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Alexander Campbell
The Living Oracles, Fourth Edition (1835)



Containing the PROPER NAMES which are found in the New Testament, etymologically explained, and accented for pronunciation, according to the most approved standards.


      A has four sounds:--
            1. The long slender English sound, as in fate, fa-tal.
            2. The long Italian sound, as in far, fa-ther.
            3. The broad German sound, as in wall, wa-ter.
            4. The short Italian sound, as in mat, mar-ry.
      E has two sounds:--
            1. The long slender sound, as in mete, me-tre.
            2. The short sound, as in men, met-tle.
      I has two sounds:--
            1. The long dipthongal sound, as in pine, pin-y.
            2. The short simple sound, as in pin, pitch-er.
      O has four sounds:--
            1. The long open sound, as in no, note.
            2. The long close sound, as in move, mo-ver.
            3. The long broad sound, as in for, nor.
            4. The short broad sound, as in hot, not.
      U has three sounds:--
            1. The long dipthongal sound, as in tube; tu-mult.
            2. The short simple sound, as in sup, sup-per.
            3. The middle, or obtuse sound, as in full, ful-ly.
      Rule 1. The vowel y has the same sound as i; and, of course, its pronunciation is subjected to the same rules.
      Rule 2. When the accented syllable, in any word, has the accent upon the vowel, it sounds long; when upon the consonant, the preceding vowel always sounds short.


      1. C, before a, o, u, and h, is pronounced like k, as in came, come, cut, chord.
      2. C, before e, i, and y, is pronounced like the sharp hissing s, as in cite, ci-ted.
      1. G, before a, o, and u, is always sounded hard, as in game, gone, gun.
      2. G, before e, i, and y, is generally pronounced soft, as in gem, gin, gyve.
Exceptions are italicised.
      1. S is mostly pronounced sharp, as in sin, hiss.
      2. S is sometimes flat, like z, as in has, was.
      1. Ti, before a vowel, is sometimes pronounced soft, like she, as in Egyptian.
      2. Ti, is sometimes hard and short, as in Ac-ti-um, sa-ti-e-ty.
      Note 1. When s and ti are pronounced as marked under number 2, they are printed in Italics--as are, likewise, all silent letters.
      Note 2. When the pronunciation of a word cannot be precisely ascertained, by due attention to the above scheme, rules, and remarks, it is twice printed, first, according to the spelling--second, according to the pronunciation. [1]

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

AA'RON, a teacher, lofty.
A-bad'don, the destroyer.
Ab'ba, father.
A'bel, vanity, breath, vapor.
A-bi'a, the Lord is my father.
A-bi'a-thar, excellent father.
Ab-i-le'ne, the father of mourning.
A-bi'ud, father of praise.
A'bra-ham, the father of a great multitude.
A'bram, a high father.
A-cel'da-ma, the field of blood.
A-cha'i-a, grief, or trouble.
A-cha'i-cus, a native of Achaia.
A'chaz, one that possesses.
A'chim, preparing, or revenging.
Ad'am, earthy, red.
Ad'di, my witness, adorned, prey.
Ad'mah, red earth, or of blood.
Ad-ra-myt'ti-um, the court of death.
Ad'ri-a, a name of a city.
Ag'a-bus, a locust, feast of the father.
A'gar, stranger, gathered together.
A-grip'-pa, one who caused great pain at his birth.
Al-ex-an'der, one who assists men.
Al-ex-an'dri-ans, citizens of Alexandria.
Al-ex-an'dri-a, in honor of Alexander.
Al'pha, first letter of the Greek alphabet.
Al-phe'us, a thousand, learned, chief.
A-min'a-dab, my people are liberal.
A'man, faithful, true.
A'men, so let it be.
A'mos, loading, weighty.
Am-phip'o-lis, a city of Macedonia.
Am'pli-as, large.
A-nath'e-ma, a solemn curse.
An-a-ni'as, the cloud of the Lord.
An'drew, a stout and strong man.
An-dron'i-cus, a man excelling others.
An'na, gracious, or one who gives.
An'nas, one who answers, humble.
An'ti-och, speedy as a chariot.
An'ti-pas, for all, or against all.
An-tip'a-tris, for or against the father.
A-pel'les, excluder.
A-pol-lo'ni-a, perdition, destruction.
A-pol'los, who destroys, or wastes.
A-pol'lyon, one who destroys.
Ap'phi-a, Aph'-e-a, that produces.
Ap'pii-Fo'rum, city founded by Appius Claudius.
A'qui-la, A'qwe-la, an eagle.
A'ra'bi-a, evening, wild, and desert.
A'ram, highness.
Ar-che-la'us, the prince of the people.
Ar-chip'pus, governor of horses.
A-re-op'a-gus, the Hill of Mars, Athenian council.
A-re-op'a-gite, member of said council.
Ar-e'tas, one who is agreeable.
A-ri-ma-the'a, a lion, dead to the Lord.
A-ris-tar'chus, a good prince.
A-ris-tob'u-lous, a good counsellor.
Ar-ma-ged'don, mountain of the gospel, of Megiddo.
Ar-phax'ad, a healer of desolation.
Ar'te-mas, whole, sound.
A'sa, a physician, or cure.
A'ser, happiness.
A'si-a, muddy, boggy.
As'sos, approaching.
A-syn'cri-tus, incomparable.
A'thens, a city of Greece.
A-the'ni-ans, citizens of Athens.
At-ta-li'a, that increases or sends.
Au-gus'tus, increased, augmented.
A'zor, he that assists.
A-zo'tus, like Ashdod, pillage.

BAB'Y-LON, confusion.
Ba'laam, the old age, or ancient of the people, or their destruction.
Ba'lak, who lays waste and destroys.
Ba-rab'bas, son of shame, confusion.
Bar-a-chi'as, who blesses God.
Ba'rak, thunder, or in vain.
Bar-je'sus, son of Jesus or Joshua.
Bar-jo'na, son of Jona, or of a dove.
Bar'na-bas, the son of exhortation.
Bar'sa-bas, son of rest.
Bar-thol'o-mew, a son that suspends the waters.
Bar-te-me'us, son of the honorable.
Be-el'ze-bub, god of the fly.
Be'li-al, wicked, of no account.
Ben'ja-min, son of the right hand.
Be-re'a, heavy, weighty.
Ber-ni'ce, one that brings victory.
Beth-ab'a-ra, the house of passage.
Beth'a-ny, the house of song, or of affliction.
Beth'el, the house of God.
Beth-es'da, the house of pity, or mercy.
Beth'le-hem, the house of bread.
Beth'pha-ge, the house of the mouth.
Beth-sa'i-da, the house of fruits, or of food, or of snares.
Bi-thyn'i-a, violent precipitation.
Blas'tus, that buds and brings forth.
Bo-a-ner'ges, sons of thunder.
Bo'oz, in strength. [2]

CAI'A-PHAS, he that seeks with diligence, one that vomits.
Cain, possession, or possessed.
Ca-i'nan, possessor, purchaser.
Cal'va-ry, the place of a skull.
Ca'na, zeal, jealousy, or possession.
Ca'naan, merchant, trader, or that humbles and subdues.
Ca'naan-ite, a citizen of Canaan.
Can'da-ce, who possesses contrition.
Ca-per'na-um, the field of repentance, or city of comfort.
Cap-pa-do'ci-a, a sphere, a hand.
Car'pus, fruit, fruitful.
Cas'tor, a sea dog, or beaver.
Ce'dron, black, or sad.
Cen'chre-a, millet, small pulse.
Ce'phas, a rock, or stone.
Ce'sar, I cut; because he was cut out of his mother's womb.
Ce-sa're-a, in honor of Cesar.
Chal-ced'o-ny, a precious stone, variegated with divers colors in the form of clouds.
Chal'de-ans, citizens of Chaldea.
Cha'naan, possessor or purchaser.
Char'ran, a singing or calling out.
Chi'os, open or opening.
Chlo'e, green herb.
Cho-ra'zin, the secret, or here is a mystery.
Christ, the anointed.
Chrys'o-lite, a precious stone of gold color, and very transparent.
Chrys'tal, an exceedingly bright, clear, and transparent stone, of a watery color.
Chu'sa, the seer or prophet.
Ci-lic'i-a, which rolls or overturns.
Cis, hard.
Clau'da, a lamentable voice.
Clau'di-a, lame.
Clem'ent, mild, good, merciful.
Cle'o-pas, the whole glory.
Cni'dus, dedicated to Venus.
Co-los'se, punishment, correction.
Co-los'si-ans, citizens of Colosse.
Co'os, silk garments.
Co're, bald.
Cor'inth, which is satisfied, ornament, beauty.
Co-rin'thi-ans, citizens of Corinth.
Co-rin'thus, ornament.
Cor-ne'li-us, of a horn.
Cos, silk garments.
Co'sam, adorned.
Cres'cens, growing, increasing.
Crete, carnal, fleshly.
Cre'tans, citizens of Crete.
Cris'pus, curled.
Cy'prus, fair, fairness.
Cy're-ne, a wall, coldness, a floor.
Cy-re'ni-an, a citizen of Cyrene.
Cy-re'ni-us, who governs.

DAL-MA'TIA, deceitful lamps.
Dal-ma-nu'tha, bucket, branch.
Dam'a-ris, little woman.
Da-mas'cus, similitiude of burning.
Dam'a-scenes, of Damascus.
Dan'i-el, judgment of God.
Da'vid, well-beloved, dear.
De-cap'o-lis, ten cities.
De'mas, popular.
De-met'ri-us, belonging to corn.
Der'be, a sting.
Di-a'na, luminous, perfect.
Did'y-mus, a twin, double.
Di-o-nys'i-us, divinely touched.
Di-ot're-phes, nourished by Jupiter.
Dor'cas, the female of a roebuck.
Dru-sil'la, watered by the dew.

E'GYPT, that troubles, or oppresses.
E-gyp'tian, a citizen of Egypt.
E'lam, a young man.
E'lam-ites, inhabitants of Elam.
E-le-a'zar, help of God, court of God.
E-li-a'kim, resurrection of God.
E-li'as, God the Lord.
E'li-E'li-La-ma-Sa-bac'thani, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.
E-li-e'zer, the help of the Lord.
E-lis'a-beth, the oath of God.
E-li'se-us, salvation of God.
E-li'ud, God is my praise.
El-mo'dam, the god of measure.
E'lo-i-E'lo-i-La'ma-Sa-bac'thani, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.
El'y-mas, a magician.
E-man'u-el, God with us.
Em'ma-us, people despised, or obscure.
E-ne'as, laudable.
E'noch, dedicated, disciplined.
E'non, cloud, mass of darkness.
E'nos, fallen man.
E-paph'ras, agreeable.
E-paph-ro-di'tus, agreeable, handsome.
E-pen'e-tus, worthy of praise.
E-phe'si-ans, citizens of Ephesus.
E'phra-im, fruitful.
Eph'e-sus, desire.
Eph'pha-tha, be opened.
Ep-i-cu-re'ans, who give assistance. [3]
E-pi'rus, neighboring to.
Er, watch, or enemy.
E-ras'tus, lovely.
E-sai'as, the salvation of the Lord.
E'sar-had'don, that binds joy, or that closes the point.
E'sau, he that acts, or finishes.
Es'li, near me.
Es'rom, dart of joy, division of the song.
E-thi-o'pi-a, a blackness, heat.
Eu'bu-lus, prudent, good counsellor.
Eu-ni'ce, good victory.
Eu-o'di-as, sweet scent.
Eu-roc'ly-don, a levanter, raising great waves.
Eu'ty-chus, happy, fortunate.
Eve, living, enlivening.
Ez-e-ki'as, strong in the Lord.

Fe'lix, happy, prosperous.
Fes'tus, festival, joyful.
For-tu-na'tus, lucky, fortunate.

GAB'BA-THA, high, elevated.
Ga'bri-el, God is my strength.
Gad, a troop.
Gad-a-re'nes, citizens of Gadara.
Ga'i-us, Lord, or unearthy man.
Ga-la'ti-a, white, the color of milk.
Ga-la'ti-ans, citizens of Galatia.
Gal'i-lee, wheel, revolution, heap.
Gal-i-le'ans, citizens of Galilee.
Gal'li-o, who sucks, or lives on milk.
Ga-ma'li-el, recompense of God.
Ga'za, strong, or a goat.
Gen-nes'a-ret, garden of the prince.
Ger-ga-se'nes, those who come from pilgrimage, or fight.
Geth-sem'a-ne, a very fat vale.
Gid'e-on, he that bruises and breaks, or cutting off iniquity.
Gog, roof.
Gol'go-tha, a heap of skulls.
Go-mor'rah, rebellious people.
Greece, the country of Graecus.
Gre'ci-ans, citizens of Greece.

HA'GAR, a stranger, or that fears.
He'ber, one that passes.
He'brews, the descendants of Heber.
He'li, ascending, climbing up.
Her'mes, Mercury, gain, refuge.
Her-mog'e-nes, begotten of Mercury, or generation of lucre.
Her'od, the glory of the skin.
He-ro'di-ans, followers of Herod.
He-ro'di-as, the wife of Herod.
Hi-e-rap'o-lis, holy city.
Hy-men'e-as, nuptial, or the god of marriage.

I-CO'NI-UM, I come, the name of a city.
I-du-me'a, red, earthy, bloody.
Il-lyr'i-cum, joy, founded by Illyrius.
Im-man'u-el, God with us.
I-o'ni-an, effeminate.
I'saac, laughter.
Is-car'i-ot, a man of murder.
Is'ra-el, who prevails with God.
Is'ra-el-ites, descendants of Israel.
Is'sa-char, reward, or recompense.
I-tal'i-an band, a Roman legion.
It'a-ly, the country of Italus.

JA'COB, he that supplants, or undermines.
Ja'i-rus, my light, who diffuses light.
Jam'bres, the sea, with poverty.
James, [same as Jacob.]
Jan'na, who speaks.
Jan'nes, who speaks.
Ja'red, he that descends.
Ja'son, he that cures, or that gives medicines.
Jas'per, deep green.
Jech-o-ni'as, preparation of the Lord.
Jeph'tha, he that opens.
Jer-e-mi'as, exaltation of the Lord.
Jer'i-cho, his moon, or month.
Je-ru'sa-lem, vision of peace.
Jes'se, to be, or who is.
Je'sus, saviour.
Jew, derived from Judah.
Jew'ry, the country of the Jews.
Jez'e-bel, island of the habitation.
Jo-an'na, the favor of the Lord.
Job, he that weeps.
Jo'el, he that wills or commands.
John, the favor of the Lord.
Jo'na, a dove, or one who opposes.
Jo'nan, liberal.
Jo'nas, a dove.
Jop'pa, beauty, or comeliness.
Jo'ram, to cast.
Jor'dan, the river of judgment.
Jo'rim, he that exalts the Lord.
Jos'a-phat, God judges.
Jo'se, raised, one who exists.
Jo'seph, increased.
Jo'ses, raised, one who exists.
Jo-si'as, the Lord burns.
Ju'da, Ju'das, Jude, the praise of the Lord.
Ju-de'a, the land of Judah.
Ju'li-a, downy, soft and tender.
Ju'li-us, downy, soft and tender.
Ju'ni-a, youth.
Ju'pi-ter, the father that helpeth.
Jus'tus, just, upright. [4]

LA'MECH, poor.
La-od-i-ce'a, just people.
La-od-i-ce'ans, citizens of Laodicea.
La-se'a, built upon a rock, a rocky country.
Laz'a-rus, assistance of God.
Leb-be'us, a man of spirit.
Le'vi, who is held and associated.
Le'vites, descendants of Levi.
Li'nus, nets.
Lo'is, better.
Lord, proprietor.
Lot, wrapped up, hidden, covered.
Lu'cas, Lu'ci-us, Luke, luminous.
Lyb'i-a, cloudy, rainy.
Lyd'da, Lyd'i-a, magnet.
Ly-sa'ni-as, that drives away sorrow.
Lys'i-a, dissolving.
Lys'i-as, dissolving.
Lys'tra, that dissolves or disappears.

MA-CE-DO'NI-A, adoration.
Ma'di-an, [see Median.]
Mag'da-la, magnificent, elevated.
Mag-da-le'ne, elevated, magnificent.
Ma'gog, roof, or that covers.
Mal'e-le-el, he that praises God.
Mam'mon, riches.
Man-a'en, a comforter.
Ma-nas'ses, forgetfulness, one forgotten.
Mar-a-nath'a, our Lord shall come.
Mar'cus, Mark, polite, shining.
Mars'hill, [see Areopagus.]
Mar'tha, who becomes bitter.
Ma'ry, exalted.
Mat'ta-tha, gift.
Mat-ta-thi'as, the gift of the Lord.
Mat'than, the reins, the death of them.
Mat'that, gift, he that gives.
Matth'ew, given.
Mat-thi'as, the gift of the Lord.
Me'di-a, measure, habit, covering.
Me'di-an, of Media, signifying measure.
Mel-chis'e-dec, king of righteousness.
Me-le'a, abounding in honey.
Mel'i-ta, Mel'i-tus, affording honey.
Me'nan, ardent, witty.
Mer-cu'ri-us, to buy or sell.
Mes-o-po-ta'mi-a, between two rivers.
Mes-si'as, anointed.
Me-thu'sa-el, who demands his death.
Mi'cha-el, who is like to God.
Mid'i-an, judgment, habit, covering.
Mi-le'tum, red, scarlet.
Mi-le'tus, scarlet.
Mit-y-le'ne, purity.
Mna'son, a diligent seeker.
Mo'loch, king.
Mo'ses, taken out of the water.
My'ra, I flow.
My'si-a, criminal.

NA'A-MAN, beautiful.
Na'a-son, that foretells.
Nag'ge, brightness.
Nar-cis'sus, astonishment.
Na'in, beauty, pleasantness.
Na'than, who gives.
Na-than'a-el, the gift of God.
Na'am, agreeable.
Naz'a-reth, guarded, flourishing.
Naz'a-renes, kept flower.
Naz'a-rite, separated, sanctified.
Ne-ap'o-lis, new city.
Neph'tha-lim, comparison, he that fights.
Ne'ra, lamp, brightness.
Ne're-us, lamp.
Ne'ri, my light.
Ne'ro, nervous, strong.
Ni-can'nor, conqueror.
Nich'o-las, victory of the people.
Ni-co-de'mus, innocent blood.
Nic-o-la'i-tans, victory of the people.
Ni-cop'o-lis, victorious city.
Nin'e-veh, handsome, agreeable.
Nin'e-vites, citizens of Nineveh.
Nim'phas, spouse, bridegroom.
Ni'ger, black.
No'e, repose.
Nym'phas, spouse, or bridegroom.

O'BED, a servant.
Ol'i-vet, of olives, abounding in olives.
O-lym'pas, heavenly.
O-me'ga, the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
O-nes'i-mus, profitable.
O-ne-siph'o-rus, who brings profit.
O'nyx, nail, color of a finger nail.
O'see, saviour.
O-zi'as, strength from the Lord.

PAM-PHYL'I-A, a nation of every tribe.
Pa'phos, which boils, or which is very hot.
Par'me-nas, that abides and is permanent.
Par'thi-a, Par'thi-ans, horsemen.
Pat'a-ra, trod under foot.
Pat'mos, mortal.
Pat'ro-bus, paternal.
Paul, a worker. [5]
Pen'te-cost, the fiftieth, the feast of weeks.
Per'ga, very earthly.
Per'ga-mos, height, elevation.
Per'sis, that cuts, or divides--nail, griffin, or horsemen.
Pe'ter, a rock, or stone.
Phan-i'el, face or vision of God.
Pha'lec, division.
Pha'ra-oh, that disperses.
Pha'res, division.
Phar'i-sees, separatists.
Phe'be, shining.
Phe-ni'ci-a, land of palm trees, purple.
Phe'ni-ce, red, purple.
Phi-la-del'phi-a, love of a brother.
Phi-le'mon, that kisses.
Phi-le'tus, amiable.
Phil'ip, warlike, a lover of horses.
Phil-ip'pi, warlike, a lover of horses.
Phil-ip'pi-ans, citizens of Philippi.
Phi-lo-lo'gus, a lover of learning.
Phle'gon, zealous.
Phryg'i-a, dry, barren.
Phy-gel'lus, fugitive.
Phy-lac'te-ries, things to be observed, rolls of parchment.
Pi'late, who is armed with a dart.
Pi-sid'i-a, pitch.
Pol'lux, one of the twin, brother to Castor.
Pon'ti-us, marine.
Pon'tus, the sea.
Por'ci-us, a lover of pork.
Pre-to'ri-um, the judgment hall.
Pris'ca, ancient.
Pris-cil'la, the same.
Pro-cho'rus, he that presides over the choirs.
Ptol-e-ma'is, warlike.
Pub'li-us, common.
Pu'dens, shamefaced.
Pu-te'o-li, abounding in wells.

QUAR'TUS, the fourth.
Qua-ter'ni-ans, four by four, four soldiers.

RA'CA, shallow brains.
Ra'chel, a sheep.
Ra'hab, proud.
Ra'ga, a friend.
Ra'ma, elevated, sublime.
Re-bec'ca, fat.
Rem'phan, the name of an idol, which some think to be Saturn.
Reu'ben, who sees the sun.
Rhe'gi-um, rupture, fracture.
Rhe'sa, will, or course.
Rho'da, a rose.
Rhodes, a rose.
Ro-bo'am, name of a king.
Ro'man, strong, powerful.
Rome, strength, power.
Ru'by, deep red.
Ru'fus, red.
Ruth, filled.

SA'DOC, just.
Sa-bac'tha-ni, thou hast forsaken me.
Sa-ba'oth, hosts.
Sad'du-cees, followers of Sadoc.
Sa'la, mission.
Sal'a-mis, shaken.
Sa-la'thi-el, I have asked of God.
Sa'lem, peace, perfect.
Sa'lim, a fox.
Sal'mon, peaceable.
Sal'mo-ne, peaceable.
Sa'lo-me, [the same.]
Sa-ma'ri-a, his lees, his prison, his throne, his diamond.
Sa-mar'i-tans, citizens of Samaria.
Sa'mos, full of gravel.
Sam-o-thra'cia, peopled by Samians.
Sam'son, the sun.
Sam'u-el, heard of God, or asked of God.
Sap-phi'ra, that relates or tells.
Sap'phire, sky blue.
Sa'ra, lady.
Sar'dine, footstep.
Sar'di-us, red colored.
Sar'dis, prince of joy.
Sar'do-nix, color of a man's nail.
Sa-rep'ta, a goldsmith's shop.
Sa'ron, his fields, his song.
Sa'rach, branch, layer, twining.
Saul, demanded.
Sce'va, disposed.
Scyth'i-an, a tanner.
Scy-thop'o-lis, a city founded by Scythian.
Se-cun'dus, the second.
Se-lu'ci-a, shaken by the waves.
Sem, name, renown.
Sem'e-i, hearing
Ser'gi-us, a Roman name.
Seth, put, or who puts.
She'chem, portion.
Shem, [see Sem.]
Si'don, hunting, fishing, venison.
Si'las, three.
Si-lo'am, sent.
Sim'e-on, that hears.
Si'mon, that hears.
Sin'a-i, a bush, enmity.
Si'on, noise, tumult.
Smyr'na, myrrh. [6]
Sod'om, their secret, their cement.
Sol'o-mon, peaceable.
Sop'a-ter, who defends the father.
Sos-ip'a-ter, [the same.]
Sos'the-nes, saviour.
Spain, rare, precious.
Sta'chys, spike.
Steph'a-nas, a crown.
Ste'phen, a crown.
Su-san'na, a lily.
Sy'char, a city.
Sy'chem, a place of figs.
Syr'a-cuse, that draws violently.
Syr'i-a, sublime, deceiving.
Syr'i-ans, citizens of Syria.
Sy-ro-phe-ni'ci-a, drawn to, red, purple.
Syr'tis, drawn, a quicksand.
Syn'ty-che, that speaks or discourses.

TA-BI'THA, clear sighted.
Tal'ith-a Cu'mi, maid arise.
Tar'sus, winged, feathered.
Te'man, the south.
Ter'ti-us, the third.
Ter-tul'lus, a liar.
Thad'de-us, that praises and confesses.
Tha'mar, a palm tree.
Tha'ra, confident, bold.
The-oph'i-lus, a friend, or a lover of God.
Thes-sa-lon-i'ca, victory against the Thessalonians.
Theu'das, a false teacher.
Thom'as, a twin.
Thy-a-ti'ra, perfume, sacrifice of labor.
Ti-be'ri-as, good vision.
Ti-be'ri-us, son of Tiber.
Tim'e-ous, honorable.
Ti'mon, honorable.
Ti-mo'the-us, honor of God.
Ti'tus, honorable.
Tra-cho-ni'tis, rock.
Tro'as, penetrated.
Tro-gyl'li-um, a city in the isle of Samos.
Troph'i-mus, well educated.
Try-phe'na, delicious.
Try-pho'sa, thrice shining.
Tych'i-cus, casual, by chance.
Ty-ran'nus, a prince, one who reigns.
Tyre, strength, rock, sharp.

UR'BA-NE, a citizen.
U-ri'as, the Lord is my light, or fire.

ZAB'U-LON, habitation, dwelling.
Zac'che-us, pure, clean, just.
Zach-a-ri'ah, memory of the Lord.
Za'ra, east, brightness.
Zeb'e-dee, abundant portion.
Ze-lo'tes, jealous, full of zeal.
Ze'nas, living.
Zo-ro-ba'bel, a stranger at Babylon, dispersion of confusion.

[TLO4 1-7]

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Alexander Campbell
The Living Oracles, Fourth Edition (1835)