Harold G. Norris. The Book with a Blessing: Studies in the Book of Revelation. Glen Iris,
Vic.: Vital Publications, 1979.






Harold G. Norris





Published by the Federal Literature Department of
Churches of Christ in Australia


Acknowledgment is made to the Division of Education and Ministry of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. for permission to use quotations from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, 1946, 1952, © 1971, 1973.

Also to Oxford and Cambridge University Presses for the use of quotations from the New English Bible 2nd Edition, © 1970.

Also Good News Bible, © American Bible Society 1976--used with permission.

Also The Living Bible, © 1971 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton Ill. U. S. A.--used by permission.

Also to Lady Collins for permission to quote from "Letters to Young Churches" by J. B. Phillips.

Also to S.C.M. Press for quotations from The Layman's Bible Commentary John--Jude--Revelation by J. P. Love.





ISBN 0 909116 16 4
First Edition DECEMBER 1979
Reprint APRIL 1985


Printed by Resource Centre Press, Springvale, Vic. :: (03) 547 2917




This work has proved its value even before it has been printed. In duplicated form the substance of this book has been used with great benefit by groups and individuals in various congregations. People have found that the last book of the Bible has come alive to them. In this printed edition Harold Norris has given some additional notes and expanded his helpful meditations on the message of the book.

Many Christians have ignored the book of Revelation because they have not been able to understand the visions in it. This book will help them greatly for the author explains the background of the chief images that are used. Not everyone will agree with all the views put forward, but Harold Norris rightly has taken seriously the fact that Revelation belongs to the tradition of apocalyptic literature. Again and again he stresses this, and that means that the receptive reader is set on the right path. The basic emphases of John are highlighted in ways that do justice to the original setting of the work but that also allow us to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches today through it.

I have personal pleasure in commending this book. It was Harold Norris who received my confession of faith and baptized me and from him I learnt much in those formative years of life. I am glad that he has employed his later years of ministry and his retirement to share this fruit of a life-time of love for the Scriptures.

Keith Bowes      





my wife Reta
my son Allan
and my four daughters
who have taught me much
and loved me more.






  FOREWORD by Keith Bowes 5




The last book of the Bible--The Revelation to John--is to most Christians the NEGLECTED book because its type of literature is not generally understood by readers. Consequently most Christians have given up trying to read and understand the book.

The symbolic interpretation adopted in this treatment has made the book of Revelation a source of encouragement, faith and hope to us over many years since we found the "KEY" to an understanding of John's Revelation.

Because most readers are not familiar with the Apocalyptic literature used in the book of Revelation we share this book in the hope that it will lead to a renewed and more profitable reading of the last book of the Bible.

Whether or not we agree with the method of interpretation or the conclusions reached in application of these principles of interpretation in particular instances of the book of Revelation in this treatment is NOT important. What does matter is that we may come to discover in our own personal experience that the reading of the book of Revelation brings rich blessings to its readers.

Interpretation of the book of Revelation is always influenced by the view the interpreter holds concerning "the millennium" (the one thousand years reign of Christ) in chapter 20. Our personal view is that "the millennium" is a symbol of something real. It is a symbol, not of any period of time but of THE COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE REIGN OF CHRIST OVER THE LIVES OF THOSE CHRISTIANS WHO ARE FULLY SURRENDERED TO CHRIST.

From this viewpoint the treatment in this book approaches the book of Revelation seeking to be consistent in the interpretation of the symbols used throughout the 22 chapters of the book of Revelation. We accept that the whole book is written in symbolic language and that no reasonable interpretation is possible by a mixture of symbolic and literal interpretations of the literature of John's "Revelation".

We have undertaken the preparation of this book because reliable helps to the study of the book of Revelation are not readily available to the ordinary Christian. We have sought to provide background information without overwhelming the ordinary reader with masses of detail. [9]

We do not claim originality in our interpretation. Our personal reading of available study matter for almost 50 years of ministry has meant that the thoughts of other minds have, in many instances, become so much our own thoughts that it is impossible to completely acknowledge all sources of information and ideas. We do acknowledge in particular our indebtedness to the Christian scholarship of W. Milligan (Expositor's Bible), L. Sheppard (Devotional Commentary), O. T. Niles, J. P. Love (Layman's Commentary); my son, Allan Norris also contributed much.

Our personal studies have made the Revelation to John "THE BOOK WITH A BLESSING" in our own experience. We present this book in the hope that it will lead to renewed interest and reading of the last book of the Bible by ordinary members of the church, and that it may lead to more preaching from "Revelation" in our pulpits. It is our experience that every reader of "Revelation" who is consistent in interpretation of the symbols of the book will find that the truths of the book are never ending. Such readers will find new and thrilling truths of hope and faith suited to his life's experiences. God continues to reveal greater truth from this last book of the Bible according to our capacity to receive it.

The plan we have adopted in the treatment of this book is first to explain the principle of interpretation we adopt in our INTRODUCTION. Then to provide brief STUDY NOTES on each chapter dealing with some details of that chapter. Thirdly we add a MEDITATION to each chapter of the book of Revelation. These Meditations are the substance of addresses we have given in which we seek to explain the main truths of each chapter in plain language without too much detail. In these Meditations we try to show the relevance of the teaching of John's Revelation to the daily lives of ordinary Christians today. It is our hope and prayer that every reader of our treatment will find fresh interest in reading John's book with a blessing.

Harold G. Norris [10]      


"The Revelation to John" is part of scripture, so that an understanding of it should be sought by every Christian. John wrote this book in a time of grave peril for the church. Persecution was raging. Pagan Imperial Rome was seeking to destroy the church. What will be the place of the church in the world? Will good triumph over evil? Such questions are answered in this book.

It is acknowledged that "The book of Revelation" is written in such a manner that interpretation by Western minds is often difficult. That is no excuse for neglecting it. The studies that follow are advanced humbly with the prayer that God will guide us to a better understanding of "The Book with a blessing." We may not agree with some of the views expressed in these studies, but it is our prayer that they will lead to a more earnest study of the last book of our Bible.

The book of "Revelation" is "THE NEGLECTED BOOK" of the Bible. There are reasons for this neglect. Its meaning does not lie on the surface. It is written in symbolic language. It is a type of literature which was in common use between 200 B. C. and 100 A. D. and was used in times of persecution when it was not safe to pass on a message of Christian hope in plain language. It was composed of symbols that were known and understood by Christians but these symbols were meaningless to non-Christians. It was a kind of writing IN CODE. Like any other code writing it is essential to know the right KEY to the meaning of the code. When we realise that "The book of Revelation" is written in symbolic language, and that the meaning of the symbols used can be found particularly in Old Testament scriptures which were known to Christians in John's day, and we are consistent in the use of this KEY to interpretation, then it becomes "The book with a blessing."

At the time of John's writing this book "The Apocalypse" (translated into English "REVELATION") there was fierce persecution of the Christian church. Imperial Rome ruled the world and required that all people worshipped the Emperor of Rome as both king and God.

Christians worshipped Christ as King and God and refused Emperor worship.

To write the belief and worship of Christians in ordinary language would have meant confiscation of the book and increased persecution of Christians. So John wrote in CODE. His message would not be understood by pagans but at the same time the book encouraged Christians with the deathless hope of the victory of Christ over all opposition both now and in the final outcome of history.

If we can find the right KEY to interpretation, this book will bring the blessing of Christian hope to us in our day. [11]

Unfortunately, a host of false interpretations given to the visions of this book have made it a happy hunting ground for extremists. Nearly all the sects of Christendom take their rise from false interpretations of the book of Revelation. But, this does not excuse us for remaining ignorant of this book but is all the more reason for our seeking to discover its true message.

To most Bible readers the first three and the last two chapters are familiar while the rest of the book is completely unknown. Yet it is the one book of the Bible which contains a definite promise of blessing to its readers 1:3 and 22:7.

The word "Revelation" ('Apocalypse') by which John describes the book in the first verse of chapter 1 proves that it is not meant to be a mysterious book. The word "Revelation" means THE UNCOVERING OF THAT WHICH HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY COVERED--THE DRAWING BACK OF THE VEIL THAT HAS PREVIOUSLY CONCEALED A PERSON OR THING. The book of Revelation is A REVELATION, not a mystery. The book of Revelation is the UNVEILING of God's plans and purposes which lie behind the things seen and temporal in history, so as to enable the church and individual Christian to face trials in a strong and hopeful spirit. This "Apocalypse" then is A DRAWING BACK OF THE CURTAIN, WHICH, TO MERELY HUMAN EYES, HANGS OVER THE PURPOSES OF GOD.

It is important for the reader to realise that the book deals with what is happening NOW, as well as what will happen in the FUTURE.

Verses 1 and 19 of chapter 1 read:

      1. "The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass."
      19. "Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which ARE, and the things which shall be HEREAFTER."
      --   Things which ARE NOW, things which must SHORTLY COME TO PASS, and then, things which SHALL BE HEREAFTER.

These words are entirely against the teaching of those who say that the events of this book are still mostly FUTURE: for it concerns "Things that ARE now." Some have taught that the book deals with things which were all fulfilled in John's day.

The truth seems to us to be that the WORDS OF GOD ARE OF PERPETUAL FULFILMENT. They are not only TO BE FULFILLED, but ARE BEING FULFILLED all the time. The predictions, the principles, which John said would shortly come to pass are not exhausted in any past fulfilment but carry lessons for all generations. Verse 3 of chapter 1 makes plain that the whole fulfilment of the book was not exhausted in earliest ages, nor reserved for future times; else where is the blessing promised "for ALL who READ, LISTEN AND KEEP"? The predictions of the book apply to EVERY age, or else verse 3 is meaningless. [12]


To understand and be blessed by John's Apocalypse the first necessity is to consider the book as a whole, and to understand the method of symbolic literature it uses, and to be consistent in using the key to its symbols.

First it is necessary to outline the three main schools of interpretation.

  This sees the book as a complete history of the church and of the world from the first to the second advent of Christ. I personally find this method unsatisfactory for three reasons.
(1) It is a law of all prophecy that its first message is for its own age. But if the book covers over 19 centuries how could it help the Christians of John's age?
(2) The message of the book would be beyond people of that generation.
(3) Hardly any two holders in this historical interpretation agree regarding past or future events.
  But if it refers to that age alone, it doesn't make sense for many of its references are to the FINAL advent of Christ--something still future.
  This interpretation goes to the other extreme and finds its references to future events yet to come in the last days of the world, so that we are now living in chapters two and three while chapter four onwards all refers to the future.
  This method allows full scope for one's imagination.

For reasons outlined above on Revelation 1:3, I must look to other methods of interpretation.

It is true to state that one's idea concerning "the millennium" (the 1,000 years reign of Christ) will shape one's approach to interpretation of the whole book of Revelation. The three main theories concerning "the millennium" are briefly outlined in these studies in chapter 20. The method of interpretation in these studies is neither Pre-millennial nor Post-millennial, these theories are not required in the interpretation of the Apocalyptic writing of the book of Revelation. THE SYMBOLIC INTERPRETATION of the book of Revelation which is followed in these studies recognises that often the figures used in the book of Revelation spring from the situation in the days of the Roman empire when it was written. We also recognise that historical events similar to these figures have often occurred. And we recognise that the words of John will find their completion not in this present world and life but in times that are yet to be which John describes as the new earth and the new heaven.

In John's Apocalypse he sees two opposing forces. He sees good and evil always personalised as God and Satan, or as Christ and the devil, but God [13] and His Christ are always in control of the outcome. There is no possibility of any other end of history than the triumph of God and of His Christ.

The Symbolic interpretation of the book of Revelation sees its symbols as A CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE. By this we mean that the events described in the book are not single events of the past, present, or future, but rather they are the interpretation in the figure of symbols of how things always turn out in this world where evil seems to be in power but where God is actually in control and where God triumphs.


1. FIRST, THE BOOK OF REVELATION DEALS WITH SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES, AND NOT WITH HISTORICAL EVENTS (but historical events are often included in the course of the spiritual principles described).

This book covers the WHOLE CHRISTIAN ERA. The spiritual principles it portrays operate in all ages.

The idea of chronology (or successive events in world history in order of time) does not exist in this book.

The visions of the book are parallel--not successive. (Because the 7 seals of chapter 5 precedes the 7 trumpets of chapter 8 does not mean that one event is earlier than the other, for the visions of the book are parallel, not successive). One vision brings us to the verge of the FINAL advent of Christ, and so closes. Then another vision opens, looking at the same events from a different point of view.

It is true that the visions of the book do find counterparts in human history. They have happened in the past and will also happen in the future.

What was written by John helped the early Christians to whom Imperial Rome was the great Babylon which absorbed the world's riches and persecuted the church. To these early Christians no doubt the Roman Emperor was the wild beast, savage and relentless, rising out of the sea of the fickle, restless, troubled nations of the world. No less the visions of this book consoled Christian martyrs who saw their persecutors as the world's beast of Revelation chapter 13.

Nor is the force of the consolations exhausted. In the future, according to this interpretation, there will be persecution for Christians, and the sure and certain triumph of God and His kingdom. In the past the coded message of this book has encouraged Christians, and in the present and future its message will grow clearer and bring hope to all who read it.

The book has a message to EVERY AGE--past, present, future.

The book shows the certain triumph of God over the devil--of good over evil--of the church over a hostile world. [14]


Just as we say "history repeats itself", so in this book we see the struggle of GOOD against EVIL, GOD against the DEVIL, and this conflict goes on in EVERY age. That is what this book presents.


The first principle is this then, the book of Revelation deals with spiritual principles in constant conflict--the struggle between good and evil in EVERY age.


The book of Revelation is full of material things such as trees, hills, stars, locusts, etc. Each material thing is a symbol of something. To begin to understand the book at all we must realise that the material things here ARE symbols, and we must be consistent in interpreting these symbols in the whole 22 chapters of the book. The KEY to this symbolic interpretation is given by John himself in chapter 1, verse 20.

      "A STAR" John says means "AN ANGEL--OR MESSENGER"
      "A CANDLESTICK," John says means "A CHURCH"

And having pointed this out John takes it for granted that Christian readers will consistently use this KEY to interpretation all through his 22 chapters and will look at all the material things he describes as symbols.

John also uses numbers as symbols.


It should be noted that the language of Revelation and its pictures and symbols is embedded in the language of the Old Testament. The last book of the Bible is fittingly a mosaic of the message of the Bible as a whole. Within the 404 verses of this book there are 518 quotations from the Old Testament apart from countless suggestions from it.

John uses the traditional symbolism of the Old Testament literature such as "EYES"--for vision; "HORN"--for power, "WHITE"--for purity and conquest. John uses NUMBERS with given symbolic meanings which are rooted in Jewish history and which can fairly simply be set out:

"TWO" symbol for "ADEQUATE WITNESS" 11:3 cf. Deut. 19:15, Matt. 18:16
"THREE" "COMPLETENESS" 1:4-5; 16:19 cf.1 John 5:8
("ONE THIRD") "INCOMPLETENESS" 8:7; 9:15; 12:4
"FOUR" "ANYTHING THAT CONCERNS THE EARTH" The earth being considered as a square with 4 corners 20:8; 4:6; 71; 9:14 cf. Matt. 24:31
"FIVE" "SMALLNESS" 9:5 cf. Isa. 30:17 [15]
"SIX" "SIN" six falling short of seven (which is the symbol of perfection). Six--falling short, missing the mark, unredeemed humanity, man apart from God, worldliness 13:18 (the number of the beast 666--falling short of the Godhead 777).
"SEVEN" "PERFECTION" perfect unity in diversity.
"3½" (the broken 7)--a symbol of the TIME OF THE POWER OF EVIL. As 7 symbolises eternity of goodness 3½ symbolises the present age of time up to the final coming of Christ.
"TEN" "FULLNESS" and "COMPLETENESS" 17:12. It is therefore also a symbol of "LIMITATION." To come up to 10 is to reach the limit because it can't be more complete than complete. 2:10 cf. Daniel 1:12.
"TWELVE" Symbol for "THE CHURCH" 24 symbolises the church of God through the Old and New Testaments. 12 Patriarchs of the Old Testament, 12 Apostles of the New Testament, 12 gates of the holy city 21:12.
144,000 of 7:4, 14:1, 3 = 12 squared to show completeness, and cubed to show multitude. 144,000--"THE WHOLE UNIVERSAL CHURCH." 12 or its multiples is always a reference to the church.
"ONE THOUSAND" "COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE." The cube of 10. 20:2-7. "The millennium"--THE COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE RULE OF CHRIST--not a literal 1,000 years of time.
"TEN THOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSAND" the symbol for "INNUMERABLE" for the highest number that can be represented by Greek notation is 99,999,999. 5:11; 7:9.

It is important that we recognise that we cannot take some numbers as symbols, and others literally or there can be no sound interpretation. e. g. if the "7" churches of chapters 2 and 3 and the "7" horns of 5:6, and the 3½ days of 11:11 are symbolical so also is the 1,000 years of 20:2.

"THINGS" are also symbols. e. g., "A STAR" is an angel or messenger."

A CANDLESTICK" is a church 1:20.

"SATAN" in 12:9 is "THE DRAGON" because he is fierce and "THE SERPENT" because he is cunning and subtle.

"WORLDLY POWER" is "THE BEAST" in 13:1, 2, like a
      "leopard"--leaping on its prey, like a
      "bear"--relentless, like a
      "lion"--devouring. [16]


Some see it as a prediction of the fall of pagan Rome. Others see the destruction of papal Rome in it. Others see in it the FALL OF ALL PAGANISM.

This is certain--The book assures the church of the certainty of Christ's coming and victory--whether it be the victory over pagan or papal Rome--OR THE PAGANISM OF OUR PRESENT WORLD. The true aim of the book appears to be to reveal THE VICTORY OF CHRIST OVER ALL WRONG.

The visions of the book find their counterpart not in any one age but in ALL ages.

The fall of paganism is certainly included in its visions. As the downfall of world-power is included Christ triumphs. This is the book of the advent and victory of Christ.

No attempt is made in these studies to explain every verse or symbol of the book of Revelation. Our aim is more general--to provide the reader with a KEY TO INTERPRETATION OF APOCALYPTIC LITERATURE, a KEY to be used consistently by the reader to discover the true message of this book of scripture. We will not agree with each other in some interpretations but if we will each be consistent in using the KEY to interpret the symbols of this book we will find the book of Revelation a new and thrilling part of scripture.


1. The introduction--Christ and His church
      (1) The vision of Christ-chapter 1
      (2) The message of the universal church--chapters 2 and 3
2. The visions
      (1) The heavenly council--chapter 4 and chapter 5
      (2) The visions of conflict
            A. The conflict seen from the world's side--chapters 6-11
                  1. The 7 seals (chapters 6-8:1)
                  2. The 7 trumpets (chapters 8:2-11)
            B. The conflict seen from the heavenly side--chapters 12-20
                  1. The spiritual foes (chapters 12-14)
                  2. The 7 vials of retribution (chapters 15, 16)
                  3. The fall of the foes (chapters 17-20)
3. The vision of Peace--chapters 21, 22

Keeping in mind the 3 basic principles of interpretation

      1. The book deals with spiritual principles, not historic events
      2. The book is written in symbolic language
      3. The basis and key to the meaning of the symbols used is found in Old Testament scripture--

now let us turn to study the book of Revelation. [17]

Whatever the fluctuations of hope and despair in the struggle for the souls of men, whatever may be the rise and fall of earthly governments, whatever the struggles between the principles of good and evil, faith and unbelief--this book proclaims the coming victory of Christ. The reading of it today will sustain faith in a hostile world. This book is not a museum to satisfy an archaeologist in prophecy. It is a book of living principles at work in human society. It tells how always Christ is with us, leading to ultimate victory. It is the book of the triumph of Christ over all lawlessness and evil. "HE COMES" is the central theme of the book. The book of Revelation is the most hopeful book in the world. [18]



--Revelation 1


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 1

The translation we prefer in the following interpretation is the R.S.V. Verses 1-3 have been covered in our previous introduction. (see page 12).

Verse 4.
  "John to the 7 churches"
  The number "7" always symbolical of the PERFECT, THE UNIVERSAL, indicates not merely "7" churches in Asia but THE WHOLE, THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH IN ALL AGES.

There were more than 7 churches in Asia in John's day. Every congregation in every age may find its likeness here.

"And from the 7 spirits"

Again, God, The Holy Spirit perfect, working in and through His church.

Verse 5.
  Jesus is described as "HIM THAT LOVED US" in the A.V. that is grand. "He loved us." But the R.S.V. is a better translation and is grander "HE LOVES US" Not only HAS Jesus loved us in the past, but His love is PRESENT still. "He loves us" now, and to the end. And not only does He love us but the verse says "He loosed us" (A.V.) "He freed us from our sins" (R.S.V.). Not only has Jesus WASHED away the GUILT of our sins, but grander still He has FREED US from the power of sin.

Do we readers know this full redemption of verse 5? Do we know that Jesus loves us today? And have we found His POWER keeping us free from the domination of sin in our daily life? If we find only this one glorious truth in the book of Revelation, and fail to understand anything else in this difficult book, then we will indeed have found already a great blessing from reading this wonderful book.

Verse 9.
  "I John, your brother, who shares with you in Jesus the tribulation . . ."

The language proves that the 22 chapters of the book of Revelation is not dealing only with FUTURE events. John was sharing the tribulations described in this book when he wrote it.

Verses 10-20.
  In verse 13 John saw the UNIVERSAL CHURCH AS A SEVEN BRANCHED GOLDEN LAMPSTAND. Verse 20 states "The 7 lampstands are the 7 churches" (the universal church). [19]

In verse 20 "STARS" are described as "ANGELS." There are various views as to the meaning of the word "angels" here. The simplest seems to be that they are the churches themselves in their ministry as "messengers" of the gospel.

      In chapter 1 let our minds rest in Verse 13.

  What a picture of the universal church!

A lampstand, a vessel holding oil enabling light to shine out.

Such is Christ's picture of a congregation. He intends EACH member to be a giver of light "to shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life." Is that what we are?

  Verses 13-20 describes Christ in the midst of the universal church.

We recall that in Matthew 28:20 Jesus promised "Lo, I am with you always even to the end of the world."

It is His unseen, spiritual, real presence in His church that is symbolised in Rev. 1:13-20.

John saw Christ clothed as the high-priest in these verses and we interpret the meaning of his symbolism like this:

(1) His HOLINESS (verse 14) is indicated by His "WHITE HAIR." With what humility should we act in congregational worship when we remember the holiness of our Lord who is in our midst!

(2) His GAZE (verse 14) "His EYES were LIKE AFLAME OF FIRE." What a difference there would be sometimes if we remembered always that Christ's "eyes like a flame of fire" search out all the hidden secrets of our hearts!

(3) His FEET (verse 15) "like burnished bronze" tell of Christ's unwearied endurance.

(4) His VOICE (verse 15) "like the sound of many waters." Christ's voice to be listened to above the voices of preachers, readers, singers--like the voice of ocean waves irresistible and strong on the shores of every continent.


Verse 20 explicitly explains that "the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches."

We understand this to be a reminder that by His right hand (THAT IS BY HIS POWER) Christ holds and sustains His church as she is His MESSENGER (His angel) in spreading the gospel.

(6) His WORD (verse 16) "from His mouth issued a SHARP TWO-EDGED SWORD."

The word of His mouth is TWO-EDGED--that is, if not turned to blessing and salvation by acceptance, then turning to judgment and destruction by the [20] rejection of His word. How differently we would listen in church worship if we realized that above the words spoken by human lips are His words--the words of Christ the Lord--two-edged, by our acceptance turning to blessing and salvation, by our rejection turning the other edge of judgment and destruction!

(7) His FACE (verse 16) "was like the sun shining in full strength" The light which can drive the darkness of sin from the sinner's heart, and can cheer the fainting Christian! We should be conscious of that face uplifted on us as we worship so that our hearts begin "to burn within us" as He makes us glad with the joy of His countenance, until the day when we shall see Him face to face without the need of any symbolism.


Christ takes the FIRST TWO SYMBOLS AND TELLS US WHAT THEY MEAN (just as He took His first two parables and explained them).

"The 7 Lampstands are 7 churches," He stated.

"and the 7 stars in His right hand are the 7 angels (the messengers) of the 7 churches."

John is told to write "the revelation" (the unveiling) of things which human minds unaided could never grasp. The whole story is in this book of the church's struggles, in John's day, in our own day, and in the final outcome of victory through much tribulation.

So, the first chapter teaches us what to expect in the rest of the book of Revelation--It will record the struggle of the church in this world, always within the church Christ is present. The Head of the church is not severed from the body. The book will tell of the conflict between good and evil, God and Satan, of sin beaten and Satan bound. The book will be the unfolding not of a fairy-tale but of a dream which came from God. It will tell the story of the church as she journeys through the wilderness of this world to the land of promise, encountering many foes but more than conqueror through Christ who loves her. The first chapter reminds us that we are about to study the fortunes of the church on earth which will include within it's scope the final purposes of God for His creation.


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 1

1. The very FIRST word tells us WHAT THE BOOK OF REVELATION IS ABOUT, 1:1 "THE REVELATION" The first word is significant.

"Revelation" (in Greek 'Apocalypse') proves that this book is not meant of be a mysterious book. The meaning of the word "Revelation" is THE [21] UNCOVERING OF THAT WHICH HAS PREVIOUSLY BEEN COVERED--THE DRAWING BACK OF THE VEIL WHICH HAS PREVIOUSLY COVERED SOMETHING--The book is a REVELATION--THE UNVEILING OF GOD'S PLAN AND PURPOSE so that whoever reads this book will find faith and courage to meet all the trials of this present life in a strong and hopeful spirit. It is the Revelation, the drawing back of the curtain which has previously hidden the plan and purpose of God from our human eyes and understanding.

So, the very first word tells us what the book is about.

2. It is important that we realise that THE BOOK DEALS WITH WHAT IS TAKING PLACE NOW AS WELL AS WHAT WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE FUTURE. In the first verse John reminds us that he was given a revelation of "what must soon take place."

In verse 19 John is told to write "what you see, what IS, and what is to take place hereafter."

So, the book of Revelation is about things WHICH ARE NOW TAKING PLACE. "The things which are."Also "things which are to take place hereafter." Verses 1, 3 and 19 of the first chapter make plain the fact that the book of Revelation has a message for EVERY generation. For NOW as well as the events of John's day in the past or events still future.

3. It is Important for the reader to realise that the book deals with THE WHOLE CHRISTIAN ERA--from the Pentecost--beginning of the church in Acts chapter 2 to the climax and end of creation.

4. It is important to realise that the VISIONS of the Book ARE PARALLEL, NOT SUCCESSIVE.

One vision brings us to the verge of the final coming of Christ and so closes. Then another vision opens looking at THE SAME EVENTS from a different standpoint. The book has a message for every age, past, present and future. The book reveals principles which are in action in every age. The great purpose of the book of Revelation is to assure the church and the Christian of THE ADVENT (The Coming) of JESUS CHRIST IN VICTORY. If we had to find a different title for the book of Revelation it would be "THE BOOK OF THE COMING OF CHRIST." "HE COMES" is the central message of the book, and His coming means the victory of Christ over all evil.

To a church which was expecting the IMMEDIATE FINAL COMING OF CHRIST John gives in this book this word of caution, "NOT YET, NOT YET." Victory will come, but only in God's good time. Christ will come in the constant daily experience of individual Christians to encourage, strengthen and sustain them in every trial. Christ does come in the daily experience of individual Christians. He fulfills His promise of Matthew 28:20 "Lo, I am with you always."

This book reminds Christians that they are never alone--that in daily experience Christ comes to help, encourage, sustain. And this book clearly [22] describes Jesus Christ as one who comes into the midst of His church to guide, strengthen and bless.

And this book tells also that there will yet be the final coming of Christ and climax of human history.

We do not attempt to deal with every word or detail of the Revelation to John in our treatment in this book, but we can give in broad outline an idea to ordinary readers of HOW to read and interpret it so that future reading of the book of Revelation will be a rich and inspiring experience.

Whatever the fluctuations of hope and despair--whatever be the rise and fall of earthly governments, of social and political systems of society--whatever the struggles between good and evil, faith and unbelief, the reading of the book of Revelation will sustain faith even in a context of a pagan hostile world. The book is not a museum to satisfy the archaeologist in prophecy IT IS A BOOK OF LIVING PRINCIPLES AT WORK IN HUMAN SOCIETY. It tells how always CHRIST COMES healing, helping, sustaining and leading on to FINAL and ULTIMATE VICTORY. And always there are depths of truth which lie beneath the surface of a seemingly simple word or sentence of the book which will unfold greater lessons when we ourselves reach a further stage in life's experience (when we are ready to receive it)--it is the most wonderful book in the world.


5. Clearly, the Book is written in SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE. It is a type of literature which was in common use in John's day. It was used in times of persecution when it was not safe to pass on a message of Christian faith and hope in plain language as the foes of the church would have destroyed such a plain message.

It was literature composed of SYMBOLS which Christians versed in the Old Testament Scriptures would understand, but non-Christians did not understand because they did not have the KEY to the meaning of the SYMBOLS used. Christians had the KEY to the meaning of the symbols. The book of Revelation will become "the book with a blessing" to us when we find the KEY to understand the meaning of the symbols used in it.

The book of Revelation could be described as WRITING IN CODE. Like any code used by armies at war the message had no meaning to the enemy who does not possess the KEY to the code. To know the message of the book of Revelation one must KNOW the KEY, and one must USE the Key CONSISTENTLY.

At the time of John's writing there was fierce persecution of the Christian church. Imperial Rome held sway over the world and required that all people worship the emperor of Rome as both king and God. Christians worshipped Christ as King and God. Christians refused to worship the Roman emperor. [23]

John himself was a prisoner of Rome on the island of Patmos separated from his beloved fellow Christians. He wanted to get a message to his fellow persecuted Christians to encourage them,--to remind them that Caesar worship was wrong--that Caesar was not eternal--and that Jesus Christ will prevail. He wanted to tell Christians that Caesar worship would come to an end. John's message would be regarded as treason by his Roman captors if they understood it. A message such as John--had to give would have been confiscated by the Roman authorities before it left Patmos if written in plain ordinary language. So John wrote his message in CODE the symbols of which were based in the Jewish Old Testament scriptures and which Christians versed in the scriptures would understand. They had the Key to the code in their understanding of the Old Testament symbols. But the pagan Roman authorities not having this KEY to the code would not understand the message. John's Apocalypse is written in the same manner as modern armies who use codes. If the enemy lacks the KEY to the code the message is only understood by those for whom it is intended.

In 1944 a German pastor saw sitting in the front row in church the members of the Gestapo. They came because they were suspicious as to what the pastor was preaching about Hitler and the Third Reich. The pastor realised that he needed to use language and figures of speech which his congregation versed in the scriptures would understand, but which members of the Gestapo would regard as gibberish. So he used the language of Revelation chapter 13 about a strange wild beast--part Leopard, part Bear, part Lion, and of a little horn that spoke blasphemy, and of the wild beast which had already received its death wound. The pastor told of "The Ancient of Days" sitting in judgment on His throne. His hair was white as wool and His eyes flashed like fire and He destroyed the enemies with the two-edged sword of His tongue. The congregation said "Amen." The members of the congregation understood the message of their minister because they had the KEY to it. The congregation left the church meeting with courage to be loyal to Christ whose purposes would be fulfilled though earthly governments which opposed Christ would be destroyed. But the Gestapo did not understand the message. They left the church without seeing the point that the pastor was saying that Hitler would fall. They thought that the pastor was "a queer nut, "Apocalypse in that German church in 1944 was a most helpful literary device. So it was when John used it in A. D. 95.

John was saying to persecuted Christians in his and every age that however bestial human authorities may be they are not eternal. They are only human and will come to an end. God's kingdom is eternal and will ultimately be victorious.


In 1:20 the first TWO symbols used are explained.


In verse 16 John saw "SEVEN STARS IN CHRIST'S RIGHT HAND"--and in verse 20 Christ states "THE SEVEN STARS ARE THE ANGELS OF THE SEVEN CHURCHES." And having stated that these first two symbols have this meaning John expects his readers to be consistent and to interpret all material things, colours and numbers as symbols. Unless we are consistent in this no sensible interpretation is possible.

So, the book of Revelation is written in symbolic language and assures the church and the Christian of Christ's coming and victory over all paganism in each and every age.

In addition to the brief study notes on chapter 1 note verse 8, "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." This is repeated again in 21:6 and 22:13.

"Alpha" is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. "Beta" is the second. It is from this that we get our word "alphabet." "Alpha" is the first letter, "Omega" is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.

Jesus Christ claims here to be "THE ALPHABET OF LIFE." What the alphabet is to language Jesus Christ is to the business of daily living. He is the beginning--the creator of life--and the sustainer--and the climax of life. As the letters of the alphabet are indispensable to literature so Jesus Christ is essential to all real daily living.

We could spend a long time meditating on the significance of Christ as the "alphabet of Christian living." [25]



--Revelation 2 and 3


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 2 and 3

The fortunes of the church are to be traced in "the Revelation to John" and the first thing necessary is that the reader should learn what the church IS. This is the aim of chapters 2 and 3.

Each of the SEVEN letters is addressed to "the angel" of that church; these are not bishops or elders in our modern sense. In the book of Revelation God's angels are those who speak or act.

The angels of the churches are the churches themselves as they speak and act.

The SEVEN letters of chapters 2 and 3 set before us a picture of THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF ALL AGES.

There were more than 7 churches in Asia in John's day. John made a selection of "7" to represent the universal church. The number "SEVEN" is throughout the book a symbol of perfect unity. The message to "the SEVEN churches of Asia" is quite plainly addressed to the universal church of all ages. This is again made plain from the constantly recurring summons to "HEED THE MESSAGE TO THE CHURCHES"--that is, to the whole seven, rather than one particular message.

The attempt to see the 7 churches as successive periods in history must be set aside as erroneous.

Many expressions in these 7 letters find their explanation only in later chapters e. g.,

2:7 "The tree of life," of the first letter meets us in 22:2, 14 in the New Jerusalem.
2:11 "The second death," of the second letter meets us in 20:14 when the judgment upon the church's enemies is complete.
2:17 The writing upon believers of "The new name," of the third letter meets us in 14:1 in the reference to the 144,000--the whole church on Mt. Zion.
2:26, 28 "The authority over the nations, and the gift of the morning star," of the fourth letter cannot be understood until we have the vision of the 1,000 years and the last words of the glorified Redeemer in 20:4, 5; 22:16. [26]
3:5 "The white garments," of the fifth letter cannot be understood until we see them before God's throne in 7:9, 14.
3:12 The mention in the sixth letter of "The city of God, the New Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from God," remains a mystery until we see her descent in 21:2, 10.
3:21 The "sitting on Christ's throne," of the seventh letter is only explained by the reign of the 1,000 years with Him 20.4.

It is clear that the message to the 7 churches has a wider application than to 7 churches in Asia in John's age. The message is to the universal church in all ages.

Take YOUR church. Think of its life. Then hear this word of God. "I KNOW YOUR WORKS."


1. 2:1-7
  EPHESUS--The church which had lost its first love.

It is easy to drift into being active as church workers yet to have lost the first love.

This church had rejected the Nicolaitans who said, "it doesn't matter how we live so long as our doctrines are correct."

Let us remember that true life and true doctrine both depend on how much we love Christ.

2. 2:8-11
  SMYRNA--The persecuted church which receives no word of blame.

The Lord does not promise to remove the trials, but He gives church members the power to bear and use these trials. Christ limits the period of persecution.

"THE TEN DAYS" of verse 10 stand, not for a literal "10 days," but for a "DEFINITE, LIMITED PERIOD."

3. 2:12-17
  PERGAMUM--The over-tolerant church which allowed worldliness among its members.

The subtle weapon used against this church was not active persecution but what we call worldliness. (Balsam counselled Balak to destroy Israel of old by approaching as friends to lure Israel into sin--Numbers 31:16). This danger is real today--the world gets inside the church.

4. 2:18-29
  THYATIRA--The compromising church allied with and permeated by a worldly spirit.

A church in peril--and we are aware of its dangers.

5. 3:1-6
  SARDIS--The sleeping church.

The warning given reminds us that there may be a great difference between a church as she appears to the eyes of men, and as she appears to God. The warning is against a mere NOMINAL Christianity. [26]

6. 3:7-13
  PHILADELPHIA--The church with opportunity.

She receives no word of blame. She is using here opportunities of service. Remember, Christ praises FAITHFULNESS, not success.

7. 3:14-22
  LAODICEA--The complacent church which; has lost its purpose and meaning.

Not one word of praise is given her. She has no Adversaries--a sure sign of decay. A church self-satisfied with its spiritual state is common, yet the saddest and most hopeless of any.

The lukewarmness of such a church is threatened with rejection and destruction.

These seven messages show the universal church in every age and land beset by persecution from without and by lukewarmness and Lack of love from within.


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 2 and 3



He is presented as the LORD, THE SON OF GOD, IN THE MIDST OF HIS CHURCH, with eyes which search out every secret of our lives;, with full and complete knowledge, and with His Word blessing obedience and judging disobedience.

The presentation reminds us that the church is not a mere human organisation which men and women are free to decide to join or not to join--but that the church on earth (with all her faults) holds at the centre of her life the Christ who said "Lo, I am with you always even to the end of the world." So, the greatest privilege any person can have on earth is to beg a member of Christ's church; and the greatest responsibility we have is to be worthy of that privilege.


Take the church of which you are a part. Does Christ stand among us today saying as He did to Ephesus "I know your busy auxiliary work--but you have left your first love"? [28]

First love is love in which there is no thought of self. It is love in which devotion to another is the basis of life. Does Jesus come to us, as He did to Peter, asking "Do you love Me?" Where is the first love in which you cease to put home, business, pleasures, material possessions first, and put Christ first? First love doesn't count as sacrifice the time and talent and energy given in Christ's service. Where is the emotion, the enthusiasm, the self-sacrifice you once had? First love puts Christ and His church first in service.


Through every message to the universal church in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 is the call to church members to "KNOW" and to "DO" the Word of God.

Christ needs to DO something WITH us before we can do anything for others. As spring gets into a clod of dirt but can't be imprisoned there but bursts out into new life in flower and fruit--so, when we know the Word of God the spring of Holy Spirit power enters this earthly clod and breathes new life. Church growth depends on real Bible study.


Christ's word in Revelation 3:20 is a word we each need to hear. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me. "What door is this? The door of a church, and Christ shut outside. But yet, Christ's message is "IF ANYONE hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him . . ."

"IF ANYONE." It doesn't need a decision of a church business meeting or of any committee to make this decision. "If anyone"--that means any individual church member. If any one church member will yield completely to Him Christ will come in with peace and power.

The lesson we learn from chapters 2 and 3 is that Christ is Lord of His church, and that He calls us to give our first love and loyalty to Him, and that we know and do God's word, and that we open the door of our personality by yielding completely to Him. May our prayer be "Lord revive my church BEGINNING WITH ME."



Don't read chapters 2 and 3 as if they are concerned only with some other church than your own. There is a message for every church member here. We could summarise the messages: [29]

EPHESUS REMEMBER--And RETURN to your first love. First love never counts as sacrifice what it gives. Give yourself wholly to Christ.
SMYRNA REALISE your riches. Christ has come to live in you and He gives our lives a new dimension.
PERGAMUM RESIST the pressure of pagan materialism.
THYATIRA RESOLVE to hold fast your Christian faith.
SARDIS RECOGNISE the danger of being satisfied with a mere nominal Christianity.
PHILADELPHIA RADIATE--Use your opportunities to evangelize a secular world for Christ.
LAODECIA REPENT and REVIVE an enthusiasm in EVERY church member. Open the door of our lives to allow Christ to live in us. Allow Christ to enthuse us.

"He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to your Church."

"Lord, REVIVE your church, BEGINNING IN ME."

We read chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation as Christ's message to His universal church of all ages.

Today we read these 7 messages to the church (if we read them at all), with the pleasant feel of limp Morocco leather between our fingers and fail to grasp what these 7 messages meant to inspire, encourage, strengthen and reprove the church members of John's own age. We fail to realise that these 7 messages are addressed to our church in this generation.

Think of your own congregation. Think of your own place in the church--What you are doing--the present state of your spiritual health--Think, and then listen to these words of the Lord of the church "I know your works." For, whatever Christ said to EVERY one of the 7 churches He begins His message to that church with the words "I know your works." We should listen to the message of Christ to the 7 churches knowing that the Lord is speaking to us. He knows our situation. His message is to us today.

Having noted the four points earlier in our meditation, further note--



In verses 2 and 3 Christ mentions 7 good things about the church in Ephesus. It was a working, busy church--it was a toiling energetic church--its work was not spasmodic--it did not condone immorality--it did not tolerate false teaching--in spite of difficulties it maintained its witness, and it "had not grown weary." Truly a live, remarkable congregation. Yet Christ sees one glaring fault. In verse 4 "I have this against you, that you HAVE ABANDONED YOUR FIRST LOVE." Just that! Yet it overshadows all else. All the business in service is useless without "first love." [30]

What is first love? And what is it to lose first love?

First love is the love in which there is not a single thought of self. First love, loves because it is attracted to the other. First love gives itself and defies sacrifice.

First love is love in which devotion to another person is the basis of life.

Do you remember your early courtship and early marriage? When first love was devotion to the other as a hallowed thing? When that first love is abandoned the seeds of a broken marriage are sown. First love cannot be measured with any rule. It cannot be weighed with any scales. First love overleaps all barriers--it gives and never counts the cost.

When you first fell in love with Christ! Do you remember? When you confessed your faith in Christ before a congregation--when in your baptism you took Jesus Christ as your Master--when in your act of baptism you really said "Now I belong to Jesus." Do you remember? Where is that first love now?

In the first love of courtship and marriage you loved to be alone with your beloved. Do you still love to be alone with Jesus Christ in prayer?

If the joy and thrill of such first love is missing from your relationship with Jesus Christ all your work, and toil, and patient endurance is useless. Sometimes we sing--

"Where is the blessedness I knew
When first I saw the Lord?"

Our first need is to regain our first love for Christ.

As Jesus came to Peter by the lakeside after Peter's failure with the question "Do you love Me?" So He comes to us. It is perilously easy for us to become so busy in the Lord's work that we have no time to be alone with Jesus our Lord. Does He say to us "I miss the first love?" "Where is that emotion you once had when you put Me first--not your home or business?" Remember it is not our busy-ness in church work which lights the lamp of the church's witness. It is our love--our first love for Christ.


(The persecuted church which receives no word of blame.)

Our Lord here tells us plainly that Christians will face suffering and persecution. He does not promise to remove the trials, but He does promise to limit the trials and to give Christians power to bear and even to USE these trials.

Christ limits the time of trial and persecution according to verse 10 to "TEN DAYS." Remembering the KEY to the symbolism of the book "TEN DAYS" does not mean a literal 10 days of time, but is a symbol of "A DEFINITE, LIMITED PERIOD." [31]

Physical persecution may not be our lot today. But ridicule, scorn, social ostracism are forms of modern persecution which are very real especially to your people who meet the persecution of a pagan society. If we follow Christ closely we should not be surprised if we are hit by some of the mud and stones which are flung at Christ.


(The over-tolerant church which allowed worldliness among its members).

The subtle weapon used against this church was worldliness within the church. The picture is used of Balaam who counselled the pagan king Balak to destroy Israel by befriending and then 'white-anting' the life of Israel from within. This danger of a church losing its spiritual faith is real today.


(A church compromising with sinful worldliness is described here as "Spiritual adultery").

Such a church is in dire peril.


(The sleeping church).

A warning is given against a mere NOMINAL church membership. However beautiful a church service, to the all-seeing eyes of the Lord such a church is dead. Yet even as at Sardis, there is no church absolutely dead. There are always some Christians in every church who are truly Christians. Christ knows His own and blesses them.


(The church using her opportunities).

Such a congregation is told that Christ gives that church power sufficient for its work.

The Lord "opens the door, "so this message calls us to be faithful, using the opportunities of service which Christ provides.


(The lukewarm church).

Here was a church with no emotion, no enthusiasm, no sense of urgency, no passion and no compassion--and therefore it had ceased to be a Christian church. The members of the church in Laodicea wore the Cross as an ornament but never considered the Cross as a death to a life of selfish ease. They were lukewarm, complacent, self-deceived. The message of Christ is directed to those church members who remain church members so long as it doesn't cost them anything. Christ comes to such lukewarm church members and calls in love (verse 20). "Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and eat with him and he with me." Christ calls these church members to a new, warm zeal and enthusiasm. [32]

Christ shut out of His world (for they crucified Him).

Christ shut out of His church (for it is the door of a church on which He is knocking in Revelation 3:20).

And Christ waits--not for a committee or church business meeting resolution to decide whether to admit Him. Christ waits until ANY ONE PERSON in the congregation is willing to open the door to Him.

As Holman Hunt reminds us in his painting "The Light of the World" "THE LATCH IS ON OUR SIDE OF THE DOOR."

To those who open the door Christ offers in verse 21 that they will share the throne with Him. This picture of Christ sharing His throne with Christians surpasses all the symbols of Christian hope. Beyond this promise neither hope nor imagination can go.

Read the messages to the 7 churches of Revelation 2 and 3 as Christ's message to your own church and pray "Lord, revive your church, beginning with me." [33]



--Revelation 4 and 6


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 4

Those interpreters who assign each of the seven letters of chapters 2 and 3 to successive periods of church history during the past 19 centuries also treat the whole of the rest of the book of Revelation from chapters 4-22 as all dealing with the future. This makes the book to have no message for the days when John was writing--nor for today. But in chapter 1 verse 1 and 19 John is specifically given a message concerning things which are NOW taking place as well as future things.

Without any basis for doing so those who treat chapters 4-22 as dealing with future events introduce the RAPTURE of 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 between Revelation chapters 3 and 4. The plain fact is that John does not describe the RAPTURE at all in the book of Revelation. It is an error to insert the RAPTURE between chapters 3 and 4 of the book of Revelation.

As Christians do we not affirm the parousia (the presence) of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ with us NOW? Was not His promise of nineteen hundred years ago, "Lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age" fulfilled through the centuries--hundreds and thousands of times? The fourth gospel, written by John, gives strong teaching that the Risen Lord Jesus comes to be with us NOW. He came when He was resurrected and was freed from the limitations of time and space at His ascension. He comes to us in our times of need to help, to guide, to bless. The danger of waiting for His calling us to the skies is the danger of not knowing that Christians should be aware of His presence NOW.

Christians who realise the Lord's presence now are also aware of His urgent continuing challenge for us to be caught up in involvement in His purposes--sharing the gospel--becoming channels of His Spirit NOW. As we accept Jesus Christ as Lord of our life we give ourselves to working with Him in extending the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

Revelation chapters 4-22 deals with the message to the church in tribulation NOW, as well as in the future, and brings its word of courage to Christians today with the assurance that the church on earth need fear no enemy in any generation for "God is in the midst of her." [34]

Chapters 4 and 5 form an interlude before the conflicts between the church and the world are described. Chapters 4 and 5 tell us that the earthly struggle between good and evil, the church and the world, is known in heaven. John bids us take courage as Christians because the ultimate victory of the church is sure because of Christ's redeeming work. In other words, to a church in tribulation Revelation chapters 4 and 5 says "let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe in Me." The church need fear no enemy or trial. She is already more than conqueror. These 2 chapters echo Psalm 46:1-7 "God is our Refuge and strength . . ."


Chapters 4 and 5 describe a council in heaven.

  John saw "AN OPEN DOOR IN HEAVEN." A door of REVELATION. John saw God upon the throne of His glory and mercy . . .
Verse 3.
  "Like JASPER and CARNELION." "Jasper," as we learn from 21:1 1 is "clear as crystal"--a bright, sparkling stone of various colours representing THE STRENGTH AND GLORY OF GOD.

And "Carnelion"--a fiery red colour, representing the JUDGMENT OF GOD.

"And round the throne was a rainbow that looked like an emerald. "THE RAINBOW"--After the flood of Noah's day the rainbow has been a symbol of GOD'S MERCY (Genesis 9:12-17). All phases of light make the rainbow. The rainbow round the throne of God reminds us that all aspects and facts of truth are considered in heaven in MERCY.

Verse 4.
  "The four and twenty elders"--The number 12 and its multiples in this book always indicates THE CHURCH.

Twenty four is the totality of the leaders of the church of the Old and the New Testaments (The 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 Apostles; see 21:12, 14).

This council in heaven is concerned with the fortunes of the church on earth. There is comfort and encouragement in the realisation that the affairs and struggles of the church on earth are known in heaven. The 24 elders are "SEATED" for they represent the church TRIUMPHANT.

"The great church triumphant
shall be the church AT REST."

"Clad in WHITE GARMENTS, WITH GOLDEN CROWNS UPON THEIR HEADS." The white garments (of PURITY and CONQUEST) and crowns mark them as the church triumphant since Christ promises this to the church militant as its reward in 2.10 and 3:5.

Verse 5.
  "The lightning, voices and thunder" from the throne indicates the approaching judgment as in Exodus 19:16.

"THE SEVEN SPIRITS"--as in 1:4--The Holy Spirit. [35]

Verse 6.
  "The sea of glass, like crystal" before the throne indicating the DEPTH, EXPANSE, CLEARNESS of God's counsels.

"The FOUR LIVING CREATURES"--not "beasts" as in the A.V. which confuses with "the beast" of chapter 13.

"FOUR" in number these "living creatures" represent MANKIND. They have eyes on all sides. That is, they see all that is going on in all directions. They have the qualities of a LION--STRENGTH, an OX--SERVICE, the FACE OF A MAN--INTELLIGENCE, and the EAGLE of HIGH SPIRITUAL FLIGHT. Like Isaiah's seraphim (Isa. 6) each has six wings. And they sing of the might of God PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. (verse 7). J. P. Love suggests "It will be well worth while to read this fourth chapter of Revelation and the sixth chapter of Isaiah together and then go carefully through the hymn "Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty," noting how remarkably the hymnist has blended the figures used by Isaiah and John." (Dr. J. P. Love "Layman's Bible Commentary on John--Jude--Revelation" SCM Press, Page 64). The praising of God by the four living creatures and the elders in verses 6-11 lift our hopes for the time when the qualities of ALL mankind shall be equal to the STRENGTH of the lion, the POWER and SERVICE of the ox, the INTELLIGENCE of a man, and the SWIFTNESS of the eagle.


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 4

The subject of the whole book of Revelation is the struggle and conflict of the world against the church. That struggle is not described until chapter 6. But after having described the universal church in chapters 2 and 3 John reassures the church of her preservation and victory in chapters 4 and 5.

In these chapters a council is meeting in heaven. The subject being considered is the church on earth. In the central place is God on the throne. The symbols make clear His holiness, judgment and mercy. The Holy Spirit is there. And there are the representatives of the church and of mankind all praising God. All the universe--from the remotest star to all things near and around us are described as being in the hand of God who is working out His plans and purposes in His own time and way.

When you get discouraged by the seeming weakness and failures of the church an intelligent reading of chapters 4 and 5 of the book of Revelation will do much to reassure and encourage you. These chapters will remind you that your greatest privilege in this world is to be a member of the Christian church for she alone of all world organisations will survive the shocks of time.

The main message of chapters 4 and 5 to Christians is "BELIEVE IN GOD." The church need not fear any enemy or trial. She is already more than [36] conqueror. These two chapters of Revelation echo the truth of Psalm 46.

"God is our Refuge and Strength
Therefore we will not fear any trial
For God is in the midst of His church
And will preserve her and give her victory."



The material seen world in which we live looms so large in our thoughts that me need this reminder that our present world is but a mere speck in God's universe. Above, around and beyond it is the great REAL world which is spiritual. Here we now have the SEEN and TEMPORAL, there is THE UNSEEN AND ETERNAL. Unseen yes! But REAL and NEAR. So near that it is pictured here as only a single door, only a plank of wood between us and the unseen eternal world.

There is an important truth brought to us in Revelation 4:1 of the open door--the nearness of that spiritual eternal world. And what a moment for us when that open door is set before our eyes as it was to John's!

Some day that open door will be set before us at the moment of death. "Lo, in heaven an open door." This was what happened to the first Christian martyr, as Stephen cried out "Behold, I see heaven open."--The nearness of that other world!--only a door between us and that unseen, real, eternal world, a door which may open before our eyes at any moment. AND WHAT A COMFORTING THOUGHT!

That other world in heaven is neither empty nor unconcerned with our present world and life. John's vision shows us that heaven has its inhabitants too, and there, just beyond the door God sits, thinking, caring, watching, preparing for His church, His church militant here on earth, and for every member of His church. Here is cheer and courage when we become depressed and down-hearted because of the trials, set-backs and difficulties of the church on earth--to remember that just beyond that door in heaven God is on His throne, that the things here on earth are not mere chance and change--but that God's eye is watching, His heart is loving, His hand is working. The eye, heart and hand of God is leading us on step by step to that glorious day when He will OPEN THE DOOR to us and bid us "Come up hither"--only then, entering there, to go out no more, but to abide in His presence forever.

I link Revelation 4:1 with the words of Jesus in John chapter 14--"Believe in God, believe in Me. In my Father's house are many rooms beyond this present room of the seen and material life." At death we pass through the opened door into those unseen but real rooms in God's house where we will live in the nearer presence of God--in a new world unseen to human eyes [37] but real and eternal. Jesus said "I go to prepare those rooms for you, and someday I will come for you--I will open the door of heaven."

The Christian who has grasped the point of Revelation 4:1 "And lo, in heaven an open door" and of John 14 is no longer afraid of death. It is only the opening of a door into the unseen, real and eternal world.

There is comfort and courage and hope to Christians in the message of Revelation chapters 4 and 5--that God watches over the fortunes of His church and children on earth and someday the church on earth will be the church triumphant in heaven--for "the gates of hell shall not prevail against her."

An understanding of chapters 4 and 5 of the book of Revelation helps us to see the church as she really is in God's eyes. One realises now that God is WATCHING over His church, that God's PURPOSES will be FULFILLED, that the church will ULTIMATELY be victor overall evil.

And, as in verse 3 of chapter 4 John saw a RAINBOW around God's throne, so there is HOPE, deathless hope--for God's MERCY and care from His throne in heaven beyond our present sight assures the Christian and the church on earth of conquest over evil.

Chapter 4 shows us then--THE NEARNESS OF THAT OTHER WORLD "only a door between."

"After this I looked, and lo, in heaven an open door" wrote John in 4:1.

Recall that John was a prisoner of the Roman authorities on the island of Patmos. Domitian the Roman emperor had closed the door of LIBERTY against John, yet John tells us that he saw a door opened in heaven.

(1) John's vision of the door opened in heaven tells us that THERE ARE LIMITS SET TO DOMINEERING MIGHT AND ADVERSE CIRCUMSTANCES.

(2) The vision of the opened door in heaven came to John IN THE PLACE OF EXILE, THE PLACE OF HARDSHIP, LONELINESS AND SORROW.

Surely this vision is meant to teach us that it often happens that the most enriching and significant experiences in human life have come out of trouble, out of sorrow and adversity and things which seemed all against us--one has only to think of the letters of the Apostle Paul in our New Testament which came out of his prison experiences--or the writings of John Bunyan from the Bedford jail--

(3) John's vision of the door opened in heaven SUSTAINS US AMID THE HARDSHIPS OF OUR OWN PATMOS EXPERIENCES.

Countless members of Christians have found life liveable even at its hardest and worst when imprisoned on a Patmos of a monotonous existence, of grinding poverty, of hopeless invalidism, of crippling misfortune, of abject failure, of crushing sorrow. They have found courage to live bravely and even triumphantly because they, with John, have seen some door opened in heaven. [38]

(4) John's vision of the door opened in heaven WITNESSES TO HEAVEN'S INTEREST IN EARTH.

Those who have seen "a door opened in heaven" know that there are powers, reinforcements, resources at our disposal which most surely testify to God's active and abiding interest in us. They are sure that at the heart of the universe is a God of infinite love and mercy, and that the rainbow of hope is still there with its promise. Those who share with John in the vision of "the door opened in heaven" of Revelation 4:1 are indeed blessed abundantly by the realisation of God's concern and love for them.


There are several ways of looking at things. There is the worm's eye view, the bird's eye view, the man's eye view, and there is the God's eye view. John was not satisfied with the crawling worm's eye view of the church on earth as seen by a pagan hostile world. Nor was John satisfied with the physical loftiness and remoteness of the bird, nor with the enquiring yet baffled view of man. John could only be satisfied by seeing the church through God's eye--then he is beyond bewilderment. So, in chapter 4 he sees "a door opened in heaven"--into the ultimate mystery--and he hears a voice clear as a trumpet calling him from time into eternity. It is only by following John's lead in this chapter that Christians can find peace and assurance in a world hostile to the church.

The study of John's Revelation has brought hope and assurance of the ultimate victory of the church which a hostile world has never been able to put out. A study of this "neglected book" will save a Christian from despair for the church. A Christian who grasps the essential truth of John's "Revelation" sees in God and the heavenly council A WAY AHEAD. Today many are confused--because they don't read this last book of the Bible. Some profess to have all the answers now. But an honest reader who believes in God on the throne doesn't profess to know and understand everything about the future of the church. But he knows THAT GOD IS WATCHING, THAT GOD'S PURPOSES WILL BE FULFILLED, THAT THERE IS A WAY AHEAD, THAT THE CHURCH WILL ULTIMATELY BE VICTORIOUS OVER ALL EVIL.

The care of God over His church in peril, and the throne of God in heaven (beyond our human sight) has a rainbow in it.

Here is HOPE, deathless hope, many coloured hope. [39]



--Revelation 5


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 5

The interlude before the conflicts between the church and the world are described, begun in chapter 4, with the council in heaven, is continued in chapter 5.

Verse 1.
  "A BOOK" (i. e., a parchment roll) "WRITTEN WITHIN AND ON THE BACK."

It was unusual for a parchment to be written on BOTH sides. This indicates THE COMPLETENESS of the book and the impossibility of adding to it. (Ezekiel 2:9, 10, has the same idea).

But this book is COMPLETELY SEALED with "SEVEN SEALS".

This book contains God's record of His world. But a REVEALER IS NEEDED. John wept because he knew that in that book was the story of God's plan and dealings with His church. His church so persecuted. And now, when God offered the Book there was nobody worthy or able to interpret the language of God's Book in the language of men. Nobody able to make these silent, sealed pages of God's purpose a living voice.

Verse 5.

And He is described in verse 6-8 as THE LAMB depicting the SACRIFICE by which He overcame sin and proved worthy to open the seals to God's book. (Isaiah 53:7).

Verse 8.
  CHRIST TAKES THE SEALED BOOK for He alone is worthy to loose the seals and reveal God's record. The work of loosing the seals is interrupted by a song of praise--verses 8-14.
      "The four living creatures" --(all mankind, see 4:7)
      "The 24 elders" --(the church, see 4:2)
      "The harp" --symbol of praise
      "The incense" --symbol of prayer

Verse 8 shows the whole church at praise and prayer.

Verse 9, 10.
  "They sang a NEW SONG" in which a world-wide redemption is depicted. The song is in 3 parts.

ATONEMENT "Thou wast slain."
REDEMPTION "By Thy blood didst ransom men for God."
CONSECRATION "Made them a kingdom and priests to our God on earth." [40]

Verses 11-14.
  John looks at the back-drop, the setting of the council in heaven of chapters 4 and 5. The walls of that council chamber are not of material bricks but of myriads of angels--further off than the elders, or the living creatures of men--"numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands" (verse 11 )--Surely this means that the angels in that heavenly council are innumerable. (see also Hebrews 12:22). And the subject being considered is the fortunes of the church on earth.


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 5


In the first verse John saw A BOOK in the hand of God.

A book in which the pages were close written on BOTH sides.

It was the COMPLETE record of the events of this world's history.

Nothing could be added to it. (Its pages were close written on both sides).

John knew that the book contained the complete record of this world's history. It contained the full story of the history and fate of the church--but the book was sealed with seven seals; and nobody was able to break those seals and open the book. Nobody was able to make those sealed pages known to men. Until Christ takes the book and in chapter 6 breaks the 7 seals and reveals God's message and tells the history and fate of this world. But before that takes place we are shown this interlude of chapter 5 verses 8-14 when

"The four living creatures" --that is ALL MANKIND
"The 24 elders" --that is THE CHURCH
join in PRAISE and PRAYER.

We centre our thought on verses 9 and 10 of chapter 5.

"AND THEY SANG A NEW SONG, saying, "WORTHY ART Thou to take the scroll and to open its seals, for THOU WAST SLAIN AND BY THY BLOOD DIDST RANSOM MEN FOR GOD from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, AND HAST MADE THEM A KINGDOM AND PRIESTS TO OUR GOD, and they shall reign on earth."


ATONEMENT --"Thou wast SLAIN."
REDEMPTION --"By thy blood didst RANSOM men for God."

Notice that this NEW song of 5:9, 10 links with Revelation 1:5, 6--(The Christian faith in one sentence)--"unto Him who LOVES us, FREED us from our sins by His blood. And MADE us a kingdom, PRIESTS to God."(Our Christian faith is all expressed in that one sentence). Here in Revelation 5:9 and 10 CREATION SINGS A NEW SONG.

1. ATONEMENT--For Thou wast SLAIN."

By His death on Calvary's Cross Jesus Christ brought us to be AT ONE with God. (This is the meaning of the word "atonement'). By our sin we had been separated from God. By His death Jesus made us AT ONE. He united us to God and to each other. So the Cross of Jesus Christ comes as the first note of the NEW song which Christians can now sing on earth.

"Christ has for sin atonement made
What a wonderful Saviour!"

2. REDEMPTION is the second note of this NEW song of Revelation 5:9. "And by Thy blood DIDST RANSOM (or purchase) men for God."

Note the "4" described here as "from every TRIBE, and TONGUE, and PEOPLE, and NATION" in verse 9.

"4" is always a symbol in John's book of Revelation of anything concerning the EARTH. Therefore the NEW song of chapter 5 verse 9 indicated A WORLD-WIDE REDEMPTION.

Can we join in this NEW song of REDEMPTION? How frequently our song is but a faint echo! How often is our idea of redemption simply that our sins are forgiven, and that the guilt of our past sins is removed so that we are safe for the final destination of heaven? That is only ONE note of the new song that Christians have to sing. Listen as this NEW song is sung in Revelation 5:9, 10.

(1) They sing of PURCHASE

"By Thy blood thou didst RANSOM (PURCHASE) men for God."

The coming of our Lord to Bethlehem, His life and death--the shedding of His blood at the Cross was not only to WASH AWAY OUR SINS AND REMOVE THE STAIN OF OUR GUILT, BUT IT WAS TO PURCHASE US FOR HIMSELF.

The Apostle Paul reminded the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:28 that the Church of God was "PURCHASED with the blood of Christ," and so, Paul wrote to Christians in Corinth "You were BOUGHT with a price" (1 Cor. 6:20 and 1 Cor. 7:23).

Do we realise as church members that CHRIST HAS PURCHASED US? Have we really given ourselves "in full and glad surrender" to the Christ to whom we belong? "You are not your own. You have been purchased with the price of the blood of Jesus Christ."

(2) They sing of POWER--for verse 10 says "They shall REIGN ON EARTH" Over WHAT do Christians reign? Surely over sin and evil, in the [42] sense of having it in subjection, having power over it. "Let not sin reign in your bodies" wrote Paul in Romans 6:12, 14, "for sin shall not have dominion over you." Clearly, if sin is not to reign over us we must reign over sin. What do we as church members really know of that life of victory and power over sin? How many of us realise that Jesus Christ came not only to remove the guilt of sin but to FREE US FROM ITS POWER? Yet we do sing in the hymn 'Rock of Ages' concerning Christ's power to save us from sin.

"Save me from its guilt and POWER"

The Cross of Jesus Christ is the POWER that gives victory over sin in our daily lives. Calvary's Cross is not simply a DATE on the calendar, it is a DYNAMIC in daily life. The Cross of Jesus Christ not only took away the guilt of our sin it also offers us the POWER to triumph gloriously over sin.

We recall that in Romans chapter 1 the Apostle Paul described the Christian gospel of the Cross of Christ as "THE POWER OF GOD"--The dynamic "POWER OF GOD." Think of it! God's power--the power that created and guides the spinning planets through boundless space--the power that pulses in the great ocean tides--the power that throbs at the heart of all creation--that power is in the Cross of Jesus Christ made available to every Christian believer. The colossal energy to move a universe is available to every Christian to rid us not only of the guilt of sin but also of its power. The Cross is victorious. Hallelujah for the Cross!

(3) And They Sing of PRIESTHOOD

For in the NEW song of Revelation 5 verse 10 they sing "And hast made them A KINGDOM AND PRIESTS TO OUR GOD."

The Apostle Peter reminds Christians that "we are redeemed by Christ who has made us a holy priesthood, to offer us spiritual sacrifices" (1 Peter 2:5).

3. CONSECRATION is the third note of this NEW song.

"And hast made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on earth."

The kingdom of God is where God RULES, where God REIGNS. So, wherever a person lives according to the will and purpose of God, there is the kingdom. Romans 12:1, 2 reminds us of the kind of sacrifices which Christians must offer as priests to our God. This involves real consecration.

How little some Christians really know of a daily life of service to God! Can we really say of Jesus Christ, as could the Apostle Paul, not only "Whose I am," but also "Whom I serve?" (Acts 27:23). I was impressed by the word of one aged Christian who said "My first question in heaven will be--"Lord, what's my next task?"

May this NEW SONG of Revelation 5 verses 7 to 10 of

      CONSECRATION, [43]

become a reality to us as we read John's book. "NEW!" Not because we have never sung it before but NEW because its strains are filled with NEW meaning, that from now on there may be--

      A NEW SURRENDER of ourselves to God,
            A NEW SERVICE to our Lord,
                  A NEW VICTORY over sin and temptation,
                        A NEW SONG OF PRAISE to our God and Saviour. [44]



--Revelation 6 and 8:11


STUDY NOTES--Revelation 6 and 8:1

The sealed scroll, written on both sides, containing the complete history of God's plan, sealed with 7 seals indicating that the ultimate history of mankind must remain unknown to man's unaided powers of reasoning, is now taken and opened by Christ.

In chapter 6 John's book of Revelation really begins.

Throughout this whole section John is describing PRINCIPLES and not successive historical events.

1. THE FIRST SEAL 6:1, 2 "A WHITE HORSE"--(EVANGELISM) "and its rider had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer."

The picture is drawn from Zechariah 1:7-11 and 6:1-8. To our minds horse and rider represent part of God's action in this world before the second advent of Christ. Our interpretation of the WHITE horse and rider of the first seal as EVANGELISM links 6:1, 2 with Revelation 19:11-16 which reads, "I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse! He who sat upon it was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war . . . His Name is King of Kings and Lord of Lords." Rev. 19:11-16 is clearly a reference to Christ at the end of His war against evil. The first seal of Revelation 6:1, 2 refers to the BEGINNING of Christ's war against evil.

Christ sits upon the white horse, His bow and crown depict the victories of Gospel preaching. In John's day the Roman emperor claimed absolute power but John saw in this first seal THE REIGN OF GOD OVER LIVES OF MEN SURRENDERED IN FAITH TO HIM. The LIVING CHRIST on the white horse of gospel preaching and victory.


"and its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that men should slay one another; and he was given a great sword."

So the second seal tells us that war as well as evangelism precedes the FINAL advent. The bright RED horse" of war is not merely a judgment still to come. It is already with us in man's inhumanity to man which makes countless thousands mourn. [45]


"and its rider had a balance in his hand" And John heard the voice of "the four living creatures" (this is mankind) saying "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius but do not harm oil and wine!" When corn is weighed instead of measured it is a sign of scarcity. The balance in the hand of the rider on the black horse depicts FAMINE. The scarcity of goods on earth which follows war.


We note that the first 4 horses reveal in the opening 4 seals--

      WHITE --evangelism
      RED --war
      BLACK --famine
      PALE --death

It is interesting to read Jesus' own words in Matthew chapter 24 when He answered His disciples' question in Matt. 24:3 for the sign of His coming and of the end of the age.

      verse 6 "You will hear of wars . . ."--John's RED horse

      verse 7 "There will be famines and earthquakes"--so Jesus foretold the BLACK horse of famine, and the PALE horse of death. And in verse 14 Jesus said "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come.

So the WHITE horse of evangelism is also there.

It appears to us that our interpretation of the first 4 seals of Revelation 6:1-8 is in accord with the words of Jesus Himself in Matthew 24.


This fifth seal is a reminder to Christians that there will be no golden age of security for them in this world before Christ returns. Christians must expect persecution.

We understand that in the literature of the book of Revelation the martyred dead really stand for all those who give their lives completely to Christ. It is not necessarily a literal death of a fleshly experience but a daily death to sin and self. Those who live out the significance of their baptism in their home and politics and business and who refuse all forms of the paganism which others would force on them are the martyrs. Christians can expect persecution but the WHITE ROBE suggests that the cleansing of our souls is more important than is vengeance on our foes. If we are living fully surrendered to Christ we may expect persecution--in that sense we are among the martyrs of the fifth seal. Read in this connection Col. 3:3; Rom. 6:2; Gal. 2:20. [46]


Verses 12-17 of the sixth seal describe "A GREAT EARTHQUAKE" "The sun became BLACK, and the moon as blood, and the stars fell, and the sky vanished . . . and the mountains and islands were removed."

Such language is common in the Old Testament to describe THE REVOLUTIONARY UPHEAVAL AND DOWNFALL OF EARTHLY KINGDOMS. e. g., Haggai 2:21, 22. Isaiah 5:30, Joel 2:31, Numbers 24:17, Daniel 8:10, Isaiah 34:4. The figure in the sixth seal of the darkening of the sun and heavenly bodies is based on such passages as Isaiah 5:30 and Joel 2:31 to indicate times of great dismay and terror. "The stars that fell," of verse 13, as we observe in Old Testament references depicts the overthrow and fall of earthly rulers. The rise of mob-rule, the confusion of all earthly governments and social, economic and political turmoil today, reminds the reader of the sixth seal of Revelation 6:12-17.

The language used by John in the sixth seal may seem highly coloured to us, but it is the language in which the Old Testament describes the confusion and overthrow of earthly governments.

As we read the first 4 seals alongside Jesus' own words in Matthew chapter 24, so likewise read the 5th and 6th seals alongside of Matthew 24:9.

"Then they will deliver you up to tribulation, and put you to death . . ." here is the 5th seal--The cry of the martyrs.

And read Matthew 24:29, 30. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."

So, the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 24, and the 6 seals of Revelation chapter 6 agree.

These seals are:

      1. Evangelism
      2. War
      3. Famine
      4. Death
      5. Martyrdom
      6. Confusion and overthrow of earthly governments.

With the opening of the 6th seal we are on the verge of the end of world history and the final coming of Christ.

We would expect that the 7th seal would now be opened. But no! [47]

The next chapter records another TWO visions about the church on earth and the church in heaven. The reason for these two visions about the church militant on Earth and the church triumphant in heaven coming before the opening of the 7th and last seal might well be that some Christians might lose heart. They might ask "How can the church survive in such a hostile world as described in the 6 seals?" The answer is given in the two visions about the church in chapter 7 before the opening of the seventh seal in Revelation chapter 8 verse 1.

We will return to chapter 7 after we have looked at the seventh seal.


"when the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour."

The opening of the 7th seal is followed by "SILENCE IN HEAVEN." What is the significance of this?

Much of the contents of the scroll of human history has been revealed by the opening of the 6 seals. These 6 seals have revealed that before Christ's advent there will be evangelism, war, famine, death, persecution, overthrow of earthly governments--much of God's purposes are revealed--BUT NOT ALL--The seventh seal--"SILENCE IN HEAVEN." So, the will and purposes of God are not to be revealed fully to us here on earth. God's final purposes are not revealed here but hereafter. The complete reading and understanding of the book of God's purposes is not for us in this life here but for the life to come, when we shall no longer see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face, "no longer know in part, but know even as we are known."

"There was silence in heaven." It is so in the revelation of this book; by careful study we can learn much, but we need to be humble enough to realise that in this life we shall never be able to understand it all. Again and again we come to places and experiences where we cannot know--and there is silence! Much as John was allowed to see of God's purposes there is yet a limit to the knowledge God allows us. The divine voice says "Thus far and no further." Full knowledge is not ours in this life. There is a limit and beyond it SILENCE. The time of our Lord's return is not told us--there is silence. That moment is known only to God. It is His secret--there is silence.

"There was silence in heaven FOR ABOUT HALF AN HOUR." The exact duration of this silence "about half an hour" has never been satisfactorily explained, and the general language of John forbids the idea of a literal interpretation. Perhaps the idea is that in John's book of Revelation half of anything suggests A BROKEN OR INTERRUPTED PERIOD--e. g., 5, a broken 10. 6, a broken 12, 3½, a broken 7. Note that in John's Gospel the expression "AN HOUR" is the time of action or sufferings (John 2:4; [48] 12:27). The hour is to John "the moment of action." "THE HALF AN HOUR" may denote THAT THE MOMENT OF JUDGMENT HAS BEEN DELAYED.

Perhaps we may interpret "FOR ABOUT HALF AN HOUR" in Revelation 8:1 as telling us that God's hour of judgment and action is interrupted and delayed.


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 6 and 8:1

In chapter 5 John saw a parchment scroll in God's hand, close written on both sides to tell the story of the history of-this world. But the scroll is sealed with 7 seals to indicate that the full history of man is unknown to man's unaided reason.

The question raised by the close sealed book of chapter 5 verse 1 is--"Who has the right and the knowledge to reveal God's plans and purposes for His church and for this world? In this vision John tells us that no man on earth is able to do this. Only Jesus Christ can open the seals. And now, after the view of the open door in heaven and the new song of atonement, redemption and consecration of the whole creation in chapters 4 and 5 chapter 6 opens with Jesus Christ opening the sealed book of man's history, removing the 7 seals one by one so that we can know man's fate and that of the church on earth.

In chapter 6 we are not looking at historical events still future but at things which ARE TAKING PLACE NOW. Chapter 6 describes principles which are operating around us today. the opening of the 7 seals of chapter 6 and 8:1 is the unveiling of events taking place NOW, not just things yet to take place in the future.

1. In verse 2 Christ opens THE FIRST SEAL

WHICH IS EVANGELISM--"And I saw A WHITE HORSE, and He that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given unto Him: and He went forth conquering and to conquer."

Any interpretation of the rider on the WHITE horse of this first seal must agree with that of chapter 19 verse 11, which reads "I saw heaven opened, and behold A WHITE HORSE. And He that sat upon it was called faithful and true, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war"--"His eyes were as a flame of fire" (that is, He searches out everything. He sees all--there are no secrets hidden from Him). And verse 16 states, "His Name is King of kings and Lord of lords." Jesus Christ is the person in Revelation 6 verse 2 who sits on the WHITE HORSE of VICTORY, of CONQUEST. [49]

This first seal reveals Christ going throughout the world preaching the gospel in a holy war against sin. Christian evangelism is marked by countless victories. In John's day the Roman emperor claimed absolute power, but here in the first seal John saw that the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ will result in victories in his and all generations as the reign of Jesus Christ extends over surrendered Christians. Victory does not belong to temporal earthly powers--not even to Roman Emperors--but the bow and crown of victory is given to the evangel of the risen Christ.

So, in the first seal--The living Christ rides on the WHITE horse of gospel evangelism. EVANGELISM is the first seal.

2. In verses 3 and 4 THE SECOND SEAL IS WAR

Verse 4 records "There came another horse BRIGHT RED, and its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that men should slay one another, and he was given a great sword."

So, this second seal reveals that WAR AS WELL AS Christian evangelism precedes the final coming of Christ. Keep in mind that the RED horse of war, the shedding of blood, is not merely a judgment STILL to come in the future. It is ALREADY with us in man's inhumanity to man which makes countless thousands mourn.

This second horseman is man's inhumanity to man--WAR. The BRIGHT RED horse's very colour suggests the shedding of blood in war. Whenever men fight each other this second horse of the Apocalypse appears. In a sense this is not merely a judgment still to come in the future--it is present NOW in our world. The power of man to destroy himself deserves our serious consideration. The evil in man sends him to war to destroy himself. War is the only game in which both sides are bound to lose.

3. In verses 5 and 6 THE THIRD SEAL IS FAMINE

"Behold, a BLACK horse, and its rider had a balance in his hand." And I heard a voice in the midst of the FOUR living creatures (that is, "from men") saying "A quart of wheat for a whole days wages" (Good News Bible). The Living Bible translates as "A loaf of bread for $20, 3 lbs. of Barley flour, but there is no olive oil or wine."

When corn is weighed instead of measured it is a sign of scarcity. The BALANCE IN THE HAND of the rider on the BLACK horse depicts FAMINE--the scarcity of food which follows war. It is a plain fact of human history past and present that when men WASTE God's substance in the destruction of WAR, Famine, scarcity, want always follows.

"A loaf of bread for $20" (inflation and famine always follows the third seal--the BLACK horse of war). Like the prodigal whom Jesus described in the far country who WASTED his father's substance, mankind soon "comes to be in WANT, "for famine, the BLACK horse follows the RED horse of war. [50]

4. In verses 7 and 8 THE FOURTH SEAL IS DEATH

"Behold, a PALE horse, (with the pallor of death) and its rider's name was DEATH, and hades followed him, and they were given power over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth."

The first four seals have been opened. Four horses have appeared--

      The WHITE horse of EVANGELISM
      The BRIGHT RED horse of WAR
      The BLACK horse of FAMINE
      The PALE horse of DEATH

Before we pass on to the next three seals let us pause to observe that our interpretation of John's vision of these first four seals coincides with the words of Jesus Himself in-Matthew chapter 24.

In Matthew 24 verse 3 the disciples asked "When will this be? and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" In Matthew 24:6 Jesus said "You will hear of WARS and rumours of wars"--John's second seal, The BRIGHT RED HORSE OF WAR.

In Matthew 24:7 Jesus continued--"There will be FAMINES and earthquakes in various places"--so Jesus foretold that the BLACK horse of FAMINE and the PALE horse of DEATH will precede His final coming.

In Matthew 24:14 Jesus said "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations; and then will the end come"--so, the WHITE horse of Christian EVANGELISM is also there.


When the fifth seal was opened, verses 9-11 records--

"I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the Word of God and for the witness they had borne." They cried out . . . "O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before Thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?"

Then they were each given a WHITE robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.

Remember that John was writing to encourage Christians who were being persecuted for their faith. In this fifth seal is the clear indication that Christians can expect persecution until Christ comes in the climax of history.

When persecution rages, Christians in every age echo the cry of the martyrs beneath the altar--"Why is this evil allowed to continue?" Christians are being persecuted because of their faith in many lands today. And the answer is given that EACH martyr is given a WHITE ROBE (suggesting PURITY and CONQUEST over sin is more important than vengeance). [51]


The Greek word for "MARTYR" is the same word as "WITNESS." There are times in translating the New Testament where we have to choose the meaning of the original Greek word "MARTUS" to be either "witness, or "Martyr." For example, in Revelation 2:13 in the message to the church in Smyrna "Antipas my faithful MARTUS" could equally mean that Antipas was a faithful "WITNESS," or a faithful "MARTYR." The point is that any faithful witness for Christ in John's day, and in our own day must expect persecution from a hostile world, even as Jesus said "Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake--for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." And He also said "As they have persecuted Me, so also will they persecute you." The bringing of the good news of Christ to the world can be costly. It can involve suffering and even death.

The martyrs beneath the altar in this fifth seal I understand to be those who are faithful witnesses to Jesus Christ, whether their witness is in living or dying. The fifth seal depicts persecution of Christians in all generations.

I understand that in the Apocalyptic literature of John's book of Revelation "The MARTYRED DEAD" is a symbol of ALL THOSE WHO GIVE THEMSELVES COMPLETELY TO JESUS CHRIST. It is not necessarily a literal death but a DAILY DEATH TO SIN AND SELF.

Those Christians who live out the significance of their baptism in their daily life in home and social life around them--these are the martyrs beneath the altar of the fifth seal.

Alongside of this interpretation as to who these martyrs are of Revelation 6 we might well consider other scriptures.

Colossians 3:3 "You died, and your life is hid with Christ in God."

Romans 6:2 "How can we who died to sin continue to live in it?"

Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I that live but Christ lives in me."

To my thinking this interpretation of the martyrs of the fifth seal as THOSE WHO GIVE THEMSELVES COMPLETELY TO JESUS CHRIST, who live out their baptism in a daily death to sin and self is important in other references in John's book of Revelation. Christians who live out their lives in such a manner will be persecuted by a hostile society in every land and age.


These verses read "When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great EARTHQUAKE, and the SUN became BLACK as sackcloth, and the FULL MOON became like BLOOD.

And the STARS of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale. [52]

The SKY vanished like a scroll that is rolled up, and every MOUNTAIN and ISLAND was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the generals and the rich and the strong, and every one, slave and free, hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. Calling to the mountains and rocks, 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.' For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand before it?"


A great EARTHQUAKE, the SUN becomes BLACK, the MOON like BLOOD, the STARS fall from their places, the HEAVENS are removed--this language, as we indicated in our previous notes, is common in the Old Testament to describe revolution and fall of governments. "The Stars that fell" of verse 13, as we noted in our notes from Old Testament references describes the FALL of EARTHLY RULERS, of Revolution and mob anarchy. John no doubt had in mind the destruction and fall of Roman power, but the sixth seal describes the fall of earthly governments and social systems whether liberal or labour, capitalistic or communistic, democratic or dictatorship. The collapse of social, economic and political systems in worldwide human society in the turmoil of human society in 19 79 can well be described in the vivid language of the sixth seal. There is not one stable earthly government or social system in any nation on earth today.

As we read the first four seals alongside the words of Jesus in Matthew 24--so, alongside of the fifth seal--THE CRY OF THE MARTYRS--read Jesus' word of Matthew 24 verse 9 "Then shall they deliver you up . . . and shall kill you." Here is the fifth seal. And alongside of the sixth seal, listen again to Jesus' word in Matthew 24 verses 29 and 30. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the SUN will be DARKENED, and the MOON will not give her light, and the STARS will fall from heaven, and the POWERS of THE HEAVENS WILL BE SHAKEN. Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."

So, the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 coincides with our interpretation of the SIX seals of Revelation chapter 6. These seals are:

      2. WAR
      3. FAMINE
      4. DEATH

With the opening of the sixth seal we are taken to the end of human history and the verge of the final coming of Christ. We would expect that the seventh seal would now be opened. But this is not so. [53]

The next chapter of Revelation now records two visions about the church on earth and the church in heaven before the seventh seal is opened--the reason for these two visions about the church militant on earth and the church triumphant in heaven of Revelation chapter 7 coming before the opening of the seventh seal might well be that Christians might lose heart. They might ask "How can the church survive in such a hostile world as described in the six seals of Revelation chapter 6? The answer is given in the two reassuring visions of the church in chapter 7, before the opening of the seventh seal in Revelation 8 verse 1. We will return to chapter 7 after dealing with the seventh seal in Revelation 8:1.

7. The Seventh Seal--Revelation 8:1--SILENCE IN HEAVEN

8:1 "When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was SILENCE IN HEAVEN FOR ABOUT HALF AN HOUR"

The opening of the seventh seal is followed by 'silence'--What does this mean?

Much of human history has been revealed in the opening of the six seals. These 6 seals have revealed that before the final coming of Christ there will be evangelism, war, famine, death, persecution and the fall of earthly governments--much of history has now been revealed. BUT NOT ALL. All of God's purposes in human history are NOT REVEALED. The seventh seal is "SILENCE IN HEAVEN."

So, the purposes of God are not to be fully revealed to us here on earth.

God's final purposes are not revealed HERE but HEREAFTER. The complete understanding of the book of God's purposes is not for us in this present life but in the life to come, "when we shall no longer see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face. No longer only know in part but then even as we are known."

"There was silence in heaven for ABOUT HALF AN HOUR"--this is not a literal "half an hour" of time.

In the earlier notes we referred to Jesus' words about "MINE HOUR" as His expression for the time of ACTION and JUDGMENT. Perhaps in John's book of symbols HALF of anything suggests it is a symbol of A BROKEN, or INTERRUPTED PERIOD. "The silence in heaven for about half an hour suggests that the moment of God's action and judgment is interrupted and delayed.

"THERE WAS SILENCE IN HEAVEN." It is so in the revelation of John's book. By careful study we can learn much, but we need to be humble enough to realise that in this life we shall never be able to understand it all. Again and again we come to places and experiences where we cannot know--and there is silence! Much as John was allowed to see of God's purposes in the opening of the sealed book there is yet a limit to the knowledge God allows us. His divine voice says "Thus far and no further." Full knowledge is not ours [54] in this life. There is a limit, and beyond it SILENCE. The time of our Lord's final coming is not told us. There is silence. That moment is known only to God. It is His secret--there is SILENCE.

When we read the 6 signs of the opening of the 6 seals of Revelation chapter 6 and observe that all of these signs are around us today we are apt then to make the terrible mistake of fixing a date for the final coming of Christ. For we observe that if Christ should come today not one of the things revealed in the opening of the 6 seals would remain unfulfilled. But we are warned by the seventh seal of SILENCE IN HEAVEN against fixing a date for Christ's final coming. It is not given to men on earth to know that day or hour. That is God's secret. Let us learn to be humble enough to leave it to God.

The sad story of William Miller illustrates the foolishness of men seeking to be wiser than John in Revelation 8:1 by speaking when God Himself is silent--by fixing the date of Christ's final coming and of the end of history.

William Miller was 50 years of age at his conversion when he began reading the Bible, he linked Revelation 6 and 8:1 with Daniel 8:14 and fixed the date of the return of Christ and of the end of the world at October 22, 1843 (by counting the 2,300 days of Daniel 8:14 as years).

When the 22nd of October, 1843 passed with no end to the world it was discovered that a mistake had been made in calculation by one year. So his followers gathered again and waited on October 22, 1844. Again the world did not end. Then Hiram Edson, one of William Miller's followers, on the next day, October 23, 1844 saw Christ at the altar cleansing the sanctuary in heaven. So, as this vision occurred on a seventh day a new denomination called "Seventh-day Adventism" was created. Their error in interpretation they said was only in the place to which Christ came. The event illustrates the foolishness of men seeking to be wiser than our God Himself who said that no man knows the hour of His return or of the end of the world. Regarding the date of Christ's final coming and end of the world the seventh seal records--"THERE IS SILENCE IN HEAVEN." That silence in heaven of the seventh seal reminds us of Jesus' word in Matthew 24:36 "Of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Martin Luther said that "That hour God keeps as His secret in order that we may keep EVERY hour of our life in such a way that at whatever hour our Lord returns we shall be ready."

One further point!


Even in heaven there is need of silence sometimes. What far greater need there is for periods of silence in this present life where there is so much noise and bustle and din! [55]

We need to Create that silence in God's presence in which we can lift up our hearts "to be still, and to know God." We need as church members to take time and effort to get away from the noise of our daily business and material affairs for quiet devotion--to read God's Word--to obey the command of Psalm 46:10. "Be still and know that I am God." "Take time to be holy"--as our hymn reminds us.

Neither in heaven nor on earth should we allow the rush and noise of overwhelming events to fill all our thought. Times of quiet as well as times of action go to snake a balanced life. Just as the heart needs the perfect rhythm of beat--rest, beat--rest, to do its work of circulating our life's blood--so do we need times of quiet rest. There is importance in our understanding that in the book of Revelation SILENCE makes up a significant part of life--a time to meditate, a time of quiet when we ask the profound questions about life and its meaning, when we find new insights of true wisdom. Our thoughts become superficial if we are always on the go of action.

The silence In heaven has immense overtones of wisdom which we may well follow in our own pattern of daily living here on earth. [56]



--Revelation 7


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 7

Six of the seven seals which closed the divine scroll have been opened. The record revealed evangelism, war, famine, death, persecution, confusion and overthrow of earthly governments. Before the seventh seal is opened in chapter 8 verse 1 we are given these two visions of chapter 7 lest Christians lose heart.


Verse 1.
  "Four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth."

The figure here is from Jeremiah 49:36 and Daniel 7:2. "Four," always in this book the number of THE EARTH. "The sea" (which is never at rest is a symbol of THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH). see Isaiah 57:20 "The wicked are like the tossing sea; for it cannot rest," and Revelation 17:15 "The waters . . . are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues."

The four angels hold back the winds of judgment.

Verse 3.

The basis of this symbol is found in Ezekiel 9:4-6. The whole idea of the marking and sealing of the saints on earth is simple, that amid all the judgments that befall the world for its sins GOD PROTECTS HIS OWN PEOPLE. This SEALING refers TO THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA.

This sealing does not take place only in one period, it is not placed here chronologically as if it happened only after the sixth seal. The sealing of the saints is the answer to the natural enquiry after reading chapter 6--"What of the church of Christ amid all these judgments?" And the answer of the two visions of chapter 7 is PRESENT SAFETY AND FUTURE GLORY."

Verses 4-8.
  "The number sealed was 144,000" . . .

Who are the 144,000?

To John this number represented THE WHOLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. (Numbers are not used mathematically but spiritually in the book of [57] Revelation. We make nonsense of the book if we interpret some numbers literally and others as symbols). 12 is the number of THE CHURCH in this book.

The 12 tribes of Israel, squared by the 12 Apostles and multiplied by 1,000 (to show vast multitudes) = 144,000. "The 144,000 sealed" means "THE WHOLE CHURCH ON EARTH." The point of the number 144,000 given in verse 4, and then divided in the following verses 5-8 into 12 equal parts IS TO SHOW THAT NOT ONE OF GOD'S SAINTS IS MISSING. Verses 4-8 refer to ALL GOD'S PEOPLE. Not merely to Jews.

Obviously a literal interpretation to the effect that exactly 12,000 souls, not one more nor one less, will be saved out of every Jewish tribe is impossible. Quite plainly the 144,000 is not the sum total of JEWISH Christians. Such a literal interpretation is further disproved by the list of tribes which appears in verses 5-8. For John's list of the 12 tribes differs from every other list of the 12 tribes in the Bible. John omits one tribe altogether (Dan is omitted), and still more impossible to overcome in any literal explanation is this, that "Manasseh"(verse 6) and "Joseph" (verse 8) are tribes that overlap, since Joseph comprises part of Manasseh. Perhaps John deliberately changed his list of the 12 tribes in order to make clear that he did not intend a literal interpretation of the 144,000 as being JEWISH Christians. These difficulties disappear when we see that the description of the sealed IS SYMBOLICAL OF THE WHOLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, THE SPIRITUAL ISRAEL. The 144,000 are not the literal but THE SPIRITUAL ISRAEL, and are composed of all peoples and nations and languages.--See references Gal.6:16 "The Israel of God" to Paul was the whole church. Gal. 3:29, Phil. 3:3, Rom. 9:6, 7, 8.

It is an error to interpret the 144,000 to be only Jewish Christians, just as any literal interpretation describing the 144,000 to be members of one sect is an error.



When God's judgments come on earth because of man's rejection of His Son this vision gives assurance of safety for all who belong to Christ.



"God has put His seal upon us and given us His Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee." 2 Corinthians 1:22. When you received Christ "you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, which is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it." Ephesians 1:13, 14. "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." Ephesians 4:30. [58]

These references echo the thought of Revelation 7:1-8 of THE SEALING OF ALL CHRISTIANS NOW, that they may be KEPT SAFE through all earthly tribulation until the final day of redemption.

Notice WHERE the saints are sealed (Rev. 7:3) "IN THEIR FOREHEADS" that is, WHERE ALL CAN SEE. Is the Holy Spirit so manifest in our lives that everybody can see Whose we are and Whom we serve? Galatians 5:22, 23 describes the fruit of the Spirit. These should be seen in us if we have been sealed.

In Matthew 24:29-31 Jesus gave the same message as John gives in Revelation 7:1-8. THE SEALING OF THE SAINTS--TEACHES SAFETY FOR GOD'S PEOPLE ON EARTH.

This sealing is not in some future time but NOW as references such as 2 Corinthians 1:22 show plainly "God HAS sealed us" When you believed."

If you are a Christian then you are part of the 144,000 (the church), sealed NOW and KEPT.




The comforting vision of "The sealing of the saints" in verses 1-8 has taught that the church on earth will never be destroyed by its foes. This new vision shows us THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT IN HEAVEN.

Verse 9.
  "A GREAT MULTITUDE"--In verse 4 it was the church on earth. Here it is the church in heaven. John states that the company of God's people is "INNUMERABLE".

In these verses

"The great church victorious
Shall be the church at rest."

Verse 14.
  "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation."

The phrase does not refer to any ONE period of persecution since ALL Christians pass through it. Tribulation is the lot of Christians in EVERY age. Acts 14:22 "Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God."

Revelation 7:9-17 shows the church victorious In heaven. They sing in heaven THE SONG OF THANKFULNESS, for they are forgiven. And verse 15 says "THEY SERVE HIM." Life in heaven is not one of lazy ease but of service. (see also Revelation 22:3). As 1 Corinthians 2:9 reminds us--We do not now understand what heaven will be like: but we will not be bored with nothing to do. There will be service to render.

Verses 16-17
  occur in the Christian burial service. They remind us that the church triumphant has overcome all trials. [59]


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 7

The previous vision of the opening of the 6 seals in chapter 6 reminds us that man's own sin brings judgment on himself. Man's greed creates the judgments of war, famine, death, persecution, fall of governments. In such a context the evangel of the gospel is presented.

The call of verse 3 in chapter 7 "Do not harm . . . till we have sealed the servants of God upon their foreheads," is a reminder that one of the bitter things about the worst storms of human life is that we are likely to forget the reality of God in the storms. In the midst of swirling destruction ho w dare men believe that God keeps His eye on those who are true to Him--and that whatever happens to them He gives them inner victory?

The experiences which John has been describing in chapter 6 are likely to shake our faith. It is only in the realisation that WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN SEALED BY GOD that we can pass through our testing times without losing our faith. If we are sure that God has already sealed us then we can face and triumph in any disaster.


The two visions of Revelation chapter 7 are introduced between the sixth and seventh seals TO TEACH THE PRESERVATION--THE SAFETY OF THE CHURCH DURING THE WHOLE PERIOD FROM PENTECOST OF ACTS CHAPTER 2 UNTIL CHRIST'S FINAL COMING.

The whole idea of the marking and sealing of the saints upon earth is simple, that God protects His people during all the judgments that befall the world. The sealing of the saints does not take place only in one period of history. The sealing takes place during the whole Christian era.

So, chapter 7 answers the question WHAT OF THE CHURCH DURING THE PERIOD OF THE SEALS?--and the answer given in chapter 7 is PRESENT SAFETY AND FUTURE TRIUMPH.

WHO ARE THE 144,000 SEALED? (Revelation 7:4-8)

In our previous notes we answer--THE WHOLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The reader is asked to take particular note of our previous study notes on Revelation chapter 7.


The sealing is of all Christians NOW. And Revelation chapter 7 teaches that Christians are KEPT SAFE through all trials until final redemption.

WHERE ARE THE SAINTS SEALED? In our notes we are reminded from verse 3 "IN THEIR FOREHEADS"--that is, WHERE ALL CAN SEE.

Is the Holy Spirit so manifest in our daily lives that everybody can see WHOSE we are and WHOM we serve? [60] The mark of the Spirit is "Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control" according to Galatians 5:22, 23. if we have been sealed in our foreheads then others will see these marks of God's Spirit in our daily lives. ALL Christians are SAFE NOW. Men may destroy our bodies but our real life is hid with Christ in God. THE SEALING OF THE 144,000 (THE WHOLE CHURCH) TEACHES THAT THE CHURCH CAN NEVER BE DESTROYED.


We need to hold in mind that "the great multitude" of this vision is the same as the 144,000 of the previous vision, only there, in this world, and here, at rest in heaven. The great multitude of the church triumphant in heaven is the same as those sealed in the first vision.

In our earlier study notes on verse 14 concerning "Those who have come out of the great tribulation" we stated that this phrase does not refer to any ONE period of persecution since ALL Christians pass through it. I am aware of the interpretation which expects a period of intense tribulation still in the future--but I believe that the phrase "the great tribulation" is something which all Christians pass through now. Acts 14:22 exhorts Christians to continue in the faith, and says that "We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." Tribulation is the lot of EVERY Christian in EVERY age.

Verses 10-12 tell us that in heaven the members of the church victorious SING. They sing the song of THANKFULNESS for they have been FORGIVEN.

These outbursts of song are characteristic of the whole book of Revelation. One can judge an interpretation of the Christian faith by its capacity to set people singing. There is something wrong with any Christian church which does not create triumphant music. Paul and Silas singing hymns of praise to God in a prison cell at midnight remind Christians that even in the midst of trials such as the 6 seals of Revelation chapter 6 describe we still have much for which to sing praise to God. God has sealed us for Himself. We too should be able to sing a rolling note of praise for God's blessing, and power, and honour. Tribulation may be ours on earth, but tribulation is not the end of our journey. As those forgiven we too can sing praise to God. We should be able to join in the 7 fold song of praise to God in verse 12 of "Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honour and power and might, be to our God for ever and ever."

Verses 13-17 bring us some of the finest poetry and deepest theology of the book of Revelation.

      That the SAFETY of God's people is secured
            That Christians are SHELTERED by God
                  That at last they NEITHER HUNGER nor thirst, nor suffer the scorching heat--
                  that all TEARS ARE WIPED AWAY. [61]

These are tokens of God's goodness that have comforted Christians of all generations as they look even at the graves of loved ones, past death, into the great church triumphant in heaven.

Verse 15 states that in heaven "The redeemed SERVE HIM day and night within His temple."

So, life in heaven is not pictured by John as one of lazy ease and idleness, but as one in which THE SERVICE WE BEGAN ON EARTH REACHES ITS HIGHEST FULFILMENT. His servants "SERVE HIM." (We have this same message in Revelation 22:3). Not one of us knows fully what heaven is like. "Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him," as 1 Corinthians 2:9 states. But we will not sit around idle all day "For His servants shall SERVE HIM" states verse 15.

The most miserable days we have known are those days when we had nothing to do. Time and life drags very slowly. Life is tedious when there is nothing to do. But when there is service to give time passes quickly and we are happy when we are busy doing things we want to do. "In heaven the redeemed SERVE Him day and night." I find this verse important. On earth we find that those who are always complaining and are miserable are those who are doing NOTHING. Those who are BUSY are the happy folk. On earth as in heaven true Christians find their happiness and satisfaction in serving the Lord day and night.

Is Revelation 7:15 a picture of our own churchmanship?

Can we sing

"I am happy in the service of the King
I have peace and joy that nothing else can bring
In the service of the King?"

John's words in verses 16 and 17 of the victorious saints have strengthened the faith and courage of Christians and lifted tear stained eyes with shining hope even when they have stood at the graveside of dear ones--to know that they are now sheltered in the nearer presence of God.

These verses mean--

(1) That in heaven Christians HAVE NO UNSATISFIED DESIRES.

On earth we "hunger and thirst," we have many unsatisfied desires, not only for food and drink but also for such things as perfect knowledge, and full fellowship. Our knowledge and fellowship is to be complete in heaven where we neither hunger nor thirst.


The LAMB who was the SACRIFICE is now in the midst of the THRONE and has come to the place of SUPREME POWER. And is also THE SHEPHERD who guides His people like a shepherd leading his flock. Christ is the SACRIFICE and the KING and the SHEPHERD all in one. [62]

This picture is important. Sometimes we emphasise the SACRIFICE of Christ on the Cross where the LAMB was sacrificed for us, and we forget to think of His triumphant REIGN over the lives of completely SURRENDERED Christians in this present world. And too often we forget the tender, INTIMATE GUIDANCE OF CHRIST TODAY.

Here in Revelation 7:17 all three aspects are combined--The Lamb, the King, The Shepherd to guide us are all here in this wonderful verse.


Link John's picture of the Shepherd who guides victorious saints to "SPRINGS OF LIVING WATER" with the 23rd Psalm where He leads to "STILL WATERS." Here, in Revelation 7:17 Christ guides the Christian both in time and eternity to inexhaustible SPRINGS of vitality for living.


for "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." This picture of men and women who have forgotten how to weep is full of comfort to those who live in this tear drenched world. In heaven tears have no place. All tears are wiped away. God Himself is the great comforter. There are no tears we shed in this present world which God does not see. He knows our present sorrows and heartaches--He knows it all--and some day, when we cross over from the church militant to the church triumphant in heaven God will wipe away all tears from our eyes.

Truly, if we have now gained some understanding of this 7th chapter of John's Revelation we have already experienced the BLESSING promised in Revelation 1:3.

"Blessed is he that readeth . . ." [63]



--Revelation 8:2, 9:21 and 11:14-19


1. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 8:2, 9:21 and 11:14-19

The vision runs parallel with that of the 7 seals and concerns judgment of the world. Both these visions present the same fact of judgment but from different standpoints. The judgments presented in the two visions of the 7 seals and of the 7 trumpets are the inevitable outcome of man's own sin. Man's own actions creates the consequences of war, famine, etc. of the 7 seal judgments. This vision of the 7 trumpets shows God acting in these judgments not to punish men but yearning to bring man to repentance by His mercy displayed even in the judgments which man brings upon himself by his own sins.

  introduces the vision of the 7 trumpets BY THE PRAYERS OF CHRISTIANS. When will all Christians realise that the greatest thing Christians can do for the world IS TO PRAY FOR IT? Many of these prayers have had delayed answers but surely these verses are inserted here to exhort Christians to pray for the world!
Verse 6
  Note that the judgments that come on the world are closely similar to those of the plagues in Egypt (Exodus chapters 7-11).

And as at the fall of Jericho the seventh trumpet blast heralded the destruction of that city, so it is in Revelation.


"Hail and fire, mixed with blood." This is more than a mere tempest. The picture is clearly drawn from Exodus 9:22-26. The description of these plagues must be taken as describing God's judgments in general and not in a particular case. Judgment falls on the trees and grass. (see Genesis 3:17-19, 1 Peter 1:24). Destruction fell on only "a third part." This is not a total judgment. Even when sin brings its consequences of war, famine, etc., they are limited by the mercy of God. He spares the greater part for He desires that not one should perish but that all should repent and turn to Him (2 Peter 3:9) God desires the repentance, not the destruction of men. John drew his picture of "the third part" from Zechariah 13:8.


"A burning mountain"--this figure comes from Jeremiah 51:25, where the kingdom of Babylon is a "destroying mountain," and by God's judgments becomes a "burnt mountain," that is itself destroyed. This burning mountain of the second trumpet could be those world powers [64] which destroy others, but are themselves destroyed by God's judgments. (Is this what Jesus said regarding the power of faith in Matthew 21:21). "The SEA" of this 2nd trumpet judgment may here represent the nations of the world. (Revelation 17:15, Isaiah 57:20). Restless, ever-changing--what a good picture the sea is of the pagan world!


"A great star fell from heaven." We have seen that in this book of Revelation "A STAR" represents A RULER (1:16, 20; 6:13; 9:1; 12:1, 4). It seems that this star is the same as that of 9:1, which is Satan, it may also be any ruler on earth, "blazing like a torch." He is aflame with lust of pride and conquest.

"It fell on a third of the rivers and on the fountains of water." that is, on the source of fresh water. As fresh water is a necessary requirement for life this represents the poisoning and Embittering of life's springs. The sources of health, joy and prosperity are injured. (We could illustrate here that education with its power to enrich life, if poisoned at its source becomes a destroyer of the real welfare of people.)

"The name of the star is WORMWOOD." Wormwood (literally absinthe is bitter and a strong intoxicant). In Jeremiah 9:15 it represents troubles and calamities.


The darkening of heavenly bodies is always a sign in scripture of troublous times--see Luke 21:25, 26. Isaiah 5:20 also refers to the darkening of light as troubled times when men are mixed in mind and can't see the difference between evil and good. John's picture is drawn from the plague in Egypt, Exodus 10:21-23.

The point which these four trumpets make is that God's judgments are really what man's own sin has made inevitable. But God does not leave man to reap the full consequences of his sins. God's judgments are in mercy and are aimed to bring man to repentance. These first four trumpets, if read with the story in Genesis, seems like the undoing of creation. But the last three trumpet judgments are more terrible and described as THE THREE WOES. In verse 13 John "looked and heard AN EAGLE" (a far-sighted bird of prey, uttering the warning of these woes).


"I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth."

This is Satan. In Luke 10:18, when the disciples reported the effects of their preaching Jesus said "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." In Isaiah 14:12 we have "How you are fallen from heaven, O day star (Lucifer) son of dawn!" Later, in Revelation 12:9 "Satan, the deceiver of the whole world--he was thrown down to the earth." [65]

In 9:1 it is Satan represented "And he was given the key of the shaft of the bottomless pit . . . and from the shaft rose smoke." Surely this represents the diabolical spirit of hatred and cruelty diffused through the world, "and the sun and the air were darkened." Darkness is always a symbol of Satan's kingdom, even as light is the symbol of God's kingdom--see Colossians 1:13.

Verse 3
  "From the smoke came locusts on the earth." Out of the evil, hatred, came locusts which preyed on all mankind EXCEPT THOSE WHO WERE SEALED BY GOD (verse 4)--we saw in chapter 7 that Christians are sealed NOW. These locusts which came from the smoke of hatred were destructive as locusts eating away the joy of human life. They were kingly, for when harboured they took control (verse 7). They appeared human and seemed reasonable but were as enticing as woman's hair (verse 7-8). They destroyed as lions destroy (verse 8). They seemed resistless as those clad in armour (verse 9). They were the devil's vanguard in his war against faith. The devil, whose name in Hebrew is "Abaddon," which means "RUIN" and in Greek is "Apollyon," which means "DESTROYER." They have power only for a short time--FIVE MONTHS, (verses 5 and 10). The only mercy shown is that the scourge is to last "five months"--half of 10--"A LIMITED" "AN INCOMPLETE TIME." God's mercy limits the trial.


  John is saying in this 5th trumpet of Revelation 9:1-1 1 that God is not the author of the strifes and troubles on earth. Evil springs out of the diabolical spirits that come from the bottomless pit. Satan is at work. His devilish spirit is at work in this world darkening the mind and spirit of mankind (as smoke from the bottomless pit). There is an evil power which takes control and brings terrible judgments whenever God is rejected. It is not possible for man to be neutral in this conflict. John describes the wars and strifes on earth as coming from hell.


  The same eyes which in 4:1 "saw heaven open," in 9:1 saw hell opened as well. To John both heaven and hell were real. Both good and evil were realities. Both worlds are striving for the mastery over souls of men. In these verses of Revelation 9:1-11 John refers to the influence of hell as a "smoke," defiling, besmirching, darkening wherever it penetrates. This "smoke" is without question the satanic spirit of hatred and discord out of which all evils in this world spring. All the wars, discords, rioting and strife in human society are depicted here as issuing out of hell. In 1 John 2:11 we read "He who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes." That is, he walks in the smoke of the bottomless pit of Revelation 9:1-11. [66]

This scene shows mankind which has become so linked with demonic powers that now "HORSES" instead of LOCUSTS are let loose in LAWLESSNESS in human society. "The river Euphrates" of verse 14, was the boundary between Israel and Babylon (Genesis 15:18, Joshua 1:4). This river illustrates the boundary that now exists between the people of God and the pagan world.

The invading army is referred to in verse 16 as "Two hundred millions."

Whatever is difficult to understand in this trumpet vision, the vision teaches that mighty and malicious forces are let loose amongst men because of man's rejection of God, but that God is seeking to win men to repentance even in these horrors of lawlessness which man has released upon himself.

In verse 15 there is reference to allowing the 4 angels to release the river--"A day, a month and a year" that is, "When the exact moment fixed by the counsels of. God is come, the barriers by which destruction has been kept back will be removed, and the world will be overtaken by the raging stream of its own lawlessness unhindered by the restraining hand of God."

The meaning of the sixth trumpet is this--GOD WITHDRAWS HIS RESTRICTION ON LAWLESS DEMONIAC FORCES, LAW AND ORDER IN HUMAN SOCIETY IS DESTROYED. Midst all its difficulties of interpretation this trumpet vision tells that before Christ returns

  1. Mighty, malicious and relentless evil forces will be "let loose" by man's own willfulness.

  3. Demoniac forces make men inhuman--but God still seeks to win men to repentance by holding back the full results of man's sin "yet man does not repent" (verse 21).
Just as between the sixth and seventh seals there were two visions in chapter 7. So likewise BETWEEN THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH TRUMPETS THERE ARE THREE VISIONS IN CHAPTERS 10 and 11.


This trumpet brings us to the end of the world.

Verse 15 announces the victory of Christ. "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ, AND HE SHALL REIGN FOREVER." Notice, Christ's victory is COMPLETE. "And He shall reign forever"--"of His kingdom there shall be no end"--Luke 1:33.

The worship of the 24 elders of verses 16-18 is reference to the worship of the church.

Notice in verse 18 and 19 what will happen at the end of the world. GOD'S PRESENCE WILL BE REVEALED AND, THERE IS JUDGMENT, AND CHRIST REIGNS FOREVER. [67]


II. MEDITATION-Revelation 8:2, 9:21 and 11: 14-19

As we have said in our previous notes we are not to think of the judgments of these seven trumpets as following AFTER the events described in the seven seals of chapter 6. Rather the seven trumpet judgments are looking at the same events from a different viewpoint. Man's own sin brings judgment. This vision shows us God acting in those same judgments NOT TO PUNISH MEN BUT TO LIMIT THE JUDGMENTS TO one third of their natural severity. In His mercy God seeks to win men to repentance.

Note that the seven trumpet judgments are introduced in verses 2-5 by THE PRAYERS OF CHRISTIANS. Surely these are introduced to teach Christians to pray for the world. When will Christians all realise that the best thing we can do for the world is to pray for it?

We notice too in these verses that WHAT GOES UP from THE EARTH AS PRAYER RETURNS AS FIRE FROM HEAVEN. It is a remarkable fact that in the midst of the rushing movement of the book of Revelation John always finds time to set each experience in perspective. By prayer, by worship Christians gain perspective. Great events begin in prayer.

We also observe that the woes and judgments of the seven trumpets closely resemble the plagues in Egypt which are described in Exodus chapters 7-11.

1. THE FIRST TRUMPET--verse 7--A Third of the EARTH WAS BURNT UP.

The point is that although man's sin brings judgment on himself God's mercy LIMITS the destruction man has inevitably brought on himself. God LIMITS the destruction to one third because He seeks to turn men to repentance.

2. THE SECOND TRUMPET--verses 8 and 9--Affects the SEA

Whether John had in mind a particular nation as "the burning mountain which is thrown into the sea and destroyed after it had destroyed other kingdoms I do not know. Nor do I think it wise to speculate as to what nation is meant here.

THE SEA, as we point out in our previous notes is a symbol of the NATIONS ON EARTH.

3. THE THIRD TRUMPET--verses 10 and 11--Affects the RIVERS

The STAR which is described as falling from heaven is Satan himself. His star polluted the RIVERS.

To my mind these RIVERS of fresh water are symbols of National Prosperity. As fresh water is a requirement of national health and life--so this third trumpet judgment tells of the EMBITTERING AND POISONING OF THE SPRINGS OF HEALTH AND LIFE. THE SOURCES OF HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY ARE POLLUTED. [68]

Those who drink the water die. Those who try to live without God find that the very sources of ongoing life become contaminated. When men turn to wickedness they have tampered with something much more profound and powerful than they had dreamed. They failed to realise that their godlessness was an attack on the very water supply upon which their life depended. As rivers and springs are essential to health and life--so these are poisoned by godlessness.

In our notes we have suggested that when the educational system becomes polluted, poisoning mental health by misuse of press and other media, we may well be seeing the third trumpet judgment which affects the rivers.

4. THE FOURTH TRUMPET--verse 12--Affects the SUN, MOON AND STARS.

Isaiah refers to the darkening of light as troubled times when men are mixed and confused in mind and unable to see the difference between good and evil. This fourth trumpet judgment is drawn from Exodus 10:21-23 in the plague of darkness.

I understand the symbolism of this fourth trumpet as the darkening of the minds, and understandings, and moral discernment of mankind as being a direct result of man's own sinfulness, pride and perversity. Modern man seems unable to have light by which to make sane judgments.

The point needs to be made in the fourth trumpet judgment of the darkening of sun, moon and stars that it is man's own sin which brings this inevitable judgment. These judgments are not the arbitrary acts of God. They are man reaping what he himself has sown. Yet still God acts in mercy to limit to one third the destruction man has brought upon himself.

When we read these four trumpet judgments of Revelation chapter 8 it is like reading the UNDOING of creation.

These trumpet judgments are not at some future time in history. These judgments are going on NOW.

The message of these four trumpets recognises that these judgments are only what man's own sin has made inevitable. Yet God limits the destruction to one third in His mercy. Such is the philosophy of life which is part of the Christian message.

The last three trumpets are worse still, and each is called "A WOE."


In the previous study notes on this chapter 1 have stated my reasoning which leads me to believe that "the STAR fallen from heaven to earth" is Satan. And that "THE SMOKE" that came from the opened shaft of the bottomless pit" is THE DIABOLICAL SPIRIT OF HATRED and CRUELTY DIFFUSED THROUGH THE WORLD. [69]

It is "OUT OF THIS SMOKE"--that is, out of this diffused spirit of hatred in the world that there "came locusts which preyed on all mankind who were not sealed by God" (we learned in chapter 7 that Christians are sealed by God now).

The only mercy shown is that the scourge is limited according to verses 5 and 6 to "5 months" that is, HALF OF TEN--A LIMITED AND INCOMPLETE TIME.

I leave you to consider the meaning of the symbolism of those locusts. Don't think of them as literal locusts. I refer you to my earlier notes on the locusts.

Actually material locusts, as we know them, represent a kind of impersonal destructiveness. They destroy everything. Perhaps John is trying to say in this symbol that these loathsome creatures arise from the source of concentrated evil of hate and malice to do their awful work. It is of no use to try to have a peace congress with locusts. It is useless to try to appease them. Their very nature is malignant malice. The locusts represent something which with dark and malignant purposes manages to enter the lives of the world of men.

John described the wars and strifes on earth as coming from hell. If God is not permitted to control a man the devil takes over control. To John both heaven and hell were real. Both good and evil were realities. Both worlds are striving for mastery over the souls of men. Whether or not we understand who and what these locusts are which arise out of the smoke of the bottomless pit we do know that the smoke of the pit of hell is all around us today. Those sins of ours, the ill-temper, the uncharitableness, the harshness, the unkindness, the slanders, the gossip, the quarreling and strife, the malice and suspicion which surround us--these are the locusts bred of that spirit from hell which is sensual and devilish.

In 1 John 2:11 this same writer, John, wrote "He that hateth his brother is in darkness," that is, walks in the smoke of the bottomless pit. We need to pray constantly and thoughtfully "From envy, hatred, malice and all uncharitableness, Good Lord deliver us."


In this woe terrible horses are let loose in lawlessness to destroy human society on earth.

The barrier of the river Euphrates which separated Israel from the pagan world is dried up and invading forces rush in.

This sixth symbol is saying that mighty and malicious forces of lawlessness are let loose among men by their own rejection of God. Some day the barriers by which destruction has been held back by God will be removed and the world will be overtaken by the raging unhindered forces of man's own lawlessness. Law and order in human society is destroyed. Mob violence takes over. [70]

The idea of men being under the control of Satan is laughed at by modern pagans. But John says that there is a power abroad on earth which makes men IN-human. Even as men can be controlled by a good spirit--so men can also be controlled by an evil spirit and become inhuman.

Just as there is an interlude between the sixth and seventh seal vision as we saw earlier--so there is an interlude of 3 visions in chapters 10 and 11 before the seventh trumpet sounds. (We will return to these chapters later).


This trumpet brings us to the end of the world. The final coming of Christ. Verse 15 announces the victory of Christ "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and HE SHALL REIGN FOREVER."

Notice Christ's victory is complete "He shall reign forever," At the birth of Jesus Luke 1:33 records "Of His kingdom there shall be no end."

We pray "Thy kingdom come." Do we realise that we have work to do to complete that prayer? How much of our interests are rather centred on the things of this present world which will pass away. Now that you are sealed by God "The kingdom is already within you" (Luke 17:21)--is that always true of us?

Man has his dreams of Utopia but John tells us that such hopes can only become real as part of the kingdom of God. No earthly Utopia is possible unless and until the will of Christ is done on earth as it is in heaven. John does remind us that the kingdom of God will prevail. And in verse 19, in the vision of final things we are reminded of the Ark of the Covenant in the midst of the temple. God's ancient promises are not forgotten. But all of God's promises have moral conditions attached to them, conditions all too often repudiated by men. And so, not only is the Ark of the Covenant seen in the temple, it is surrounded by flashes of lightning and the earthquakes. Here is a reminder that it is the divine covenant which gives the deepest meaning and fullest promise to all human pledges. Let the kingdom of God be coming to us in our hearts and lives now, coming personally and individually, coming in a continual increase if we would be ready for the great day to which Revelation 11:15 refers--Let us share in preparing for that day when "the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of God and of His Christ, and HE SHALL REIGN FOREVER--AMEN." [71]



--Revelation 10 AND 11:13


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 10-11:13

Between the sixth and seventh trumpets come the three visions of THE LITTLE BOOK, THE MEASURED SANCTUARY, and THE TWO WITNESSES.

1. Chapter 10 records John's vision of THE LITTLE BOOK.
  This is a vision of judgment and mercy combined. The judgment is shown in a mighty angel "wrapped in a cloud," in verse 1, "with a rainbow over his head."--The cloud is a symbol of judgment, the rainbow is a symbol of mercy. The angel's feet set on "sea" and "land" (verse 2) suggests heavens final mastery over "the sea," "the treachery of human government,"--"the land" "the falsity of human religion." This vision teaches at the outset that heaven holds final sway over the political and religious systems of men.
Verse 2.
  "He had a little scroll OPEN in his hand."

The previous book of 5:1 was "sealed" and only Christ was able to reveal God's purposes for the world which were written in that book. This book of chapter 1 is a different book, it is OPEN. This is part of God's counsels which is revealed.

Verse 9.
  At the bidding of the angel John took the book and ATE it. It was sweet to his taste in his mouth but became bitter in his stomach. Recall the reference in Ezekiel 2:8-3:3; Ezekiel was told to "eat a scroll"--that is, TO DIGEST ITS MESSAGE THOROUGHLY. Ezekiel found the scroll "sweet as, honey to his mouth" (Ezekiel 3:3). But John's experience is more profound. He found not only that the message of God was SWEET to his taste in his mouth, but John also found that after he had eaten it the taste "became BITTER TO HIS STOMACH." Does this mean that in God's revelation the SWEET mingles with the BITTER? God's MERCY on His people is revealed as well as God's judgment on evil. (Romans 11:22--"The goodness and severity of God," are both included in God's counsels).

It is important that we learn to accept and digest the Word of God as it is, in its entirety, the bitter of judgment on evil as well as the sweet of mercy is included in His Word. [72]

The work of Christ in His church too, calls us to accept hardship and sacrifice. Many Christians accept the "sweet" of SALVATION but are not prepared to accept the "bitter" of sacrifice in service--the "sweet" of communion without the "bitter" of sacrificial service. THE LITTLE SCROLL of Revelation chapter 10 should help us to sing with meaning--

"I thank Thee, Lord, that all my joy is touched with pain;
That shadows fall on brightest hours, that thorns remain;
So that earth's bliss may be my guide, and not my chain."
2. CHAPTER 11:1, 2.
  The Second Vision of THE MEASURED SANCTUARY.

The question arises--How will God's church fare in a world on which the judgments of God are falling? The reply is given in the two visions of chapter 11:1-13.

In verses 1 and 2 in the vision of the measured sanctuary, IT IS THE POSITION OF THE CHURCH IN THIS PRESENT AGE AND WORLD THAT IS DESCRIBED. "Rise and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship there" (The Greek word "Naos" here is used in the New Testament for The spiritual temple which is the Church of Christ, as in 1 Corinthians 3:16 and 17, "you are God's temple--God's temple is holy, and that temple you are.") Also Ephesians 2:21.

Standards are important. John was given "a measuring rod"--The person who with John has eaten God's book and digested it has a measuring rod by which to measure all worship and service. The church is measured not by false worldly standards but by the Word of God.

The main idea of verses 1 and 2 is of the true church as God's temple and on the other hand a pagan society outside the temple court treading down, desecrating the church during the time from Pentecost (Acts 2) until the FINAL coming of Christ. During this present age the true church, marked out clearly, (the sanctuary) while the world invades, tramps under foot and oppresses her until Christ returns. We meet here in verse 2 for the first time that period of time variously described as "42 months" that is, "3½ years," "1260 days" (as in the next verse). Also as "a time, two times and half a time," (Daniel 12:6, 7) that is, "3½." Revelation 12:14 uses this same expression.

All these references amount to the same "3½ years." All these refer to THE SAME PERIOD. The "3½ years," that is "THE BROKEN SEVEN." As 7 is the number of the PERFECT AND ETERNAL "3½" IS THE BROKEN, LIMITED TIME BETWEEN CHRIST'S FIRST AND SECOND ADVENT.


John is sure that the desecration of the church by a pagan society is "the time of the Gentiles"--Luke 21:24 will only be for a LIMITED--broken period of this present age. This is the main idea of Revelation 11:1, 2--John's vision of the measured sanctuary. [73]

3. CHAPTER 11:3-13

How will the Truth--the Gospel--committed to the church fare during the period of this present age? This vision answers our question.


They are the symbolic picture of the church herself in her EVANGELISTIC work. (The 2 Olive trees and the 2 lampstands of verse 4 suggest the church's "fruit-bearing and light-giving" task on earth--see Zechariah 4:2, 3, 11-14). We are reminded of Acts 1:8 "you shall be my witnesses" THE TWO WITNESSES SYMBOLISE THE CHURCH IN ALL AGES.

Verse 3.
  "I will grant my two witnesses POWER to PROPHESY for 1260 days . . . The Lord gives His church POWER. Acts 1:8. He gives to His church THE GREAT COMMISSION. Matthew 28:18-20. "Prophesy" refers to FORTH-TELLING, (not only fore-telling).

"1260 days," the same as the "3½ years," or "42 months" of the previous verses--THE WHOLE CHRISTIAN AGE.

"Clothed in sackcloth"--the dress indicates mourning over the sins of the world--the church is PENITENTIAL on earth.

Verse 6.
  This does not mean that we should expect a LITERAL repetition in our time of the kind of marvels wrought by Moses and Elijah, but there will be marvels, signs of God's power in His church as men are remade by The Holy Spirit.
Verse 7.
  Like Jesus, only when the two witnesses "have finished their testimony" (only WHEN THE CHURCH'S WORK IS FINISHED) will "the BEAST" overcome them and kill them. (The beast comes into sight clearly in 13:1, and is described in 17:8). The BEAST SYMBOLISES THE PAGAN WORLD IN ITS ASPECT OF PERSECUTION AND VIOLENCE. These witnesses are killed and their bodies lie for "3½ days"--that is, A LIMITED SHORT PERIOD, and verses 11, 12 teach that like their Lord they have resurrection and ascension.

The "7000" killed after the ascension of the witnesses (verse 13) suggests that God's judgments are never haphazard.


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 10 and 11:13

(1) The Little Book chapter 10

(2) The measured sanctuary 11:1, 2

(3) The two witnesses 11:3-13

Just as there are consoling visions about the safety of the church in chapter 7 between the sixth and seventh seals so there are comforting visions of the church in the world between the sixth and seventh trumpet judgments. [74]

1. CHAPTER 10 records John's vision of THE LITTLE BOOK

John heard a "voice of seven thunders"--a symbol of the perfect revelation of God's purposes--but John was not permitted to write that complete message. God does not reveal His secret yet to men. John was only allowed to write the message which is in the little book in the hand of the angel. This book is part of God's plans which He makes known. This is a different book from the previous book of 5:1 which was sealed. This book of chapter 10 according to verse 7 reveals the "mystery" of God's purposes. (This word "mystery" is used in the same sense as used by Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:7--as the purpose of God in history which man's own reasoning cannot know but which God has REVEALED TO MEN IN JESUS CHRIST AND IN HIS GOSPEL.)

John, at the bidding of the angel ATE the book. It was sweet to his taste, but it became bitter in his stomach. Does this mean that in God's revelation the sweet mingles with the bitter?--God's mercy on His people and also God's judgment on evil? (Romans 11:22 reminds us that "the goodness and the severity of God are both included in God's counsel.)

As mentioned in our notes it is important that we learn to accept and DIGEST the Word of God in its entirety. The bitter of judgment on evil as well as the sweet of mercy. Both judgment and mercy are included in His word.

This little book vision begins a new set of visions in John's book of Revelation. In this new set of visions we are shown not only the sweet of God's protection of His church but also the bitter of the failure and worldliness of the church.

(1) It is true of THE WORD OF GOD

John's experience of eating the book which was sweet in the mouth at first but became bitter in the stomach is a reminder that God's Word is two-edged. It brings judgment on failure to obey God, as well as bringing blessing on acceptance and obedience. The whole counsel of God includes "the goodness and the severity of God."

(2) It is true of THE WORK OF GOD

In our Christian work we have sweet joys of seeing the results of souls to whom we have witnessed turning to accept Jesus Christ as God and Saviour. We taste the sweetness of seeing lives renewed and transformed. But with that sweetness there is always the bitter experiences of seeing many who refuse to respond in obedience to Jesus Christ. We experience the bitter of seeing many who used to serve Christ turning away from Him back to the world.


It is sweet to find pardon and peace in Jesus. It is sweet to rest in His love, grow in His knowledge, and rejoice in His grace and blessing. [75]

"'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
Just to take Him at His word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
Just to know, "Thus saith the Lord."

But our discipleship also calls us to accept the bitter of hardship and sacrifice in Christ's service. Many Christians readily accept the sweet of salvation, but are not ready to accept the bitter of real service in Christ's church. We accept the sweet of the communion table on Sunday morning but we are not prepared to accept the bitter of any sacrifice of our ease and comfort, of time and energy in attendance at the Sunday evening gospel service, or in Christian service during the week. This vision of the little book which was sweet to the taste, but bitter in the stomach reminds Christians that we cannot have the sweet of salvation without the bitter of sacrificial service.

I am reminded of the little girl who was asked to say what her father's religion was. She replied "Oh He's a member of the Church of Christ but he isn't practising his religion just at present." That's a statement we might well ponder ourselves.

2. CHAPTER 11:1, 2 records the vision of THE MEASURED SANCTUARY The question is implied by John as he waits for the seventh trumpet--HOW WILL THE CHURCH FARE IN A WORLD WHERE SUCH JUDGMENTS ARE FALLING?

The reply is given in the two visions of chapter 11:1-13.

Verses 1 and 2 give us the vision of THE MEASURED SANCTUARY. As stated in the notes on this chapter it is our view that IT IS THE POSITION OF THE CHURCH IN THIS PRESENT AGE THAT IS DESCRIBED HERE. John was given a measuring rod and told to

(1) "rise and measure the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship there."

(2) "But do not measure the court outside the temple; leave that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample over the holy city for 42 months."

"Rise and measure THE TEMPLE OF GOD"

The Greek word for "temple" here is "Naos" and can only mean the inner shrine or sanctuary. The word "Naos" is used in the New Testament for "the spiritual temple," which is the church, as in 1 Corinthians 3:17, or Ephesians 2:21. For the temple buildings as a whole the quite different word "hieron" is used.

John is also told to measure "THE ALTAR"--the place of incense (of prayer). The place of burnt offerings of sacrifice. Also John is told to measure THE WORSHIPPERS. As mentioned in our earlier notes STANDARDS ARE [76] IMPORTANT. The person who, with John, has eaten and digested the book has a measuring rod by which to measure all worship and service. The church is not measured by the world's standards of size of membership, prestige or money but by the Word of God. You will recall that in chapters 2 and 3 each of the 7 churches is measured by "knowing and doing the Word of God." There is the measuring standard. In verse 2 John was told "Do not measure the court outside the temple, leave that out, for it is given over to the nations, and they will trample over the holy city for 42 months." We repeat that the main idea is of the true church as the sanctuary, the altar, its worshippers on the one hand--and on the other hand the court of the Gentiles OUTSIDE the sanctuary in which a pagan society treads down and desecrates the true church during the time from Acts 2 until the final coming of Christ.

We meet here in verse 2 for the first time that period variously described in John's Revelation as "42 months," "1260 days, "also as "A time, two times, and half a time"--that is 3½. All refer to the same period the "3½"--that is, the broken "7." As "7" is the symbol of the perfect and eternal in John's book "3½" is the broken, limited time between Christ's first coming and His final advent. The 42 months, 1260 days, 3½, years is a reference to this Christian dispensation.

John is saying here that the contamination of the church by a pagan society will only be for the limited, broken period of this present age. It is this event of the nations treading down the outer court during this present age to which Jesus referred in Luke 21:24 "And Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."

There are two important things for us in these first two verses of chapter 11.

(1) As we look at the temple we first see THE SANCTUARY carefully measured, the outer court left out, yet both forming part of the temple buildings. Here is a striking picture of the church as she is today. For the church, the visible church, has two parts--THE TRUE CHURCH--"The blessed company of all faithful Christians." And the outer part--Those who profess and call themselves Christians but who have only "a name to live" the merely nominal church members. The line of demarcation is plain. Only in the sanctuary of the true church is found safety.

(2) Second, we look at the ALTAR of INCENSE. We learned in chapter 8 verses 3 and 4, that this is the symbol of the PRAYERS of Christians. It tells that communion with God is the centre of the church's life. The ALTAR of BURNT OFFERING of SACRIFICE, we see as teaching the great fact of the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary as the centre of church life. So, we learn that the altar of PRAYER and SACRIFICE must hold place if we are part of the true sanctuary. We need to "present ourselves a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God" (Romans 12:1). [77]

We ask--Is prayer and sacrificial service the centre of our life? Is the atoning death of Jesus Christ the centre of our faith? Have we "in full and glad surrender" yielded ourselves fully to Jesus Christ as Lord? The church may be trodden down by a pagan world, but only for a LIMITED time. "Our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a more exceeding weight of glory" such is the certain hope created by John's vision of the measured sanctuary.

3. CHAPTER 11:3-13 records John's vision of THE TWO WITNESSES

We are still in the period between the sixth and seventh trumpets and we are still thinking of the fate of the church amid all these trumpet judgments.


The reply is given in these verses.

It may enable understanding of the vision of the two witnesses if WE FIRST IDENTIFY THESE TWO WITNESSES.


These two witnesses embody in vision the words of Acts 1:8 "You shall be My witnesses." The two witnesses of Revelation 11:3-13 symbolise the church fulfilling this task in all ages. They are TWO in number because they embody the truth expressed by Jesus in John 8:17 "In your law it is written, that the witness of two men is true."--so, the two witnesses of John's vision symbolise the church fulfilling her task in all ages.

Note that the speaker in Revelation 11:3 is Christ. "I will give unto My witnesses." The idea is that Christ gives the great commission, including the message, the power and all that is needed for the work of witnessing.

"And they shall PROPHESY"--that is, in the true sense of FORTH TELLING and not fore-telling (see also Matthew 26:68) "FOR 1260 DAYS"--the same period as "the 42 months" of verse 2, that is, the period from Acts 2 until the final coming of Christ.

And the dress of the witnesses "clothed in sackcloth" indicates a church mourning over the sins of the world. The true church's attitude is penitential rather than judgmental on earth.

In verse 4: The two witnesses are described as "the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before God." So, the church is described as fruit-bearing and light-giving.

The olive trees feed the lampstands with oil--and so is shown the double function of Christ's witnesses--"to shine as lights in the world," and to be channels of blessing helping others to shine in the place of service. [78]

POWER was given these two witnesses, greater than the powers given to Moses or Elijah.--The implication being that there will be marvellous signs of God's power in the church when men and women are remade by the Holy Spirit.

The vision of the two witnesses teaches that throughout the period of all the trumpet judgments the church will continue its witnessing work.

The vision reminds Christians of


The privilege of witnessing for our Lord. This is our task. Yet it is often the task we fail to do. We know from Acts 8:1 and 4 that in the church's early days EVERY Christian was a witness to the Lord wherever they went. In our day we too often leave the task of witnessing to the paid minister. Witnessing is the privilege of every Christian. When we have such a true MUTUAL ministry then the church will be a greater blessing in our world.


Power is given to the witnesses. The power of the Holy Spirit is given to us. A power far greater than to slay men with fire, or to prevent rain, or to turn water into blood. The power which enables souls to be saved, to fill human hearts and lives with divine love and grace, to turn sinners from death to life. There are no miracles in all the world's history so great as these. To effect these the power of God is at our disposal today, if only we will fulfil our privilege and claim that power.


The two witnesses were persecuted--and it is still true that Christians will face persecution of various degrees in their work of witnessing. Paul tells us in Acts 14:22 that "Through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God" and, as 2 Timothy 8:11, 12 states "All who would live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." This vision tells us that we must be prepared to suffer in our task.


"Not until they shall have finished their testimony" does the pagan world silence the two witnesses. The Christian is immortal until his work is done. The church is kept through all trials.

But the last word is the BEST word. Verses 11 and 12 describe the RESURRECTION and ASCENSION of the two witnesses.

Evil never has the LAST word. Evil did not have the last word at Calvary, it never does. A breath from God gives life to the dead witnesses. The fact is that THERE ARE SOME THINGS MAN CANNOT SLAY. The unbelieving world is glad when the church is weakened, but this vision teaches the church that when evil seems to have wiped out goodness God takes such [79] moments to bring His witnesses back to life. Man's extremity is God's Opportunity. "Truth, crushed to earth will rise again; belt error, wounded, writhes in pain, and dies among its worshippers."

God never leaves Himself without witnesses on earth. Whenever men and women are needed to witness to the truth, they always appear at the right moment.

The story of earth is completed in heaven. The carnival of evil is followed by the upward look into heaven and the complete victory of goodness. Heaven acted, and, like Stephen in Acts 7:56 the two witnesses cry "Behold, l see the heavens opened."


"The gates of hell shall not prevail against the church of God."



In Revelation chapters 1-11 we have seen two main sections.

1. The vision of Christ, and His message to the universal church 1:1-3:22
2. The vision of the Lord on His throne; the place of His church in the world; and God's call to the world for repentance.

Again and again in human history events have taken place which correspond with things John has portrayed. The fact that the events of this book have been identified with event after event through the centuries is proof of the sureness with which John understood the PRINCIPLES which decide God's government of His world, and of the appropriateness of the symbols which John uses.

In this "Unveiling" John describes the bankruptcy of materialism and the doom that comes on a materialistic world that refuses to repent. In this book John describes those PRINCIPLES and CERTAINTIES by which God's will is realised in the present; and then describes the climax--The end event--when "the kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ. And He shall reign forever."

But this event is Not all FUTURE. It is also a present experience of the church as she suffers with a sinful world yet shares in her Lord's Kingship. Here and now on earth the church militant and witnessing is givers the certainty of victory. And so, the reading of John's Revelation brings encouragement and hope and faith to the Christian as he works and prays "Thy kingdom come." [80]



--Revelation 12-22

Regarding this section of the book of Revelation we will all be agreed at least on ONE point. That this is a most difficult section to understand. When we come to interpret these chapters we will expect to differ. A Christian principle is to allow each other LIBERTY IN MATTERS OF OPINION. We each need to pray for wisdom to find the truth, and FOR CHRISTIAN GRACE AND LOVE TO AGREE TO DIFFER IN OUR INTERPRETATIONS. When we differ in our interpretations it may not be that one is right and the other is wrong, but rather that we are looking at the same truth from different viewpoints. (It is well to remember that John himself in this book of Revelation is doing just that. In these series of visions he is looking at the same facts from different angles). Before we criticise each other's interpretations we should realise that there are always many different ways of looking at any truth.

In the previous visions of Revelation we have seen the more OUTWARD aspects of the conflict between good and evil in this world. In chapters 12 to 20 we are shown that there is a conflict between the SPIRIT of God and an evil spirit. It is this spiritual aspect that is depicted in this section.

There is a mistaken idea that once a person yields to Christ he quietly and naturally grows in Christlikeness. But these chapters of John's Revelation describe the Christian life as a constant battle for spiritual existence. Every Christian is a battleground in which God and the devil fight for mastery.

Put alongside these chapters of John's description of the real but UNSEEN spiritual conflict those words of the Apostle Paul's in Ephesians 6:10-13. (J.B. Phillips trans.). This scripture is in complete accord that Christian growth is the result of the kind of struggle depicted by the symbolism in John's Revelation. Not only is there a struggle WITHIN the Christian but God and the devil fight for control.

J. B. Phillips heads the verses 10-13 of Ephesians chapter 6 with this word "Be forewarned and forearmed in your spiritual conflict."

10 "Be strong--not in yourselves but in the Lord, in the power of His boundless resource. Put on God's complete armour so that you can successfully resist all the devil's methods of attack. [81]
12 For our fight is not against any physical enemy: it is against the UNSEEN power that controls this dark world, and SPIRITUAL agents from the very headquarters of evil.
13 Therefore you must wear the whole armour of God that you may be able to resist evil in its day of power, and that even when you have fought to a standstill you may still stand your ground."

Nowhere else besides the book of Revelation do we find such a clear picture of the issues of life. No other book so clearly portrays the real antagonists in life. No other book so clearly shows God contending to the very end for those whom He has redeemed. No other book in the world so plainly reveals the final victory of Christ.

Because this section of John's Revelation is so puzzling to ordinary readers we will devote more space to study notes of explanation than to Meditation points. And we will give a brief general summary at the beginning of chapters 12, 13 and 20 describing how we interpret these difficult chapters. [82]


--Revelation 12


The Woman, crowned with 12 stars is THE TRUE CHURCH

The Child, she brings into the world is CHRIST

The Dragon--(The first enemy of the church) is SATAN, THE DEVIL

The devil is cast into the earth and seeks to destroy Christ.

When the devil failed to destroy the infant Christ at Bethlehem, and at the temptation, and at Calvary he continues his attack against the woman and her children (that is, against the church and her members--Satan seeks to destroy the Christ in the church). This attack continues for the whole period of the church on earth. (From Pentecost of Acts 2 until the final coming of Christ). And in a strange way, as the earth swallowed up the river of persecution, so the universe is ultimately on the side of goodness. And during this whole period of the Christian dispensation the true inner life of Christians who are sealed by God's Holy Spirit is protected even though their bodies may be killed.

John had no doubts about the reality of the devil as the chief enemy of Christians and the church. Modern man finds it difficult to accept John's teaching that the devil is man's main foe. The devil has won a major victory when he creates in man the idea that "the devil doesn't exist."

Someone, looking at the strifes and strikes and wars on earth wrote these lines:

"Men don't believe in the devil now as their fathers used to do.
They've opened the doors of the broadest creed and let his majesty through.
There isn't a print of his cloven foot or a fiery dart of his bow
To be found in earth or air today--for the world has voted so.
But who is it mixed the fatal draught that palsies heart and brain?
Who loads the bier of each passing year with ten hundred thousand slain?
Who blights the bloom of the land today with the fiery breaths of hell
If the devil isn't, and never was? Won't somebody rise and tell?
We're told that he does not go about as a roaring lion now,
But how do the frauds and crimes of a single day spring up? [83]
And who shall we hold responsible for the everlasting row
To be found in home, industry, and state to earth's remotest bound,
If the devil, by unanimous vote, is nowhere to be found?
The devil is fairly voted out; so, of course, the devil is gone.
But simple folks would like to know--WHO'S CARRYING HIS BUSINESS ON?'


II. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 12

1. The woman and the child, verses 1 and 2.
  John saw a vision of a woman clothed with the light of the sun. Her crown of 12 stars suggests that she is the true church which is the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Her pains in giving birth to the child is a picture of the church fulfilling her destiny even in pain and suffering to bring forth Christ to the world.
2. The Dragon--THE FIRST ENEMY OF THE CHURCH. verses 3-6.
Verse 3.
  RED in colour--blood and symbol of destruction. THIS DRAGON IS THE DEVIL. (see verse 9). He inspires all persecution of the church, "He has seven heads," he seems to have perfect and complete wisdom, power and authority. His "ten horns," a symbol of power--reference to the devil as "the prince of this world."
Verse 4.
  The figure of the casting down of the stars is taken from Daniel 8:10. The third part swept down corresponds with the third part named in the first four trumpets of chapter 8.

If we take these "STARS" to be earthly rulers cast down from heights of possibilities of good to become lives enslaved by evil we possibly have the truth depicted by John here. "And the dragon stood before the woman to devour her child when she brought it forth." The devil is always watchful to seek to destroy the good and Christ. e. g., Herod seeking to destroy the infant Jesus, and the assault made on Him after His baptism, of the struggle in Gethsemane as Jesus faced the Cross. But surely John's meaning is wider still! It is the aim of the devil to destroy the Christian life. He tries to destroy the presence of Christ in every Christian's life. Jesus said, "If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you."

While the dragon had seven heads yet he lacked complete and perfect wisdom and power for he lost the real battle forever when he lost the struggle with Christ. [84]

Verse 5.

The child which the woman bore was destined "to rule all the nations with a rod of iron," Psalm 2:9 forecast this to be the work of the Messiah. The woman's child here is Christ.

The catching up of the child out of the reach of the dragon must refer not only to His ascension but also to the fact that throughout all events of His 30 years Jesus was continually delivered from all attacks made upon Him. What John is saying here is that God saved and protected Christ--and that GOD DOES THE SAME FOR CHRIST'S PEOPLE IN EVERY AGE.

It is not merely the INFANT Jesus but it is also CHRIST IN THE CHURCH whom the devil hates and attacks. Wherever CHRIST IS BORN IN ANY BELIEVER--wherever the Christ is preached, there this "dragon" is found. John is telling us that these two forces will always be in conflict in all ages--the spirit of Christ and the spirit of the devil.

Verse 6.

The flight of the woman into the wilderness, and her fortunes there, is described in verses 13-17. This verse merely states that God provided a refuge for her. The woman--that is THE CHURCH has a place provided during her wilderness stay of "1260 days"--the same period as that of the work of THE TWO WITNESSES 11:3; 13:5 (42 months, 3½ years) THIS IS THE WHOLE PERIOD OF THE CHURCH'S WITNESS ON EARTH.

Verses 7-9

Whatever may be mysterious about the war in heaven it is clear that the reference is to the defeat of the devil by Christ. It Is Christ's victory of Bethlehem, Calvary, and Olivet, which is referred to here.

Note Jesus' words in John 12:31, 32. "Now is the judgment of this world, now shall the ruler of this world be cast out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself," John 14:30 "The ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over Me;" John 16:11 "The ruler of this world is judged." (The name "Michael" means "Who is like god."). From this scripture John Milton drew his "Paradise Lost" the greatest religious epic poem in English literature--the casting out of evil powers, but cast out into the earth still to persecute the woman (the church).

Verse 10-12

These words are like the doxology at the end of The Lord's Prayer. "Now is come the kingdom"--but the full EXTENSION of this kingdom is still to come. Christ has entered heaven as conqueror.

The accuser is cast down. The dragon has received his death wound, he has been cast down, his wrath is only for "a short time" (verse 12). Tribulation for the woman (the church) is only for the period of verse 6--THE PRESENT CHRISTIAN AGE. [85]

Verses 13-17

The dragon, cast out of heaven, attacked the woman (the church). The dragon can injure the child by injuring the woman.

Here is the symbolism--TO INJURE THE CHURCH IS TO INJURE CHRIST--Note here the words of the risen Christ to Saul in Acts 9:4 "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?" In attacking the church Saul had been attacking Christ.

Ought we to reflect that when we injure our own church by our unlovely pettiness and un-Christlike attitudes even towards our fellow church members we are doing the devil's work. We are not only injuring our church we are injuring Christ.

Verse 14
  states that during the time of her persecution the church is given protection as on the strength of the eagle's wings. The period of persecution for the church (the woman) is stated as "a time" (one year) "and times" (two years) "and half a time" (half a year). (This is '1260 days,' '3½ years'). It should not be understood that we should seek some historical period of persecution of the church lasting exactly 3½ years.

The number is SYMBOLICAL. It is the whole of the church's persecution. It is not only in ONE age but in EVERY age that God provides in the day of adversity. It may be that in the future some striking fulfilment of this scripture may be seen. Meanwhile let us not overlook its promise for our own age.

The enemy is described in verse 13 as "a dragon" because he is CRUEL. In verse 15 he is described as "a serpent," because he is CUNNING.

Verses 15, 16
  The dragon having failed to destroy the church and Christ by fierce, cruel persecution, "the serpent" now seeks to destroy the church by a "flood," but the earth swallowed up the flood and helped the church ("the woman").

Invasion and hostile public opinion is often described in the Bible as "a flood", (e. g., Isaiah 59:19). It is common to find rivers which are swallowed up by the earth and taken underground (e. g., Australian inland rivers).

Perhaps John's picture is that the energy stirs up public hostility against the church which sweeps in like a destroying flood, as it certainly did when the Caesars of Rome inflamed public opinion against the church by lies about Christians setting fire to Rome, and public hostility swept in like a flood. "Yet the earth came to the help of the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river."

This often happens. In spite of an infuriated population which has often hurled a flood of lies to destroy the church, still, in the main, "the earth comes to the help of the woman." The earth sees that the church is helping it to do its work for the good of the community, e. g., social work, caring for sick and aged, saving youth from delinquency. [86]

In a mysterious way, every devil-born flood of hostility and violence against the church sinks beneath the surface. These floods rise and then are absorbed. The universe is ultimately on the side of truth and right.

It is not one nation, one age, which is described here: it is an eternal law.

Verse 17.

He makes their lives uncomfortable, but the dragon cannot destroy the testimony of those who bring Christ to the world. David Livingstone said "A Christian is immortal until his work is done."


III. MEDITATION--Revelation 12

The devil lost the decisive battle to destroy Christ at the temptation in the wilderness and at Calvary; but the devil continues to attack Christ by conflict in the church, in the individual lives of Christians.

But the thrilling message of Revelation chapter 12 is that heaven is made secure by the sacrifice of Christ. "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1).

The devil still continues to attack Christ by attacking His church and her members but evil will have its end. The victories of evil are deceptive and temporary.

We have seen great evils rising "like a flood" in our own day, but they are "swallowed up"--Hitler came, but his time was short. Other evils come--and will go. In the long run the earth is on the side of goodness, this verifies Revelation 12:16. It may be a severe test of faith to believe in our atomic age that all nature ultimately turns against those who misuse goodness; but it is a faith worth maintaining, and it is the faith of Revelation chapter 12; which is also the faith and certainty of the whole of this book. [87]



--Revelation 13:1-10


The devil works through two agents against Christ and His church.

1. The first of these is A BEAST rising out of the SEA.

This beast is all WORLD POWER IN HUMAN SOCIETY WHICH IS RULED BY MATERIAL INTERESTS INSTEAD OF BY OBEDIENCE TO GOD. This world power of humanistic materialism received its DEATH WOUND AT THE CROSS OF CALVARY but continues to fight against Christians during the whole period of the church's life from Acts 2 until the final coming of Christ.

2. The second is the devil's agents is A BEAST rising from the EARTH.

This is FALSE RELIGION which blindly supports the State--Nominal Christianity. Having the name but not the life of Christianity. And again, the devil works through these two agents during the whole period of the church's existence until Christ's final coming. And during this whole period God protects the real inner life of His own people.

The MARK OF THE BEAST "666", is conformity to the world's standards--Humanism--the falling short of God's perfect plan--the best that man can be and do without obedience to God--The belief that man can run this world's affairs himself without God.


II. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 13:1-10

The purpose of Chapter 13 is to describe the second and third enemies of the church.

      "A beast of the sea," (verse 1).

      "Another beast out of the earth" (verse 11)

The dragon (the devil) attacks the church by delegating his power to these two beasts (verse 4) and (verse 11). [88]

There is no surprise so terrifying as an indirect attack. When evil comes, not in some familiar shape for which one is prepared, but in some unforeseeable form, then he is at a loss as to how to fight this evil. The surprise of revelation 13 is that the devil--the great red dragon, does not attack the church directly but he employs the roundabout way of delegating his power to another, and delegated power is harder to combat than any direct attack just because it is so difficult to recognise it.

THE FIRST BEAST: Verses 1-10. It is important to note his origin.

Verse 1 "Out of the sea"--(see also Daniel 7).

"The sea" represents THE RESTLESS MASS OF HUMAN KIND (see 17:15--"The waters are peoples, and multitudes, and nations.").

Individuals, like the waves of the sea, swayed by impulse or passion make up this sea (see Isaiah 57:20). This beast rising out of human kind is not to be confused with "the living creatures" of 4:7 where the Authorised Version incorrectly translates as "beasts."


Most scholars see here a symbol of THAT WORLDLY POWER WHICH IS CONTROLLED BY "THE PRINCE OF THIS WORLD." This wild beast is the symbol of ALL worldly power built on passion, greed and selfishness. It is not merely Rome of John's day, nor any one form of earthly government, it is the general influence of the world so far as it is opposed to God. The influence of the beast is not confined to any party, system, sect or age. Wherever in human society, or group or individual, men are ruled by material interests instead of by God, there this beast is to be seen (see Ephesians 6:12).


Verse 1.
  "With 10 horns and 7 heads."

"Seven heads"--later, in 17:10 these "7 heads" are more fully described as "seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come." Thus the key is in our hands. Five world powers had passed away when John wrote. Our history books refer to the five world powers of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persian, and Greek, which had all passed away when John wrote. The sixth "IS" (when John wrote) is Rome. "AND THE OTHER HAS YET TO COME"--THIS REFERS TO OUR PRESENT AGE.

"Ten horns" These are explained in 17:12 as "The kings which have not yet received royal power." When they arise they also will derive power from the dragon and be part of the beast (worldly power).

"A blasphemous name upon its heads" (verse 1) evidently refers to the self-worship, the arrogant pride and self-sufficiency which characterises these world powers. (We haven't far to look for present day evidence of this). [89]

Verse 2.

like a "leopard" --leaping on its prey
like a "bear" --relentless
like a "lion" --devouring

The beast is a symbol of all world powers which are quick to shed blood.

Verse 3.
  "One of its heads seemed to have A MORTAL WOUND, BUT ITS MORTAL WOUND WAS HEALED." It is important to note that when John saw the beast rise from the sea the beast had already received its death wound. The blow which cast the dragon (the devil) down from heaven in chapter 12 also inflicts a mortal wound on his agent. The victory of Christ at the Cross and Resurrection and Ascension inflicted a death blow to all worldly power based on passion, pride, greed and self-sufficiency.


This tells the church that the full results of Christ's victory will be DELAYED. Worldly power having received its death wound does not die immediately, but rises with renewed vigour to persecute the church. Note also that it is this beast IN HIS RESURRECTION STATE to which John draws our attention.

Verses 5-10
  In that condition the beast is UNIVERSAL IN HIS INFLUENCE. "Authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation."

All "whose names are not written in God's book of life" worship this beast.

This beast has power never possessed by any one form of human government. He is universal in his influence.

Verse 5.
  HE WORKS NOW IN THIS DISPENSATION for "it was allowed to exercise authority for 42 months." This period, as previously noted, refers to the WHOLE CHRISTIAN AGE FROM PENTECOST UNTIL THE RETURN OF CHRIST.
Verse 10.
  Against this enemy the true life of every Christian is protected. They may be troubled (as the witnesses of chapter 11) but those who persecute Christians will come into greater condemnation. Here is cause for Christian patience and faith.

One fact stands out--Satan is always looking for instruments to use in this world. Just as God is always looking for hands to use, so also Satan seeks servants. In this world a person and a nation has the choice between being the instrument of Satan or of God. [90]



--Revelation 13:11-17


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 13:11-17

THE SECOND BEAST Revelation 13:11-17.

Whereas the first beast rises out of the sea (verse 1)

This second beast comes up "out of the EARTH" (verse 11)


"THE SEA" is a symbol of the restless secular world (Isaiah 57:30)

"THE EARTH" is a symbol of religion

In this sense the first beast belongs to the SECULAR.

This second beast belongs to the RELIGIOUS sphere. Particulars of this enemy of the church confirm this.

Verse 11.
  "The TWO HORNS LIKE A LAMB" are a mockery and travesty of the "SEVEN HORNS OF THE LAMB" so often seen. THIS SECOND BEAST IS A SYMBOL OF FALSE RELIGION. Note that in 16:13, 19:20, 20:10 this second beast is actually called "THE FALSE PROPHET" indicating that he arises in religious affairs.
2. THE FUNCTION OF THIS BEAST (verses 11-17) is to lead people to worship the first beast. It is always true that the worst possible combination that evil can concoct is the union of bad secular government with corrupt religion. History records many instances when religion has supported unjust secular government. John is asserting what takes place whenever false religion and bad government go together.

Read 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10 in conjunction with this passage. (The Living Bible is a good translation here.)


He has seen the divine system of Judaism perverted by its priests. He has seen Jesus, the Son of God, rejected, misrepresented, and crucified--not so much by a Pilate of secular government AS BY THE PRIESTS OF FALSE RELIGION. So, to John THIS SECOND BEAST TAKING POWER FROM THE DEVIL IS SEEN WHENEVER THERE IS A PROFESSION TO UPHOLD RELIGION BUT OBJECTING TO THOSE TRUTHS IN THE CHRISTIAN FAITH WHICH IT FINDS UNPALATABLE. It is "salt that has lost its savour." [91]

Verses 16, 17
  "The MARK ON THEIR RIGHT HAND OR THE FOREHEAD, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark"

"THE RIGHT HAND"--suggests TOIL and the strength, the power and ability to work.

"THE FOREHEAD"--suggests "WHERE IT CAN BE SEEN"--conforming to popular custom--character.

Do we see in this mark of the beast a present day abuse of trade unionism which refuses a person the right to work for a living unless he conforms to stipulated ways of thinking and acting. Unless a man has his union ticket (the mark on his right hand) he is not allowed to work. And unless a person conforms to accepted social pressures he is not accepted (the mark on the forehead).


The NUMBER OF THE BEAST. Revelation 13:18

"This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon

THE NUMBER of the beast, for it is A HUMAN NUMBER, its number is 666." (R.S.V.).

(1) Note--It is not the NAME of the beast but "THE NUMBER" which John counts as important.

There are interpretations of this verse which calculate the numerical values of the letters of the names of men. When these total "666" they think they have the answer.

At various times these have been interpreted (or manipulated) as "Nero," some of the Popes of Rome, even "Martin Luther," "Mussolini," "Hitler," and a score of others.

But "wisdom" and "understanding" is not here. We sacrifice the dignity of the symbolism of Apocalyptic literature in "John's Revelation" when we search for its meaning like children with an acrostic puzzle.


Let us keep true to the principles of symbolism here.

"SEVEN" is the number of "THE PERFECT"

"SIX" is the number for "SIN"--missing the mark--one short of seven.

So that to a Christian, The Trinity of the Godhead is symbolically represented by the triple seven--"777." But the number "SIX" awakened feelings of dread in the mind of every Christian who realised its symbolic significance for it missed the mark, it came short of the perfect "seven." Triple the "SIX" and we have a symbol of EVIL, MISSING THE MARK, DOOM.


"666" REPRESENTS WHAT WE CALL HUMANISM.--The belief that man can manage all affairs in life and society himself, without God. The number "666" represents unregenerate mankind and the best that he can do and be. "666" is what we call "WORLDLINESS"--the belief of man that he can run the world without God.

We read John's word of doom on such a system which apes the divine. "Its number is the number of MAN" (not "A" man, as the A.V. wrongly translates. There is no article "A" in the Greek text. Nor is the Living Bible correct for it gives the misreading "the numerical values of the letters in his name amount to 666.") The text really says "Its number is the NUMBER OF MAN." MAN--unregenerate man--man apart from God.


This name will not be found in any single person who has yet appeared in history. Whether such a person will yet arise is beyond our view.

But the beast described in Revelation holds UNIVERSAL sway--and no single ruler in any part of the world has yet had such power. No human ruler has died and risen again to be worshipped by "every tribe and people and tongue and nation" (13:7).

But there is a philosophy, a trust of man in himself, in his own powers and abilities unaided by any faith in God or obedience to God--a philosophy accepted in university chairs to workshop floors--that man is the master of things. This is "666." Man's belief in himself has received its death-wound because of its failure to satisfy the deepest needs of men in past generations. Yet this false philosophy rises again in the succeeding generation which gives its blind worship to the discredited trust of man in himself--which misses the mark--which apes God--which creates a bear-garden of strife in place of a garden of harmony in society. The name of this beast?-You find the name in man himself, in his trust in himself.


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 13:11-17


This is the important thing--

                    --WHICH WORKS IN MAN.


There you will find the number of the Beast.

Man's short-coming 6, even when tripled by the THREE enemies of the church--the dragon and the two beasts animated by him is the awful "666". Perhaps it is best expressed by the one word "WORLDLINESS".

We can be sealed with the mark of God.

We can also be sealed with the mark of the devil.

So, in blunt words we can put what John is saying in this way--

"Commercial, industrial, social life can become so involved in the current idolatry of materialism that one cannot succeed in business and society without the mark of the beast. One is not permitted to work unless he holds a union ticket. One cannot succeed in business without conformity to unethical standards in business. This conformity to unethical standards in commercial, industrial and social life is to have the mark of the beast upon the right hand and forehead."

We must choose either to have the mark of God's Holy Spirit, or to have the mark of the beast. [94]



--Revelation 14:1-5


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 14:1-5

The picture of Chapters 12 and 13 might tend to discourage Christians. Chapter 14 presents a vision to encourage Christians.


Verse 1.
  (1) "THE LAMB"--The Christ against Whom the devil and the wild beasts rage savage and subtle war. "The Lamb STOOD on Mount Zion" The Lamb that was crucified and risen as we saw in 5:6 "STOOD," that is, Christ has not fallen defeated by the three enemies. He "STOOD," self-possessed and calm.

"The Lamb stood ON MOUNT ZION"--Described in both Old and New Testaments as GOD'S DWELLING PLACE (Psalm 9:11)--see Hebrews 12:22-24 "You have come to Mount Zion . . ."

(2) "The 144,000 who had His name and His Father's name written on their foreheads."

They are the same as those of chapter 7:4.

The "144,000 symbolise THE WHOLE CHURCH. The Name on their foreheads--that is, WHERE ALL CAN SEE. This symbolises Christian character. They have been baptised into the Name of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit"--not as a label BUT BAPTISED INTO A WAY OF LIFE. Their way of life is seen to be Christian. The idea of the mark on hand and forehead was familiar to Jews--see Deut. 6:8 and 11:18.

Verses 2 and 3.

The harpers sing a new song in the presence of God, "and the four living creatures" (these are not to be confused with "the beasts" of chapter 13. The A.V. errs in its translation as "beasts"--note the R.S.V. translates "The four living creatures" as in 4:7--"The four living creatures" indicate MAN REDEEMED IN THE WORLD) and "the elders" (as in 4:7 and 5:8)--the leaders of the church.

--"AND NO ONE COULD LEARN THAT SONG EXCEPT THE 144,000 WHO HAD BEEN REDEEMED FROM THE EARTH" that new song the 144,000 (that is, THE WHOLE UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF ALL AGES) understands. But no person dulled by worldliness can learn that new song. [95]

For that new song tells of truths which only the redeemed can appreciate--of joys which they alone can value. "But the natural man (the unspiritual man) does not receive the gifts of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14).

There is "A communion of saints"--of all saints on earth, and all who are in heaven--of Christians on earth and Christians who have gone on ahead to God's home in heaven. But even now, John is telling us, the church on earth can learn and be blessed as she joins in the new song sung in heaven.

That new song was described previously in 5:9 as one of


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 14:1-5


In this verse John says three wonderful things about the voice of God.

(1) "And I heard a voice from heaven LIKE THE SOUND OF MANY WATERS"

John's symbol reminds us of the POWER of the voice of God.

There is no power quite like the crash of mountainous waves on the beaches and cliffs. A power that can batter and shatter to fragments the strongest works of man.


Here John's symbol reminds us of the UNMISTAKABLENESS of the voice of God. Loud thunder insists on being heard. God's voice is a sound against which no man can close his ears.


The voice of God has MELODY. There is a wonderful power in the harmony of music to soothe and calm a troubled heart.

These three wonderful things which John says in his symbolism in verse 2 give us an indication of the kind of endless inspiration the reader will find throughout life, if, in his reading he keeps consistency in interpreting the symbolism of John's book. Such a reader will always be discovering new and wonderful blessings in the book. [96]

VERSES 4 and 5 describe THE FOUR CHARACTERISTICS OF "THE 144, 000" (that is, of ALL TRUE CHRISTIANS).

(1) First, PURITY, verse 4. R.S.V. "They are chaste." That is, they have renounced all unfaithfulness to God and to divine truth which is described in the Old Testament as spiritual adultery.

The meaning of Revelation 14:4 is that "they are chaste"--"they have renounced all sin" (see also 2 Corinthians 11:2).

(2) OBEDIENCE, verse 4--"They follow the Lamb wherever He goes." This means full consecration, complete obedience. They obey His command. "Follow Me" in all circumstances of prosperity and adversity. It is well to weigh that word "WHEREVER"--that we may check the reality of our own Christian life. Jesus did say "Whoever forsaketh not all he has cannot be my disciple." The simplest definition of a Christian is to say "A Christian is a follower of Christ." "Follow Me" was the command always upon His lips.--To Philip, John 1:43. To Matthew--to the rich young ruler--to Peter--"Follow Me" "He left us an example that we should follow in His steps" (1 Peter 2:21).

(3) REDEMPTION, verse 4. "These have been redeemed from mankind as first-fruits for God and the Lamb." In this the whole church is the "first-fruits" for the time is coming when the whole creation shall be delivered (see Romans 8:21 and James 1:18).

(4) TRUTHFULNESS, verse 5. "In their mouth no lie was found, for they were spotless."

Various sects claim to be the 144, 000 but these four characteristics clearly describe the real marks of true Christians who constitute the universal Christian church. [97]



--Revelation 14:6-20


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 14:6-20


These two verses remind us of THE REAL TASK OF THE CHURCH. It seems to some of us that the modern church with its trends to brighter services and discussion groups needs to guard against the neglecting of the real task of the church as outlined in these verses--To preach an eternal gospel, to lead men to fear God, to glorify God, to worship God.

This preaching of the church (like the two-edged sword which cuts both ways of previous visions) brings blessings to those who repent and also judgment to those who reject the gospel. This is the lesson of verses 8-20.


(The Lord gathers the HARVEST of His own people.

An Angel gathers the VINTAGE of judgment).

Verses 6 and 7.

"Babylon" appears later in 16:19 and 17:5. Its name takes us back to Genesis chapter 11 when at "Babel" the tongues and attitudes of men were "CONFUSED" because of their rebellion against God. (We will describe "Babylon" in later notes on 17:5). Babylon was the "city of confusion"--and godlessness which persecuted ancient Israel. "Babylon" in this sense of verse 8 is clearly a SYMBOL OF THOSE PRINCIPLES OF GODLESSNESS AND MATERIALISM WHICH ARE ACCEPTED BY NATIONS BUT WHICH ARE IN OPPOSITION TO GOD'S RULE.

Verse 9.
  A THIRD ANGEL WARNS MEN NOT TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES WITH WORLDLINESS. The warning not to receive the mark of the beast takes us back to chapter 13. "Conformity to popular pressures" perhaps describes this mark.
Verses 10 and 11
  are not cause for an argument about the nature of "eternal torment." These verses merely state the FACT of what sin does in this present life. "They have no rest, day or night . . ." Sin, which is first [98] embraced as a delight soon becomes an inexorable tyrant, by an awful retribution compelling men along the routine of evil habit. There is a destiny of unrest in all sin.

"The wicked are like the troubled sea, which cannot rest."--

As examples we might consider Alcohol, and Drugs.

It is well that verses like Revelation 14:10 and 11 should be read by the light of the certain fact--the power of sin in giving unrest to those who follow sin. This certainly is true in this present life.

Verses 12 and 13
  The saints refuse to pay homage to the false gods of this world because they have firm faith in Christ as King. "I heard a voice from heaven . . . for their deeds follow them."--These words console at every Christian graveside with their reminder that good works on earth are not wasted.

"Their deeds do follow them"--This is not a belief in salvation by works. Rather, these words of Revelation 14:12, 13 are a reminder that there is ONE LIFE, here and hereafter.

There are not really two worlds, one before and one after death. There is really only ONE world, over which God reigns. No past experience is lost after death. The new life is one into which old deeds follow. This principle of the continuity of life here and there comes to Christians as a truth shining with inspiration. Life is one continued story and the first chapter there beyond death naturally follows the last chapter here, and of our life here it can truly be said as is stated in a magazine serial--"To be continued in our next."

Verses 14-16 THE HARVEST
  Verse 14 very clearly portrays Christ Himself as gathering the HARVEST. "The cloud"--see Matthew 24:30, Acts 1:9. "The crown"--is the crown of VICTORY. Christ is "the Lord of the harvest" who is concerned for the preaching of the gospel on earth (Matthew 9:37, 38; 13:29, 30; John 14:3).

Here is the gathering of the good seed into the heavenly garner in Revelation 14:15, 16--(see Mark 4:26-29).

Verses 17-20
  describes "ANOTHER ANGEL" as gathering the VINTAGE. (verse 19--"the great winepress of the wrath of God")--The vintage is a symbol of JUDGMENT-the whole world will be judged.
Verse 20
  The outflow of the blood of the grapes for "sixteen hundred furlongs" (A.V.), sixteen hundred stadia" (R.S.V.)--no completely satisfactory explanation has been given. The least satisfactory is that 1600 furlongs is almost exactly the length of Palestine from North to South--Plainly the "sixteen hundred" is a symbol. [99]

("4"--always a symbol concerning the world)--"4" multiplied by itself and then by one hundred suggests A SYMBOL OF WORLD JUDGMENT COMPLETE AND FULL. REACHING TO THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH--The whole world is judged.


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 14:6-20

Surely we will be more earnest and urgent in our preaching of the gospel when we understand the implications of Revelation 14.

This point is worthy of notice.

      THE HARVEST OF THE GOOD is gathered in by Christ Himself.
      THE VINTAGE OF THE BAD is gathered by another angel.

This suggests that the ministry of MERCY is Christ's chosen work, and the ministry of JUDGMENT is Christ's stern necessity. He puts forth the sickle of ingathering for the good, but "another angel" is used to put forth the sickle of judgment and destruction. Surely this has implications in our task of proclaiming the gospel today! [100]



--Revelation 15 and 16


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 15

Before John describes the 7 last plagues in chapter 16 he introduces them by describing two visions of the scene in heaven in chapter 15.

      --The vision of the redeemed--15:1-4<
      --The vision of the angels of wrath--15:5-8 1.

Verse 2.
  Near God's throne is calm sea of God's counsels--A sea so calm that it looked "LIKE GLASS." We saw this sea in 4:6. Now this sea of God's counsels is ruddy "WITH FIRE"--"fire" is often a symbol of judgment--Hebrews 12:29; Matthew 3:12. This sea is not to be confused with the wild ungoverned sea of human passions out of which the wild beast arose in 13:1. Beside this fire-flushed sea are those who have been victorious over the wild beast.
Verses 1 and 4.
  They sing "The Song of Moses and the Song of The Lamb." The Song of Moses is that which was sung when God gave Israel victory over Pharaoh at the Red Sea (Exodus 15:1-19). As ancient Israel saw the overthrow of a great world power then so these saints now sing the song of triumph over great world powers of every age.

They also sing "the Song of The Lamb" for the victory is in Him (12:11). CAN WE SING THESE SONGS OF DELIVERANCE? The real victory is not to live in safety, not to evade trouble, BUT TO FACE THE WORST THAT EVIL CAN DO AND YET REMAIN FAITHFUL TO CHRIST EVEN TO DEATH.

"May God deny you safety, and give you glory," said Unamus.

Verse 5.
  John saw "the tent of witness in heaven" (Acts 7:44)

(It was so called because within it were the tables of the law witnessing to God's just demands and the Ark of the covenant witnessing to God's grace.)

Verse 6.
  Seven angels came from the temple. Their clothing is like Christ's (1:13) They are dressed as high priests for they come to do the work of God. [101]
Verse 7.
  Each angel has a bowl shaped like a saucer. Their contents could be poured out suddenly. They are full of the wrath of God.

It is one of "the living creatures" who hands them these bowls. These "Living creatures" represent REDEEMED MANKIND.

It is through redeemed men and women that God can visit the world--Matthew 24:14--"this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then shall the end come"--Revelation 14:7 shows Redeemed men preaching the gospel--handing the bowls to the angels of judgment.

Verse 8.
  There are two thoughts here.

(1) In the midst of judgment no man can understand the mind of God and no man can enter His presence.

As Isaiah saw the temple "filled with smoke" (Isa. 6:4), so while these plagues fall, the purposes of God are obscured to men nor can we see the Ark of His grace, but when the smoke is lifted men will see the Ark is there and has been there all the time.

(2) And as men could not enter the tent in the wilderness (Exodus 40:34, 35), or at the dedication of Solomon's temple (1 Kings 8:11), so as these plagues fall on those who have rejected God, even the judgments of God fail to stir the conscience that has been deadened by sin. "Who shall not pray with an agony of earnestness, 'From hardness of heart, and from contempt of Thy word and commandment, good Lord, deliver us'?"


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 15

Can we sing the SONG OF DELIVERANCE referred to in verses 3 and 4?

We observe in this song of praise in these verses that there is not one word about the achievements on earth of the singers. Their song is all about God and His greatness and goodness.

Heaven is a place where men and women forget themselves and remember only God. In heaven self is forgotten. In heaven we will see at last the great plan and purpose of God and we will realise our own littleness. In heaven all self-importance is lost in the presence and glory of God.


III. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 16

THE SEVEN BOWLS are closely similar to the 7 seals and the 7 trumpets in that they affect the same things. But the destruction that followed the seals and the trumpets was limited to one third for they were given as warnings [102] pleading with men to repent. The destruction that follows the pouring of the 7 bowls is complete on the enemies of God. These are "the last plagues, for in them the wrath of God is ended." (15:1).

  As boils plagued Egypt (Exodus 9:8-11), so the moral and spiritual disease which has been an INNER corruption and decay in those who have worshipped and bore the mark of the beast now find that inner putrefaction breaking OUT on the surface of life. The quality of the inner life is bound to reach the surface at last.
  This and the next bowl reminds us of the turning of the waters of the Nile into blood. (Exodus 7:17-21). If "the sea" is taken to mean nations as stated in 17:15, then this means that materialism, worldliness, kills all that is wholesome in the life of the people. It corrupts national life.
  There is "blood in the rivers and the fountains of water." The rivers that feed the sea are polluted--that is, all the powers and influences which are the springs of national life are corrupted. When the press, T.V. and radio, education, propaganda, literature become so polluted as to poison national life we will she this third bowl.

Verse 6. This is just what men deserve. The prophets referred to are probably prophets of the church (see 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11).

Verse 7. The Christian martyrs are depicted as being under the altar (6:9). They praise God for His judgments.

  Men are scorched by the sun. The sun has power to BLESS with life, giving heat to promote life. But the sun also has the power to BLAST. In this fourth bowl the life-giving heat becomes torturing heat. Men whose burning passions had brought moral undoing burn with a fire that brings agony.

It is true that Jesus is "The Sun of Righteousness," and that those who reject His blessing will find their own pride scorched and burnt.

  The centre and throne of worldly power is smitten with darkness like that on Egypt (Exodus 10:21-23). The kingdom of evil is "the kingdom of darkness," whilst God's kingdom is "The Kingdom of light." (see 1 John 1:6, 2:11 ; Colossians 1:12, 13--"You have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light of His Son").

This fifth bowl brings darkness over earthly wickedness. None of the activities of life can go on. Yet, "they did not repent." To live at all man must have seas, fountains, sunshine and health. When these all turn against you life has become hopeless. In Revelation 16:10, 11. All is darkness. [103]

  "The sixth angel poured his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the East."

There are many interpretations of this bowl. We are free of course to differ. We state one possible interpretation. "THE GREAT RIVER EUPHRATES" was the boundary separating the people of God from Babylon. (Genesis 15:18) IT STANDS FOR THE BOUNDARY SEPARATING GOD'S KINGDOM FROM THE WORLD.

This sixth judgment causes the river Euphrates to dry up as God caused the Red Sea to dry up (Exodus 14:21), and the river Jordan (Joshua 3:17) so that God's people who are in Babylon can come out of her (18:4).

If we look at the verse in this way, "The kings of the East" may be the remnant of God's people in Babylon (the city of confusion, godlessness and worldliness), and are distinguished from "the kings of the earth" in verse 14. Another view is that these kings of the East are the worldly kings who make war on God's kingdom (17:14). Both may be referred to here.

This verse is quite certainly a reference to a famous event in history. When Cyrus the Persian conquered Babylon he did so by drying up the river Euphrates which actually flows right through Babylon. When Cyrus came to Babylon her defences seemed so strong that her capture seemed impossible, but by a feat of engineering Cyrus temporarily changed the course of the river upstream into a lake. The channel of the river through Babylon became a dry road through which the invaders marched. This is referred to in Jeremiah 51:36. If we look at this verse in this light we can see it as a threat of God's judgment on all worldliness. Babylon will be defeated. The drying up of the Euphrates becomes a picture of the deliverance of God's people in the world and also a picture of the defeat of worldliness.

Verse 13. THE THREE FOUL SPIRITS which come out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet could be described as the PRIDE of Satan, the HOSTILITY of worldly power, and the FALSE THINKING of the false prophet. These are described as "like frogs." What an appropriate picture! The croaking frog--a picture of the unclean, empty-headed, continuous, monotonous and plague-bringing propaganda of the world. What a picture of the world's criticism of the church!

Verse 14. These frog like demonic spirits gather "the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty" "And they assembled them at the place which is called in Hebrew Armageddon." (verse 16).

It is important to note that this baffle and warfare is Spiritual. This is the conflict of the kings of the world against God. (Psalm 2:2; Revelation 17:14; Revelation 20:7-10). [104]

ARMAGEDDON. Armageddon is the mountain of Megiddo. It is in the plain of Esdraelon in Galilee, the high tableland surrounded by hills which was the great battlefield in Jewish history. The fortunes of kingdoms had been decided there. There Barak defeated Sisera (Judges 5:19-21), there Ahaziah and Josiah were slain (2 Kings 9:27; 23:29, 30), there, there had often been great mourning (Zechariah 12:11). Some limit the meaning of the word "Armageddon" to this place, but we are not forced to limit this huge conflict to this small place. This small place would not hold even a small modern army. This small battle-ground is raised in meaning. IT BECOMES A SYMBOL OF DECISIVE CONFLICT. "Armageddon" is a type, not a locality.

John uses the place "Armageddon" to symbolise GREAT DECISIVE CONFLICT in much the same way as we use the word "WATERLOO" to signify decisive defeat. It is well to remember that "Armageddon" signifies DECISIVE CONFLICT WHICH IS SPIRITUAL (NOT PHYSICAL).--It describes the overthrow of spiritual evil by Almighty God--not material battles with guns and bombs; human battles and bloodshed never settle matters regarding right and wrong. "Armageddon" is the REAL battle between God and evil, and it is going on now. It is not the picture of material armies on a material battlefield.

We thank God that at Calvary evil met its Waterloo. There remains much "mopping up" to be done. We know that the final conflict will be terrible for the forces of evil as described by John in this passage.

  Verse 17. "The AIR" is regarded as the domain of Satan (Eph. 2:2) God said "It is done"--The end of sin and suffering is at hand for the last of the plagues is come.

Verse 18. The whole of nature becomes at war with sinful man in "A GREAT EARTHQUAKE."

Verse 19. In this great earthquake "BABYLON"--the symbol of worldliness and godlessness is split into three. It lost its power of cohesion. There is no uniting power in evil. The effects of the earthquake are wide-spread, cities fall, islands and mountains disappear. There is only one kingdom which cannot be shaken--the Kingdom of God (see (Hebrews 12:26-29). Christians have realised this truth time and time again when the proud kingdoms of this world have been shaken--as in the fall of Rome, the collapse of the feudal system, the agrarian revolution, the industrial revolution, the French revolution, the Communist revolution, the fall of governments and civilisations. There is only one kingdom which cannot be shaken--The Kingdom of God.

"Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou, who changest not, abide with me." [105]
The kingdoms of the world go by, in purple and in gold.
They rise and flourish, and they die, and all their tale is told.
One Kingdom only is divine, one banner triumphs still
Its King--a servant, and its sign--a Cross upon a hill.


IV. MEDITATION--Revelation 16

The seven bowls of judgment are symbolic pictures to tell us this truth--that if man sins against God, then the whole universe becomes man's enemy. While the seven bowls describe evil as being destroyed everywhere Christians need to heed THE-WARNING GIVEN BY GOD HIMSELF IN VERSE 15.

"Lo I am coming like a thief! blessed is he who is awake,
keeping his garments, that he may not go naked . . ."

1. We must WATCH

      --Lest we become indifferent
      --Lest we become merely nominal church members
      --Lest we fall away from Christ.

We must watch for every opportunity to serve Christ--for every opportunity to serve our fellow men.


  --The garment of Salvation Isaiah 61:10
  --The garment of Righteousness Isaiah 64:6
  --The garment of Praise Isaiah 61:3
  --The garment of True humility 1 Peter 5:5

--else others will see our shame, for our own righteousness is only as filthy rags. [106]



--Revelation 17, 18, 19:1-10


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 17, 18 19:1-10

Chapter 17, 18, 19 and 20 are difficult chapters. To outline every detail in these study notes would probably confuse the reader; so we present here our personal view of the meaning of these chapters.

At the close of chapter 16 we reached the end of the three series of judgments which form the main part of the book of Revelation (the 7 seals, the 7 trumpets, and the 7 bowls). Now begins another series of visions of the fall of Babylon--which is looking at the same events from another point of view. And deals with the same "little season" of the whole Christian era--One needs to get John's picture by first reading the whole of Chapters 17, 18 to verse 10 of chapter 19.

The fact that John does not want us to think of the events he describes in order of historical time is shown by the fact that twice before he has told us of Babylon and her doom. As we have explained before, in each series of visions John brings us to the end of all things and then in the next series of visions John takes us back to look at the same events from another viewpoint. That this is John's method is clearly shown in the vision of the fall of Babylon which he describes in such detail in these chapters now before us. If we return to 14:8 and 16:19 we realise that whilst the fall of Babylon was described in these earlier visions the same event is now being described in closer detail.

The main questions connected with interpretation of these 3½ chapters are WHAT ARE WE TO UNDERSTAND BY "THE BEAST?" AND WHAT ARE WE TO UNDERSTAND BY THE TERM "BABYLON?"

  This wild beast we saw previously in 13:1-10. We defined him as "world-power."

The woman harlot is "SEATED ON HIM" for she draws her SUPPORT FROM AND CONTROLS THIS BEAST (of world-power).



1. "THE BEAST" we understand as "WORLDLY-POWER," which verse 8 describes as "WAS and IS NOT, and IS TO ASCEND FROM THE BOTTOMLESS PIT, and TO GO TO PERDITION." This beast--this worldly-power LIVED, AND WAS BROUGHT TO NOTHING BY CHRIST, AND WAS plunged into the bottomless pit, and will go at last to destruction.

"THE SEVEN HEADS" are described in verses 9-13 as "SEVEN KINGS." If we link these verses with Daniel 7:3-8; 23, 24 we then interpret John's vision as describing seven periods of worldly rule of opposition against God's people. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, are the first five powers, or heads of the beast. They are fallen--These are referred to in verse 8 as the beast that "WAS, AND IS NOT." Rome is the SIXTH power which was persecuting God's people when John wrote in verse 10 "ONE IS." Is John saying that WORLD-POWER AFTER THE FALL OF ROME WILL NOT BE ONE GREAT KINGDOM BUT THAT WORLD POWER WILL BE DISTRIBUTED?--There will be a collection of world powers which will be against Christ? These will continue only for "ONE HOUR" says verse 12, "ONLY A LITTLE WHILE" says verse 10.

It seems significant that there has never been ONE world-wide empire since the fall of Rome. And John says in verse 11 that no eighth empire shall arise, but that at the last the wild beast of world-power in convulsive death throes will attack God's people. John also says that however great and powerful these powers are--they will be destroyed. It is significant also that John saw the beasts being brought to nothing and sent into the bottomless pit during the sixth (or Roman) head. It was during the Roman rule that Christ won the victory at the Cross, Resurrection and Ascension. The history of the beast, however, does not end with his defeat. He rises again in the seventh head which is an association of 10 world powers, (not necessarily 10 literal world powers--10 is the symbol of fulness, completeness, limitation)--in these the beast has resurrection power. So, the Beast is active in persecuting God's people through the entire Christian era, from Pentecost until Christ returns.--Note also in verse 15 that "THE SEA" out of which beast and harlot rise, and over which they rule is "peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues."


The harlot is described in verses of chapter 17 and is also described in verse 18 as "THE GREAT CITY WHICH HAS DOMINION OVER THE KINGS OF THE EARTH."

John draws a contrast between


(1) "BABYLON," is a name based on Genesis 11 when men built "Babel" and in their revolt against God became "confused" in more than their language. To us "BABYLON" is a symbol--not of Rome, nor of any city of the future. "BABYLON" IS "THE CITY OF WORLDLINESS IN ITS WIDEST SENSE. AND THIS MAY BE FOUND IN ADELAIDE, MOSCOW--ANYWHERE MEN LIVE. "BABYLON" IS THE CITY OF WORLDLINESS, OF CONFUSION, OF GODLESSNESS."

The modern Babylon--CITY OF CONFUSION--CITY OF MAN. In every modern city today there is confusion. Clearly man cannot run the affairs of this world without God. Yet man refuses to turn from his godlessness, so John foretells the ultimate fall of all godlessness in this vision of the fall of Babylon. John draws the contrast between the two cities Babylon and Jerusalem. He develops the contrast later in chapter 21.

(2) John continues the contrast of THE TWO WOMEN Babylon, the HARLOT, is not to be identified with any ONE denomination of the church. Babylon is within and outside all denominations. She is THE FALSE CHURCH WHEREVER SHE IS. She is the church which is untrue to Christ. She is THE MERELY NOMINAL CHURCH which is unfaithful to Christ--the church in NAME only. She is the TARES growing with the good seed as described by Jesus in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.


Whether we understand all the details of John's vision in chapters 17 and 18 is not important. It is important that we make our choice aright. Either we belong to the New Jerusalem or to Babylon (that is, either we are members of the Bride of Christ or of the harlot). Either we are faithful to Christ or we are unfaithful. We cannot be neutral. We are committed on the side of Christ--or on the side of the devil. We cannot serve God and mammon.

Those earthly governments which treat God with scorn rather than obedience--which legislate to please the lower desires of popular vote rather than to obey God's moral and spiritual law, all these governments will perish. But God's throne is not subject to the dizzy change of popular opinion.

The story of the battle between evil and good is repeated again and again in the book of Revelation. Sometimes the battle is in heaven, sometimes it is here on earth. Always the arrogant forces of evil are defeated. Here in chapters 17 and 18 the forces of the beast and the harlot (or worldliness both in political and religious spheres) are defeated by Christ. [109]


An angel proclaims the fall of Babylon--the city of confusion--of world-power--The fall of humanism (the belief that man can rule this world himself without God or obedience to God). Chapter 18 describes THE COMPLETENESS OF HER FALL.

The main thought of the chapter is that it teaches that man's pride and belief that he can rule without God is the sin by which man has destroyed himself. Christians need to heed the call of verse 4. "Come out of her my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues."--As Lot was called out of Sodom, so Christians who are required to live in a corrupt and worldly society are called to be "IN the world but not OF the world." (John 17:15, 16) "Be not confirmed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." (Romans 12:2)--Christians should be different from the world, but are we? Chapter 18 describes the destruction of a civilisation built on worldliness. In verses 9-20 there is the lament of kings, merchants and sailors and the mourning of those whose profits have gone.

Then in verses 21-24 SIX TIMES, like a funeral knell the words "ANY MORE" or "NO MORE" are repeated. As we read these verses:

  Lonely sounds cannot go on when people have no harmony left in them. Where there is discord, where harmony is absent in a life, then music, (the sounds of harmony) drop into silence.

John says that to a "city of worldliness" music comes "NO MORE" (verse 22). The ultimate end of a godless civilisation is that all harmony disappears from a person's heart--and so music will be "NO MORE." What a world--NO MUSIC!

  (verse 22) The sound of "the millstone" (the symbol of all productive work is heard "NO MORE" and the sound of "the craftsman at work" is heard "NO MORE." For when sound good character ceases there is an ominous slowing down and stopping of industry.
  (verse 23) "The light of a lamp shall shine in thee "NO MORE" The lamp makes a little bit of day in the midst of night. But deeds of selfish greed can put out the lights. There are Christians who go about this world lighting lamps. And there are those who go about this world putting out the lamps of truth and faith. Someday there will be no lighting of lamps in a sinful, greedy, selfish world and the complete darkness of the absence of moral principles will occur.
  (verse 23) For when selfish worldliness and confusion controls there can be no happy homes. [110]
CHAPTER 19:1-10 brings us to
Verse 1.
  "The great multitude" joining in this chorus of rejoicing over the defeat of all evil is THE WHOLE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT IN HEAVEN. THE LAMB'S BRIDE of verses 7-9 is of course "THE CHURCH." "She has made herself ready" (verse 7). She has long been betrothed, and has been waiting for "the bridegroom." Now He has come. Clearly, the Lamb's bride is THE CHURCH. The church which is made up of all those who have given their lives wholly to Christ. (Those who are called in the book of Revelation "THE MARTYRS").

Jesus had described the coming of His Kingdom as a wedding feast (Matthew 25:1-13). The Apostle Paul described the church as preparing herself as the bride of Christ--2 Corinthians 11:2.

As in any wedding the attention is focused on the bride and her dress--John writes in verse 8 "She is clothed with fine linen, bright and pure--for fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints."

Protestants hesitate to talk about "good deeds" for fear of being suspected of believing in salvation by works. But while good works do not redeem us and we depend entirely on Christ for redemption, yet we are saved for a purpose. Our salvation does not end in a privilege to be enjoyed, it issues (to use John's language) "IN THE RIGHTEOUS DEEDS OF THE SAINTS." John describes the material from which the wedding gown of the church is formed as these good works.

In closing our study of this section of the fall of Babylon let us look at TWO IMPORTANT LESSONS FROM JOHN'S VISION OF THE HALLELUJAH CHORUS IN CHAPTER 19:6.


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 17, 18, 19:1-10

We are accustomed to think of the Hallelujah chorus in the setting Handel has given us.

1. "Hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth."

This is the important fact which arises from the fall of Babylon and the marriage of the church to Christ. [111]

In the light of this fact we should ask ourselves WHAT IS THE BIGGEST FACT OF LIFE FOR ME AT THIS MOMENT?
      Is it my HOME?
            or my WORK?
                  or my HAPPINESS AND SECURITY?

If so, there is something wrong with me.

For the great central important fact of life for a Christian is this--"THE LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT REIGNETH."

This involves freedom from our worries
      --the defeat of sin
      --the comfort of sorrow.

2. When we grasp the fact that "The Lord God omnipotent reigneth" then, as verse 7 has it:

John's vision of the fall of the harlot and the marriage of the bride reminds us of Mary's song in Luke 1:46-55:

"He has shown strength with His arm,
He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts,
He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
And exalted those of low degree."

Surely the members of the church of God have every reason to

The Hallelujah chorus is Introduced in verse 4 "And the 24 elders and the 4 living creatures fell down and worshipped God who is seated on the throne, saying, AMEN. HALLELUJAH!"

The 24 elders and the 4 living creatures symbolise the whole church and all mankind. John describes their worship in the two words "AMEN, HALLELUJAH". What do these words mean?

"Amen" means "So let it be." "God's will be done."

"Hallelujah" means "Praise the Lord, the Almighty."

James Stewart suggests that these two words remind us of the four notes of all real worship.

The "Amen" of worship means firstly ACCEPTANCE of God's Will; and secondly the COMMITMENT of ourselves to DO that will. The "Hallelujah" of worship means--a sense of FELLOWSHIP with God, and also a sense of JOY in the ASSURANCE of God's victory. Our worship as Christians involves our acceptance of the will of God for our daily lives--and our commitment to do God's will. The "Amen" is not a groan of resignation to God's will but a shout of resolution. [112]

And our worship involves the Hallelujah of praise and joy.

If we have lost our joy in the pressures of modern living with our cares and troubles--then we need to recapture in our worship the Hallelujah Spirit of Revelation 19:4

"Praise to the Holiest in the height,
And in the depth be praise,
In all His words most wonderful,
Most sure in all His ways"

"Amen, Hallelujah!"--"For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth!"

There are immense personal implications in Revelation 19: verse 6.

That God's will is supreme in every sphere of life--and I am not.

That God is the power in the universe.

That God who acted in the past, and present, will also act in the future.

That God will bring the climax of creation and judgment--God is supreme and I am not.

Neither you nor I have the right to act as if we owned the world and its goods.

You and I must be God-centred and not self-centred.

God is supreme; and fate, material possessions and death itself is not supreme. To respond to the implications of the Hallelujah chorus is to sing and act accordingly.

"Reign over me, Lord Jesus!
Oh make my heart Thy throne.
It shall be Thine, dear Saviour
It shall be Thine alone."


III. MEDITATION--Revelation 17, 18, 19:1-10

Visions of Babylon and its fall.

These chapters are confusing to ordinary readers but the general idea is clear.

THE BEAST referred to is the same as the beast described in chapter 13:1-10. He is WORLD POWER which is ANTAGONISTIC TO CHRIST.

John saw world powers as receiving a death wound at Calvary, but continuing in death throes to attack Christ's people.

The WOMAN HARLOT is described as controlling and drawing sustenance from the worldly power. My interpretation is that BABYLON is the HARLOT who controls and draws sustenance from this city of worldliness and is the FALSE or NOMINAL church. Babylon, as described in Revelation chapters 17 and 18 is a symbol--not of any one literal city. past, present or future. The modern Babylon "City of Confusion" is here now. [113]

Plainly man cannot run modern cities successfully without God and obedience to God's laws. There is growing and utter confusion in the economic, social and political affairs of our cities. There is utter confusion as to how to put things right. There is confusion as how to correct inflation of currency--how to create employment--how to give social justice. John foretells the ultimate fall of all godless materialism in this vision of the fall of Babylon. [114]



--Revelation 19:11 and 22:5


This is the last main section of the Book of Revelation. Here we have described to us the visions of The Conquering Christ (19:11-16), the judgments of the beast and of the false prophet and of Satan (19:17-20;10), the judgment of the wicked (20:11-15), the visions of the New heaven, the New earth and the New Jerusalem (20:16-22;5). And the LAST WORDS (22:6-21).



I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 19:11-16

John saw heaven opened and a RIDER UPON A WHITE HORSE verse 11. We noted the first appearance of a WHITE HORSEMAN in chapter 6:2. There we interpreted as "CHRIST EVANGELISING". There is no doubt that THE RIDER ON THE WHITE HORSE In 19:11 IS CHRIST. "WHITE" is a symbol throughout the book of Revelation for PURITY and VICTORY.

This rider is called "FAITHFUL AND TRUE"--"faithful" because we can depend on His promises. He is "true," for He is the answer to all our hopes. Unlike the kings of the earth who wage war in selfishness, "in righteousness He judges and makes war."

Verse 12.
  "His eyes are like a flame of fire" seeing all the secrets of our lives. Nothing is hidden from Him. (Hebrews 4:13). He is crowned as conqueror. "He has a name inscribed which no one knows but Himself." We do know some of His names "Jesus, the Christ, The Son of God, Shepherd, Redeemer, Saviour, Prince of Peace, King of Kings and Lord of lords"----but the fullness of His love and power none of us has yet realised. There is more that we still have to learn of Him. (verse 16--We know who He is "King of kings and Lord of lords").
Verse 14.
  "The armies of heaven" wear the fine linen, white and pure" "which is the righteousness of the saints" (19:8). [115]
Verse 15.
  The Sword--The Word of His mouth--is now wielded in judgment. The Word that Christ spoke will judge men at the last day. (John 12:48). His Word is "a two-edged sword." If not blessing it judges.
Verse 16.
  THE KING rides at the head of His armies. On His robe where it spreads out at His waist HIS TITLE is inscribed. His Kingship is universal--But one thing remains--that the enemies of His people be consigned to their doom. To this the vision now proceeds at verse 17.


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 19:11-16

Link with John's vision of Revelation 19:11-16 a meditation on the Hymn "Crown Him with many crowns" and also the stirring Hymn "Onward Christian soldiers." Read the verses thoughtfully.

The armies of the church militant on earth, and the church triumphant in heaven are not engaged in physical battles of guns and bloodshed, but in spiritual struggles for control of the minds and spiritual forces of men and women. To us, as His soldiers, Christ says "As My Father has sent Me so send I you." (John 17:18). The weapons of this warfare are described in Ephesians 6:12.

Let us rejoice as we serve in this army.

"Crowns and thrones may perish
Kingdoms rise and wane
But the Church of Jesus
Constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never
'Gainst that Church prevail."

If we had to find another title for the Book of Revelation to describe its message--then it would bear the title--
      "King of kings and Lord of lords."

For everything in this book begins and ends in Christ. In our day men prophecy "the end of Christ's church", but Christ's Word is mightier than any word that men can utter. Let us rise up to serve The King of kings.


III. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 19:17-21

Verse 17.
  "The angel standing in the sun"--a symbol of the divine presence (see 1:16; 10:1; 12:1). He stands so that he can be seen and heard by all "the birds that fly in mid heaven." That is, the strong birds of prey such as the eagle and the vulture which fly high. [116]
Verse 18.
  This carrion meal is a picture drawn from Ezekiel 39:17-20.
Verse 18.
  "The beast and the kings of the earth" gather to battle against the King of kings. (see 16:14-16; 17:14; 20:8).
Verse 20.
  Two enemies of Christ and His church meet the fate they have brought upon themselves--the beast and the false prophet--these were described in chapter 13.

We were told in 17:8, 11 that "the beast is to go to perdition." Now we are told that both the beast and the false prophet are "cast into the lake of fire that burns with brimstone." This picture reminds us of the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 19, Numbers 16:32-34; Isaiah 5:14). We also read of this again in Revelation 20:10, 14, 15; 21:8. John tells us in 20:14 that by this "lake of fire" he means "this is the second death." Exactly what this may mean we may not be sure, it is enough to know that these two foes are judged and the world is freed from them. Worldly governments and false religion is fallen, judged and destroyed in this part of John's vision of the beast and the false prophet.

Dr. J. P. Love writes of this scene in Revelation 19:17-21.

"In a sense this episode presents something which often occurs in history. In each generation Christ rides victoriously to overthrow the power of false government (the beast) and false religion (the false prophet) that have conspired to wreck that generation. But in a deeper sense we have come now to that position of the Book of Revelation where John is describing finalities for all ages and all times. There will come a day when the human dictatorship will reach its last sea, and that will not be a sea of victory, but a lake of fire (complete defeat and judgment) into which Christ drives His foes. Then Christ fully takes His throne and reigns.

While Christ comes to us in many senses, comes to the individual believer at his death, to the church at its time of crises, to each generation to bring it to judgment--it is also true that in a very real way there is a final "COMING" of the Lord. Judgment, though it goes on from day to day, is brought at last completely upon all humanity and upon every satanic source of evil. Judgment and salvation are both alike present and future, and the White Horseman brings both to final completion at His coming to reign." (Dr. J. P. Love "Layman's Bible Commentary on John--Jude--Revelation" SCM Press, Page 107).

These words of Dr. Love's are worthy of meditation, before we move to chapter 20--to the judgment of Satan himself. [117]



--Revelation 20


This is the most difficult chapter of the whole book of Revelation to understand. Fortunately our salvation and growth in Christian grace does not depend upon our understanding of what is meant by "A millennium"--"the 1000 years reign of Christ." If our salvation depended on our understanding this symbol, then God would have made it much plainer.

It is in this chapter that most of the sects have their origin. My understanding is that "the 1000 years reign of Christ" is a symbol NOT of any period of time BUT IS A SYMBOL OF THE COMPLETE AND ABSOLUTE RULE OF CHRIST OVER THE LIVES OF ALL COMPLETELY SURRENDERED CHRISTIANS AND THAT CHRIST THUS REIGNS NOW.

All numbers in the Book of Revelation are symbols.

It makes nonsense of the book if we interpret some numbers as literal and others as symbols. As, for instance, the "666" of chapter 13:18 is clearly symbolic so also is "the 1000 years" of chapter 20.

In the following pages we will study chapter 20 more closely.

This is a much debated chapter. But with all its difficulties and with all the differing opinions regarding this chapter, its main point is clear: SATAN IS JUDGED.

It helps us to see that the main thought of these verses is not the reign of 1000 years, but the judgment of Satan. If we cannot understand all the details of this chapter let us hold fast the main truth--Satan will be judged. Every understanding of this vision is beset with difficulties and will meet with opposition from those whose opinions differ. Whatever interpretation we adopt we need to speak with caution because none of us knows the whole truth. We need to speak with love to those who honestly understand this chapter differently from ourselves. Diverse interpretations of this chapter have created serious divisions of the Christian church and formed the basis of many sects. Tolerance with those holding views differing from our own is very necessary. If the Lord meant us to understand the significance of the detailed events described in Revelation Chapter 20 concerning the 1000 years reign [118] of Christ, and if our salvation and growth in Christian grace depended upon such understanding then He would have made it much clearer and more easily understood.

It is Christ's command that we love one another whether or not we agree with each other's interpretations. If we only have fellowship with those who agree with our opinions "What thanks have ye? for sinners also do the same. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive, and ye shall be forgiven." (Luke 6:32-37).

It is a Protestant Principle to allow liberty of opinion. One of the watchwords of Churches of Christ is "in things essential, UNITY; in matters of opinion, LIBERTY; in all things, LOVE."


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 20

Before we begin our study on chapter 20 we need to emphasise THAT THE REIGNS OF 1000 YEARS IS NOT THE MAIN THEME OF THESE VERSES--BUT THE JUDGMENT OF SATAN. (The Latin word for "1000" is "millennium").

1. Very little is actually said about the 1000 years reign of Christ here. Most of our ideas about it are read into it from Old Testament prophecies. If the millennium is so important we would have expected the book of Revelation and the rest of THE NEW TESTAMENT to speak more directly about it.
2. This is the only chapter in the New Testament where we read of "a 1000 years" except for the one text in 2 Peter 3:8 which states that "one day is with the Lord as a 1000 years and a 1000 years as one day."

Dr. J. P. Love writes: "That the millennium has caused a perfect welter of differences of interpretation in the church throughout the ages, and that it has received attention far beyond the importance suggested by its meagre length, is one of the strangest facts of biblical usage. The whole idea of the millennium rests entirely on this one passage; the figure occurs nowhere else in scripture . . . The thought of a 1000 years is used elsewhere in the Bible only to suggest that such a time, so long in man's experience, can be like a single day to God. (Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8)" (Dr. J. P. Love--Layman's Bible Commentary on John--Jude--Revelation" SCM Press, Page 110). [119]

3. There are 3 main views--or interpretations of the 1000 years in Revelation 20.

(1) That it means a literal and exact 1000 years
(2) That it refers to a literal but indefinite period of time (2 Peter 3:8)

(Reference is made in an appendix to the main theories of interpretation. In these notes we explain the interpretation which we accept).



--So the three enemies of Christ and His church will be judged and forever removed from being able to harm God's children.

In verse 2 the devil is called "the dragon" because he is fierce, and "the serpent" because he is subtle. The devil is bound and shut in the pit for a thousand years.

1. When does this take place? When is Satan bound?

We believe this to be a symbolic reference to what took place at Christ's victory over Satan at the Cross of Calvary.

There Christ bound Satan for Christians in so far as Christians are fully surrendered to Christ. (The symbol of "the 1000 years reign of Christ" describes the complete reign of Christ over fully surrendered Christians).

Surely the victory of Christ over the devil at the Cross was a REAL victory!--see Colossians 2:15, at His Cross Jesus "spoiled principalities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it." In John 12:31 Jesus says of His coming victory at the Cross "NOW is the judgment of this world, NOW shall the prince of this world be cast out." In John 16:11 Jesus said "The prince of this world IS judged."

The verses 1-10 of Revelation chapter 20 refer to the victory of Christ over the devil at the Cross. There Christ bound Satan from harming the REAL life of Christians who are completely surrendered to Him. (This COMPLETE RULE OF CHRIST OVER FULLY SURRENDERED CHRISTIANS IS THE 1000 YEAR REIGN OF CHRIST). It remains true that the devil still makes war against Christians, he persecutes and may even kill the bodies of Christians but their real life is hid with Christ in God, and the prayer of Jesus in John 17:11 is answered. "Keep those whom Thou hast given Me"--And John 17:15 "I pray that Thou shouldst keep them from the evil one." [120]

2. THE BINDING AND LOOSING OF SATAN is referred to in verses 2 and 3.

To what does this refer?

During this age from the Pentecost of Acts 2 until the second coming of Christ the devil is "bound" and cannot really harm those Christians WHO ARE FULLY AND COMPLETELY SURRENDERED TO CHRIST, but the devil is "loosed" to continue to deceive unbelievers in this present age. "The loosing of the devil when the 1000 years were ended for a "little while" (verse 3) simply means that beyond the sphere of the completely surrendered lives of Christians the devil is loosed NOW to deceive people on earth.

The victory of Christ over the devil at the Cross means that in the measure that Christians are surrendered themselves to the rule of Christ the devil is now "bound," he cannot deceive or harm them. But the devil is still "loose" to deceive unbelievers.

We repeat that the reference in this chapter to "1000 years" is a SYMBOL OF THE COMPLETENESS OF CHRIST'S REIGN OVER FULLY SURRENDERED CHRISTIANS.

Numbers are used symbolically throughout the whole book of Revelation. It makes utter nonsense if we interpret some numbers in the book as mathematical and literal and other numbers as symbols. We must try to be consistent in our interpretation. If "666" in 13:18 can only be understood as a symbol so also is the "1000 years" of chapter 20. (In our introduction we indicated "10" as a symbol of "completeness"--the cube of 10 (1000 years) is a symbol, not for any length of time, but of a perfect and complete rule of Christ over the lives of surrendered Christians).

So, "the binding and loosing" of Satan took place at the Cross. Satan is only bound from harming the real life of those Christians who are completely surrendered to Christ's control. Satan is still loose for "the little while" (verse 3) of the Christian dispensation in which we now live and he afflicts us. So, belief in "the 1000 years reign of Christ" is not a weird anticipation of some future time in history when there will be a let up in evil before the end of history, but is a SYMBOL OF THE GREAT RESTRAINING POWER WHICH GOD GIVES TO TRUE CHRISTIANS--A power which is able to restrain the devil's power in us although it cannot destroy the devil himself. Only God can do that. For such a power Christians should be grateful and spend less time arguing about the millennium.

Compare this interpretation of the opening verses of Revelation chapter 20 with the teaching of Romans chapters 6 and 7. Notice how they agree.

The main message of Romans is that:

(1) Salvation is ours by FAITH in Christ and not by our own work and effort. [121]
(2) Personal holiness (sanctification) is ours--not by struggle but by the complete surrender of self to Christ's control--victory over sin means that we are no longer bound by sin. This comes through complete surrender to Christ.

We strongly urge the reading of Romans chapters 6 and 7 at this point in studying Revelation chapter 20.

In the translation by J. B. Phillips we have verses like these:

"Let us never forget that our old selves died with Him on the Cross that the tyranny of sin over us might be broken--for a dead man can safely be said to be immune to the power of sin." (Romans 6:6 and 7).

The Apostle Paul continues the theme in chapter 7. Christ has loosed us from the binding power of sin. We can't loose ourselves but Christ frees us.

We can see that the teaching of Romans chapters 6 and 7 is in accord with the interpretation of the binding and loosing of Satan for 1000 years which we see in Revelation chapter 20.

3. Revelation chapter 20 describes TWO RESURRECTIONS.
(verses 5, 6; 11-15).

Note that John writes of "the martyred dead" throughout the book of Revelation to describe ALL THOSE WHO GIVE THEIR LIVES COMPLETELY TO CHRIST--this is not limited only to those whose bodies are killed.

(1) The FIRST resurrection described in verses 5 and 6 is SPIRITUAL. IT IS THE SPIRITUAL NEW LIFE that now IS to every believer. This first resurrection took place at conversion--see John 5:24-29. Jesus said "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes Him who sent me, HAS eternal life, he does not come into judgment, but HAS PASSED FROM DEATH TO LIFE." Verse 29 describes these believers as sharing "THE RESURRECTION OF LIFE," and also describes a second resurrection of "those who have done evil, to "the, resurrection of judgment."

The teaching of Revelation 20 concerning the TWO resurrections accords with the teaching of Jesus in John 5.

Our present Christian life is described in Revelation 20:1-8 as "THE FIRST RESURRECTION." It took place at our conversion to Christ. Compare such scriptures as Ephesians 2:6; John 11:25, 26; Philippians 1:21; 1 Peter 2:9, 10. Look at the condition of those described in Revelation 20 as sharing in the first resurrection. Those conditions are the same as these other verses. These conditions are the same as the present conditions of Christians in this age. [122]

(2) The SECOND resurrection of Revelation 20:11-15 is a BODILY resurrection. This takes place at the end of this age when Christ returns in' glory, when judgment is made both punishment of the wicked and blessing of the righteous. Note these scriptures also in this regard: John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15; Romans 2:5-11; Matthew 16:27, 28; 25:31-46; 13:30, 4749; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:5; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-10; 2 Peter 3:10-13; John 6:39, 40, 44.


Don't be concerned if you are unable to fully understand everything in Revelation chapter 20. The future is in God's hands. Let us be content to leave it there.

"God holds the key of all unknown
And I am glad."
"Who fathoms the eternal thought?
Who talks of scheme and plan?
The Lord is God! He needeth not
The poor device of man.
I know not what the future hath
Of marvel or surprise,
Assured alone that life and death
His mercy underlies."

Christ at His return will finally judge the devil and those who serve him. (These, according to verse 14 go into "the lake of fire which is the second death"--We interpret this to mean--final separation from God who is the source and sustainer of life).

But now, in this present age, Christians find a restraining power over the devil in so far as they surrender themselves completely to the reign of Christ. And we can look with confidence to the opening of the book of life.

With Jude, verse 1, Christians realise that they are "sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called." And with Jude verse 24 Christians can say (whether they understand Revelation chapter 20 or not) "Now unto Him that is able to KEEP YOU FROM FALLING, AND TO PRESENT YOU FAULTLESS BEFORE THE PRESENCE OF HIS GLORY with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen."



There are three main theories of interpretation.

Each has its difficulties. Each has endless variations. Each has its firm advocates. We must never presume to claim that our view is God's view. We must never condemn those Christians who hold different views from our own particularly as regards this chapter of scripture. [123]

We must observe that the second coming of Christ is not expressly stated in Revelation chapter 20. It is possible to fit it in before the millennium, after the millennium, or after the "little while" of verse 3.

Whatever interpretation we make of Revelation 20 we must be cautious, humble, scriptural and loving.

This chapter does not state when Christ will come in relation to the millennium. The chapter leaves this to be a matter of opinion. We should do the same. We repeat--If the Lord meant us to know, or if our salvation and growth in grace depended upon our knowing, He would have made it plainer.

Whichever of the three main theories of interpretation we accept we must accept that other sincere Christians will differ from us. We must always be ready to grant liberty of opinion and not be critical of each other.

  In general this view believes that the millennium is still future, and that Christ will

(1) come BEFORE THE Millennium to bind Satan and to reign for a 1000 years (20:1-3) ("PRE" means BEFORE).
(2) During the period of the millennium the saints will reign with Christ (20:4-6).
(3) After the millennium Satan will be loosed and then judged and punished (20:7-10).
(4) Then the resurrection and judgment of the wicked will take place (20:11-15).

The pre-millennial view is based on this chapter, and when it is accepted here it can then be read into many other passages of scripture. Acceptance of the pre-millennial view in Revelation chapter 20 will also determine one's interpretation of the whole book of Revelation. Most premillennialists see almost the whole of the book as referring to judgments, plagues, events still in the future. (chapters 4-22).

Most premillennialists see the vision of the seven churches in chapters 2 and 3 as successive periods of church history and interpret this present age as "The Laodicean period" (Revelation 3:14-22). Most premillennialists adopt a literal interpretation of the book of Revelation except in those verses in which a literal interpretation is plainly impossible.

This view is widely held among Christians.

  This view believes that the millennium is a period of time (2 Peter 3:8) which is usually identified as the present whole Christian age. [124]

In this view Satan was bound when Jesus died on the Cross and rose again (20:1-3). Colossians 2:15--"Having spoiled principalities and powers--triumphing over them in it." The saints are at present living and reigning with Christ (20:4-6; Ephesians 2:6).

This view sees Christ's victory on the Cross as a real victory which gives to Christians the promise of victory over Satan.

The defeat of Satan (inflicted by redemption) is described as "a fall from heaven" (Luke 10:18), as "a casting out" (John 12:31), as "a Judgment past," "The prince of this world has been judged" (John 16:11).

But the rejection of Christ's power and victory by unbelievers postpones the realisation.--The refusing of the King's Son ("We will not have this man to reign over us") interposes a barrier against the immediate fulfilment of the vision of Christ's victory.

AFTER the millennium (or Christian age) Satan will be loosed and Christ will then come and cast him into the lake of fire (20:7-10). In this view, the second coming of Christ is AFTER the millennium (POST means AFTER). Then will come the general resurrection of the good and the wicked at Christ's second coming. The wicked will be judged and Christ will reign forever. (20:11-15).

This view also is widely held among Christians.

  (which we have adopted in these study notes) is that "the 1000 years"--the millennium--mentioned in Revelation chapter 20 is A SYMBOL, not of a period of time but OF COMPLETENESS.

Satan is bound for a 1000 years, that is, he is completely bound.

The saints reign with Christ for a 1000 years, that is, they reign in complete victory.

Numbers are always used as symbols of ideas in the book of Revelation (e. g., "666") "10" (the complete) X 10 X 10 (1000) a symbol of "complete" as definite as John can make the symbol.

This view believes in the millennial reign of Christ. But this interpretation believes that the millennium describes, not the duration but the PERFECTION of Christ's reign. It means the complete and perfect reign of Christ over and with those whose lives are completely surrendered to Him.

Those who hold this view recognise that not all the difficulties are solved, but this view enables them to read the whole book of Revelation seeing in its visions symbolic pictures of principles active in the present daily lives of Christians and not only of future events. For to them this book describes the present victory of Christ in the lives of all who are yielded completely to Christ, and it becomes the most thrilling and hopeful book in the world as it pictures the certainty of Christ's future and final victory. [125]

The use of this symbol of the millennium in this way is consistent with other scriptures.

Wherever Christ's servants give their lives entirely to Him, wherever they die for Him, either literally or in the life of each day, there the angel of the Lord binds the power of Satan. There it is that those who thus give their lives to Christ are "raised up" into newness of life, the "first resurrection" where they experience the joy of being victors with their Lord. They know the meaning of triumphant life as no other can. In their lives, and as far as their lives extend, the devil is completely bound, (bound a 1000 years). 10 X 10 X 10, the most complete binding that John can express in figures.

These are the three main alternative views. We are free to choose between them. [126]



--Revelation 21:1-22


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 21:1-22

What a lovely part of our Bible this is! First read this whole passage to let John's picture into our minds.

Like the quiet beauty of a sunset after a day of storm, this lovely scene of the new heaven, the new earth, and the new Jerusalem follows the long struggle depicted in the book of Revelation. This is the climax of the visions of victory.

This whole passage IS A MEDITATION FOR US.

  That John should see "a new heaven and a new earth" (verse 1) is no strange thought. This was anticipated in Isaiah 65:17 "Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth"--and also Isaiah 66:22.

Compare 2 Peter 3:13 "According to His promise we wait for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells."

Verse 1.
  "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away; and the sea was no more." John was a prisoner on the island of Patmos. The sea separated him from his friends. John expressed the joy that there will be no barriers separating us from one another in heaven by saying "The sea was no more." But also, we recall that "the sea" has been used all through the book of Revelation as a symbol of the restless, turbulent worldliness of people and races that rolls its barriers between the dwellings of God's people (chapter 17:15 specifically states "The sea is peoples, and multitudes and nations and tongues.")

It was out of "the sea" that the wild beast arose in 13:1.

Verse 2.
  John not only saw "a new heaven and a new earth," but he also saw A NEW CITY "THE NEW JERUSALEM"

"And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, COMING DOWN out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." Notice that John carefully describes the holy city, the new Jerusalem as "COMING DOWN out of heaven from God" in verse 2. And in verse 10 John repeats that this city he sees as "COMING DOWN out of heaven from God." [127]

It is not a city which has grown up out of the earth by social evolution by man's efforts and schemes. It is a city which comes down from heaven as God's free gift to the redeemed.--So in verse 2 John sees the new order in terms of a new earth, a new city, a new bride. The most important word and lesson of life is that we must find beyond time the secrets of life. The city comes down from God into a man's heart.

Verse 3.
  makes plain the PURPOSE of this new order.


The real purpose of John's vision of the holy city coming down from God is to stress the fact that the church is a group of people where God dwells with man. The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 6:16 describes the same truth in the words "We are the temple of the living God, as God said, 'I will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people'."--The purpose of the new city is "that God may dwell with men."

Here is the longed for renewal of the garden of Eden. As in God's original fellowship with man God talked, planned and dwelt with man--(Genesis chapters 2 and 3). So here in Revelation 21 in the garden of Eden made new,God dwells with men.

When Jesus cried on the Cross "It is finished" the plan of redemption was completed and the believer can now have fellowship with God within the church.--The city that came down from God on the day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts chapter 2 so that God may dwell in our hearts by faith. This vision describes the holy city, the new Jerusalem, the true church wholly separated from the false church, coming down as God's gift from heaven prepared as a bride. Her marriage has taken place--a marriage in which there is no unfaithfulness on one side and no reproaches on the other.

Note these three wonderful realities in verses 3-6.


verse 3, 10. The truth repeated several times--THAT GOD DWELLS WITH MEN.


Verse 4. "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away."

The last heartbreak has been experienced. The last tear has fallen. "Death shall be no more." Read this word of verse 4 alongside of those Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:53, 54. [128]

"For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory."

In our earthly experience death is the end of many sentences. But in the city of God death ceases to be. Fellowship with God is endless. Eternal life is God's gift to the believer at conversion and even the death of the body does not end that fellowship. The Christian who can cry out at the end of this life "I want my heavenly Father" is calling for this fellowship.

Parting and PAIN shall cease their torturing work where spiritual expectation takes the place of gloom and despair, and so the word is heard in verse 5 "Behold, I make all things new."

(3) In verse 6 the Lord says "I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, the beginning and the end."

"I am the first and the last letter of life's alphabet, and all that is in between." "I am the alphabet." The Lord gives meaning and expression to life. He is the beginning and ending--and all that is in between can only be understood in Him.

Verses 7 and 8 remind us that evil doers have no place there but have their place in the lake of fire which is "the second death"--(separation from God who is the source and sustainer of all life).

  The bride, The Lamb's wife, is described as "the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."

In verses 11-22:5 there are seven characteristics of the bride described.

(1) It is a city of GLORY--verse 11. "Having the glory of God."

(2) It is a city of LIGHT--verse 11. "Does John's vision remind us of Jesus' words in Matthew 5:14 "you are the light of the world--a city set on an hill."

The foundations, walls and gates are described by John in terms of precious stones. That each of these had some special symbolic meaning is likely. We have not exhausted the interpretation of the symbols when we note that when we examine the 12 stones of the foundations named in verses 19 and 20 they form in COLOUR the BLENDED COLOUR OF RAINBOW LIGHT. The colours alone of the 12 stones named in order are surely significant. Taking them in order they are: 1. Dark opaque GREEN: 2. Opaque BLUE: 3. Emerald GREEN: 4. Bright and transparent GREEN: 5. WHITE and RED: 6. Bright RED: 7. Bright YELLOW: 8. Blueish GREEN: 9. Yellowish GREENS 10. Dark GREEN 11. Sky BLUE: 12. VIOLET. [129]

Do these blended colours of rainbow light suggest:

      (1) The marvellous variety, diversity of gifts--
      (2) The harmony and unity
      (3) The beauty--

of the church of God?

As the light of the sun is broken into rainbow colour of refracted light so the light of the gospel is broken into the variety of gifts in God's people yet with a marvellous harmony and unity.

(3) It is AN OPEN CITY--(verses 12, 13, 25)

The city has 12 gates, 3 on each of its 4 sides, which are never closed. 12 gates (The "12" always indicating "the church" in this book). All could come and enter except those who refused to come. The gates were NEVER CLOSED.

The gates faced IN EVERY DIRECTION--they were open to all races, all nations.

The wall measured 144 cubits (verse 17). Here is the multiple of "12" again. We discover this figure throughout this whole book as a symbol of the church.

(4) It is a PERFECT CITY (verse 16, 17)

(a) We must note the SHAPE of the city. It is four-square, but it is not only a square, it is in the form of a perfect CUBE. This is significant. To the ancients the cube was a symbol of the perfect. (The Holy of Holies in the temple of Solomon was a perfect cube. 1 Kings 6:20).

John intends us to see the whole of the holy city-as The Holy of Holies, the whole city is the dwelling place of God.

(b) We must note the city's DIMENSIONS.

Each side of the city is "12 THOUSAND FURLONGS" (Here is the "12" again, the number of the church, multiplied by a thousand as a heavenly number.) 12 thousand furlongs is about 1500 miles on each side--The total area of the city is 2 million, 250 thousand square miles (2,250,000). And remember the city is a perfect cube. It reaches as high as this as well. Surely these astronomical measurements indicate that no literal interpretation is to be attempted! Surely the symbolism of the shape and dimension of the city of God is THAT THERE IS ROOM FOR EVERYONE. God in His holy city is much more eager and ready to bring men in than to shut them out--and His church should be the same.

(5) It is a CITY OF THE SAINTS. (verses 12. 14. 27)

On its gates are the names of the 12 tribes of Israel (verse 12).

On its foundations are the names of the 12 Apostles (verse 14).

Nothing unclean is there, there is none who practice falsehood; but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life (verse 27). [130]

Verse 27 tells that those who have refused God's cleansing are shut out. The Cross appears here in verse 27 with its promise of life. The book of human destiny is "The Lamb's book of life." That is, it is the book of One who loved men enough to die for them. Only those who say "NO" to the love that speaks from the Cross are refused a place in the Lamb's book of life. Love must have died in the man who can say "NO" to the Cross. The desire for goodness must have perished in one who can make the great refusal. The desire to be forgiven must have come to an end in the man who can look unmoved on Calvary. So, it comes about that the Lamb's book of life, the book of the last judgment is the TENDEREST book in the world. Only by refusing Christ can a man shut himself out of the new Jerusalem.

(6) It is the CITY OF THE NATIONS. (verses 24, 26 and chapter 22:1, 2) There flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb, through the city, the river of the water of life; and on both sides of the river grows the tree of life with its 12 kinds of fruits, yielding its fruit each month of the 12 months of the year. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. So do nations walk in the light of this city. (Compare Genesis 3:23, 24) Man was driven from the garden of Eden. The way to the tree of life was barred. The tree of life is not seen in all man's history from Genesis Chapter 3 until these verses in the last chapter of the Bible. At long last man finds access to the tree of life. In between is the work of Christ who opened the way for man to have access to the tree of life by His victory over sin. What a picture this is. The place man lost in Genesis 3 he finds in Revelation chapter 22. The 5 steps of man in Eden which drove him away from the tree of life were: 1. Unbelief. 2. Disobedience. 3. Guilt. 4. Exile. (separation from God) 5. Death.

But now the way is open to the tree of life if man takes the opposite 5 steps of:

      1. faith, in place of unbelief
      2. obedience, in place of disobedience
      3. forgiveness, in place of guilt
      4. reconciliation, in place of separation
      5. eternal life (Christ's gift to believers) in place of death.

In the city of God there flows the river of the water of life which was foretold in Psalm 46. No great cities can exist without a river. Rivers bring health and life to a city. Rivers take away impurities. The river of the water of life is the gospel that "God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." By His Cross Christ opened our way to the tree of life. [131]

(7) It is THE CITY OF GOD. (verses 22, 23 and chapter 22:3-5)

John saw "no temple there, for the Lord God, the Almighty, and the Lamb are its temple. Neither has the city the need of sun or moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God is its light and its lamp is the Lamb. (Compare John 1:4, 8:12 with these verses).

His servants worship Him. His name is on their foreheads. 22:4 The NAME stands for the character of God--what God is in holiness, purity and love. The Name on the forehead (where it is seen) indicates that the character of their lives resembles that of their Lord and Master.

Even on earth the servants of God are changed from glory to glory into the same image (2 Corinthians 3:18). But when they see God as He is they will be like Him. His name is on their foreheads, for they behold His face. No longer do they see through a glass darkly or a blurred reflection as in a mirror the events of history. Now they see face to face and they reign with Him forever.

And so we have come to the end of John's visions. We now have only to listen to his last words in chapter 22:6-21. There are many croaking froglike prophets of doom who tell us of the approaching death of the church. But I for one will cling to John's vision of the church as the holy city, the New Jerusalem against which the gates of hell will never prevail. With renewed joy in her fellowship I will sing the hymn . . .

"City of God, how broad and far
      Outspread thy walls sublime!
The true thy chartered freemen are,
      Of every age and clime.

One holy church, one army strong,
      One steadfast, high intent,
One working band, one harvest song,
      One King omnipotent.

How gleam thy watch-fires through the night
      With never fainting ray!
How rise thy towers, serene and bright,
      To meet the dawning day!

In vain the surge's angry shock,
      In vain the drifting sands;
Unharmed upon the eternal Rock
      The eternal city stands." [132]


II. MEDITATION--Revelation 21:1-22

Probably most of us have always thought of "the holy city"--"The new Jerusalem"--"coming down from heaven from God"--as something still in the future. I agree that we are now looking at final things in the closing chapters of John's book of Revelation, but haven't we seen all through John's book that he is dealing with things not only of the past or future but also with the things that ARE NOW TAKING PLACE? Recall chapter 1:19 "Write the things which are NOW" taking place as well as "the things which shall be hereafter."

Have we yet caught John's vision of the church"--Your church today--as "the holy city, the new Jerusalem, which CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN FROM GOD"--God's gift to redeemed believers AT PENTECOST? We sing John Newton's hymn--

1. "Glorious things of thee are spoken,
Zion, city of our God!
He, whose word cannot be broken,
Formed thee
for His own abode.
On the Rock of Ages founded,
What can shake thy sure repose?
With salvation's walls surrounded,
Thou may'st smile at all thy foes.
2. See, the streams of living waters,
Springing from eternal love,
Well supply thy sons and daughters,
And all fear of want remove:
Who can faint, while such a river
Ever flows their thirst t'assuage?--
Grace, which like the Lord, the giver,
Never fails from age to age"

This hymn we've been singing for years is based on Revelation chapters 21 and 22. The hymn is saying--"IT IS HERE NOW." "The holy city, the new Jerusalem HAS COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN FROM GOD." The church is here. True, there is yet to be, in the future at Christ's final coming, that event described by Paul in Ephesians 5:25-2 7 when Christ "will present the church to Himself in splendour, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. "This is something still future. But till then, with all her faults the church is God's gift coming down to the redeemed. God made this gift at Pentecost. When we see the church as the holy city, the [133] new Jerusalem It deepens our love for the church. And we realise that the greatest privilege we have in this world is to be a member of Christ's church. And that our greatest responsibility is to be worthy of that privilege of church membership.

When we realise that the church has come down from heaven to us as God's gift we sing with deeper meaning

"I love Thy kingdom, Lord
The house of
thy abode
The church our blest Redeemer saved
With His own precious blood."

Think how many hymns would have to be left out of our Hymn book if the holy city--the new Jerusalem, is not here In the church! For instance, we sing Isaac Watts' hymn--

1. How pleased and blest was I
To hear the people cry!
Come, let us seek our God today!
Yes, with a cheerful zeal
We haste to Zion's hill,
And there our vows and honours pay.
2. Zion, thrice happy place
Adorned with wondrous grace,
And walls of strength embrace thee round,
In thee our tribes appear,
To pray and praise and hear
The sacred gospel's joyful sound.
3. Here David's greater Son
Has fixed His royal throne--
He sits for
grace and judgment there
He bids the saint be glad,
He makes the sinner sad,
And humble souls rejoice with fear.
4. My tongue repeats her vows
Peace to this sacred house!
For there my friends and kindred dwell:
And since my glorious God
Makes thee His blest abode
My soul shall ever love thee well.



--Revelation 22:6-21


I. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 22:6-21


It is significant that TWO of the SEVEN BEATITUDES of the Book of Revelation appear in verses 7 and 14 of these last words of the book.

1. "Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written therein; for the time is near." (Revelation 1:3).

I bear personal testimony to the fact that a blessing is given to the reader and hearer of John's book of Revelation. I have been reading the book for 55 years since I found Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. I, together with many other Christians was puzzled by most of the book because I did not understand the Apocalyptic style of literature in which it was written. Thirty years ago I found the KEY to the interpretation of John's Apocalypse. Since finding this KEY I have found ever increasing blessing in my reading. Whenever I pick up this book I find new truths in its symbolism which I had not seen previously. It is my experience that any reader who tries to be consistent in interpretation of the symbolism of this book will be blessed in that study. This is my main reason for sharing my interpretation of this book with you.--I desire that this blessing be yours.

John's Revelation tells in unfamiliar language the eternal message of salvation which is also declared in the rest of the New Testament.

It is not so much a picture of events still future as a revelation of a conflict within every man between good and evil which is going on now. This agelong conflict is going on in the world-order, between God and the devil. The thrilling revelation of this book is that it reveals the victory of Christ over all evil in every life which is fully surrendered to Him. This is a book with a rich blessing to the reader who sees in it the revelation of victory now and in the finalities in Jesus Christ. [135]

2. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord--that they may rest from their labours, for their deeds follow them." (Revelation 14:13).

Even Christians get discouraged sometimes and feel that life is wasted, that the good does not last. But here is the assurance that to "die in the Lord" is not only to "rest from their labours" but to have the certainty that all that they have done for Christ will yet bear fruit. So, John strengthens those ringing words of the Apostle Paul's in 1 Corinthians 15:58 "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labour is not in vain."

3. "Blessed is he who is awake, keeping his garments" (Revelation 16:15).

Previously we listed the garments Christ gave us as:

Salvation   Isaiah 61:10
      Righteousness         Isaiah 64:6
            Praise               Isaiah 61:3
                  Humility                     1 Peter 5:5
4. "Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb" (Revelation 19:9).

To be left out of the list of invitations to a wedding is a sting most people have felt at one time or another. Here John pictures the greatest privilege of all.

5. "Blessed and holy is he who shares in the first resurrection" (Revelation 20:6).

This first resurrection we described in our notes previously as the spiritual resurrection of our new birth--The first resurrection took place at our conversion according to Jesus' own words in John 5:24-29.

6. "Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book." (Revelation 22:7).

To "KEEP" the words of the prophecy of this book is not to wrap them up and bury them, nor simply to guard them from being stolen away--but rather to LIVE them with all the heart.

7. "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates." (Revelation 22:14).

These appeared much earlier in 7:14. They were those sealed and made safe because they had "washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Purity and conquest over sin is a characteristic of those redeemed by Christ. It is this purity and conquest over sin which gives them access to the tree of life which man lost because of his fall into sin in the garden of Genesis chapter 3. [136]


II. STUDY NOTES--Revelation 22:6-21

And we look now at the last words of this book and we notice that they are:

1. THE TRUE WORDS. (verses 6 and 7)
  The Lord God has spoken to open the door of revelation to His people. The words and visions which came to John came from the same God who inspired the great prophets of the Old Testament. They must be accepted as equally divine and treated with equal seriousness.
2. THE FINAL WORDS (verses 10-13)
  The words of this book are to be given to men and are not to be sealed. Verse 1 1 indicates that men are divided into two classes--those who receive the truth and those who are opposed to the truth. It is true in every generation that in so far as the heart and will of a person is set on good or evil the attitude he has chosen tends to continue to the triumph of one or the other.

"Sow a thought and reap an act.
Sow an act and reap a habit.
Sow a habit and reap a character.
Sow a character and reap a destiny."

The principle a man chooses shapes his conduct now as well as in the end and final judgment. (This has been one point made in all the visions of this book. They have pictured principles in conflict and the results of those conflicts).

3. WORDS OF PROMISE (verses 13, 16)
  Christ is the Alpha and Omega--Life's alphabet, the One who is the beginning and the end. The One who gives meaning to life.--All right thinking depends on right application and use of the relationship of a person with Jesus Christ.

Christ is "the root and offspring of David." (verse 16)--that is, He is the promised Messiah, the Saviour of mankind. Christ is "the bright morning star." (verse 16).

Life is dark and tragic with despair for many troubled people on earth today. Disease, poverty, war, hunger are rampant. Men face either despair or hope--either darkness or light--either futility or God's purposes. If we believe in Christ we have found the answer to dark despair. Against the dark background of night, wise men once saw the clear shining of the Star of Bethlehem, and today we have hope because we see Jesus "the bright morning star" the herald of a new day. Trust that "bright morning star." God set it there for you. [137]

"And so, all the jarring notes of life
Seem blending in a Psalm.
And all the angles of its strife
Seem all the angles of its strife
Slow rounding into calm.
And so the shadows fall apart,
And so the west winds play;
And all the windows of my heart
I open to the day."
4. WORDS OF WARNING (verses 15, 18, 19)
  Verse 15: In contrast to those who enter the city of God and have access to the tree of life are the impure who are described by SIX different impure characteristics. The number six is the number used throughout the book of Revelation for MAN WITHOUT GOD. The number which falls short of the perfect 7. (see former notes on 13:18--the number "666" of the beast).

Verses 18, 19: Remind us that this book of Revelation must not be treated lightly. It has been written at God's command and under the guidance of His Holy Spirit. The book must not be ignored because we find its language unfamiliar. It is part of God's message to us. Sharp and terrible words are spoken to any who add to or take away from its words.

5. WORDS OF HIS COMING (verses 7, 12, 20)
  Three times the words are repeated "I am coming soon."

It is to us a mistake to limit this promise only to the final climax of history--to that great event which men describe as The Second coming of Christ. (We prefer to use the term The final coming of Christ). This final coming of the Lord is of course an important part of the promise in these verses. "I am coming soon" is a promise with wider and immediate application.

We need to remember that the whole book of Revelation is dealing with principles in constant conflict now.--That the visions record this conflict from many different view-points. The visions are not successive in order of time but are parallel. And in these visions the book describes the struggle in every individual, in every generation between good and evil, and in every case the Lord comes in judgment on evil and brings victory to the good. The promise "I am coming soon" refers to the coming of Christ to each person, to each generation, as well as to His final coming to the world at its end. Only as the individual Christian lives with the sense of the presence of his Lord can the Christian find victory over sin in his daily life.

It is true that the Christian life is a spiritual conflict. It is a heavenly warfare which is to the finish. It is not fought with physical earthly weapons. We cannot win the battles against sin by our own unaided powers. Victory only comes to those in Christ. The decisive victory of Christ at His Cross [138] decided the end of the conflict. Here and now those who are fully yielded to the reign of Christ become victors over sin. In this conflict Christ comes to strengthen and bless the Christian. "I am coming soon." These are the words of promise of the Christ who said "Lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." The three-fold promise of the last words of the Bible "I am coming soon" is fulfilled in part when individuals open their lives to receive Christ not only as Saviour but also as an abiding friend, guide and helper. With Paul even in a prison of cramping circumstances they can say "The Lord is at hand"--He is near. He is here with me. I am never alone."

"I am coming soon." If we have caught the real message of the book of Revelation we have come to realise that Christ comes in many ways. He comes to the believer in times of crises--to guide, strengthen, encourage and help. He comes lo the believer at his death to fulfil His promise of John 14:3 "I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself." Christ comes to His church in its witness and need. Christ comes in each generation to bring it to judgment. And this book makes clear that in A VERY REAL WAY THERE IS A FINAL COMING OF CHRIST. Judgment, although it goes on from day to day is brought at last to completion upon all humanity and upon every devilish source of evil. Judgment and salvation are both alike present and future. Sin and evil are not eternal. At Christ's final coming all sin and the satanic source of sin will be removed forever.

  John reminds us of the church's real task of witnessing to the world--of evangelism--as the church, the bride of Christ lifts her voice with the Holy Spirit saying "Come"--to all who are thirsty for the water of life.
  Christ speaks first to His people as they suffer for Him. "Surely I am coming soon." This is Christ in glory, offering to His church all she needs in her trials. To the troubled Christian the book of Revelation is given.

And the church replies "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"

Amen to the thought of sin and sorrow banished and the victory of Christ over the devil. This cannot come too soon.

Verse 21: "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen."

The last word left with us is the grace (the free unmerited pardon and help of the Lord Jesus). This last word reminds us that whatever are the dangers or difficulties, afflictions and persecutions which are pictured in this book, there is strength and love and help in the Lord. It reminds us that whether we are readers or interpreters of this book of Revelation, or whether we are trying to carry out its teaching in practical ways in our daily life, our power and wisdom must come from Him. Without the Lord Jesus Christ this book could not have been written; without Him it cannot be understood; without Him it cannot be obeyed. [139]


III. MEDITATION--Revelation 22:6-21

For our closing meditation we look at THE RIVER OF LIFE (verses 1 and 2). And Jesus' thrice repeated promise, in verses 7, 12 and 20 "I AM COMING SOON."

First--THE RIVER OF LIFE--verses 1 and 2.

"Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Through the middle of the street of the city, also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its 12 kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."

Remember that this description of the river of life flowing through the city of God is part of the description of the church. In chapter 21 verses 9 and 10 John was shown the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. Part of that description which follows of the holy city includes these verses about the river of life. And there also is the tree of life bearing its 12 fruits for 12 months (Notice the "12"--Always a symbol of the church.) Link John's vision of the river of life with Psalm 46 verses 4 and 5--

There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most high. God is in the midst of her. She shaft not be moved."

We observe that no great cities can exist without rivers. Rivers bring life and health to a city. Rivers carry away impurities. Surely there is symbolism in John's picture of the river of the water of life which flows through the church (the city of God)! What is this river? It is the love of God--The grace of God--Grace is the free love of God bestowed on those who have not merited d--John expressed God's grace--the river of the water of life--in other words in John 3:16 "God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life."

Here is this last chapter of the Bible we are shown the river of God's love bringing eternal life and spiritual health to believers, and also carrying away all of our impurities--our sins. God's love, God's grace, bestowed on undeserving sinners, is the river of the water of life in Revelation 22:1, 2. Carefully note three things--



See what this is saying! It is telling us that God's love alone can give us the power to make a better world. Power must come DOWN from God else all of man's schemes to save our world will come to nothing. No great rivers can flow through cities or bring life to and plains except there are high mountains as sources of those rivers. No river of water of life and health can bring life to [140] the desert of man's life unless it takes its source in the inexhaustible heights of the throne of God. Left to man himself no such river is possible. But in the holy city--the church--the river of the water of life--The love of God--the grace of God--takes its source from above--from the throne of God.

2. Note that this river of the water of life CARRIES AWAY OUR IMPURITIES (OUR SINS)


Our present world society has become a barren desert with spiritual and moral impotence. But the river of the water of life is flowing. God's love from His throne.

So with a warmer love for the church and a deeper dedication in the service of our local congregation as a part of that great church--realising that the river of water of life is flowing now--we will sing with truer understanding--

"Glorious things of thee are spoken,
Zion, city of our God!
He, whose word cannot be broken,
Formed thee for His own abode.
On the Rock of Ages founded,
What can shake thy sure repose?
With salvation's walls surrounded,
Thou may'st smile at all thy foes.
the streams of living waters,
Springing from eternal love;

Well supply thy sons and daughters,
And all fear of want remove:
Who can faint while such a river
Ever flows their thirst t'assuage?

Grace, which like the Lord, the Giver,
Never fails from age to age."

Have we found this river in our personal churchmanship?

The only way I know to experience the blessing of the river of the water of life in our present day is to keep in close fellowship with Jesus. Keep going back to the manger and the Cross. God's grace is free, but to have this river the conditions are faith, prayer, meditation on the Word of God, dedication of oneself in the mission of the church.

Have you ever linked Revelation 22 verses 1 and 2 with Ezekiel's vision in chapter 47 of his prophecy?

In Ezekiel's vision the river of water DEEPENED the further it flowed. A third of a mile from its source the river was ankle deep. At two-third's of a mile the river had deepened to the knees. At one mile the water was to the loins. And at one and a half miles from its source the river was one to swim in. The river deepened the further it flowed. [141]

There is important symbolism here. There is something wrong with our religious experience if it is not an ever deepening experience. Look back over the years since you found Jesus Christ as your Saviour and first committed yourself to Him. Has your discipleship been an ever deepening experience?--An ever deepening river?--The river of the water of life which began for you at your conversion should be a far deeper experience now. You should be making fresh discoveries about Jesus Christ which you had never known before--Is your experience ankle deep--or, "a river to swim in?"

Don't dream of the river of the water of life only as in a future heaven. The river of the water of life is here NOW. When we realise this truth we will be able to sing--

"Love of Christ so freely given,
Grace of God beyond degree,
Mercy higher than the heaven,
Deeper than the deepest sea.

By the crystal flowing river
With the ransomed I will sing
And forever and forever
Praise and glorify the King"

The river of God's grace brings a wonderful redemption. Takes away our sin, brings eternal life (not merely everlasting existence, but the quality of God's fife in our souls).

So, read Revelation 22 verses 1 and 2 with understanding.

      The river of the water of life is here NOW
      It comes DOWN from God as its source
      It carries away our impurities (our sins)
      It brings eternal life and spiritual health
      And, it is available to us NOW--The grace of God which brings
      salvation and blessing in Christian discipleship.
      A river that deepens the further it flows. And it ever flows from age to age.

SECONDLY, in our Meditation point we refer you to verses 7, 12, 20 of Revelation chapter 22 in which there is THE THRICE REPEATED PROMISE OF JESUS CHRIST "I AM COMING SOON".

We briefly referred to this promise in the Study notes on this chapter under "5"--"WORDS OF HIS COMING."

Three times in this last chapter of the Bible Jesus makes the promise "I am coming soon."

1. At some FUTURE time (a time known only to God) there will be THE FINAL COMING OF CHRIST. [142]

When at His final coming Christ will be seen by every eye--When He will bring human history to its end and climax--When Christ will triumph and "the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of God and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever."

To this the New Testament bears witness in every page. I see little need to stress the clear teaching of the New Testament to the promise of the final coming of Christ. What 1 am seeking to stress is that CHRIST'S PROMISE "I AM COMING SOON" refers to more than His final coming. We should not forget that the religious leaders of the Jews who considered that they knew all about the Old Testament promises of the first coming of Christ made such a terrible mistake that when He came as a babe to Bethlehem they rejected and crucified Him. I am concerned lest Christians today should be so caught up in prophecies about Christ's final coming that they become blind to the reality of His present coming to Christians in daily life NOW.

2. If we have come to understand what John has taught on the whole book of Revelation, then we will understand that Christ's promise "1 am coming soon" refers also to the fact of DAILY EXPERIENCE--THAT CHRIST DOES COME. HE FULFILS HIS PROMISE TO EVERY CHRISTIAN IN DAILY LIFE.

In our times of crises and need, Christ comes to guide, strengthen, encourage and help. Surely in our experience we have all known the fulfilment of His promise "Lo, I am with you always": Christ's promise "I am coming soon" takes my thoughts back to the experience of two disciples on the road to Emmaus that first Easter Sunday, as recorded in Luke 24. They had had the bitter experience of having all their highest hopes shattered. They had actually seen goodness in the form of Jesus nailed to a Cross on Good Friday. They were bewildered and broken as they walked the 7 miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus.

A stranger CAME to them, and talked with them, lifted up their hopes and faith, "but their eyes were holden and they did not know Him."

How like those two disciples are we! Christ COMES to us, knowing all our griefs and burdens. He comes to bless us. One thing an understanding of John's book of Revelation will do for us is that our eyes are now open to the truth that Christ has, and continues to fulfil His promise "I am coming soon."

He comes to guide, strengthen, encourage and help us.

"No fable old, no mythic lore,
No dream of bards and seers,
No dead fact, stranded on the shore
Of the oblivious years.
But warm, sweet, tender, even yet
A PRESENT help is He,
And faith has still its Olivet,
And love its Galilee."

And Christ comes to us today in every call to DUTY and Christian service.

Do you remember Tolstoy's story about Martin the cobbler who had been reading about Christ and wishing that Christ would come to him? He fell asleep and heard a voice "Martin, look into the street tomorrow, I will come." The next day Martin looks out of his window saying to himself "Was it just a dream--or will He come indeed?" During the day the old man brings in a sweeper from the street, gives him tea, warms him at the fire. Then he brings in a soldier's wife who was trying to wrap a bag about her baby to keep it warm. He gave her warm clothing and food. Then he brought in a poor apple woman and a boy and sorted out their problems. The last scene shows Martin sitting at the table on which burns a solitary candle. "The day is nearly over and He hasn't come." And as Martin sits there, the figure of the cold snow sweeper rises before his eyes--The figure of the woman and her baby--the woman and the boy--and a voice is heard. "I have come. I was the sweeper, the woman, those in need." And the truth dawns on Martin the cobbler that Christ does fulfil His promise to come again when Christians respond to the call of duty. As Christians serve they find the Christ who comes.

That story of Tolstoy's is not just a story. It presents a fact.

Personally I never see a vision. I never hear a voice. But I know that Christ Himself comes. HE HAS COME TO ME. I have found His presence when I have forgotten self in service to others.

I see no profit in date fixing or sign watching for the future event of Christ's final coming. That is a secret known only to God. I am concerned lest we overlook the present fact taught in John's Revelation that Christ does come to the Christian NOW. His promise "I am coming soon" is continually being fulfilled. As Christ comes to live in us as the power, the inexhaustible resources of God to enable us to live this present life triumphantly. It's a wonderful thing to be a Christian, to be sure that we are not alone--but that "The Lord is near,"--and that we are not left to face life alone.

True Christianity does not postpone the presence of Christ to the future, nor recall His presence from the past, but lives in the conscious sense that Christ IS. Christ COMES. Christ LIVES in the present tense, and truly blessed is the reader who has grasped this truth.[144]




We have reached the end of this singular but most instructive book of the Bible. Christ's last message to His church written in symbolic language. The church's marching orders written in code language. It is possible to find the KEY to understanding this code--the symbols used throughout the book of Revelation. Those who use this KEY consistently throughout this book of Revelation in interpreting the symbols will find that they have been blessed.

With all its difficulties we will continue to read the book of Revelation, finding fresh heart, and faith, and courage in this book which more clearly presents Christ's victory and the fall of sin than any other book in our Bible. That the principles upon which we have interpreted the Revelation of John should be generally accepted by readers is probably too much to hope for.

We believe that whatever method of interpretation is adopted by the reader of John's book of Revelation, that interpretation must take note that the book is dealing with what is happening NOW as well as what will happen in the FUTURE. Chapter 1 verses 1 and 19 make this fact plain at the outset. John was told to write "what must soon take place--what you see, what IS and what is to take place hereafter." Plainly, the book deals in symbolic language with events which are taking place NOW. They are not only to be fulfilled in the future but ARE BEING FULFILLED all the time. The events described in the various visions of the book are taking place now. The victory is always with God. In the finality of the future all evil will be destroyed. Only the good is eternal. As we interpret the book John's Revelation is the most thrilling and hopeful philosophy of life that any person can hold.

It is important that the reader tries to be consistent in interpretation. We must avoid the confusion of using numbers, or things, or persons as symbols in one instance and as literal in other instances. The book can only be understood when the reader realises that he must be consistent in interpreting its symbols.

John's Revelation became the book with a blessing to us when we found the KEY to the interpretation of its symbolism which we have tried to share with you in these study notes. The reader who uses this KEY to the symbolism of John's Revelation will find that whenever he turns to this book he discovers new and thrilling messages of hope and faith suited to his life's experiences.

The truths of the book are never ending. They reach into eternity. God continues to reveal greater truth from this book of the Bible according to our capacity to receive it. [145]

We hope at least that our treatment of the book may help you to read with greater profit this part of God's Word.

  "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

The preparation of these studies in the book of Revelation has brought a deepening faith and joy to us. Many difficulties in interpretation have not been dealt with in these notes. We do not claim to have yet seen all the truth which God intends us to see in this book. Also, as the seventh seal of chapter 8: verse 2 reminds us, "there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. Much of God's purposes are revealed to us in this world but not all. God's final purposes are not revealed to us here but hereafter. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him."--By careful study we learn much from John's book but we need to humbly acknowledge that in this present life we shall never be able to understand everything.

Again and again we come to places and experiences where we cannot know--and there is silence!

It is our experience that the book of Revelation will no longer be the neglected book of the Bible but it will begin to glow with the very life and power of God in the soul of every reader who learns how to consistently use the KEY to the symbolic language of the last book of the Bible.

As you read John's "Book with a blessing" you may think of G. Rawson's hymn (Churches of Christ Hymnbook 1974, No. 188):

"We limit not the truth of God
To our poor reach of mind
By notions of our day and race
Crude, partial, and confined.
No, let a new and better hope
Within our hearts be stirred:
The Lord hath yet more light and truth
To break forth from His word."

And also G. Briggs' hymn (Churches of Christ Hymnbook 1974, No. 191)

"God yet speaketh--by His Spirit,
Speaking to the hearts of men,
In the age-long word declaring
God's own message--now as then.
Through the rise and fall of nations
One sure faith yet standeth fast:
God is on His throne eternal
He alone the First and Last." [146]

And also T. Clark's hymn (Churches of Christ Hymnbook 1974, No. 472):

"Our faith is in the Christ who walks
With men today, in street and mart,
The constant friend who thinks and talks
With those who seek Him with the heart.
His gospel calls for living men,
With hearts aglow and minds alert;
Strong men, who fall to rise again,
Who strive and bleed, with courage girt.
We serve no God whose work is done.
Who rests within His firmament.
Our God, His labours but begun,
Toils evermore with power unspent.
God was and is and e'er shall be,
Christ lived and loved and loves us still,
And man goes forward, proud and free,
God's present purpose to fulfil."

Such great hymns of the Christian church are in accord with our interpretation of John's book of Revelation in these studies. They leave us with this conviction--That the greatest privilege anyone can have in this world is to be a member of Christ's church, and that our greatest responsibility in this world is to be a worthy and active member of Christ's church.

A basic understanding of John's Apocalypse brings to the reader a steady faith in the unfailing purposes of God and in His final victory over all unrighteousness. The future belongs to God and Jesus Christ our Lord.

The greatest experience of our lives is found in the fulfilment of our prayer "Marana--tha" ("Come, Lord Jesus").

His parousia (Presence) does come. We are caught up, not in the sky, but in His purposes, hopes and yearnings. We become friends and co-workers with Him here on earth "Immanuel."

We repeat--One truth the reader of the book of "Revelation" will realise is that the greatest PRIVILEGE anyone can have in this world is to be a member of Christ's church. And the greatest RESPONSIBILITY we have is to be a worthy member by loyalty and faithfulness.

Truly, John's book of Revelation will become "The Book with a blessing" to those readers who are consistent in the use of the KEY to its symbols.

Whenever you turn to this last book of the Bible you will find new and thrilling truths of hope and faith suited to your life's experiences. The truths of the book are never ending; they reach into eternity. God continues to reveal greater truth from this book of the Bible according to our capacity to receive it. [147]




      YOUR CHURCH: WHERE TO FROM HERE?--Graeme Chapman
      DOWN TO PRESIDE--Gordon R. Stirling
      LIVING RESPONSIBLY--E. Lyall Williams
      BOOTS AND ALL--Ngaire M. Walhout
      HOW TO PREACH--Gordon R. Stirling
      THE ROAD TO CERTAINTY--Bill Gaunson
      COME BLESS THE LORD, No. 2--Ed. Kenneth J. Clinton
      THE BOOK WITH A BLESSING--Harold G. Norris
      ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM--Graeme Chapman

      "THE EXPANDING CHURCH"-Don E. Stewart
      "GROUP LIFE: THE WAY AHEAD"--Helen Chapman
      "LET THE CHILDREN PARTICIPATE"--Ian E. Allsop and Peter J. Burnham




      For Teenagers: "MY CHOICE"

      Each year 10 issues are published of an 8-page pamphlet on
      VITAL ISSUES for the Church, for Society, and for the
      individual Christian's faith. Annual Subscription $3.00

VITAL PUBLICATIONS are available from The Secretary,
      Federal Literature Department, Churches of Christ in Australia, Mrs. E. M.
      Rankine, 5 Atkins Avenue, Glen Iris, Vic. 3146



THE BOOK WITH A BLESSING has proved its value even before it has been printed. In duplicated form the substance of this book has been used with great benefit by groups and individuals in various congregations. People have found that the last book of the Bible has come alive to them. In this printed edition Harold Norris has given some additional notes and expanded his helpful meditations on the message of the book.

Many Christians have ignored the book of Revelation because they have not been able to understand the visions in it. This book will help them greatly for the author explains the background of the chief images that are used. Not everyone will agree with all the views put forward, but Harold Norris rightly has taken seriously the fact that Revelation belongs to the tradition of apocalyptic literature. The basic emphases of John are highlighted in ways that do justice to the original setting of the work but that also allow us to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches today through it.

HAROLD G. NORRIS graduated from the College of the Bible, Glen Iris, Victoria in 1933. His 44 years of full-time ministry have been all in nine South Australian Churches of Christ, Central Eyre Peninsula circuit, Dulwich, Tumby Bay-Ungarra circuit, Unley, Kilburn, Grote Street, Adelaide, Magill, Blackwood and Aldgate Valley where his ministries were blessed by God.

He served in a number of South Australian Churches of Christ Conference Departments including Home Missions, Overseas Missions, Christian Education and Christian Union. For eighteen years he served as a member of the Federal Overseas Mission Board. During World War II he served in combat areas as a chaplain in 2/10th Australian Infantry Battalion.

He shares his retirement at Aldgate, S.A. with his wife Reta, and rejoices that all his five children are active in the life of the church. His son Allan is a graduate of the College of the Bible and his daughter Glenys is married to Dean Hamilton, minister of Launceston Church of Christ.




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Electronic text provided by Colvil Smith. HTML rendering by Ernie Stefanik. 6 May 2003.

The Book with a Blessing is published as an online text with the kind
permission of the author's estate.
Copyright © 1979 by Harold G. Norris.

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