The love of the brethren is a warm and constant affection for Christians,
on account of their many good qualities. The mind truly makes the man, but virtuous qualities, in
an eminent degree, constitute the Christian. The enemies of olden times, with astonishment
said, "See how these Christians love one another!" If all professors of this age were really
Christians of one soul, and heart, the world would soon confess Jesus to be the Son of God. -
-Tolbert Fanning.
Men admit that our plea for restoration is a grand conception of Christian
work, but say it is ideal, and can never be accomplished. Much has already been done, and God's
word indicates that much more should and can be done. If it is never done, it will not be the fault
of the plea, but of those who make it. Are the rewards of present success required to induce
truth-loving men do what God has appointed? That is the work of time -- servers and not of men
who love the truth because it is the truth. --F. C. Allen (1886).
The principle which was inscribed upon our banners when we withdrew
from the ranks of the sects was, "Faith in Jesus as the true Messiah, and obedience to him as our
lawgiver and king, the only test of Christian character, and the only bond of Christian union,
communion, and cooperation, irrespective of all creeds, opinions, commandments, and traditions
of men." --Alexander Campbell.
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