Items of Interest
The Trustees of Mission have
established an annual Mission Awards program to encourage quality
writing on religious topics and to focus greater concern on the
problem of Christian relevance for our age. All forms of
literature will be considered, including essay, fiction, poetry,
drama and critical analysis. Prizes will be $150, $100, and $50,
for the three articles adjudged first, second and third. Further
information may be secured from, or manuscripts may be submitted
to Mission, Box 326, Oxford, Ohio 45056.
* * * * *
FOCI, The Fellowship of Concerned
Individuals, is made up of a group of brethren who are seeking to
do something tangible as committed followers of the Lord Jesus
Christ, to increase racial understanding and to offset the sin of
race hatred and bigotry. Local chapters meet together one night
per week for ten weeks to learn important facts about the racial
crisis and the Christian message for that crisis. Guides have
been prepared for the program. Those who are interested in
securing further information may contact FOCI, Box 7203,
Lexington, Kentucky 40502. Let us say, so that we shall be
absolutely honest with our readers, that the leadership of FOCI
is drawn principally from the ranks of brethren in Independent
Christian Churches, although it is a little absurd to maintain
our sectarian attitudes when our world is burning down around our
ears. We urge any member of the fellowship of the concerned to
write for the information.
* * * * *
Training Center for Service, Inc., 1520 North
Leffingwell Ave., St. Louis, Missouri 63106, is an earnest effort
of Christians to move into the ghetto with an effective program
to train children to live as responsible citizens in an urban
society. Walter and Ruth Short, the only white couple in the
area, and Charles Owens, who is black, live at this location, and
carry on a constant work of help to the community. There are
daily Bible study classes, in addition to sewing classes, cooking
classes, gardening and food preservation classes. The children
who come from culturally deprived homes find an oasis in a world
of sin and shame. The boys are welded into teams through an
athletic program, and all are made to recognize that it is only
in Christ we shall find answers to problems.
The premises were purchased by Central Church
of Christ, St. Louis, but other brethren help in many ways. A
subsistence meal is served each Saturday by a volunteer group of
sisters from one of the congregations. Clothing and canned goods
are regularly distributed to needy families. We mention this
because if you wish to do something besides grumble about
conditions, your contribution or assistance will be welcomed, and
you can be sure it will meet tragic need.
* * * * *
If you knew how many hours of needed time it
saved for us when you renew in advance of expiration date, we are
sure that most of you would never let your subscription expire.
If it is to end any time in 1969, will you please send a dollar
at once so we can set it forward. It will help us much more than
you realize and time is a very precious commodity. Send your
dollar today. If you renew for three years for $3.00 we will send
you a free gift book.
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