism. Feb'41:26 STALDER, CHRISTINE In memoriam. Jan'29:63 STALEY, CHARLES Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'62:33 STALEY, EUGENE. NEW MATERIALS IN PEACE AND WAR Book chat. Apr'38:34 STALEY, EUGENE. WORLD ECONOMY IN TRANSITION Book chat. Jan'40:40 STALIN, JOSEF Social trends. Jan'42:22 STALLING, E T (photo) Jan'21:16 STALNAKER, (MRS. J. T.) -1951 In memoriam. Nov'51:35 Stamats, Esther C Women and world highways. May'56:33 STAMATS, ESTHER C. (photo) May'56:33 STAMFORD, TEXAS. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Four churches join home plan. Jul'59:49 STAMM, FREDERICK KELLER. THE BEST OF CHARLES E. JEFFERSON Book chat. May'60:22 STAMM, FREDERICK KELLER. THE CONVERSATIONS OF JESUS Book chat. Jun'39:22 STAMM, FREDERICK KELLER. SEEING THE MULTITUDES Book chat. Jul'43:33 STAMM, HARRIET (married to L. E. Stamm), -1947 In memoriam. Jan'48:37 STAMM, JOHN S (photo) Mar'50:13 STAMPER, A L An outstanding rural church. Sep'20:38 (photo) Mar'24:50 STAMPER, EDNA, -1961 In memoriam. Dec'61:35 p. 2715 Stamper, G - Stanger, N STAMPER, GEORGE Ahead of the headlines. Feb'71:5 STAMPS See POSTAGE STAMPS STANBURY, WALTER ALBERT. VICTORIES OF THE CROSS Book chat. Apr'35;24 STANCILL, R A (death) Nov'24:50 STANCILL, ROBERT WILLIAM, 1854-1924 (married to Sallie Miriam Stancill) (death) After the one hour watch. Mar'25:53 Stancill, Sallie Miriam, -1955 (married to Robert William Stancill) Stand, (married to Paul Stand) Letters. Sep'69:4 Standa, Eversett I speak for the bush (poem) Jul'71:26 STANDARD LEADERSHIP TRAINING These coaching conferences. Nov'31:21 SPANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY Global highlights. Mar'55:4 STANDARD TEACHER TRAINING COURSE Progress in teacher training. Feb'19:56 Our first Standard Teacher Training graduates. Jul'22:46 Are you getting results like these? Nov'22:40 STANDIFER, DURWARD V Midsummer in our colleges. Sep'34:43 STANDLEY, ANNA, -1946 In memorium. Sep'46:39 STANDLEY, VICTORIA In memoriam. Nov'27:59 STANEART, SARAH Memorium. Oct'35:40 STANFIELD, (MRS. E. R.) In memoriam. Oct'28:48 STANFORD, JOHN D Classroom and campus. May'66:34 STANFORD UNIVERSITY A Chinese student Bible class... (photo) Jul'21:43 Stanger, Allen B., 1909- (married to Nelle Gray Stanger) A religious prograpm for the small college. Jan'55:16 STANGER, ALLEN B., 1909- Yale Campbell Club (photo) Jan'34:33 News room. Nov'42:34 Jun'47:34 Classroom and campus. Jul'47:32 Educating for human relations (photo) Mar'48:12 News room (photo) Mar'55:36 Classroom and campus. (photo) Jul'55:31 Jan'56:33 (photo) Dec'57:35 Classroom and campus. Sep'61:28 Mar'63:35 (photo) Nov'63:35 STANGER, IDA BINGHAM, -1950 In memoriam. Jul'50:38 STANGER, MARGARET A. THE QUAIL ROBERT New books. Oct'66:46 Stanger, Nelle Gray (married to Allen B. Stanger) Women and world highways. May'45:29 p. 2716 Stanger, N - Stannifer STANGER, NELLE GRAY News room. Oct'45:25 (photo) Jun'50:18 Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'60:33 STANISLAW, EDYTHE WALTERS Classroom and campus. Oct'67:34 STANLEY, (MRS. A. S.) (death) Dec'23:51 STANLEY, (MRS. C M) (death) Nov'20:49 STANLEY, (MRS. W. G.) (photo) Jan'28:32 Stanley, Arthur Joseph, 1910- (married to Thelma L. Parrish Stanley) Dare of the changing city. Jun'59:14 Old church with a new challenge. Oct'60:23 Macedonian call--1962. Sep'62:16 Recommended books on the changing city. Jun'63:40 Disciples and the city. Dec'63:30 Letters. May'64:46 Sep'66:43 Urban church in the seventies. Jun'67:15 STANLEY, ARTHUR JOSEPH, 1910- Global highlights. Apr'58:6 (photo) Apr'60:19 Global highlights (photo) Mar'63:4 News room (photo) Mar'63:36 I wonder what they will do (photo) Apr'63:14 News room (photo) Oct'63:35 Mountains of misery and promise (photo) Oct'64:18 (photo) Jun'67:15 Disciples in the news (photo) May'68:8 STANLEY, ARTHUR JOSEPH. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES FOR NEW TIMES Books: churches for new times. Jun'61:44 STANLEY, CLARA (death) Oct'20:41 STANLEY, FRED R Lay adventures in evangelism. Feb'60:17 STANLEY, HELEN (death) Mid-winter in our colleges. Jan'34:33 Stanley, June Elizabeth McDonald, 1892-1975 (married to W. C. Stanley) Fifty remarkable years. Apr'33:30 Devotional study for missionary societies. Sep'37:38 STANLEY, JUNE ELIZABETH McDONALD, 1892-1975 Missionary organizations' own section. Sep'34:35 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'34:45 (photo) Jan'40:32 News room. Mar'52:32 Apr'52:38 Jan'54:38 Missions on and off the beaten paths (photo) Sep'55:10 STANLEY, MARY (death) Aug'21:53 STANLEY, W C (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'28:44 STANLEY, WILLIAM AUSTIN, 1871?- (married to Spicie E. Stanley) Presenting... (photo) Nov'66:8 STANLEYVILLE, CONGO See KISANGANI, CONGO Stannifer, (Mrs. H. M.) Echoes from everywhere. Aug'23:59 p. 2717 Stansbery - Starn, O Stansbery, Howard G Echoes from everywhere. Jan'44:33 Stansifer, H M How to use the Year book. Jun'19:44 STANSIFER, ORA, -1954 In memoriam. Feb'55:35 STANTON, (MRS. A. D.) In memoriam. Apr'33:39 STANTON, CHARLES Fruits of the first loan. Aug'24:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'25:51 STANTON, EMMA (death) May'26:50 STANTON, H., T., JR. Classroom and campus. Oct'65:34 STANTON, JOHN ALANSON (death) Aug'20:31 STAPLES, (married to John Staples) -1955 In memoriam. Apr'56:35 STAPLES, ARTHUR G. THE PASSING AGE quoted. The last page. Jun'29:64 STAPLETON, J. C. -1956 In memoriam. Dec'56:37 STAR OF LIFE PROGRAM In India people are important! Apr'65:33 Stark, Hazel Minerva Hughes, 1908- (married to Lloyd William Stark) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'45:36 A new missionary in India. May'46:46 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'48:37 Mar'57:34 STARK, HAZEL MINERVA HUGHES, 1908- Candidates for missionary service (photo) Oct'42:42 (photo) Dec'42:28 Recruits for world service (photo) Mar'43:7 News room. (photo) May'44:28 Oct'45:25 (photo) Mar'58:23 (marriage) News room. Jan'59:38 Feb'59:42 STARK, LLOYD WILLIAM (married to Hazel Minerva Hughes Stark) (marriage) News room. Jan'59:38 Feb'59:42 STARK, LUCIEN Classroom and campus (photo) May'51:30 STARK, PHYLLIS. I CHOSE A PARSON Book chat. May'56:39 STARKE, FLORIDA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Committee on War Services news notes. Jan'46:32 STARKEY, EARLE R., 1904- (married to Lorene Adele Loos Starkey) Beneath the spire (photo) Dec'55:4 STARKEY, LYCURGIS M., JR. MONEY MANIA AND MORALS New books. Mar'65:41 Apr'65:22 STARKVILLE, MISSISSIPPI. UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, July-September, 1958. Feb'59:34 STARN, KATHY quoted. Families can have fun together. Feb'54:22 Starn, Margaret H (married to W. Elbert Starn) Reconciliation person-to-person. Oct'69:22 STARN, MARGARET H. The Campbell Club in Yale (photo) Jul'31:30 Mar'32:27 Starn, Olive Pauline, 1909- Kite flying is still a favorite sport. Sep'50:44 p. 2718 Starn, O - Starratt STARN, OLIVE PAULINE, 1909- (photo) Dec'42:28 News room. Jan'43:34 Recruits for world service (photo) Mar'43:6 News room. Apr'46:41 Jun'46:45 (photo) Jun'46:back cover Chinese youth gather in Conference. Dec'50:9 Global highlights (photo) May'51:2 Jul'51:3 News room. Jan'52:38 Jul'54:42 (photo) Jan'63:34 STARN, PAULINE See STARN, OLIVE PAULINE STARN, PETER quoted. Families can have fun together. Feb'54:22 STARN, SARA KATHLEE, 1937- (birth) Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'37:33 Starn, William Elbert (married to Margaret H. Starn) The adult conference in church life. Apr'38:26 There is not local church. Oct'50:13 How we did it in St. Louis. Jul'52:9 Families can have fun together. Feb'54:22 The planning must be right. Jul'57:12 Riverfront chapel. Jun'67:39 STARN, WILLIAM ELBERT The Campbell Club in Yale (photo) Jul'31:30 Mar'32:27 Yale Campbell Club (photo) Jan'34:33 (photo) Nov'36:43 Personalities. May'37:19 (photo) Nov'38:13 News room. Jan'43:34 (photo) Oct'50:13 News room (photo) Oct'52:38 Together we build (photo) Apr'54:10 New churches--the right way (photo) Jul'57:12 Global highlights (photo) Sep'58:5 Mar'64:6 Apr'65:6 Feb'69:31 Retirements from general ministry. Sep'71:32 STARN, WILLIAM ELBERT. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST IN THE CITY For reading about "The city." Jul'54:44 STARNES, MABEL (death) Feb'24:40 STARNES, RONALD Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'56:29 STARNS, D H (photo) Dec'24;23 STARR, (married to John W. Starr) The scene (photo) Feb'70:44 STARR, CHARLES W The month among Disciples. Dec'33:3 STARR, LILLIAN A. TIRAH AND LESSER TIBET Speaking of books. Mar'25:54 STARR, RICHARD The Afzals find a home (photo) May'73:6 STARRATT, ALFRED. THE REAL GOD We all bleed the same color. Dec'73:30 Starratt, Mary Echoes from everywhere. Jan'30:51 p. 2719 Stars - State Mission STARS Woman's Missionary Societies and Circles. Feb'27:48 START, CLARISSA. LOOK HERE, LORD Appealing meditations. Feb'73:49 STARTZMAN, (married to Lee Startzman) Circulation corner. Apr'35:1 STASHER, WANDA (photo) Nov'50:33 STASSEN, HAROLD EDWARD, 1907- News room. Jan'43:34 Christian education fraces wartime needs (photo) Mar'43:27 Spiritual foundations of enduring peace. Jul'43:5 International Council medals. Oct'43:25 quoted. Said at ICRE meeting. Apr'46:44 (photo) Jun'47:31 Global highlights. Apr'50:2 It happened at Cleveland (photo) Feb'51:7 (photo) Apr'51:7 Global highlights. Oct'51:3 Dec'53:4 Social trends. Jun'55:22 Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'55:31 Teach Christ now. Oct'55:26 Global highlights (photo) Apr'56:5 quoted. Global highlights. Nov'59:8 Global highlights. Jan'67:5 STASSEN, HAROLD EDWARD. MAN WAS MEANT TO BE FREE Book chat. Jun'52:42 STASZESKI, GUILLERMO (photo) Nov'28:41 STATE, HAROLD M College enrollments increase. Oct'36:33 STATE CONVENTIONS See also Names of states REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Notes. May'19:64 Jul'19:55 STATE MISSION BOARDS (MISSIONARY SOCIETIES) See also Names of states REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Distribution to State Boards... Sep'19:60 Summary of appeals. Oct'19:6 (map showing State Societies in the U.S.) Oct'27:inside front cover Seven aspects of state missions. Oct'27:5 Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:22 A postscript to October. Jan'28:28 Brief talks. Oct'28:56 State missions and the local church. Nov'37:8 On state missions. Nov'39:12 Establishing new churches. Nov'47:11 The Crusade--an answer to need. Nov'49:31 They work for you. Sep'58:27 The state society--a servant. Oct'59:27 ? and answers. Jul'66:8 p. 2720 State Secr. - Stauffer, M STATE SECRETARIES See also REGIONAL MINISTERS A minister at large. Oct'52:10 ? and answers. Mar'67:8 STATER, ROLAND A (photo) Jan'70:3 STATHOPOULOS, DEMETRIUS L Classroom and campus. Oct'57:30 STATUE OF LIBERTY (photo) Jul'28:40 Staub, Katherine E Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:60 Religious education in the Indian church that was built in a day. Aug'23:43 STAUB, KATHERINE E Mid-year Conference of Home Missions Secretaries (photo) Apr'19:39 (photo) Nov'19:inside front cover Field workers (photo) Dec'20:35 Headquarters notes. May'23:52 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:58 Headquarters notes. Jul'23:52 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'32:33 Feb'38:30 Stauffer, Clarence Roy, 1882-1944 (married to Cora Coriell Stauffer) Educating the church on giving. Oct'22:31 quoted. The Commission on the Ministry meets. Jun'26:17 If ten men volunteered... Feb'34:24 The church board and the world task. Jan'38:23 STAUFFER, CLARENCE ROY, 1882-1944 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:51 Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'23:53 (photo) Mar'24:52 Dec'24:34 Jun'28:25 quoted. Lovest thou me? May'29:23 quoted. The Indianapolis Convention is coming. Oct'32:6 quoted. Jewels that the giants dropped. Nov'32:24 quoted. These outstanding people read World Call. Feb'33:inside back cover The threshold. Dec'33:2 (photo) Apr'37:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'37:30 British Conference at Glasgow (photo) Oct'37:6 (photo) Feb'41:13 News room. Jan'44:34 (death) The threshold (photo) May'44:2 STAUFFER, CORA CORIELL, 1881-1952 (married to Clarence Roy Stauffer) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'37:30 Beneath the spire (photo) May'51:4 STAUFFER, HARRY W In memoriam. Dec'44:33 STAUFFER, LAURA HOFFMAN, 1877-1933 (married to Vernon Stauffer) Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'24:34 STAUFFER, MILTON THEOBALD, 1885- Global highlights. Apr'51:2 STAUFFER, MILTON THEOBALD. WORLD MISSIONS AS SEEN FROM JERUSALEM For a view of world missions take the local church to Jerusalem. Jun'29:10 p. 2721 Stauffer, P - Stead, J Stauffer, Paul Stephen, 1915- (married to Peggy Ann Fowler Stauffer) The church serving through the International Convention. Oct'45:7 Effective evangelism for today. Feb'58:17 Partners in conversation. Jun'64:14 STAUFFER, PAUL STEPHEN, 1915- quoted. Circulation corner. Mar'39:inside front cover (photo) Oct'45:7 Sep'53:27 Participation in united churches (photo) Mar'55:10 Disciples launch new personal witness program (photo) Feb'56:11 The moral side of the news (photo) Nov'62:34 From words to action on church union (photo) Jun'68:11 Next month at Uppsala. Jun'68:15 The scene (photo) Feb'70:44 STAUFFER, T. A. Churches send World Call to members. Dec'62:48 STAUFFER, T. S. Two churches welcomed into Every Home family (photo) Jan'61:46 Stauffer, Vernon, 1875-1925 (married to Laura Hoffman Stauffer) Early versus current evangelism. Feb'22:27 Prayer and missions. Dec'22:4 STAUFFER, VERNON, 1875-1925 Among our college. Jun'19:57 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'22:48 (death) Dr. Vernon Stauffer (photo) Sep'25:54 (death) Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'25:54 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Feb'28:45 STAYTON, MINNIE DeVANEY, -1960 In memoriam. May'60:35 STEAD, FRANCIS M (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'33:42 Stead, Jenny English Crozier, 1875-1959 (married to F. M. Stead) In the Jungle of Assam. Feb'19:52 Note. Aug'19:48 I was sick and ye visited me not. Sep'19:42 An open door of healing in India. Jul'21:15 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'22:63 Doctoring in India. Feb'24:56 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'24:57,62 Oct'25:60 Jan'29:50 From sunup to sundown... Jan'30:39 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'30:39 Weddings and baptism. Feb'32:27 Learning the field. Apr'32:29 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'32:40 Jan'33:39 STEAD, JENNY ENGLISH CROZIER, 1875-1959 Notes. Apr'19:66 May'19:62 Facts for the busy woman. Dec'19:40 Notes. Apr'20:60 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'20:37 Notes. Aug'20:46 Notes from the missionary breakfast. Dec'20:53 quoted. Old letters of rare value. Mar'21:21 Headquarters notes. Jun'21:55 They that are sick (photo) Jul'21:37 (cont. next page) p. 2722 Stead, J - Stearns, J STEAD, JENNY ENGLISH CROZIER (cont.) quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:27 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'21:61 "Bonnie Jean" in India. Feb'23:64 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'24:49 (photo) Jan'27:40 Team work (photo) Jun'27:50 One among ten was grateful. Sep'32:31 (engagement) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'33:40 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'33:42 (death) News room (1927 photo) Jun'59:40 Stead, Thomas City loans money to build temples of worship. Aug'26:16 STERN, CHARLOTTE Classroom and campus (photo) Nov'58:33 STEARNS, C. S. A pastor's study takes a new form (photo) Nov'73:29 STEARNS, GEORGE A Parana, exponent of North American education. Jan'22:42 Stearns, Josephine Moon McDaniel, 1870-1945 (married to Guy C. Stearns) Questionnaire on the Executive Committe of a local missionary society. Jan'19:58 A big drive for membership in the C.W.B.M. Feb'19:34 Development work of the C.W.B.M. Mar'19:44 Forty-fifth anniversary of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions. Aug'19:52 Our colord people Dec'19:23 The new emphasis on money. Aug'20:7 Report on development of the home base. Nov'20:26 In the land of the Rising Sun. Jun'21:13 Church night... Nov'23:43 Is the church prepared? Sep'24:27 Christian work in South America. Aug'25:26 Missionary illustrations of uniform Sunday school topics. Nov'25:51 Remembering Mrs. Louis Loos Campbell. Apr'27:34 From service to reward. Jul'27:58 Missionary education in Sunday school. Jan'28:54 A house or a home. May'28:35 Lure and lessons of foreign travel. Oct'28:24 Another step toward unity. Dec'28:21 STEARNS, JOSEPHINE MOON McDANIEL, 1870-1945 (photo) Jun'20:40 Leadership training and school of missions, Southern Christian Institute. Jun'21:43 College of Missions commencement, 1921 (photo) Aug'21:inside covers Instituting institutes. Feb'23:57 Headquarters notes. Jun'23:52 Feb'24:53 Honor conferred on Mrs. Stearns. Mar'25:41 Our travelers return. Jul'25:1 (photo) Nov'25:58 Schools of missions. Apr'26:63 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'26:54 (photo no. 13) Apr'27:17 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'27:44 (photo) Jan'28:32 (cont. next page) p. 2723 Stearns, J - Steensma STEARNS, JOSEPHINE MOON McDANIEL (cont.) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'28:44 (photo) Oct'28:32 The Disciples again are honored (photo) Dec'28:20 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'29:43 Nov'30:42 May'31:30 Jun'33:31 (death) Passing of Mrs. Stearns (photo) Apr'45:17 Stearns, Judith My church, I want some answers. May'69:7 STEARNS, JUDITH Reply to Judith Stearns. Sep'69:45 STEARNS, JULIA A Parana, expondent of North American education. Jan'22:42 STEARNS, RUTH Results in the religious day school. Aug'19:56 Stebbins, (Mrs. C. W.) Letters. Sep'71:4 Stebbins, Alcuda M Golden Jubilee notes. May'24:52 STEED, HENRY WICKHAM Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'28:41 STEED, HENRY WICKHAM. VITAL PLACE Book chat. Dec'36:40 STEEL INDUSTRY AND TRADE Global highlights. Oct'52:2 STEELE, (married to Hugh J. Steele) In memoriam. May'33:40 STEELE, ALGERNON ODELL. THE BIBLE AND THE HUMAN QUEST Book chat. Mar'57:18 STEELE, ANNETTE Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'25:57 STEELE, EDITH O Classroom and campus. Jul'57:31 Steele, H E Message. May'19:39 Jul'19:53 Interesting items... Aug'19:41 STEELE, H E Messages from our Home Missionaries. Jun'19:56 (photo) Jul'36:25 Dec'44:8 STEELE, HU-ELLEN News room. Jul'50:42 STEELE, HUGH ELLSWORTH, 1888- (married to Kathryn Lotte Steele) Benevolent Association news. Feb'44:23 STEELE, MARGARET (photo) Jan'21:11 STEELE, SUSAN JONES, -1949 In memoriam. Jan'50:39 STEELE, VIDA (photo) Jan'42:38 STEELE, WILLIAM SHARP He drew a circle. Mar'52:6 STEEM See SHORT TERM EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE IN MINISTRY STEENSMA, JOHN (married to Juliette Steensma) Worthless one? Jan'62:29 STEENSMA, JULIANA. THE QUALITY OF MERCY New books. Nov'69:29 Steensma, Juliette (married to John Steensma) Worthless one? Jan'62:29 p. 2724 Steere - Stendahl STEERE, DOUGLAS V. ON BEGINNING FROM WITHIN Book chat. Feb'44:14 STEERE, DOUGLAS V. WORK AND CONTEMPLATION Book chat. Jun'58:26 STEFFER, ROBERT WESLEY, 1934- (married to Diane DeMoisey Steffer) In brief. May'69:42 May'71:42 STEGEMAN, LeROY C Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:59 STEICHEN, EDWARD. THE FAMILY OF MAN For adult mission study. Dec'55:40 STEIDER, ALMA Classroom and campus. Nov'50:36 Global highlights (photo) Apr'54:3 STEIMLE, EDMUND A. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR GOD? Book chat. Jan'58:40 STEIN, LEO. I WAS IN HELL WITH NIEMOLLER Book chat. Sep'42:22 STEINBECK, DAVID (married to Jo Ann Steinbeck) Classroom and campus. Dec'56:32 STEINBECK, JO ANN CRAWFORD (married to David Steinbeck) Classroom and campus. Sep'55:30 STEINBECK, JOHN. THE MOON IS DOWN Book chat. Jun'42:23 STEINBERG, LIONEL World events (photo) Jun'70:36 Steindorf, Jennie Trout, -1956 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'22:62 STEINDORF, JENNIE TROUT, -1956 In memoriam. Dec'56:37 STEINER, EDWARD A. THE MEDIATOR Speaking of books. Sep'26:54 STEINER, EDWARD A. ON THE TRAIL OF THE IMMIGRANT Missionary reading courses. Oct'23:51 STEINER, RICHARD M Churches help those with special needs (photo) Sep'62:26 STEINHAUER, (MRS. E. U.) Here and there... Feb'48:48 STEINHILB, PATRICIA VIOLET, -1955 (married to Karl E. Steinhilb) In memoriam. Sep'55:35 STEININGER, HELEN D News room. Dec'48:31 STEINKAMP, REBECCA, -1947 In memoriam. May'47:41 STEINMAN, IRENE Classroom and campus. Sep'66:34 STEINMETZ, ADA, -1957 In memoriam. Dec'57:39 STEINMETZ, CHARLES P The wisdom of Steinmetz. Feb'28:4 STEINMETZ, EDNA CHAIN (death) Jan'22:59 Stelzle, Charles, 1869-1941 Are we neglecting the greatest mission field? Nov'28:25 STELZLE, CHARLES, 1869-1941 (death) A modern Christian prophet. May'41:4 Stemple, John W Letters. Apr'64:48 STENDAHL, KRISTER. THE SCROLLS AND THE NEW TESTAMENT Book chat. Sep'57:42 p. 2725 Stensaker - Stephenson, I STENSAKER, CHERYLE Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'62:33 STEPHEN MILLS, KANSAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of Triangle Club) Jun'29:47 STEPHENS, (MRS. C. A.) In memorium. Nov'40:39 (death) News room. Nov'40:40 STEPHENS, (married to Ferris J. Stephens) Yale Campbell Club (photo) Jan'34:33 Stephens, (married to George K. Stephens) Letters. Feb'72:4 STEPHENS, (married to Robert B. Stephens) Here and there with World Call (photo) Jun'49:48 STEPHENS, (MRS. T. S.) quoted. Circulation corner. Apr'39:inside front cover STEPHENS, BARNEY LEETH, 1909-1989 Churches added to EHP program (photo) Apr'60:47 STEPHENS, F C (photo) Mar'24:19 STEPHENS, FERRIS JAMES, 1893- Disciples in the Yale Divinity School (photo) May'21:51 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'25:43 Mar'27:42 Jul'28:27 Yale Campbell Club (photo) Jan'34:33 STEPHENS, HELEN News from our colleges. Dec'36:32 STEPHENS, HERMAN World Convention notes. May'35:8 (photo) Jul'55:front cover The cover. Jul'55:inside front cover STEPHENS, LOUIS MARIA, -1955 In memoriam. Jul'55:39 STEPHENS, MAY In memorium. May'37:39 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'37:40 STEPHENS, THOMAS J Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'31:42 STEPHENS, W O (photo) Mar'24:42 Stephenson, (Mrs. R. E.) Echoes from everywhere. Dec'29:50 STEPHENSON, ARTHUR W quoted. Quotes from Buffalo addresses. Sep'47;24 (photo) Oct'47:35 Toronto--a wrestle with ideas (photo) Oct'55:25 Beneath the spire (photo) Nov'56:6 Classroom and campus. Nov'60:30 STEPHENSON, CHARLES I (photo) Sep'46:26 STEPHENSON, CLEOTA, -1919 In memoriam. Dec'48:37 STEPHENSON, DOROTHY DIXON, -1958 (married to E. L. Stephenson) In memoriam. May'59:37 STEPHENSON, EMMA J In memoriam. May'32:40 STEPHENSON, F H (photo) Sep'46:27 STEPHENSON, IVA In memoriam. Feb'32:39 p. 2726 Stephenson, J - STEPHENSON, JACQUELINE Stevens, K News room. Oct'51:32 STEPHENSON, KEITH News room. Feb'60:34 STEPHENSON, LENA (photo) Jul'34:39 STEPHENSON, SADIE No time to grow old. Dec'56:10 (photo p. 12) They call it "home." (photo) Mar'63:28 STEPINAC, ALOYSIUS (ARCHBISHOP) Correspondence from Europe. Oct'47:6 Global highlights. Dec'50:3 Social trends. Jun'51:16 STERLING, CHANDLER quoted. Global highlights. Nov'63:7 STERLING, EUGENE. (married to L. Ruth Ratten Sterling) (marriage) News room. Jun'46:34 STERLING, FANNIE RUDY In memoriam. Apr'28:48 STERLING, JAMES A World events. Sep'69:37 STERLING, LILLIAN RUTH RATTEN (married to Eugene Sterling) News room. Jun'45:34 (marriage) News room. Jun'46:34 STERLING, ILLINOIS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Four congregations enroll in Home Plan. Feb'60:49 STERLING, COLORADO. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. May'20:60 STERN, EDITH M. THE HANDICAPPED CHILD Book chat. Oct'50:40 STERN, PHILIP M. THE SHAME OF A NATION New books. Nov'66:42 STERNS, (MRS. W. P.) Circulation's cozy corner. Feb'34:1 STETTLER, MARTIN Youth and missions. Apr'52:35 STEVENS, (MRS. G. R.) quoted. Here and there with World Call. Jul'49:48 Stevens, Charles Franklin, 1870-1958 What the Woman's Missionary Society has meant to my church. Dec'21:46 The spiritual value of baptism. Aug'23:18 STEVENS, CHARLES FRANKLIN, 1870-1958 (photo) Jan'21:9 Mar'24:55 quoted. The days that make us worried... Oct'31:3 STEVENS, DORIS See ROSSMAN, DORIS STEVENS STEVENS, DOROTHY A. TABLE TALK AND TIDBITS Book chat. Oct'53:43 STEVENS, ELIAS SHERMAN, 1861-1921 (death) A noble missionary gone (photo) Aug'21:55 STEVENS, FLORA, -1947 In memoriam. May'47:41 STEVENS, FRANCES, -1970 (married to P. R. Stevens) In memoriam. Nov'70:46 STEVENS, J A Gleanings from early records of ACMS. May'19:26 STEVENS, KINGSLEY Classroom and campus. Jun'43:24 p. 2727 Stevens, L - Stevenson, D STEVENS, LORA, -1961 In memoriam. Apr'61:37 STEVENS, LOVENA GOULTER, 1919- (photo) Jun'23:23 May'29:48 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'33:44 Apr'35:40 Some unsung missionaries in the China field. Jun'36:26 (photo p. 25) (photo) Nov'38:18 STEVENS, MARY E (death) Oct'20:41 STEVENS, NINA ASBURY quoted. Snapshots of Akita, past and present. Sep'23:10 STEVENS, P R (photo) Mar'24:40 Global highlights. Apr'46:2 (photo) Sep'46:11 STEVENS, PAUL Classroom and campus (photo) Oct'60:35 The world comes to the campus (photo) Jan'62:11 STEVENS, PAUL. THE ULTIMATE WEAPON--CHRISTIANITY Book chat. May'61:38 STEVENS, THOMAS CARL Classroom and campus. Jul'63:36 STEVENS, W. BERTRAND. REALITY IN FELLOWSHIP Book chat. Mar'39:22 Stevens, W O How the Home Missionary tasks appear to a Y.M.C.A. war worker. Jun'19:49 Stevenson, (married to Archie K. Stevenson) Women and world highways. May'53:33 STEVENSON, (married to Leo Stevenson) A cup of cold water. Jul'69:23 The best two months of our lives. Jul'72:25 Stevenson, A Russell India's door is open. Apr'55:26 Loaves and fishes. Oct'60:45 STEVENSON, A. RUSSELL Persons in the news. Sep'55:2 Global highlights (photo) Dec'59:6 Stevenson, Adlai Ewing, 1900- On brotherhood. Feb'58:45 STEVENSON, ADLAI EWING, 1900- Candidates reply on Vatican ambassador. Nov'52:40 quoted. Last column. Jul'61:50 (photo) Jul'64:13 STEVENSON, ALEXANDER R Global highlights. May'50:3 STEVENSON, B W quoted. Appreciation of Life and labors of A. McLean. Jun'24:43 STEVENSON, BEN C., -1963 News room. Sep'57:38 Oct'60:40 (death) News room. Jun'63:41 STEVENSON, DELORIS RAY, 1907-1989 (married to Dwight E. Stevenson) Campbell Club, Yale Divinity School (photo) Mar'32:27 Classroom and campus. Oct'53:31 (photo) Dec'54:15 (cont. next page) p. 2728 Stevenson, Deloris - STEVENSON, DELORIS RAY (cont.) Stevenson, Dwight Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'62:34 Classroom and campus. Dec'64:34 STEVENSON, DELORIS RAY. LAND OF THE MORNING Book chat. Sep'56:18 Southeast Asia comes alive in books. Jan'57:34 STEVENSON, DIANE Classroom and campus (photo) Jan'63:32 Stevenson, Dwight Eshelman, 1906- (married to Deloris Stevenson) When students go to church. Jan'35:14 Religious nationalism! Sep'35:13 Pure religion and undefiled. Dec'36:8 Let Christian missions continue! Jan'42:11 Dedication of purpose. Feb'45:5 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'54:36 A people remember. Jun'54:40 Churches in Philippines hold convention. Nov'54:44 A Kentucky Christian in Japan. Dec'54:14 God measures the ministry. Oct'63:23 The seminary scene: a cause for excitement. Sep'72:24 STEVENSON, DWIGHT ESHELMAN, 1906- After sixteen years. Mar'29:44 The Campbell Club at Yale (photo) Jul'31:30 Mar'32:27 (photo) Jan'36:13 Nov'37:32 quotedl What they said at Columbus. Dec'37:5 (photo) Sep'38:31 quoted. Classroom and campus. Jun'43:25 Classroom and campus. Nov'44:24 Religion in education. Jan'45:3 Classroom and campus. Jan'45:28 News room. Jun'46:34 (photo) Oct'46:46 Classroom and campus. Apr'47:31 Jun'47:33 First national laymen's retreat (photo) Oct'49:12 Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'52:28 News room. Apr'52:38 Classroom and campus (photo) Oct'53:31 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Feb'54:34 Classroom and campus. May'54:31 Global highlights (photo) Jun'54:2 (photo) Dec'54:15 quoted. Here and there with World Call. Feb'55:48 Classroom and campus. Nov'57:30 Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'60:35 Jun'62:35 Sep'62:34 (photo) May'63:45 Classroom and campus. Nov'64:34 Dec'65:35 New books (photo) Dec'69:28 (photo) Sep'72:25 STEVENSON, DWIGHT E. THE CHURCH AND HER MISSION Classroom and campus. Jan'62:30 STEVENSON, DWIGHT E. DISCIPLE PREACHING IN THE FIRST GENERATION New books. Dec'69:28 STEVENSON, DWIGHT E. THE FALSE PROPHETS New books. Sep'65:26 STEVENSON, DWIGHT E. HOME TO BETHPAGE Book chat. Sep'49;22 p. 2729 Stevenson, Dwight E. - STEVENSON, DWIGHT E. ON HOLY GROUND Stevenson, Paul Classroom and campus. Feb'63:34 Book chat. May'63:41 STEVENSON, DWIGHT E. PREACHING ON THE BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Book chat. Nov'56:18 STEVENSON, DWIGHT E. PREACHING ON THE BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Book chat. Oct'61:24 STEVENSON, DWIGHT E. REACHING PEOPLE FROM THE PULPIT book chat. Jul'58:44 STEVENSON, DWIGHT E. WALTER SCOTT: VOICE OF THE GOLDEN ORACLE Book chat. Jan'47:16 STEVENSON, DWIGHT E. A WAY IN THE WILDERNESS New books. Jul'68:36 STEVENSON, EMMA (married to C. R. Stevenson) -1950 In memoriam. Sep'50:37 STEVENSON, FREDERICK BOYD Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'26:45 STEVENSON, J ROSS Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'25:57 STEVENSON, JOHN quoted. Last column. May'61:50 STEVENSON, JUNE MARGARET LAPSLEY (married to Paul H. Stevenson) (photo) Apr'20:50 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'33:31 STEVENSON, LEO A cup of cold water. Jul'69:23 The best two months of our lives. Jul'72:25 (photo p. 26) STEVENSON, LOLA JANE (death) Aug'21:53 STEVENSON, LUCIE A. HUSTON (married to Marion Stevenson) Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'33:29 Stevenson, Marion, 1861-1945 (married to Lucie A. Huston Stevenson) How we get our Sunday school lessons. Nov'24:15 STEVENSON, MARION, 1861-1945 The Central Regional District for Bible School work. Mar'19:46 (photo) Nov'23:19 Nov'24:15 Apr'25:54 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'25:54 Apr'26:42 ...honored. Sep'26:63 (photo) Nov'26:2 The threshold. Feb'36:2 Personalities (photo) Apr'36:24 quoted. Religious education through the years (photo) Nov'36:20 (death) News room (photo) Apr'45:28 (photo) Nov'49:30 Disciple doers. Oct'50:20 Christian education--forty years of progress (photo) Nov'58:14 Stevenson, Nannie M Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:62 Stevenson, Paul Huston, 1890- (married to June Margaret Lapsley Stevenson) The trail of the little white pill. Nov'19:10 Little journeys in the land of tomorrow. Feb'20:25 Apr'20:17 (cont. next page) p. 2730 Stevenson, P - Stevenson, Paul Huston (cont.) Stewardship 1920 China calls for nurses. Apr'20:50 Voices that pass in China's night. Feb'21:24 Feed my sheep. Mar'21:44 STEVENSON, PAUL HUSTON, 1890- (photo) Apr'20:19 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'30:34 Jun'33:31 Sep'37:31 STEVENSON, R. W., 1849?-1926 In memoriam. Feb'27:49 STEVENSON, ROBERT DOUGLASS. YELLOW GIRL, ORANGE JUICE AND BEAN PORRIDGE HOT Book chat. Jan'36:44 STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS Programs for September. Aug'29:33 Stevenson, Russell Let the churches march Together. May'53:19 Stevenson, Thomas E Echoes from everywhere. Nov'33:39,40 Easter in Home Missions churches. Jun'34:41 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'34:38 Feb'36:39 Jan'37:38 Jan'36:39 Oct'36:38 Jun'37:39 STEVENSON, THOMAS E Building men at Boulder Dam (photo) Oct'33:8 ...killed. Feb'38:42 STEVERSON, A L (photo) Mar'34:34 STEVERSON, NELLIE GARDNER, -1963 In memoriam. Oct'63:46 STEVICK, DANIEL B. CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE AND THE CHRISTIAN New books. Nov'69:28 STEWARD, (married to Orval Steward) Here and there with World Call. Apr'52:48 STEWARD, ANNIE M quoted. The first page. Aug'32:2 STEWARD, EMMA In memoriam. May'32:40 STEWARD, JOHN W World events. Oct'71:37 STEWARDSHIP Give for your soul's sake. Jan'19:13 Notes. Feb'19:47 The first Sunday in March. Mar'19:6 All standards of giving smashed. Mar'19:11 The Every Member Canvass in a group of rural churches. Mar'19:51 The comfort of Christian security. Apr'19:10 Learning to give by giving. Aug'19:57 The yellow God. Jan'20:25 The first Lord's Day in march. Feb'20:35 Progress among the churches. Mar'20:54 (chart of giving) Mar'20:56 (chart) Mar'20:back cover Are the Disciples Christians? Apr'20:21 The new emphasis on money. Aug'20:7 Aug'20:36 With churches that are giving heroically. Oct'20:6 (cont. next page) p. 2731 Stewardship 1921 - 1924 STEWARDSHIP (cont.) Am I playing fair? Jan'21:22 The why, when, who and what of wills. Jan'21:34 Waiting half a century for encouragement. Feb'21:11 America's most outstanding tithing advocate... Feb'21:13 My experience as stewardship and tithing evangelist... Feb'21:21 What the churches are doing about it. Mar'21:47 Putting the stew in stewardship. Apr'21:51 Excuses not to make about the Home Mission offering. May'21:16 Extry! Extry! May'21:54 Out of the tithing mail bag. May'21:56 Stumps. Jun'21:19 Canary birds and Children's Day. Jun'21:38 As we see others and as others see us. Jul'21:40 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:61 Tired of giving? Jun'21:64 Stewardship column. Jul'21:42 A defender of the apron. Jul'21:44 That His house may be free. Aug'21:back cover Stewardship and tithing. Sep'21:56 Give God a chance. Oct'21:3 Financing the Kingdom. Oct'21:24 A stewardship referendum and vote. Oct'21:53 Good news from the stewardship rallies. Nov'21:43 The preacher's day. Dec'21:7 A church with a money conscience. Dec'21:26 The stewardship rallies. Dec'21:45 Enlarged giving necessary. Jan'22:23 Stewardship and tithing notes. Jan'22:57 Bible study. Mar'22:48 "Broadcasting" on Children's Day. Jun'22:8 Stewardship--an appeal to reason. Jun'22:47 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'22:60 Educating the church on giving. Oct'22:31 The how of missionary offerings. Nov'22:35 A stewardship alphabet. Dec'22:19 Should a church without a minister give to missions? Dec'22:23 Stewardship in Porto Rico. Feb'23:50 The weapons of our warfare. Mar'23:20 The relation of a man to his money. Mar'23:26 The things which thou hast--whose are they? Apr'23:3 What an editor thinks about stewardship. Apr'23:9 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:48 Promote the copper class. Jun'23:3 The Christian whose income is $5,000 or more. Jun'23:36 Speaking of giving. Jun'23:38 The stewardship of life. Sep'23:4 Ours and His. Oct'23:11 Open your eyes. Oct'23:44 Organize a stewardship study class. Oct'23:59 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'23:60 Nov'23:50 Gifts of gold. Dec'23:41 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'24:55 Stewardship (poem) Mar'24:39 The grace of liberal giving. May'24:30 (cont. next page) p. 2732 Stewardship 1924 - 1932 STEWARDSHIP (cont.) This is stewardship. Jul'24:44 A Christian's financial creed. Aug'24:29 Our sources of supply. Sep'24:39 Growing an oak. Mar'25:20 Teaching that brings results. Mar'25:60 The Christian and his money problems--a sequel. Jun'25:18 The obligations of Christian capital. Jun'25:20 Program helps. Sep'25:48 Held in trust. Oct'25:27 Selling stewardship to the church. Nov'25:34 God's ownership. Feb'26:37 The transforming power of Christian stewardship. Apr'26:35 Echoes from everywhere. May'26:50 Another steward returns his talents. May'26:62 The big question (poem) Aug'26:6 The last page. Sep'26:64 Business in missions. Oct'26:54 Are we dishonest? Dec'26:18 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'26:50 Christian stewardship sentiments. Jan'27:61 Missionary illustrations... Feb'27:55 A decalogue of stewardship. Mar'27:7 Studying stewardship in the Philippines. Mar'27:51 Stewardship a divine partnership. Jun'27:42 Speaking of books. Jun'27:57 The perfect gift. Nov'27:48 A significant way to observe Thanksgiving. Nov'27:54 Stewardship test successfu. Nov'27:54 Taxes and contributions. Jun'28:4 How are you giving? Dec'28:48 Here's the answer. Feb'29:2 From Moses to Mellon. Mar'29:4 Fritz Kreisler...on Christian stewardship. Mar'29:16 Missionary illustrations... Mar'29:56 A blind man who saw clearly. Apr'29:4 Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'29:43 A call from luxurious living. May'29:5 Administers his own estate. May'29:45 An example worthy of universal imitation. Jun'29:45 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'29:36 India and self-denial week. Oct'29:57 Pentecostal sharing. Dec'29:5 The time for giving. Dec'29:24 Is giving a sacrifice? Dec'29:58 Between the lines. Feb'30:4 Where thy treasure is. Oct'30:21 The dimness of our souls. Mar'31:3 Apr'31:much of issue Devotional study for missionary societies. Aug'31:38 God let me give more (poem) Jan'32:35 Speaking of giving. Feb'32:25 Some practical suggestions for personal self-denial. Mar'32:14 Hold the line by equaling last year's giving. Jun'32:10 What is necessary to accomplish it. Jun'32:11 Economy wise and economy fatal. Aug'32:4 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Sep'32:43 (cont. next page) p. 2333 Stewardship 1932 - 1941 STEWARDSHIP (cont.) An increasing and developing Discipleship. Nov'32:9 I don't know what my income is. Dec'32:31 A holy check book. Dec'32:46 What they use for money. Apr'33:3 Fools for Christ's sake. Apr'33:9 The missionary organizations' own section. Apr'33:35 May'33:35 Where has the money gone? Oct'33:29 Paying dividends. Oct'33:30 The last page. Oct'33:48 Noteworthy loyalty. Nov'33:3 Missionary organizations' own section. Feb'34:35 Programs for young people. Apr'34:37 My habit is to give. May'34:13 Stewardship plus. Nov'34:4 A court room trial of stewardship. Nov'34:17 What they said. Nov'34:18 Property and personality. Jan'35:18 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'35:33 A peril of recovery. Jun'35:3 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Jun'35:41 Local church recovery and advance. Mar'36:20 Stewardship meets need. May'36:46 Budgeting for God. Nov'36:30 Stewardship: an educational function. Jan'37:5 Women and world highways. Jan'37:35 The threshold. Feb'37:2 That first pay check. Mar'37:8 Meeting the tragedy of the church. Mar'37:22 I have a new permanent. Apr'37:16 A period of tithing. Apr'37;27 Helps for leaders of junior groups. May'37:41 Stewardship program in the local church. Oct'37:13 The Easter to Pentecost tithing period. Apr'38:21 Empty hands--empty churches. Oct'38:16 Why I am afraid not to tithe. Oct'38:17 An account of a stewardship. Jun'39:26 Stewardship in the younger churches. Sep'39:15 The necessity of stewardship. Oct'39:8 Where the money goes. Oct'39:33 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Jan'40:39 From Easter to Pentecost. Mar'40:15 A call to stewardship. May'40:14 Stewardship year. Jul'40:27 Stewardship plans of a local church. Sep'40:16 Stewardship year. Sep'40:33 Oct'40:much of issue Stewardship year, 1940-1941. Nov'40:29 Jan'41:40 Mar'41:33 May'41:41 Dec'40:29 Feb'41:44 Apr'41:42 Jun'41:27 Consecration in streaks. Jan'41:20 Stewardship in the family. Feb'41:34 The last page. Feb'41:48 Stewardship questions for discussion. Apr'41:42 Bread and butter. Jun'41:14 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Jun'41:40 The Smiths lead the Joneses. Jul'41:17 (cont. next page) p. 2734 Stewardship 1941 - 1957 STEWARSHIP (cont.) The secret of financial success. Oct'41:16 The Christian grace of giving. Jan'42:24 Prayer for church officers. Feb'42:18 Toward a living church. May'42:20 The state of the church. Oct'42:29 The time is now. Nov'42:back cover Helps for leaders of junior groups. Dec'42:41 The story of a dollar bill. Jan'43:46 The test of Christian faith. May'43:29 Looking ahead. Sep'43:8 Women and world highways. Oct'43:29 Making our own goal. Nov'43:4 Stewardship mottos. Jan'44:38 The way, Easter, 1944. Mar'44:10 Women and world highways. Jun'44:29 Planning for a year of dedication. Sep'44:21 I am debtor. Oct'44:13 Patterned for magnanimity. Dec'44:9 Peace through sharing Jul'45:40 We build through possessions. Nov'45:15 The more we got--the less we gave (charts) Oct'46:23 Stewardship in the local church. Jan'47:22 A stewardship specialist. Feb'48:32 An adventure in stewardship. Mar'48:16 Why do people give? Apr'48:25 Stewardship in the local church. Oct'48:9 Christ's prayer unanswered yet. Dec'48:42 (note) Mar'49:31 Whither? Apr'49:21 Partnership is taught. Oct'49:19 Tips, tithes and taxes. Nov'49:33 Money can buy happiness. Feb'50:12 Laymen to stress stewardship. Mar'50:21 East to Pentecost. Apr'50:21 What shall I give? Nov'50:37 The lesson is obvious. Dec'50:6 The low cost of giving. Feb'51:6 Women and world highways. Dec'51:33 Stewardship is the key. Oct'52:24 Poverty and plenty. Nov'52:45 Test church members' CLQ. Jan'53:47 What shall I do, Lord? Sep'54:8 Shall we serve God or mammon? Sep'54:21 The minister--key or problem? Sep'54:15 Book chat. Sep'54:45 Christian stewardship creates charqacter. Oct'54:8 Global highlights. Dec'54:4 Completing our commitment. Apr'55:20 Global highlights. Jun'55:4 Old Filipino woman is a good steward. Sep'55:43 The gift and the giver. Feb'56:6 A basis for giving. Mar'56:45 The family's money. Apr'56:7 Let's consider our spending. Jul'56:13 Bolei's gift. Jul'56:45 Ten reasons for giving. Apr'57:29 Young stewards. Oct'57:44 (cont. next page) p. 2735 Stewardship 1958 - STEWARDSHIP (cont.) Stewart Film praised. Jan'58:49 Stewardship grows on mission fields. Mar'58:11 Hidden motives for service. Apr'58:23 No money needed. Feb'59:34 Who is a steward? Mar'59:9 It can happen anywhere. Apr'59:10 Global highlights. Jan'60:6 Dec'60:5 Jamaicans grow in stewardship. Sep'61:15 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'61:34 Signs of maturity. Jan'62:9 The old idols must go! Mar'62:23 Global highlights. Apr'62:6 Better barns or a better world? Jun'62:48 Global highlights. Apr'63:6 Ask about it! Jun'63:8 Stewards must grow! Sep'63:23 Meeting snags along the way. Apr'64:30 Your business and your church. Feb'65:42 Why give? Mar'66:49 Ahead of the headlines. Jul'68:5 Churchmanship. Oct'69:8 Moodlin' with feeling! Oct'69:41 You're putting me on! Apr'70:22 Ahead of the headlines. Nov'70:5 Stewardship of living and giving. Jun'71:8 North American churches study what people think, why people give. Feb'72:40 Unity walk. Feb'72:21 Shavings. Jun'72:36 To give...or not to give. Oct'72:24 New ways to give. Nov'72:10 Giving and receiving. Jan'73:25 Shavings. Apr'73:34 "STEWARDSHIP FOR ADULT CHRISTIANS" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Apr'64:41 STEWARDSHIP--STATISTICS Echoes from everywhere. Dec'23:50 May'25:60 Read and reform!! Jun'28:inside front cover Do figures ever lie? Jun'29:23 Flashes. Dec'36:45 Christian stewardship in 1949. Mar'50:29 Global highlights. Apr'50:4 Church contribution tops previous record. Apr'52:46 Global highlights. Oct'53:4 Giving increases. Dec'57:52 Global highlights. Mar'60:6 STEWART, (MRS. I. A.) (death) Apr'22:52 STEWART, (MRS. J. E.) (photo) Dec'49:26 Stewart, (married to John Stewart) Keeping Christian homes Christian. Nov'22:55 STEWART, (married to John W. Stewart) (photo) Oct'22:58 Headquarters notes. Aug'23:52 STEWART, (married to Paul Stewart) News room. Sep'53:38 p. 2736 Stewart, A - Stewart, G STEWART, ALLEGRA A preview of the college year. Sep'32:32 Stewart, Ann A home for shadow. Mar'68:31 Stewart, Annalee A woman's prayer for Congress. May'49:35 STEWART, ANNE Classroom and campus. Nov'56:31 STEWART, CHARLENE News room. Apr'59:46 STEWART, CHARLES W. ADOLESCENT RELIGION New books. Jul'67:38 Stewart, Cora Wilson Illiteracy. Sep'31:11 STEWART, CORA WILSON Facts for the busy woman. Jul'19:50 News items that point the trend of the day. Apr'30:40 (photo) Sep'31:11 STEWART, DANIEL quoted. appreciation of Life and labors of A. McLean. Jun'24:43 STEWART, DAVID News room. Dec'52:30 STEWART, DOLLY Here and there with World Call. Apr'54:52 Stewart, Donald Gordon This year (poem) Jan'40:48 STEWART, DWIGHT C Classroom and campus (photo) Apr'63:34 STEWART, ELIZABETH (death) Nov'19:28 STEWART, EMMA C. In memorium. Jul'40:39 STEWART, G HAYDEN (photo) Apr'47:12 STEWART, GEORGE A (photo) Oct'30:16 Dec'30:11 Stewart, George H., 1875?-1948 (married to Nellie Agnes Westerfield Stewart) The story state by state. Aug'25:14 Bound together by a common faith. Apr'47:12 STEWART, GEORGE H., 1875?-1948 (photo) Oct'21:43 Oct'22:7,47 George H. Stewart (photo) Feb'23:26 (photo) May'23:32 Sep'23:38 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'24:54 In the Old Dominion. Aug'24:34 (photos) Dec'24:6,21 Aug'25:14 Moving forward in Canada. Sep'25:14 George H. Stewart (photo) Sep'30:2 (photo) Sep'35;25 Personalities (photo) Dec'35:22 (photo) Sep'42:15 Apr'47:12 quoted. Presidents' messages at Buffalo. Sep'47:7 World Convention digest. Sep'47:9 Global highlights (photo) Feb'48:3 STEWART, GEORGE S. THE LOWER LEVELS OF PRAYER Book chat. Mar'40:23 p. 2737 Stewart, H - Stewart, R STEWART, HAYDEN (photo) Oct'35:30 STEWART, JAMES LIVINGSTONE. CHINESE CULTURE AND CHRISTIANITY Speaking of books. Dec'26:52 STEWART, JAMES LIVINGSTONE. GODS OF WEALTH AND WAR Speaking of books. Jul'31:34 STEWART, JAMES LIVINGSTONE. THE LAUGHING BUDDHA Speaking of books. Apr'26:51 STEWART, JAMIE E quoted. The last page. Jun'27:64 STEWART, JARVIS Classroom and campus. Oct'42:33 Stewart, John Keeping Christian homes Christian. Nov'22:55 STEWART, JOHN Global highlights (photo) Nov'59:4 STEWART, JOHN W (photo) Oct'22:58 Headquarters notes. Aug'23:52 Global highlights (photo) Jul'63:4 STEWART, JOHN W., JR. The seminary scene: a cause for excitement (photo) Sep'72:26 STEWART, JONAS A unique ordina;tion service (photo) Sep'23:50 STEWART, LUTHER (photo) Apr'51:11 STEWART, NELLIE AGNES WESTERFIELD, -1968 (married to George H. Stewart) (photo) Oct'21:43 Sep'23:38 Annual meeting of the Board of Education (photo) Jun'27:32 News room. Jul'41:34 From an American woman in Germany. Mar'47:5 (photo) Apr'47:12 News room. Dec'49:32 Beneath the spire (photo) Feb'55:4 Women and world highways (photo) Apr'55:33 In memoriam. Oct'68:40 STEWART, ODELLE (photo) Jul'48:30 Stewart, Oliver Wayne, 1867-1937 A Governor who was more. Oct'20:23 The Prohibition outlook. Jul'28:11 Dry leader gets verdict for $150,000. Jul'30:11 STEWART, OLIVER WAYNE, 1867-1937 Rounding out the summer sessions in our colleges. Oct'31:47 Stewart, R H Is a unified Sunday service practical? Aug'28:19 STEWART, R H (photo) Aug'28:19 STEWART, R W quoted. The state of the church. Feb'42:28 STEWART, R. W. INTRODUCTION TO JESUS FOR THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Book chat. Feb'48:39 STEWART, RANDOLPH The Chaplain runs a Sunday school (photo) Apr'62:28 Stewart, Robert E Get in the summer thing. Nov'70:24 STEWART, RUTH In memoriam. May'38:39 p. 2738 Stewart, V - Stiles, E STEWART, VIRGINIA (photo) Nov'38:7 Stewart, Willie Jean Helps for leaders of junior groups. Jun'38:40 STICKEL, LEE, -1954 (death) News room. Dec'54:40 Stickle, (married to Cole Stickle) Letters. Feb'65:44 Stidger, William LeRoy, 1885-1949 I heard God speak today (poem) Feb'30:8 A beatitude of the church beautiful (poem) Aug'30:7 I heard God speak (poem) Jul'34:37 Our church (poem) Oct'35:48 Going to school to God (poem) Sep'38:48 STIDGER, WILLIAM LeROY, 1885-1949 quoted. The last page. Jul'26:64 STIDGER, WILLIAM LeROY. MEN OF THE GREAT REDEMPTION Speaking of books. Jan'33:41 STIDGER, WILLIAM LeROY. PLANNING YOUR PREACHING Speaking of books. Feb'33:41 STIDGER, WILLIAM LeROY. THERE ARE SERMONS IN STORIES Book chat. Jan'43:23 STIDHAM, (married to Jacob Haller Stidham) (photo) Jul'35:34 STIDHAM, JACOB HALLER, 1884- Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'26:51 (photo) Jul'39:9 STIDMAN, ALLENE MARIE (photo) Jul'23:9 Stifler, Francis Carr Bible hungry China. Apr'41:20 The Bibles of 1948. Oct'48:42 Here is another letter. Mar'49:22 STIFLER, FRANCIS CARR Global highlights. Jun'46:3 STIFLER, FRANCIS CARR. EVERY MAN'S BOOK The threshold. Jan'42:2 STILES, (MRS. A. C.) In memorium. Mar'40:39 STILES, (married to Frank Stiles) (death) Jun'21:50 STILES, B. J. Ahead of the headlines. Jun'68:5 Stiles, Edwin Lee Women and world highways. Jan'61:31 Into all the world together. Jan'61:36 Contrasts at Hazel Green. Apr'61:13 Books: churches for new times. Jun'61:44 Yakima youth build a future. Apr'63:25 Women on world highways. May'63:33 Mission among Spanish Americans. Jul'64:33 Letters. Sep'67:41 Youth and the world mission. Dec'68:33 STILES, EDWIN LEE News room. Jul'60:42 Disciples in the news. May'66:7 (photo) Jan'67:7 Global highlights. Apr'67:6 p. 2739 Stiles, J - Stine, H STILES, JOHN STAR, -1964 (death) News room. Feb'65:40 STILES, LAURA W (death) Jun'26:50 Stiles, Lee See Stiles, Edwin Lee STILES, P E (photo) Mar'24:34 STILL, CHARLES SHELTON Station UCMS broadcasting. May'38:34 Still, Dorris Shelton A story from life. Dec'28:10 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'29:49 STILL, DORRIS SHELTON "Cast thy bread upon the waters." Mar'20:47 (photo) Mar'20:48 Dr. Shelton's captivity and escape. Jun'20:4 (photo) Jun'20:55 How Smith went after Shelton. Aug'20:5 (photo) Apr'22:4 A doctor of the Jesus school (photo) Jun'22:4 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Aug'28:26 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'28:43 Dec'33:29 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'36:32 STILL, DORRIS SHELTON. SUE IN TIBET News notes. Mar'42:43 STILLEY, (MRS. O, K.) News from the homes for the aged. Sep'38:46 STILLEY, EMILY MARTHA WARREN In memorium. Feb'40:39 Stillwagon, (married to A. Paul Stillwagon) Letters. Jul'69:33 STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH A long preacher in a long pastorate (photos) Jul'19:48 Global highlights. Nov'47:3 News room. Jan'48:32 (photo of students leaving service) May'58:front cover The cover. May'58:inside front cover Here and there with World Call. Oct'64:54 STILMAN, HANNAH (photo) Jan'21:12 STILWELL, (MRS. J. N.) In memoriam. Oct'41:39 STILWELL, H F (photo) Apr'25:40 STIMPSON, DOROTHY (photo) Jan'21:12 STIMPSON, HENRY L. ON ACTIVE SERVICE IN PEACE AND WAR Book chat. Oct'48:44 STIMPSON, L From the Philippines. Jul'28:47 STIMSON, ALICE, -1950 In memoriam. Sep'50:37 STIMSON, HENRY L quoted. Listening in on the world. Aug'30;22 STINE, CORA E In memoriam. Feb'31:39 STINE, HAROLD (photo) Jul'52:23 p. 2740 Stine, J - Stipp, M Stine, John L Message. Apr'19:58 STINNETTE, CHARLES R., JR. ANXIETY AND FAITH Book chat. Feb'56:18 STINSON, ALFRED In brief. Mar'69:39 Stinson, F J Church erection to the rescue. Feb'24:34 STIPHER, KARL Within college walls. Jan'35:29 Stipp, Frank Vennum, 1891- (married to Myrtle E. Wilson Stipp) The Kalinga, recently a head hunter. Dec'19:36 Fulfilling his promise. Jan'20:21 Evangelizing under difficulties. Sep'20:52 Mercedes the Pastora. Jan'21:40 Playing Filipino. Jan'21:42 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:59 A Filipino student conference. Aug'22:57 Golden Jubilee notes. Jun'24:51 Can you beat it? Jan'26:61 Will it mean much? Jun'27:8 Silvestre Morales... Aug'28:30 Big brothers for Filipino youth. Dec'29:54 Twenty Filipinos baptized. Sep'31:33 God's young men... Jan'33:30 STIPP, FRANK VENNUM, 1891- College of Missions notes. Jan'19:60 Notes. Jan'19:62 Representative graduates... (photo) Feb'19:33 Notes. Feb'20:61 Among the churches in Northern Luzon. Oct'20:53 Notes. Oct'20:58 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:62 Headquarters notes. Jun'21:55 quoted. Lead on, O King Eternal! Aug'21:26 (photo) Oct'21:39 Mar'22:12 Jul'23:17,24 (death of father) Jul'23:54 Coming on furlough. Apr'26:63 Disciples at Yale (photo) Jul'27:44 quoted. Echoes of church "doings." Oct'32:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'34:42 STIPP, JANE FELICIDAD (photo) Mar'22:12 Jul'23:17,22 Aug'23:22 STIPP, MARY (death) Jun'23:54 Stipp, Myrtle E. Wilson, 1884-1951 (married to Frank Vennum Stipp) Into the work again. Mar'22:46 A cross country trail. Jun'22:42 Bible study campaign in Laoag. Jun'22:54 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'22:62 Devotional study for missionary societies. Oct'38:38 STIPP, MYRTLE E. WILSON, 1884-1951 College of Missions notes. Jan'19:60 Representative graduates... (photo) Feb'19:33 Notes. Feb'20:57 Oct'20:58 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:62 Headquarters notes. Jun'21:55 (cont. next page) p. 2741 Stipp, M - Stober, B STIPP, MYRTLE E. WILSON (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:59 (photo) Mar'22:12 Aug'23:22 Coming on furlough. Apr'26:63 (death) News room. May'51:47 STIPP, THEODORE L., 1849-1923 (death) Jul'23:54 STIRLEN, EDYTHE, 1895?-1987 Forty-one years a radio minister (photo) Feb'67:44 STITES, HANNAH CATHERINE (death) Aug'22:59 STITT, DALE (photo) Apr'73:15 Stivers, Edith M. Taylor, 1863-1933 (married to John C. Breckenridge Stivers) Chrstmas at the Cleveland Home. Mar'19:53 A cry of need from Cleveland. Feb'20:48 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'20:58 Don't cry, I will come back. Jul'21:34 The house on the hill. Aug'21:53 Out of the mouths of four witnesses. Feb'22:35 The greatest of these is love. Aug'22:16 Men and women in the making. Nov'23:44 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'24:61 How our family spends its summer. Aug'25:54 Children's Day in the children's homes. Jun'26:34 STIVERS, EDITH M. TAYLOR, 1863-1933 Love in the concrete (photo) Dec'21:41 (photo) Aug'22:16 quoted. Annual report... Sep'22:42 (photo) Nov'25:48 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'26:57 (photo) Dec'26:2 Helping all the way. Dec'26:16 In memoriam. May'33:40 Stivers, Elijah Valmer, 1884-1935 What the Woman's Missionary Society has meant to my church. Dec'21:47 New field worker. Dec'25:37 STIVERS, ELIJAH VALMER, 1884-1935 George F. Stivers... Jul'20:38 Starting perpetual motion. Mar'31:4 STIVERS, GEORGE FRANKLIN, 1854-1920 (obituary) (photo) Jul'20:38 STIVERS, JOHN C. BRECKINRIDGE, 1855- (married to Edith M. Taylor Stivers) quoted. Feb'19:39 STIVERS, JOHN T quoted. The revival of Foreign Missions Day. Mar'29:31 quoted. The last page. Jul'32:2 Stober, Buena Rose E., 1897-1972 Results at Lotumbe. May'31:46 The story of Mangaleta. Jun'31:28 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'33:40 The true measure. Mar'36:46 The year at Wema. Oct'36:44 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'37:38 Oct'37:38 "Stobie" is here. Nov'39:42 (cont. next page) p. 2742 Stober, B - Stockholm Stober, Buena Rose E. (cont.) Echoes from everywhere. Feb'40:39 Dental problems in Congo. Feb'40:43 Mondombe in the heart of Afirca. Oct'40:26 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'41:39 Bicycle ride on Palm Avenue. Mar'41:29 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'41:39 Teacher-preachers needed. Jun'42:28 And peace reigned again! Jan'42:46 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'42:39 Dec'42:39 Missionary nurse reports. Feb'43:44 On a Congo mail boat. Apr'44:27 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'44:33 May'45:33 A busy nurse. oct'45:24 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'46:36 Before coming home. Jul'46:42 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'46:36 Dec'47:34 Apr'48:36 May'47:40 Feb'48:36 The boat brings welcomed articles. Jun'48:46 A little means so much. Dec'49:46 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'50:38 Jun'52:36 Jun'53:38 Babies! Babies! Oct'54:42 Echoes from everywhere. May'59:36 STOBER, BUENA ROSE E., 1897-1972 Appointed to serve (photo) Jun'23:34 Echoes from everywhere. May'28:48 (photo) Jun'31:41 Echoes from everywhere. May'33:41 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'35:40 Sep'37:31 Feb'38:30 May'38:34 (photo) Nov'38:7 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'39:34 Apr'39:30 (photo) Nov'39:42 Youth volunteers (photo) May'42:25 quoted. Circulation corner. Nov'42:inside front cover For adult mission study. Feb'53:34 Rice for sale! (photo) Jan'55:34 News room. Oct'55:36 Christian witness in today's world (photo) Mar'56:24 Seven missionaries retire (photo) Oct'61:29 To celebrate a life--and a light (poem) (photo) Jul'72:50 STOCK EXCHANGE Opportunities unlimited. Jun'68:18 STOCKDALE, JAMES E., 1930- Disciples in the news. Dec'68:8 STOCKERT, (MRS. G. I.) In memoriam. Jan'29:63 Stockford, Donald Letters. Jan'67:49 Two worlds. Jul'67:26 STOCKFORD, DONALD The scene. Sep'73:34 STOCKHOLM PEACE APPEAL Global highlights. Oct'50:3 STOCKHOLM, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Our scattered fellowship serves people. Jul'67:24 STOCKHOLM, CALIFORNIA. MAYFAIR CHRISTIAN CHURCH Our scattered fellowship serves people. Jul'67:24 p. 2743 Stockholm - Stoddard STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Celebrating the Fourth in Stockholm. Sep'37;25 STOCKING, J T. THE GOLDEN GOBLET Christmas lists. Nov'23:56 Stockley, Frances Warner Citadel (poem) Oct'36:48 STOCKMAN, LARRY (photo) Dec'70:17 STOCKSTILL, EUGENE H Classroom and campus. Nov'67:35 STOCKTON, BETTIE MAE (WARDER) Christianity and business. Apr'19:18 (photo) Apr'19:15 Robert H. Stockton. Jun'23:6 STOCKTON, NANCY JANE, -1942 In memoriam. May'42:39 STOCKTON, ROBERT HENRY, 1842-1923 Christianity and business (photo) Apr'19:15 St. Louis Convention Commitee. Dec'20:44 A growing ministry. Apr'21:4 An educational foundation in the local church (photo) Nov'22:31 Robert H. Stockton (photo) Jun'23:4 As others see us. Jul'23:40 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'23:52 The children's Mr. Stockton. Aug'23:58 Faithful and wise steward. Nov'23:26 Pension benefits increased. Aug'25:15 (photo) Apr'28:2 At last. Apr'28:10 Brief talks on the ministry. Apr'28:59 STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jul'29:36 Stockton saved (photo) Feb'30:40 Stockwell, Bowman Foster (married to Vera Stockwell) Visitors are impressed with Paraguay mission. Feb'52:47 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'59:36 STOCKWELL, BOWMAN FOSTER Preparing for service (photo) Dec'28:59 Conquered by scripture. Apr'55:29 Protestants are healthy minority in Argentina. Jan'56:27 STOCKWELL, EUGENE (photo) Nov'28:41 Echoes from everywhere (photo) May'60:34 STOCKWELL, F. OLIN Other people's duties. Jul'53:6 For adult mission study. Mar'54:36 STOCKWELL, F. OLIN. WITH GOD IN RED CHINA Jul'53:6 Stockwell, Vera (married to Bowman Foster Stockwell) Visitors are impressed with Paraguay mission. Feb'52:47 STOCKWELL, VERA (photo) Nov'28:41 Preparing for service (photo) Dec'28:59 Protestants are healthy minority in Argentina. Jan'56:27 STODDARD, JANE Our colleges and the new year. Mar'37:32 STODDARD, LOTHROP. LONELY AMERICA American faces the future. May'33:10 p. 2744 Stoeckel - Stone, A STOECKEL, ALTHEA L Classroom and campus. Nov'52:31 STOKELY, JAMES. SEEDS OF SOUTHERN CHANGE Book chat. Jun'63:22 STOKES, ALMEADE Third Christian is beautiful (photo) Feb'70:26 Stokes, Anson Phelps America's interests in Africa. Mar'43:12 STOKES, CAROLINE PHELPS Phelps-Stokes Educational Commission in Congo. Jan'22:21 STOKES, HENRY J Global highlights. Nov'62:7 STOKES, MACK B. THE BIBLE AND MODERN DOUBT New books. Sep'71:29 STOKES, MAUD In memoriam. Sep'39:39 STOKES, OLIVIA PEARL (photo) Sep'73:33 STOLBERG, BUENA Classroom and campus. Jun'63:34 STOLER, LUCY In memoriam. Sep'30:39 STOLL, GEORGE. LAYMEN AT WORK Book chat. Jan'57:40 Stolp, Fred Youth and the world mission. Apr'66:40 STOLT, PETER Classroom and campus. Nov'53:31 Stoltenberg, Louise The churches' success story. Jul'73:19 STOLTSFUS, WESLEY Self-help breaks the poverty cycle in Appalachia (photo) Nov'73:7 STOLZ, KARL RUF. THE CHURCH AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Book chat. Nov'43:10 STOLZ, KARL RUF. MAKING THE MOST OF THE REST OF LIFE Book chat. Sep'41:43 STOLZ, KARL RUF. PASTORAL PSYCHOLOGY Speaking of books. Jan'33:41 Book chat. Sep'41:43 STOLZ, KARL RUF. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGIOUS LIVING Book chat. Dec'37:28 STOLZ, KARL RUF. TRICKS OUR MINDS PLAY ON US Book chat. Apr'39:25 STOMBOCK, ANNIE L In memoriam. Apr'34:39 STOMY, (married to John Stomy) (death) Sep'26:52 STONE, (married to Jack Stone) Global highlights (photo) May'65:4 STONE, (MRS. T J) (death) Apr'20:51 STONE, ABBIE Circulations' cozy corner. Jan'34:1 Stone, Alfred Clark (married to Bessie Russell Stone) The future: possibilities and obstacles ahead. Sep'73:32 p. 2745 Stone, A - Stone, G STONE, ALFRED CLARK Beneath the spire (photo) Jan'56:4 (photo) Jul'69:3 World events. Apr'70:45 The scene. Feb'72:44 Voices heard by the whole church (photo) Sep'73:20 STONE, ALICE News room. Jan'56:38 STONE, ANITA LOUISE, 1956- (birth) News room. Oct'56:38 Stone, Barbara Jean Williams, 1928- (married to Lurton Paul Stone) Water of life. May'55:27 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'57:34 Youth in Mexico serve churches. Nov'57:42 Hope Hospital honors doctor. Jun'58:48 Signs of hope in Mexico. Jul'58:15 Livestock for a hungry world. Oct'61:31 STONE, BARBARA JEAN WILLIAMS, 1928- (photo) Jul'51:27 (marriage) News room. Oct'52:46 Latin American journey (photo) Feb'54:19 News room. Jan'60:47 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Mar'60:36 At the service of those who suffer. Dec'61:16 STONE, BARTON WARREN, 1772-1844 With the pioneers of our religious movement. Oct'20:19 Educational ideals of the great pioneers... Jan'23:20 (portrait) Feb'23:inside front cover Pioneer evangelism. Feb'23:5 Spanning the Century at Cane Ridge. Sep'32:13 Disciples in the world today. Sep'46:8 (drawing) Sep'54:front cover The cover. Sep'54:inside front cover Mission field U.S.A.--1844 and 1956. Sep'56:7 Global highlights. Jan'57:6 Cane Ridge. Nov'57:40 (photo) Sep'58:13 Adults and mission. Oct'64:40 The Disciples of Christ: in transit and tension. Nov'65:28 (drawing p. 29) ...a quiet flame (drawing) Nov'72:5 STONE, BELL WOOD In memoriam. Feb'45:33 Stone, Betty M (married to John A. Stone) Reply to Judith Stearns. Sep'69:45 STONE, BRYAN New missionaries prepare for the seventies. Jul'70:13 STONE, CECLIA Global highlights (photo) Sep'57:3 Stone, E. V. God with us (poem) Dec'73:inside back cover STONE, ELENA MARIE, 1959- (birth) News room. Sep'59:41 STONE, EMILY In memoriam. Jun'30:49 STONE, GLENN C. A NEW ETHIC FOR A NEW EARTH New books. Oct'71:26 p. 2746 Stone, H - Stone, W STONE, HANNAH ELIZABETH In memoriam. May'43:39 STONE, HELEN L. CULVER (married to Lawrence M. Stone) (photo) Dec'42:28 News room. Jan'43:34 Recruits for world service (photo) Mar'43:6 STONE, HENLEY Global highlights. Jun'54:4 (photo) Sep'57:3 STONE, HOWARD W. SUICIDE AND GRIEF New books. Jan'73:33 STONE, IRVING. LOVE IS ETERNAL Book chat. Feb'55:20 STONE, IRVING. THE PRESIDENT'S LADY Book chat. Jan'52:42 Stone, James L Banquet (poem) Feb'70:45 Labor (poem) Apr'72:14 STONE, JAMES L In brief (photo) Mar'71:35 Stone, John Timothy Why I am glad to be a preacher. Feb'20:13 STONE, JULIUS, 1853-1936 (married to Marie Stockhome Stone) (death) Echoes from everywhere. Oct'36:39 STONE, L. PABLO See STONE, LURTON PAUL STONE, LAWRENCE M (married to Helen L. Culver Stone) (photo) Dec'42:28 Recruits for world service (Kphoto) Mar'43:6 News room. Jan'43:34 Stone, Lurton Paul, 1928- (married to Barbara Williams Stone) Echoes from everywhere. Nov'64:36 STONE, LURTON PAUL, 1928- (marriage) News room. Oct'52:46 Latin American journey (photo) Feb'54:19 quoted. All this is the ministry (photo) Sep'57:11 News room. Jan'60:47 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Mar'60:36 Livestock for a hungry world. Oct'61:31 At the service of those who suffer. Dec'61:16 (photo) Nov'64:36 Disciples in the news. Dec'67:8 STONE, MARTHA JANE Classroom and campus. Jun'53:34 STONE, MICHAEL K In brief. Sep'69:42 STONE, PERRY LESTER, 1901- (married to Ruby Wiley Stone) Beneath the spire (photo) Dec'53:4 STONE, RALPH Women and world highways. Mar'61:35 (photo) Jul'61:37 STONE, SALLIE In memorium. Apr'40:39 STONE, VIOLET College enrollments increased. Nov'38:31 Notes from the college campus. Dec'39:30 Stone, Warren S Railroad men indorse prohibition. Apr'24:37 STONE, WILLIAM T. TOWARD A DYNAMIC AMERICA On the making of books... Jan'42:32 p. 2747 Stonebraker - Storey, V STONEBRAKER, ELLA DOWNS (death) May'21:51 Jun'21:50 STONEBRAKER, GEORGE (photo) Nov'25:28 STONEHOUSE, HAROLD Global highlights (photo) Nov'61:4 Stoner, James Lloyd How does your class rate? May'45:26 STONER, JAMES LLOYD Convention ship. Mar'60:28 Disciples in the news. Nov'66:7 World events (photo) Jul'69:45 Stones, (Mrs. W. B.) Letters. Jul'67:4 STONEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Enroll in EHP. Mar'64:49 Stonework, Eugenia Charles Henry Hudson (poem) Dec'69:27 STONEY, (married to George H. Cashel Stoney) -1922 (death) Aug'22:59 STONEY, ELIZABETH (photo) Sep'42:5 STONIER, G WALTER quoted. The last page. Sep'26:64 STONUM, (married to George Stonum) -1924 (death) Nov'24:50 STOOKER, WILHELMINA. THE MISSIONARY EDUCATION OF PRIMARY CHILDREN Speaking of books. Jul'29:44 STOOPS, ROSE MONTGOMERY, -1950 In memoriam. Jan'51:37 STOPES, MARIE quoted. Last column. Oct'63:50 STORCH, (married to Raymond Storch) (photo) Jun'49:15 Storer, Buena R Echoes from everywhere. Nov'32:39 STORER, EUGENE (photo) May'25:43 Storey, Hazel (married to Robert Gerald Storey) Resolution: to read with a purpose. Mar'62:50 STOREY, ROBERT GERALD, -1981 (married to Hazel Storey) Beneath the spire (photo) Jul'52:4 Global highlights (photo) Jan'58:6 Mar'58:7 Dec'60:5 Global highlights. Apr'61:7 Classroom and campus. Jul'61:34 News room. Jul'63:42 quoted. Therefore be it resolved. Nov'66:27 STOREY, ROBERT GERALD, 1922?-1962 In memoriam. Jun'62:42 Storey, Violet Alleyn Remnant (poem) Jul'27:60 A little family gives thanks (poem) Nov'27:back cover Fall weather (poem) Oct'28:18 Those away at Christmas (poem) Dec'31:inside front cover One Christmas Eve (poem) Dec'31:7 For the New Year (poem) Jan'32:24 A prayer after illness (poem) Mar'34:48 (cont. next page) p. 2748 Storey, V - Stough Storey, Violet Alleyn (cont.) God seeks this house (poem) Jul'34:19 New Year's Day (poem) Jan'37:48 A country church (poem) Oct'37:36 Feb'38:37 STORIES Sectarian shackles. Apr'27:21 May'27:24 Jun'27:19 STORK, CLYDE Classroom and campus (photo) Sep'61:29 STORM, BETTY (photo) Jul'23:11 STORM, ELLA In memoriam. Apr'43:39 STORM, GALE See BONNELL, JOSEPHINE OWAISA COTTLE STORM, MYRTLE PARK, 1886-1965 (photo) Mar'24:38 Personalities. May'35:17 STORM, PAUL PARKE (photo) Jul'23:11 STORM LAKE, IOWA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'29:25 STORMS, MALISA ELIZABETH In memoriam. Oct'37:39 STORNI, CAROLINA Carolina Storni. Jul'32:44 STORR, VERNON F. THE LIGHT OF THE BIBLE Book chat. Jul'39:26 STORY, (married to Chester Story) My missionary mother. Feb'22:21 Story, Charles Echoes from everywhere. May'55:34 Workmen for God. Sep'55:26 Some Mexicans want no contact with Protestants. Feb'56:47 STORY, CHARLES DANIEL News room. Sep'50:38 THE STORY OF A CONGREGATION Book chat. Feb'51:40 "THE STORY OF HANDEL'S MESSIAH" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Mar'62:42 STORY TELLING Helps for leaders of junior groups. Feb'38:40 Stotelmyer, Viola Echoes from everywhere. May'32:40 STOTENSBERG, JOHN Global highlights (photo) Apr'61:4 STOTESBERY, WILLIAM World events (photo) Apr'73:39 Stott, Rosco Gilmore, 1880- I saw the children coming (poem) Jun'24:15 STOTTS, JACK. SHALOM: THE SEARCH FOR A PEACEABLE CITY New books. Jul'73:34 STOTTS, SARAH B In memoriam. Sep'37:39 (death) Oct'37:47 Stouffer, E B What my Alma Mater gave me. Jan'30:12 STOUGH, (MRS. J W) (death) Aug'20:31 p. 2749 Stout - Stovall, D STOUT, (married to Charles G. Stout) quoted. Circulation corner. Jun'44:inside front cover Stout, Arthur What my Alma Mater gave me. Jan'30:10 STOUT, ARTHUR (photo) Mar'24:43 STOUT, C H Statiion UCMS broadcasting. Jan'25:45 Stout, Charles Gilbert, 1868-1936 Present-day frontier experiences. May'20:34 The best thing I know about Church Extension. Sep'20:26 A pioneer of today. Nov'20:44 Pioneering in Wyoming. Jan'21:41 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'21:58 Some by-products of church extension. Aug'21:12 Volunteers from Wyoming Endeavoreres. Feb'23:60 The thrills of a pioneer job. Mar'23:58 Echoes from everywhere. May'23:54 Jun'23:60 The Changing west. May'24:10 The lure of lonely places. May'31:11 STOUT, CHARLES GILBERT, 1868-1936 (photo) Sep'20:26 Echoes from everywhere. May'21:61 (photo) Aug'23:41 Dec'24:9 What the Diamond Jubilee evangelists are doing. Mar'25:41 The latest flash of the Diamonds (photo) Sep'25:11 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'25:51 A glimpse at a great evangelistic work. Sep'26:6 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'33:44 In memorium. Mar'37:39 (death) Charles G. Stout. Apr'37:42 STOUT, DOROTHY Classroom and campus. Dec'55:34 STOUT, RUTH E., -1951 In memoriam. Sep'51:37 STOUT, VERNON GRAHAM News room (photo) Mar'56:38 STOUTNER, (MRS. O. K.) (death) Dec'25:51 Stovall, (Mrs. W. A.) Echoes from everywhere. May'32:39 Stovall, Dorothy Skinner, 1906-1991 (married to Henry Allen Stovall) Missionary worship service. Jul'49:39 Nov'49:43 Sep'56:35 Sep'49:37 Jul'56:35 Harvest at Hazel Green. Apr'60:11 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'65:38 STOVALL, DOROTHY SKINNER, 1906-1991 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'33:40 Apr'33:41 (photo) Jul'35:18 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'36:40 (photo) Nov'38:7 Sep'40:26 For adult missionary groups. Sep'49:34 (photo) Dec'49:27 News room (photo) Nov'55:37 Institutional missions. Sep'56:44 Contrasts at Hazel Green. Apr'61:14 (cont. next page) p. 2750 Stovall, D - Stowe, D STOVALL, DOROTHY SKINNER (cont.) Women and world highways. Jun'61:37 News room (photo) Dec'62:32 (photo) Jan'65:38 May'65:38 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Oct'66:32 Stovall, Henry Allan, 1901- (married to Dorothy Stovall) Echoes from everywhere. Jun'30:62 Here are examples of definite service to definitely rural groups. May'31:19 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'32:39 Sep'34:39 Fifty-fifth session at Hazel Green. Dec'35:34 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'36:40 Living waters in a thirsty land. Apr'39:12 Farmer's Day at Hazel Green. Apr'44:13 STOVALL, HENRY ALLAN, 1901- Digest of annual report. Oct'28:38 The amazing story of Hazel Green. Jan'31:12 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'31:35 Along the trail of home missions. Sep'31:30 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'35:33 Editorial correspondence (photo) Jul'35:18 (photo) Sep'40:26 Home Missions heads report (photo) Jun'45:24 For adult missionary groups. Sep'49:34 (photo) Dec'49:27 News room. Jan'50:45 A light shines from the hill (photo) May'51:15 Institutional missions. Sep'56:44 Global highlights (photo) Oct'60:7 Contrasts at Hazel Green. Apr'61:14 An emphasis on service (photo) Jun'61:36 Hazel Green farm produces record corn crop (photo) Apr'62:43 News room (photo) Dec'62:32 Adults and mission (photo) May'65:38 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Oct'66:32 STOVALL, HOLLY MARIE, 1955- (birth) News room. Oct'55:37 STOVALL, JAMES REED (married to Rosemary McLain Stovall) (marriage) News room. Nov'54:36 News room. Oct'55:37 May'60:38 STOVALL, ROSEMARY McLAIN (married to James Reed Stovall) (marriage) News room. Nov'54:36 News room. Oct'55:37 May'60:38 STOVER, (MRS. A. H.) (photo) May'23:58 STOVER, BERT E quoted. Partners with God. Dec'27:30 STOVER, ELIZABETH (photo) Jul'23:5 STOVER, MARGARET ALCOCK In memoriam. Oct'36:39 STOWE, DAVID quoted. Global highlights. Jan'64:4 STOWE, DAVID. WHEN FAITH MEETS FAITH Read about India! Dec'63:41 The church's mission among new nations. Dec'64:32 Stowe, David M Evangelism in the seventies. Sep'70:18 p. 2751 Stowe, D - Strang STOWE, DAVID M World events (photo) May'71:38 STOWE, EVERETT M Global highlights. Nov'47:3 STOWE, EVERETT M. COMMUNICATING REALITY THROUGH SYMBOLS New books. Sep'67:38 STOWE, J. EARL (married to Vera Lee Stowe) Beneath the spire (photo) Feb'61:8 STOWE, LELAND. NAZI MEANS WAR Speaking of books. Jul'34:32 STOWE, LELAND. WHILE TIME REMAINS Book chat. Nov'46:16 STOWELL, JAY S. BETWEEN THE AMERICAS Speaking of books. May'30:33 STOY, HENRIETTA See ALLRED, HENRIETTA (STOY) STRACHAN, HARRY Evangelistic campaign in Porto Rico. Apr'25:36 STRACHAN, KITSI (photo) Jan'42:38 Straight, M H Carnival of the four winds. Nov'72:42 STRAIGHT, MATHILDA (death) Dec'21:57 STRAIN, (married to Dudley Strain) (photo) Jan'64:12 STRAIN, DUDLEY (photo) Feb'48:8 News room (photo) Nov'49:35 Toronto--a wrestle with ideas (photo) Oct'55:25 Disciples look to Miami (photo) Sep'63:31 (photo) Jan'64:12 STRAIN, JULIA Global highlights (photo) Feb'49:3 STRAIN, TESSA STEVENS (photo) Jan'21:9 STRAITON, NELLIE Beneath the spire (photo) Jan'50:4 STRAND, CHARLES Here and there with World Call. Mar'57:48 STRAND, ELVIRA, -1957 In memoriam. May'57:33 Strand, Ruby A Perspective (poem) Oct'68:43 STRANG, (MRS. A. R.), -1942 Echoes from everywhere. May'23:58 Nov'25:49 (photo) Jan'28:32 Nov'29:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'30:33 (photo) Dec'30:2 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jun'31:42 Good ideas... Sep'31:39 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'33:40 In memoriam. Oct'42:39 Strang, Ella Hoffman Come and see. Dec'21:20 STRANG, ELLA HOFFMAN (photo) Dec'21:20 p. 2752 Strange - Straton, H Strange, Hallie Ruth, 1899-1970 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'32:40 Devotional study of missionary societies. Mar'34:38 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'36:38 From Mexico. Jan'37:47 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'37:39 Mar'37:39 May'37:38 Nov'37:38 Christmas in San Luis Potosi. Feb'38:29 Echoes from Nogales ranch. Apr'41:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'42:42 Evangelism in rural Mexico. May'42:45 Gospel portions distributed. May'42:46 I visit the rural churches. Nov'43:23 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'46:36 La Casa del Hogar. Oct'46:28 From Venado to Pabellon. Oct'48:47 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'51:34 May'54:34 Jun'55:36 Nov'55:32 Girls visit Mexico City... Feb'56:39 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'56:34 Oct'62:36 Apr'64:38 STRANGE, HALLIE RUTH, 1899-1970 College of Missions notes. Apr'25:57 (photo) Jul'25:7 Station UCMS broadcasting (photo) Apr'26:54 Jul'26:53 Reenforcements to the front. Jun'31:25 (photo p. 10) quoted. Helps for leaders of junior groups. Sep'32:43 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'35:33 Jul'37:33 quoted. Women and world highways. Jun'42:35 (photo) Feb'43:9,11 A preaching tour in Mexico. Jul'44:28 News room. Mar'45:28 Dec'46:38 To meet human need in Mexico. Jul'51:12 (photo p. 13) CYF caravan to Mexico (photo) Jan'52:25 "Blues" serving well at Hope Hospital (photo) Feb'54:26 News room. Oct'55:36 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'60:36 (photo) Apr'64:38 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Oct'67:37 In memoriam. Dec'70:46 "STRANGER IN THEIR OWN LAND" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Sep'55:41 Strater, (Mrs. H. P.) Echoes from everywhere. Jun'25:53 STRATER, (MRS. H. P.) (photo) Sep'33:4,34 STRATER, H P (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'35:33 STRATHMAN-THOMAS, WARREN K Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'29:31 STRATON, HILLYER HAWTHORNE, 1905- (photo) Feb'48:18 STRATON, HILLYER HAWTHRONE. A GUIDE TO THE PARABLES OF JESUS Book chat. Oct'59:26 STRATON, HILLYER HAWTHORNE. PREACHING THE MIRACLES OF JESUS Book chat. Dec'50:18 STRATON, HILLYER HAWTHORNE. SOLVING LIFE'S PROBLEMS Book chat. Apr'54:28 May'54:41 p. 2753 Straton, H - Stribling STRATON, HILLYER HAWTHORNE. THINKING WHERE JESUS THOUGHT Book chat. Oct'45:36 STRATTON, BRENT In brief. Nov'73:41 STRATTON, C E (death) Board of Education meets. Jun'33:33 Stratton, John P Students' goals reflect change. Jan'68:20 STRATTON, RUTH (death) Jun'23:54 STRAUBVILLE, NORTH DAKOTA The Church in thy house. Aug'23:62 STRAUS, OSCAR S (death) Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'26:45 Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'28:43 STRAUS, ROGER W Global highlights. Jan'53:3 Strauss, Florence Miller The shortest distance. May'55:26 Straw, Cenie S Letters. Mar'70:34 STRAWN, ANNA OLIVE (death) May'19:41 STRAWN, JOHN WESLEY, 1853-1919 (death) (photo) Mar'19:59 Casting bread--into a box car. Jan'29:23 (photo p. 24) STRAWN, SAMUEL ALEXANDER, 1864-193? Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:58 STRAWN, SILAS H quoted. The last page. Feb'27:64 STRAWN, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'24:10 STRAYER, MARILYN A chance to live. Oct'68:26 (photo p. 27) STREATOR, JONATHAN MARTIN (death) May'23:55 STREATOR, MARTIN LYMAN Martin Lyman Streator (photo) Oct'26:57 STREET, (MRS. F. T.) In memoriam. Nov'31:39 STREET, JAMES. THE HIGH CALLING Book chat. Sep'51:24 STREETER, HERBERT A. COMMON SENSE IN MARRIAGE Marriage and family life. May'59:41 STREETT, JAMES CLARK, JR. College activities. Jun'39:30 STREIKER, LOWELL D. THE JESUS TRIP: ADVENT OF THE JESUS FREAKS New books deal with lively topics. Jan'72:31 STRENGTH FOR SERVICE TO GOD AND COUNTRY Book chat. Sep'42:46 STRESEMANN, GUSTAVE (death) Listening in on the world. Dec'29:26 STRESS Churches must deal with stress in the ministry. Sep'72:20 STRIBLING, LILLIE BRASWELL (married to W. L. Stribling) Beneath the spire (photo) May'54:4 STRIBLING, W. L., -1956 (married to Lillie Braswell Stribling) Beneath the spire (photo) May'54:4 p. 2754 Strickland - Stroeh STRICKLAND, ARTHUR B. THE GREAT AMERICAN REVIVAL Book chat. Dec'34:42 Strickler, J Addison A grain of sand (poem) Oct'35:31 STRICKLING, EMMA, -1961 In memoriam. Sep'61:35 STRIETMANN, H Ambassadors for the Brotherhood (photo) Jun'56:18 STRINGFELLOW, ERVIN EDWARD, 1884-1962 (photo) Jan'21:6 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Oct'26:56 Classroom and campus. Oct'49:31 Nov'50:36 STRINGFELLOW, JANE, -1958 (photo) Jan'28:32 In memoriam. Jan'59:41 (death) News room. May'59:40 Stringfellow, William The incarnation and social action. Sep'66:23 Marks of Christian involvement. Oct'66:25 The unpopularity of Jesus. Nov'66:18 Negro anti-semitism. Jan'67:29 STRINGFELLOW, WILLIAM quoted. Global highlights. Mar'64:6 World Calling. Apr'64:10 quoted. Global highlights. Sep'64:6 (photo) Sep'66:23 Oct'66:25 Nov'66:18 Jan'67:29 STRINGFELLOW, WILLIAM. THE BISHOP PIKE AFFAIR New books. Jan'68:38 STRINGFELLOW, WILLIAM. COUNT IT JOY New books. Feb'68:39 STRINGFELLOW, WILLIAM. DISSENTER IN A GREAT SOCIETY New books. Jan'67:20 STRINGFELLOW, WILLIAM. MY PEOPLE IS THE ENEMY New books. Oct'64:47 STRINGFELLOW, WILLIAM. A PRIVATE AND PUBLIC FAITH Book chat. Mar'63:24 STRINGFELLOW, WILLIAM. A SECOND BIRTHDAY New books. Jan'71:28 STRINGFELLOW, WILLIAM. SUSPECT TENDERNESS New books. Mar'72:31 STRINGFELLOW, WILMA VIRGINIA Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'51:4 STRIP MINING World events. Feb'73:39 Strite, Jacob Jay Miller, 1904- (married to Anna Irene Foltz Strite) (married to Clara Belle Fleish Strite) A venture in interchurch cooperation. Oct'42:8 Letters. Apr'66:41 STRITE, JACOB JAY MILLER, 1904- (photo) Oct'42:8 From pew to pulpit (photo) Sep'61:14 STROBHAR, (married to Arthur Douglass Strobhar) -1941 (death) News room. Jun'41:34 In memoriam. Jun'41:39 STROBHAR, ARTHUR DOUGLASS, 1875- News room. Jun'41:34 Stroeh, Matie B How our family spends its summer. Aug'25:55 p. 2755 Stroeh - Stuart, A STROEH, MATIE B (photo) Nov'25:49 STROESSNER, ALFREDO Global highlights (photo) Jul'60:5 STROFF, ADA (death) Jul'24:53 STROHMENGER, MARTHA, -1955 In memoriam. Apr'56:35 STROMMEN, MERTON P. BRIDGING THE GAP New books. Dec'73:45 STROMQUIST, JAMES News room. Mar'42:43 STRONG, AGNES (death) Jun'23:54 STRONG, ANNA LOUISE Classroom and campus. Apr'48:29 STRONG, DOVE, -1964 In memoriam. Mar'65:46 Strong, Frances O Letters. Oct'72:4 Strong, Jaq M Letters. May'64:46 Strong, Katherine S Women on world highways. Nov'66:30 Oct'67:30 STRONG, KENDRICK. SAGEBUSH CIRCUIT Book chat. Oct'50:41 STRONG, LOIS Strangers in our midst. Nov'45:25 STRONG, MERTON Classroom and campus. Nov'50:36 STRONG, ROBBINS quoted. Global highlights. Jan'64:7 STRONG, TRACY. WE PRISONERS OF WAR Book chat. Sep'42:22 STROPE, MARY JANE Memorium. May'35:39 Strother, J. P. Finding the secret of racial harmony. Feb'61:14 Strouck, (married to Alfred Strouck) Letters. Sep'67:41 STROUDE, GRACE DAY, -1969 (married to H. Clay Stroude) In memoriam. Mar'70:46 STROUDT, JOHN JOSEPH. PRIVATE DEVOTIONS FOR HOME AND CHILDREN Book chat. Mar'57:39 Strough, Matie B Echoes from everywhere. Dec'24:49 STROUP, HERBERT. LIKE A GREAT RIVER New books. Jan'73:33 STROUSS, FLORENCE DAVIES (death) Apr'19:60 STRUBLE, MAUDE In memoriam. Dec'39:37 STRUCHEN, JEANETTE. THIS IS THE PUZZLE OF POVERTY World outreach book reviews. Dec'66:40 STUART, (married to James A. Stuart) (photo) Nov'29:2 Dec'30:2 Nov'31:29 Stuart, Alpha Mell Letter to an unknown friend. Jun'57:30 The worst of times. Apr'65:30 p. 2756 Stuart, E - Stubbs, M STUART, ELLEN Classroom and campus. Oct'55:30 STUART, GEORGE C., 1912-1988 Classroom and campus. Nov'57:31 Global highlights. Jun'61:5 STUART, IRENE (married to Paul A. Stuart) Beneath the spire (photo) Jul'60:8 STUART, J E quoted. M. E. Sadler. Jul'22:53 STUART, J LEIGHTON Global highlights. Sep'46:3 STUART, JAMES A (photo) Jan'39:1 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'39:42 (photo) Jaun'43:4 News room. Jan'47:38 quoted. Youth Week... Jan'48:6 STUART, JESSE. THE THREAD THAT RUNS SO TRUE Home missions reading--1950. Jul'50:34 Stuart, Julian E., 1904-1979 (married to Lois Stuart) Partnership is taught. Oct'49:19 Easter to Pentecost. Apr'50:21 Challenge of Children's Day. May'56:39 STUART, JULIAN E., 1904-1979 Fruits of the first loan. Aug'24:2 News notes--Committee on War Services. Jun'45:27 News room. Apr'47:41 Global highlights (photo) Oct'48:2 (photo) May'56:39 Global highlights (photo) Mar'57:4 They work for you. Feb'59:28 (photo p. 27) quoted. Last column. Jun'62:50 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Oct'69:34 STUART, LOIS, 1903-1979 (married to Julian E. Stuart) (photo) May'55:45 Here and there with World Call. Feb'57:48 Jun'58:50 Oct'60:50 News room. Feb'62:34 STUART, R. MARVIN quoted. Global highlights. Sep'64:6 Stuart, Ruth Day One increasing purpose. May'29:18 STUART, RUTH DAY (photo) May'29:18 Stubblefield, LaVelle Echoes from everywhere. Jul'31:41 STUBBLEFIELD, LOUISE ARMSTRONG (death) Oct'19:58 STUBBS, (MRS. J. L.) (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'37:44 STUBBS, EULA, -1963 In memoriam. Mar'64:45 STUBBS, J F (photo) Mar'24:28 STUBBS, JOHN F., 1881-1967 In memoriam. Sep'67:44 STUBBS, MARJORIE Beneath the spire (photo) Feb'50:4 p. 2757 Stubbs, M - Student N STUBBS, MARY E. McCLARY, -1961 (married to John E. Stubbs) In memoriam. Apr'61:37 Stuber, Stanley Irving, 1903- In answer to the Bishops. Jan'49:11 Japanese government grants charter to Christian University. Mar'53:45 The Reformation--its meaning for today. Oct'53:24 H-Bombs and our Christian responsiblity. Jun'54:28 STUBER, STANLEY IRVING, 1903- Global highlights (photo) Jan'52:3 Seeks data on converts. Jul'54:48 Global highlights. Feb'56:3 quoted. Global highlights. Nov'63:7 STUBER, STANLEY IRVING. THE ILLUSTRATED BIBLE AND CHURCH HANDBOOK New books. Dec'66:41 STUBER, STANLEY IRVING. PRIMER ON ROMAN CATHOLICISM FOR PROTESTANTS Book chat. Jul'53:42 Apr'60:43 STUBER, STANLEY IRVING. PUBLIC RELATIONS MANUAL FOR CHURCHES Book chat. Jul'51:22 STUBER, STANLEY IRVING. TREASURY OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH Book chat. Nov'49:45 STUBLE, VIRGINIA M See BURLINGAME, VIRGINIA M. STUBLE STUCKENBRUCK, CARROLL O., 1886- (married to May Chestnut Stuckenbruck) Echoes from everywhere. Sep'21:62 (photo) Nov'36:41 STUCKENBRUCK, EARL ROY (photo) Sep'37:33 Sep'42:6 Stuckenbruck, May Chestnut (married to Carroll O. Stuckenbruck) A tribute (poem) Oct'27:58 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'32:40 STUCKENBRUCK, MAY CHESTNUT A rainbow luncheon. Oct'27:58 (photo) Jun'41:17 STUCKY, NELLIE McGARVEY (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'35:40 Studdert-Kennedy, G A The fighter (poem) Feb'29:22 Peace and joy (poem) Mar'34:48 Dec'35:48 STUDDERT-KENNEDY, G A Glimpses of the religious world. May'29:31 STUDENT CHRISTIAN CONGRESS Students meet in Scotland. Jul'58:34 STUDENT CHRISTIAN FEDERATION See UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT STUDENT CHRISTIAN MISSION (FITCHBURG, MASS.) Glimpses of the religious world. Nov'24:47 STUDENT CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT (GREAT BRITAIN) World events. Mar'69:35 STUDENT CONFERENCE Christian activities in our colleges. Jan'36:31 STUDENT INTERRACIAL MINISTRY COMMITTEE Venture in understanding. Jul'63:30 STUDENT NURSES See NURSING EDUCATION p. 2758 Student Volunteer - STUDENT VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT Students 1934 Student Volunteer Convention. Dec'19:39 Feb'20:18 With the missionary volunteers. Oct'20:17 Disciples of Christ Student Volunteers (photo) Oct'20:18 My reasons for volunteering for foreign missionary service. Jun'21:inside front cover Concerning the Student Volunteer Movement. Nov'21:58 Sep'23:24 Glimpses of the outside world. Dec'23:61 Headquarters notes. Jan'24:53 (photos of 1923-24 Convention) Feb'24:inside covers and back cover The significance of the Student Volunteer Movement. Feb'24:9 Greatest International Convention... Feb'24:52 College of Missions. Mar'25:64 Into the uttermost. Oct'25:54 Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'26:27 Jan'28:45 Good news from tomorrow (photo of Convention) Feb'28:31 Modern youth movements and missions. May'29:13 Another whisper from tomorrow. Feb'32:19 The threshold. Oct'35:2 Student volunteers... Feb;36:13 Mar'36:4 The threshold. Dec'37:2 Students meet at Wooster. Dec'43:35 The Disciples of Christ and cooperative home missions. Jul'49:23 Global highlights. Oct'51:2 Meet in Lawrence. Mar'52:14 Youth and missions. Mar'52:37 Apr'52:35 Global highlights. Dec'52:4 Jul'53:3 ...joins National Council. Sep'53:43 Global highlights. Dec'54:2 Apr'55:4 Feb'56:2 Youth and missions. Mar'56:37 Students will survey the church's mission. May'58:23 STUDENT VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. INDIANA Apr'19:62 College of Missions items. Apr'23:53 STUDENT VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. KANSAS Echoes from everywhere. Apr'22:60 STUDENT VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT. VIRGINIA Notes. May'19:62 STUDENT WORKERS' ASSOCIATION News room. Nov'52:44 Nov'55:38 STUDENTS The church and the secular university. Mar'24:28 Student pastor at Berkeley. Jun'24:40 Washington Christian Foundation. Sep'24:58 The case against the church. Feb'26:29 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Feb'26:53 Students as workers in industry. Nov'26:17 Helping students use spare time. Nov'26:39 Students and church attendance. Dec'26:25 Fifty thousand students earn way in school. Jun'27:60 Some have and some haven't. Sep'28:21 What shall we offer the university student? Oct'28:9 Students weigh the church. Jan'34:23 Students are people. Nov'34:15 Book chat. Dec'34:22 (cont. next page) p. 2759 Students 1935 - 1960 STUDENTS (cont.) When students go to church. Jan'35:14 On the trail of the student. Sep'35:10 Excerpts from address delivered at the International Convention... Nov'35:25 Students in colleges and universities. May'36:12 Colleges plan for fall opening. Sep'36:33 The college church and the religious life of the student. Jan'37:8 Student work opportunities. Nov'37:12 Religion on the campus. Sep'38:18 Our college youth and God. Nov'39:15 Evangelism goes to the university campus. May'40:27 College students are a shifting population. Nov'40:26 The western trek of Chinese students. Mar'41:10 Student guidance in the church college. Jan'42:13 Working with students. Nov'42:17 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'42:39 The challenge of the state university. Jan'43:12 Classroom and campus. Feb'43:32 College girls and tomorrow's world. May'43:11 Student relief activities. Oct'43:38 Students meet at Wooster. Dec'43:35 The student planning conference on the world mission of the church. Mar'44:19 The students' claim on the church. May'46:12 Student life in Poland. Jan'47:43 World wide Christian students. Feb'47:15 Students who speak for Christ. May'47:15 The church and the student. Oct'47:14 As students meet in Japan. May'48:9 We belong to life. Jan'49:;19 The student and his faith. Mar'50:22 A program for young Disciples. May'50:24 Can youth do anything--1951? May'51:12 Pains and pleasures of living in a student center. Dec'51:16 The church follows the student. Oct'52:21 What does a foundation do? Jan'54:7 Students united. May'54:20 Social trend. Mar'55:21 When a Disciple goes to college. Nov'55:17 Campus Christianity. May'56:41 Religion on the campus. May'56:29 Merger mapped. May'56:46 The campus is a mission field. Nov'56:15 Global highlights. Apr'57:5 Youth look at foreign policy. May'57:8 A prayer for the college graduatge. Jun'57:18 Good gifts for youth. Jun'57:33 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'57:38 The prospective student. Jan'58:12 The Bible Chair and center. Jan'58:14 Japanese youth seek a faith. Jul'58:49 Students are missionaries. May'59:19 Global highlights. Jun'59:6 Classroom and campus. Oct'59:32 Thai youth face testing. Mar'60:49 What does youth want? May'60:12 (cont. next page) p. 2760 Students 1960 - Finances STUDENTS (cont.) Global highlights. Sep'60:8 Why the college chapel? Jan'61:15 Why not study abroad? Apr'61:9 Social trends. May'61:20 Global highlights. Jun'61:5 Jul'61:5 Choices of a college freshman. Sep'61:16 Adults and mission. Jan'62:36 Prayer for students. Feb'62:41 Global highlights. Feb'63:6 Japanese students search. Feb'63:30 College youth and a summer miracle. May'63:14 Global highlights. Jul'63:4 They call it "The place." Dec'63:32 Global highlights. Mar'64:5 Why do students fail? Oct'64:11 Youth look at their life work. Nov'64:17 Letters. Dec'64:49 A campus without God? Jan'65:11 Students abroad. Jan'65:36 The quiet campus revolution. Jan'66:11 Letters. Sep'66:inside front cover Year of the student. Dec'66:22 Straight from the shoulder. Jan'67:11 Ahead of the headlines. Sep'67:5 Global highlights. Mar'68:6 714 Coffeee House. Jul'68:18 Students send up smoke signals. Mar'69:16 Caught in the chasm. May'69:8 Editorials. May'69:19 Should campus revolutionaries be stopped by police? Jul'69:26 Letters. Oct'69:4 A ray of hope. Mar'70:8 Mar'71:much of issue Letters. May'71:4 Praise the Lord! Jan'72:10 Youth help make the church "aware." Mar'72:19 Disorder on the campus (1870 style). Apr'72:21 Survival on the campus. Jul'73:9 STUDENTS--FINANCES See also SCHOLARSHIPS Glimpses of the religious world. Feb'29:31 Global higlights. Oct'53:2 Oct'56:3 Who carries the deficit? Jan'58:9 How to finance education. Jul'58:47 Classroom and campus. Nov'59:32 Why, where, how? Jan'60:15 Global highlights. Jan'61:7 Mar'61:5 Sep'61:7 Oct'61:5 Scholarships mean stronger churches. Jun'62:29 Global highlights. Feb'63:5 Classroom and campus. May'65:35 9 tips on financing a college education. Jan'66:50 Top priority in Africa. Jan'67:40 Ahead of the headlines. Oct'66:4 Christian Church scholarships. Apr'70:18 p. 2761 Students, International STUDENTS, INTERNATIONAL - Study Conference Is the church in America a friend to foreign students? Sep'23:6 Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'25:45 Board of Education and work of our colleges (photo of foreign students at Drake Univ.) Jul'26:43 Foreign students hold open house. Jun'28:58 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Mar'29:41 Glimpses of the religious world. Jun'29:42 Items that made news last month. Oct'29:36 News items that point the trend of the day. Apr'30:40 World youth comes to the American college campus. May'36:6 United Nations on the campus. Jan'46:13 Youth and missions. Apr'46:35 No more "black study." Nov'47:23 Global highlights. Dec'48:3 Students from other lands. Apr'50:22 Global highlights. Sep'50:2 Women and world highways. Jul'51:33 Social trends. Oct'51:20 Youth and missions. Mar'52:37 Adventuring in friendship. May'52:21 Youth and missions. Sep'52:37 News room. Jan'53:33 Youth and missions. Feb'53:35 News room. Mar'53:46 German students tour America. Jan'54:41 Global highlights. Mar'54:3 For adult mission study (photo) Jun'54:38 Social trends. Sep'54:18 Global highlights (photo) Dec'55:3 Women and world highways. Mar'56:33 Youth and missions. Apr'56:37 Global highights. May'56:5 Oct'56:5 Mar'57:2 Feb'58:5 Youth exchange set. Apr'58:31 International exchange builds ties. Nov'58:22 Global highlights. Mar'60:8 Youth and missions. Mar'60:39 Nov'61:37 The world comes to the campus. Jan'62:11 Social issues. Sep'62:18 Social trends. Mar'63:18 Youth and the world mission. Mar'63:41 Our 40,000 guests. May'63:31 "Chela's" dream came true. Jan'64:21 I.C.Y.E.--Youth adventure in understanding. May'64:23 The man from I.C.Y.E. Nov'66:32 World on world highways. Mar'67:30 Church-to-church contacts through exchange students. Mar'68:21 Scholarships for future leaders of churches and new nations. Jun'70:42 Do you like Per Hansen? Nov'72:25 STUDENTS' SOCIETIES See GREEK LETTER SOCIETIES STUDLEY, HATTIE (photo) Oct'54:17 STUDY CONFERENCE OF THE CHURCHES AND WORLD PEACE The churches study world peace. May'30:47 p. 2762 Study Conf. - Stuntz STUDY CONFERENCE ON THE BASES FOR A JUST AND DURABLE PEACE (DELAWARE, OHIO) Feb'42:31 The threshold. Mar'42:2 Towards a just and durable peace. Apr'42:3 Social trends. Apr'42:22 Quotations from Delaware conference. May'42:19 Interest in just and durable peace. Jul'42:3 STUDY CONFERENCE ON THE CHURCHES AND A JUST AND DURABLE PEACE The churches consider world order. Mar'45:16 Imperatives of missions. Mar'45:3 World order and the churches. Mar'45:4 STUDY GUIDE TO THE CHURCH AND THE NEW WORLD Book hcat. Jun'44:19 STUEVER, FRANCIS L Glimpses of the religious world. Jun'28:45 STUHR, ROBERT L Classroom and campus. Apr'59:35 STUKEY, MAGELINA, -1951 (photo) Jan'21:8 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'23:52 (photo) May'25:43 In memoriam. Oct'51:36 STULL, C. L. "THE NINTH HOUR" (PAINTING) The threshold (photo) Apr'44:2 STULL, JOSEPH SIBLEY Calssroom and campus. Apr'46:30 STULL, RUTH. SAND AND STARS Books for your reading on latin America. Jan'52:40 STULLER, MARY (death) Aug'25:50 STULTS, (MRS. C. M.) quoted. Circulation corner. Mar'35:1 STULTS, C M Big brothers to rural churches. Jun'38:27 STULTZ, (married to Luther Stultz) In memoriam. Jun'41:39 STULTZ, HETTIE K These merry widows of ours. Dec'32:29 Stump, Eugene F They help people become whole. Feb'62:17 STUMP, EUGENE F. Modern circuit rider (photo) May'45:22 News room. Nov'46:32 Nov'47:40 They help people become whole (photo) Feb'62:15 STUMP, JOSEPH. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE Speaking of books. May'30:33 STUMPF, (MRS. J R) (death) Dec'19:31 STUNTZ, HOMER C (death) Glimpses of the religious world. Aug'24:47 STUNTZ, HUGH C (photo) Nov'28:41 STUNTZ, HUGH C. THE UNITED NATIONS CHALLENGE TO THE CHURCH Book chat. May'48:22 STUNTZ, HYLA (photo) Feb'46:25 p. 2763 Sturbaum - Sudan STURBAUM, HELEN ELIZABETH HILL, 1931- (birth) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'31:42 (birth) Nov'31:47 (photo) Feb'34:31 Children of the India mission. Mar'38:25 (photo p. 24) (photo) Sep'41:21 Feb'50:33 STURGEON, BLANCHE M., -1942 In memoriam. Dec'42:39 STURGEON, NELLIE MILLER (death) May'23:55 STURGESS, BEVERLY MAE WHITEHEAD, 1936- (married to William Krieger Sturgess) Classroom and campus. Feb'61:30 Sturgess, William The perfect congregation. Nov'64:30 STURGIS, MICHIGAN. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Jul'38:1 STURM, SUE Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'39:40 STURMAN, HELEN ELIZABETH HILL Station UCMS broadcasting. May'33:42 News room. Oct'44:28 STYCOS, J. MAYONE. IDEOLOGY, FAITH AND FAMILY PLANNING IN LATIN AMERICA New books explore wide range of issues. Dec'71:44 STYLES, JOSEPH. ACQUIRING AND DEVELOPING CHURCH REAL ESTATE New books. Jan'66:40 SUAREZ, AMADOR Blond boy from Zacatecas (photo) Jun'60:32 Suarez, M Echoes from everywhere. Jul'59:38 SUAREZ, NARCISA Christmas in Zacatecas. Dec'45:26 SUBBOTNIKI Global highlights. Jan'59:6 SUBEDO, R G (photo) Mar'46:12 SUBHAN, JOHN A Global highlights (photo) Jul'47:4 SUBLETTE, SUE In memoriam. Jun'31:40 SUBURBAN CHURCHES Neither fish nor flesh. Apr'53:26 New suburban churches. May'56:46 SUBURBS Ahead of the headlines. May'71:5 SUCHER, F J (photo) Jan'21:14 SUCHI, KAZUKO Classroom and campus (photo) May'53:31 SUDAN Notes. Jun'19:59 Heroes of the Sudan. May'20:41 Youth and missions. Apr'53:37 Global highlights. Feb'54:2 Commentary. May'72:12 World events. Jun'72:39 SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION Global highlights. May'63:7 p. 2764 Suell - Sugimoto SUELL, LEAH HARP (death) May'26:50 SUFFEL, CLARA IDA (HILL), -1945 (married to Waldo Suffel) Notes. Aug'19:45 (death) News room. Mar'45:28 "SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME" (HYMN) (music) Jan'49:37 SUFFERAGE The responsibility of Christian women at the polls. Aug'28:21 SUFFERING When do "all things work together for good?" Jan'43:25 Opportunities of tragedy. Nov'43:18 The long road to Utopia. Nov'43:19 SUGAHARA, Sugawara San (photo) Feb'35:28 SUGAHARA, KAY See KUWAHARA, KAY SUGAHARA SUGAR, E Global highlights (photo) Oct'49:2 SUGGS, JACK See SUGGS, M. JACK Suggs, James Clinton, 1932- The church must speak to the people. Nov'61:19 Decade achievements--after two years. Sep'62:14 Adults and mission. Nov'62:40 Disciples look to Miami. Sep'63:31 "Reconciliation" theme chosen for assembly. Sep'64:23 Seeking change with responsible speed. Feb'65:23 Disciples to get inside view at Assemblies. Sep'65:31 That "plan" in someone's pocket. Jun'66:28 women on world highways. Sep'66:28 Now, it's your turn. Dec'66:14 New books. Dec'66:41 No crystal ball for Disciples. May'68:17 Why the Pension Fund cares. Oct'68:11 Rebirth to San Benito. Jun'73:5 SUGGS, JAMES CLINTON, 1932- All this is the ministry (photo) Sep'57:10 Global highlights (photo) Jan'61:4 Apr'64:7 Disciples in the news. Jun'67:7 (photo) Jul'68:8 In brief. Jul'69:38 Jun'70:38 (photo) Jul'71:45 Oct'73:32 SUGGS, JAMES DALE, 1961- (birth) News room. Nov'61:39 SUGGS, MARION JACK, 1924- Classroom and campus. Dec'60:33 Mar'63:35 Disciples in the news. Apr'67:7 In brief. Nov'69:41 SUGGS, MARION JACK. THE GOSPEL STORY Book chat. Feb'61:40 Oct'61:42 SUGGS, MARION JACK. THE LAYMAN READS HIS BIBLE Book chat. Jun'57:44 SUGIMOTO, ETSU INAGAKI. THE DAUGHTER OF THE NARIKIN Speaking of books. Jul'34:33 SUGIMOTO, HENRY A strange American home. Feb'45:8 p. 2765 Sugioka SUGIOKA, GERTRUDE (photo) Nov'44:20 Sugioka, James (married to Janet McKelvie Sugioka) Jamaican Disciples build anew. Jul'52:12 At the service of those who suffer. Dec'61:15 Letters. Jan'67:inside front cover SUGIOKA, JAMES important post. Sep'42:20 (photo) Nov'44:20 Apr'46:17 Global highlights (photo) Jun'46:4 (photo) Jun'46:28 Dec'52:19 News room. Feb'53:36 A visiting ministry among the Yakimas (photo) Apr'53:15 Global highlights (photo) Nov'59:4 Global highlights. Jul'60:7 News room (photo) Jan'62:32 Global highlights (photo) Mar'62:7 Sep'63:4 Adults and mission (photo) Jun'64:39 Global highlights (photo) May'65:4 Disciples in the news (photo) Feb'66:7 Disciples' Amateur Radio Fellowship (photo) May'67:44 (photo) Feb'69:20 Spotlight on James Sugioka (photo) Sep'69:11 In brief. Sep'70:39 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Jan'72:42 Sugioka, Janet McKelvie, 1913-1988 (married to James Sugioka) China missions gain new impetus. Jun'46:18 A doctor takes over in Hofei. Jul'47:8 The church at work in Mexico. Mar'52:10 Now is the time. Jan'53:22 Disciples are at work with children around the world. Jun'53:28 People help people at M.C.I. Apr'54:15 Children in Japan. Jun'54:21 Today's tools for today's tasks. Oct'54:24 Christian missions in India. Dec'54:28 When the family worships together. Feb'55:28 There is always a way. Jun'55:23 Disciples in South Africa. Nov'55:21 Christian witness in today's world. Mar'56:23 Essentials in Christian education. Apr'59:19 Schools of missions--why and how? Oct'60:21 New spirit in India. Jul'62:31 Boy from Chacarita...eight years after. Oct'67:42 New books. Feb'69:29 Books of value. Dec'72:47 Devotional aid. Jan'73:47 Appealing meditations. Feb'73:49 SUGIOKA, JANET McKELVIE, 1913-1988 News room. Jan'52:39 (photo) Oct'60:39 Spotlight on James Sugioka. Sep'69:11 SUGIOKA, KENNETH (photo) Mar'43:16 SUGIOKA, LINDA FAITH, 1948- (birth) News room. Oct'48:32 SUGIOKA, S., -1960 (death) News room. Sep'60:40 p. 2766 Sugiyama - Sukhnanday SUGIYAMA, MIYO Christian welcome for servicemen. Mar'66:44 SUHARTO (PRESIDENT OF INDONESIA) Women's role in world issues. Dec'70:26 SUICIDE Ahead of the headlines. Jul'71:5 SUITLAND, MARYLAND. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Meet our hostesses at Washington. Oct'30:10 SUKHATNE, P. V. quoted. Global highlights. Feb'65:4 SUKHNANDAH, BINDU (photo) Jul'40:43 Sukhnandan, Lily D (married to Prabhu Dayal Dukhnandan) Women and world highways. Apr'53:33 Missionary worship service. Dec'53:35 Serving the sightless. Jan'59:55 SUKHNANDAN, LILY D. Echoes from everywhere (photo) Oct'48:36 Women and world highways. Oct'52:33 News room. Oct'52:45 (photo) Apr'53:33 Sep'53:27 For adult mission study (photo) Dec'53:36 Eye camp in India. May'61:41 quoted. Women on world highways. Sep'65:39 Sukhnandan, Prabhu Dayal (married to Lily D. Sukhnandan) My hopes for the Satnami. Nov'40:34 Hospital is better equipped. Nov'52:42 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'53:34 Christianity plays a vital role in India. Mar'65:24 SUKHNANDAN, PRABHU DAYAL Missionary illustrations... Jan'31:46 An Indian medical student testifies. Apr'31:34 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Dec'33:40 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'40:29 Jun'40:34 Meet my friend... (photo) Jul'40:43 (photo) Nov'40:34 Jun'41:16 quoted. They said at St. Louis. Jun'41:17 Missionary register. Sep'41:47 (photo) Nov'41:15 Significant events of 1941 (photo) Feb'42:inside back cover News room. Jul'42:43 (photo) Sep'42:12 A shining scroll of Christian nationals (photo) Dec'42:16 News room. Dec'42:34 Feb'43:34 Mar'43:34 Jun'43:30 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'44:33 (photo) Jun'45:8 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'52:38 Seeing is believing. Apr'53:13 News room. Nov'53:32 Eye camp in India. May'61:41 (photo) Mar'65:24 SUKHNANDAN, S D (photo) Mar'36:27 SUKHNANDAN, SUDHA (photo) Jul'40:43 SUKHNANDAN, USHA, 1944- (birth) News room. Jan'45:30 SUKHNANDAY, AGIT (photo) Jul'40:43 p. 2767 Sulanke - Sulphur Sulanke, Robert Glen, 1913- Relief collection center in operation. Mar'46:46 SULANKE, ROBERT GLEN, 1913- Summer on the college campus. Oct'35:30 Global highlights (photo) Feb'63:5 SULFUR GAP CHAIR AND WOODWORKS CO. Self-help breaks the poverty cycle in Appalachia. Nov'73:6 SULLENGER, T EARLE. STUDIES IN URBAN SOCIOLOGY Speaking of books. May'34:33 SULLENS, FRED quoted. A southern editor on negro rights. Feb'50:20 Sullivan, (married to Arthur V. Sullivan) Echoes from everywhere. Apr'24:49 SULLIVAN, (MRS. B. C.) In memorium. Nov'40:39 Sullivan, (Mrs. J. T.) Our boys and girls. Mar'23:30 SULLIVAN, (MRS. J. T.) (photo) Jan'28:32 Jun'28:19 SULLIVAN, ANNE MANSFIELD The treasures of her own island. Jan'23:34 SULLIVAN, CHARLES C., -1973 In memoriam. Nov'73:47 SULLIVAN, ED. LEAUGHTER THROUGH AN OPEN WINDOW quoted. Cartoons. Nov'69:44 SULLIVAN, FRANCIS V Global highlights (photo) Jul'48:3 SULLIVAN, GEORGE. THE STORY OF THE PEACE CORPS Book reviews on the theme... Jun'65:39 SULLIVAN, JULI Classroom and campus (photo) Jan'63:32 SULLIVAN, LEON H. ALTERNATIVES TO DESPAIR New books. Feb'73:36 SULLIVAN, MARGARET NORMAN In memorium. Oct'40:39 SULLIVAN, MARK The last page. May'30:48 SULLIVAN, MARK. OUR TIMES Book chat. Apr'36:23 SULLIVAN, WILLIAM C Global highlights. Jun'61:5 quoted. Global highlights. Oct'62:5 quoted. What's the truth about the National Council? Mar'65:12 SULLIVAN, WILLIAM R quoted. Last column. Sep'62:50 SULLIVAN, INDIANA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH For Christ and the church (photo of Intermediate Christian Endeavor Society) Aug'25:47 SULPES, ESTHER WACHNITZ (photo) Jul'25:7 SULPHUR, LOUISIANA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH News room (photo of board) Jul'52:47 Together we build (photo) Apr'54:11 SULPHUR, LOUISIANA. FRENCH CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jun'35:38 French-Acadian "Gospel wagon." Jul'49:14 SULPHUR, OKLAHOMA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) May'31:46 Aug'32:6 p. 2768 Sulzberger - Sumpstine SULZBERGER, ARTHUR HAYS Free speech and a free world. May'53:5 SUMANKHETAN, INDIA Echoes from everywhere. Oct'41:39 SUMATRA Missionary illustrations... Mar'29:56 SUMIDA, TAKEHITO Echoes from everywhere (photo) Nov'61:34 SUMMER MISSION CONFERENCES Adults and mission. Apr'65:38 (1969 schedule) Interdenominational mission conferences. Feb'69:40 In brief. Mar'69:38 New is the key word... Feb'71:30 (1971 schedule p. 31) SUMMER SCHOOLS OF MISSIONS Apr'26:58 Circulation corner. May'39:inside front cover The threshold. May'40:2 Mar'42:2 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'42:39 SUMMERLAND, CLARA (death) Aug'22:59 Summers, (Mrs. C. G.) An "every member" Society. Aug'26:46 SUMMERS, (married to Keturah Summers) In memoriam. Aug'27:48 SUMMERS, COLUMBUS MILLER, 1882-1934 Exampbles of the Pension Plan fivefold service to the ministry (photo) May'32:15 First two disability claims under the Pension Plan. Mar'32:25 SUMMERS, EVA (death) Jun'26:50 SUMMERS, HANNAN, -1948 In memoriam. Apr'48:37 SUMMERS, JESSE (death) Notes from the Benevolent Homes. Mar'38:43 SUMMERS, JESSIE Healing ministry. Nov'65:48 quoted. Wonderful barrels of goods (photo) Nov'66:33 SUMMERS, NANCY LOU News room. Jul'50:42 SUMMERS, WILLIAM A cup of cold water. Jul'69:23 SUMMERSIDE, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH The wider measure of a church (photo) Oct'35:13 Summy, S. A. A statisfied annuitant. Jan'20:47 Sumner, Kenne The only thing that's wrong with me (poem) Feb'19:58 SUMNER, WILLIAM GRAHAM, 1840-1910 The best years--? Nov'33:3 SUMNER, WASHINGTON. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Messages from our Home Missionaries. Jul'19:53 Victory for oldest church (photo) Feb'20:47 No excuse for a "dead church." Nov'26:56 SUMNERS, WILLIAM. HOW AND WHERE TO FIND THE FACTS Book chat. Apr'63:43 Sumpstine, (Mrs. S. A.) Golden Jubilee notes. May'24:52 p. 2769 Sumpstine, P - SUMPSTINE, PATRICIA Sunday Schools 1920 Classroom and campus. Nov'53:30 SUMPSTINE, WILBUR J., 1901-1945 Opening semester in our colleges. Nov'35:46 (death) Classroom and campus. Dec'45:30 Oct'46:31 SUMPTION, LYNDON M. Update on the Board of Church Extension (photo) Jul'70:15 SUMTER, SOUTH CAROLINA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) May'19:4 Notes. Jun'20:59 SUN CHUEN-FANG (married to Liu Tao-ting) (wedding) Global highights (photo) Apr'57:5 SUN FOH Christianity in high circles. Jun'29:24 SUN YAT SEN (MRS.) Echoes from everywhere. Jan'43:39 SUN YAT SEN The late "war" in China. Jan'23:29 (death) Glimpses of the religious world. Jul'24:47 Items that made news last month. Jul'29:31 The funeral of the father of the new Chinese Republic. Sep'29:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'37:32 (photo of mausoleum) Nov'43:16 SUNA, GOPI From saffron robes to Christianity. Feb'62:48 SUNDAY How to spend Sunday. May'25:53 Sunday is the day of beginning. Mar'65:21 SUNDAY SCHOOL COUNCIL Reorganization... Aug'20:28 SUNDAY SCHOOL COUNCIL OF EVANGELICAL DENOMINATIONS Vitamins for volunteers. Feb'47:28 SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS The superintendent looks ahead to Easter. Mar'47:27 The superintendent--the forgotten man. Apr'47:8 SUNDAY SCHOOLS See also RELIGIOUS EDUCATION WEEK-DAY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION The New Year program for the Bible School Dept. of the American Society. Jan'19:23 When is a Sunday School class a Bible class? Jul'19:51 The rural community church. Aug'19:24 Organizaed lcasses that count. Aug'19:29 Bible school progress of a decade. Nov'19:8 Teacher training and the future Bible School. Nov'19:9 Sunday Schools among foreigners. Nov'19:26 What Interchurch means to the Sunday School. Dec'19:31 The new program for the Bible Schools. Dec'19:61 Adult mobilization week. Jan'20:43 Important Bible School statistics in the 1920 Year book. Apr'20:58 Building up the Bible School attendance. May'20:44 The size of our Sunday Schools. Jul'20:33 A modern Bible School. Oct'20:44 The Bible School an evangelistic agency. Nov'20:12 Bible school briefs. Nov'20:45 (cont. next page) p. 2770 Sunday Schools 1920- SUNDAY SCHOOLS (cont.) Sunday Schools--Exerc. Transformation of the Ziegler barn. Nov'20:49 Bible Schools cheer the start of the United Christian Missionary Society. Nov'20:60 The Bible school as an educational agency. Mar'21:22 Missionary education. Jun'21:49 And they journeyed toward the sun-rising. Nov'21:21 The Bible School as an evangelistic agency. Feb'22:12 The Kingdom of God looks toward the children. Jul'22:48 That goal of half a million dollards. Nov'22:3 Are you going through the gateway into Sunday school land. Nov'22:36 Serving the small rural Bible schools. Nov'22:42 How one church provided for its children. Nov'22:43 Actualities in a rural church. Nov'22:52 Promote the copper class. Jun'23:3 The Sunday school in the fence corner. Nov'23:21 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'24:60 Bible schools in twenty-two countries. Feb'24:42 The trail leads into the highway. Feb'24:43 The Gentian family. Nov'24:10 Full to overflowing. Jul'26:61 Planning the Bible school building (plans) Aug'26:8 Sunday schools. Jan'28:55 May'28:51 Sep'28:37 Feb'28:53 Jun'28:51 Oct'28:51 Mar'28:51 Jul'28:37 Nov'28:51 Apr'28:51 Aug'28:37 Dec'28:51 Is a unified Sunday service practical? Aug'28:19 Sunday schools. Jan'29:51 Feb'29:37 Mar'29:51 Apr'29:37 Glimpses of the religious world. Mar'29:45 Sunday schools. May'29:37 Jul'29:37 Sep'29:37 Jun'29:51 Aug'29:37 Is your one-room Sunday school a bedlam? Nov'29:17 Items that made the news last month. Dec'29:45 The judge hands down a decision. May'30:6 What, where, when and how. Mar'31:41 Good ideas... May'32:38 For the church school worker. Jan'33:46 How does your class rate? May'45:26 Measuring the school's efficiency. Sep'47:31 The American Sunday School. Nov'49:16 A national asset--the American Sunday School. Mar'50:29 Christian education...then and now. Apr'51:32 And the walls came tumbling down. Jul'53:17 Planning the educational building. Jul'53:18 Equipping the educational building. Jul'53:21 Ahead of the headlines. Nov'66:4 My church, I want some answers. May'69:7 Ahead of the headlines. Nov'69:5 Let's evaluate our church school! May'73:22 SUNDAY SCHOOLS--EXERCISES, RECTITATIONS, ETC. See also PAGEANTS PLAYS Thanksgiving for religious education. Oct'36:32 Till Christ is Lord indeed. Mar'41:26 p. 2771 Sunday Schools--Stat. - SUNDAY SCHOOLS--STATISTICS Survey of Service A study in averages. Apr'24:53 A study in Sunday-school statistics. Jul'24:40 The thousand dollar club. Nov'24:55 (note) Jan'29:63 The threshold. Nov'36:2 Sunder-Rao, Mark Recent events stir Indian Christians. May'53:42 Food in India. Mar'54:45 SUNDERLAL, FELICIA Women and world highways (photo) Sep'55:33 SUNDQUIST, (married to William Sundquist) In memoriam. Sep'39:39 SUNDT, EDWIN E. THE COUNTRY CHURCH AND OUR GENERATION Speaking of books. Apr'33:42 SUNG CHUAN-TIEN The turn of the tide in China. Apr'31:4 Sung Teh-tsuen As a chinese doctor sees us. Mar'23:18 SUNG TEH-TSUEN (photo) Mar'23:18 SUNKLER, LAWRENCE C., 1906- quoted. Circulation corner. Oct'38:inside front cover SUNLAND, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, January-March, 1959. Sep'59:32 SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, July-September, 1958. Feb'59:34 New churches, October-December, 1958. May'59:32 Supherandan, P J Christmas in retrospect. Dec'28:38 SUPPLE, JAMES O., -1950 Global highlights (photo) Jun'47:2 (death) Global highlights. Sep'50:3 SUPRISE, INDIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Oct'51:17 Surati, Bhimjibhal What the church means in rural India. Jul'57:48 SURGUJA, INDIA A whole people move toward Christ (map) Mar'54:24 rough journey in Surguja. Nov'58:31 SURRELL, WAYNE (photo) Jul'25:7 SURVEY OF SERVICE What are we doing? what ought we to do? Apr'23:54 Headquarters notes. May'23:52 Jun'23:52 Survey of our fields and forces. Feb'24:22 A long look at Mexico. Jun'24:23 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'24:50 May'25:51 Appreciation for a visitor. Jan'26:44 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'27:56 Suvey of service. May'28:20 Will the Brotherhood accept the challenge of the Survey? Jun'28:23 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'28:28 Missionary societies. Jul'28:32 Who said Survey? Aug'28:1 Where does your offering go? Oct'28:16 How one Society uses "Survey of service." Oct'28:46 (cont. next page) p. 2772 Survey of Service - SURVEY OF SERVICE (cont.) Sutton, G Brief talks. Oct'28:56 Going like hot cakes! Nov'28:1 Missionary organization programs... Nov'28:46 Sunday schools Nov'28:51 Corrections... Nov'28:61 Missionary organization programs... Dec'28:46 Convention elections, actions and resolutions. Dec'30:29 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'34:41 SURVEY OF THE CHINA MAINLAND PRESS In China today everything is education. May'70:26 Susu-Mago, Charlotte Douglas Women and world highways. Oct'43:29 SUTER, (MRS. A. H.) -1949 In memoriam. Oct'49:37 Suther, Gertrude F Reviewed World Call. May'32:39 SUTHERLAND, (married to Mark L. Sutherland) -1935 Memorium. Oct'35:40 SUTHERLAND, ARTHUR Global highlights. Jun'58:7 SUTHERLAND, BEVERLY (photo) Apr'46:4 SUTHERLAND, EMILY, -1946 In memoriam. May'46:37 SUTHERLAND, FANNIEBELLE HUTCHCRAFT In memoriam. Mar'42:39 SUTHERLAND, JEAN Classroom and campus. Nov'45:25 SUTHERLAND, LON Teamwork in church construction (photo) Jul'58:18 SUTHERLAND, MARY E., -1951 In memoriam. Apr'52:37 SUTHERLAND, WILLIAM The first Jamaican C. E. experts. Nov'23:43 (photo p.44) SUTPHEN, VAN TASSEL. THE SERMON ON THE CROSS What, where, when and how. Apr'30:35 SUTTENFIELD, JOHN L (photo) Feb'49:33 Classroom and campus. Nov'52:31 SUTTER, BERNARD M News room. Sep'58:42 SUTTON, (married to Jack Sutton, Jr.) -1951 (death) News room. Sep'51:40 Sutton, David Nelson, 1895- Christianity's opportunity in Japan. Oct'47:40 Japan-the remaking of a nation. Feb'49:19 SUTTON, DAVID NELSON, 1895- News room. Apr'47:40 (photo) Jun'47:12 Feb'49:19 Commission on Brotherhood Finance... Feb'53:12 (photo p. 13) In brief. Nov'73:46 SUTTON, DAVID NELSON, JR. General Board deals with business, issues (photo) Sep'72:41 SUTTON, GEORGE M Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jan'25:34 SUTTON, GEORGE WENDELL (photo) Jul'23:9 p. 2773 Sutton, H - Swab Sutton, Harry Trumbull,1867- A new view of an old text. Nov'24:23 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'24:49 Sutton, Jack A., Jr., 1911?-1985 (married to Verla Elliott Sutton) Men's work grows in Jamaica. Jun'64:31 SUTTON, JACK A., JR., 1911?-1985 (photo) Dec'50:29 We're all on the team. Mar'51:22 News room. Nov'51:38 (marriage) News room. Sep'52:38 News room (photo) Mar'53:38 For adult mission study. Mar'54:36 News room. Mar'54:39 Jan'56:38 (photo) Sep'63:42 (photo) Jan'68:43 Global highlights. Jul'68:7 In brief. May'70:42 SUTTON, JOHN C Doorkeeper in the house of the Lord. Aug'19:18 SUTTON, JUSTINE Who says we won't read (photo) May'59:12 SUTTON, LUCILE ANN Memoriam. Jan'35:40 SUTTON, LULU, -1966 (married to Jack A. Sutton, Sr.) (death) Disciples in the news. May'66:7 SUTTON, MAUDE (photo) May'25:43 Sutton, Verla Elliott, 1919- (married to Jack A. Sutton, Jr.) Echoes from everywhere. Sep'50:36 Missionary worship service. Jun'55:37 Sep'55:35 Nov'55:33 Jul'55:35 Oct'55:33 Moments of worship. Dec'67:29 SUTTON, VERLA ELLIOTT, 1919- News room. Oct'44:28 Oct'45:25 (photo) Sep'47:21 Jan'49:39 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'50:46 Sep'50:36 (engagement to Charles O. Scott) News room. Jun'51:38 Global highlights (photo) Jul'51:3 News room (photo) Apr'52:38 (marriage to Jack A. Sutton, Jr.) News room. Sep'52:38 For adult mission study. Mar'54:36 (photo) Jun'55:38 SUTTON, VERNA M. See TAYLOR, VERNA M. SUTTON Suzuki, Haru Women on world highways. May'65:33 SUZUKI, MASAHISA, -1969 Global highlights (photo) Jul'68:7 In memoriam. Sep'69:35 From bomb to bell. Sep'72:50 SWAB, LINDA KAY Classroom and campus (photo) Feb'59:36 SWAIN, (married to George H. Swain) Classroom and campus. Nov'54:30 SWAIN, (married to Leslie E. Swain) Global highlights (photo) Feb'47:3 p. 2774 Swain, G - Swander, C SWAIN, GEORGE H Classroom and campus. Oct'53:31 Nov'53:30 Swain, J Carter Revision received with rejoicing. Jan'48:38 SWAIN, J. CARTER Global highlights. Apr'54:3 SWAIN, J. CARTER. WHY READ THE BIBLE? For study and pleasure. Dec'65:32 SWALLEN, ROBERT Classroom and campus. Sep'65:36 SWALLOW, LOUISIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH An Acadian country church (photo) Jan'38:27 SWAMPSCOTT, MASSACHUSETTS. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH With the churches that are giving heroically. Nov'20:5 SWAMY, KARUNA (photo) Mar'26:4 SWAN, L C Church work in border towns. Feb'20:39 SWANDER, CLARENCE FRANK, 1874-1959 (death) News room. Jun'59:40 Swander, Courtney Clare, 1924- (married to Lois Grimes Swander) The best thing I know about Church Extension. Sep'20:27 Financing the Kingdom. Oct'21:24 Outlying states and home missions. May'22:55 The story state by state. Aug'25:11 Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:22 Good news from the states. Oct'28:30 MCI serves the city. Oct'54:15 Christian educators look ahead. Apr'55:18 Ministry to the hard-to-reach. Apr'58:26 Squadron of advance. Jul'60:32 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'61:32 Unexpected gift. Mar'61:52 A Disciple speaks for Mexican youth. Jun'61:21 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'62:36 Mexican Disciples reach others. May'62:17 In Mexico--power of a Christian life. Jun'62:43 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'62:38 May'63:36 Sacks and scales to serve the Gospel. Feb'64:26 The journey to Tenayuca. Apr'64:32 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'65:36 Direct line. Dec'67:37 Hurricane "Beulah" damages churches in Mexico and Texas. Dec'67:42 Direct line. Mar'70:32 Spain is a land of beginnings. Nov'71:18 Open doors on the border. Sep'72:7 The return to San Pablo. Jan'73:43 Disciples make witness in Mexico's second largest city. Apr'73:46 Mexican churches develop leadership as a community. Nov'73:22 SWANDER, COURTNEY CLARE, 1924- Mid-year Conference of Home Missions Secretaries (photo) Apr'19:39 A missionary baby and Church Extension. May'19:53 quoted. Jun'19:45 (cont. next page) p. 2775 Swander, C - Swanson, F SWANDER, COURTNEY CLARE (cont.) Notes. Jun'20:64 quoted. In memoriam, Archibald McLean. Mar'21:4 (photo) Aug'25:11 Oct'27:22 Nov'36:43 Nov'38:13 News room. Sep'48:40 Jan'55:40 (marriage) News room. Sep'55:38 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jul'59:38 (photo) May'62:18 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Dec'62:36 New witness in a growing city. Apr'63:28 (photo) Jul'65:36 Missionary register. May'66:47 (photo) Dec'67:37 In brief. Nov'70:38 Mar'71:45 Swander, Lois Grimes, 1932- (married to Courtney Clare Swander) Echoes from everywhere. Jan'61:32 Shining shoes. Feb'63:48 Direct line. Dec'67:37 Mar'70:32 Ministry behond prison walls. Mar'73:26 SWANDER, LOIS GRIMES, 1932- (marriage) News room. Sep'55:38 Global highlights (photo) Nov'57:5 Echoes from everywhere (photo) Jul'59:38 Sacks and scales to serve the Gospel. Feb'64:26 (photo p. 27) Missionary register. May'66:47 Presenting (photo) Jan'67:8 (photo) Dec'67:37 In brief. Nov'70:38 Mar'71:45 (photo) Mar'73:27 SWANN, DARIUS L Global highlights. Dec'48:4 SWANN, GEORGE BETTS, 1882-1970 Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'48:4 In memoriam. Sep'70:46 SWANN, PERRY WILLIAM, 1902-1960 More churches join home plan (photo) Sep'60:44 SWANSON, (married to Gilbert Swanson) quoted. Here and there with World Call. Sep'50:48 SWANSON, D. VERNER. LIFE'S CROWNING YEARS New books. Dec'66:41 SWANSON, ELMA, -1946 In memoriam. Feb'47:37 Swanson, Estella Leona Echoes from everywhere. Apr'21:63 Jun'21:63 SWANSON, ESTELLA LEONA (photo) Apr'23:50 Aug'23:22 Swanson, F Herbert Note. Oct'19:63 Sep'20:61 Short and true from far and near. Nov'21:41 Protestantism among the Hocos. Apr'23:50 A close-up of the Yokohama disaster. Dec'23:37 Who will come to stay? Dec'23:40 SWANSON, F HERBERT Notes. Jan'20:62 Feb'20:58 (photo) Apr'23:50 Jul'23:24 Headquarters notes. Dec'23:52 p. 2776 Swanson, H - Swearingen SWANSON, HERBERT (photo) Apr'23:50 Aug'23:22 SWANSON, JOSEPHINE (photo) Apr'23:50 Jun'23:7 Aug'23:22 SWANSON, LELAND (photo) Jun'23:7 Aug'23:22 SWANSON, ROBERT McLEAN (photo) Apr'23:50 Jun'23:7 Aug'23:22 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE Women and world highways. Sep'40:35 SWARTZ, CLARA JANE In memoriam. Apr'34:39 SWARTZ, LUVINA (photo) Jan'21:9 SWAYNE, JENNIE FELLOWS, -1948 In memoriam. Mar'49:39 SWAYZE, BEULAH. BLAZING TRAILS IN CANADA World outreach book reviews. Dec'66:40 SWEANY, DAVID NEWSON (photo) Jul'23:4 SWEANY, MARY HELEN (photo) Jul'23:4 SWEANY, RUTH ELIZABETH (photo) Jul'23:4 SWEARINGEN, (married to Tilford T. Swearingen) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'38:42 (photo) Dec'50:25 Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'53:32 SWEARINGEN, ROBERT "BOBBIE" Station UCMS broadcasting. May'31:30 May'38:42 Swearingen, Tilford Tippett, 1902- The summer school of the church. May'30:29 And still they come! Nov'30;23 ...says. May'31:25 Where teacher is also student. Jul'32:23 Speaking of books. Sep'32:34 Conference character dividends. Nov'32:10 The church sees itself. Dec'35:19 The church needs a new mood. Oct'36:5 After evaluation, what? Nov'36:9 Called to important post. Apr'37:18 Religious education and the church. Nov'37:7 The case for field work in religious education. Nov'38:13 Religious education through two decades. Jan'39:21 National young people's leader chose. Mar'39:26 Christian education moves ahead. Apr'39:27 The church, its tradition and fellowship. Nov'40:14 Reach every person with Christian teaching. Nov'41:5 The mantle falls. Jul'42:20 (note) Jul'49:44 Why, where, how? Jan'60:15 Moments of meditation. May'63:34 SWEARINGEN, TILFORD TIPPETT, 1902- Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'29:41 The family album. Nov'29:6 (photo p. 7) (photo) Nov'32:10 The threshold. Jun'36:2 ...faces his new task (photo) Jul'36:27 (cont. next page) p. 2777 Swearingen, T - Sweeney SWEARINGEN, TILFORD TIPPETT (cont.) Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'36:40 (photo) Oct'36:5 quoted. Religious education through the years. Nov'36:21 (photo p. 20) The threshold (photo) Jun'37:2 (photo) Nov'37:7 Plugging in for religious education (photo) Nov'39:5 (photo) Apr'41:inside back cover Sep'41:15 Jun'41:19 Dec'41:19 News room. Dec'41:34 ...returns to pastorate (photo) Jan'42:21 quoted. They said at Grand Rapids. Sep'42:15 The Executive Staff of the U.C.M.S. faces a new quadrennium. Nov'42:24 News room. Oct'45:25 May'46:38 Jul'47:34 (photo) Dec'50:25 Global highlights. Apr'51:20 Classroom and campus. Jul'51:30 (photo) Dec'53:32 Jan'56:33 Jun'52:31 Christian education--forty years of progress (photo) Nov'58:14 Global highlights (photo) Apr'60:4 Classroom and campus. Apr'60:33 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Oct'69:35 SWEARINGEN, TILFORD T. THE COMMUNITY AND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Book chat. May'50:16 SWEAZEY, GEORGE E. THE CHRISTIAN ANSWER Book chat. Sep'62:45 SWEAZEY, GEORGE E. THE KEEPER OF THE DOOR Book chat. Apr'46:19 SWEDEN Glimpses of the religious world. Apr'24:45 Aug'24:47 Celebrating the Fourth in Stockholm. Sep'37:25 Notes from here and there. Oct'42:47 The state of the church. Mar'43:31 Global highlights. Sep'54:3 Jun'58:5 You're in Denmark now. Oct'58:10 Churchwomen here and in Sweden. Apr'60:10 A significant story. Dec'61:10 SWEDEN AND THE UNITED NATIONS Book chat. Apr'57:42 Sweeney, Elsie Irwin, 1888-1972 Letters. Apr'68:48 SWEENEY, ELSIE IRWIN, 1888-1972 Presenting... (photo) Dec'63:8 Global highlights (photo) Mar'64:7 Letters. Mar'64:49 Disciples in the news (photo) Jul'67:8 (photo) Jan'71:27 In memoriam. Jul'72:43 SWEENEY, JAMES SHIRLEY Beneath the spire (photo) Jan'59:8 SWEENEY, JOHN Sectarian shackles (photo) Feb'27:17 SWEENEY, LULU (photo) Dec'29:62 p. 2778 Sweeney, M - Swen, M SWEENEY, MARY More about Madras. Mar'39:4 (photo p. 2) SWEENEY, RUTH No time to grow old. Dec'56:11 (photo p. 10) Sweeney, William E Broadcasting the Gospel. Feb'23:21 SWEENEY, WILLIAM E (photo) Mar'37:2 SWEENEY, ZACHARY TAYLOR, 1849-1926 quoted. Paying our debt of honor. Dec'20:5 quoted. A cloud of competent witnesses. Apr'21:20 (photos) Oct'22:7,28 College of Missions notes. Jun'23:54 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Dec'25:43 An outstanding figure passes (photo) Apr'26:34 Personalities. Mar'36:19 Letters. Apr'68:48 SWEENY, KATHARINE C In memoriam. Oct'30:40 SWEENY, MARY E News room. Feb'47:32 SWEET, (married to Glenn A. Sweet) World outreach sounding board. Feb'67:28 SWEET, CHARLES F. NEW LIFE IN THE OLDEST EMPIRE The book shelf. Sep'20:53 SWEET, GLENN A. World outreach sounding board. Feb'67:28 SWEET, HERMAN J Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'40:43 SWEET, LULU A, -1947 In memoriam. Apr'48:37 SWEET, WILLIAM E Glimpses of our religious world. Jun'26:45 SWEET, WILLIAM WARREN. THE AMERICAN CHURCHES Book chat. Jun'48:20 SWEET, WILLIAM WARREN. RELIGION IN COLONIAL AMERICA Book chat. Apr'43:44 SWEET WATER, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'21:13 SWEETS, HENRY H Outward bound. Oct'25:5 (photo) Dec'31:31 SWEIS, AIED SALIBA Youth and missions (photo) Apr'56:37 SWEITZER, BESSIE M. -1965 In memoriam. Nov'65:48 Swen Dji-Shuh College girls and their neighbors in China. Sep'23:42 The Jubilee campaign at Luchowfu. Oct'24:34 SWEN DJI-SHUB (photo) Feb'24:13 Oct'24:34 Swen, Edna China missions. May'49:13 SWEN, EDNA (photo) May'49:12 News room. Nov'50:38 SWEN, MEI FAN (photo) Mar'20:58 p. 2779 Swen P - Swiss SWEN PAO-BWA Christian laymen in China. Apr'49:19 SWENERTON, R. KELS (photo) May'43:9 SWETNAM, FANNIE J., -1960 In memoriam. Jan'61:33 SWETT, (MRS. W. W.) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'39:34 (photo) Jun'50:18 SWICK, LOIS See HAWKINS, LOIS SWICK Swift, Carl Brown, 1888-1930 In retrospect and prospect. Jan'27:28 SWIFT, CARL BROWN, 1888-1930 (photo) Jan'21:11 The Board of Education and the work of our colleges. Jul'22:49 Jan'24:34 (photo) Jan'25:32 quoted. We also are ready. May'25:22 quoted. The Commission on the Ministry meets. Jun'26:17 (photo) Jan'27:28 Jul'28:28 Jun'30:32 Dean Swift passes (photo) Dec'30:16 SWIFT, CHARLES H., JR. Late Christmas present receives recognition. Apr'52:42 SWIFT, F. ADALINE STRAIT, -1957 In memoriam. May'57:33 SWIFT, HARGREAVE Distinctions of our colleges. Jan'31:43 Swift, John H Jarvis Christian Institute. Feb'26:62 SWIFT, MILTON (death) On the college campus. Oct'32:33 SWIGERT, LYMAN E., -1951 In memoriam. Nov'51:35 SWIGERT, RETA COLE, -1951 In memoriam. Nov'51:35 SWINDELL, WILLIAM JOHN (married to Blanche Swindell) Presenting (photo) Dec'67:36 Swindle, Cecil What's the truth about Restructure? Jul'65:29 SWINDLE, LAFAYETTE, 1858-1939 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'21:61 SWINDLER, REID M Contributing members receiving World Call (photo) Oct'60:46 SWINEFORD, EDWIN Classroom and campus. Nov'53:31 SWING, RAYMOND. IN THE NAME OF SANITY Book chat. Jul'46:46 SWINK, ARKANSAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH From Tin Can to Sanctuary (photo) Oct'23:58 SWISHER, PHYLLIS Here and there with World Call (photo) Jun'49:48 SWISHER, WALTER SAMUEL Activities in our colleges. Jun'37:32 SWISS PROTESTANT RELIEF AGENCY Swiss churches send apples to refugee mothers in Germany. May'51:45 p. 2780 Switzerland - Syria--Desc SWITZERLAND Support of orphaned missions. Jan'42:37 The state of the church. Mar'43:31 ...serves war-swept humanity (photo) Dec'43:22 Ring, bells, across the snow (photos) Jan'45:26 Swomley, John M., Jr. Editorial correspondence from Latin American Seminar. Oct'70;20 SWOMLEY, JOHN M., JR. (photo) Oct'70:21 SWOMLEY, JOHN M., JR. AMEREICAN EMPIRE New books. Jul'71:28 SWOMLEY, JOHN M., JR. LIBERATION ETHICS New books. Feb'73:35 Letters. May'73:46 Swope, (Mrs. Ward) Tried and found helpful. Feb'22:52 Swords, Otis Lee, Jr., 1928- (married to Joyce Marie Catlett Swords) Chrismon tree. Dec'66:29 SWORDS, OTIS LEE, JR., 1928- (photo) Mar'73:3 SYCAMORE GROVE, CALIFORNIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of Women's Missionary Society) Dec'23:56 Sydney, Phillip A personal testimony. Oct'26:60 SYDNEY, PHILLIP quoted. The ministry of a missionary. May'32:5 (photo) Mar'33:24 Mar'36:27 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA Echoes from everywhere. Mar'46:37 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. CHATSWOOD CHURCH OF CHRIST An aemrican in Australia (photo of parsonage) Jan'65:24 SYDNOR, (married to C. A. Sydnor) (photo) Jan'39:40 SYDNOR, C. A. (photo) Jan'39:40 SYDNOR, MALCOLM (photo) Jan'39:40 SYKES, CHARLES A Gifts for our benevolent homes. Mar'40:42 SYMANOWSKY, HORST Learning by working. Dec'52:7 Correspondence from Europe, 1956. Oct'56:7 SYRACUSE, NEW YORK. DANFORTH UNITED CHURCH News items that point the trend of the day. Mar'30:44 SYRACUSE, NEW YORK. SOUTH GEDDES STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of parsonage) Oct'46:1 SYRACUSE, NEW YORK. SOUTH SALINA STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH Note. Nov'19:66 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Global highlights. Nov'49:3 SYRIA Notes. Jun'19:63 A word from Syria. Jun'28:62 Global highlights. May'58:6 Jun'59:6 SYRIA--DESCRIPTION In the land where Jesus walked. Sep'24:46 p. 2781 Syzygy - Sze "SYZYGY" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Jul'69:29 SZE, SAO-KE ALFRED (photo) Jul'42:30