Are you interested in composing part of a Christian colony on a real
frontier, or of helping to support those who blaze a way for Christ in a wilderness? Then write to
J. C. Reed, RCDA-FYDEP, Santa Elena, El Peten, Guatemala, Central America.... John Fulford
is enrolled in the University of Cape Town, South Africa, in Philosophy and Sociology, and is
finding excellent opportunities for witness to the student body.... Al Hammond, who was
accepted as a candidate for the master's degree in Asian Studies at the University of California,
has a tremendous article on "From Inside Berkeley" in the Far East Christian Missionary.
The same issue contains his article on "How The Christian Looks at Demons and Psychic
Phenomena" and it is also excellent.... We want to recommend the new book by James DeForest
Murch on "The Free Church." It is designated as "A Treatise on Church Polity with Special
Relevance to Doctrine and Practice in Christian Churches and Churches of Christ." We will send
you a copy for a dollar and you'll really like it.... Claire Boulton writes that the work with
congregations in the Ryukyu Islands continues with good interest and we rejoice to hear it....
Hubert Prather, who gets his mail at P. 0. Box 1674, Nassau, Bahamas, writes that plans are
being made for tracts for use in "out island evangelism."... Remember that "The Path of Peace" is
ready for mailing on order. This is the book which contains history you can get in no other
volume, the real story of the division over instrumental music and the court trials attending it....
You may secure extra copies of this issue of the paper at the rate of ten for one dollar. We urge
you to share these with others!
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