

Entries are constructed with Month, year and page number.
     i.e.      Mar'41:21  (March, 1941 p. 21)

Entries appearing in all upper case letters are articles about the person or
subject.  Entries appearing in both upper and lower case letters are articles
by the person.

The entries are in alphabetical order with the following exceptions:
     The names of people are entered first
     Following these are other entries under the same word
     arranged alphabetically
     i.e.      AUSTIN, SPENCER PETER
               AUSTIN, WILLIAM, JR.

               AUSTIN, MINNESOTA
               AUSTIN, TEXAS

Within each heading the entries are arranged chronologically with a few
exceptions.  In some instances a series of articles with the same title are
entered at the beginning of the entry.
     i.e. Under the entry for many educational institutions the entries from the
          column "The Board of Education and the work of our Colleges" appear
          before other entries.

Many women are referred to in the periodical only by their husband's name.
Where ever possible the woman's given name has been supplied but where that was
not possible the entries for the women are at the beginning of the entries for
that surname.  If it could be determined what the husband's name was his name
appears in parentheses after the surname.  If it was uncertain whether the
initials were the woman's initials or the husband's initials it is noted as Mrs.

     i.e.      JONES, (married to Abner Jones)
               JONES,  (MRS. A. B.)

As an aid for further identification, whenever it could be determined, people's
birth date, death date and spouse's names are noted.

Every effort was made to conserve space in order to bring both a savings in
cost for the user and a savings in paper for the environment.  This computer
file has been left in the paper saving format.



VACA-IBARRA, VICTOR HUGH (married to Violet Groth Vaca-Ibarra) In brief (photo) Apr'70:38 A foretaste of the future. Jan'72:22 Spotlight on Victor Vaca (photo) Mar'72:23 Poor church with a rich ministry (photo) Dec'72:22 VACA-IBARRA, VIOLET GROTH (married to Victor Hugh Vaca-Ibarra) In brief (photo) Apr'70:38 Spotlight on Victor Vaca (photo) Mar'72:23 VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL See VACATION SCHOOLS, RELIGIOUS VACATION SCHOOLS, RELIGIOUS The daily vacation Bible School. May'19:12 Summer slump or vital service. Jun'20:14 The Vacation Bible School. Jun'20:39 Vacation Bible Schools. Sep'20:47 The Vacation church school. Apr'21:48 Nov'21:52 Building the city we want. Mar'22:10 Vacation church schools in Birmingham. Nov'22:39 Through the door of the vacation church school. Nov'22:56 The vacation church school. Sep'24:20 Mexican children and Japan. Sep'24:37 (note) Sep'24:42 Mexican Christian Institute daily vacation Bible school. Sep'24:52 And they grow. May'25:25 As the camera caught them (photos) Sep'25;20 Union school a success. Oct'25:46 Vacation schools in the Philippines. Oct'25:56 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'27:55 What do your children do during vacation? Jun'27:31 What the children did this summer. Nov'27:11 Daily vacation Bible school Nov'27:49 The vacation church school in the immigrant community. May'28:50 Brief talks on our children's work. Jun'28:57 The many activities of a D.V.B.S. Nov'28:42 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'28:49 Getting acquainted through vacation schools. Oct'29:58 Daily vacation Bible school in Ilocos Sur and Abra. Dec'29:61 What, where, when and how. Apr'30:35 Vacation church schools in India. Jun'30:34 First national daily vacation Bible training school Aug'30:31 The vacation church school in a community center. Dec'31:27 Helps for leaders of junior groups. Jun'32:44 May'33:45 Jun'34:42 Helps for leaders of children's groups. Jul'34:42 Programs for young people. Sep'36:37 The missionary emphasis in the Vacation Church School. Apr'37:41 Gathering them in. Nov'38:29 Nanking. Nov'38:46 American youth projects. May'39:13 Missionary courses for the Vacation church school. Jun'41:41 V.C.S. program praised. Jan'44:37 (cont. next page)
p. 2953 Vacation Schools, Rel. - Valentine, R
VACATION SCHOOLS, RELIGIOUS (cont.) January Vacation Church School. May'44:26 D.V.B.S. in rural Mexico. Oct'45:38 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'45:30 New venture in French-Acadian missions. Nov'46:26 Book chat. Jun'49:42 Vacation church schools... Jun'51:8 Vacation school pupils study their church. Nov'51:9 Jun'52:26 Bilaspur's vacation school. Oct'52:44 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'55:32 Jul'56:34 Jun'58:36 Global highlights. Apr'63:5 Vacation church school at night. Mar'69:36 The children who captured Camp Lejeune. May'73:24 VACATIONS Thinking about vacations. Jul'52:15 It's time for vacation! Jul'58:28 Summer can bring families together. May'59:16 Togetherness--in the summer? Jul'61:25 Opportunities unlimited in the holidays. Nov'61:18 Ahead of the headlines. Nov'65:4 World Calling... Jul'66:10 Leisure, where the action is. May'67:11 When you travel. May'67:13 VACATIONS ABROAD Book chat. May'61:39 VACAVILLE, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH More churches join Home Plan. Sep'60:44 VACHIER, L quoted. Rural church--what it means. May'57:46 VAFLOR, (married to R. D. Vaflor) Women and world highways (photo) Oct'55:29 VAFLOR, R. D. Women and world highways (photo) Oct'55:29 VAJTA, VILMOS. LUTHER ON WORSHIP Book chat. Oct'58:42 VALDOSTA, GEORGIA (BLACK SUNDAY SCHOOL) (photo) Jun'19:21 VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH They had the vision. Dec'28:48 VALENTINE, (married to Ralph E. Valentine) Yale Campbell Club (photo) Jan'34:33 VALENTINE, MIGUEL A (photo) May'49:15 Valentine, Ralph Edward, 1909-1973 The church presses on. Dec'35:18 War's alternative--missions. Nov'36:7 A pastor looks at world service. Sep'38:24 Christianity belongs to the world. May'39:18 Uniting for victory on June 30. Jun'40:19 Consecration in streaks. Jan'41:20 Money can buy happiness. Feb'50:12 VALENTINE, RALPH EDWARD, 1909-1973 Yale Campbell Club (photo) Jan'34:33 Intensive work in our colleges. Feb'35:30 (photo) Dec'35:18 Station UCMS broadcasting. Feb'40:34 (cont. next page)
p. 2954 Valentine, R - Van Arsdale, L
VALENTINE, RALPH EDWARD (cont.) (photo) Jan'41:20 Nov'43:15 Global highlights. Nov'63:6 VALENTINE'S DAY A Valentine Day in China. Feb'25:32 VALENTINO, T. J. Echoes from everywhere (photo) Feb'48:36 VALERO, MARIA de JESUS Echoes from everywhere. Sep'57:34 Teacher honored in Mexico (photo) Mar'61:34 VALEZ, LORENZA Free-born souls in mission lands. Mar'24:7 When the hopes of years were destroyed. Dec'28:58 VALHERMOSA SPRINGS, ALABAMA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH For adult mission study. Jun'55:38 Vallance, R A Trench lines, the tired heart (poem) Nov'26:45 VALLANDINGHAM, (MRS. R. L.) -1951 In memoriam. May'51:37 VALLANDINGHAM, CORA WILLIAMS, -1953 In memoriam. Apr'54:39 VALLANDINGHAM, MOLLIE, -1924 (death) May'24:51 VALLDEJULI, OMAR Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'51:30 VALLEJO, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of parsonage) Jul'42:1 Jul'43:9 Opportunity ahead (photos) Jul'44:9 Home was not like this! (photos) Dec'45:17 VALLELY, LLOYD M Women make ready for Quadrennial (photo) Mar'57:23 VALLERIS, JOHN Shine? Mar'28:20 VALLEY JUNCTION, IOWA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Aug'21:10 Sketches from a primary department (photo) Nov'22:46 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'22:63 VALLONIA, INDIANA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Oct'51:17 VALLOTTON, ANNIE In brief. Jul'69:40 In brief (photo) Dec'70:39 VALPARAISO CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL See CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL (VALPARISO, INDIANA) VALPARAISO, INDIANA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Youth at its best (photo of Intermediate Christian Endeavor) Jul'25:47 VALPARAISO, PERU The land of the Incas. Jul'21:19 With our own missionaries. Aug'21:30 VAN ALMEN, (married to Jack Van Almen) -1955 In memoriam. Jun'55:37 VAN ARSDALE, BERNICE, -1950 (married to W. S. VanArsdale, Jr.) In memoriam. Nov'50:43 Van Arsdale, Linda A Letter from a youth couselor. Nov'73:31
p. 2955 Vanarsdale, L - Vance, J
VAN ARSDALE, LOIS MARIE LEPPERT (married to Werdie S. Van Arsdale, Jr.) (marriage) News room. Apr'54:42 Van Arsdale, Werdie Smith, Jr., 1917- (married to Lois Marie Leppert Van Arsdale) They still serve. Oct'54:12 VAN ARSDALE, WERDIE SMITH, JR., 1917- News room. Jan'53:33 (marriage) News room. Apr'54:42 VANATTA, EDNA, -1954 In memoriam. Jan'55:37 VAN AUKEN, SHELDON Classroom and campus. Nov'50:36 Mar'53:30 Van Bavel, Henry Echoes from everywhere. Nov'59:34 VAN BAVEL, HENRY Global highlights. Apr'57:5 VAN BILLIARD, (MRS. S. F.) -1952 In memoriam. Dec'52:35 VAN BLERK, GILLIAN See MYERS, GILLIAN VAN BLERK Van Boskirk, Joseph J., 1911- (married to Irene Van Boskirk) A church serves its community. Nov'57:23 New churches--how, why, where they grow. Jul'61:13 Where are the new churches? Jul'63:23 On being the church in the city. Sep'71:26 The dynamics of the regional church. Dec'72:suppl:3 Reston: good news for the whole church. Nov'73:18 VAN BOSKIRK, JOSEPH J., 1911- Summer plans of our schools. Jun'42:32 (photo) Jul'52:23 Nov'57:23 Global highlights. Feb'60:5 Global highlights (photo) Feb'65:5 Disciples in the news. Apr'66:7 (photo) Sep'71:26 Dec'72:suppl:15 VAN BUREN, ELIZABETN ANN SLY, 1929- (married to H. Carmer Van Buren) (birth) Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'29:52 (marriage) News room. Sep'55:38 VAN BUREN, H. CARMER (married to Elizabeth Ann Sly Van Buren) (marriage) News room. Sep'55:38 VAN BUREN, PAUL. GOD IS DEAD, THE ANATOMY OF A SLOGAN New books. May'67:22 VAN BUREN, PAUL. THE SECULAR MEANING OF THE GOSPEL, BASED ON AN ANAYLSIS OF ITS LANGUAGE New books. Sep'66:39 VAN BUREN, PAUL. THEOLOGICAL EXPLORATIONS New books. Jul'68:36 Vance, James I Religion rebuilding civilization. Sep'20:30 VANCE, JAMES I (photo) Oct'26:37 quoted. Last column. Oct'57:48 VANCE, JOHN THOMAS, 1857-1927 (death) Board of Education and work of our colleges. May'27:60 VANCE, JOSEPH A (photo) Apr'51:11
p. 2956 Vance, M - Vancouver, BC
VANCE, MARGUERITE. A STORY FOR HANSI Book chat. Nov'37:42 VANCE, MARGUERITE. WINDOWS FOR ROSEMARY About persons of special need. Jun'62:41 Vance, Zonetta Mary, 1870-1953 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'21:60 Planting time in India. Jan'22:53 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'22:63 While at home they're making merry... Dec'24:10 Missionary illustrations of uniform Sunday school topics... Apr'25:40 May'25:55 Echoes from everywhere. May'26:49 Aug'26:49 Dec'26:51 Jul'29:34 Where courage was required. Oct'29:35 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'30:49 Creating a model village in an India jungle. Jun'31:6 Vocational school in action. Jan'32:31 The cottage plan at Pendra. Mar'32:29 The fine art of living. Feb'33:32 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'35:39 Schoolroom needed. Sep'36:29 VANCE, ZONETTA MARY, 1870-1953 Notes. Feb'20:56 quoted. Old letters of rare value. Mar'21:21 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'22:60 Her middle name is Fidelity. Jun'24:17 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'24:50 O Lord, graciously accept it. Sep'24:29 (photo) Nov'24:44 quoted. Heard at the missionary breakfast. Mar'25:57 College of Missions notes. Apr'25:57 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'29:42 Dramatization at Jhansi. Jan'31:35 (photo) Mar'33:25 Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'34:42 (photo) Mar'36:26 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'36:31 Jun'37:34 Sep'38:34 Mar'40:43 ...good Indian. May'40:30 (death) News room. Mar'54:38 VANCIL, (married to Albert Vancil) (photo) Oct'55:21 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA The call of new Canada. May'19:24 Messages from our Home Missionary. May'19:39 Notes. Nov'19:66 Board of Church Extension annual report. Nov'20:25 America the beautiful. Sep'25:60 New church at Vancouver. Jan'27:54 Where faith and perserverance won. Aug'27:15 (photo of church p. 16) Echoes from everywhere. Nov'32:39 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) Jan'19:61 May'19:5 Notes. Aug'19:45 Bulletin. Jan'20:57 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMNIA. COUNCIL OF CHURCHES A personal adventure in unity. Oct'65:19
p. 2957 Vancouver, BC. F
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. FAIRVIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Oct'20:59 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. FIR STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Oct'20:59 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo of workers' conference) Nov'22:42 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. WOODLAND DR. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Oct'20:59 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'22:60 Dec'22:63 VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON Committee on War Services news notes. Dec'45:40 VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Here and there with World Call. Mar'58:50 VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. McARTHUR BOULEVARD CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, April-June, 1959. Nov'59:30 Washington, Tennessee churches enter EHP. Mar'62:43 VANDALIA, ILLINOIS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Dec'25:60 (photo) Oct'27:6 VAN DEN HAAG, ERNEST Editorials. May'70:19 VAN DEN HEUVEL, ALBERT H. Global highlights. Apr'68:7 VAN DEN HEUVEL, ALBERT H. THE NEW CREATION AND THE NEW GENERATION New books. Jan'66:40 Vanderbeck, H John Church and housing. Dec'72:suppl:15 VANDERBECK, H. JOHN (photo) Dec'72:suupl:16 VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY For a better trained ministry. Jun'28:29 VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. DIVINITY SCHOOL See also DISCIPLES DIVINITY HOUSE (VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY) (photo of Institute for Rural Ministers) May'31:14 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'38:39 Classroom and campus. Jun'56:34 Global highlights. Mar'57:5 May'58:8 Jul'60:8 Classroom and campus. May'61:31 VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. DIVINITY SCHOOL. LIBRARY. (Kesler Collection) Global highlights. Mar'46:2 VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY Historical Society now located in Nashville, Tenn. (photo) Jul'52:30 VANDERPOOL, JAN Echoes from everywhere. May'58:36 Classroom and campus (photo) Dec'59:35 VANDERPOST, LAURENS. THE DARK EYE OF AFRICA We all bleed the same color. Dec'73:30 VANDERPOST, LAURENS. VENTURE TO THE INTERIOR Let's read about Africa. Jan'53:38 Van Der Veer, Theodore R Letters. Apr'70:33 VANDERVOORT, (married to Arthur W. VanderVoort) (photo) Feb'45:28 VANDERVOORT, MARIAH In memoriam. Mar'30:50
p. 2958 Vandervort - Van Doren, E
Vandervort, Arthur W. 1883-1977 Union movement among Russians. Jan'21:46 Echoes from everywhere. May'21:59 The fellow who cared enough. Jul'21:10 The boat that George built. Jul'21:35 The haunted house. Aug'21:20 Russian Evangelical Christian Church of New York and New Jersey. Aug'21:44 They won't forget her, will they? Feb'22:2 The hope of the immigrant. May'22:34 Michael Matejka goes calling. Jul'22:53 They all look alike. Jan'23:30 The Christmas spirit at the Disciples Community House. Mar'23:6 Echoes from everywhere. May'23:60 The house of loving service. May'24:7 The inside that counts. Mar'27:63 Justifiable pride. May'27:41 VANDERVORT, ARTHUR W. 1883-1977 A Russian service. Jan'21:46 (photo) Aug'21:20 Oct'21:29 May'22:35 Short and true from far and near. May'22:49 (photo) Oct'22:43 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'23:60 Jun'23:60 quoted. The Golden Jubilee. Dec'23:10 (photo) Dec'24:48 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'24:51 Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'34:41 VANDERVORT, MARY Station UCMS broadcasting. Jul'34:41 Van Deusen, Elizabeth Borinquen (poem) Feb'36:36 VANDEVORT, ELEANOR. A LEOPARD TAMED New books. Jul'68:37 VAN DIVER, D P Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'51:30 VAN DOREN, ALICE B. LIGHTED TO LIGHTEN Book announcements. Aug'22:49 Do you realize? Apr'23:55 VAN DOREN, CARL Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'26:42 News room. Sep'49:38 VAN DOREN, CARL. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Book chat. Feb'39:15 VAN DOREN, CARL. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN'S AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS Book chat. May'46:15 VAN DOREN, CARL. THE GREAT REHEARSAL Book chat. May'48:22 Van Doren, Earl H., 1904- (married to Zera M. Dunsworth VanDoren) Moments in meditation. Sep'63:39 VAN DOREN, EARL H., 1904- Beneath the spire (photo) May'53:4 (photo) Apr'55:10 Disciples seek new depths of spiritual power (photo) Nov'57:12 Global highlights (photo) Feb'63:7 Disciples to get inside view at Assemblies (photo) Sep'65:31 (cont. next page)
p. 2959 Van Doren, E - Van Dyke
VAN DOREN, EARL H. (cont.) The scene. May'69:44 Retirments from general ministry (photo) Oct'69:35 VAN DOREN, ZERA M. DUNSWORTH (married to Earl H. Van Doren) (photo) Apr'55:10 The scene. May'69:44 VAN DRIVER, MARTHA H., -1955 In memoriam. May'55:35 VAN DUIN, DON J Classroom and campus. Mar'44:26 Van Dusen, Henry Pitney, 1897- A double task. Apr'44:37 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY, 1897- St. Louis Convention previews. Mar'41:13 The threshold (photo) May'41:2 Classroom and campus (photo) May'47:32 Study conferences for Amsterdam Assembly (photo) Jun'48:31 quoted. Ideas from Interseminary Conference. Feb'50:17 Global highlights (photo) May'50:2 quoted. Women's colleges. Mar'56:44 Global highlights. May'62:8 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY. CHURCH AND STATE IN THE MODERN WORLD Book chat. Oct'37:20 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY. EAST INDIES DISCOVERIES Let's read about southeast Asia! Jan'45:27 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY. FOR THE HEALING OF THE NATIONS Book chat. Jun'40;25 On the making of books... Jan'42:32 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY. GOD AND THESE TIMES Book chat. Oct'35:19 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY. ONE GREAT GROUND OF HOPE Book chat. Dec'61:40 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY. THEY FOUND THE CHURCH THERE quoted. Women and world highways. Jul'45:29 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY. THE VINDICATION OF LIBERAL THEOLOGY Books. Nov'63:41 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY. WHAT IS GOD DOING? Book chat. Jun'43:10 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY. WHAT IS THE CHURCH DOING? Books about Christian ventures. Jan'44:28 VAN DUSEN, HENRY PITNEY. WORLD CHRISTIANITY Book chat. Sep'47:22 VAN DYKE, DON P In brief. Jan'72:39 Van Dyke, Henry The zest of life (poem) Aug'19:37 God of the open air (poem) Aug'22:back cover Christ of everywhere (poem) Oct'25:back cover Little guideposts. Nov'25:36 Keeping Christmas (poem) Dec'25:back cover (untitled poem) Apr'26:inside front cover The Gospel of labor (poem) Jul'26:15 Comrade of the human heart (poem) Aug'27:16 One with Christ (poem) Feb'28:50 Christ of everywhere (poem) Mar'32:13 The way (poem) Apr'34:26 To our new pilot (poem) Jul'35:48
p. 2960 Van Dyke, H - Van Horn, H
VAN DYKE, HENRY quoted. The last page. Apr'27:64 Jun'27:64 Mar'28:64 quoted. Christmas. Dec'71:50 Van Dyke, LeNore Women on world highways. Jun'67:30 VAN DYKE, NANNIE, -1958 (married to J. M. VanDyke) In memoriam. Sep'58:39 Van Dyke, Tertius Minister wanted (poem) Jan'31:48 VAN EVERY, DALE. DISINHERITED New books. May'66:30 Van Fossen, Sylvia M. Siegfried, 1880?-1959 (married to George VanFossen) A new-old missionary. Feb'26:42 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'26:49 A reception and a farewell. May'28:59 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'28:34 From the Philippines. Jul'28:47 The Picketts of Laoag. Dec'28:26 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'29:62 Dec'29:50 Our Apayao Mission. Dec'29:55 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'30:50 A tribute. Feb'37:31 VAN FOSSEN, SYLVIA M. SIEGFRIED, 1880?-1959 (photo) Feb'26:42 Dec'26:58 Automobile accident. Aug'27:63 (photo) Mar'28:52 Mar'29:48 Mar'30:45 An appreciation. Aug'30:31 (photo) Dec'30:26 quoted. A challenge and a promise. Dec'30:33 (photo) Jan'31:19 (marriage) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'34:34 Station UCMS broadcasting. May'37:40 A Filipino's tribute. Jan'42:37 (death) News room. Oct'59:34 VAN GOETHEM, ROBERT E Global highlights (photo) Jul'47:2 VAN GORDER, WILLIAM (death) N.B.A. notes and news. Nov'38:45 VANGUARD World outreach sounding board. Sep'68:32 Editorials. Jan'69:7 VAN HEURN, ANTON. JUDAS Book chat. Mar'58:42 VAN HEURN, ELLY. JUDAS Book chat. Mar'58:42 VAN HOOGSTRATEN, JAN Global highlights (photo) Jan'63:5 VAN HOOK, R W With high hope, they press forward. Jun'21:47 VAN HOOSER, (married to Lou VanHooser) -1951 In memoriam. Jun'51:37 VAN HORN, H E quoted. Appreciation of Life and labors of A. McLean. Jun'24:45 The seven churches of Oklahoma City. Aug'25:24 In memoriam. Jul'29:36 (photo) Mar'39:32
p. 2961 Van Horn, J - Van Meter
VAN HORN, JAMES MONROE, 1849-1932 In memoriam. Jul'32:39 VAN HORN, MARIAN. YOUTH GUIDE ON CONCERNS OF NORTH AMERICAN NEIGHBORS quoted. Youth and missions. Oct'58:39 Van Horne, Marion Echoes from everywhere. Mar'59:34 Making bird tracks talk. Sep'59:23 African women stand tall and shout loud. Apr'72:26 VAN HORNE, MARION (photo) Apr'72:26 VAN HOUTIN, HANNA E., -1948 In memoriam. Feb'49:39 VANINWAGEN, (MRS. H. C.) (photo) Sep'36:17 Van Kirk, Walter William, 1891-1956 Is war inevitable? Jul'35:25 American Protestants at Cleveland. Jan'43:4 A milestone in Japan. Jan'46:15 Churches plan action on peace front. Oct'46:24 VAN KIRK, WALTER WILLIAM, 1891-1956 Women and world highways. Apr'35:35 America organizes for peace. Nov'35:15 They will speak at Columbus. Sep'37:18 quoted. What they said at Columbus. Dec'37:4 quoted. Circulation corner. Jun'40:inside front cover Drake lecturers named (photo) Dec'43:6 The threshold. Jan'44:2 Who's who among Drake lecturers (photo) Feb'44:5 Day by day story of the Drake Conference. Mar'44:21 Distinguished merit awards. May'44:40 (photo) Mar'45:16,17 Interpretations from San Francisco. Jun'45:16 The threshold (photo) Dec'45:2 The return to Japan. May'46:6 (photo) May'49:25 Global highlights. Jan'50:4 The voice of Religion in the News. Jan'50:5 Global highlights. Oct'50:2 quoted. Global highlights. Apr'52:3,4 Christians must wage peace. Jul'52:6 Global highlights (photo) Feb'53:3 quoted. Last column. Oct'54:48 (death) Global highlights. Sep'56:6 Global highlights. May'57:4 VAN KIRK, WALTER W. A CHRISTIAN GLOBAL STRATEGY Book chat. Sep'46:16 VAN LANDINGHAM, A. BASEY A new church for Columbia (photo) Jul'59:14 VAN LOVELL, LOYD (photo) Mar'24:49 Van Lund, Helen Louise How I became a Christian. Feb'23:40 VAN LUND, LOUISE L., -1953 In memoriam. Feb'54:35 VAN MATRE, CLARA Here and there with World Call. Apr'63:50 VAN METER, (married to Samuel B. Van Meter) -1925 (death) Dec'25:51
p. 2962 Van Meter, B - Van Velser
VAN METER, B D Annual meeting of the Board of Education (photo) Jun'27:32 (photo) Jun'30:32 VAN METER, NELSON PREWITT, -1942 In memoriam. Jul'42:39 VAN METER, ROSA A -1945 In memoriam. Apr'46:37 VAN METER, SOL Notes. Mar'20:64 VAN NESS, (MRS. E. C.), -1942 In memoriam. Oct'42:39 VAN NETER, (married to Merritt C. Van Neter) Echoes from everywhere. Sep'26:50 VAN NETER, MERRITT C. Echoes from everywhere. Sep'26:50 VAN NICKERK, PHIL Basil Holt going to South Africa. Jan'46:19 VAN NOPPEN, JOHN JAMES, III Classroom and campus. Oct'45:26 Vannoy, Charles Amzi, 1878- Echoes from everywhere. Dec'21:62 VANNOY, CHARLES AMZI, 1878- (photo) Aug'19:27 Notes. May'20:59 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:64 (photo) Aug'21:31 Jun'22:21 quoted. Appreciation of Life and labors of A. McLean. Jun'24:45 Golden Jubilee notes. Nov'24:51 VANNOY, MARY ADELINE, 1881- (photo) Aug'19:26 Notes. May'20:59 (photo) Aug'21:31 quoted. Appreciation of Life and labors of A. Mclean. Jun'24:45 VAN NUYS, CALIFORNIA. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Global highlights. Nov'66:6 Van Orman, John S The building of the church. Apr'21:46 VAN PASSEN, PIERRE. THE DAYS OF OUR YEARS Social trends. Apr'39:24 Sep'39:22 VAN PASSEN, PIERRE. THE FORGOTTEN ALLY Book chat. May'44:21 VANSCOY, GRACE G (death) Sep'22:51 VAN SICKLE, ROBERT E Classroom and campus. Nov'45:25 VAN SLYKE, EARL (photo) Mar'59:19 Van Slyke, Earle Balfour, 1929- Letters. Apr'71:4 VAN SLYKE, EARLE BALFOUR, 1929- World outreach sounding board. Jun'68:32 VAN SLYKE, HERBERT W (married to Ruth Van Slyke) Beneath the spire (photo) Apr'61:8 VAN TUYLL, FREDERICK L Dutch churches set example (photo) Feb'51:27 VAN VELSER, KATHERINE In memoriam. Jul'37:39
p. 2963 Van Voorhis - Van Winkle
VAN VOORHIS, DONALD News room (photo) Jun'57:42 Global highlights. Nov'65:6 Van Voorhis, Helen Glimpses of our colleges... Jan'24:8 Van Voorhis, Hiram N Message. Jul'19:52 Note. Aug'19:46 Sep'19:51 Our chance in the magic cities of West Virginia. Apr'20:42 VAN VOORHIS, HIRAM N Notes. Feb'20:58 Van Voorhis, May Griggs, 1879-1961 (married to W. B. Van Voorhis) Woman's influence in the present crisis. Jan'19:35 Youth (poem) May'26:13 The contribution of womanhood. Dec'26:9 With hoops of steel. Jan'27:23 Pentecost (poem) Jun'30:inside front cover Devotional study for missionary societies. Jun'37:38 VAN VOORHIS, MAY GRIGGS, 1879-1961 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'32:42 May'36:31 (death) News room. May'62:42 Van Voorhis, Richard Choices of a college freshman. Sep'61:16 Books on Latin America. Jan'62:38 Letters. Mar'69:45 Van Voorhis, William D., 1872-1947 (married to May Griggs Van Voorhis) Following the trail of the church's activity. May'25:10 The vacation church school in a community center. Dec'31:27 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'33:40 Dec'35:39 VAN VOORHIS, WILLIAM D., 1872-1947 (photo) Mar'24:44 quoted. We also are ready. May'25:22 Echoes from everywhere. Dec'33:39 VAN WAGONER, H L -1947 In memoriam. Nov'47:35 VAN WEST, NETTIE In memoriam. May'37:39 Van Winkle, (Mrs. A. T.) The good that men do. Feb'27:35 May'27:58 Sep'27:57 Jan'28:43 Apr'27:58 Jul'27:60 Nov'27:57 VAN WINKLE, (MRS. T. P.) (death) Aug'25:50 Van Winkle, Carl S., 1874-1935 Importance of the church college. Jan'19:4 Education and advance of the Disciples of Christ. Mar'19:29 Recent achievements...of state missionary societies. Oct'27:27 Stewardship test successful. Nov'27:54 VAN WINKLE, CARL S., 1874-1935 (photo) Mar'19:52 Notes. Feb'20:62 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Nov'24:52 (photo) Jan'25:35 Jan'26:33 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Apr'26:42 (photo) Oct'27:27 (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Apr'35:40 (cont. next page)
p. 2964 Van Winkle, C - Vasconcellos
VAN WINKLE, CARL S. (cont.) (photo) Nov'36:43 quoted. Higher education reports progress. Jan'39:14 News room. Feb'46:38 Van Winkle, Charles S., 1897- (married to Mary J. Hyden Van Winkle) At work in a vertans' home. Apr'46:23 VAN WINKLE, CHARLES S., 1897- Eastern area (photo) Oct'34:26 Station UCMS broadcasting. Mar'35:40 Apr'38:30 (photo) Nov'38:13 Apr'46:23 News room. Nov'47:30 VAN WINKLE, HENRY ALFRED, 1884-1948 Feb'19:37 (photo) Oct'23:55 May'25:43 VAN WINKLE, MARY E., -1954 In memoriam. Jul'54:43 VANWYE, (married to John Vanwye) In memoriam. May'44:33 VAN ZILE, MARY P quoted. A fellowship for university women. Jan'26:29 VARDI, CHAIM quoted. Global highlights. Jan'58:7 VARELA, ELIZABETH Echoes from everywhere. Apr'60:36 VARELA, FELIPE Testimony with a diploma (photo) Jan'61:42 VARELA, RAQUEL Workmen for God (photo) Sep'55:26 VARETTO, JUAN Revival in Cramer Street Church. Jan'29:42 Vargas, Joaquin (married to Matilde R. Vargas) Church extension in Puerto Rico. Nov'67:26 VARGAS, JOAQUIN (photo) Oct'43:24 Oct'47:35 Disciples of Christ in Puerto Rico (photo) Jan'51:14 News room (photo) Jul'51:39 Missions mean more to them now (photo) Feb'55:9 News room. Jul'55:38 Partnership in Puerto Rico (photo) Jun'56:9 News room. Feb'57:32 Youth and missions (photo) Nov'57:37 Youth assembly--potential Pentecost (photo) Nov'61:27 (photo) Nov'67:27 VARGAS, LUZ STELLA The world comes to the campus (photo) Jan'62:12 Vargas, Matilde R (married to Joaquin Vargas) Missionary worship service. Feb'54:35 VARGAS, MATILDE R For adult mission study (photo) Feb'54:36 VARIN, CAROLYN Classroom and campus. Nov'43:26 VARNER, CHAUNCEY J. CAN WE BREAK BREAD TOGETHER? For study and pleasure. Dec'65:32 VARNOW, (MRS. W. E.) In memorium. May'40:39 VASCONCELLOS, EDWARD New vistas in Latin America. Apr'60:29 Echoes from everywhere (photo) May'60:34
p. 2965 Vasicek - Vaughn, E
VASICEK, LYNN (married to Karl Vasicek) Person-to-person ambassador (photos) Sep'68:20 Vasquez See also VAZQUEZ VASQUEZ, LUIS Ministers-to-be in Mexico (photo) Jun'56:33 VASQUEZ, MARCELIONO Missionary illustrations... Jul'30:43 VASSADY, BELA. CHRIST'S CHURCH: EVANGELICAL, CATHOLIC AND REFORMED New books. Oct'65:20 VASSAR COLLEGE World consciousness on the campus. Jun'25:22 VATICAN Social trends. Feb'50:14 Global highlights. Mar'51:4 An ambassador to the Vatican? Dec'51:6 Global highlights. Mar'52:3 Candidates reply on Vatican ambasssador. Nov'52:40 No weakening of principle, please. Feb'53:5 VATICAN COUNCIL (20th CENTURY) Toward a united church? Dec'59:10 Global highlights. Oct'62:5 The Vatican Council. Dec'62:10 ...makes history. Dec'62:31 ...desires unity. Jan'63:29 Contributions... Feb'63:10 Global highlights. Jul'63:5 Sep'63:4 Nov'63:7 The new mood of change. Dec'63:9 World Calling... Mar'64:10 Ask about it! May'64:8 Global highlights. Jul'64:7 Ecumenical journey. Dec'64:22 Global highlights (photo) Jan'65:5 A Protestant in Rome. May'65:12 New books. Jun'65:22 Global highlights. Nov'65:7 Vatican II and Protestantism. Apr'66:9 A Protestant looks at Vatican Council (photos) May'66:24 New books. Feb'67:18 VATICAN COUNCIL (20TH CENTURY) THE DOCUMENTS OF VATICAN II New books. Jun'66:48 VAUGHAN, DAVID B Global highlights (photo) Feb'49:2 Vaughan, Henry Peace (poem) Sep'41:48 VAUGHAN, JOSEPHINE BUDD. THE LAND AND PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES Southeast Asia comes alive in books. Jan'57:34 VAUGHN, (MRS. R. J.) In memoriam. Nov'29:49 VAUGHN, CLARA L In memorium. Oct'40:39 VAUGHN, DWIGHT RICHARD, 1956- (birth) News room. Sep'56:30 VAUGHN, E R Another shepherd of the hills (photo) Nov'37:26 (photo) Dec'39:15 News room. Nov'42:43
p. 2966 Vaughn, J - Vautrin, M
VAUGHN, JACK Classroom and campus. Mar'46:30 VAUGHN, JAMES PHILIP, 1949- (photo) Jun'54:10 VAUGHN, JOHN DAVID, 1954- (birth) News room. Oct'54:39 VAUGHN, LEONARD EDWARD, 1916- (married to Lucile Horner Vaughn) Latin American journey (photo) Feb'54:19 VAUGHN, LEONARD EDWARD, 1948- (photo) Jun'54:10 Vaughn, Lucile Horner (married to Leonard Edward Vaughn) Women's Congress. Feb'56:47 VAUGHN, MARY P quoted. Circulation corner. Jun'38:inside front cover VAUGHN, MASON (photo) Dec'48:9 Vaughn, Ras Mountain vision at Livingston. Jan'23:52 VAUGHN, WANDA JEAN Classroom and campus (photo) Mar'51:31 VAUGHN, WENDELL Classroom and campus. Jan'47:30 Vaught, Grace Letters. May'67:42 VAUSE, JOEL E (photo) Jul'23:5 VAUTRIN, E L (death) Nov'37:47 Vautrin, Minnie, 1886-1941 Chen Da Ma. Oct'23:26 A new school for China. Jan'25:44 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'29:34 Ginling's fifteenth birthday. May'31:29 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'31:39 How Ginling College women share with their neighbors. Aug'32:28 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'34:39,40 May'34:39 Sep'34:39 General Chiang Kai-shek at Ginling Commencement. Oct'34:30 Practical moves toward community betterment. Oct'34:44 Notes from Nanking. Nov'39:44 Will the church of the West be faithful? Apr'41:18 VAUTRIN, MINNIE, 1886-1941 Giving the girls of China a chance. Aug'19:44 Ginling College. Mar'20:56 Echoes from everywhere. Sep'20:41 (photo) Feb'24:13 Station UCMS broadcasting. Oct'24:54 Program helps (photo) Feb'25:49 Sharers in the common day. Aug'29:13 Station UCMS broadcasting. Aug'32:41 (photo) Dec'32:suppl:5 Nov'37:4 quoted. Station UCMS broadcasting. Jan'38:32 We visit China. Apr'38:16 (photo p. 17) (photo) Apr'41:18 (death) The threshold. Jun'41:4 (photo) Jul'41:43 To Minnie Vautrin (poem) Sep'41:32 (cont. next page)
p. 2967 Vautrin, M - Vazquez
VAUTRIN, MINNIE (cont.) News room. Sep'41:42 Chinese sonnets (poems) Jan'42:7 Significant events of 1941 (photo) Feb'42:inside back cover News room. Oct'43:34 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'47:36 Shall women enter the ministry? Sep'47:19 New Ginlin school honors missionary (photo) Nov'67:42 Missionary giants. Jan'69:32 VAUX, KENNETH. SUBDUING THE COSMOS New books. May'71:28 VAUX, KENNETH. TO CREAT A DIFFERENT FUTURE New books. Feb'73:36 VAVRUS, MICHAEL Students do. Mar'71:18 VAWSER, (MRS. W. E.) (photo) Sep'47:9 VAWSER, EDNA (photo) Sep'47:9 quoted. For adult missionary groups. Nov'47:32 Vawter, (Mrs E D) A pathetic but common picture. Jun'19:45 Out of the mouths of four witnesses. Feb'22:35 The greatest of these is love. Aug'22:17 In the Juliette Fowler Home. Aug'23:43 Echoes from everywhere. Jan'25:50 The heart of a little child. Oct'27:39 A record at Dallas. Nov'27:63 A gala day at Dallas Fair. Dec'27:58 VAWTER, (MRS. E. D.) (photo) Nov'25:49 Dec'27:16 Vawter, Charles Richard Leroy, 1879-1935 As we forgive our debtors. Feb'22:19 How I became a Christian. Feb'23:43 VAWTER, CHARLES RICHARD LEROY, 1879-1935 Deming, New Mexico. Feb'19:59 Name wanted for a new relation (photo) Oct'24:59 Vawter, Edith How our family spends its summer. Aug'25:55 Work and play at Juliette Fowler Home. Sep'25:44 VAWTER, EDITH (photo) Aug'22:17 quoted. Annual report... Sep'22:43 VAWTER, JOHN BEVERLY, 1838-1897 Why I established a named loan fund in church erection (photo) Aug'29:8 Vawter, Keith, 1872-1937 Why I established a named loan fund in church erection. Aug'29:8 VAWTER, KEITH, 1872-1937 Keith Vawter. May'37:43 VAWTER, SARAH LaVINA Classroom and campus. Nov'66:34 VAZQUEZ, (married to Fred Vazquez) A fertile field for the church (photo) Jun'53:21 (photo) Sep'53:8
p. 2968 Vazquez, F - Velazquez, H
Vazquez, Fred Home missions church. Nov'43:25 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'47:40 Latin American youth meeting. Jun'46:43 Easter at Mexican Christian Church. Jul'46:41 VAZQUEZ, FRED (photo) May'44:33 Sep'44:27 News room. Jul'46:47 (photo) Sep'53:8 Spanish-American ministers meet (photo) Apr'55:46 M.C.I. seeks and trains its leaders (photo) Sep'56:16 VAZQUEZ, GREGORY In brief (photo) Mar'73:40 The scene (photo) May'73:33 VAZQUEZ, ISHMAEL FRED, -1971 In memoriam. Jul'71:46 VAZQUEZ, SARA When all the nations say "howdy." Jan'28:51 VEALE, LULA BLACK (married to Warren Veale) Attending Disciples' college becomes family tradition (photo) Mar'72:37 VEATCH, (married to Ellis R. Veatch) Giant step in Alaska (photo) Apr'63:16 VEATCH, A D (photo) Jan'21:6 Veatch, Ellis R After the earthquake. Jul'64:29 VEATCH, ELLIS R Giant step in Alaska (photo) Apr'63:16 Veatch, Ernest Wesley, 1928- (married to Joyce Veatch) Reaching beyond ourselves at Christmas. Dec'69:8 VEATCH, ERNEST WESLEY, 1928- Presenting (photo) Sep'65:8 Disciples in the news. Jun'68:8 VEATCH, JOYCE (married to Ernest Wesley Veatch) Presenting. Sep'65:8 Veatch, Ursula Church Women United in Alaska. Jun'68:28 VEGA ALTA, PUERTO RICO. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Jun'21:55 VEHRS, HERMAN In memoriam. Jun'28:48 VELA, HOMERO STEEM generates new power for Christian mission. Nov'71:13 VELASCO, GUSTAVO Union Seminary's new look. Feb'57:29 VELASQUEZ, FRANCISCO Notes. Apr'20:62 Echoes from everywhere. May'27:50 Aug'32:39 VELASQUEZ, G A (photo) Jul'19:27 VELASQUEZ, J. B. LBERON (photo) May'49:15 Velazquez, Henoch Go into all the world... May'49:46 VELAZQUEZ, HENOCH The people in our backyard (photo) Apr'65:19 Three Christian centers for Spanish-speaking persons (photo) Apr'67:23
p. 2969 Velazquz, J - Venezuela
VELAZQUEZ, JUAN Global highlights (photo) Jan'63:6 VELEZ, EUNICE SANTANA, 1940- (married to Wilfredo Velez) Together for a life of "Servico." (photos) Sep'64:24 A Spanish Harlem "fortress." Oct'64:22 National Council approves new structure at Dallas. Feb'73:41 The scene (photo) May'73:33 VELEZ, FRED See VELEZ, WILFREDO Velez, Lorenza What the Gospel has done in Dajaos. Apr'23:44 VELEZ, WILFREDO "FRED" (married to Eunice Santana Velez) Together for a life of "Servico." (photos) Sep'64:24 A Spanish Harlem "fortress." Oct'64:22 VELIMIROVIC, (RECTOR) Scarecrows and seminaries in Yugoslavia (photo) May'56:26 VELLORE, INDIA Global highlights. Sep'50:3,4 Disciples cooperate in India. Apr'55:12 Healing on an Indian roadside. Feb'64:13 VELLORE, INDIA. ALL INDIA MEDICAL COLLEGE See ALL INDIA MEDICAL COLLEGE (VELLORE, INDIA) VELLORE, INDIA. CHRISTIAN MEDICAL HOSPITAL See ALL INDIA MEDICAL COLLEGE. HOSPITAL (VELLORE, INDIA) VELUNTA, ALBERTO Disciples forge ahead in the Philippines (photo) Dec'56:27 VENABLE, (married to Charles E. Venable) 1884- (photo) Mar'24:22 VENABLE, CHARLES E., 1885- (photo) Mar'24:23 VENADO, MEXICO La Casa del Hogar (photo of girls) Oct'46:28 Work of the Mexico Christian Mission. Dec'46:14 VENCILL, GEORGE JUSTIN News room. Oct'62:34 VENEILL, C. J. News room (photo) Jun'63:41 VENEZUELA Some next steps in Latin America. Feb'43:14 New partners in Venezuela. Sep'63:26 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'64:38 Jan'65:38 Global highlights. Mar'66:6 Letters of thanks. May'67:46 Unbelievable true stories of evangelism. Apr'69:17 Direct line. Jan'70:32 Jun'70:33 Venezuelan Christians entertain angels unawares. Oct'70:24 Agonizing at the crossroads. Apr'71:20 Direct line. May'71:30 Missionary chronicle. May'71:32 Cronica misionera. May'71:32 The best two months of our lives. Jul'72:25 Poor church with a rich ministry. Dec'72:21 In brief. Feb'73:40 The church matures in Venezuela. Mar'73:29 VENEZUELA--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Povertyland. Jan'72:40
p. 2970 Vengenance - Verney
"VENGENANCE IS MINE" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Nov'71:29 VENICE, CALIFORNIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Every home plan family is growing. Sep'59:46 VENICE, FLORIDA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches, October - December, 1962. Apr'63:45 Tennessee, Florida churches enter EHP. Sep'63:54 A breakthrough in Christian worship. Jun'71:32 VENNUM, FRANK B., 1853-1926 (death) Jan'27:54 VENRICK, MAE, -1963 (married to James Venrick) In memoriam. Jul'63:46 VENTER, FRANS. MAN FROM CYRENE Book reviews. Oct'63:40 VENTRES, EVELYN F Glimpses of the religious world. Jan'25:47 VENTURA, (married to Rodolfo Curti Ventura) Echoes from everywhere (photo) May'43:39 VENTURA, RODOLFO CURTI Echoes from everywhere (photo) May'43:39 VENTURA, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Good venture indeed (photo) Jun'24:38 (photo) Aug'24:8 City of the good venture. Jun'27:43 Churches adopt every home plan. Jun'59:46 "VERDICT AT 1:32" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Jun'63:43 VerDuin, Don J., -1971 An afternoon and evening in Fort Worth. Sep'66:13 VERDUIN, DON J., -1971 Beneath the spire (photo) Jun'52:4 quoted. All this is the ministry (photo) Sep'57:10 Classroom and campus. Feb'64:32 In memoriam. Apr'71:46 VERDUN, FRANCE Christian unity in France (photos) Jul'21:28 VERGHESE, T. PAUL Global highlights. Jul'66:5 quoted. Therefore be it resolved. Nov'66:27 VERGOTH, JANET LOUISE HOLROYD, 1925- (married to John Paul Vergoth) In the barefoot republic. Apr'26:55 Latin American missionary children (photo) Jan'30:5 News room. Jun'42:34 Nov'42:34 (photo) ;Jan'43:29 News room. Jan'46:38 Sep'49:38 (marriage) News room. Nov'51:30 VERGOTH, JOHN PAUL (married to Janet Louise Holroyd Vergoth) (marriage) News room. Nov'51:30 VERMES, HAL. STEP BY STEP IN THEOLOGY Book chat. Nov'62:24 VERMES, JEAN. STEP BY STEP IN THEOLOGY Book chat. Nov'62:24 VERMILLIAN, (MRS. M. T.) Circulation corner. May'39:inside front cover VERMONT COUNCIL OF CHURCHES In brief. Jul'68:8 VERNEY, STEPHEN. PEOPLE AND CITIES New books. Dec'71:29
p. 2971 Vernier - Vickery
Vernier, Charles The child in Tahiti. Feb'45:36 VERNON, MARTHA (photo) Apr'43:33 VERNON, MARY BUCIKNER, -1949 (married to Matt A. Vernon) (death) News room. Sep'49:39 VERNON, TEXAS. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Circulation corner. Mar'43:inside front cover VERO BEACH, FLORIDA. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH New churches. Jul'58:30 VERRY, HAZEL Classroom and campus. Jul'46:30 VERSAILLES, KENTUCKY. NEW UNION CHRISTIAN CHURCH Gleaned from the Year Book. Feb'38:18 VERSAILLES, NEW YORK. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Building an Indian church in a day (photo) Jan'23:14 Religious education in the Indian church that was built in a day (photo) Aug'23:43 VERSEY, J H (photo) Dec'24:34 VERSTEEG, ROBERT JOHN. THE GRACIOUS CALLING OF THE LORD Book chat. Nov'60:26 "THE VERY FIRST EASTER" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Mar'72:31 "THE VERY, VERY, VERY BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT OF ALL" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Nov'70:29 VESTER, BERTHA SPAFFORD. OUR JERUSALEM Book chat. Mar'50:41 VETERANS The theshold. Mar'37:2 Jun'44:2 Vital to vets. Jul'45:23 Adjustment for the veteran. Jan'46:20 Classroom and campus. Mar'46:30 At work in a veterans' home. Apr'46;23 GI Joe college (poem) May'46:7 An obligation of American citizenship. Jun'46:6 A veteran and human need. Oct'46:42 An advantage of a handicap. Jan'59:9 Global highlights. Apr'66:5 Ahead of the headlines. May'71:5 World events. Jun'73:37 VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION HOME. KECOUGHTAN, VIRGINIA At work in a veterans' home (photo of chapel) Apr'46:23 VETERANS' HOSPITALS An obligation of American citizenship. Jun'46:6 Global highlights. Jul'46:4 Vetter, Harry My most enjoyable moments in conference. Nov'27:23 VIBURS, CHRISTIAN Social trends. Apr'49:12 VICE, ROBERTA (death) Jun'26:50 VICEDOM, GEORG Global highlights. Jun'59:6 VICKERS, GRACE Here and there with World Call. Oct'64:54 VICKERY, (MRS. E. R.) (photo) Oct'60:10
p. 2972 Vickery - Victory
VICKERY, (married to Milton Vickery) World Convention notes. Jul'35:47 Women and world highways. Dec'35:35 VICKERY, E R (photo) Oct'60:10 Vickery, E. Ray Church union moves ahead in New Zealand. May'72:20 VICKERY, MILTON World Convention notes. Jul'35:47 VICKLAN, (MRS. F. A.) All People's Church and Community Center (photo) Dec'44:19 Vickland, Leonora Montague Tojiro discovers America. Oct'28:51 Sketches from child life about our Japanese Christian Institute. Jun'29:32 Thirtieth anniversary celebration. May'34:32 Where contact means understanding. Dec'34:28 Discovering our Japanese Christian Church. Mar'39:15 Living waters in a thirsty land. Apr'39:12 From our Japanese Christian Church. Jun'39:44 Kindergarten days. Nov'41:44 Japanese Christian Institute faces crisis. Feb'42:12 Susie goes to kindergarten. Feb'42:30 Japanese children at Sunday school. Mar'42:40 Oscar finds friends. Jan'61:38 VICKLAND, LEONORA MONTAGUE Echoes from everywhere. Sep'26:51 (photo) Oct'28:55 Station UCMS broadcasting. Sep'37:30 All Peoples enjoying human rights (photo) Oct'52:13 VICKREY, CHARLES V The American Committee for Relief in the Near East. Apr'19:43 Glimpses of the religious world. Sep'27:45 Global highlights (photo) Jan'48:3 VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI. BYRAN MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) May'19:4 Notes. Feb'20:61 Jul'20:43 Oct'20:60 Jun'20:60 Aug'20:48 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'21:63 A correction. Jan'22:1 Sample home mission churches (photo) Sep'27:11 VICTOR, F. S. Churches are reacting to the Provision design. Apr'67:40 VICTOR, JOHN (photo) Nov'27:6 Global highlights. Jun'49:4 VICTORIA, VIRGINIA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Victory at Victoria (photo) Jan'25:36 VICTORINO, MOSES (photo) Dec'42:42 VICTORY, AMIR Classroom and campus (photo) Jun'49:31 VICTORY CHURCH CONSERVATION CAMPAIGN The threshold. May'43:2 This is a victory church. Jun'43:21 VICTORY CLOTHING COLLECTION Nov'45:34
p. 2973 Vidal - Vietnam War
VIDAL, JESUS MARIA A young man who would not down. Aug'32:29 VIENING, EDWARD. THE ZONERVAN TOPICAL BIBLE New books. Feb'70:29 VIENNA, AUSTRIA Global highlights. Nov'46:4 (photo) Nov'46:25 What it is like to starve. Jul'47:26 VIERLING, (married to Frank R. Vierling) Outgoing missionaries. Oct'20:51 VIERLING, ARTHUR (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. Nov'34:34 Vierling, Frank R Echoes from everywhere. Jun'23:58 Contrasting Eastern and Western medical practice. Dec'25:57 VIERLING, FRANK R Outgoing missionaries. Oct'20:51 Program helps (photo) Apr'25:49 (photo) Sep'25:52 VIERLING, MABEL ANNA VANCE, 1889- Program helps (photo) Apr'25:49 (photo) Sep'25:52 VIETH, PAUL HERMAN, 1895- Global highlights. Apr'47:4 quoted. Religious education in the world's life (photo) Apr'49:20 VIETH, PAUL HERMAN. THE CHURCH AND CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Book chat. Apr'47:22 VIETH, PAUL HERMAN. THE CHURCH SCHOOL Book chat. Mar'58:20 VIETH, PAUL HERMAN. TEACHING FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING Speaking of books. Jan'30:44 VIETNAM We can do no less. Dec'65:15 (photo of children fishing) Feb'66:front cover The cover. Feb'66:inside front cover ...another point of view. Apr'66:36 Ahead of the headlines. Dec'66:4 Global highlights. Dec'66:6 Christians team up to help war-weary people. Feb'67:23 Ahead of the headlines. Jul'67:5 Global highlights. Oct'67:7 The church in Vietnam. Nov'67:44 A chance to live. Oct'68:26 No place for this child. Dec'68:26 Global highlights. Feb'69:31 World events. Jun'69:37 Nov'69:38 Sweet smelling, scented soap. Dec'70;24 Happy people gripped by tragedy. Feb'72:6 World events. Dec'73:39 VIETNAM--DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL Voice from Vietnam. Jun'68:25 VIETNAM WAR Social trends. Jun'65:14 Global highlights. Jul'65:7 Letters. Sep'65:3 World Calling. Sep'65:10 Social trends. Sep'65:24 (cont. next page)
p. 2974 Vietnam War - Vigan
VIETNAM WAR (cont.) Letters. Oct'65:inside front cover Global highlights. Oct'65:6 Letters. Dec'65:inside front cover Social trends. Jan'66:14 Seek peace and pursue it. Jan'66:20 Vietnam. Feb'66:9 NCC Board looks at Vietnam. Feb'66:49 Social trends. Apr'66:16 Letters. Jun'66:inside front cover Battle scars of Vietnam. Jul'66:9 Global highlights. Sep'66:6 ? and answers. Sep'66:8 Letters. Oct'66:inside front cover Global highlights. Oct'66:6 Therefore be it resolved. Nov'66:26 Letters. Dec'66:inside front cover Global highlights. Jan'67:5 Mar'67:6 Apr'67:5 Social trends. May'67:24 Letters. Jun'67:inside front cover To mothers and wives of the United States. Jul'67:19 Letters. Jul'67:46 Subtle sabotage. Oct'67:9 Letters. Nov'67:4 Vietnam and you. Feb'68:40 War reports. Mar'68:9 In brief. May'68:8 Social trends. Oct'68:38 Southeast Asia. Dec'68:24 World events. Apr'69:30 Concerning our national crisis. Jul'70:18 Editorials. Jul'70:19 World events. May'71:37 Letters. Jul'71:4 World events. Jul'71:37,38 General Board deals with business, issues. Sep'72:41 VIEWPOINT, TEXAS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Laymen evangelize. Jan'23:13 VIGA ALTA, PUERTO RICO Echoes from everywhere. Feb'21:59 VIGAN, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Notes. Mar'19:61,62 Commencement at Vigan. Oct'19:43 Notes. Feb'20:58,61 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'20:61 Apr'21:63 Jun'21:63 (photo) Jun'22:20 One memory that will endure (photos) Jul'23:15 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'24:50 Apr'24:48 They are the victory. Sep'24:42 Some observations of a new missionary (photos) Nov'24:40 Rejoicing in the Philippines. Feb'25:53 (photo) Mar'25:40 Echoes from everywhere. Jul'25:51 Nov'25:50 Jul'27:48 Commencement... Jul'27:63 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'27:47 (cont. next page)
p. 2975 Vigan - Villalpandu
VIGAN, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS (cont.) Debate in Vigan. Aug'27:54 First impressions. Sep'28:30 Digest of annual report. Oct'28:41 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'29:35 Feb'30:39 Nov'30:39 Jan'31:40 The first page (photo of church) Feb'31:2 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'31:39 May'31:39 Jun'31:40 Jul'31:41 A Christian home for youth (photo of dormitory) Oct'40:44 College established in Laoag. Jan'47:26 Echoes from everywhere. Mar'49:39 Apr'49:38 Singing their way through schol. Jan'50:47 The chain remains unbroken (photos of training school) Apr'51:15 Echoes from everywhere. Nov'51:34 Dreams do come true. Nov'51:40 The Vigan Center. Feb'54:47 A community center succeeds. Mar'54:29 Echoes from everywhere. Feb'56:34 Feb'57:34 For God and the Philippines (photo of youth) May'57:27 VIKENTIJE, (PATRIARCH) -1958 (death) Global highlights. Sep'58:6 VILA, SAMUEL Conquered by scripture (photo) Apr'55:28 VILALBA, MAXIMA (photo) Dec'22:26 VILEY, (married to James Viley) In memoriam. Mar'38:39 VILLA AURELIA, PARAGUAY Paraguayan church opens new mission (photo) Jul'57:29 (photo of Church school class) Mar'59:front cover The cover. Mar'59:inside front cover Echoes from everywhere. Dec'59:36 Persistance in Paraguay. Apr'61:46 VILLA EMILIA, ARGENTINA Direct line. Dec'70:31 VILLA INTERNATIONAL ATLANTA In brief. Jul'69:40 VILLA LOS LOMAS, PUERTO RICO An island warmed by sun and spirit (photo of sanctuary of church) Jun'72:17 VILLA NEVAREZ, PUERTO RICO Island expansion. Mar'58:46 VILLA PALMERAS, PUERTO RICO Partners in progress (photos of church) Jul'62:27 (photo of church) Jun'65:29 VILLA PARK, ILLINOIS. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Winning the immovable city (photo of some members) Feb'61:13 VILLA RICA, PUERTO RICO Churches in Latin America find new life (photo of churches site) Mar'62:16 "THE VILLAGE OF THE POOR" (MOTION PICTURE) Transformed village. May'54:43 Audio-visual suggestions. Dec'54:47 "VILLAGE REBORN" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Mar'59:41 VILLALPANDU, LUIS (photo) Nov'28:41
p. 2976 Villalva - Vinobaji
VILLALVA, MAXIMA The first commencement (photo) Mar'26:44 VILLANUEVA, JOHN DELGADO (married to Simone Villanueva) Mexican Christian Institute news. Dec'42:43 VILLANUEVA, SIMONE (married to John Delgado Villanueva) Mexican Christian Institute news. Dec'42:43 VILLAPANDO, MARIA (photo) Jan'40:28 San Luis Potosi workers (photo) Feb'42:45 VILLAREAL, EUSEBIO It is worth while. Mar'24:43 Mexican Christian Institute news. Dec'42:43 VILLARS, PAT World events (photo) Sep'72:39 General Board deals with business, issues. Sep'72:41 VILLAVICIOSA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS A mission church grows. Oct'54:45 VILLETA, PARAGUAY (photo) Oct'25:20 Vilmont, (Mrs. V. H.) Letters. Jun'69:4 VINCENNES, INDIANA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Echoes from everywhere. Sep'22:62 Apr'23:48 Form and force come together. Apr'73:14 VINCENT, (MRS. L. C.) -1923 (death) Oct'23:62 VINCENT, ARTHUR quoted. Last column. Mar'62:50 VINCENT, JEAN (married to Ray Vincent) Presenting (photo) Jan'66:8 VINCENT, M. O. GOD, SEX AND YOU New books for the church library. Feb'72:46 VINCENT, MARY LOUISE News of our colleges. Oct'39:32 VINCENT, PHILIP Presenting (photo) Jan'66:8 VINCENT, RAY (married to Jean Vincent) Presenting (photo) Jan'66:8 Vincent, Wallace Dunbar The big little church. May'33:12 Vincent, Walter D For both ministry and laity (poem) May'32:17 VINCENTE, RAMON News room (photo) Jul'51:39 VINING, ABBIE (death) Mar'22:54 Vining, Elizabeth Gray (married to Morgan Vining) Young people of Japan. May'55:7 VINING, ELIZABETH GRAY Global highlights. Nov'46:3 (photo) May'55:7 VINING, ELIZABETH GRAY. QUIET PILGRIMAGE New books. Oct'71:26 VINITA, OKLAHOMA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Notes. Nov'19:63 Echoes from everywhere. Aug'23:50 VINOBAJI Echoes from everywhere. May'57:32
p. 2977 Vinstra - Visitor
VINSTRA, NORWAY Our brethren in Europe. Sep'27:31 VIOLENCE Editorials. Jun'69:19 The spirit of Cain among us. Dec'70:20 World events. May'73:39 VIRGIN ISLANDS For adult missionary groups. Jun'48:36 VIRGIN OF COPACABANA (SOUTH AMERICA) (photo) Jan'19:10 VIRGINIA What money will do. Sep'19:22 Board of Education and work of our colleges. Sep'24:51 The story state by state. Aug'25:13 Hundred year churches. Oct'32:15 Global highlights. Oct'58:8 Apr'59:5 Jan'62:4 VIRGINIA BIBLE CHAIR Snap shots... Dec'19:14 Report. Sep'21:27 Annual report... Sep'22:35 An account of stewardship. Jun'39:26 Global highlights. Jan'67:7 VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY Good news from the states. Oct'28:30 Global highlights. Dec'54:4 Adults and mission. May'63:38 VIRGINIA. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 1829-1830 Alexander Campbell on education. Apr'42:15 VIRGINIA CONVENTION OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES Disciples in the news. Dec'68:8 VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Fall activities in our colleges. Dec'31:45 VIRKKULA, HENRY J. Listening in on the world. Apr'30:20 VIROQUA, WISCONSIN. CHRISTIAN CHURCH (photo) May'19:5 Messages from our Home Missionaries. Oct'19:46 Notes. Aug'20:46 VISALIA, CALIFORNIA. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Crusade progress. Nov'50:30 How ten churches observed the Week of Compassion. Jan'68:27 Vischer, Lukas, 1926- A renewed church. Feb'65:30 VISCHER, LUKAS, 1926- Global highlights. Oct'64:4 Ecumniecal journey (photo) Dec'64:22 Global highlights. Oct'67:6 World events (photo) Apr'71:36 Living in dialogue (photo) Jul'73:31 VISION News room. Feb'48:38 May'49:40 "VISITATION EVANGELISM KIT" (KIT) Audio-visual suggestions. Apr'65:43 "VISITING FRIENDS IN INDIA" (FILMSTRIP) Audio-visual suggestions. Feb'55:46 "VISITOR FOR CHRISTMAS" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visuals. Dec'67:39
p. 2968 Vissering-Visser't Hooft
Vissering, Carl William, 1899- (married to Harriet Gibson Vissering) Echoes from everywhere. Sep'28:33 Jan'30:62 VISSERING, CARL WILLIAM, 1899- (photo) Aug'23:12 The lucky thirteen (photo) Aug'25:4 News from Osaka, Japan. Jan'26:62 (photo) Dec'37:24 Classroom and campus. Jan'43:28 VISSERING, HARRIET GIBSON, 1897-1981 (married to Carl William Vissering) Echoes from everywhere. Oct'21:60 The lucky thirteen (photo) Aug'25:4 News from Osaka, Japan. Jan'26:62 VISSERING, HARRIET GLADYS, 1928- (birth) Jun'28:63 VISSERING, HAZEL GIBSON, 1930- (birth) Jan'31:47 VISSERING, JOHN GERDES (death) Station UCMS broadcasting. May'32:34 (death) Board of Education meets. Jun'33:33 VISSERING, MARTHA JEAN News from Osaka, Japan. Jan'26:62 Visser 't Hoof, Willem Adolph, 1900- Europe's refugee problem. Feb'48:11 Evanston--a step forward. May'54:27 VISSER 'T HOOF, WILLEM ADOLPH, 1900- (photo) Mar'44:14 quoted. The threshold. Dec'44:2 The struggle of the Dutch church. Mar'45:4 The threshold. May'45:2 (photo) Jul'45:2 (photo) Jul'45:14 May'46:24,25 Global highlights (photo) Apr'47:3 Something new in the life of the churches. Jun'48:6 Global highlights. Apr'49:2 (photo) Jun'49:3 quoted. Symbol of a united church. Jan'50:28 Global highlights (photo) Feb'50:3 Echoes from everywhere. Jun'52:37 Global highlights (photo) Jan'54:3 (photo) Mar'53:2 Ecumenical--still the best! Jan'54:47 (photo) May'54:20,27 Worship in the Evanston Assembly (photo) Jul'54:36 quoted. Correspondence from Europe, II. Nov'56:8 Global highlights. Dec'56:4 Sep'57:3 Sep'58:7 Christian witness in East Asia. Jul'59:10 Global highlights. Dec'59:4 Feb'60:7 (photo) Sep'60:7 Councils and the global crisis (photo) Mar'61:25 Global highlights. Nov'61:8 (photo) Nov'61:23 Global highlights. Jul'62:4 Oct'62:4 Speak and listen (photo) Jan'63:28 Global highlights (photo) Oct'63:6 quoted. Global highlights. Jul'64:6 World Calling... Sep'64:10 quoted. Global highlights. Nov'64:6 An important meeting of the WCC. Mar'66:9 Ahead of the headlines. May'66:4 Review and forecast (photo) Feb'67:21 quoted. Nov'68:25
p. 2979 Visser't Hooft-Vocational
VISSER'T HOOFT, WILLEM ADOLPH. THE FIRST ASSEMBLY OF THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CHURCHES Book chat. Sep'49:22 VISSER'T HOOFT, WILLEM ADOLPH. THE KINGSHIP OF CHRIST Book chat. Apr'48:20 VISSER'T HOOFT, WILLEM ADOLPH. MEMOIRS New books. Nov'73:34 VISSER'T HOOFT, WILLEM ADOLPH. NONE OTHER GODS Book chat. Jul'37:26 VISSER'T HOOFT, WILLEM ADOLPH. THE PRESSURE OF OUR COMMON CALLING Book chat. Mar'60:24 VISSER'T HOOFT, WILLEM ADOLPH. REMBRANDT AND THE GOSPELS Book chat. Nov'58:40 VISSER'T HOOFT, WILLEM ADOLPH. THE RENEWAL OF THE CHURCH Book chat. Sep'57:22 VITALE, SHIRLEY World events (photo) Apr'73:40 Vivian, Jane Warren On the heights (poem) Jul'28:23 Vivian, Jenny Warren Echoes from everywhere. Apr'34:40 Vivrett, Waldine S., 1872-1959 (married to William R. Vivrett) Women on world highways. Sep'69:31 VIVRETT, WALDINE S., 1872-1959 On the plains of West TExas (photo) Sep'36:15 Vivrett, William Randolph (married to Waldine S. Vivrett) All the years of our lives. Oct'58:13 Profile of a Disciple Chaplain. Nov'66:22 Ministry to men in the armed forces. Jul'70:10 Update, the Disciple Chaplain--1970 model. Sep'70:14 VIVRETT, WILLIAM RANDOLPH On the plains of West Texas (photo) Sep'36:15 Global highlights. May'60:7 News room. Sep'60:49 Global highlights. Dec'60:4 Disciples in the news (photo) Oct'65:7 (photo) Jul'67:49 Global highlights (photo) Jan'68:7 God's man--the chaplain (photo) Feb'68:41 Editorials. Jul'68:9 Retirements from general ministry (photo) Jan'72:42 VIVRETT, WILLIAN RANDOLPH, JR. Welfare needs. Apr'59:44 VLADIMIR (RUSSIAN ORTHODOX ARCHIBISHOP) World events. Jun'71:37 VLADIMIROVA, OLGA (photo) Dec'24:48 VLASTOS, GREGORY. TOWARDS THE CHRISTIAN REVOLUTION Book chat. Apr'37:20 VOCATION Youth and missions. Nov'53:37 "VOCATIONAL CHOICE: A PARTNERSHIP" (MOTION PICTURE) Audio-visual suggestions. Feb'56:40 VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE When youth chooses a vocation. May'55:12 Global highlights. Feb'57:4 Nov'58:32 Youth look at their life work. Nov'64:17 Ahead of the headlines. Jan'67:4 Career clubs help raise youth horizons. Apr'71:32
p. 2980 Vocations - Vonuhde
VOCATIONS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Ahead of the headlines. Mar'69:5 VOGEL, MAUD M In memoriam. Aug'32:39 VOGEL, VIRGIL J. THIS COUNTRY WAS OURS New books. Sep'73:36 VOICES FROM CANE RIDGE Book chat. Sep'54:16 VOICES FROM THE YOUNGER CHURCHES New books for your missionary library. Jan'40:29 VOICES OF THE HOUR IN A WAR TORN WORLD Book chat. Dec'42:45 VOIERS, (married to Martin Voiers) Here and there with World Call. Feb'58:50 VOIGHT, (MRS. A. W.) Women and world highways (photo) Jul'58:35 VOILS, (MRS. C. L.), -1942 In memoriam. Jun'42:39 VOKSO, PER World youth training for service (photo) May'47:8 VOLBACH, WALTER Classroom and campus. Mar'46:31 VOLLEMREIDER, ETHEL HEACOS In memoriam. Dec'32:39 VOLUNTARISM Volunteers can offer many srvices. May'68:44 Second milers. Jul'68:16 Come alive! volunteer. Oct'70:17 The ministry of service volunteers. May'73:29 As hand touches hand. May'73:31 Seniors give a helping hand. Nov'73:12 VOLUNTEER WORK CAMPS Programs for young people. Jun'40:37 VOLUNTEERS See VOLUNTARISM VOLUNTEERS IN CHRISTIAN SERVICE FOR CHILDREN Service for children. Jun'43:23 VON ALLMEN, J. J. A COMPANION TO THE BIBLE Book chat. Jun'58:26 VON ALLMEN, J. J. WORSHIP: ITS THEOLOGY AND PRACTICE New books. Mar'66:24 VON HEYL, MAXIMILIAN Youth and missions (photo) Apr'52:35 News room (photo) Dec'52:30 VONHOFF, HEINZ. PEOPLE WHO CARE New books. Nov'71:29 VON HUEGEL, FRIEDRICH The missionary significance of the Lord's Supper. Apr'28:5 VON LOSSOW, NANNIE S -1946 In memoriam. Feb'47:37 VON THADDEN, REINOLD A Christian layman visits us. Feb'52:6 Echoes from everywhere. Apr'52:36 Laymen discuss God's plan for everyday living (photo) May'52:33 VONUHDE, FRITZ "TEACHING BY THE LAKE" (PAINTING) (photo) Sep'37:front cover The threshold. Sep'37:2
p. 2981 Voorhees - Vysohlid
Voorhees, Anna Echoes from everywhere. Dec'22:54 VOORHEES, JERRY Global highlights (photo) Sep'49:3 VOORHEES, OSCAR W Board of Education and work of our colleges. Jul'24:54 VOORHEES, SARAH, -1947 In memoriam. Mar'47:37 VOOS, R Q (photo) Apr'41:25 VORIES, WILLIAM MERRILL Missionary worship service. Apr'50:39 VORKINK, PETER, II. BONHOEFFER IN A WORLD COME OF AGE New books. Jul'68:36 VOS, CATHERINE F. THE CHILD'S STORY BIBLE New books. Apr'67:22 VOSE, EVA L., -1955 In memoriam. Mar'55:39 VOSE, WILLIS WASHINGTON, 1863-1937 An example in cooperation. Jun'25:56 Pension Fund news. Sep'37:45 Voss, Carl Hermann A primer on Palestine. May'48:16 VOSS, CARL HERMANN quoted. Study tour of Palestine. Jun'49:27 VOSS, CARL HERMANN. RABBI AND MINISTER New books. Mar'69:29 VOTING Get out the vote! Jul'28:3 Moral issues in the Presidential campaign. Jul'28:5 The responsibility of Christian women at the polls. Aug'28:21 Making democracy real. Oct'42:4 Women and world highways. Oct'44:29 World Calling... Dec'64:10 Votruba, Matthew J., 1922- Echoes from everywhere. Dec'56:36 VOYAGE AND TRAVEL See also MISSION TOURS PURPOSFUL TOURS Women on world highways. Mar'68:30 "LA VOX EVANGELICA" Fifteen minutes of silence. Oct'52:31 Vreeland, Dorothy A young man speaks (poem) May'28:18 VULCAN, ALBERTA. CHRISTIAN CHURCH New church in Alberta. Sep'26:54 Echoes from everywhere. Oct'26:49 Station UCMS broadcasting. Dec'26:55 VYSOHLID, VACLAR (photo) Jan'47:23 World youth training for service (photo) May'47:8