Saint Louis Study

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     An intensive study of the Bible will be conducted at 7121 Manchester Avenue, Saint Louis, Missouri, Dec. 27, through Dec.31, by James Mabery and W. Carl Ketcherside. The daily program (Wednesday through Saturday) will be as follows: 9:00-9:30 a.m., Devotional program; 9:30-10:30, Bible Geography, James Mabery; 10:45-11:45, Word Studies, W. Carl Ketcherside; 1:00-2:00 p.m., "The Finger of God," James Mabery; 2:00-3:30, Panel and Forums for young people; 7:00-7:30, Song Rally; 7:30-8:45, "The Son of Man and the Sons of Men," W. Carl Ketcherside.

     The general theme for the afternoon panel and forum sessions will be "Training in Godliness" (1 Tim. 4:7), and the specific subjects will be "Education, Recreation, Transformation and Consecration." The panels will be conducted by brethren of reputation, especially qualified in their fields.

     On December 31, a song rally will be held in the new meetinghouse at 5344 Lillian Avenue, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., and later a service continuing until midnight will be conducted, with various congregations participating.

     Luncheon will be served at noon on each of the five days of the study. Those attending will be responsible for arranging for other meals. Requests for reservations should be made at once, and those attending will be placed in the homes of members as far as possible. All requests for information and reservations should be made to Milton Sterrett, 6231 Wilson Street, Saint Louis 10, Missouri. Telephone STerling 1-3772. Those applying for reservations should state the number in the party, together with age,

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sex and relationship of those coming. If last minute interference causes postponement of plans to attend, you should call the above number immediately and notify of your expectation to cancel reservations. It is important that you write at once if you expect to attend!

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