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P. J. Kernodle Lives of Christian Ministers (1909) |
EV. THOMAS REEVES lived for many years in Orange
county, North Carolina. He traveled with Rev.
James O'Kelly. In 1807, he was traveling on his circuit
in Surry county, Virginia, when Rev. Joseph Thomas
joined him and traveled with him on his circuit. He
counciled the young man Thomas and was to him quite
a "genial companion and faithful guide." Elder Reeves
having had charge of this circuit already some time,
there remained yet to him about six months' time to be
filled out, and he took with him the preacher boy who
had committed himself to his guidance. They traveled
on together for many days holding services once or
twice every day, and in Norfolk county they came to the
home of Rice Haggard, who received them kindly and
encouraged the young preachers. This was the latter
part of December, about Christmas time. When Elder
reeves had made his circuit the fourth time, he dismissed
his young companions in April, 1808, and directed
them to travel together. After he was joined by the
young Thomas, he had two under his care. Thomas
speaks in the highest terms of his kindness to him, and
his faithfulness as a minister. Elder Reeves then turned
his direction toward his home in North Carolina, and
thence to the state of Tennessee. He, however, soon [62]
returned to North Carolina. In 1809, he attended the May
meeting held at SHiloh with thirteen preachers in attendance,
and from this time till 1820 he was in the habit
of visiting at the home of Elder John Hayes, in Wake
county, North Carolina. In 1830, he was present at the
General Meeting or Conference held at New Providence
meeting house, in Orange (now Alamance) county, and
was chosen Moderator of the meeting. He also attended
the General Meeting held at Lebanon in Surry country,
Virginia, in 1832, and was chairman of a committee
to examine the Treasurer's accounts. In 1834, he attended
the Conference and General Meeting at New
Providence, and again in 1837 at the same place.
At the North Carolina and Virginia Conference, at Union, in Orange (Alamance) county, North Carolina, in 1840, he was chairman of the committee to examine the Treasurer's accounts, which committee reported a balance in the Treasurer's hands of $80.08. At this Conference the subject of co-operative union was being considered, and he was named first on the committee of correspondence, "on the subject of Union between the Christian churches represented by the Conference and those in connection with the Palladium."
[LCM 62-63]
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P. J. Kernodle Lives of Christian Ministers (1909) |