III. First-Appearance Contributions to Books:
Classical School, or Mercantile Academy."
Scholastic Theology. n. p., n. d. - (ca. 1815.)
to Sidney Rigdon (February 4, 1831).
Mormonism Unvailed by Eber D. Howe.
- Painesville, OH: Eber D. Howe, 1834. Pp. 116-123. First published in the
- Painesville Telegraph (February 15, 1831): 2.
Education: The Nursery."
Family Culture, or, Conversations at the Carlton
- House
by Alexander Campbell. London: Hall and Co., 1850. Pp. 335-343. First
- published in Millennial Harbinger (August 1840): 340-345.
and Appeal." Memoirs of Elder
Thomas Campbell by Alexander Campbell.
- Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp. 12-15.
on Withdrawing from the Associate Synod of North America.
Memoirs of
- Elder Thomas Campbell
by Alexander Campbell. Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth,
- 1861. Pp. 17-18.
of Thomas Campbell."
Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell by Alexander
- Campbell. Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp. 141-193. Thirteen letters to
- Mrs. Jane Campbell, Dorothea Bryant, A. S. Hayden, Dorothea Bryant, Alexander
- Campbell, Brother and Sister Bakewell, Margaret Campbell, and the Editor of the
- Gospel Advocate, and an album note to Mrs. Julia Bakewell.
Campbell's Diary, Anno Domini, 1800."
Memoirs of Elder Thomas - Campbell
by Alexander Campbell. Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp.
- 194-204.
of a Sermon."
Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell by Alexander Campbell.
- Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp. 205-206.
of Discoursing."
Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell by Alexander
- Campbell.
Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp. 207-209.
of Thomas Campbell to the Synod of Ireland, Met at
Belfast, County - Down,
" Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell by Alexander Campbell.
- Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp. 210-214.
Discourse of Thomas Campbell."
Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell by
- Alexander Campbell. Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp. 215-234. First
- published in Millennial Harbinger (March 1854): 133-145.
Is Neither a Theory Nor a Philosophy."
Memoirs of Elder Thomas - Campbell
by Alexander Campbell. Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp.
- 235-252.
Letter" (1816).
Memoirs of Alexander Campbell
by Robert Richardson. - 2 vols. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1868.
Vol. 1. Pp. 539-555.
of a Letter to His Family (April 1807).
Memoirs of Alexander Campbell
- by Robert Richardson. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1869. Vol. 1. P. 80.
of a Letter to His Family (May 27, 1807).
Memoirs of Alexander Campbell
- by Robert Richardson. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1869. Vol. 1. Pp. 85-86.
of a Letter to His Family (January 1, 1808).
Memoirs of Alexander Campbell.
- by Robert Richardson. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1869. Vol. 1. Pp. 88-90.
of Two Letters to Alexander Campbell (1811).
Memoirs of Alexander
- Campbell.
by Robert Richardson. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1869. Vol. 1.
- Pp. 413-421.
of Two Letters to Alexander Campbell (1812).
Memoirs of Alexander
- Campbell.
by Robert Richardson. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1869. Vol. 1.
- Pp. 447-455.
of Dismission (August 1, 1823).
Memoirs of Alexander Campbell by Robert
- Richardson. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1869. Vol. 2. P. 69.
of a Letter to Alexander Campbell (April 9, 1828).
Memoirs of Alexander - Campbell,
Vol. 2 (Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1871), pp.
[of Jane Corneigle Campbell] in "Some Thoughts Through the Years."
- Restoration Readings. Ed. Oram Jackson Swinney.
[Kansas City, MO: Old Paths
- Book Club,] 1949. Pp. 16-22.
First published as "Obituary" in Millennial
- Harbinger (June
1835): 284-287.
to Queries in "Some Pioneer Answers--1824 thru 1861."
Restoration - Readings.
Ed. Oram Jackson Swinney. [Kansas City, MO: Old Paths Book
Club,] - 1949. Pp. 60-61; 73-75. First published as "Queries" in
The Christian Baptist. 7
- (No. 2, September 7, 1829): 581;
and as "Queries by A. S. H." in
- Harbinger (May 1845): 220-222.
The Millennial Harbinger Abridged, ed. Benjamin Lyon Smith.
Vol. 2. - Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing Company. 1902.
Pp. 318-329. First published
- in
Millennial Harbinger (November 1844): 481-491.
IV. Reprintings, as Contributions to Books:
and Address."
Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell by Alexander
- Campbell. Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp. 25-109. Second Edition, with
- emendations and notes by Alexander Campbell.
of a Letter to Sidney Rigdon (February 4, 1831).
Early History of the
- Disciples in the Western Reserve, Ohio
by A. S. Hayden. Cincinnati, OH: Chase &
- Hall, 1875. Pp. 217-220. First published in the Painesville Telegraph (February
- 15, 1831): 2. First book appearance in Mormonism Unvailed by Eber D. Howe.
- Painesville, OH: Eber D. Howe, 1834. Pp. 116-123.
and Address." 1861.
Historical Documents Advocating Christian
- Union.
Ed. Charles Alexander Young. Chicago, IL: The Christian Century Co.,
- 1904. Pp. 71-209.
Reprints text of Second Edition.
and Address." 1861. The Christian Union Overture: An Interpretation
- of the Declaration and Address of Thomas Campbell
by Frederick D. Kershner.
- St. Louis: The Bethany Press, 1923. Pp. 31-34, 51-55, 59-62, 70-73, 81, 83-99,
- 105-108, 113-145. Reprints text of the Second Edition, except pp. 105-108, which
- is from the Centennial Edition.
of a Religious Reformation, &c."
Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell
- by Alexander Campbell. Cincinnati, OH: H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp. 253-264.
of a Letter to Alexander Campbell (April 9, 1828). Early History of the
- Disciples in the Western Reserve, Ohio
by A. S. Hayden. Cincinnati, OH: Chase &
- Hall, 1875. Pp. 148-149. First published in
Memoirs of Alexander Campbell,
- Vol. 2 (Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1871), pp. 219-220.
on Withdrawing from the Associate Synod of North America. Thomas
- Campbell: Seceder and Christian Union Advocate
by William Herbert Hanna.
- Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing, 1935. Pp. 106-109.
of the Scriptures" (Propositions 3-6),
vs. Opinion" (Propositions - 7-11), and
Statement on the Church" (Propositions 1-2). Great Pioneer
- Papers. Selected by the Editorial Committee. [Kansas City, MO: Old Paths Book
- Club], 1949. Reprints Propositions 1-11 from Declaration and Address. Pp.
- 128-129, 138-139, 159.
Discourse of Thomas Campbell, Sr."
Restoration Readings. Ed. Oram - Jackson Swinney. [Kansas City, MO: Old Paths Book
Club,] 1949. Pp. 26-40. First
- published in
Millennial Harbinger (March 1854): 133-145.
V. Contributions to Periodicals:1
the Editor of the Christian Baptist."
The Christian Baptist. 1 (No. 2, September
- 1, 1823): 11. Signed "T. W." 2
on the Proper and Primary Intention of the Gospel, and
Its Proper and - Immediate Effects.
The Christian Baptist. 1 (No. 2, September 1, 1823):
- 11-13. Signed "T. W."
the Editor of the Christian Baptist."
The Christian Baptist. 1 (No. 11, June 7,
- 1824): 65-66. Signed "T. W."
the Editor of the Christian Baptist."
The Christian Baptist. 2 (No. 3, October 4,
- 1824): 98. Signed "T. W."
on the Religion of Christianity."
The Christian Baptist. 2 (No. 3, October 4,
- 1824): 98-101. Signed "T. W."
Mr. D., A Sceptic.--Replication No. V."
The Christian Baptist. 4 (No. 5, - December 4, 1826): 296-297.
of a Congregation in Ohio."
The Christian Baptist. 5 (No. 12, July 7,
- 1828): 456-457. Extract of a letter. Unsigned.3
the Religious Public."
The Christian Messenger. 3 (No. 9, July 1829): 224-227.
in The Christian Baptist. 7 (No. 1, August 3, 1829): 573-574.
The Christian Baptist. 7 (No. 2, September 7, 1829): 581.
Unsigned. 4
to the Above" [A Constant Reader's Letter to the Editor].
The Christian Baptist.
- 7 (No. 4, November 2, 1829): 597-598. Signed "T. W. alias Thos. Campbell."
The Christian Baptist. 7 (No. 4, November
2, 1829): 598. Signed "T. W."
the Editor of the Christian Baptist."
The Christian Baptist. 7 (No. 5, December 7,
- 1829): 608-611. Signed "T. W."
the Editor of the Christian Baptist."
The Christian Baptist. 7 (No. 5, December 7,
- 1829): 611-613. Signed "T. W."
to 'A Constant Reader.'"
The Christian Baptist. 7 (No. 7, February 1, 1830):
- 625-626.
Mormon Challenge." Painesville Telegraph
(February 15, 1831). Consists of
- Letter to the Editor of the Telegraph and Letter to Sidney Rigdon.
Alexander Campbell.
Millennial Harbinger, 3 (April 1832): 169-171.
Word to the Disciples of the Ancient Gospel, in Behalf of the Reformation,
- and for the Consideration of Opponents."
Millennial Harbinger (December
- 1832): 584-586.
Signed as "T. W."
on the Atonement," Letter to William Z. Thompson.
Millennial Harbinger
- (June 1833): 256-262.
to Barton W. Stone.
Millennial Harbinger (August 1833): 421-425.
Barton W. Stone."
Millennial Harbinger (September 1833): 439-445.
B. W. Stone."
Millennial Harbinger (October 1833): 503-509.
B. W. Stone."
Millennial Harbinger (November 1833): 548-553.
B. W. Stone." Millennial Harbinger (December 1833): 594-598.
to J. R. Howard.
Millennial Harbinger (May 1835): 206-211. Signed "T. C."
to M. Winans' "Offences."
Millennial Harbinger (May 1835): 218-220. Signed - "T. C."
to "The Term Evangelist."
Millennial Harbinger (May 1835): 238-240. Signed
- "T. C."
of Samuel Marshal.
Millennial Harbinger (May 1835): 240. Signed "T. C."
Note to "M. Winans to Elder Henry Grew."
Millennial Harbinger (June
- 1835): 272-273. Signed "T. C."
[of Jane Corneigle Campbell].
Millennial Harbinger (June 1835): 284-287.
the Editor of the Millennial Harbinger."
Millennial Harbinger (May 1836):
- 214-218.
to Query" [of M. Winans].
Millennial Harbinger (November 1838): 524-525.
Divine Order for Evangelizing the World"
Millennial Harbinger (January 1839): - 25-30.
Direct and Immediate Intention of the Christian Institution. Essay I."
- Millennial Harbinger (January 1839): 41-43.
Direct and Immediate Intention of the Christian Institution. Essay II."
- Millennial Harbinger (February 1839): 92-93. Signed "T. C."
Millennial Harbinger (March 1839): 134-144.
Millennial Harbinger (April 1839): 155-164.
Direct and Immediate Intention of the Christian Institution. Essay III."
- Millennial Harbinger (May 1839): 216-220.
Personal and Family Devotion." Millennial Harbinger
(September 1839): - 392-395.
&c." The Evangelist 7 (July 1839): 149-153. Reprints first four sections of
- Prospectus of a Religious Reformation (Introduction, "Queries,"
"Conclusion," and
- "Reflection").
Millennial Harbinger (October 1839): 462-466.
[in James Shannon's "Ordination"].
Millennial Harbinger (December 1839): - 567.
upon the Above" [James Shannon's "Ordination"].
Millennial Harbinger - (December 1839): 569-575.
to M. Winans."
Millennial Harbinger (December 1839): 576-577.
Edification." Millennial Harbinger (December 1839): 591-593.
Signed "T. C."
upon the Above" [Chas. D. Hurlbutt's "Self-Education"].
Millennial - Harbinger
(December 1839): 596. Signed "T. C."
[on Christianos' "Our Name"].
Millennial Harbinger (January 1840): - 19-21. Signed "T. C."
Edification." Millennial Harbinger (February 1840): 56-60.
on the Above" [M. Winans' "Faith Alone"].
Millennial Harbinger - (August 1840): 338-340.
Education: The Nursery."
Millennial Harbinger (August 1840): 340-345.
Scriptural View of Christian Character and Privilege." Section 1.
Millennial - Harbinger
(August 1840): 345-349. Signed "T. C."
Scriptural View of Christian Character and Privilege." Section 2.
Millennial - Harbinger
(September 1840): 396-398. Signed "T. C."
of the Board of Trustees of Bethany College."
Millennial Harbinger - (November 1840): 508-510.
Signed by Thomas Campbell, President pro tem., and
- W. F. M. Arny, Secretary.
Scriptural View of Christian Character and Privilege." Sections 3 and 4.
- Millennial Harbinger (March 1841): 135-137. Signed "T. C."
Scriptural View of Christian Character and Privilege." Section 4 (concluded).
- Millennial Harbinger (April 1841): 182-187. Signed "T. C."
[on T. H.'s "Order"].
Millennial Harbinger (April 1841): 190. Signed - "T. C."
to Query by A Disciple in Prince Edward.
Millennial Harbinger (April 1841): - 192. Signed "T. C."
Scriptural View of Christian Character and Privilege." Section 5.
Millennial - Harbinger
(May 1841): 201-204. Signed "T. C."
Catechetical and Analytical Index to the Study and Teaching of the Bible."
- Millennial Harbinger (September 1841): 421-424. Signed "T. C."
Scriptural View of the Agency of the Holy Spirit in the
Conversion and Salvation - of Sinners--According to the Gospel.
Millennial Harbinger (November 1841):
- 496-499. Signed "T. C."
Scriptural View of Christian Character and Privilege." Section 6.
Millennial - Harbinger
(December 1841): 556-557. Signed "T. C."
Scriptural View of Christian Character and Privilege." Section 7.
Millennial - Harbinger
(January 1842): 26-29. Signed "T. C."
[to "Figurative Allusions to Baptism"].
Millennial Harbinger (June 1843): - 275-276. Signed "T. C."
of a Letter from T. C. to S. R. J."
Millennial Harbinger (March 1844): - 102-105. Signed "T. C."
from T. C. to D."
Millennial Harbinger (March 1844): 121-125. Signed - "T. C."
Address to All Our Christian Brethren, Upon the Necessity and
Importance of - the Actual Enjoyment of Our Holy Religion."
Millennial Harbinger (May
- 1844):
199-203. Postscript signed "T. C."
Letter to J. P. Marshall, on Church Government and Order.
Christian Record 1 - (May 1844): 247-250.
Millennial Harbinger (November 1844): 481-491.
Thomas Campbell's Views of Slavery."
[Letter to Cyrus M'Nealy, of August 11, - 1841.]
Millennial Harbinger (January 1845): 3-8.
to 'A Disciple' on the Subject of Slavery."
Millennial Harbinger (May 1845):
- 196-200. Postscript signed "T. C."
Brief Scriptural Exhibition of the Laws and Duties of Matrimony."
Millennial - Harbinger
(May 1845): 204-205. Signed "T. C."
by A. S. H."
Millennial Harbinger (May 1845): 220-222.
to N. H. Finney.
[in "Mission to New England"].
Millennial Harbinger (May - 1845): 229-232.
from Elder Thomas Campbell."
Millennial Harbinger (December 1845): - 561-565.
Millennial Harbinger (June 1847): 322-328.
Millennial Harbinger (July 1847): 394-401.
Means of Enjoying Our Holy Religion."
Millennial Harbinger (August 1847): - 443-450.
Address, to the Brethren to Meet at Matthews the 21st Instant."
Millennial - Harbinger
(September 1847): 491-503.
Disease, the Cure, and the Means of Enjoying It."
Millennial Harbinger - (December 1847): 661-675.
to an Evangelist."
The Christian Union and Religious Review 1 (April 1851): - 112-115.
Reprinted as
and Modern Evangelists--No. I."
- Harbinger (August 1851): 450-453.
to an Evangelist, by Father Campbell."
Millennial Harbinger (February - 1852): 94-97.
in The Christian Record 2 (April 1852): 308-310.
Millennial Harbinger (April 1853): 214-217.
Discourse of Elder Thos. Campbell, Delivered June 1st, 1851."
Millennial - Harbinger
(March 1854): 133-145.
and Family Devotion." Millennial Harbinger (November 1860): 628-631.
VI. Manuscripts:
Author: Thomas Campbell, Loyds, Virginia, December 24, 1831. Recipient:
- Alexander Campbell, Bethany, Brooke County, Virginia. ALS. Original. Campbell
- Family Papers, T. W. Phillips Memorial Library, Bethany College.
Author: Thomas Campbell, 1832. Recipient: Jane C. Mooney. ALS. Original.
- Campbell Family Papers, T. W. Phillips Memorial Library, Bethany College.
Author: Thomas Campbell, Spottsylvania County, Virginia, August 1, 1832.
- Recipient: Alexander Campbell, Bethany, Brooke County, Virginia. ALS. Original.
- Campbell Family Papers, T. W. Phillips Memorial Library, Bethany College.
Author: Thomas Campbell, Bethany, Virginia, April 29, 1835. Recipient: - Alexander
Campbell. ALS. Original. Campbell Family Papers, T. W. Phillips
- Memorial
Library, Bethany College.
VII. Works About:
Obituary of Thomas Campbell.
The Millennial Harbinger, Fourth Series, 4 (February - 1854): 117-119.
First published as a contribution to a book in
- Memoirs of Elder Thomas Campbell by Alexander Campbell.
Cincinnati, OH:
- H. S. Bosworth, 1861. Pp. 300-303.
Reprinted as
of Thomas Campbell, Sr."
- Restoration Readings, ed. Oram Jackson Swinney.
[Kansas City, MO: Old Paths
- Book Club,] 1949. Pp. 23-25.
Memoirs of Alexander Campbell.
2 vols. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1868, - 1869. Passim.
Analysis of Declaration and Address by Robert Richardson.
Memoirs of Alexander - Campbell.
Vol. 1.
Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1868, - 1869. Pp. 247-275.
of T. Campbell" by A. S. Hayden.
Early History of the Disciples in the - Western Reserve, Ohio;
with Biographical Sketches of the Princpal Agents in
- Their Religious
Cincinnati, OH: Chase and Hall, 1875. Pp. 41-45.
Thomas Campbell's Preaching at Braceville and Windham by Samuel Robbins
Early - History of the Disciples in the Western Reserve, Ohio;
with Biographical
- Sketches of the Princpal Agents in Their Religious
by A. S. Hayden. - Cincinnati, OH: Chase and Hall, 1875.
Pp. 145-146.
Impressions of Thomas Campbell by Aylett Raines
Early History of the Disciples in - the Western Reserve, Ohio;
with Biographical Sketches of the Princpal Agents
- in Their Religious
by A. S. Hayden. Cincinnati, OH: Chase and Hall,
- 1875. Pp. 149-150.
Christian Church or Disciples of Christ" by W. L. Hayden.
History of Washington - County, Pennsylvania, with Biographical
Sketches of Many of Its Pioneers and
- Prominent Men.
Ed. Boyd Crumrine. Philadelphia, PA: L. H. Everts and Company,
- 1882. Pp. 416-423.
First American Home of Thomas Campbell" by Ernest F. Acheson.
The Christian - Standard
33 (December 18, 1897): 1609-1611.
of the Declaration and Address" by Charles A. Young.
Historical - Documents Advocating Christian Union.
Chicago, IL:
Christian Century - Company, 1904. Pp. 33-69.
to the Declaration and Address by Charles A. Young.
Historical - Documents Advocating Christian Union.
Chicago, IL:
Christian Century - Company, 1904. Pp. 27-32.
The Disciples of Christ by Errett Gates.
New York: Baker and Taylor Company, 1905. - Passim.
Christian Association of Washington" by Errett Gates
The Disciples of Christ by - Errett Gates.
New York: Baker and Taylor Company, 1905. Pp. 33-63.
Campbell and the Declaration" by W. L. Hayden.
Centennial Addresses - Delivered in 1909.
Indianapolis, IN: W. L. Hayden, 1909.
and Alexander Campbell."
Program of the International Centennial - Celebration and Conventions
of the Disciples of Christ (Christian Churches).
- Cincinnati, OH:
American Christian Missionary Society, 1909. Pp. 17-46.
Thomas Campbell and the Principles He Promulgated.
Centennial Convention - Report
, ed. W. R. Warren.
Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing Company, [1910].
- Essays by:
"Thomas Campbell"
by Nathaniel S. Haynes.
History of the Disciples of Christ in - Illinois.
Cincinnati, OH: Standard
Publishing Company, 1915. Pp. 494-495.
Voice of the Reformers" by David Lipscomb.
Christian Unity, How Promoted, - How Destroyed: Faith and Opinion.
Nashville, TN: McQuiddy Printing Co., 1916. - Pp. 19-29.
The Christian Union Overture:
An Interpretation of the Declaration and Address of - Thomas Campbell
by Frederick D. Kershner. St. Louis, MO: The Bethany Press,
- 1923.
Thomas Campbell:
Seceder and Christian Union Advocate by William Herbert - Hanna.
Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing, 1935. Reprinted, Joplin, MO:
- Press, 1986.
Campbell" by Thomas Hagger.
Heralds of Christian Unity: Being Brief - Biographical Sketches of Some
Pioneers of the Restoration Movement.
- Melbourne: Austral Printing and Publishing Company, 1938. Pp. 1-7.
Two: Historical Steps Toward Religious Reform."
The Disciples of Christ in - Canada Since 1830
by Reuben Butchart.
Toronto: Canadian Headquarters' - Publications Churches of Christ
(Disciples), 1949.
Pp. 11-16.
Occasion" by E. L. Williams.
The Declaration and Address of Thomas Campbell
- Is Now 150 Years Old.
Provocative Pamphlets No. 52.
Melbourne: Federal - Literature Committee of Churches of Christ in Australia,
1959. P. 1.
Document: A Plea to All Christians; Unity Proposals" by A. L. Haddon.
The - Declaration and Address of Thomas Campbell
Is Now 150 Years Old.
- Provocative Pamphlets No. 52.
Melbourne: Federal Literature Committee of
- Churches of Christ in Australia,
1959. Pp. 1-3.
Restoration--Deeper Levels" by C. H. J. Wright.
The Declaration and - Address of Thomas Campbell
Is Now 150 Years Old.
Provocative Pamphlets No. - 52.
Melbourne: Federal Literature Committee of Churches of Christ in Australia,
- 1959. Pp. 4-8.
Campbell, 1763-1854 . . . Books by and about Him" by Claude E. Spencer.
- Discipliana 20 (January 1961): 80-81.
Word Frequency List (Alphabetic) for Young Edition by Hans Rollmann.
http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/tcampbell/darev1alpha.txt. 1997.
Word Frequency List (Descending Frequency) for Young Edition by Hans
http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/tcampbell/darev1desc.txt. 1997.
Thomas Campbell: A Preliminary Bibliography by Ernie Stefanik.
http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/tcampbell/tcbib.htm. 1997.
A Collation of the Declaration and Address by Ernie Stefanik.
http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/tcampbell/da/DA-CA.HTM. 1997.
Declaration and Address Picture and Map Exhibit by
Paul and Mary Ann Garrett.
http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/tcampbell/da/dapix.html. 1997.
In preparing the contributions to periodicals section the following
reprints have been consulted: The Christian Baptist (Joplin, MO:
College Press, 1983), a reprint of the edition revised by D. S. Burnet
from the second edition (Cincinnati, OH: D. S. Burnet, 1835);
Millennial Harbinger (Joplin, MO: College Press, 1976).
See signature on p. 598, "T. W. alias Thos. Campbell."
Gary L. Lee in his "Index of the Christian Baptist" (in the
College Press reprint, 1983) attributes this unsigned extract of a
letter to Thomas Campbell. I have not been able to determine Lee's
source for this information; however, it is a reasonable attribution
inasmuch as Thomas Campbell is named as one of the witnesses to the
See Alexander Campbell's "Contents" to the bound volume, p. ix.