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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)



      "It is sternly impossible," said John Ruskin, "for the English public at this moment to understand any thoughtful writing, so incapable of thought has it become in its insanity of avarice." The situation is no better with us. Greed or care and the fever of money-making are spoiling the best that is in men. They are incapable of quiet, noble, high, uplifting thought. The spirit of noisy haste of the age cannot take time to get quiet and to think. They have long ago classed all books that require thoughtful study as dull. The Bible is full of the purest, deepest, and noblest thought--God's thought. So, as we might expect, it seems dull to the shallow, world-fevered throng. It is widely circulated, but who reads it? And who of those that read it endeavor to get at its treasures? Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the [17] Lord and who meditates on it. Blessed is he who has taught his soul to be silent before God, and his heart to listen to the word of truth from God's book!


[TAG 17-18]

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Robert H. Boll
Truth and Grace (1917)