Book Talk

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     I still think every person should own a copy of the full text of The Declaration and Address by Thomas Campbell. Fortunately it is now printed in combination with The Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery, so you can have both of these memorable documents between the same covers. This neat and attractive 115 page volume is only $1.50.

     When I am asked what I think is the best history of the restoration movement and its various segments I always recommend Christians Only, by James DeForest. It is an excellent treatise and is only $3.50.

     Speaking about restoration materials, if you did not order Racoon John Smith, by Louis Cochran, we hope you will do so at once. It will keep your interest to the very end and you'll shed a few tears. It is only 95¢ but if you order it alone will you include 25¢ to help on the postage?

     Someone wrote in the other day and wanted to know about a good concordance which was not too expensive. That is a description of Cruden's Complete Concordance, which is only $4.95. It is a terrific gift idea also.

     I have been telling folks wherever I speak about a book that tackles the problem of the origin of evil with brilliance and clarity. It is the best answer I have ever read to the question, "How could a loving and omnipotent God allow so much pain and suffering in this world?" The book is Arguing With God, by Hugh Silvester, and it really helped me a lot. It is only $1.50.

     Please don't get uptight because I keep recommending The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century, by Francis A. Schaeffer. The last chapter could be worth the cost of the whole 153 page book. I would like for every reader of this paper to read it and think about it and share it. I guarantee that it will make you think, and think again! I am glad that it is now in a binding so it sells for only $1.95.

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