[Table of Contents]
Graeme Chapman
Ballarat Churches of Christ, 1859-1993: A History (1994)



This is a select index of names. Criteria for inclusion included frequency of occurrence in the record, historical and/or symbolic significance, ministry involvement and importance within the wider ambit of Churches of Christ. The fact that certain names are mentioned and others not does not bear an absolute relation to the contribution individuals made to the life and ministry of the Ballarat churches. Sometimes those who are least well-known, least visible, have greater long-term transformative impact on individuals and churches than those whose names are recorded in minute books and church reports. It will also be discovered that those closer in time to the present, who are mentioned infrequently, are more likely to be listed in the index than are others in this category in the earlier chapters.

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Abercrombie, J. McG., 221
Adams, C., 455
Agnew, G., 455
Aitkin, W., 333
Allen, C., 473-474
Allen, G., 359
Allen, J. E., 238
Allen, W., 473-474
Ambrose, C., 468
Anderson, D., 355
Anderson, H., 410
Anderson, J.N., 29, 30, 87
Anderson, R. J., 331, 332, 388
Andrews, G. J., 292-296, 328
Arn, W., 365
Ashton, H., 462
Austin, A., 250
Avery, A., 352, 379, 380, 381, 396

Bader, Dr. J. M., 277
Bagley, T., 154, 159, 202-203
Bailey, A. E., 124, 129, 217, 273-274, 306
Bailey, Alf, 31, 119
Baker, H., 146
Baker-Feary Mission, 374
Ball, A., 491
Barnes, R., 386
Barrett, 256
Barrett, B. J., 37, 39, 41, 43
Barrett, W., 481
Batch, Miss. G., 341
Bathurst, E., 259
Beale, F., 387
Beavis, Wes, 491, 492
Beggs, J., 481
Benson, W. H., 118, 119, 121, 129, 136, 149, 171, 190, 225, 227, 231, 251, 281, 294, 304, 315, 331
Bentley, E., 421
Bentley, J., 421
Bentley, M., 427
Berry, G., 490-491, photograph
Berry, G., 480
Berry, V., 377
Berston, K., 385
Binny, J., 152, 156, 166-167, 202
Birch, M., 418
Bjelke-Peterson, J., 274
Black, J., 341
Blakemore, W. B., 218, 219
Bond, J. K., 381
Bond, J., 484
Bond Break Free, 456-457
Bond Come Alive Festival, 447, 467, 483-484
Bond Real Life Crusade, 381
Bond, L. G., 283, 289, 317
Boyd, 204
Boyd, P., 469
Bridson, J., 357, 362, 389, 414, 419, 321
Brockway, 96-98
Brown, P., 93-94, 97
Browne, G. H., 199, 200, 202
Buckingham, M., 284
Buli, B., 380
Burdeu, A. P. A., 171, 225, 227, 229, 233, 247, 248, 251, 261-262
Burdeu, C. R., 308
Burnham, F., 358, 421
Burnham, Paul, 358
Burnham, Peter, 358, 362, 410
Burnham, Pris, 358, 363, 428
Burns, G., 173
Burns, T., 490
Butland, R., 65, 68, 78
Byrnes, J., 354, 355, 357, 362

Caldicott, 219
Caldicott, Dr. A., 464
Cameron, P., 456
Cameron, R. G., 145, 199, 201, 228, 249-250, 257, 258
Campbell, A., 366
Campolo, T., 471
Cann, G., 451
Cann, J., 451
Carpenter, C., 245, 248, 251
Carr, Oliver, A., 26, 222
Carr-Green, O. A., 145
Carter, M., 473
Cartledge, R., 335, 421
Cassidy, P., 8
Catchpole, Alan, 386
Cathcart, J. B., 7, 43, 69
Catts, D., 360
Cavanagh, W., 108
Chaffer, A. G., 118, 135, 149-152
Chamberlain, R., 343
Chapman, E., 434
Chapman, G., 365, 409-431, 443, 450, photograph
Chapman, H., 365, 409-431, 443
Chapman, M., 423
Chapman, W., 121, 143, 204-205, 250, 348
Chapman-Alexander Mission, 151-152, 162
Chappell, A., 181, 204, 205
Cheek, S., 95-96
Choudhari, S., 343
Clark, A., 467
Clark, A. B., 461, 467
Clark, F., 354, 381, 385, 386, 388, 389, 400, 402, 461, 462, 466, 467, 492
Clark, H. A. L., 388, 389, 461-464, 467, photograph
Clark, T., 436
Clark, W., 28-30
Clay, W. H., 135, 168, 169, 274-275, 344
Cogleman, 39, 43, 45
Colbourne, J., 183
Collet, J., 390
Collins, C., 436,
Combridge, B. J., 353
Combridge, J. R., 201, 204, 245-248
Combridge, W. G., 203, 204
Connor, A. W., 117, 159, 173, 202-228, 236, 245, 248, 256, 257, 270, 313, photograph
Connor, Mrs. A. W., 224
Connor-Feary Mission, 249-250, 257
Cook, T. J., 171, 201
Coombs, M., 373
Copeland, Rev., 27
Cornerstone, 485, 488
Cornish, 255
Corrie, Rob, 473
Creasey, P., 452-453, photograph
Crowcher, R., 418, 485
Crump, J., 58, 65
Crump, L., 58
Cunningham, J., 433-434, 464-469, 474, 490-492, photograph
Curtain, M., 479

Davey, E., 320
Davey, P. A., 145, 180-181
Davey, W. W., 81, 92, 183
Davidson, J., 29, 76, 194
Davies, K., 413
Davies, R., 383
Davis, I., 455
Day, P., 481
Deeper Life Crusade, 385
Deuble, J., 427, 482, 483
De Welt, D., 382
De Wilt, P., 479
Dick, T., 444
Dimsey, 27
Divers, G. R., 7, 8, 26, 39
Doane, 59
Dobson, J., 483
Dori, 353
Dowrick, M., 454
Dunn, F. G., 121, 150, 164, 182, 186
Dunn, J., 422, 443-446, photograph
Dunn, M., 422, 428, 443-446, 466-467, photograph

Earl, H. S., 10, 11, 17, 18-20, 22, 23, 30, 36, 222
Edwards, L., 452, 455
Edwards, R. C, 80, 147, 182-183
Edwards, H., 248-249, 315-317
Elbourne, R., 484
Elliott, A. G., 286, 288
Elms, B., 444, 449
Elms, C., 354, 449
Elshang, L., 486
Emmett, A., 469
Ennis, R., 182
Evans, T., 470
Ewers, D., 92, 148
Exley, G., 89

Farmer, K., 417
Feary, A., 251, 315, 390, 391, 396
Feary, B, 391, 394
Feary, D, 377
Feary, G, 343, 356, 488
Feary, H., 237, 251, 257, 258, 260, 262, 287, 306, 311, 312, 315, 329, 332, 342, 346, 374, 391, 399, 483, photograph
Feary, M., 488, 491
Feary, W. G., 228, 233, 251, 256, 257, 259, 304, 306, 311, 312, 314, 316-317, 483
Filmer, H., 467
Filmer, W., 462, 467
Finger, H., 342
Fischer, T. B., 163-164, 183
Fisher, E., 77, 78
Fitzgerald, G. T., 203, 228-238, 251, 252, 258, 259, 260, 287, 311, 332, 351, 450, photograph
Flack, J., 492
Flack, J., 492
Flemming, J, 453
Flemming, P., 453
Floate, N., 305
Fowler, D., 428
Franklin, J. J., 160, 172
Franklin, L., 133, 134, 147, 197, 262, 359, 363
Franklin, R., 135, 147, 197, 262
French, P., 390
Fursman, Rev., 27

Gabbert, E., 400
Galbraith, L., 493, photograph
Gale, Will, 315
Gale-Withers Mission, 225
Gamble, E., 360
Garvin, M., 484
Geyer, D., 345
Gibbs, J., 472
Gibbs, V., 472
Gibson, A. L., 311
Gibson, L., 253, 254
Giles, T., 365, 461, 478
Gipsy Smith Mission, 227
Gladman, A. R., 273
Gordon, G., 153, 155, 217
Gore, T. J., 22, 184, 222
Gospelaires, 354, 382, 431, photograph
Gowan, Miss, 198, 261
Grace, S., 492
Graham, A., 296, 307, 308, 309-310, 373, 374, 375, 376, 378, 379, 384, 390, 398, 402, 463, 473
Graham, B., 339, 392
Billy Graham Crusades, 343, 375
Graham, P. 308
Graham, Ron, 336
Graham, Ross, 171
Green, M., W., 23, 46, 105-106, 144, 145, 183, 201
Greenhalgh, R., 290
Greenwell, G., 98-99
Greenwood, H., 364
Groves, I., 351
Gullock, E., 29, 61, 76
Gullock, E., 197, 263, 282
Gurney, D., 402, 478-482, photograph

Hagger, T., 79, 159, 160, 171, 172, 173, 196, 200, 287, 296, 314, 329
Haley, J. J., 93-95
Hamill, J. A., 23, 24-25, 46-48, 72, 76, 79-80, 87-89, 89-91, photograph
Hammer, D., 333
Harding, J. T. T., 250
Harmer, D., 434, 465, 467, 468
Harmer, R., 434, 465
Harrison, C., 444
Harrison, G., 399, 400, 450-451
Harison, J., 444, 446
Harrison, M., 399, 400
Harvey, C., 224
Harvey, K., 352, 379
Harward, H. G., 142-142, 145-148, 155-156, 163, 167, 171, 195, 198, 202, photograph
Hastie, Rev. T., 76
Henderdson, E., 340, 412
Henderson, L., 340
Henderson, T., 340
Heard, T., 350
Hearn, C., [see also Rhook], 434-435
Henshelwood, J. K., 80, 81, 184-185
Hill, C., 335
Hindle, W., 23, 89
Hinrichsen-Brooker Missions, 246-247, 275-276
Hinrichsen-Morris Mission, 274, 307
Hocking, Alan, 480
Hocking, Allan, 449, 452
Hocking, C., 340, 357, 361, 362, 414, 416, 418, 448, 450-451, 452, 472
Hocking, J., 448
Hocking, L., 354, 444, 452
Hollard, E. P. C., 233, 287
Hollard-Feary Mission, 287
Holmes, H., 355
Horne, K., 481
Hosking, A., 308
Howlett, H., 489
Hunting, F. C., 278, 296, 328-366, 375, 378, 381, 391, 431, 432, photograph, photograph
Hunting, H., 351, 362, 432
Hunting, J., 339, 344, 345, 348, 349, 353, 358, 360, 365
Hurren, A. E., 234
Hyman-Appleman Mission, 295
Hyman, G., 491

Illingworth, A. E., 145, 160, 171, 219
Illingworth, F., 92, 160
Indian, Rev. T. H., 209
Innes, M., 359

Jackel, C., 272, 318, 374, 376-380, 391, 392-396, photograph
Jackel, Mrs. C, 376, 379
Jackel, G., 349, 354, 355, 361, 376, 378, 395
Jackel, W., 278
Janssen, I., 61, 133
Janssen, M., 491, photograph
Jauncey, Dr. J. H., 358
Jelliffe, K., 481, 482
Jelliffe, M., 481, 482
Jenkins, B., 363, 487
Jinks, A. W., 148, 153, 155-157, 197, 205
Johnson, A., 390
Johnson, B., 390
Johnson, C., 362, 413
Johnson, E., 435
Johnson, Miss, 196
Johnson, P., 488
Jolly, M., 129, 134
Jones, A., 483
Jones, B., 449
Jones, C., 480, 483
Jones, D., 444, 448-449, 456
Jones, H., 448-449
Jones, K., 276
Jones, O., 330, 331, 333, 335
Jordan, T., 447

Kallmier, R., 418
Keating, E. C. [Ted], 358, 361, 387, 399, 434
Keesman, D., 492
Kellems-Richards Mission, 222-223, 248
Kellock, J., 484
Kemp, W. A., 171
Kerr, A., 383
Kerrison, 434
Killburn, M., 354
King, D., 22, 88
Kingsbury, H., 166, 171
Kittel, D., 437-438, photograph
Krak, K., 469
Kugelman, 69

Ladbrook, A. W., 231, 249, 250-251
Langley, 233-234
Lawson, C. G., 199
Leng, P. H., 125, 162-163, 164-171, 187, 198, 205, photograph
Lilburne, A., 61, 62
Lockhart, P., 384, 399
Long, H., 318-320, 329, 332, 333, 345, 365, 389, 390-391, 493, photograph
Long, W. M., 7, 35, 36, 37, 69, 70, 71, 95
Love, A. and M. A., 43-44
Lucas, E., 60, 72, 121, 122-123, 127, 130, 131, 152, 222, 226, 276, 294
Ludbrook, A. M., 63, 108
Ludbrook, F. M., 179
Lyall, R., 204

McBride, S., 375
McCain, R., 471
McCallum, 142
McCallum, L. C., 213,
McClean, F., 200
McGavran, Dr. D., 365
McGibbony, E., 295, 333, 334
McGowan, J.T ., 41, 44, 45, 47, 92, 97
McHutchinson, 29, 43, 45, 76
McIllhagger, E. F. G., 373
McIntyre, J. B., 94-96
McIntyre, Dr., 393-394
McKay, A., 79, 199, 203
MacKenzie, A. J., 310-311, 373, photograph
Mackenzie, C. J., 328
Macklin, Dr. W. E., 179-180
McLeod, D., 385, 386, 461
McLeod, R., 293, 307, 373, 381
MacMurtrie, B., 360-361, 398-402, 454, 461, 462, 473, 491, 493, photograph
McMurtrie, G., 401, photograph
McNaughton, K. A., 285-286
McNaughton-Saunders Mission, 291
Magarey, T., 18
Mahon, H., 142, 145, 186, 200
Main, A. R., 121, 127, 148, 163-164, 171, 186, 198, 205, 214, 234, 283, 365, photograph
Malin, H., 227
Mallison, J., 420
Mansell, 92
Mantell, W. W., 153
Maranatha Sounds, 361, 386
Marshall, R. W., 392, 470, 473
Martin, C. H., 7, 8, 9-10, 11, 14, 21, 34-48, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 72, 75, 76, 77, 81, 87-89, 90, 91, 105, 107, 119-120, 121, 135, 270, 330, photograph
Martin, J. K., 373
Martin, L., 478-482, photograph
Mason, R., 487-488, photograph
Maston, A. B., 109, 183, 184, 185, 203
Mathieson, G., 251, 307, 308
Matulick, T., 360
Maxwell, T., 308, 373
Mead, L., 354
Medema, K., 482
Meldrum, A. M., 144
Merold, B., 454
Methven, J., 292
Methven, J., Sr., 319, 373
Michael, Dr., 275
Miller, K., 486
Mills, W. D., 385-388, 470, photograph
Mitaxa, N., 400
Mitchell, P., 410, 414
Moffit, W., 24
Montigue, D. J., 56, 128
Moore, C. A., 99
Morgan, B., 425-426
Morris, C., 40, 48, 57, 61, 77, 92, 117, 118, 119, 120-122, 125, 128, 129, 130, 134, 143, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 168, 171, 187, 198, 205, 216, 224-225, 263, 270, 330, 341, photograph
Morris, J., 357, 419, 421, 461
Morris, H. W., 118, 121
Morris, L., 338, 341
Morris, R. P., 337
Morris, T. R., 145, 146, 306
Morrison, C. C., 336
Morrison, H., 363
Morrison, J., 56, 118, 129-130, 150, 195, 227, 231, 261
Morrow, G., 432
Mortimer, 129, 134, 136, 148-155, 146, 196, 202
Moyes, G., 363, 401, 466, 468
Moysey, G. B., 92, 143, 150, 159, 200, 222
Mudge, S., 201-202
Murray, E., 487
Murray, M., 343, 356, 391, 394
Mutzelburg, R., 425

Nicholls, D., 282, 306, 308, 351, 375

O'Brien, B., 466
O'Brien, I., 386, 463

Palau, L., 488
Parsons, B., 487, 488, 489, photograph
Parsons, Haydn, 487
Parsons, Heather, 487, 488
Parsons, J., 389
Passe, J., 129, 136
Paternoster, I., 171, 172
Patterson, E., 355, 363
Patterson, H.J., 316, 355
Peacock, M., 294, 421
Pearce, R., 466
Pearce, S., 466
Pell, N., 417
Petchell, F., 280
Phillipi, H., 162
Picton, H. G., 7, 10, 12, 17, 21, 23, 27, 28-30, 34-48, 66, 74, 75, 78, 79-80, 89, 90, 108-109, 109-110, 132, 194-195, photograph
Pittman, G. P., 171, 179, 202
Pittman, J., 106-107
Pittman, J. C. F., 171
Pittock, 118, 121, 129, 134, 149, 155, 168, 171
Potter, 79, 199, 200
Potter, W., 28-30
Price, Alan, 184
Price, Annie, 149
Price, B., 71
Price, E. H., 117, 118, 123-125, 127, 129, 131, 162, 164, 165, 166, 187-189, 190, 198, 217, 222, 226-227, 229, 263, 276, 294-295, 340, 365, photograph
Price, J., 365, photograph
Price, K., 262, 273, 274, 276, 279, 362, 363, 365, photograph
Price, N., 60
Proctor, H. A., 217-218
Prout, D., 465

Ramage, 65, 70, 71, 99, 190, 195-196, 225, 251, 307
Randall, E. H., 306-308, 312
Rankin, K., 386, 473
Rankine, A. C., 204-205
Ratcliffe, Sr. R., 395
Ratcliffe, R., 436
Ratcliffe, S., 436
Raymond, R., 423
Raymond, S., 426, 430-431
Reed, L. F., 419, 444
Reed, M., 354, 454
Reid, G. O., 35, 41-42, 56, 60, 62, 69, 70
Reid, 136, 149
Reid, G., 338
Reid, H., 262, 276
Reid, J. L., 378, 395
Reid, N., 338, 413
F., 395
Rhook, C., 422
Richards, C. H., 223
Risson, R., 482-490, photograph
Ritchie, D., 304-308, 312-315, photograph
Roberts, R., 333
Robinson, S., 415
Roe, S., 485
Rose, G., 451
Rowcroft, E., 411, 413-420, 422, photograph
Rowcroft, G., 411, 413-420, 422, 462, photograph
Rutherford, M., 337-338, 374-375

Saunders, A. G., 134, 168, 181
Saunders, Dr. A. J., 291-292
Saunders, W. W., 278-292, 295, 310, 317, 333, 334, 385, 431, 435, photograph
Scambler, A. G., 212
Scambler, G., 409
Scambler, T. H., 219, 233-234, 236-237, 271, 285, 290, 318
Scambler-Feary Mission, 236, 259
Schenk, A., 480
Scoville, C. R., 161-162
Scroggie, Dr. W. G., 290
Scurrah, 124
Selby, I., 105-106
Service, R., 18
Shaw, R., 433
Sheedy, D., 451
Sheedy, L., 449, 451
Sheedy, P., 449
Sheedy, W., 449
Sherriff, J., 181, 225
Shipway, J. E., 202
Skuse, H., 386
Smail, J. W., 373, 389
Smith, D., 379, 409, 413, 422, 437, 448, 451
Smith, E., 70, 71
Smith, G., 338, 349
Smith, H., 338, 349
Smith, I., 184
Smith, J., 361
Smith, L., 262, 280-281, 284, 304, 315
Smith, M., 444, 446
Snodgrass-Pollock Evangelistic Mission, 334
Sobey, P., 489
Sonsie, L., 344-345, 347
Southgate, S. J., 172, 248
Spurgeon, C. H., 150
Staley, B., 419
Stedman, Dr. R., 419, 425-426
Steele, E., 280, 359
Steinman, N., 470
Stephenson, A. W., 290, 296, 316, 332
Stevens, A., 348-349, 355
Stevens, P., 432, 447-451, 457, photograph
Stevens, Stuart, 172
Stirling, D. R., 392
Strack, P., 382
Strang, J., 105
Strange, G., 489
Street, H., 396-397, photograph
Strong, J., 444
Strutton, 179
Surber, G. L., 22, 40, 42-43, 46, 47, 88-89, 222
Sutcliffe, Bev, 452, 455
Sutcliffe, Bill, 454, 455, 457
Sutcliffe, P., 454, 455

Tabbernee, W., 443, 472
Talbot, W., 462
Tape, E. S., 118, 160-161, 187
Taylor, C. G., 332
Tease, G., 288
Templeton, S., 433-437, photograph
Terry, C., 343, 395-396, photograph
Thomas, B., 359
Thomas, C. G. V., 374-375
Thomas, D. A. V., 391
Thomas, E. R., 389
Thomas, F. E., 163, 168, 169
Thomas, J. E., 213, 214, 235, 271
Thompson, J., 80
Thompson, M., 137, 179
Thomson, J. C., 252, 304
Thomson, W., 397-398
Thurgood, A. [Mrs. C. L.], 64, 71, 72, 99-104, 136
Thurgood, C. L., 63, 69, 71, 79, 99-104, 136, 143, 158-159, 170, 450, photograph
Timms, J., 380-385, 444, 466, 474
Timms-Cunningham Missions, 464
Tippett, E., 214, 217
Tippitt, I., 427, 445, 455, 470
Tonkin, A., 492
Tonkin, K., 492
Tonkin, R., 179
Torney, Mrs, 379
Trezise, H., 349, 357, 451, 455
Trezise, I., 349, 354, 357, 451
Trezise, L. A., 351-352, 373
Tudball, J., 437, photograph
Turner, D., 390
Twyerould, I., 437

Vanston, N., 133
Vanston, T. H., 199
Vautier, R. W., 318-319
Vawser, E., 252, 343
Veal, B., 395, 480
Veal, R., 393, 395, 397, 478, 480
Viney, L. C., 251

Walden, G. T., 106, 219
Wallis, J., 22
Ward, C., 422
Ward, R. and G., 389
Watson, H., 179
Watson, Helen, 492
Way, W. J., 172, 173
Webb, A., 483
Webb, J. E., 334
Webb, J. W., 21, 23
Webb-Robins Mission, 305
Westaway, L., 347
White, A., 376
White, B., 454, 490, 491
White, D., 437, 451, 452-457, photograph
White, J., 454, 491
White, W., 451, 452-457, photograph
White-Coleman Crusade, 378, 379
White, M., 381, 388, 462, 465, 470
Whitehead, B., 433
Whiting, Dr. G., 492, 493
Wickham [now Davidson], T., 434
Wickings, 89
Wigney, W., 391
Wilkie, J. A., 117, 119, 125-126, 135, 136, 168, 169, 171, 198, 204, 216, 218, 220-221, 224, 225, 227, 228, 231, 233, 234-235, 237, 245, 248, 249, 251, 246, 258, 261, 263, 269, 272, 274, 280, 281, 284-285, 286, 290, 293-294, 304, 312, 315, 333, 336-337, 339-340, 344, 346-347, 349-350, 353, 357, 373, 376, 390, 391, photograph
Willder, D., 17
Willersdorf-Nixon Crusade, 353-354
Willesee at 7, 466
Williams, A. J., 271
Williams, B., 335
Williams, C., 226
Williams, Dr. R., 349
Williams, D., 468
Williams, E. L., 222, 226, 231, 261, 271, 390
Williams, F., 491
Williams, Myra, 435-436
Williams, Myrtle, 423
Williams, J., 349
Williams, W., 490
Willis-Feary Spaceage Crusade, 377-378
Wilson, A., 429-430, 431-433, 450, photograph
Wilson, R., 429-430, photograph
Wilson, S., 468
Wilson, W., 248
Wiltshire, H., 277, 284
Wiltshire, J., 172, 238, 268-279, 285, 304, 305, 344, photograph
Wiltshire-Feary Mission, 237
Withers, A. B., 293, 391
Wollen, Rev. A., 488
Woodward, D., 469-471
Woodward, J., 469
Wright, T., 7, 20-22, 35, 38, 39

Yardley, D., 467, 484-487, photograph
Youens, F., 337
Young, C., 278-279
Young, D., 471
Young, W. H. K., 373


[Table of Contents]
Graeme Chapman
Ballarat Churches of Christ, 1859-1993: A History (1994)

Copyright © 1994, 2000 by Graeme Chapman