Gafford, W. Bowling green,Mo. 1833 Gains, B. Versailles, Ky 1831 Gains (Gaines), James Georgetown, Ky 1832 1833 1834 Gaines, Mrs. Cane run, Ky 1834 Gains, Mrs. O. Georgetown, Ky 1834 Gains, N. Georgetown, Ky 1831 Gaines, P. Clintonville, Ky 1832 Gaines, T. N. Dover, Mo 1840; elder at Richmond, Ray co. Mo 1841 Gairy, Wm Richmond, Ky 1834 Gaith, D. Westport, Ky 1833 Gale, William elder of church at Green Pond, Pike co. Ill. 1841 and 1842 Galland, J Carthage, Ill 1836 Gano, John Allen Centreville, Bourbon Co., Sept. 17, 1833. Tells of the various meetings he has conducted, beginning at Leesburg in August. Names brother B. Finnell, Mr. T. Palmer, brother B. Shropshire, brother Ware, brother Allen, brother Russell, brother Flemming "preached Brother Patterson's funeral discourse at Union," the widow Chowning, Mr. John Martin, Jr., brother Gates, brother Irvin, brother Rogers, brother Harcourt; Bourbon Co., Oct. 15, 1832; Centreville, Ky 1836; Letter dated . Sept. 15, 1836. "Our beloved brother Thomas M. Allen ...started yesterday with all his to Missouri." At Union these "joined us,...a sister, a daughter and a son of our good brother James Hurst; since then our Aunt Nancy Innis...have come in." In August Walter Scott, Aylett Rains, and James Challen visited. F. R. Palmer has now gone to Missouri; Reporter for various points in Ky 1840. Gans, W. New Geneva, Penn. 1834 Gardner, J. Huntingdon, Tenn. 1832 Gardner, H. Ohio 1833 Gardner, Matthew Ripley, Ohio 1827 1828; Brown county, Ohio, Mar. 26, 1829. Mentions Bro. John Powel. Garnahan, E. L. Greenville, Ohio 1836 Garnet, Js. R Hannibal, Mo 1835 Garnet (Garnett), Mrs. Versailles, Ky 1834 Garrard, Gen. J. Paris, Ky 1833 1834 1835 Garrard, James Fairfield, Ky, Mar. 14, 1829 Garrard, Jeptha D. Cincinnati, Ohio 1831 1832 Garrard, Js Centreville, Ky 1836 Garrard, Mrs. E. Paris, Ky 1831 1832 Garreott, R. White P. O., Ind. May 1844 Garrett, T. Falmouth, Ky 1834 Garrison, John Pike County, Ill. 1828 Garth, J. (or I) Georgetown, Ky 1833 1834 Garth, Samuel Oldham Co. Ky, Sept. 11, 1830. Mentions Daniel Garth, Edward Hall, James Austin; Brownsville, Ky 1834 Garvey, J. M. Hopklinsville, Ky 1833 Gatewood, C. Strasburgh, Va. 1832 Gatewood, Jane Republican, Ky 1834 Gaugh, M. Lexington, Ky 1832 1833 1834 1835 Gay, Mrs. Katharine, wife of John R. Gay, died about first week of August, 1829. Gearheart, V. Marrowbone, Ky 1832 and Locust Shade, Tenn. 1832 Geiger, Geo. Strasburg, Va. 1832 Gentry, Jo Mt. Washington, Ky 1835 Gentry, Richard Columbia,Mo. 1831 Geraheart, W. Greenville, Ohio 1834 Gibley, Mr. Letter from T. M. Allen of Mo. written Oct. 2, 1843, states that bro. Gibley, an efficient evangelist in Missouri, has recently died. Gilmore, Susanna, died near Eaton, Ohio, June 26, 1834, aged 84. She had been a member of the church of Christ for 15 years. Gibson, Eliza Hillsboro, Ohio 1836 Gibson, Samuel Hillsboro, Ohio 1833 1834; Died Feb. 1835, had been known to Stone for nearly 40 years, "an humble and holy follower of the Lord Jesus." Gilbreath, H. Burksville, Ky 1832 Gill, George Batesville, Ark Sept. 29, 1843, a Presbyterian minister Gill, C. Dillons, Ill 1836 Gilleard, S.M. Springdale, Ohio 1833 Gillett, E. in 1841 was elder at Wood River, Madison co. Ill Gilliam, Charles Jacksonville, Ill 1840 Gillham, Wm Jacksonville, Ill 1835 1836 Gilliam, Wm. and W. W. Happy-- holding meeting at Bethel, Morgan Co. May 9, 1843 Gilman, Jo Newport, Ky 1831 1834 Gilmore, L. Madison, Ind. 1832 Gilmore, N. Youngstown, N.Y .1834 Gilmore, S. has been "sent into the field as an Evangelist" by the churches in Indiana, 1834. Gilmore, Tho Rising Sun, Ind 1836 Giltner, J. Union, Ky 1831 1832 1833 Leesburgh, Ky 1834; Morelands, Ky 1836 Gist, C. Exchange Office, Tenn 1836 Givens, J.A. Bloomington, Ind 1836 Glasspel, Js cincinnati, Ohio 1835 Glaze, R. Athens, Ala. 1833 Glenn, J. elder at Lick Creek, Jefferson Co. Iowa Territory, Aug. 1842 Gooch, Will. S. Maury Co. Tenn. June 30, 1835; Mt. Pleasant, Tenn 1836 Good, N Cochrans Grove 1836 Goodin, H. Highland, Ill 1835 Goodman, Jesse Dyersburg, Tenn., May 19, 1832. Goodrich, G. H. Clarklsville, Penn. 1832 Goodwin, Dr. Holland's Grove, Ill. 1834 Goodwin, Elijah Bloomington, Monroe Co., Indiana, Mar. 3, 1828; Gibson Co. Ind., Mar. 27, 1830; Posey co. Ind. Oct. 1836; Mount Vernon, Ind.Nov. 26, 1840; Mill's Prairie, Ill, May 31, 1841; Mt Vernon, Ill. 1843 Goodwin, Geo Holland's Grove, Ill 1835 Gordon, A. Columbia,Mo. 1833 Gordon, J. Columbia,Mo. 1832 Gordon, Robt. G. Canton, Ky 1828 Gorley, L Springfield, Ill 1836 Gosman, Doc New Castle, Ky 1836 Gosney, F. elder at Paris, Monroe co. Mo 1841 Goudy, J. H. Cheviott, Oct. 27, 1834. Gourley, John Gallatin, Tenn 1835 1836 Gowen, Doc Readyville, Tenn. 1833 Grady, Tho Versailles, Ky 1833 1836 Grady, Wm Versailles, Ky 1834 1836 Graham, F. Plum Orchard, Ind 1834; Jacksonburgh, Ind 1835; Milton, Ind 1836 Graham, Mrs. F., died Oct. 9, 1831, near London, Ohio. "She lived and died a christian." Graham, Joseph Crawfordsville, Ind.1827 1828 Graham, M. Rutland, Ohio 1834 Graham, R. Columbia, Mo 1835 1836 Gramer, Peterson Lynchville, Tenn 1836 Grant, Ben. Waterford, Penn 1835 Grant, Col. J. Millersburgh, Mo 1834 Grant, James Georgetown, Ky 1831 1832 1836 Grant, Jas. W officer of church in Georgetown 1842 Grant, Js. Fulton & Fruits,Mo. 1831 Grant, Peter Bowling green,Mo .1831 1833 Mt. Prairie, Mo 1835 Grant, Rowland Apple Creek, Ill 1835 1836 Grant, Thos. D. Columbia,Mo. 1831 1833 Grant, Wm Berlin, Ill 1835 1836 Grant, Wm. Fulton & Fruits,Mo 1831 Graves, H. C. officer of church in Georgetown 1842 Graves, H. Bethel, Ky 1834 Graves, H. Canerun , Ky 1834 Graves, J. No. Middleton, Ky 1835 Graves, Jef. Bethel, Ky 1834; Georgetown, Ky 1835 Graves, John Cane Run, Ky 1831 1832 1834 Graves, Js Danville, Ky 1834 Graves, N. Georgetown, Ky 1834 Graves, Z. Leesburgh, Ky 1832 1834 Gray, Daniel W. Elkhart county, Ind. Apr. 11, 1841 Gray, Doc Springfield, Ill 1835 Gray, Js Fulton, Mo 1836 Gray, Elder William Hamilton, died March 1826, near Bloomington, Indiana. "Cut off in the bloom of youth...he sunk under the weight of disease..." Greathouse, E Centreville, Ill 1836 Greathouse, Sophia Centreville, Ill 1836 Green, Abigail Georgetown, Ky 1834 Green, John Lebanon, Tenn. 1827 1832 Apr. 26, 1836 Green, James Y. Hurt's cross roads, Tenn. 1828, of Maury County, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1828. Green, Js Jacksonville, Ill.1832 1835 1836 Greer, Warren Dripping Spring, Ky 1836 Gregg, Miss Catherine, died, of Campbell co. Ky. [March 1833 issue] Gregg, J. and J. of Indiana, 1827: Reference and excerpts from booklet "An apology for withdrawing from the Methodist Episcopal church" by J and J. Gregg. Gregg, N Cloyds, Ky 1836 Gregory, S. Monroe, Ohio 1833 Wilmington, Ohio 1834 Griffin, Thacker V. Decalb Co. Ga, Sept. 25, 1833. "Myself and brother C. F. R. Shehane are at this time in Georgia." Griffin, Jas Meredianville, Tenn 1834 Griffin, Joseph Meredianville, Ala. 1828 1833 Henderson, Ky 1834 1836 Griffin, T. V. Franklin Co. Tenn., June 4, 1834. He had made a tour through middle of Alabama. In Green co. met a bro. Lee and wife and brother.. Brother Hammet and wife have been living near Tuscaloose several years. Bro. W. R. Pendleton went to Tuscaloosa co. Franklin co. Tenn, Oct. 23, 1834-Mentions J. C. Anderson; Brownesboro, Ala 1835 Griffith, C. Eagle Creek, Ky (or Big Eagle) 1834 Grigg, N. Sanders, Ky 1834 Grimes, Philip Paris, Ky 1831 Clintonville, Ky 1832 1833 Grimsley, W. P. Springfield, Ill 1835 Grinstead, R Glasgow, Ky 1836 Grisson, P. Florence, Ala. 1834 Ground, E. Monmouth, Ill 1835 1836 Grove, Martin Monroe, Mo June 13, 1841 Groves, A. G. Springfield, Ill 1835 1836 Groves, Eli Mayslick, Ky 1833 Grubbs, J. T. Graysville, Ky 1835 1836 Gude, Jesse Vincennes, Ind 1834 Bruceville, Ind 1836 Gunnel, J. T. in 1841 was elder at Stout's Grove, McLean co. Ill Guthrie, J. Defiance, Ohio 1834 Guthrie, R. in 1841 was elder at Bear Creek, Ill