Fred Killebrew

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     On January 27, Fred Killebrew underwent surgery at McMillan Hospital in Saint Louis, for removal of a tumorous mass of blood cells from his throat. The specialists, after examination of laboratory specimens, diagnosed his condition as cancer, and on February 3, Dr. Grayson performed a thyroidectomy, which also involved removal of other glands. It appears that enough of the nerves to the vocal cords were saved so that near normal speaking ability will be regained. The surgery was major requiring lengthy and delicate application of the skills of the men involved. Bro. Killebrew has made great sacrifices for the cause of Christ, traveling thousands of miles to help needy places. He now needs our help. We urge all of the brethren to send freely and generously to supply his needs. Mail any contribution to him at Senath, Missouri. Those of you who would like further information of a more immediate nature can call our number UNderhill 8-3248, Saint Louis, Missouri, and we will attempt to answer your questions.

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