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Alexander Campbell
Christian Baptism, with Its Antecedents and Consequents (1851)



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Abraham's two wives--Symbols of two Covenants, 436.
Action of Baptism, 116.
Ante-Nicene, or Apostolic Fathers, 343.
Appendix, 436.
"Arise and be baptized," 400.
Arg. 1. Bapto, 116.
        2. Baptizo, 122.
        3. Ancient Versions, 134.
        4. English Translators, 139.
        5. Reformers, Annotators, Paraphrasts, and Critics, 144.
        6. English Lexicographers, Encyclopedias, and Reviewers of the Pedobaptist school, 149.
        7. Words in construction with Baptizo, Raino, Rantizo, Cheo, and Louo; such as epi, en,

  eis, ek, and apo, 153.

        8. Places where baptism was anciently performed, 157.
        9. Apostolic allusions to baptism, 161.
        10. Passages urged against immersion from the use of Baptizo and Baptismos, 166.
        11. Legal sprinklings, 171.
        12. Convertible terms, 178.
        History of immersion, 181.


Bible, chapters and verses, 59.
      climax of its moral evidences, 37.
      denial of, reduced to an absurdity, 32.
      history of one family, 30.
      plan of, 24.
      proper reading of, 61.
      writers of, 29.
Blessing babes, 385.


Carnal ordinances, 104.
Catechism for Pedobaptists, 432.
Catechumens a proof that infant baptism was not of apostolic origin, 373.
Catholic Church neither Greek nor Roman, 113.
Chalmers and Calvin vs. Dr. Miller, 165.
Character of the Man of Sin, 47.
Cheever, Dr., views of Church and State as the cause of religious persecution imperfect, 413.
Children legally clean and unclean, 337.
      holy, examined, 384.
Christian, not of, but in, the sects, 16.
Christianity proposes no hereditary rights, 109.
Christianity favourable to liberty, 111.
Christian Church and Jewish nation not identical, 329.
Christian confession, foundation of the church, 18.
Christian union, basis of, 21.
Church, cradle of civil liberty, 110.
Church and nation, identical according to Dr. Miller, 328.
Climax of moral evidence, 37.
Coleridge's views of infant baptism, 437.
Communities founded on faith were never formed before the Christian Church, 334.
Conversion, five essentials to, 115.
Council, African, decreed infant baptism, 356.
Covenants of promise, 89.
Covenant of circumcision, 89.
      with Noah, 93.
      with Abraham, 93.
      of the throne, 95.
      of the priesthood, 95.
      signs and seals of, 97.
      summary of, 90.


Dedication of infants and things a Jewish and Roman custom, 332.
      Design of baptism, 247.
      Disquisition on the phrase, Remission of sins, as connected with baptism, 262.
      Divisions and sects, the philosophy of 434.


Ecclesiastical covenants, alleged by Dr. Miller, are contrary to the letter and spirit of Christianity

and its gospel, 323.

Errors of theory and practice, the most gross aberrations from Christian doctrine, are traced to the
first century by Isaac Taylor, in his Ancient but not Original Christianity, 348.

Eternal life neither founded on nor promised in the Jewish institution, 107.
Evangelical reformation, two cardinal points of, 20.
Evidences of the Bible, intrinsic and extrinsic, 27.
Evils of infant baptism:
      1. Will-worship, 405.
      2. Carnalizes and secularizes the church, 406.
      3. Infringes upon liberty of conscience and freedom of action, 408.
      4. Fosters a persecuting spirit, 410.


Faith, 63.
      the noblest faculty of man, 66.
      the principle of all moral culture, 67.
      different kinds of, 69.
      and its object distinguished, 71.
Fundamental proposition of Christianity, 74.
Flesh and spirit, liberty and necessity, 102.


Good olive-tree, parable of, 332.


Hannah's dedication of her son contrasted with infant dedication in baptism, 113.
History of Sprinkling, 191.
      Historians quoted:
            Waddington, 187.
            Giesler, Cave, 187.
            Neander, 186.
            Mosheim, 186.
            Wall, 192.
            Sotus, 194.
            Mede, 194.
            Sir N. Knatchbull, 194.
      introduced by the Puritans, 196.
            Council of Ravenna, 200.
            compulsion into Virginia, 197.
      the first law enacting it, 190.
      not generally introduced, 200.
Household baptism not including infants:
      Dr. Whitby, Doddridge, Limborch, Lawson, Calvin, 231.
      Henry, Burkit, D'Oyly, and Mant required the proof of a negative, 232.
Household baptisms examined, 231.


Infant baptism first named by Tertullian, 355.
      gradually introduced, 373.
      to take away original sin, 375.
      insupportable by Scripture, conceded by Bishop Kenrick, 339.
      contrary to the clearest statements and reasonings, 390.
Infant communion and infant baptism equally common in the ancient church, 352.
Infant dedication a papistical notion, 113.
      unknown in the Bible, 112.
Interpretation of Scripture, 61.
      seven rules of, 61.
Introduction, 13.


Jewish institution carnal, 105.
      not a proselyting institution, 109.
      not identical with the Christian institution, shown, 239.
      further developed, 246.
Jewish nation and a church contrasted, 239.
Jewish circumcision and Christian baptism differ in sixteen points, 242.
John's baptism not a Jewish rite, 216.
      never repeated to the posterity of the baptized, 217.
      it required a moral qualification, 218.


Kenrick, Bishop, candour of, 317.
      his logical arguments, 316.
      surrenders the commission as not authorizing infant baptism, 319.


Lexicographers, twelve quoted on baptizo, 123.
Liberty and necessity, 102.
Life and immortality no part of the Jew's religion, 106.


Miller, Doctor and Professor, offers ten arguments--they are considered, 321.
Monastic life, celibacy, and infant baptism equally depend on tradition, 341.


Nation and church distinguished, 239.
New institution, 102.
Novatian's baptism, 191.
Numbers immersed and sprinkled in all pest time, 201.


Offices of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit stated, 290.
Oikos and oikia considered, 419.
On the question of household baptism, 419.


Parents or children responsible, 391.
Parmly, Dr., letter to Prof. Anthon, 180.
Pedobaptist persecutions in New England and Virginia, 410.
      in Geneva, 414.
Personal responsibility and infant baptism irreconcilable, 391.
Pouring inhibited, 191.
Preface, 5.
Promise, Acts ii. 3, not infant baptism, 383.
Prophecies numerous and various, their use, 41.
Proposition, soul-redeeming, 74.


Questions propounded and answered on all the attitudes and positions of infant baptism, to the

number of one hundred and thirty-four, 422.


      1. Bishop Kenrick, 313.
      2. Dr. Miller of Princeton, 326.
      3. Dr. Miller and Dr. Wall, 339.
      4. Dr. Miller, Dr. Wall, and others, 352.
      5. Continued, 305.
      6. Dr. Kurtz of Baltimore, 378.
      7. Rev. Edwin Hall, 378.
      8. Professor Stuart of Andover, 392.
      9. Dr. C. Taylor, editor of Calmet's Dictionary, 417.


Sprinkling on the face, 430.
      why substituted for immersion, 431.


Why are many good people so much divided in their views of Scripture, seeing they have but one

Bible, and read it in the same language? 434.


[CBAC 439-441]

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Alexander Campbell
Christian Baptism, with Its Antecedents and Consequents (1851)