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     Methuselah is a long name connected with a long life and a short history. He was 187 years old at the birth of his first son; after which he lived 782 years and begat sons and daughters, then died at the age of 969. This is the substance of his Bible history, though like the generality of mankind he was a babe, a child, a youth, a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a grandfather, and a countryman.

     He was 39 years older than Adam; 19 years older than Noah; and 604 years older than his father. Methuselah lived and died before the flood. He was the son of Enoch, the grandson of Jared, father of Lamech, grandfather of Noah, and ancestor of the Christ. During his sojourn here he had plenty of time to have talked with Adam, Seth, and Enos, each of whom was an ancestor of our Lord--who was the Star of Jacob, the Lion of Judah, the Rose of Sharon, the Babe of 'Bethlehem, and the Prince of Peace. Moses has written this man's name in the book of Genesis, and his special relation to Adam and Christ, but is silent concerning his wife, his home, his health or his religion. There is nothing said of his credit, his business, his character or his conversation.

     Abraham is noted for faith, Samson for strength, and Solomon for wisdom, but Methuselah ranks first in point of age. He was 969, reading either direction. --A. R. Moore

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