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P. J. Kernodle Lives of Christian Ministers (1909) |
EV. WILLIAM ROLLINS was born in the year 1786,
and died about the year 1866, in his eightieth year.
He was a faithful member of the church at Shallow
Well, in Moore county, North Carolina.
In 1840, at the. North Carolina Christian Conference, held at Bethel in Chatham county, Elder Wm. Rollins was received as a minister of the gospel. At O'Kelly's chapel, in 1854, the North Carolina Conference, and the North Carolina and Virginia Conference, according to agreement both met as one, and Elder Rollins' name is enrolled. In 1856, he was present at the Conference at Hanks' chapel, in Chatham county. And in 1869, he was pastor of the churches at Zion, Shallow Well, and Moore Union, and for the following year the committee on itinerancy reported Rev. J. N. Farrell to, preach at these churches also.
In 1860, he preached at Shallow Well; this seems to have been his last regular preaching charge. He [246] preached occasionally thereafter, and labored in his own community. He was an earnest, good man, beloved by all who know him. He was in the ministry about thirty-six years, and was warmly attached to the church of his choice. He labored devotedly in his Master is vineyard--always ready to go where duty called.
[LCM 246-247]
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P. J. Kernodle Lives of Christian Ministers (1909) |