Jerome's Vulgata
Secundum Mattheum
Chapter 14
King James Bible

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14:1 in illo tempore audiit Herodes          1.  At that time Herod the tetrarch
tetrarcha famam Iesu                         heard of the fame of Jesus,
14:2 et ait pueris suis hic est              2.  And said unto his servants, This is
Iohannes Baptista ipse surrexit a            John the Baptist; he is risen from the
mortuis et ideo virtutes inoperantur in      dead; and therefore mighty works do
eo                                           shew forth themselves in him.
14:3 Herodes enim tenuit Iohannem et         3.  For Herod had laid hold on John,
alligavit eum et posuit in carcere           and bound him, and put him in prison
propter Herodiadem uxorem fratris sui        for Herodias' sake, his brother
                                             Philip's wife.
14:4 dicebat enim illi Iohannes non          4.  For John said unto him, It is not
licet tibi habere eam                        lawful for thee to have her.
14:5 et volens illum occidere timuit         5.  And when he would have put him to
populum quia sicut prophetam eum             death, he feared the multitude, because
habebant                                     they counted him as a prophet.
14:6 die autem natalis Herodis saltavit      6.  But when Herod's birthday was kept,
filia Herodiadis in medio et placuit         the daughter of Herodias danced before
Herodi                                       them, and pleased Herod.
14:7 unde cum iuramento pollicitus est       7.  Whereupon he promised with an oath
ei dare quodcumque postulasset ab eo         to give her whatsoever she would ask.
14:8 at illa praemonita a matre sua da       8.  And she, being before instructed of
mihi inquit hic in disco caput Iohannis      her mother, said, Give me here John
Baptistae                                    Baptist's head in a charger.
14:9 et contristatus est rex propter         9.  And the king was sorry:
iuramentum autem et eos qui pariter          nevertheless for the oath's sake, and
recumbebant iussit dari                      them which sat with him at meat, he
                                             commanded it to be given her.
14:10 misitque et decollavit Iohannem        10.  And he sent, and beheaded John in
in carcere                                   the prison.
14:11 et adlatum est caput eius in           11.  And his head was brought in a
disco et datum est puellae et tulit          charger, and given to the damsel: and
matri suae                                   she brought it to her mother.
14:12 et accedentes discipuli eius           12.  And his disciples came, and took
tulerunt corpus et sepelierunt illud et      up the body, and buried it, and went
venientes nuntiaverunt Iesu                  and told Jesus.
14:13 quod cum audisset Iesus secessit       13.  When Jesus heard of it, he
inde in navicula in locum desertum           departed thence by ship into a desert
seorsum et cum audissent turbae secutae      place apart: and when the people had
sunt eum pedestres de civitatibus            heard thereof, they followed him on
                                             foot out of the cities.
14:14 et exiens vidit turbam multam et       14.  And Jesus went forth, and saw a
misertus est eius et curavit languidos       great multitude, and was moved with
eorum                                        compassion toward them, and he healed
                                             their sick.
14:15 vespere autem facto accesserunt        15.  And when it was evening, his
ad eum discipuli eius dicentes desertus      disciples came to him, saying, This is
est locus et hora iam praeteriit             a desert place, and the time is now
dimitte turbas ut euntes in castella         past; send the multitude away, that
emant sibi escas                             they may go into the villages, and buy
                                             themselves victuals.
14:16 Iesus autem dixit eis non habent       16.  But Jesus said unto them, They
necesse ire date illis vos manducare         need not depart; give ye them to eat.
14:17 responderunt ei non habemus hic        17.  And they say unto him, We have
nisi quinque panes et duos pisces            here but five loaves, and two fishes.
14:18 qui ait eis adferte illos mihi huc     18.  He said, Bring them hither to me.

14:19 et cum iussisset turbam                19.  And he commanded the multitude to
discumbere supra faenum acceptis             sit down on the grass, and took the
quinque panibus et duobus piscibus           five loaves, and the two fishes, and
aspiciens in caelum benedixit et fregit      looking up to heaven, he blessed, and
et dedit discipulis panes discipuli          brake, and gave the loaves to his
autem turbis                                 disciples, and the disciples to the
14:20 et manducaverunt omnes et              20.  And they did all eat, and were
saturati sunt et tulerunt reliquias          filled: and they took up of the
duodecim cofinos fragmentorum plenos         fragments that remained twelve baskets
14:21 manducantium autem fuit numerus        21.  And they that had eaten were about
quinque milia virorum exceptis               five thousand men, beside women and
mulieribus et parvulis                       children.
14:22 et statim iussit discipulos            22.  And straightway Jesus constrained
ascendere in navicula et praecedere eum      his disciples to get into a ship, and
trans fretum donec dimitteret turbas         to go before him unto the other side,
                                             while he sent the multitudes away.
14:23 et dimissa turba ascendit in           23.  And when he had sent the
montem solus orare vespere autem facto       multitudes away, he went up into a
solus erat ibi                               mountain apart to pray: and when the
                                             evening was come, he was there alone.
14:24 navicula autem in medio mari           24.  But the ship was now in the midst
iactabatur fluctibus erat enim               of the sea, tossed with waves: for the
contrarius ventus                            wind was contrary.
14:25 quarta autem vigilia noctis venit      25.  And in the fourth watch of the
ad eos ambulans supra mare                   night Jesus went unto them, walking on
                                             the sea.
14:26 et videntes eum supra mare             26.  And when the disciples saw him
ambulantem turbati sunt dicentes quia        walking on the sea, they were troubled,
fantasma est et prae timore clamaverunt      saying, It is a spirit; and they cried
                                             out for fear.
14:27 statimque Iesus locutus est eis        27.  But straightway Jesus spake unto
dicens habete fiduciam ego sum nolite        them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is
timere                                       I; be not afraid.
14:28 respondens autem Petrus dixit          28.  And Peter answered him and said,
Domine si tu es iube me venire ad te         Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto
super aquas                                  thee on the water.
14:29 at ipse ait veni et descendens         29.  And he said, Come. And when Peter
Petrus de navicula ambulabat super           was come down out of the ship, he
aquam ut veniret ad Iesum                    walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
14:30 videns vero ventum validum timuit      30.  But when he saw the wind
et cum coepisset mergi clamavit dicens       boisterous, he was afraid; and
Domine salvum me fac                         beginning to sink, he cried, saying,
                                             Lord, save me.
14:31 et continuo Iesus extendens manum      31.  And immediately Jesus stretched
adprehendit eum et ait illi modicae          forth his hand, and caught him, and
fidei quare dubitasti                        said unto him, O thou of little faith,
                                             wherefore didst thou doubt?
14:32 et cum ascendissent in naviculam       32.  And when they were come into the
cessavit ventus                              ship, the wind ceased.
14:33 qui autem in navicula erant            33.  Then they that were in the ship
venerunt et adoraverunt eum dicentes         came and worshipped him, saying, Of a
vere Filius Dei es                           truth thou art the Son of God.
14:34 et cum transfretassent venerunt        34.  And when they were gone over, they
in terram Gennesar                           came into the land of Gennesaret.
14:35 et cum cognovissent eum viri loci      35.  And when the men of that place had
illius miserunt in universam regionem        knowledge of him, they sent out into
illam et obtulerunt ei omnes male            all that country round about, and
habentes                                     brought unto him all that were diseased;
14:36 et rogabant eum ut vel fimbriam        36.  And besought him that they might
vestimenti eius tangerent et quicumque       only touch the hem of his garment: and
tetigerunt salvi facti sunt                  as many as touched were made perfectly
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