Book Talk
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It just could be that you have always wanted a copy of The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus. You can now secure one at reasonable price. While they last we will mail you a paperback edition at only $3.75, and that is a bargain.
Genesis in Space and Time is one of the new books by Francis A. Schaeffer. Genesis is a book of ground rules. It establishes man's place in the universe, explains his wonder and his flaw, and traces the beginnings of the flow of human history through space and time. Dr. Schaeffer shows how the first eleven chapters of Genesis stand as a solid space-time basis for answering tough questions. $2.25.
True Spirituality, by Francis A. Schaeffer, is divided into two important divisions. The first section deals with freedom now from the bonds of sin; the second with freedom now from the results of the bonds of sin. The part which deals with man's separation from himself will be of particular help to you. $1.95.
He is There and He is Not Silent, by Francis A. Schaeffer. This book deals with one of the fundamental questions of this modern age: how we know and how we know we know. I hardly think it is for the casual reader, but for those who have personal doubts or doubting friends it will put it all together. It is $1.95.
L'Abri, by Edith Schaeffer. This book tells how the Schaeffer family came to live in a Swiss Alpine village and to open their chalet home to an ever increasing number of visitors from all parts of the world. Many of these are young people seeking answers to the basic philosophic problems with which all who care about finding a meaning and purpose in life have to struggle. Please read it. Only $1.95.
Morality, Law and Grace, by J. N. D. Anderson. The author is one of my very favorite writers. He is Professor of Oriental Laws and Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in the University of London. This book places in focus most of the questions being bandied about on the university campus today as they relate to morality. Only $1.95.
The Old Law and the New Law, by William Barclay. This began as a handbook for boys, but was revised and expanded into a series of studies which you will find very helpful because of their simplicity. We have no doubt that in talking to young people, as well as older groups, you will draw from this material. $1.95.
What Christ Thinks of the Church, by John R. W. Stott. The author is one of the most popular speakers in our generation. He is Rector of All Souls Church in London and Honorary Chaplain to the Queen of England. I personally read about everything that he writes. This particular little volume is intriguing. It deals with the letters addressed to the seven churches in Asia Minor, after Jesus had gone back to heaven and His people had caused a stir up and down the Roman Empire. Stott says, "It is noteworthy that although each letter is addressed to a different church, the concluding formula refers to the churches. The personal message to each is yet a general challenge to all." The book is only $1.50.
I cannot resist reminding you once more of that other remarkable book by John R. W. Stott, entitled Christ the Controversialist, every chapter of which is a subject for your own preaching. It really zeroes in on the issues of 1973 with the message of Jesus and shows that message is truly relevant. The book is $2.50, and worth it. Stott is also the author of Basic Christianity which answers such questions as "Who on earth is Jesus Christ? What on earth did he do? What made him do it? What good did it all do? What does it mean to you?" This one is $1.50. Then there is The Baptism and Fulness of the Holy Spirit in which Stott contends that the chief evidence of the Spirit's indwelling is not miraculous but moral. You need to read it even if you will not agree with it. 95ยข.
My own book The Divine Purpose, containing all of the issues of our paper for 1972 will soon be ready for mailing. It will make a valuable addition to your library. If you will send us $2.95 we will mail you one when ready.