The Royal Priesthood

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     The new edition of my book The Royal Priesthood is off the press. It contains 200 pages and is beautifully bound in cloth, with an attractive Jacket of royal purple. Although the format is the same, the type was completely re-set and the text revised in some places to make it more relevant to the present.

     Chapter headings are as follows: What It Is All About; The Dawn of Religion; The Element of Sacrifice; Patriarchal Priests; The Nation of Israel; The Priesthood of Levi; A Copy and Shadow; A Profane Priesthood; The Time of Reformation; The Order of Melchizedek; The Royal Priesthood; Priesthood and Ministry; The Case for a Special Priesthood; Priestly Powers; Rise of the Hierarchy; The Power to Pardon; The Power to Consecrate; Priesthood and Worship; and A Sincere Appeal.

     The book was controversial from the beginning, and it will be no less so now because it contends for a universal ministry of the saints as opposed to a distinctive clergy system, regardless of the name under which the latter operates. It is destined to draw fire from the ranks of those who hold that the one-man pastor system is justified by the needs of our day, and that we may hire men to fill a professional place in the community of believers.

     The first half of the volume traces the development of the priesthood through the various dispensations, culminating in the ideal of heaven for a priesthood of all saints; the last half is an analysis of the claims for a special priesthood as made by the eminent Catholic philosopher, Dr. John A. O'Brien, of Notre Dame University. He is a writer of great distinction.

     The price of the book is $3.50 per copy and it is our hope that brethren will feel encouraged to purchase it for gifts to those who are members of the fellowship of the concerned. If you have not yet ordered a copy of our other new book, Simple Trusting Faith, we will send you one of each, if you will enclose your check for six dollars with your order. Since the price of Simple Trusting Faith is also $3.50, this will enable you to save a dollar by ordering both books at the same time. We will pay the postage charges in any event, but we urge you to place your orders as soon as possible as this will aid us in processing them. Your books will be mailed at once when your order comes in. We hope to be hearing from you soon.

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