Tossed Salad

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     You can secure a copy of our newest booklet Equipping the Saints, by simply sending us your request. It contains 26 pages. You'll like it!

     Another free booklet of the same size is Baptism. It deals with the question of re-baptism and sets forth nine designs of immersion into Christ. It also is free for the asking and we urge you to send for a copy!

     You may also receive without charge a copy of our Book Lists, which contain scores of valuable books to help you in your work. Just write and ask for a copy each of Book Lists 75-A, 75-B, and 75-C. We'll send them!

     The 965th free copy of Thoughts on Unity was sent to Rozelle A. Roux, a student in Cape Town Teachers' Training College, Mowbray, Cape Province, South Africa. This outstanding 325 page clothbound volume will be sent free to any college or university student in the world. The student must make a personal request by card or letter and must tell what school he is attending. If you are not a college student you may secure a copy for only $3.95.

     Unleavened Bread is a new journal which began in January, edited by my good brother, Michael Hines. The cost for this monthly publication is only $2.00 per year and it is worth it. However, you can obtain the first three issues free by simply writing to 2884 Victoria Drive, Grand Junction, Colorado 81501, and requesting them. The February issue has a great article by John R. W. Stott, which you should not miss out on. Write for it at once.

     You can secure a cassette containing two of my talks, entitled "The Concerned Remnant" and "The Touch of Life" by sending a check for $2.50 to T. N. Ratliff, 9729 Calumet Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63137. These are from my series on Christian Commandos and you'll want to play them to your friends. If you would like to secure a list of one hundred of my talks on cassettes send a large stamped, self-addressed envelope to Vernon H. Woods, 2413 Dale Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401, and ask for a list of the Ketcherside tapes.

     This paper is going to suspend publication at the end of this year, thus concluding 37 years of publication. There are hundreds of subscriptions due to expire before the year is out If yours is one of them we urge you to send a dollar and guarantee that you will receive all the remaining issues.

     Starting the month following our cessation of publication I will begin a story of my life in Restoration Review, 1201 Windsor Drive, Denton, Texas 76201. This journal, published by Leroy Garrett is yours at the rate of two years for $3.00 and we would like to suggest that you send in a subscription now and get with it. It will be very interesting and helpful to you.

     If you would like a copy of our bound volume for this year be sure and reserve one now. Nell will mail it to you when it comes from the bindery and will enclose an invoice. The number of books will be limited to two thousand and they will not last long. Send your order to MISSION MESSENGER, 139 Signal Hill Drive, Saint Louis, Missouri 63121, and be sure you are on the list.

     If you would like to secure copies of the books which I will be writing after the paper stops, write and ask Nell to put you on the permanent book list and you will automatically receive my books as they come from the press. You can cease the arrangement at any time, but we hope you'll write us now.

     We'd like to suggest for gifts some books which are raising in price, but which we will furnish you at the previous price: Halley's Bible Handbook, $4.95; and Cruden's Concordance, $5.95. Another good gift is Home Life and Reminiscenses of Alexander Campbell, for $5.00, and still another is Johnson's Peoples New Testament in one big volume for $7.50. Give gifts that count!

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