Works By:
and Work:
A Monthly Magazine Whose Purpose Is to Declare the Whole - Counsel of God.
Editor and Publisher. Vol. 6. (New Orleans, LA: 1913).
and Work:
A Monthly Magazine Whose Purpose Is to Declare the Whole - Counsel of God.
Editor and Publisher. Vol. 7. (New Orleans, LA: 1914).
and Work:
A Monthly Magazine Whose Purpose Is to Declare the Whole - Counsel of God.
Editor and Publisher. Vol. 8. (New Orleans, LA: 1915).
in Revelation." (Chapters 1-3. Lessons I-VI.)
Word and Work 8 (January - 1915): 12-15.
in Revelation." (Chapters 2-3. Lessons VII-IX.)
Word and Work 8 (February - 1915): 12-18.
in Revelation." (Chapters 4-5. Lessons X-XII.)
Word and Work 8 (March - 1915): 15-17.
in Revelation: The Book of Seven Seals." (Chapters 6-7. Lessons XIII-XVI.)
- Word and Work 8 (April 1915): 13-16.
in Revelation: The Great Tribulation." (Chapters 8-9. Lessons XVII-XVIII.)
- Word and Work 8 (May 1915): 11-13.
in Revelation: A Junction of Dispensations." (Chapters 10-13. Lessons XIX-- XXII.)
Word and Work 8 (June 1915): 12-15.
"Studies in Revelation."
(Chapters 14-17. Lessons XXIII-XXVI.)
Word and Work 8 - (July 1915): 9-12.
in Revelation." (Chapters 18-20. Lessons XXVII-XXXI.)
Word and Work 8 - (August 1915): 11-13.
in Revelation." (Chapter 21-22. Lessons XXXII-XXXIV.)
Word and Work - 8 (September 1915): 9-11.
Word and Work 8 (September 1915): 10-11.
Word and Work 8 (September 1915): 11-12.
Questions on Revelation."
Word and Work 8 (October 1915): 13-15.
in Revelation--Review."
Word and Work 8 (November 1915): 17-20.
in Revelation--Review."
Word and Work 8 (December 1915): 17-19.
New Year's Surprise for You."
Word and Work 9 (January 1916): 1.
False Label Device."
Word and Work 9 (January 1916): 8.
versus Nehemiah."
Word and Work 9 (February 1916): 55.
The Golden Candlesticks.
[Louisville, KY: Word and Work, 1936].
The Whole Counsel of God on Baptism.
[Louisville, KY: Word and Work, 1936].
Baptism--What It Involves.
[Louisville, KY: Word and Work, 1936].
Citizens of Two Kingdoms.
[Louisville, KY: Word and Work, 1936].
Living Messages, Delivered at the Louisville Bible Conference,
- September 6-10, 1948.
Louisville, KY: Word and Work, [1949].
Pp. 109-115.
Letter from
Stanford Chambers to Paul Clark about the RM in Louisiana. 13 April 1962.