Speaking Engagements

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     The editor has booked the following speaking engagements in the near future and will be pleased to meet any who are members of the fellowship of the concerned in the areas mentioned.

     LANCASTER, CALIFORNIA. January 24, 25. Central Christian Church, 558 West Pillsbury Street. Forum on fellowship. Write Bryce Jessup at address given or telephone WHitehall 8-3829.

     SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. Conference on Evangelism. January 26-28. Daily lectures on Galatians, with final message on January 28, on "Faith Calls to Prayer." Two panel discussions of special importance. Contact A. L. Tiffin, P. 0. Box 1090, San Jose, California 95108, or telephone 293-5584.

     ENID, OKLAHOMA, Seventh Consultation on Internal Unity. March 1. Address on "Divisive Party Loyalties." Contact Charles R. Gresham, Manhattan Bible College, Manhattan, Kansas.

     CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO. State Christian Convention. March 7, 8. Addresses on "The Spirit of Unity" and "The Unity of the Spirit." Contact Stanley Letcher, P. 0. Box 8, Clovis, New Mexico, or call 763-5864.

     CENTRAL ILLINOIS. Mid-State Christian Men's Preaching Rally. March 17. For information contact Eugene Johnson, 115 N. Walnut Street, Assumption, Illinois, or call 1147. (Details as to location not worked out when we went to press).

     LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. Christian Student Fellowship. April 1, 2. Addresses and forums with university and college men and women. For information address Charles E. Garrison, Box 4525, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40501.

     PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA. Christian Evangelistic Society Annual Convention. April 19. For information contact F. Burton Doyle, 180 Center Avenue, Emsworth, Pittsburgh, 2, Pennsylvania, or telephone POplar 1-8033.

     CALGARY, ALBERTA. Alberta Bible College Commencement and Minister's Institute. May 8-12. For information contact Robert E. Gonyea, 599 Northmount Drive, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

     (Please preserve this list of dates and we will make additions to it in subsequent issues of the paper).

     If you have not yet ordered your copy of the forthcoming book "The Twisted Scriptures" we urge you to do so at once and take advantage of the pre-publication price of $2.49 which is good only until March 1. Orders filled after that date will be billed at $2.95.
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