T. P
Works By:
Words and Their Way in the Greek New Testament.
London: Marshall, Morgan &
Scott, 1942.
Taking Up the Torch: Training Young Men and Women for Christian Service
Hundred Years: A Statement of the Development and Accomplishments of
Churches of Christ in Australia
, ed. A. W. Stephenson. Melbourne: The Austral
Printing and Publishing Company, 1946. Pp. 115-125.
Congregationalism in the New Testament As I See It.
Essays by R. T. Pittman, L. G.
Burgin, and L. E. Snow. Provocative Pamphlets No. 20. Melbourne: Federal
Literature Committee of Churches of Christ in Australia, 1956.
William Cameron Craigie: 1854-1936
The Digest of the Australian Churches of
Christ Historical Society
. No. 16 (April 1966): 1.
John W. Baker
The Digest of the Australian Churches of Christ Historical
. No. 17 (October 1966): 2.
James Edgar Laing (1843-1897)
The Digest of the Australian Churches of Christ
Historical Society
. No. 18 (February 1967): 1-2.
Andrew Walker Connor, 1871-1942
The Digest of the Australian Churches of
Christ Historical Society
. No. 21 (December 1967): 3.
James Ernest Allan
The Digest of the Australian Churches of Christ Historical
. No. 22 (March 1968): 1.
E. S.
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