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Those who plan to attend the meetings dealing with the subjects of fellowship and unity, which will be held at Lakewood, California, October 16-20, may secure a copy of the program by writing to William Jessup, 6500 East Del Amo Boulevard, Lakewood, California. We are anxious to meet brethren representing all segments growing out of the Restoration movement, and we urge that all feel free to come without fear of reprisal.... The editor will be in Pomona, California, for an address on the night of October 21 and three discourses on October 22.... Special meetings on the theme of "Unity" will be held at Galesburg, Illinois, Sept. 9, 10, featuring talks by James Mabery, Burl Price, James Reid, Ellis Crum and Borden Higginbotham. For information contact E. W. Smith, 134 Ohio Street, Galesburg, Illinois.... To those of you who have always wanted a copy of Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon and Young's Analytical Concordance, we can send both large volumes for $22.50, the cheapest price in this country.... William Earl Black and Caren Sue Pruett were united in marriage at Flat River, Missouri, July 29, with the editor officiating.... Albert Winstanley was with the congregation at Scholes, Wigan, England, July 16. The congregation at Tunbridge Wells, Kent, will proceed with plans for erection of their new meetinghouse. The address of Brother Winstanley is 43a Church Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England.... Dick Gring writes that he and family are going to Brazil with the expectation of spending their time in evangelizing for the remainder of their lives.... Bernie Crum reports two immersed at Albuquerque, New Mexico.... H. R. Miller and Ralph Cassity were ordained as elders at Elwood, Indiana, during June.... Borden Higginbotham reports one immersal during his labors there.... You may still obtain copies of the July issue with the article "Analysis of Heresy" at the rate of ten for one dollar. While they last, you may also have copies of the August issue at the same price.... M. S. Whitehead, whose writings and research many of you have enjoyed now resides at 51 Michigan Avenue, Montgomery 3, Alabama.... We regret to announce that he may have to undergo surgery for removal of cataracts from both eyes.... How long has it been since you sent a card to Joann Scott, Jameson, Missouri? She has been crippled since birth and is confined to a wheelchair, and the cards and letters from you brothers and sisters will mean a lot. Think of how you would feel after more than twenty years of such confinement.... Tom Dennis conducted a vacation study and meeting at Farmington, New Mexico closing August 11.... We would like to send you a copy of "The New Testament in Modern English" by J. B. Phillips. The cost is $6.00 per copy.... Martin Mitchum, Rolla, Missouri, spoke at Oak Hill Chapel, St. Louis, August 6.... Leroy Garrett conducted a series of meetings for the brethren at Grassy congregation, near Arab, Alabama.... We trust that you are making plans to spend a part of your Christmas vacation in the study of the word of God at St. Louis, Missouri, December 27-31, under the guidance of James Mabery and W. Carl Ketcherside. The studies will be held at 7121 Manchester Avenue. For information and reservations write to Milton Sterrett, 6231 Wilson Street, Saint Louis 10, Missouri.... We sympathize with Leo Madden, Waverly, Kansas, in the death of his father.... Walter Short immersed two into Christ at Saint Louis, August 5.... Ludwig Hopfl immersed two in Wurzburg, Germany.... J. C. Mabery, former elder at Bonne Terre, Mo., underwent surgery in Saint Louis, August 15.