| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K | L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T | V-Z |


Hackelman, A.      elder at Pleasant Grove, Desmoines co. Iowa Territory, Aug. 
Hackett, A.       Youngstown, N.Y           1833
Haden,  Joel H.   Franklin,Mo.              1828      Howard Co. Mo, Jan. 16, 
                  1833; Fayette, Mo. Nov. 9, 1834.       
Haden, O          Versailles, Ky            1833
Haffaker, Jac.    Jacksonville, Ill         1835
Haffaker, M.      Jacksonville, Ill         1835
Hafford, Wm       Union, Ky                 1833
Hagerty, James            In letter from Joseph Hunt, Choumiere, Morgan Co. Ill,
                  July 30, 1834, is statement about the cholera in Rushville, 
                  Schuyler Co., which took James Hagerty and bro. Willis 
                  [apparently in early 1834.]
Haggin, I.        Harrodsburgh, Ky          1833
Haggin, Mrs.      Harodsburgh, Ky                    1834
Haggins (Hagin),  Js   Athens, Ill                   1834     1836
Halbert, Mrs. Stephen , died in Lewis County. (Mar. 1829 issue). She had been a
                  member of Church of Christ for 9 years.
Hale, Charles     Giles C.H., Va.           1831
Hale, Isaac       Giles C.H., Va.           1831
Hale, Thos.       Monroe, Va.               1831
Haley, Eliza      Canerun          , Ky              1832
Haley, J.C.       Monmouth, Ill             1835
Haley, John G.    in 1841 was elder at  Cedar Fork, Ill;   Coldbrook, Warren co.
                  Ill Feb. 1845
Haley, P. R.      Monmouth, Ill             1835     1836
Haley, R.         Canerun          , Ky              1832     1833     1834
Haley, Mrs. E.    Georgetown, Ky                     1834
Hall, A.                  Nashville, Tenn.           1834     
Hall, A. P.       Paris, Ky                 1833     1835
Hall, B. F.       Letter from, Harrodsburg, Jan. 20, 1828. He is preaching at 
                  that place, had been there at Mud meeting house since previous
                  September. Also preaching in Hillborough, Washington Co. 
Hall, B. W.       Moorfield, Ky             1832     1833;    Carlisle, Ky   
                  1835; elder at Shelbyville, Shelby co. 
Hall, C.                  Caneridge, Ky              1833     1834;  No. 
                  Middleton, Ky            1835              
Hall, C.                  Paoli, Ind.                1832
Hall, C., Senr.   Caneridge, Ky             1832
Hall, C.                  Madisonville, Ky                    1835
Hall, Cornelius   Tuckerville, Ind.                  1831
Hall, D           West Lebanon, Ind         1835
Hall, D.                  Giles C. H, Va.            1833
Hall, Dav.        Readyville, Tenn.         1832     1833     
Hall, B. F.       from Little Rock, A. T. (Arkansas Territory), July 17, 1832. 
                  He wrote that he had come to "this place last April for the 
                  purpose of following my profession." He found several old 
                  acquaintances from Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama and was 
                  asked to preach while he was in area. He baptised wife of Col.
                  Taylor, the sheriff of the county. Also Mr. Patten, a merchant
                  of the town, formerly from Bourbon County, Kentucky, and 
                  recently from Cincinnati, Ohio. Another who was immersed in the
                  Arkansas River was Col. Caldwell, formerly of Kentucky,  
                  Speaker of the last legislative counsel of the Territory. 
                  Another immersed was Mr. W. Stevenson, a Cumberland 
                  Presbyterian preacher. "Bro.  Stevenson is a man of exemplary
                  piety and excellent mind...the most popular preacher in the
Hall, J.          Flemingburgh, Ky          1832
Hall, J.          Carlisle, Ky              1834
Hall, J.          Nashville, Tenn.          1834
Hall, Jas. H.     Union, Ky                 1834     Lexington, Ky     1836     
Hall, Levi F.     Tuckerville, Ind.                  1831, also Mo. 1831. Mt 
                  Prairie, Mo 1835; report of his death in June 1841 issue.  
                  Was elder brother of Elder B. F. Hall of Louisville.  
Hall, M.                  Bloomington, Ind           1833     1834     1835  
Hall, Mahlon      Salt Creek, Ill           1836; in 1841 was elder at  Salt 
                  Creek, DeWitt co. Ill
Hall, Thomas      Frankfort, Ky             1827     1828
Hall, W.                  Carlisle, Ky               1831
Hallack, P.       Union, Ky                 1833
Halt, J.          Mooreville, Tenn.         1834
Hambrick, L.       Fleming co.,        June, 1834
Hamilton, John    Carlisle, Ky              1833
Hamilton, Miles           Cleary's Grove, Ill        1836
Hamilton, Robert,  only  brother of Elizabeth Nichols (Mrs. Jonathan) who died 
                  in Dec. 1834. Member of church of Christ in Bloomington, Ind.
                  An R. Hamilton had been a subscriber in 1832 and 1833 from 
Hammet, W. B.     Mansfield, Ohio           1834
Hammond, C        Berlin Ill                1836
Hand, Wm. B       Pendleton, Ohio                    1840
Handy, John G.    Keene, Ky                 1832     1833     1834
Hansford, J.      Walnut Flat, Ky           1833;      Stanford, Ky    1835     
Hansford, Thos    Crab Orchard, Ky          1833     Stanford, Ky      1835
Hansford, Wm      Crab Orchard, Ky          1833
Hanway, D.        Greensburgh, Ind.         1833
Happy, G. W.      Jacksonville, Ill         1835
Hardesty, S.      Bloomington, Ind          1834
Hardin, G. W.     Bloomington, Ind.         1833     1834     1835     1836
Hardin, H. H.     Perrysville, Ky., 9 Sept. 1834. Mentions bro. Maritt.
Harding, G.       Nashville, Tenn           1836
Harding, J.       Nashville, Tenn           1836
Harelson, Wm      Oak Grove, Ky             1836
Harlan, L         Winchester, Ill           1835
Harlan, V.        Dark Co. Ohio             1841
Harland, P.       New Paris, Ohio                    1834
Harman, S.        Strasburg, Va.            1832
Harmon, A         Berlin Ill                1836
Harney, G. T.,    May 1, 1833, Franklin Co. Ky.
Harris, J.        Carlisle, Ky              1832     
Harris, John M.   Russelville, Ind. 1835-- on Jan. 22, " Elder M. Combs baptized
                  old Judge Lowe, and N. Hineman of Bloomington; also  Harvey 
                  Houston and wife."   Russelville, Putnam co. Ind. May 1844
Harris, P. E.     Rockville, Ind.           1840
Harris, P.        Crawfordsville, Ind.      1831; Bloomington,  Ind. 1834
Harris, Tabitha, wife of Elder P. E. Harris of Rockville, Ind., died June 23, 
                  1844,  aged about 43 years. Obituary written by B W. Stone, 
                  Jr.,  and from the comments in letter, she was daughter of 
                  Barton W. Stone.  She had been a Christian since age about 12.
Harrison, Jason   Fayette,Mo.               1833
Harrison, J. ,    Marion Co. Mo. Dec. 29, 1829, a member of United Baptist 
Harrison, O. F.   Jamestown, Ohio                    1834
Harsh, J.         Spencer, Ind.             1842
Hart, Mrs. Fanny, wife of Richard Hart, died of cholera. [Aug. 1833 issue]
Hart, Jesse,  died Aug. 1835, in Columbia. He was a member of the county court.
                  A wife is mentioned. Obituary by M. P.  Wills.
Hart, R.                  Madison, Ind.              1833     1834
Hart, Richard     Flemingsburg, Ky          1827     1828      Fleming Co. Ky, 
                  Jan. 7, 1834.
Hart, Wm          Meigsville, Tenn.         1833;  Carthage, Tenn      1836
Harte, Thomas M. from the American Protestant Vindicator in Oct. 1836 issue of 
                 Messenger: "A short time previous to my leaving Ireland, I 
                 resided in the town of Ballinasloe, county of Galway, 
Harter, J.        Troy, Ohio                1835
Hartford, J. M.   Lewistown, Ill            1836
Hartley, Wm       Clinton, Ind              1836
Harvey, A.        in 1841 was elder at Oxbow Prairie, Ill
Harvey (Harvie),  Enoch            London, Ohio      1828     1831
Harvey, J. J.     Hope, New Jersey  May 1844; 1845, requested to act as agent 
                  in Penn. and N.J.
Harvie, Mrs.      Frankfort, Ky             1831
Hatch, J.         Georgetown, Ky                     1833
Hatch, Doc. Wm            Georgetown, Ky                      1833     1834
Hatchitt, Abraham Remay, died Tuesday, 19 July, 1831, of a billous fever after 
                  an illness of 35 days. He was the son of Elder Joseph Hatchitt
                  of Indiana, aged 15 years and 9 months.
Hatchett, D.      Henderson, Ky             1834
Hatchett, J.      in 1841 was elder at  Ursa, Ill    
Hatchill, Jos     Edinburg, Ind.            1831     1832     1833
Hatchill, L.      Edenburgh, Ind.                    1833
Hatchill, P       Mt. Washington, Ky        1835
Hatchitt, Dan'l F.   Henderson, Ky          1835     1836
Hatchitt, Elder J.        Henderson, Ky     1835     1836
Hatchitt, Elder Joseph    Letter dated July 25, 1828, Bartholomew Co. Ind. 
                  Mentions Henry Logan, Joseph Berry (from near Bloomington).
Hatchitt, Jo.     Witney's Grove, Ill       1835
Hatchitt, L       Green Plains, Ill         1835     1836
Hatchitt, Livy    Chambersburgh, Ill    June 15,1841; in 1841 was evangelist  
                  at  Green Plains, Hancock co. Ill;  Livy Hatchitt  of Missouri
                  and P. Hatchitt are brothers (1842);   Callaway co. Mo., Mar.
                  1844 Hatchitt, P.      Bullitt county, Ky., 1829. Mentions 
                  Dorsey Scott started a church on Salt River; Shepherdsville, Ky
                  1831     1833;  Mt. Washington, Ky., Jan. 22, 1834; in 1841 
                  was elder at  Lima, Ill.
Hatchway, D. H.   Lewis Co. Ky, Dec. 25,             1833.
Hatfield, Jo      Lebanon, Ohio             1833
Hathaway, D.      Adams Co. Ohio.           1827
Hathaway, David H.   Nov. 6, 1827, of baptisms on Cabin Creek, 1828;  Decatur, 
                  Brown County, Ohio, June 26, 1829.  Lewis Co., Ky. Feb. 12, 
                  1829; Decatur Co., Ohio, Dec. 28, 1831;  Dec. 17, 1832.
Hathaway, H.      Brown Co. Ohio,    Feb. 19, 1830.
Hawes, John       Eminence, Logan co. Ill, June 1, 1843. Mentions Walter Bowles
                  and Wm Ryan.
Hawn, P.          Union,Mo.                 1833     1834     1835
Hay, J.           Hopkinsville, Ky                   1834
Hay, J            in 1841 was elder at  Stout's Grove, McLean co. Ill
Hayden, A.        Versailles, Ky            1832
Hayden, Tho       Rushville, Ill            1835
Hayes(Hays), H. B.    Flemington, Wake Co. NC, June 5, 1830; Sept. 22, 1831.
Hays, H. J.       Huntingdon, Tenn.          1832
Hays, Jas         Greenville, Ohio                    1832
Hays, S           New Salem, Ind            1836
Hays, S. M.       Salem, Ill.               1833
Hays, Saml        Salem, Ill.               1833
Hazlerigg, D.     Paris, Ky                 1832     1833
Head, Jo          Johnsonsburgh, NJ         1832
Headen, T.        Mooreville, Tenn                   1834
Healthey, Wm      Springdale, Ohio                   1833
Heathman, Js      Union, Ky                 1834
Heaton, Wm        Eaton, Ohio               1833
Heaton, W.        Clarksville, Penn.        1832
Heaton, O.        Carrolton, Ill.           1833
Hedenburgh, P.            Jacksonville, Ill          1835
Heedley, Js       Lexington, Ky             1832
Hemphill, S.      Felicity, Ohio            1832
Henderson, Andrew   Everett's house, Ky              1827     1828     1832
                  1833;   Died May 14, 1834,  in Lewis co., Ky., aged 76 years.
                  He was among the first members of the church of Christ in the
                  West. Henderson, Catharine,  of Carlisle, Ky., died Mar. 5, 
                  1844. She had become a Christian in 1801 at the congregation 
                  led by B. W. Stone in Caneridge, Ky. Her illness was of several
                  months.  Henderson, David Pat.  Rushville, Ill, Feb. 25, 1834.
                  Mentions Josephus Hewett visiting latter part of Dec.; 
                  Jacksonville, Ill 1836;  reporter for churches in Lynnville, 
                  Jacksonville, Ill. 1840; Jacksonville, Ill, June 19, 1841;   In
                  writing about Lexington, Ky, in  1843, refers to "the land 
                  that gave me birth."  In Sept. 1844 issue, refers to his 
                  feeble and ill health. "I have been sick nearly all summer."
                  Henderson, D. P. Jr.  In  Aug.  1844 issue states he was 
                  immersed in Elkhorn near Georgetown  in July 1832 in the 
                  presence of Elder John Smith as well as Elder John T. Johnson.
                  He united with the congregation at Georgetown.
Henderson, Elder John   White Hall, Ill     1836
Henderson, George   Little Sandy Saline, Ky          1831
Henderson, J.     in 1841 was elder at Lurton, Ill
Henderson, J.     Cane Run, Ky              1831
Henderson, Js.    Jacksonville, Ill.        1832
Henderson, W      No. Middleton, Ky         1835
Henderson, Wm             Caneridge, Ky              1832     1833,  Georgetown,
Henderson, Wm             Jacksonville, Ill          1836
Henderson, William,  Greene co. Illinois, died shortly before Nov. 1840, a young
                  man,  son of elder John Henderson.
Hendrick, Allen   Brownsville, West Tenn., July 29, 1834. 
Hendricks, Mr.    Springfield, Mo           1835
Hendrickson, G. F.  Everetts, Ky            1835
Hendrix, Wm       Georgia                            1836
Henley, Thomas M.    Letter from Thos. M. Henley of Virginia, Oct. 1, 1832. He 
                  had labored for 17 years among his Baptist brethern. Was raised
                  among the Methodists, his parents being members of that group.
                  He had some questions regarding the church;  Was in  Essex, 
                  Va.  Apr. 16, 1833;  Mar. 13, 1834;   At  Loyd's, Essex Co., 
                  Jan. 6, 1834. "I am this day 51 years old...The last six years
                  of my life have been spent in resisting the traditions of the
                  Baptist Clergy around me, and proclaiming the gospel. I 
                  combatted alone in old Virginia for three years, since which
                  several thousand of Soldiers have entered under the banner of
                  our king..."  Letter mentions Elder Andrew Broaddus (apparently
                  in Virginia) who is opposing the gospel. "Brother and sister 
                  Burnett left my house for Richmond on Friday last in fine 
                  health and spirits."
Henley, T. M.     Lloyd's, Va.              1833     1834
Henry, R.         Jacksonville, Ill         1835
Henshall, James P.,   Baltimore, Maryland, July 24, 1830; 1832; 1833; May 8, 1834.
Hernden, E.       Hopkinsville, Ky                   1834
Herndon, Geo      Florence, Ala             1834     1836
Herndon, J.       Georgetown, Ky                     1834
Herndon, Joseph, died recently (July 1832 issue) near Spottsylvania C. H., Va.,
                  in the 59th year of his age. 
Herndon, Mary Elizabeth, died Feb. 4, 1833, on Big Eagle, in 17th year of her 
                  life, the only surviving daughter of her widowed mother.
Herndon, Mrs.     Newcastle, Ky             1835
Herndon, Z.       Stamping Ground, Ky       1834;  Georgetown,Ky 1833
Herrod, John      Scott co. 1842, mentions  bro. P. M. Blankenship of Martinsville
                  labors all week in his cabinet shop and preaches on Sunday. 
                  Herrod also names N. Short, S. Trible, Jacob Wright as preachers.             
Hewit, M.   Jacksonville, Ill          1835
Hewlitt, Josephus  immersed 30 persons at Carrolton. 1832.
Hiatt, J          elder atLiberty,  Clay co           Mo      1841
Hibler, Jo        Caneridge, Ky             1832     1833     1834
Hickman, E.       Lexington, Ky             1833
Hicks, B.         Lexington, Ky             1832
Hieronimus, Mrs.          Shelbyville, Ky            1833
Higbee, J.        Lexington, Ky             1832     1834
Higbee, W.        Rising Sun, Ind.          1834
Higgins, John     New Salem, Ind            1836
Higgins, Rob      New Salem, Ind            1836
Higgins, Samuel           Spencer, Ind.              1834
Higginson, Samuel   Spencer, Ind.                    1834
Hightshue, Nich.          Rodman's, Ind.             1835
Hildreth, Jas     Union, Ky                 1832     1833     1835
Hill, Abner       No place given,  Mar. 21, 1828.
Hill, Elder A. (Abner?) Letter from  Rutherford Co. Tenn, Oct. 19, 1828. Mentions
                  a meeting in White County with these preachers present: John 
                  Mulkey, Phil. Mulkey, Elihu Randolph, Wm. D. Carns, and brother
                  Hobbs.  Mentions a letter from Wm. Middleton, a methodist 
                  brother, who has come to believe he is in error.  
Hill, D. B.       Nashville, Tenn           1835; in 1841 was elder at  
                  Springfield, Sangamon co. Ill
Hill, John        Georgetown, Ohio          1834
Hill, M. H.       Eaton, Ohio               1835     1836
Hill, Milton      Eaton, Ohio,              1833
Hill, Thos        Purdy, Tenn               1835
Hill, William     Readyville, Tenn. 1828,  Sparta, Tenn. 1834
Hiller, S.        in 1841 was elder at Reekes Creek, Jackson co. Ill
Himes, J. V.      Boston, Mass.             1835
Hinor, Col.       Strasburg, Va.            1832
Hinton, A.        Carrolton, Ill.           1833
Hiter, W. Y.      Apr. 7, 1833. Article "A Voice from Virginia" so assume he 
                  lives in Virginia.
Hittle, Geo.      Mackinaw, Ill             1835     1836
Hixon, N.         Maysville, Ky             1832     1833
Hoagland, Cor.    Jacksonville, Ill         1836
Hoagland, M.      Jacksonville, Ill         1836
Hobbs, David      in 1841 was elder at Seaton's, Adam co. Ill; Mt. Sterling, 
                  Ill   May 1844. He has chronic disease of the liver and does 
                  not hope of ever  being well again.
Hobson, Wm        Indianapolis, Ind                  1836
Hodgen, J         Sargamon, Ill             1835
Hodgens, John      elder at Spring Creek,  Desmoines co. Iowa Territory, Aug. 1842
Hodgen (Hodgin), P    Columbia, Ky          1834     1835
Hodges, R         Dillons, Ill              1836
Hoffman, A.       Strasburg, Va.            1832     1833
Hogan, J.         Burnt Tavern, Ky                   1833
Holden, A. H.     Montebello, Ill           1835
Holden, Daniel    Higginsport, Ohio         1834
Holland, Wm       Holland's Grove, Ill      1834     1835
Hollins, J        Jaskson, Va.              1833
Hollister, John   South Westlo, Green Co. NY, Sept. 27, 1831. He had gone to 
                  that place and begun preaching in March.  He mentions Elder 
                  Spore and Elder Teats.
Holloway, J       Greenville, Ohio                   1836
Holton, Wm. C.    Maysville, Ky             1835     1836
Homman, Mary      Strasburgh, Va.           1832
Hooker, J.        Jacksonville, Ill         1836
Hooton, John      Hickman Co. Tenn, Nov. 5, 1829. He is "now riding though Maury
                  and Bedford counties."
Hopper, Wm        Hopper's Tan Yard, Ky     1836
Hopper, W         in 1841 was elder at  Talbot's Creek, Ill
Hopson, Winthrop H.   St. Louis, Mo.        1843;    Portland, Mo.  1844- "I am
                  now preaching in the counties of Warren, Franklin, Gasconade 
                  and Osage, to four congregations planted by Elder Samuel Rogers
                  of Ohio.. brought his family here in October 1841 and labored
                  here as an Evangelist, until October 1843, and then returned 
                  to Ohio."
Hord, Eliza       Stamping Ground, Ky       1834
Horn, Saml        Hillsboro, Ohio           1833     1834     Georgetown, Ohio
                  1835     1836
Horton, Js.       Caneridge, Ky             1832
Hostetter, Abm.           Youngstown, N.Y.           1834
Hostutter, Isaac  Frankfort, Mo             1836
Houston, James    North Middletown, Ky 1827 1828; in Caneridge, Ky. 1832,1833,
                  1834, 1835. Report from D. B. Bills from Maury Co. Tenn., May
                  23, 1835, that three of James Houston's children have been 
                  immersed, grandchildren of old Christopher Houston.
Houston, L.       Caneridge, Ky             1832     1833     1834
Houston, Ross     Abbotts Mill, Tenn.       1831     1833     in Nashville, 1834
Howard, A.        Lewistown, Ill            1835
Howard, C.        Glasgow, Ky               1832     1833
Howard, John R.            proposal to publish in Paris, Tenn., Christian Reformer.
Howard, Wm        Lawrenceville, Ill.       1834
Howard, Wm. H             in 1841 was elder at Gap, Fulton Co Ill; Lewiston Mar. 1844
Howe, A.          Georgetown, Ky                     1836
Howe, A.          Carlisle, Ky              1832     1834     1835
Howe, E.          Carlisle, Ky              1834
Howe, Evan H.     in 1841 was elder at  Oneco, Stephenson co. Ill
Howe, J.          in 1841 was elder at  Oneco, Stephenson co. Ill
Howe, Robt        Flemmingsburgh, Ky        1833     1834
Howe, Thomas      Spencer, Ind.             1834     1835
Howel, E.         Mackinaw, Ill             1835
Howell, G.        Johnsonsburgh,NJ          1832
Howser, Nancy,  wife of W. Solomon Howser, died Feb. 27, 1841, at the residence
                  of her father in Sangamon co  Ill.  She was born in Shelby co.
                  Ky, Nov. 19, 1814 and moved to Illinois with her father in 
                  1835. Her illness was of 6 or 7 months. She left a husband and 
                  one child.
Hubbard, J.       Newman, Ga.               1834
Hubbard, John      Mulberry Grove, Harris Co., Georgia, June 8, 1832; Jan. 1, 1834.
Hubbell, Mrs.     Eaton, Ohio               1832
Hubble, A         Rutland, Ohio             1835     1836
Hubble, I.        Mulberry grove, Ga.       1833
Hubble (post master) Statesville, Tenn      1836
Hudleston, A.     Holland's Grove, Ill      1835
Hudnut, Jo        Washington, Ky            1832     1834     1835
Hudson, W.        Monticello, Ky            1833
Hudspeth, Tho     Snow creek, Tenn.         1833     Maury Co. Tenn., June 10, 
                  1833;  Snow Creek, Tenn. 1835
Huey, Robert       Bedford co. Penn., May 23, 1832.
Huff, Jona        Liberty, Ky               1834
Huffaker, C.      Monticello, Ky            1833
Huffaker, J.      Jacksonville, Ill.        1834     1835
Huffaker, J.      Monticello, Ky            1833
Huffaker, Jac. Sr.    Jacksonville, Ill              1836
Huffaker, Michael   Jacksonville, Ill                1835     1836
Huffman, H.       Union, Ky                 1834
Hufford, W.       Leesburgh, Ky             1834
Hughs, E.         Leesburgh, Ky    1832     1833
Hughs, J          Asbury, Mo       1836
Hughes(Hughs), John H.             Missouri, July 19, 1833 (mentions Ramsey's 
                  Creek); Bowling green,Mo.1833; Paynesville, Mo., Mar. 10, 1834;
                  Died 6 Mar. 1842, of Paynesville, Mo. Correction in June 1842
                  issue: "It was stated in our last No. that bro. John H. Hughs
                  of Mo. was dead. We are glad to say that our information was 
                  not true. He is yet alive and well, though he had been 
                  apparently near to death."
Hughes (Hughs) ,Elder  James        Sangamon Co. Ill, Apr. 29, 1834. Mentions 
                  Abner Peeler; Died Dec. 10, 1834, in Sangamon. Formerly of 
                  Flemming co. Ky. He had been preaching nearly 30 years.  He 
                  left a large family. Stone writes that last September Hughs  
                  visited Stone's home in Kentucky and on his way home, Hughs 
                  became ill, "lingered in pain, and died in peace at the age 
                  (I think) of 56 years."
Hugh, Jesses      of Penn.                            1828
Hughes (Hughs), J.    Columbia, Ky                   1832     1833
Hughes (Hughs),  Dr. Joel            Springfield, Ill.        1834     1835
Hughs, Joel       Columbia, Ky,    Dec. 7, 1832
Hughs, Elder John H.,  died Mar. 6, 1842, Paynesville, Missouri.
Hughs, Mary       Keene, Ky                 1836
Hughs, Robt.      Mackinaw, Ill             1835;  Lewistown, Ill      1836
Hughs, Sally      Keene, Ky                 1834
Hughs, Wm         Columbia,Mo.              1832-1835
Hughes, Wm.       Paris, Ky                 1833
Hukill, O.        Maysville, Ky             1833
Hull, J.          Lexington, Ky             1832     1834
Humphrey, C       Spadra Bluffs, Ark        1835
Humphrey, D       Liberty, Ky               1834
Humphrey, L.      Cleary's Grove, Ill       1836
Humphrey, P.      Alton            July 12, 1841     
Humphrey, Richard   in 1841 was elder at Wood River, Madison co. Ill
Humphrey, Sen. B.  Jacksonville, Ill        1835     1836
Hunt, I           Monroe, Ohio              1833
Hunt, Joseph      Choumiere, Morgan Co. Ill, July 30, 1834. "Bro. Bowles moved 
                  to Salt creek in Macon county about two years ago." With bro.
                  Hall, they formed a church. "Brother Thompson Williams 
                  resides in Pike County."
Hunter, J.        Versailles, Ky. paid for his father of Lawrenceburg, Ill    
Hurst, Js.        Union, Ky                 1831     1832     1833     
                  Lexington, Ky     1836
Hurst, John A.    Kellog's, Ga.    1828;    Forsythe, Georgia, Feb 1, 1829, 
                  counties of Monroe and Crawford
Hutchison, Thos.          Meigsville, Tenn.           1831

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