Jerome's Vulgata
Ad Thessalonicenses I
Chapter 3
King James Bible

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3:1  propter quod non sustinentes            1.  Wherefore when we could no longer
amplius placuit nobis remanere Athenis       forbear, we thought it good to be left
solis                                        at Athens alone;

3:2  et misimus Timotheum fratrem            2.  And sent Timotheus, our brother,
nostrum et ministrum Dei in evangelio        and minister of God, and our
Christi ad confirmandos vos et               fellowlabourer in the gospel of Christ,
exhortandos pro fide vestra                  to establish you, and to comfort you
                                             concerning your faith:

3:3  ut nemo moveatur in                     3.  That no man should be moved by
tribulationibus istis ipsi enim scitis       these afflictions: for yourselves know
quod in hoc positi sumus                     that we are appointed thereunto.

3:4  nam et cum apud vos essemus             4.  For verily, when we were with you,
praedicebamus vobis passuros nos             we told you before that we should
tribulationes sicut et factum est et         suffer tribulation; even as it came to
scitis                                       pass, and ye know.

3:5  propterea et ego amplius non            5.  For this cause, when I could no
sustinens misi ad cognoscendam fidem         longer forbear, I sent to know your
vestram ne forte temptaverit vos is qui      faith, lest by some means the tempter
temptat et inanis fiat labor noster          have tempted you, and our labour be in

3:6  nunc autem veniente Timotheo ad         6.  But now when Timotheus came from
nos a vobis et adnuntiante nobis fidem       you unto us, and brought us good
et caritatem vestram et quia memoriam        tidings of your faith and charity, and
nostri habetis bonam semper                  that ye have good remembrance of us
desiderantes nos videre sicut nos            always, desiring greatly to see us, as
quoque vos                                   we also to see you:

3:7  ideo consolati sumus fratres in         7.  Therefore, brethren, we were
vobis in omni necessitate et                 comforted over you in all our
tribulatione nostra per vestram fidem        affliction and distress by your faith:

3:8  quoniam nunc vivimus si vos statis      8.  For now we live, if ye stand fast
in Domino                                    in the Lord.

3:9  quam enim gratiarum actionem            9.  For what thanks can we render to
possumus Deo retribuere pro vobis in         God again for you, for all the joy
omni gaudio quo gaudemus propter vos         wherewith we joy for your sakes before
ante Deum nostrum                            our God;

3:10  nocte et die abundantius orantes       10.  Night and day praying exceedingly
ut videamus faciem vestram et                that we might see your face, and might
conpleamus ea quae desunt fidei vestrae      perfect that which is lacking in your

3:11  ipse autem Deus et Pater noster        11.  Now God himself and our Father,
et Dominus Iesus dirigat viam nostram        and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our
ad vos                                       way unto you.

3:12  vos autem Dominus multiplicet et       12.  And the Lord make you to increase
abundare faciat caritatem in invicem et      and abound in love one toward another,
in omnes quemadmodum et nos in vobis         and toward all men, even as we do
                                             toward you:

3:13  ad confirmanda corda vestra sine       13.  To the end he may stablish your
querella in sanctitate ante Deum et          hearts unblameable in holiness before
Patrem nostrum in adventu Domini nostri      God, even our Father, at the coming of
Iesu cum omnibus sanctis eius amen           our Lord Jesus Christ with all his
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