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P. J. Kernodle Lives of Christian Ministers (1909) |
EV. CHASTINE ALLEN was born in Virginia, in 1800,
and died in Granville county, North Carolina,
in 1886, in the eighty-seventh year of his age. His early
ministry was in Virginia, The beginning of his labors
was at the close of those of the Rev. James O'Kelly, with
whom he is said to have spent much time in early life.
Rev. Chastine Allen married Miss Jane Turner, the daughter of Rev. Stephen Turner of Warren county, North Carolina, and after that time lived in North Carolina. He united with the North Carolina and Virginia Conference. Though it is said that he spent much of his early life with O'Kelly, yet his name does not appear in the oldest minutes. We find that his name does appear in the minutes in 1859. At this time he resided at or near Asylum, in Granville county, North Carolina.
In 1865, he was at the Conference at Oak Level in Franklin county, and also at the Conference at O'Kelly's chapel in Chatham county, in 1866. At the Conference at Union in Halifax county, Virginia, in 1868, he reports as having assisted in meetings at Midway church. His labors now were light. From 1870 to 1880 he had no charge. To the Conference at Bethlehem in Alamance county, in 1880, he sends the following report: "I am unable to attend on account of debility, being in my eighty-first year. I try to live a Christian and hope to die a Christian. This may be the last time that I will ever trouble you with a report, and if is I hope to meet many of you in heaven above." This is his last report to Conference. "He was a very faithful minister as long as he was able to preach," is also the record made to his credit. [324]
[LCM 324]
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P. J. Kernodle Lives of Christian Ministers (1909) |