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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

LESSON XVIII.--Resurrection of Jesus--Continued.


      When Jesus first appeared to the eleven, was Thomas with them? Jno. xx: 24.

      Repeat the conversation with Thomas when he returned. 25.

      Why did he wish to see the nail prints and the spear wound? Ans.--He was afraid that some person precisely like Jesus would be palmed off on him for Jesus, and he knew that no one could imitate the holes through his hands and in his side.

      When did Jesus appear to the eleven again? 26. What day of the week was the first appearance? 19. What day, then, was the second appearance? Ans.--This was also the first day of the week; for with the Jews the time from a certain day in the week to the same day of the next week was called eight days.

      Describe the second interview with the eleven. 26-29. How did Jesus get into the room? 26. Is there any possibility that Thomas was deceived? What advantage to us can you see in the incredulity of Thomas? [42]

      What does John say about other signs wrought by Jesus? 30. What does he state as his object in writing? 31. What then did John consider the real source of faith?


      Where was the next appearance of Jesus? 1. What is the sea of Tiberias? Ans.--This is another name for the sea or lake of Galilee; it was so called from the city of Tiberias, which was built by Herod the tetrarch on the southwest shore of the lake and was the capital of his tetrarchy.

      Name the disciples who were present on this occasion. 2. Who were the sons of Zebedee? Was Nathanael one of the apostles? Ans.--He was not, unless, as some suppose, he was the one called Bartholomew.

      State how the seven happened to be at the lake. 3. Was this intended as a single fishing excursion or a return to the business? What had caused the disciples to return into Galilee? Matt. xxiii: 10. Why did they fish at night? Ans.--Because they were more likely to catch fish, and because they thus avoided the intense treat of the day. It was now hot weather, being but a short time before Pentecost, which came in June.

      Describe the appearance of Jesus to them in the morning. 4-8. Why did John conclude that it was the Lord? 7. Why did Peter leap into the sea? How far did he have to swim? 8.

      What was said and done when they came to shore? 9-13. Who provided the fire and food? 9. If the "great fishes" weighed two pounds each, how many pounds were there? Is it surprising that the net was not broken? [43] Was there any room to doubt that the person they saw was the Lord? 12. What evidence had they besides his voice and his person?

      What does John say as to the number of times Jesus had now showed himself? 14. Was this the third time he had been seen, or the third time he had appeared to the disciples as a body?

      What conversation passed between Jesus and Peter? 15-17. "Lovest thou me more than" what? 15. Ans.--More than the bread and fish they were eating, and the worldly things which these represented. Why was the question asked? To rebuke Peter for having gone back to his old business instead of waiting for the command of Jesus. What more did Jesus say to Peter, and what was meant by it? 18-19. How did the remark signify what his death should be? Ans.--Because stretching forth a man's hand was done in no kind of death except death by crucifixion.

      What was said about John? 20-23.

      What is John's concluding remark about the things which Jesus did? 25. Why could the world not contain the books? Ans.--This is a hyperbolical expression to indicate the great number of books that would have to be written.

[FBL 42-44]

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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

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