[Table of Contents]
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Graeme Chapman
Ballarat Churches of Christ, 1859-1993: A History (1994)



AC Australian Christian
ACA Australian Christian Advocate
ACP Australian Christian Pioneer
ACS Australian Christian Standard
ACW Australian Christian Watchman
BCM Ballarat Christian Mission
BMH British Millennial Harbinger
CP Christian Pioneer
DSA Dawson Street Archives
DSM Dawson Street Minutes
EHP Edward Hargreaves Price, Biographical
E Evangel
IT In Touch
K Koinonia
LICASAAM Life in Christ and Second Advent Association Minutes
L Logos
MCM Mount Clear Minutes
PSA Peel Street Archives
PSM Peel Street Minutes
JH Jubilee Pictorial History of Churches of Christ in Australasia
YSM York Street Minutes


[BCOC v]

[Table of Contents]
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Graeme Chapman
Ballarat Churches of Christ, 1859-1993: A History (1994)

Copyright © 1994, 2000 by Graeme Chapman