This and That

[Page 94]

     Please forgive us for mentioning once more our new book Simple Trusting Faith, but we are anxious for all of our readers to see it. This is the volume in which we deal with the existence of God, the revelation of the Word, the virgin birth, the case for miracles, the present possession of eternal life, and those things which create doubts in younger minds. The theme of the book is that after having lived all of these years, and traveled over the world, we were forced to come back to our childhood faith as the only hope of inner calm and peace. The cost is only $3.50 per copy, and we'd like to believe that a lot of you will make copies available to your children and grandchildren.... One way that you can help to share the truth as set forth in this paper is by securing a bundle each month to distribute to the concerned ones in your area. We have a special offer for those who want 25 copies per month for a year. Write and ask us about it.... Nell and I want to express once again our deep appreciation to those faithful few who send each month to make it possible for us to keep the plea for peace on earth among men of goodwill coming your way. If it were not for the generosity of these who believe in what we are trying to accomplish in our generation we could not survive, but they have decided to put their contributions where someone is working to overthrow factionalism and promote harmony.

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