Thoughts on Fellowship
This is the title of the new book which contains reprints of every issue of
MISSION MESSENGER for 1957-58. Those who have been interested in the writings on
fellowship and unity of the believers will welcome this 384 page, cloth bound library edition,
containing the first series of analytical studies on a theme which today challenges the whole
religious world. There are scores of other important articles, and of especial value will be the
preservation in permanent form of the material of those who objected to the thinking on
fellowship and related matters. You will find their articles with the replies of the editor
following and thus will be in a position to see both sides of the issues.
This is the first of a series of three books intended to present MISSION
MESSENGER in bound volumes. The second will be entitled "Covenants with God" and will
contain all of the issues for 1959-60; the third will be called "The Path to Peace" and will be a
reproduction of the issues for 1961-62. All of the books will be uniform in size but will have
different covers and colorful dust jackets. You may secure "Thoughts on Fellowship" for $3.00
per copy until November 1; all orders sent after that date will be billed at $3.50.
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