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Alexander Campbell The Living Oracles, Fourth Edition (1835) |
THE knowledge of geography possessed by the ancients, was confined chiefly to the middle and south of Europe, the south-western part of Asia, and the northern part of Africa.
The geography of the New Testament is limited mostly to the countries bordering on the Mediterranean sea. This sea is called, in the Old Testament the Great Sea, and most of the countries mentioned in that portion of the scriptures, either bordered upon it, or were situated not very far distant. Some of the most remote were Persia and Media.
At the period of the ministry of our Saviour and of his Apostles, almost all the countries mentioned in the New Testament, were included in the Roman empire, or were subject to the Romans.
The world, as the word is used in the New Testament, sometimes means the whole inhabited world; sometimes it includes only the Roman empire, and sometimes it is used in a still far more limited sense.
The only sea which are spoken of in the New Testament are the sea of Galilee, which is properly a lake, the Red Sea, and parts of the Mediterranean Sea.
The journeyings of our Saviour, during his ministry, were limited to Palestine. [7]
The travels of Paul, in preaching the gospel, were confined chiefly to Palestine, Syria, the countries of Asia Minor; also, Greece and Italy.
The country now called Palestine, or the Holy Land, was anciently styled the Land of Canaan, afterward the Land of Promise, or the Promised Land, the Land of of Israel, and Judea. It was anciently divided into twelve parts or tribes, named from the sons of Jacob; afterward into the two kingdoms of Judah and Israel. At the period of the New Testament history, it was subject to the Romans, and the part west of the Jordan was divided into three provinces--Judea in the south; Samaria in the middle; and Galilee in the north.
The countries of Asia Minor, mentioned in the New Testament, were Mysia, Troas, Bithynia, Pontus, Asia, Galatia, Phrygia, Lycaonia, Cappadocia, Lycia, Pamphylia, Pisidia, and Cilicia. The Roman proconsular province of Asia, embraced the western part of Asia Minor, comprehending Mysia, Phrygia, Lydia, and Caria. The seven churches of Asia were all included in this province.
ABILE'NE, a province of Coelo-Syria, between Libanus and Anti-Libanus.
Acel'dama, a field, south of Jerusalem.
Acha'ia, a province of Peloponnesus; also, a province including all the
south part of Greece.
Adramyt'tium, now Adramiti, a seaport of Asia Minor, in Mysia, 70 miles
north of Smyrna.
A'dria, a name of the Adriatic sea, or gulf of Venice, so called from the
town of Adria, in Italy.
Ægæ'an Sea, now Archipelago, a sea between Greece and Asia Minor.
Alexan'dria, a great city and seaport of Egypt, for a long time the most
commercial city in the world. It was also a distinguished seat of learning,
and famous for its library, which was burnt in 638. It is now in a state of
decay, but contains some remarkable remains of ancient grandeur, as Pompey's
Pillar, Cleopatra's Needles, the Cisterns, and Catacombs.
Amphip'olis, now Emboli, a city of Macedonia, near the mouth of
the Strymon; 48 miles east by north of Thessalonica.
An'tioch, now Antachia, a city of Syria, on the Orontes, 18 miles above its
mouth. It was once the chief city of Syria, and famous for its magnificence,
wealth, and commerce. It was styled the "Eye of the Eastern Church;" and
here the disciples of Christ were first called Christians.
Antioch, now Akshehr, a town in Asia Minor, in Pisidia; 180 west by
north of Tarsus.
Antip'atris, a town of Samaria; 25 miles W. S. W. of Samaria.
Ap'pi Fo'rum, now Fossa Nuova, a town of Italy; 40 miles south-east of
Apollo'nia, a town of Macedonia; 30 miles east by south of Thessalonica.
Ara'bia, a country in Asia, lying east of the Red Sea, and south of Palestine
and Syria. It was divided into Arabia Felix, or Happy, in the south, comprising
the most fertile part; Arabia Petræa, or Stony, in the north-west; and
Arabia Deserta in the north and north-east, consisting chiefly of barren deserts
of scorching sand.
Areop'agus, or Mars Hill, a hill in the city of Athens, where the supreme
court of justice was held.
Arimathe'a, or Ramah, a town of Judea; 10 miles E. S. E. of Joppa.
Armaged'don, a place in Samaria, east of Cesarea.
A'sia, in the New Testament, sometimes means Asia Minor,
and sometimes
only a district in the western part of it, of which Ephesus was the chief city,
but never the continent of Asia.
As'sos, now Asso, seaport of Asia Minor, in Mysia, 32 miles west of Adramyttium.
Ath'ens, capital of Attica, and the most famous city of Greece. It was for
a long time the most celebrated school in the world for polite learning, arts, [8]
and sciences, and gave birth to some of the most eminent philosophers, poets,
and statesmen of antiquity.
Attali'a, now Sataha, a seaport of Asia Minor, in Pamphylia, on a bay of
the Mediterranean; 20 miles west of Perga.
Azo'tus, or Ashdod, now Ezdoud, a town of Palestine, in the country of
the Philistines; 20 miles south by west of Joppa.
BAB'YLON, capital of Babylonia, or Chaldea, situated on the Euphrates.
It was one of the most renowned cities on the globe. Its walls were 60 miles
in circuit, and were reckoned one of the seven wonders of the world. The
ruins of this city are now seen about 60 miles south of Bagdad.
Bere'a, now Veria, a town of Macedonia; 48 miles south of Thessalonica.
Bethab'ara, a town of Palestine, on the east side of the Jordan.
Beth'any, a town of Judea; 2 miles east of Jerusalem.
Bethes'da, a pool, north of temple at Jerusalem.
Beth'lehem, a town of Judea; 6 miles south of Jerusalem. It is memorable
on account of being the birth-place of our Saviour.
It was styled Bethlehem of Judah,
or Bethlehem Ephrata,
to distinguish it from another Bethlehem in Zebulun,
near Nazareth.
The country to the south of Bethlehem is called in the
New Testament, the hill country of Judea.
Beth'phage, a village of Judea, on the Mount of Olives; 2 miles east of
Bethsa'ida, a town of Galilee, on the north-west side of the lake of Gennesareth,
south-west of Capernaum.
Bithyn'ia, a country of Asia Minor, in the north-west part, bordering on the
Euxine sea and the Propontis.
CAL'VARY, a hill on the north-west side of Jerusalem, where our Lord was
Ca'na, a town in Galilee, a few miles north of Nazareth.
Caper'naum, a town of Palestine, in Galilee, on the north end of the lake of
Gennesareth; 60 miles north of Jerusalem.
In the vicinity is the mount on
which our Saviour delivered his memorable sermon.
Cappado'cia, a country in the east part of Asia Minor.
Cesare'a, a city and seaport of Palestine, in Samaria; 25 miles north of
Joppa. This was the seat of the Roman governors of Palestine.
Cesare'a Philip'pi, now Paneas, a town of Palestine, in Galilee; 24 miles
east by south of Tyre.
The town was first called Laish,
afterward Dan.
It was situated on the north border of the land of Israel, as Beersheba was on the
south. Hence the phrase, to express the limits of the country, "From Dan to
Ced'ron, or Kid'ron, a rivulet in Judea, passing by Jerusalem, and flowing
into the Dead sea.
Cen'chrea, a seaport in Greece, a little distance from Corinth, being the
eastern port of that city.
Char'ran, Har'an, or Charæ, now Heren, a town of Mesopotamia; 70 miles
from the Euphrates, 150 miles E. N. E. of Antioch.
Chi'os, now Scio, an island in the Ægean sea.
Chora'zin, a town of Palestine, in Galilee, at the north end of the lake of
Gennesareth; a little to the east of Capernaum.
Cili'cia, a country in the south-east part of Asia Minor.
Clau'da, a little island on the south-west side of Crete.
Cni'dus, now Crio, a town of Asia Minor, in the south-west corner; 70 miles
south of Ephesus.
Colos'se, a town of Asia Minor, in Phrygia, on the Meander, near Laodicea.
Co'os, or Cos, now Stanchio, an island in the Ægean sea.
Cor'inth, a city of Greece, in the north part of the Peloponnesus, on the isthmus
of Corinth; 45 miles W. N. W. of Athens. It was celebrated for wealth,
commerce, arts, and magnificence. [9]
Crete, now Candia, the largest of the Grecian islands, situated to the south
of the Ægean sea.
Cy'prus, a large and fertile island in the eastern part of the Mediterranean.
Cyre'ne, now Curen, a city and seaport of Africa, in Lybia, on the Mediterranean.
DALMANU'THA, a town of Palestine, on the south-east part of the lake of
Dalma'tia, the southern part of Illyricum, on the east side of the Adriatic
Damas'cus, a city of Syria, 50 miles from the Mediterranean, and 120 N. N.
E. of Jerusalem. It is one of the most ancient cities in the world, famous both
in sacred and profane history. It is now populous and commercial.
Dead Sea, Sea of Sodom, Salt Sea, or Lake Asphalt'ites, a salt lake in Palestine,
70 miles long, and 10 or 15 broad. It occupies the spot where the cities of
Sodom and Gomorrah are supposed to have stood. The water is clear and
limpid, but very salt and bitter, and of greater specific gravity than that of
any other lake that is known.
Decap'olis, a district of country in Palestine, comprising ten cities, lying
chiefly to the east of the Jordan and the lake of Gennesareth.
Der'be, a town of Asia Minor, in Lycaonia; forty miles south of Iconium.
E'GYPT, a country in the north-east part of Africa, watered by the Nile, and
celebrated as the cradle of the sciences.
El'am, an ancient name of Persia.
Em'maus, a town of Judea; 7 miles from Jerusalem. Here our Saviour appeared
to his disciples after his resurrection. There were two other places of
the same name; one 22 miles north-west of Jerusalem; the other near the
south end of the lake of Gennesareth.
Enon, a town of Palestine, on the west side of the Jordan, near Salim.
Eph'esus, a city of Asia Minor, capital of the province of Asia, on the Cayster;
35 miles south by east of Smyrna. It was one of the most splendid cities
in the world, and had a celebrated temple of Diana, which was accounted one
of the seven wonders of the world.
E'phraim, a town of Palestine, in the country belonging to the tribe of
Ephraim; 8 miles north-east of Jerusalem.
Epi'rus, a country in the north-west part of Greece.
Ethio'pia, a country in Africa, lying south of Egypt, now consisting of Nubia,
Abyssinia, &c.
Euphra'tes, one of the largest and most celebrated rivers of Asia. It rises
in the mountains of Armenia. And after a course of 1500 miles, flows into
the Persian Gulf.
FAIR HA'VENS, a seaport on the east end of Crete.
GAD'ARA, a town of Palestine, to the east of lake Gennesareth.
Gala'tia, a country of Asia Minor, north of Phrygia.
Gal'ilee, the northern division of Palestine, divided into Upper and Lower.
Upper Galilee, the northern part, was called Galilee of the Gentiles.
Ga'za, a town of Palestine, in the country of the Philistines; 44 miles south-west
of Jerusalem.
Gennes'areth, Lake of, or Sea of Galilee, or Sea of Tiberias, a lake in Palestine;
59 miles north of Jerusalem. It is 17 miles long and 6 broad. It is a
beautiful lake, surrounded by fine scenery, and was much frequented by our
Saviour and his disciples.
Gergese'nes, a people so called from Gergesa, a town situated to the east of
the lake of Gennesareth.
Gethsem'ane, a village and garden on the east side of Jerusalem, between
Mount Olivet and the brook Cedron.
Gol'gotha, a part of Calvary, where our Saviour was crucified. [10]
Gomor'rah, one of the five cities which were situated on the plain of Sodom,
and were destroyed by fire from heaven.
Greece, a country comprising the south-east part of Europe, and celebrated
for arts and sciences. The Romans divided Greece into two parts, Macedonia
in the north, comprehending Macedonia, Epirus, and Thessaly; and Achaia in
the south, comprising Greece Proper, and the Peloponnesus. The Greeks established
various colonies in Asia Minor, the inhabitants of which spoke the
Greek language, and were also called Greeks.
HEIRAP'OLIS, a town of Asia Minor, in Phrygia, on the Meander, near Colosse.
ICO'NIUM, a city of Asia Minor, capital of Lycaonia; 150 miles W. N. W.
of Tarsus.
Idume'a, a country lying in the north of Arabia, and south of Judea.
Illyr'icum, a country lying on the east side of the Adriatic sea, north of
It'aly, a country of Europe, comprising a peninsula, in a form resembling
that of a boot.
JER'ICHO, a city of Judea; 5 miles west of the river Jordan, and 17 miles
E. N. E. of Jerusalem. It was noted for palm trees, and was once a large city,
but now a mean village.
Jeru'salem, a celebrated city of Asia, capital of ancient Judea, and of modern
Palestine; 34 miles E. S. E. of Joppa. It is memorable for its ancient temple,
for the death and resurrection of our Saviour, and for its signal destruction
by Titus the Roman emperor. It is built on four hills--Zion, or Sion, Moriah,
Acra, and Bezeta. The name Zion is often applied to the whole city. The
modern city is built on Mount Moriah, and is chiefly noted for pilgrimage. It
contains about 20,000 inhabitants.
Jew'ry, another name for Judea.
Jop'pa, now Jaffa, a seaport of Judea; 34 miles W. N. W. of Jerusalem. It
is noted as the port of Jerusalem.
Jor'dan, a river of Palestine, the only considerable one in the country. It
rises in Mount Hermon, passes through lakes Merom and Gennesareth, and after
a course of 150 miles flows into the Dead sea.
"The country beyond the
Jordan" comprised Perea, Batanea, Trachonitis, Iturea, Galaaditis, Gaulonitis,
and Decapolis.
Ju'dea, the south part of Palestine, often applied to the whole country.
LAODICE'A, now Eskihissar, a town of Asia Minor, in Phrygia; 120 mile
east by south of Smyrna.
Lase'a, a town near the east end of Crete.
Lib'ya, a country of Africa, to the west of Egypt.
Lycao'nia, a country of Asia Minor, west of Cappadocia.
Lyc'ia, a country of Asia Minor, near the south-west corner, on the Mediterranean.
Lyd'da, or Lod, or Diospolis, a town of Judea; 12 miles east of Joppa.
Lys'tra, a town of Asia Minor; 38 miles south of Iconium.
MACEDO'NIA, a country in the north of Greece. The Roman province of
Macedonia included Macedonia Proper, Epirus, and Thessaly.
Mag'dala, a town of Palestine, at the south end of the lake of Gennesareth.
Me'dia, a country of Asia, lying north of Persia, and south of the Caspian
Mel'ita, an island on which Paul was shipwrecked, generally supposed to be
Malta, south of Sicily; but by some supposed to correspond to Meleda, in the
Mesopota'mia, a country of Asia, between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris.
Mile'tus, a city and seaport of Asia Minor; 35 miles south of Ephesus. It
was anciently famous for its wealth and commerce.
Mile'tum, a town in Crete. [11]
Mityle'ne, a town in Lesbos, an island on the coast of Asia Minor, north-west
of Smyrna.
My'ra, a city of Asia Minor, capital of Lycia; forty miles E. N. E. of
Mys'ia, a country comprehending the north-west part of Asia Minor.
NA'IN, a town of Galilee, 8 miles south-east of Nazareth.
Naz'areth, a town of Galilee, 50 miles north of Jerusalem. It is memorable
for having been the residence of our Saviour for about thirty years. It contains
2000 or 3000 inhabitants, and is frequently visited by pilgrims, who are
conducted to many places that are reputed holy.
Neap'olis, now Cavala, a town of Macedonia, south-east of Philippi.
Neph'thali, or Neph'lalim, Land of, a district in the north part of Galilee.
Nicop'olis, now Prevesa, a town of Epirus; northwest of Actium.
Nin'eveh, a city and capital of Assyria, on the Tigris. In ancient times it
was one of the largest cities in the world. Some remains of it are now seen on
the Tigris, opposite to Mosul.
OL'IVES, Mount of, or Olivet, a mountain of Judea, to the east of Jerusalem, from which it was separated by the brook Cedron.
PAMPHYL'IA, a country of Asia Minor, bordering on the Mediterranean.
Paphlago'nia, a country of Asia Minor, bordering on the Euxine sea.
Pa'phos, a town of Cyprus, at the west end.
Par'thia, a country of Asia, east of Media.
Pat'ara, a seaport of Asia Minor, in Lycia; 160 miles south east of Ephesus.
Pat'mos, now Patino, or Palmosa, a small rocky island in the Ægean sea;
16 miles south-west of Samos. A grotto in a rock, now converted into a monastery,
called the Monastery of the Apocalypse, or of John, is pointed out as the
spot where that Apostle wrote the book of Revelation.
Per'ga, now Karahissan, a city of Asia Minor, capital of Pamphylia; 90
miles south-west of Iconium.
Per'gamos, now Pergamo, a city of Asia Minor, in Mysia, on the Caicus; 50
miles north of Smyrna. It was once a large city, the capital of a kingdom,
and had a famous library. It now contains about 5000 inhabitants.
Per'sia, a great empire of Asia, east of the Tigris.
Phoeni'ce, or Phoeni'cia, a country in the north of Palestine, on the Mediterranean,
containing the cities of Tyre and Sidon.
Phoe'nix, or Phe'nice, a town in the south-west part of Crete.
Philadel'phia, now Allahshehr, a city of Asia Minor, in Lydia, on the Hermus;
65 miles east of Smyrna. It was once a large city; but now contains
only about 3000 inhabitants.
Philip'pi, now Datos, a city of Macedonia; 70 miles E. N. E. of Thessalonica.
It was once a large city; now a mean village.
Phryg'ia, a country in the central part of Asia Minor.
Pisid'ia, a country of Asia Minor, south of Phrygia.
Pon'tus, a country comprehending the north-east part of Asia Minor, and
bordering on the Euxine sea.
Ptolema'is, now Acre, a seaport of Palestine; 24 miles south of Tyre. It is
famous for its siege by the crusaders. It is now the principal port of Palestine,
and contains about 10,000 inhabitants.
Pute'oli, now Pozzuolo, a town of Italy; 6 miles west of Naples.
RA'MA, a town of Judea, between Bethlehem and Jerusalem; also, another
a few miles north of Jerusalem.
Red Sea, or Arabian Gulf, a gulf about 1400 miles long, dividing Arabia from
the opposite coast of Africa.
Rhe'gium, now Reggio, a seaport at the southern point of Italy, on the strait
of Messina. [12]
Rhodes, an island, near the south-west corner of Asia Minor, celebrated in
ancient history for commerce, and for a colossal statue, which was reckoned
one of the seven wonders of the world.
Rome, a city of Italy, on the Tiber, 12 miles from the sea. It was built on
seven hills, was the capital of the Roman empire, the mistress of the world,
and the seat of arts and arms. It has long been the residence of the Pope,
and the seat of ecclesiastical power. It contains St. Peter's church, the most
magnificent edifices in the world, and had many monuments of its ancient
grandeur. Though greatly reduced, it nevertheless contains about 136,000
SAL'AMIS, a town on the south-east part of Cyprus.
Sa'lim, a town of Samaria; 40 miles north by east of Jerusalem.
Salmo'ne, a promontory near the east end of Crete.
Sama'ria, the middle division of Palestine, bounded north by Galilee, east
by the Jordan, south by Judea, and west by the Mediterranean.
Sama'ria, now Sebaste, the capital of the kingdom of Israel, and of the
province of Samaria; 36 miles north of Jerusalem.
Sa'mos, a fertile island in the Ægean sea, separated from Asia Minor by a
narrow strip.
Samothra'ce, or Samothra'cia, now Samotraki, a small island in the north part
of the Ægean sea.
Sar'dis, now Sart, a city of Asia Minor, capital of Lydia, on the Pactolus;
30 miles E. N. E. of Smyrna. It was once a splendid city, but now a mean
Sarep'ta, or Sarephath, now Sarfend, a city of Phoenicia; 8 miles south of
Sa'ron, or Sha'ron, a town of Samaria, to the north of Lydda, and south of
Selu'cia, a seaport of Syria; 12 miles west of Antioch.
She'ba, a country bordering on the Red Sea, supposed by some to correspond
to a part of Arabia; by other, to a part of Abyssinia.
Si'don, or Zidon, now Saida, a seaport of Phoenicia; 20 miles north of
Tyre, and 55 west of Damascus. It was once a great commercial city, but
is now reduced to a meanly built town; yet is the port of Damascus, and has
considerable trade.
Sil'oam, a fountain and tower near the walls of Jerusalem.
Si'nai, a mountain of Arabia, in the midst of a desert, between the two
northern arms of the Red Sea. It is composed of red granite, in which steps
have been cut, in order to facilitate the ascent. Immediately to the west of
Sinai, is Mount Horeb, which is a summit of the same range.
Si'on, or Zi'on. [See Jerusalem.]
Smyr'na, a city and seaport of Asia Minor, in Ionia; 35 miles north by west
of Ephesus. It was anciently large and powerful, and is now the most populous
and commercial city in Asia Minor.
Sod'om, one of the cities which were destroyed by fire from heaven, and
which stood in the situation now occupied by the Dead Sea.
Spain, a country in the south-west of Europe.
Syr'acuse, once a rich and populous city, on the south-east part of the island
of Sicily.
Sy'char, called also Sychem, and Shechem, now Napolose, a city of Samaria,
between Mounts Ebal and Gerizim; 24 miles north of Jerusalem.
Three miles from Sychar was Jacob's Well, memorable for our Saviour's conversation
with the woman of Samaria.
On Mount Gerizim was the temple of the Samaritans.
Syr'ia, a country of Asia, extending from Asia Minor and the Mediterranean
on the west, to the Euphrates on the east, and in the most extensive sense, including
Syro-pheni'cia, that part of Phoenicia which bordered on Syria. [13]
TA'BOR, a conical mountain in Palestine, to the west of the lake of Gennesareth,
supposed to have been the scene of the transfiguration.
Tar'sus, a city of Asia Minor, capital of Cilicia, 100 miles north-west of
Antioch. It was anciently large and splendid, distinguished in the arts and
sciences, but now decayed.
Thessalon'ica, now Saloniki, a city and seaport of Macedonia, both in ancient
and modern times large and commercial. It is situated on a gulf, about
200 miles north of Athens.
Three Tav'erns, a place in Italy, about 30 miles south by east of Rome.
Thyati'ra, now Akhisar, a town of Asia Minor, on the border of Mysia
and Lydia; 40 miles north-east of Smyrna.
Tibe'rias, now Tabaria, a town of Palestine, capital of Galilee, on the west
side of the lake of Gennesareth or sea of Tiberias, 58 miles north of Jerusalem.
It has long been a place of note among the Jews, and is one of the
four holy cities of the Talmud, the other three being Safad, Jerusalem, and
Trachoni'tis, a district in the north-east part of Palestine.
Tro'as, a district in the north-west corner of Asia Minor.
Trogyl'lium, a town on the west coast of Asia Minor, a little to the south-east
of the island of Samos.
Tyre, now Sur, a city and seaport of Phoenicia; 20 miles south of Sidon.
It is a very ancient city, in early ages celebrated for commerce. It is now a
mean fishing town.
WIL'DERNESS, or Desert of Judea, an extensive desert, extending from the neighborhood of Jericho to the south, along the west side of the Dead Sea.
ZAB'ULON, Tribe of, a district of Palestine, on the west side of the lake of Gennesareth.
[TLO4 7-14]
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Alexander Campbell The Living Oracles, Fourth Edition (1835) |