Instrumental Music

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     A great many brethren throughout the world have written asking me to present my views on the current status of the instrumental music question. Most of these requests, especially from other countries, have come from those who employ mechanical instruments in the public praise service. Some are from brethren who oppose the instruments and who "stand in jeopardy every hour" for fear the cause is being betrayed because brethren have opened up the question anew and are willing to discuss its various ramifications in love. To show kindness to one with whom we differ is construed in many circles to be a compromise of principle. I have been reluctant to discuss this matter because I have felt that the time may not be ripe for it, since a considerable amount of immaturity has been shown by some on both sides, but having been importuned by various ones, and threatened by others, I feel that I should express my views with the hope that I may be able to contribute something toward providing a better framework within which to pursue the cause of restoration in conjunction with the series of articles "Thoughts on Fellowship." Accordingly, I will deal with the question of instrumental music in our next two issues.

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