A quarterly review of Christian literature,
as a supplement to Provocative Pamphlets.
The Federal Literature Department has, for some time, desired to develop the Pamphlet Club to what was originally intended: a medium by which conversation within our Brotherhood could be stimulated, and reading be increased; the idea being, that by opening a channel for progressive thinking, we could be able to develop some analysis of our present life and our past history. Hence the production of Provocative Pamphlets, and the origin of that name.
We feel that, on the whole, the pamphlets have been thought provoking and progressive. If one could take time to examine the whole publications for the six years of their existence, it would be found that the pamphlets represent a fair cross-section of the thinking within our brotherhood.
But to a greater degree, even the most provocative statements have fallen on silent minds (other than the odd bursts in the Open Forum of "The Australian Christian.").
Now the purpose of this Club Quarterly will be to give our members a common meeting ground.
We hope you will take the opportunity to tell us what you think about the pamphlets; to add to or subtract from their statements in here you feel that is necessary, and thus commence some real dialogue on the issues that are raised.
We hope to further develop the awareness of the club fellowship by printing in the quarterly a. Suggested extended reading material related to the pamphlets published--again members can supply us with recommendations. b. Book reviews of outstanding Christian literature--here again the member can contribute. c. Your letters and comments--favourable and unfavourable. d. News and Labours of the Literature Department.
This new venture, of course, will only continue, if we find a reasonable interest is taken in it.
Yours hopefully, | |
Chairman of the Literature Department. |
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Seven hundred persons subscribe to Provocative Pamphlets at the present time. The pamphlets go to America, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, India, Africa, Britain, as well as every State of the Commonwealth
Subscription Due--
Remember! subscriptions cover the calendar year (Jan.-Dec.) and are due each January.
Two reminders have been sent this year with good results. However there are still 200 subscriptions yet unpaid (28 owe for 1959 as well). Are you one of these?
The subscription is 10/- P.A. No exchange is needed on cheque Postal Notes and Money Orders should be made out to Melbourne Post Office, and all payments to: Federal Literature Department, Churches' of Christ Centre, 217 Lonsdale Stree t, Melbourne, C.1.
Operation 2,000 Members--
This is our aim for 1961. We are launching an extensive advertising and promotion programme. You can help by-
(1) making the pamphlets known to your fellow church members, and suggesting they subscribe to them.
(2) checking to see that your church has appointed an agent to handle the pamphlets, and if not, offering to become the agent yourself.
(3) inquiring to see if your State Bookroom has the pamphlets on hand and displayed prominently. Encourage people to buy copies of the pamphlets you recommend, from the Bookrooms (1 /- a copy).
(4) suggesting relevant pamphlets to be used for midweek meetings, youth study material, camps and conferences. (Bulk orders direct from us are available at reduced rates--10/- a dozen or in 50 lots at 8d each).
(5) by making a gift subscription to a friend for Christmas. We will send a Christmas card informing your friend of your gift.
Future Pamphlets--
An excellent number of manuscripts are to hand, or promised for 1961. They contain some very interesting material. Here is something of the line up: The use of the Christian Year (S. H. Wilson); Unified Brotherhood Budgeting (A. E. White); An Examination of Speaking in Tongues (H. J. Patterson); The New Testament in Our Times (M. J. Savage). Other manuscripts are in the process of being created, but take a long time apparently!
Members are invited to submit manuscripts, on provocative issues that are exercising their minds, as long as the following conditions are noted. (a) the manuscript may not necessarily go into print, (b) manuscripts must be provocative, and progressive in thought, (c) manuscripts must be original works, and must not be along the lines of recently printed manuscripts (the place for dialogue will be in these pages), (d) manuscripts must be the required length of an eight page issue (approx. 3,500 words) and the writer must agree to subject his work to editorial review or alteration where these might be necessary. All set?--then get started!
(The following books are recommended to those who wish to pursue the topics raised in this year's pamphlets.)
61-62 Baptism.
"Towards True Baptism"--James Gray--Berean (1/3)
"Commentary on Romans"--C. H. Dodd--Fontana (3/9)
"The Biblical Doctrine of Baptism" (Church of Scotland report)--St. Andrew (17/6)
"Studies on Baptism"--J. Gray--Berean.
Baptism-Contemporary reviews (Encounter Summer 1960--a quarterly published by Disciples of Christ).
"Doctrines of the Christian Faith" (World Convention Reports, 1955) (13/6)
"Christian Baptism" (symposium by Baptist Scholars)--Lutterworth
"The Biblical Doctrine of Initiation"--R. E. O. White--Hodder (44/9)
"An Approach to the Theology of the Sacrament"--N. Clark--S.C.M. (10/-)
"Baptism in the New Testament"--O. Cullmann--S.C.M.
"1 Peter--A Paschal Liturgy"--F. L. Cross--Mowbray (4/4)
63 Communion.
"An Approach to the Theology of the Sacraments"--N. Clark--S.C.M. (10/-)
"Doctrines of the Christian Faith" (World Convention Reports, 1955) (13/6)
"The Administration of the Lord's Supper"--W. Robinson--Berean
"The Lord's Supper in the New Testament"--A. J. B. Higgins--S.C.M.
64 Evangelism.
"Thesis of Evangelism"--J. Bader
"Effective Evangelism"--Sweeze--Harper
65 Ecumenical Movement.
"The Biblical Doctrine of the Church"--W. Robinson--Bethany (31/-)
"The Unfinished Reformation"--C. C. Morrison--Harper (33/-)
"Faith of the Church" (report of the Joint Commission Church Union Methodist,Presbyterian, Congregational) (2/6)
"A Biblical Doctrine of Unity"--E. L. Williams--Austral (15/-)
"We Were Brought Together" (report National Conferences Australian Churches,1960). 23/-.
"Household of God"--L. Newbigin--S.C.M. (15/6)
"Reunion of the Church"--L. Newbigin--S.C.M. (26/-)
67 Family Worship.
"Christian Home and Family Living"--F. Vanderveld--Zondervan (20/9)
68 Ministry.
"The Biblical Doctrine of the Ministry"--J. K. S. Reid--Oliver & Boyd (8/6)
"Doctrines of the Christian Faith" (World Convention Reports, 1955) (13/6)
69 Worship.
"Early Christian Worship"--O. Cullmann--S.C. M. (10/9)
"Ways of Worship" (Faith and Order Report)--S.C.M. (2/6)
"Call to Worship"--N. C. Clark--S.C.M. (9/6)
"Glory of Christian Worship" (Encounter Spring Issue. 1959)
70 "Christian Education in State Schools" relevant information from Council for Christian
71 "World Convention Edinburgh, 1960" reports of study groups available soon.
72 Missions. "One Body, One Gospel, One World"--L. Newbigin (International Missionary
(Note: Prices are not necessarily set ones.)
God: Creator, Saviour, Spirit--R. P. G. Hanson (S.C.M.), 10/9.
I have chosen to give a short comment on this booklet, not because of its main contents, but because of its statements in the fifth and Tina: chapter, the formation of dogma. Hanson's first three chapters deal separately with the Christian concept of the three-fold activity of God as Creator, Saviour, and Spirit. The fourth chapter then treats the doctrine of the Trinity, and the fifth, the formation of dogma.
I stress its importance because of the defence Hanson makes for the retention of the Creeds of the Christian faith. The relevant importance of this will be seen by any reader who takes the opportunity to read the report of the Joint Commission on Church Union, set up by the Congregational, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches "The Faith of the Church" (2/6)--here also the creeds and confessions are upheld with deep conviction. These two statements need very serious study by our people who have traditionally been a non-creedal body, also with deep conviction. Hanson says that his final chapter is "devoted to saying something about the relation of Christian doctrine to the Christian Gospel." He tackles the existence of tradition in human relationships and claims that "Man might reasonably be described as a tradition-making animal", and of human institutions he says they "can no more exist without a tradition to exist in than human beings can exist in a vacuum." Of reformers, he says, "all that the reformers can do is to establish a reform tradition. Even the most radical of them cannot do away with tradition altogether; all that they can do is to produce an institution whose tradition is to attempt to abandon tradition." Of the creeds he says. "From the very early times there has existed in the church short credal statements designed to give a. summary of the faith." Of dogma, Hanson asserts, "The Church was pushed into producing dogma by the Arian controversy." This is followed by a detailed outline of the development of dogma through the church councils. This is then followed by an examination of the relation of the Bible to the church tradition and dogma. Hanson concludes by quoting Karl Barth in the words, "the formulation of both dogma and doctrine is justified only as a necessary activity in preaching, declaring and interpreting the Word of God to each successive generation."
What is your comment?
Supplement to November, 1960. Provocative Pamphlet No. 71
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