Tabor, T. Athens, Ill. 1834 Tadlock, S. Rushville, Ill 1835 Talliafero, Chs. Jacksonville, Ill 1836 Tally, Thomas H. Missouri 1835 Talmage, J. Rushville, Ind. 1834 Tatnam, Neh. Bethel, Ohio 1836 Taylor, C. Ohio 1831 Taylor, Grant Brownsboro, Ala. 1828 Taylor, Henry Alton, Ill, Aug. 16, 1833, "The cholera has severely scourged Alton and it seems that the fever will take off what the cholera has left." Taylor, J Mt. Sterling, Ill 1840 Taylor, J. C. Harmony Landing, Ky 1835 Westport, Ky 1836 Taylor, J. Baltimore, Md. 1834 Taylor, J.(or I?) Cornelinsville, Ky 1831 Dry Creek 1832, 1833 Taylor, James B. on revivals in N.C. , counties of Wake, Franklin, and Nash 1831 Taylor, Jo Little Gun Powder, Md. 1834 1836 Taylor, John Brown co. Ill 1841 Taylor, M. Millersburgh, Ky 1832 1834 Taylor, N. Columbia, Ky 1834 1835 Taylor, Robt. Letter from Flour Creek, Pendleton County, Ky., 5 Apr. 1828. Mentions brother George Fisher of the area. Mentions Blackston Aernatha of the Baptist Society in Falmouth; Falmouth, Ky 1832 Taylor, S. Mansfield, Ohio 1834 Taylor, T Elizaville, Ky 1835 Taylor, T. Flemingsburg, Ky 1831 1833 Taylor, Thos Jacksonville, Ill 1835 Taylor, W. Millersburgh, Ky 1833 Taylor, Wm. Locust Shade, Tenn. 1831 Tebbs, Js. Mayslick, Ky 1831 Terrill, F. Petersburgh, Ky 1833 1834 Terrill, I. Petersburgh, Ky 1835 Teril, John Cornelinsville, Ky 1831 Terrill, John Petersburgh, Ky 1833 1834 Terrill, Js Fayette,Mo. 1834 Terrill, Wm. Fayette, Mo. 1833 1834 Terril, Wm. Cornelinsville, Ky 1831 Terry, Hugh Baptist from Cincinnati 1828 Theobald, Mrs. Frankfort, Ky 1834 Thomas, A. Frankfort, Ky 1833 Thomas, D. Everetts House, Ky 1834 Thomas, E. New Castle, Ky 1831 Thomas, Henry elder at Florida, Monroe co. Mo 1835 1836 1841 1842 Thomas, Henry Hanibal, (sic) Mo. Nov. 20, 1833; Palmyra,Mo. 1834; Thomas, J. Fayette, Mo. 1834 Thomas, John Grassy-Point, Ohio, Oct. 2, 1828. Mad River Conference mentioned. Thomas, Joseph Grassy Point, Ohio 1827 Dec. 23, 1830. Thomas, Mos. Georgetown, Ky 1834 Thomas, P. Athens, Ala. 1833 Thomas, P. Rushville, Ind. 1833 Thomas, Sam. Hopkinsville, Ky 1833 Thomason, S. Madisonville, Ky 1834 Thompson, A Everetts, Ky 1835 Thompson, A. Hopkinsville, Ky 1833 1834 Thompson, A. Cerulean Spring, Ky 1835 1836 Thompson, D. G. in 1841 was elder at Sugar Creek, Logan co. Ill Thompson, David Bethel, Ohio 1836 Thompson, E. B. Bethel, Ohio 1836 Thompson, Fulton Aubury, Mo 1836 Thompson, H. Van Buren, Tenn. 1834 Thompson, J Jacksonville, Ill 1835 1836 Thompson, J Liberty, Mo 1835 Thompson, J. New Paris, Ohio 1834 Thompson, J. K. Georgetown, Ky 1832 Thompson, J.A. Georgetown, Ky 1832 Thompson, John Liberty,Mo. 1834 Thompson, John elder at Lost Creek, Lee Co. Iowa Territory, Aug. 1842 Thompson, Jonas Georgetown, Ky 1832 Thompson, M V. Georgetown, Ky 1833 Thompson, Moses Rushville, Ind. 1832 From Feb. 1833 issue: Elder Moses Thompson of Rush County, Indiana, died in October. The particulars of his death are not known to us. Thompson, S. P. elder at Crooked Creek, Washington co. Iowa Territory, Aug. 1842 Thompson, Thomas Paris, Mo. Mar. 1835 Thompson, W. G. Lexington, Ky 1832 Thompson, W. Z. Cane run, Ky 1834 Thompson, Wilson a Baptist preacher in Lebanon, Ohio 1829 Thompson, Wm Liberty,Mo. 1834 1835 Thomson, J New Paris, Ohio 1835 Thomson, T. Monroeton, NC 1834 Thornberry, Js. S. Georgetown, Ky 1834 Thornton, Mrs. Caneridge, Ky 1833 Thornton, Dr Leesburgh, Ky 1835 Thrasher, H. Montgomery, Ala. 1833; Florence, Ala 1836 Threlkeld, E. Elizaville, Ky 1835 Thurston, Stephen West Prospect, Me., Sept. 27, 1834 letter from Portland Mirror written to Col. Joseph Ames. Tibbs, Js Mayslick, Ky 1833 1834 Tichner, William Grandview, Edgar co. Ill May 4, 1841 Tidence, Edward Middle grove, Mo 1835; Paris, Mo 1836 Tilford, Col. Alexander, died in this county [where Georgetown, Ky. located] at his own house on 17 Sept. 1831. He left a numerous family. "He was not a professor of religion until he lay on his death bed." Tilford, Mrs. Perryville, Ky 1836 Tilford, P. Madison, Ind. 1834; Smockville, Ind 1836 Tilton and Sanders Jacksonville, Ill 1836 Tilton, Mrs. Sarah Jacksonville, Ill 1836 Tilton, Wm. S. Jacksonville, Ill 1835 Tinsley, J. N. Dripping Spring, Ky 1836 Tipton, J Monmouth, Ill 1835 Titsworth, C. G. Smithville, Lawrence co. Ark. Jan. 1, 1840. Todd, Alf Jacksonville, Ill 1836 Todd, Js. Jacksonville, Ill 1835 1836 Toncray, J Rushville, Ill 1835 Towler, Js. Lexington, Ky 1831 Towles, Mrs. Caneridge, Ky 1832 1834 No. Middleton, Ky 1835 Towns, A. Madisonville, Ky 1828 Townsend, J. Greenville, Ohio 1836 Townsend, Wm. Moscow, Ind. 1831 Towsey, Lucinda Lawrenceburgh, Ind. 1833 Trabuc, A. Nashville, Tenn 1836 Trabuc, C. C. Nashville, Tenn 1836 Trabue, E. Nashville, Tenn. 1834 Trabuc, G. W. Glasgow, Ky., Dec. 10, 1832 1833 1834 1836 Trabuc, G. Nashville, Tenn 1836 Tracy, Wm. was excommunicated from Christian Conference near Elizabethtown for immoral conduct, Sept. 1829 Trailer, A. Springfield, Ill 1836 Travis, Elder Daniel died July 1826, taken sick on a preaching tour and died near Gallatin, before he could reach home and before his family could see him. He left a wife and six chidren. He had been a preacher for the Church of Christ for about 20 years. "None questioned his honesty, piety, or great talents, both natural and acquired." Travis, Daniel Lawrenceville, Ill. 1827; Bloomington, Ohio,1831; Jan. 16, 1834-He writes family moved from the South to get away from practice of slavery; Holland's Grove, Ill 1834 1835; Liberty, Tazewell co. Ill, Aug. 22, 1836 Travis, Mrs. Rhoda, wife of Daniel Travis, Walnut Grove, Woodford co., Illinois, died Mar. 8, 1844, about 8 in the morning of pulmonary disease. She became sick in January, died at age 60, having been a member of the church of Christ for 34 years. Travis, William Readyville, Tenn. 1831 1832 1833; letter written by Joshua Nichols states that "our old friend and brother" William Travis died 7 Aug. 1833. Treat, Sally Morgan Co. Ind Sept. 12, 1836 Treble, A. Bethel, Ohio 1836 Trevy, A. Strasburg, Va. 1832 Trible, S. Richmond, Ky 1834 Trimble, M. R. Wabash co. Nov. 1844 Trimble, R. Flemingsburgh, Ky 1832 1834 Trimble, Wm Harrodsburgh, Ky 1833 Tripp, B. evangelist at Columbus City, Louisa co. Iowa Territory, Aug. 1842 Troutman, P. Union, Ky 1833; Leesburgh 1834; Morelands, Ky 1836 Trowbridge, A Cincinnati, Ohio 1836 Trowbridge, D. Cincinnati, Ohio 1835 1836 Trowbridge, J. B. Florence, Ky 1835 True, A. N.Y. 1833 Trullinger, D. evangelist at Mount Pleasant, Henry co. Iowa Territory, Aug. 1842 Trumbo, Mr. Springfield, Ill. 1831 Tucker, Sol Hollands Grove, Ill 1836 Tucker, Thos Montezuma, Ill 1835 1836 Tucker, W. F. Dripping spring, Ky 1833 1834 Tullis, Wm Troy, Ohio 1833 Tumy, Wm Harrodsburgh, Ky 1834 Turley, J Mackinaw, Ill 1836 Turley, Wm O. Millersburgh, Mo 1835 1836 Turner, G. B. elder atEdina, Scotland co, Mo 1841 Turner, N. Republican, Ky 1834 Turner, R. Hannibal, Mo 1834 Turner, R. Quincy, Ill Apr. 1844 Turney, Js Carrolton, Ill. 1833 Turpin, F Palmyra, Mo 1835 Tutt, George Fulton, Mo 1835 Millersburgh, Mo 1836 Tuxberry, J. E. B. East Kingston, N.H. 1834 Tyers, J Rushville, Ill 1835 Ulrey, Geo Bethel, Ohio 1836 Underwood, Mr. Berlin, Ill 1835 Ursey, P. Carlisle, Ind. 1833 1834 Burrow Mills, Ind 1835 Usrey, M Nashville, Tenn 1836 Ursley, P. New Paris, Ohio 1831 Utterback, L Paynesville, Mo 1836