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W. R. Warren, ed.
Centennial Convention Report (1910)


Men's Bible-school Parade

Monday Evening, October 18.

      Despite the rain, the men's parade was one of the most striking features of the Centennial. J. W. Darby, of Beaver Falls, Pa., was grand marshal. His class of a hundred led the procession, with Hiner's Band, of Kansas City. The line of march was from Luna Park to Carnegie Music Hall and thence to Duquesne Garden. Thirteen States had fine delegations in line, after the following order: Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio.

      Centennial flags were carried by most of the men. These showed the regular Centennial emblem printed in black on yellow muslin, giving the Pittsburg colors, black and gold. The same flags were waved by the women as the parade passed in review at Bayard and Bellefield Avenues. Large banners were borne at the head of the division. These displayed such mottoes as: "America is Going Dry;" "Righteousness Exalteth a Nation;" "The Men of America for the Man of Galilee," and "Sunday-schools, Organize, Organize, Organize!"

      The enthusiasm manifested both by the marchers and the reviewers, each a mighty army, was such as we are accustomed to find only in political demonstrations. But the songs were the songs of Zion, and it was unworldly zeal that fired the hearts of all. The scene will be long remembered.


[CCR 565]

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W. R. Warren, ed.
Centennial Convention Report (1910)

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