About Tobacco

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     A brother whom I deeply love and who is now in a hospital in serious condition writes as follows:

      "Carl, maybe it would be better to quit writing about cigarettes. Like myself, only about one out of every 500 believes it. Instead, urge them to smoke until, like me, they can consume 3 or 4 packages per day. Then when their arteries begin to harden from sugar, fat and nicotine, and they suffer every kind of pain known to the human race, let them watch the surgeon as he cleans arteries like a pipe stem. Let them see the tiny drops of nicotine and sugar as they drain before their eyes. Let them hear the doctors tell them to quit smoking or all the surgical work is in vain. Then their eyes will be opened to what fools we be, and it will be easy to quit. I know because I tried it. Perhaps it is too late, but in spite of the fact that I had to scare him I am now master of ---------- after allowing him to suck the things for fifty years."

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