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P. J. Kernodle Lives of Christian Ministers (1909) |
EV. STEPHEN I. ELLIS was born February 24, 1851,
and died December 29, 1877, at the age of twenty-six
He was admitted to the Biblical class in 1871. In 1872, he was recommended to, and licensed by the North Carolina and Virginia Conference held at Shallow Well in Moore county, North Carolina. He received his education at the Graham High School, 1871 to 1873, and in the meantime taught school and preached. He was present at the conference at New Providence in 1873, and likewise at the conference at Hanks' chapel in Chatham county, in 1874. He kept up his Bible studies and preached occasionally. He attended the conference at Pope's chapel in 1872, and preached as opportunity offered. At the conference at. Salem chapel in 1876, he appeared before the committee on Education, but was recommended to continue his studies. He preached occasionally. At the conference at Pleasant Grove in Halifax county, Virginia, prayers were offered in his behalf and letters expressive of Christian salutation and regard sent to Brother Ellis, signed by the president and secretary of the Conference.
He exercised his gifts as occasion offered as long as his health permitted. He was a devoted attendant upon the conference, and took a lively interest in the work of the church and manifested a willingness to do what he could in the great work of saving souls. But before he had pursued his calling a sufficient length of time to establish himself as a minister, disease fastened itself upon him; and although young in years, and still younger in his chosen calling, it was apparent that his work on earth would soon be done. The hollow cough and [374] emaciated frame indicated most clearly that death had marked him for his victim. But, thank God, he was ready, when the dark-winged messenger came, to enter into rest. He died in much peace, in the full and blissful hope of life everlasting.
[LCM 374-375]
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P. J. Kernodle Lives of Christian Ministers (1909) |