Special News
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The Hartford Forum, an annual event at Hartford, Illinois, which brings together representatives of all segments of the restoration movement in an attitude of respect and brotherly love, will be held on December 28, 29, with the first session beginning at 2:00 p.m. on December 28. The five themes for discussion this year are: What I Believe About the Inspiration of the Scriptures; What I Believe About the Current Charismatic Movement; What I Believe About the Thousand Years of Revelation 20; What I Believe About Situational Ethics; and What I Believe About the Organized Institutional Church.
Two speakers will share their views on each topic, and then will sit down together to be questioned by the audience. In all of the years since the forum began there has never been an untoward incident occur, despite the fact that lively and emotionally-charged questions have been discussed. Among the speakers for the 1971 session will be Ervin Waters, Lavern Houtz, Seth Wilson, Hall C. Crowder, Leroy Garrett, and Charles Holt. Those desiring to attend will find adequate motel accommodations in the nearby vicinity. For further information you may write to Berdell McCann, 118 East Second Street, Hartford, Illinois 62048, or you may call Berdell at (618) 254-6454. We urge you to attend!
We hope that you'll not grow weary of our mentioning the seminar on fellowship to be held in Houston, Texas, September 13-17. I will be speaking each night in the auditorium of Sidney Lanier Junior High School, 2600 Woodhead at Westheimer Avenue. There will be day sessions for open questioning of my position at the Downtown YMCA, 1600 Louisiana. For full information contact James D. Fuller, 123 Abney Street, Houston, Texas 77037, or call 443-0451.
It is my very fervent hope that we shall be able to see a number of our brethren when I address the Louisiana State Christian Convention, at Shreveport, October 14, 15. I will be dealing with the theme of fellowship and we will be cutting across all lines and barriers constructed by men to separate the children of our Father. You may write to Don Fream, 3401 Greenwood Road, Shreveport, Louisiana 71109, or call 635-5607. Why not come and share with us?
It appears now that God will bless us with a great fellowship rally at San Jose, California, October 20-22. Brethren in all segments of the restoration movement have indicated an eagerness to get on with the task of uniting the Christians in all of the sects, and are anxious to explore means by which it will be possible for us to overcome our own divided religious estate. We urge all concerned saints to be with us. Contact W. L. Jessup, P.O. Box 1090, San Jose, California 95108.
November 1-5 will find me in Flint, Michigan, with the Genessee Church of Christ. The saints meet at 4381 East Stanley Road, which is 2½ miles east of Dort Highway, on Stanley Road. The latter is two miles north of the Flint City Limits. We eagerly look forward to this occasion and the opportunity of meeting brethren from the general area. If you would like further information we do suggest that you write to Frank Rester, P. 0. Box 1205, Flint, Michigan 48501. Frank lives at 3314 South Irish Road and his telephone is (313) 653-5951.
Another great meeting in which I will be privileged to participate this autumn will be held at Eldon, Missouri, November 16, 17. The theme is "The Holy Spirit" and I will share in the presentations with Seth Wilson, Gareth Reece, and Russell Boatman. There will be workshop classes in the study of various phases related to the Spirit, and we guarantee an interesting time for all who come. Write to Woody Wilkinson, Eldon, Missouri, for a program of events.