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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

LESSON XIX.--Resurrection of Jesus--Continued.


      How did the disciples know the place and time of this meeting? Matt. xxviii: 16. What occurred when they first saw him? 17. Why did some doubt? Ans.--He probably appeared at a distance, and he had not yet spoken to them. [44]

      When he came to them, what did he say? 18-20. What was the propriety of telling them that all power had been given him? Ans.--To show that he had the right to give the command which follows.

      What was the largest number of disciples who saw Jesus at one time after his resurrection? I Cor. xv: 6. When was this? Ans.--It is supposed to have been when he appeared on the mountain in Galilee: for that was an appointed meeting, giving opportunity for all who desired to be present, while all the other meetings recorded were unexpected.


      Give Mark's account of the last appearance to the eleven. Mark xvi: 14-18. How do you know that this was the last appearance? 19, 20. Why did he upbraid them for their unbelief, seeing they now believed? 14. Ans.--It was for not believing those who told them of his resurrection before they themselves had seen him. Does Mark tell where this interview took place?

      Where according to Luke, did Jesus have this last interview with the eleven? Luke xxiv: 50-52. Was this, then, the same as the one last mentioned by Mark? Does Luke clearly distinguish between the first and last appearance to the eleven? Ans.--No. He begins at verse 36 with the first interview, and continues it to verse 43, and then passes to the conversation which occurred just before his ascension at the close of the last interview. See verses 44-51.

      How did Jesus satisfy his disciples that all things had happened to him according to God's purpose? 44-46. What was to be preached in his name, and where was the [45] preaching to begin? 47. Till when were they told to tarry at Jerusalem? 49.

      Describe the departure of Jesus, and the subsequent conduct of the eleven? 50-53.

      Is there any other account of the ascension of Jesus? See Acts i: 4-9. Repeat the description as there given. 9-11. What two men were these, and how do you know who they were? 9-11. What did they mean by saying he would come in like manner?

      After the angels had spoken, what did the disciples do? 12, 13. How did they return from the Mount of Olives, when the ascension took place (Luke xxiv: 50) near Bethany? How much is a Sabbath day's journey? Ans.--Seven-eighths of a mile. It was not the law, but Jewish tradition that fixed it.

      Where did the apostles now abide? Acts i: 13. Why does Luke here give us the names of the eleven again? Ans.--To show that all were at their posts waiting for the power from on high which the Lord had promised them. Did they spend the days shut up in their room, or only make it their home? Comp. Luke xxiv: 53. How were they spending their time, and who were with them? Acts i: 14.

[FBL 44-46]

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J. W. McGarvey
A Series of Fifty-Two Bible Lessons (1889)

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