Book Talk

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     Do you really like to read? If so, we would like to make you a proposition. Send us ten dollars and we will send you $13.00 worth of books of our own selection, all of them new, all of them excellent works. If you already have some of them you can use them for gifts and thus help share the good news. We will even pay the postage. Your only risk is that we do the selecting and the books are not returnable. But we are so sure you will be satisfied that we risk our reputation in offering you this bargain. It will only be made this month so you will have to act now to get in on it.

     The Parable of Telstar and Other Talks is my book of talks to various groups. There are timely messages for the college young people, expository talks delivered in a large family camp, faith-building messages for those who must run the gauntlet of twentieth century life. We constantly hear from men who have used these messages in speaking to their congregations and we praise God for that. There is no copyright! We think this book would be an excellent gift for your friends and the cost is only $2.95 per copy.

     Heaven Help Us is my book about the Holy Spirit. It deals first of all with the identity of the Spirit and why I do not get uptight about the argument concerning "the Trinity." Then there is proof that the Spirit cannot be the Word of God, and a chapter on the sin against the Holy Spirit, which defines blasphemy. The last several chapters deal with what the Spirit can do in and through us by the power of His indwelling presence. The book is $2.95.

     Teeth on Edge is a book by my brother in the Lord, Robert Fife, who is a professor at Milligan College. It deals with the agonizing problems created in congregations of the restoration movement by slavery. I went back and read the book for the third time and I wish that all of you would read it just once. Nell will mail you one for $1.95, but while you are sending for it you ought to let her mail you Bob's other book, which is called Under the Chapel Spire. It contains dynamic talks made to students at Milligan College and it deserves a wide circulation. It also sells for $1.95 per copy.

     Do you recall that, a few years ago, I offered to loan my copy of To The Golden Shore, by Courtney Anderson, to anyone who would pay the return postage on it? This is the remarkable story of the life of Adoniram Judson, the first American to establish a mission in the Orient. Now we can send you the book for $2.45 and you can read it and loan it. Even the Saturday Review said it was "a story of the unbelievable triumph of the Christian Gospel in a hostile land." If you ever have the "blahs" or if you are ever tempted to throw in the towel, please read this book.

     While you are at it, you ought to order Against the Tide, the story of the life of Watchman Nee. It is worth the $4.95 it costs just to loan to your friends who are playing church in this ripped-off culture. Be a reader and feed your spirit as well as your body!

     We have four sets of Daily Study Bible Series, by William Barclay, which we will sell for $47.50 per set to the first people who send us a check for that amount. This 17-volume set has risen in price until it now sells for much more than that. If you ever want a set now is the time to get one!

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