Sharing Our Mail
I have greatly appreciated your paper and I find your articles about the
church and its divided ideas educational, but very distressing. I pray that the Lord may give us
all a true concept of His body, the church. --North Carolina.
* * * *
MISSION MESSENGER continues to be the finest paper I have ever
read and I pray the Lord will richly bless you as you continue in this great work. The divided
condition of the people of God has been a stumbling block to those seeking the truth too long
already. Keep up the good work. --California.
* * * *
I do not see fit to make the use of a musical instrument a bone of
contention in connection with the worship, but in preaching the gospel, I
seriously doubt its efficacy. I prefer peace without the instrument rather than
contention with it. I plan to continue to preach the simple New Testament gospel without
turning aside to belabor those who use the instrument or to join in useless debate with those who
oppose it. --Virginia.
* * * *
"The Kingdom of the Messiah" is the best book I have ever read on the
subject and I praise God for the insight He has given you on the subject, and the time He has
allowed you to do so much research....Your book has definitely added many things to my
thinking, and by the grace of the Holy Spirit I have been rejoicing these days in an enlarged
concept and greater appreciation of the sovereign reign of the Messiah. --
* * * *
I continue to enjoy reading MISSION MESSENGER and on the whole to
agree with what you write. Your writings continue to have a great effect in this country, in
opening the eyes of some to see that even we are not yet "there," although we have taken it for
granted for so long....We have not got our priorities right for we are not putting love first.
* * * *
As for the translation work of which I wrote you in times past, we are
glad to report that the entire New Testament in Hopi is now being revised on Hopi Reservation
where it is hoped more hands will aid in perfecting our work. The Gospel of Mark is due to be
out in January, and Corinthians in July, God willing. Others will follow so that the whole work
will eventually be bound in one book. We continue to thank you for your interest in our people
and our work and we covet your continued prayers. Pray for us. Our hope and trust is in Jesus..
God bless you, brother beloved. --Arizona.
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