[Table of Contents]
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Graeme Chapman
Ballarat Churches of Christ, 1859-1993: A History (1994)



Abbreviations v
Preface vii
Chapter 1 Ballarat 1
Chapter 2 The Disciples 7
Chapter 3 Disunity 34
Chapter 4 People, Organisation, Buildings: 1870-1900 51
Chapter 5 Evangelists: 1870-1900 87
Chapter 6 Dawson Street: Laypersons and Auxiliaries: 1900-1917 114
Chapter 7 Dawson Street: Evangelists: 1900-1917 142
Chapter 8 Dawson Street: Wider Involvements: 1900-1917 179
Chapter 9 Other Churches of Christ in the Ballarat Area: 1900-1917       194
Chapter 10 Dawson Street: 1918-1933 209
Chapter 11 Additional Initiatives: 1918-1933 245
Chapter 12 Dawson Street: 1934-1948 268
Chapter 13 Peel St., York St., Mt. Clear, Meredith: 1934-1948 304
Chapter 14 Dawson Street: 1949-1975 325
Chapter 15 Peel Street and York Street: 1949-1975 373
Chapter 16 Dawson Street: 1976-1993 409
Chapter 17 Mount Clear: 1980-1993 443
Chapter 18 Peel Street: 1976-1993 461
Chapter 19 York Street: 1976-1993 478
Bibliography 497
Appendix: Membership Statistics 500
Index 506


[BCOC iii]

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Graeme Chapman
Ballarat Churches of Christ, 1859-1993: A History (1994)

Copyright © 1994, 2000 by Graeme Chapman